The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 05, 1899, Image 7

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    This Is the Belief Prevalent
at Washington.
I’artlcR Scut Within Our I.lno* to See
What Arrangement* Can B« Hade
Cooking to a t>»*allon of lloatllltlri—
l.«»t Ditch Undoubtedly It. al lied by
the Inaiirgcnt*.
WASHINGTON, April 23.—The end
of the Filipino Insurrection is in sight,
in the opinion of army and navy offi
cials. A telegram received from Gen
eral Otis announced that Aguinaido
had taken what is regarded as the first
step toward surrendering, namely, re
questing a cessation of hostilities. Sec
retary Alger said, as the department
closed, that, while it could not be said
that peace was assured, he regarded
the prospects as of the brightest and
felt confident that the end of the insur
rection was near. To his mind there
would be a repetition of the nego
tiations which were had before Santi
ago. The secretary left Washington
tonight for a ten days’ trip In the
west, and it gave him great satisfac
tion to leave affairs in such promising
Everybody Is praising the volun
teers, a marked change in the senti
ment expressed a few days ago, when
it was understood that the same men
were pleading to be brought home.
Colonel Funston came In for the most
commendation, even the regular offi
cers taking note with admiration of
the fact that his achievements were
all strictly within the line of plans
laid down for him by his superior
officer, General Wheaton.
uenerai uormn sain mai every vol
unteer who participated in the fight
ing in the Philippines since peace was
declared should have a medal of honor.
By the terms of their enlistments they
were entitled to withdraw from the
service, but they had remained volun
tarily. performing more than was re
quired of them, which was more than
the ordinary duty of a soldier.
It is expected that tomorrow there
will be further negotiations with the
insurgent representatives. Whll" the
hope is expressed that our commission
will not hold out for terms so severe
as to lead to a renewal of the fighting
or the withdrawal of the insurgents to
another stronghold further north, it is
realized that Otia must exercise care
to make sure they do not in bad faith
take advantage of the opportunity af
forded by a suspension of hostilities
to secure whatever of benefit to them
selves may come from the rapidly
aoproaching rainy season. Campaign
ing on the part of the Americans will
he almost Impossible at that time.
However, it is believed that Aguinaldo
is now really In earnest and that his
sole efTort is to shift responsibility
for the surrender to the Filipino con
Adjutant General Corbin says the
Filipino peace overtures will not bring
about any change of plan in this
country as to forwarding of ships,
supplies and troops to the Philippines.
Transports are about to sail from San
Francisco and a considerable number
of troops are under orders to proceed
to Manila.
It is said at the navy department
that the developments of the day make
It Improbable that the Iowa will he
sent to Manila, according to the origi
nal program. In view of the state of
afTairs In China, however, the Ameri
can fleet on the Asiatic station will
be kept at a high standard.
Jury Acquit* Mr*. G«orf«.
CANTON. O.. April 20.—The jury In
the George case brought In a verdict
of not guilty. Mrs. George entered
the court room at 10:33. She was ac
companied by her sister. Mrs. St. Clair
and Mrs. Milligan, a friend.
Before the verdict was read the
court cautioned the audience mat there
must bo no demonstration. In spite of
that there were loud cheers as the clerk
read the verdict of "not guilty.” A
score of women rushed to Mrs. George
and shook her hand. Congratulations
were also extended to her attorneys.
ftirn. lieorge worn™ uer way iu me
jury box, took each juryman l>v the
hand anil gave them a word and a nod
of thanks. Then the court said she
was discharged and released the jury.
The jury was out just twenty-three
hours and forty-five minutes, and dur
ing that time twenty-two ballots were
cast, h elnterval between these bal
lots wus spent in reviewing the test!
mony and discussing its various
phases. After the Jury reported, it
was said that the first or preliminary
ballot showed four jurymen favoring
n verdict of guilty In the first degree
and eight Jurymen for a verdict of not
guilty and acquittal. The last ballot
was a unanimous vote of tne twelve
men of not guilt).
