The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 05, 1899, Image 4
The Northwestern PUBLISHED BVERV' Fl»!t<*.Y AT i'llF. COl N'lV SK\1 ORO. K. HF.NNnitOTF. H. I Filltnr* an<l UEO, H. (llliKON, | I’nhlUhcn TKliMS -* 1 <»> pkh TRAit ir PAin in aiivanck Entered at the Loup City Postofllce for Iran a mlsxton throu«h the mail* an second cists matter. Official Paper Sherman County The Democrat* are enjoying .Feffer soman feasts all over the land thin year, next tear they will feast on crow. Mrs. Anna E. George, was acquit ted last Friday, at Canton, (), of the murder of Geo. I). Haxton, brother of Mrs McKinley. Kansas City, Kao,, is having a severe siege of the small pox. It is estimated than there is more than 00 cases in the city. V\ hen Aguinaldo becomes convinc ed that McKinley was the wrong fellow to tackle, he will tie just, even with Billy Bryan. The following customs and taxes were collected at the ports mention ed during April: Manila, #457,004?; Cebu $30,757, Iloilo $15,534 Tot a I #1133,893 There is a fortune in night for the Yankee who will tour this count ry with Billy Bryan und Agulnaldo for twin attractions. The small bore pop papers will do the advertising free. If Cleveland, or our Nebraska statesman would have been in the white house it would not have been so, but when Aggy put on the gloves with a real pugilist he never got a chance for his second wind. Colonel Funston, the fighter of the Twentieth Kansas regiment and now Known as the llero of Calurapit, is said to be 5ft 3 in tall and weighs but 9511)8., is red beaded und has proven himself to be the nerviest man in the Philippines. A speaker at the Jeffersonian buu ijuet at Topeka, Kan, a short time agoutlered the following: “With the Republicans talking about join ing with England for the purpose of enforcing the open door policy in China, it sets one to wondering what has become of the Republican policy pf high protection." This coming from a man with intelligence enough to speak even at a great democratic pow wow would impress one with the idea that he was a sychopbant of the first water, und only sought to deceive bis hearers regardless of the fact that his audience must have been of the most inteligent of his party. That there is any analogy be tween the two propositions would not even be thought of by a primary school boy, although there seems t< be men of high slauding in the party who endeavor to use such twaddle to conviuce their bearers of the inconsistency of the Republican party. The facts are that the bal ance of the civilized work! are sus picious that Russia and France are conniving to divide the great Chinese Ktnpire between them at least as far ascommcicinl advantages go, and that Russia compel China to grunt to her a favored nation clause in her revenue laws that will exclude the commerce of other natious from the northern part of the empire, while France will play the same game in the southern half, thus securing ihe great aud grt wiug trade of the eu tire empire for themselves Kngland and the I'nited Stales contend that a System nf duties should lie framed that would not discriminate against any country that wishes to trade in the port* of China, hut give each ami all the same chance to secure whs! trade they can When men staml up and tell or intimate other than Ihe above facta Ihw do ao with lhal omni present spirit that has been greatly developed in unprincipled Mi iter* after * dice of late Knglami ami the I nil* I Miles only »*•* a h protect that which they ate entitle* low as nation* of tb* earth, and by a little wUolewuwos assistance of th* wow badly crippled (Mongolian they will 0ot only I** auharrvmg (heir owt intervals hut will »** vavmg a nalio* I rout entire aaihilalhm as a p«»e* i by a UWOpte who an tee only then own Iniwrnatn. HHIUPI’IMK I.KTTKM CAMP SmTSBNMKRO, F. I. March Ifl, I «!♦». Dkar Motiikh and Father I Bunin lake lav pen to tell you tliat 1 am well tied Impel his letter will find you hII enjoy ing Mm heat of health. I received a letter from you u few day* iieo lull l did nut answer it he. fore an we have li eii on the move bo much Hoil l did n >t get a chance t<» wiiie. Wo have considerable guard duty to do. I have been out of the hospital quite a while now and a hi well War in still on here. I can hear firing but it in a good way* off. We have a great deal of out post duly to do so you nee we are kept pretty buisy. Our con.puny lias lost but one man so fur, we have had a few wounded, nnd we expect to have more tigh'iug to do yet. I do not know when we will get home but it js not likely that it will be for three ■Booths ytt fni they are (short of men here at present, but 1 hope it wdl not be longer than the 4tb of July. Our b<i)a have very little sickness among them now, there in some sick but our sick report in small to wtiat it has been. The weather is delight ful here now, it rains sometimes but not all the time as it did when we first came here. There is not much to tell about this country but that it is the hottest place I ever saw, and we keep moving around all the time We camp in our shelter tents and