A number of congratul itory tele
grams were delivered to her. To a re
porter of the Associated Press she
said she would go to her old home In
llannoverton tomorrow and visit her
mother. Mrs Lucinda Khrliart. for a
few days. Then she would return to
t’anton to gathrr up her belongings
nnd arrange for the future As to the
future she said sue had no definite
plans as yet. Hhe has tieen invited to
go to the seaside on an extended va*a
ration during tae summer nnd she
would probably a<<ept the Invitation #
rmlOtl 1k«*k« Ike
rmt.AltKI.FHIA April *» Irome
i ately upon receiving from Washing
ton the diepatrh of Ueneral Otis Free
blent M. Kinter sent the following j
message of congratulation nnd tbanka
to the soldier* in the Philippine#:
PHII.AHKl.l'itiA April -To
Oti» Manila Your message snn.mii
lug the achievement* of Mat Arthurs
llvtstun and the proposal by the taeur
|ptt<> of suspension of hostilities mat
■ratifying t'onvey to *»#. *r# and m*n
bar* Mi rongratulattons and gra'ttud*
pr their signal gallantry and triumph
Indication* that the Insurgent* are
About to (live I p.
WASHINGTON, April 29.— General
Otis telegrapheu the war department
this morning that the commanding
general of the insurgents has receiv
ed front the insurgent government di
rections to suspend hostilities pending
negotiations for the termination of the
war and the insuprgent staff officers
are now on the way to Manila for that
The text of General Otis' dispatch
MANILA, April 29.—Adjutant Gen
eral, Washington: After tatting Ca
lumpit, MaeArthur's division crossed
the Rio Grande river in the face of
great obstacles, driving the concen
trated forces of the enemy hack on the
railroad two miles. MacArthur re
ports that passage of the river was a
remarkable military achievement, tho
success of which was due to thu dar
ing skill and determination of Col
onel Funston. under the discriminat
ing control of General Wheaton. Cas
ualties slight, number not yet ascer
This morning chief of staff from
commanding general of Insurgent forc
es entered our lines to express admi
ration of the wonderful feat of the
American army In forcing the passage
of the river, which was thought lm
posssible. Staff officer reports that in
surgent commanding general has re
ceived from Insurgent government di
rections to suspend hostilities pending
negotiations for the termination of the
war. Staff officer with party Is now
onroute to Manila and will soon arrive,
Lawton's forces well in hand in vicin
ity of Angat. east of Calumpit, where
he Is waiting supplies to be sent to
morrow. Yesterday morning force of
1,500 Insurgents attacked troops at
Tagulg; driven back by Washington
regiment. Our loss two killed, twelve
The dispatch from tienerai <ms was
Immediately telegraphed to President
McKinley at Philadelphia. The offi
cials of the war department all believe
that the hostilities are about conclud
MANILA, April £9—The Filipino
rdvances for peace havp been fruitless.
Colonel Manuel Argulese and Lieuten
ant Jose Bernal, who came Into Gener
al MacArthur’s lines under a Hag of
truce, told General Oils that they were
representatives of General Luna, who
had been requested by Aguinnido to
ask General Otis for a cessation of hos
tilities In order to allow time for the
summoning of the Filipino congress,
which body would decide whether the
people waiftfed peace.
General Otis replied that he did not
recognize the existence of a Filipinr
(’oiniiM*rri*l Tim That lllml.
LONDON, April 29.—Robert P. For
ter, who was the principal guest of the
White Friar's club tonight, respond
ing to a toast, “The Anglo-Saxon
Hrotherhood," dwelt upon Gie ever-in
creasing commercial ties binding the
United States to Great Britain, lies
which he said would be still further
improved by the fact that the tariffs of
America's new dependencies would be
patterned after England's open-door.
In the course of hi3 remarks Mr. Por
ter said that during his recent visit
to Germany he had tried to make it
understood that Germany would profit
as well as England, by manufacturing
America raw materials. In this con
nection be observed that despite recent
events the United States was In close
sympathy with Germany.
Nebraska Cause of It All.
ST. LOUIS, April 29.—According to
the best information the storm which
caused so much los3 of life anil de
struction of property In nortnern Mis
souri originated in Nebraska. Its
course was southwest, through western
Iowa to the Missouri state line, thence
through Harrison. Grundy. Sullivan,
Linn, Macon. Shelby and Marlon, north
and west through Lewis, Knox, Adair,
Sullivan and Putnam counties. When
the storm retraced its course it was
almost parallel with the other track
traversed, and it was then that Kirks
vlille anil Newtown were struck.
As far as known Kirksvilie, New
town and Lancaster, Mo., are the only
towns that felt the full force of tfco
An Official l.ltt
WASHINOOTN, April 29.—An offi
cial list of the different departments of
the army under the war department
lias been issued. It shows no changes,
save those recently made In Cuba. Tex
as is not established as a separate de
partment, but remains in the depart,
ment of the gulf, with headquarters at
Atlanta, under command of Colonel It.
. Frank, First artillery. The depart
ments of California and the Columbia
are under General Sliafter; the Colo
rado and Missouri. General Henry C.
Merrlam; Dakota. General Wade; tlie*
east. General Merrlt. The commanders
of the departments are the same as
previously announced.
Mpnlii llroily for Her Pay.
WASHINGTON, April 29 —Secretory
Hay this afternoon whs lot I fled hy the
French ambassador thut Spain would
accept, through hjm, the |20,00t),0tw to
he paid under the treaty of peace for
the Philippines The payment will he
made to the ambassador u» mam us the
preaident returns.
t'ssusltles «t the Mtssnurt C| clows.
KlltKSVH.I.K, Mo . April 2tt Th»
latest detatla of laat night's tornado
i.ow that the Hat of known dead has
bean raised to forty-ulna by the ld*n
tlRcatlon of twenty-four more bodies
A* the ntahi ad.aiued the number of
Injured wa* also i ou«ld> raid) lum-aa
(taya must pat before a complete list
of imaualtie* can ha ee. and hefort
the real a stent of the damage to prop
erty tan be known
ttnrh an Hsitl«|ls« tiiiatlus
CMHVBNNM. Wyt*.. April ;t —A
apaclal to tha t'hayenaa Tribune from
Wheatland lUtss tha teams are
at work la western N a hr ash a un the
Hurltagtoa a Wyoming eatagstoa Tha
grade will be computed from Alliance,
Net*, to Fort LaramU. Wyo, within
four aaeks Marling'on ngiu of » ty I
m«a have purchased the right of way
fur tha «a a road to a p>»stl ftf* *a
milaa want uf Kurt Unait.
The Flying Dutchman.
CHAPTER XVI.—(Continued.)
Philip made no reply; he felt a re
aped even for Capt. Barents' mis
placed regard for the vessel. They
made hut little way. for the swell was
rather against them, and the raft was
deep in the water. The day dawned,
and the appearance of the weather was
not favorable; It promised a return of
the gale. Already a breeze ruffled the
surface of the water, and the swell
appeared to Increase rather than go
down. The sky was overcast, and the
horizon thick. Philip looked out for
the land, but could not perceive It, for
there was a haze on the horizon, so
that he could not see mote than five
miles. He felt that to gain the shore
before the coming night was necessary
for the preservation of so many Indi
viduals, of whom more than sixty were
women and children, who, without any
nourishment, were sitting on a frail
raft, Immersed In the water. No land
In sight- a gale coming on, and In all
probability a heavy sea and dark
night. The chance was Indeed desper
ate, and Philip was miserable-most
miserable -when he reflected that so
many Innocent beings might, before
the next morning, be consigned to a
watery tomb -and why?—yes, there
was the feeling—that although Philip
could reason against, he never could
conquer; for bis own life he cared
nothing; even the Idea of his beloved
Amine was nothing In the balance of
these moments. The only point which
sustained him was the knowledge that
he had his duty to perform, and, In
ths full exercise of his duty, he re
! covered himself.
i<and ahead? was now cried out
by Krantz, who was In the headmost
boat, and the news was received with
a shout of Joy from the raft and the
boats. The anticipation and the hope
the news gave was lik>‘ manna In the
wilderness; and the poor women on
*he raft, drenched sometimes above
the waist by the swell of the sea.
clasped the children In their arms still
closer and cried, “My darling, you
shall be saved.”
Philip stood upon the stern-sheets
to survey the land, and he had tlm
| satisfaction of finding that It was not
i five miles distant, and a ray of hope
! warmed his heart. The breeze now
■ had gradually Increased and rippled
the water. The quarter from which
the wind came was neither favorable
nor advers#, being on the beam. Had
they h'ad sails for the boat, it would
have been otherwise; but they had
been stowed away and could not be
procured. The sight of land naturally
rejoiced them all, and the seamen In
the boat cheered and double-banked
the oars to Increase their way, but the
towing of a large raft sunk under
water was no easy task, and they did
not, with all their exertions, advance
i more than half a mile an hour.
Until noon they continued their ex
ertions not without success; they were
not three miles from the land, but as
the sun passed the meridian a change
took place; the breeze blew strong, the
swell of the sea rose rapidly, and the
raft was often so deeply Immersed in
the waves as to alarm them for the
safety of those upon her. Their way
was proportionately retarded, and by
3 o’clock they had not gained half a
mile from where they had been at
noon. The men, not having had re
freshment of any kind during the la
bor and excitement of so many hours,
began to flag in their exertions. The
wish for water was expressed by all—
from the child who appealed to it3
mother to the seaman w’ho strained at
the oar. Philip did all he could to
encourage the men, but finding them
selves so near to the land, and so
overcome with fatigue, and that the
raft in tow would not allow them to
approached their haven, they mur
mured, and talked of the necessity of
casting loose the raft and looking out
for themselves. A feeling of self pre
vailed, and they were mutinous; but
Philip expostulated with them, and,
out of respect for him, they continued
their exerttous for another hour, when
a circumstance occurred which decided
the question, upon which they had re
commenced a debate.
The Increased swell and the fresh
breexe had so beat about and tossed
the raft that It was with difficulty, for
some time, that Its occupant* could
hold themselves on It. A loud shout,
mingled with screams, attracted the
attention of those In the boat, and
Philip, looking back, perceived that the !
lashings of the raft had yielded to the
for>e of the waves, and that It had i
separated amidships. Ths scene was I
aguntitng; husbands were separated I
from their wives sad children each
floating away from each other for the j
pan of the raft which was still towed >
hy the boats ha I already left the other
far astern The women rose up and
screamed, some, more frantic, dashed
Into the water tail ween them, and at |
tempted to gain the floating wreck
upon which their husbands stood, and j
• auk before they could be assisted Hut
the horror Increased on# lashing
having given war, ail the rear 11.11,
followed, and, before the boats could
torn and give assistance, the sea was
•trewa with the spars which compose I ,
the raft, with mew women and «htl- j
idea clinging to them l.«Md were lh» |
ij-AinHr-l-AAiliJiiiJiA t t v T
yelIs* of despair and the shrieks of the
women as they embraced their off
spring and in attempting to nave them
were lost themselves. The spars of
the raft, still close together, were
hurled one upon the othes by the
swell, and many found death by being
Jammed between them Although all
the boats hastened to their assistance,
there was so much difficulty and dan
ger in forcing them between the spars
that but few were saved, and everv
those few were more than the boats
could well take in. The seamen and
a few soldiers were picked up. but all
the females and the children had sunk
beneath the waves.
tne enect or mitt oatastropno may
he Imagined, but hardly described. The
seamen who had debated as to casting
them adrift to perish wept aa they
pulled toward the shore. Philip was
overcome. He covered his fare and re
mained for some time without giving
directions, heedless of what passed.
It was now five o'clock In the even
ing; the boats had cant off the tow
lines, und vied with each other In
their exertions. Before the sun had
set they hail arrived at the beach, and
were safely landed In the little sand
bay Into which they had steered; for
the wind was off the shore and there
was no surf. The boats were hauled
up and the exhausted men lay down
on the sands still warm with the heat
of the sun. and forgetting that they
had neither eaten nor drunk for bo
long a time, they were soon fast asleep.
Captain Barents, Philip and Krantz, a3
soon os they had seen the boats se
cured, held a short consultation, and
were then glad to follow the example
of the seamen; harassed and worn out
with the fatigue of the last twenty
four hours, their senses were soon
drowned In oblivion.
For many hours they all slept sound
ly, dreamed of water and awoke to
the sad reality that they were tor
mented with thirst, and were on a
sandy beach with the salt waves
mocking them; but they reflected how
many of their late companions had
been swallowed up, and felt thankful
that they had been spared.
They were not more than fifty miles
from Table Ray; and although they
had no sails, the wind was In their fa
vor. Philip pointed out to them how
useless It was to remain, when be
fore morning they would, In all prob
ability, arrive at where they would ob
tain all they required. The advice was
approved of and acted upon; the boats
were shoved off and the oars resumed.
So tired and exhausted were the men
that their oars dipped mechanically
Into the water, for there was no
strength left to be applied; It was not
until the next morning at daylight
that they had arrived opposite False
Bay and they had still many miles to
pull. The wind In their favor bpl done
almost all—the men could do little or
Encouraged, however, by the sight
of land which they knew, they ral
lied; and about noon they pulled, ex
hausted to the beach at the bottom of
Table Bay, near to which were the
houses and the fort protecting the set
tlers, who had for some years resided
there. They landed close to where a
broad rivulet at that season (but a
torrent In the winter) poured Its
stream into the bay. At tts sight of
fresh water some of the men dropped
their oars, threw themselves Into the
sea when out of their depth—others
when the water was above their waists
yet they did not arrive so soon as the
ones who waited till the boat struck
the beach and jumped out upon dry
land. And then they threw themselves
Into the rivulet, which coursed over
the shingle, about five or six inches In
depth, allowing the refreshing stream
to pour into their mouths till they
could hold no more. Immersing their
hot hands und rolling in it with de
soon as mey nun sansncu me
mos»t pressing of all want* they rose
dripping front the stream ami walked
up to the houses of the factory, the
Inhabitants of which, perceiving that
boats had lundcd when there was no
vessel In the bay, naturally supposed
that some disaster had happened, and
were walking down to meet them
Their tragltal history was soon told,
The thirty-#!* inen that stood befote
them were all that were left of nearly
three hundred soul* embarked, and
they had been more than two days
without food. At tbla Intimation no
further questions were asked by the
considerate settlers until the hunger
of the sufferers had been appra-rd,
when the narrative of their sufferings
was fully detailed by |*hlllp and
We must pass over the space of t*o
month*, during whhh the wr*- ked
seamen were treated with kindness by
the settlers, and at Ike aspiration of
which a small brig arrived at the
bay and took In refreahments. she wa«
homeward bound, with a full cargo,
and. being .bartered by the company
could not refuse to receive .* tMiaHI ,
the crew of the Vrow Keleria* |*hl»- '
ip. Kraats sad the **am.<t embarked,
but i'aptata tWent* remained
la sente at the ''ape
They shook hauls sod parted Hail
!p promising to execute Barents's com
mlrsion, which was to turn his money ]
into articles most useful to a settler,
and have them sent out by the first j
fleet which should sail from the Zuy- ;
dor Zee. But this commission it was
not Philip's goi'd fortune to execute, j
The brig, named the Wiine’tnlna.sailed
and soon arrived kt St. Helena. After
watering, she proceeded on her voy
age. They had made the Western
Isles, and Philip was consoling him
self with the anticipation of soon Join
ing his Amine, when to the northward
of the islands they met with a furious
gale, before which they were obliged
j to send for many days, with the vea
| -el's head to the southeast; and as the
wind abated and they were able to
haul to It, they fell In with a Dutch
fleet of live vessels, commanded by an
admiral, which had left Amsterdam
more than two months, and hail been
buffeted about by contrary gales for
the major part of that period. Cold,
fatigue and bad provisions had
brought on the scurvy, and the ships
were so weakly manned that they
could hardly navigate them. When
(he captuin of the Wllhelmina reported
to the admiral that he had part of the
crew of the Vrow Katerina on board,
he was ordered io send them Immedi
ately to assist tn navigating his crip
pled fleet. Remonstrance was useless.
Philip had but time to write to Amine,
acquainting her with his misfortunes
and disappointment; and, confiding
the letter to his wife, aa well as his
narrative of the loss of the Vrow
Katerina for the directors to the
charge of the captain of the Wilhelm
ina, he hastened to pack up his effects,
and repaired on board of the admiral's
ship with Krantz and the crew. To
them were added six of the men be
longing to the Wllhelmina, whom the
admiral Insisted on retaining; and the
brig, having received the admiral's
dispatches, was then permitted to con
tinue her voyage.
The admiral sent for Philip Into his
cabin, and having heard his narrative
of the loss of the Vrow Katerina, he
ordered him to go on board the com
modore's ship as captain, giving the
rank of commodore to the captain at
present on board of her; Krantz was
retained on hoard his own vessel as
second captain, for by Philip's narra
tive the admiral perceived at once that
they were both good officers and brave
(To be continued.)
tntere»tlng Italic In Ilia ro»H«a»li>u of i
Prof. John I.ansing of New Bruns
wick, wi.o haj been spending the win
ter In this city, will leave soon for
Colorado, where he expects to live for
a considerable time for the benefit of
hts health. He is a very scholarly and
accomplished gentleman, being a min
ister of the Dutch Reformed church.
He was born In the city of Damascus,
Palestine, in "the street which Is called
Straight,” his father being a resident
missionary there. Prof. ■Eanslng for
13 years lived In Egypt and Is the mas
ter cf nine languages. He has many
curious and valuable relics of Egypt,
stones and Jewela of the ancient Phar
aohs. He has what is thought by the
best Egyptologists to Ik the Identical
gold ring set with a stone, which Khab
Nub, the Pharaoh, gave to Joseph
vvtjen be made bim prime minister over
all fcgypt, soys an Atlantic ^jt^ paper.
It is a curious old jewel and was worn
on the thumb. It was found at Mem
phis 15 or 20 years ago In the cofila
of a mummy. He has a walking stone
and many kinds of Hacred beetles bear
ing carved inscriptions telling of the
reign In which they were the official
emblem. He has a silk crocheted cap
which was taken from a mummy and
is several thousand years old, rare
amber beads, the precious Images
of cats, and ancient symbols which
have been unearthed in the land of the
Ilrouglit to I’ll llnilel pills, but It II m
Nluro Been l.itet.
"Where is the poet Milton's stair
rase?” asks the Philadelphia Record.
‘ This staircase was brought from Lon
don by Richard Rush and built into
his country home, named Sydenham,
which was located at what Is now Co
lumbia avenue and Sixteenth street. A
small street of the same name, Syden
ham, marks the place. Mr. Hush was
i'nlted States minister to Kngland
when Milton s house was torn down to
jpake room for modern Improvements,
lining au admirer of the author of
Tatudise Lost,' Mr. Rush bought the
old-time staircase and hail it erected
in his home and inscribed with n sil
ver piste setting forth the dates and
fseti. Ppon the death of Mr. Rush his
estate was divided among his children
aud the real estate soon came Into the
market for building lota. Sydenham
house wa« torn down and the antique
Milton atalicase doubtless fell to some
one of the heirs. It would be inter
esting to (earn where this relic found
j its Anal shtlne, 8vdeuh.uu was a
quaint old place, just opposite the
tuuntry s*et of >ulge Stroud. It has
A variety of odd rooms entered by In
visible door*, and much antique furni
ture, ntsasiw silver and many old pbr
i»x* * • rt|.
«*4« »nn4S N*«* CJilt# 4 nr I. hi*
fN*k t« awa At ik* dual* .•( a
Ptmiur. •' » ttk.t hi* a
tk4l IU‘ *4 A pig
1 h# tu<»th»r »HI #4*»t h*r u«i .9
• prist »" »k* l»A
K« k W4A 14 4 h*»t<» AA4 aa ctfttcU j
In mjui *!*>«!> K.«*r*>'A
13: 1-11.
* ______
Principal Test—“I Aw the Vine, Ts
Are the Breaches''—John 13: 18 —
The Tree anil the OITsboot —Mate* oi
1. t am the true vino. The genuine.
Hie Ideal, the perfect vine. He Is the on*
who can fulfil to them the perfect rela
tion of a vine to II* branch**. In dlstlnc
tlon from a natural vine: and from every
other who ha* been called a vine. My
leather I* the hunbandman. Not the hired
laborer, the vlne-dresser, but the owner
of the vineyard, the original planter, pos
w'sxor, and cultivator of the vine.—O. VV.
i'lark. Tho whole scheme of redemption
baa Its source In the love and wisdom of
tho (iodhead. Every branch . . . yo
are the branches. "A beautiful theory
ha* been established In vegetable physi
ology which Illustrates In a most strik
ing manner the nature of the union be
tween Christ and believers, as symbol
ised by a vine and Its' branches. This
theory proceeds on tho assumption. 2.
Every branch In me that beareth not
fruit. The** are the external professors,
—the merely baptized members, who hava
no life anil never had—though they be
long to the outward connection,—Jaco
bus. He taketh away. Because thetr
presence Injures the other branches; and
their remaining Is of no benefit to them
а, Every branch that bearetn rruii, n«i
purgeth It. ('leiinaeth It. There I* a cur
ious play of words In sound between the
taking away (haireli of the frultlns*
branch and the purging (kuthalrsl) of
the fruitful branch —«'ambrldge Bible.
4. Abide In me. nod 1 In you. t.'ontlnua
your connection with me by muting, lov
ing. and obeying ine. After 1 am gone
itlll continue In me a* you have done ao
far. I,et all your atrength, your wladom.
your plana, your bopea depend on me. a*
aoula grow by contact with other aoula.
The lurger and fuller the aplrtt with
whom we come Into touch, and tha more
the polnta of contact, the more free and
atrong la our growth. Then will I abide
In you. My power, knowledge, Influence,
guidance, will llow through you and pro
duco the fruit you are to bear In build
ing up the kingdom of Clod. How? By
the Holy Hpirlt, who guide* into all truth,
and by hi* word abiding In you,—all Ida
leaching ami promise*. Except ye abide
In me. Jean* emphasize* the only mean*
by which they cull carry on hi* kingdom
to success.
5. The name bringeth forth much fruit,
"draper of Eschol, In heavy cluster*.”
“No can cun make thing* grow. He can
get them to grow by arrunglng all tho
circumstances and fulltiling all the con
dition*, but the growing I* the work of
Clod. . . . What roan can do I* to place
Idmaelf In the midst of a chain of se
quence*." "While man prays In faith,
(lod acts by law.”—Professor Drummond.
б. And they urc burned. Because "no
better use mi be made of the vine-wood;
It Is absolutely worthies* (Ksek. 15.) It
Is soft uisd yielding. 'Shall wood be tak
en thereof to <lo any work? or will men
take a pin of It to hang any vessel there
on?’ 'Is It meet for any work?’ It will
not even ntuke a tent peg.”—Canon Tris
7. And my words abide In you. Ex
plaining and llliiHtratlng how they abide
In him. by continuing In his teaching, let
ting all their conduct grow out of his
teaching, and be conformed to It. Ye
ahull ask what ye will, and It shall bo
done unto you. Because such are so Im
bued with Hod's will that they will ask
what Is Hod's to give, for Hod's glory, In
submission to his wisdom and tov^. It
Is always safe to answer prayers mads
in such circumstances.
N. Herein, In the abundance of the
fruit they hear, Is my leather glorified.
Because they represent Hod to men; be
cause the fruit* are the expression of
Hod's character and goodness, which aro
hi* glory; becuu*e l bus will they bring
In hi* kingdom, and all mnn and angels
shall *ee the consummation of Hod'*
work of redemption, which also Is hi*
glory. Bo shall ye be my disciples.
I.earner* In the school of Christ, follow
ers of his teaching, enjoying Ijlt^
9. As tbs Father hath loved me. so
have I loved you. This I* a marvelous
statement of the measure and the quality
of Christ’* loyy for us. It Is true, warm,
personal, seeking our beat good, unfail
ing. When we wish to know how much
Jesus loves us, let us romemlier how
much the Father loves his only begotten
Hon. Continue. Abide; the same Greek
word used so often In these verses. Tho
next verse, 10, shows how they are to
do It. 4
10. If ye keep my commandments. . .
. even as I have kept, etc. Even for
Christ there was only one way to con
tinue In tho love of the Father. They
could see. therefore, that It was the only
way for them.
11. These things have I spoken unto
you, that. One object of all this leaching
was true Joy. because Joy Is tha flower
and fragrance of a true life, the crown
of life, the proof of It* perfeetne*s. It
I* a great Joy to be the conductors o(
Clod's blessing* lo others.
‘ You may break, you may shatter the
va*e, If you will.
But tho scent of the roses will hang
round It still."
That my Joy. The *ame kind of Joy
that I have, and lo be obtained In the
same way. This Joy Is (1) the Joy of a
free activity In doing right, like tho Joy
of motion In health, like the song of a
bird In tho morning, (it The Joy of en
tire consecration mid submission to Hod.
Cl) The joy of doing good, of self-denial
for others. (4) The Joy of perfect faith
In a wise and loving Hod. committing
everything to hi* cure. (5) Joy In tho
conscious love of Hod to us. communion
and friendship with him. «> Tho Joy of
loving other*- IT) The Joy of seeing oth
er* saved. (*t The Joy of victory. (»> In
the end. outward delight* and pleasure*
to correspond with the Inward joy, Might
remain tn you, Me a permanent posses
sion. not a mere glimpse, a thrill, a p us
ing emotion. And that your Joy might
b.- full Or fulfilled; glow more perfect;
hsoe every quality of true Joy, Increase
In quality and abundance. (Ill you are
full of Joy, having all Jour nature can
in* ««»i >«a ittt .».!«••
“Well, well?" nnitnl McCarthy, the
liverymen and undertaker. whea (hey
nlH im order a roAIn f«»r hit old
friend M» Uuire, "Thruly In the ntldaht
of loif* we ere In death dure It waa
only la*t Kovitnber that I hauled in
hie wimher'a *• >ul fer *lm. an' to thine
now Ihot they'd tie alndin' fer Me IhU
•oua to take out hit a.hee'**
It lake* tuoren It* a«n«*a to **e a
If >uo wauler he lute t hy the vo/I I
■lurla life. Be«er tall the eel hah VtfM
any Ui*e<ferahull irooih* about It*
vv*a a poet Had* the word he haa
bln kuatia for, to rim* mih the name
o* lb* wilder heeee la lot* with, lie
feela aa proud «t the * eel era farmer
*ea he move* outer the ewd howee tat*
the h/Uh potato.