when we move we carry all our traps with us on our backs and it is awful hot marching with all onr things to sarry. You will have a pretty hard time to read this letter as we have no way to write except to lay fiat on the ground as we are in the field all the time. I would like to be at home now to get some of mothers grub. You can ask father he can tell you hew it goes to be a soldier in the field. We get a chicken or a hog or a buffalo calf once in a while, but we ure not allowed to forage, still a chicken is not safe around camp. When our army charged through the country they burnt all the natives bouses they eatne too and where the country was well set tied befoielbe war, it is now noth ing hut a strewn muss of burnt ruins. Tell the boys at home that l am as fat as ever and can stand another campaign juat like this one if neces sary. March 29, 18*8. I will endeavor to answer your letter which came to hand yesterday 1 am still well aud hearty and hope you are all the same. The weather is still fine. We have not had any scrapping to amount to any thing for some tuna hut there is lots of firing on the out posts, yet the natives keep themselves at a safe distance for when the boys shoot they do so to kill. There is a good many sharp shooters in the woods hut they do very little damage to us. The natives are very had marksmen and their bullets generally go high ovor our beads. We are having au easy time of it now hut we may bo pul some where else soon. I suppose you have heard considerable about our col >uel, Stotseuberg, the friends of company L hsd charges preferred against him and the war department left it to the regiment to decide and 1 think we will keep him for he is a scrapper. He fined some of the boys pretty heavy at Manila, but they de served it. aud it was absolutely nee : essary to do so to mukegood soldiers ou* of them for they were in so shape fur a bald struggle. Colonel •trait, was the worst disciplinarian I ever saw ami knew nothing ah tut military rulea. It does not seem | much like spring beta, we are now in the dry season ami it ia dry and very hot all the lime, so much so that «« only wear our under shirts ami pants ami then nearly in* It. At night : the uiosouitoea nearly eat ua up. They are worst to the limb r sad wtunou out |nwt duty are almost uubearihle. t hive b’euinpret It good health all Ike tthd* but a in an must lie pretty tough to stand its* hsr«l ships of a war. sometime* ws get all we waat to eat and soar* lime* we gu Hungry, W• II I will el'*• f*»r this than from your dutiful Stitt, ;i false fo. M 1st Sell Vol I YOU NOW HAVE THE OP PORTUNITY j of coiixultinu on** of the leading physi cians ami *nri{eons (In the treat ment < fehronicand nervous diseases) of iM* country, DR. REA Ho Is «ell known In N> brinks, and i- reliable as well as • in I non I In h!s I profession, and has but few mperlors j in hl« line < f diseases, and, from reports j of tin* press, his rooms are crowded wherever lie slops. By the request of his many friend, and patients who have usually gone i« lon^ distance to see him, he has deviled to VISIT LOUP CITY, and will be at ST. ELMO HOTEL, THURSDAY May 4fh 1 him*, one day only, returning every I weeks for six months, Consultation and examination FBKK to ail DR. REA. Him treatment and examinations we understand are based upon new methods, and are similar as arp given In the eastern and southern hospitals where he learned his business, lie treats chronic cattarh, disease of the. ear.nose, throat and lungs, dyspep sia, Bright's disease, diabetes, liver, stomach, constipation, rheumatism, chronic female and »exual diseases, neu ralgia, sciatica, dizziness, nervousness, slow growth In children and all wasting diseases In adults, deformities, club feet, curvature of the spine, diseases of the brain, paralysis, heart disease, eczema, j varicocele, and hydrocele. Cancer, tumors, wens and birthmarks removed, i Young, middle uged and old, married or single men, and all who suffer w ith lost manhood, ncivious debility sperma torrlica, seminal losses, decay, falling memory, weak eyes, stunted develop ment, lack of energy, impoverished blood, pimples, also blood and skin dis ease. Eruption, hair falling, bone pain, swellings, sore throat, ulcers, effect of { mercury, kidney and bladder troubles, weak back, burning urine, incontinence, gleet, stricture, receive searching treat ment, prompt relief. Both sexs treated confidentially and privately. I’ileg. fistula, fissure and rapture by our now method. Hangs On Ycu have used all sorts of cough reme dies but it does not y' . Yo it is too deep C2 YJ, It may wear itself out in time, but it is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri ous throat affection. You need something that will give you strength and build up the body. SCOTT’S EMULSION will do ihw when everything t\t frt I>. there is no doubt About it. It nourishes, stren/fh m, builds up and nuk ■> the body strong and h«Alihv. not only to throw oil th.s Kurd cough but to fortify the system against further attatks. If you arc run down or emaciated you should certainly take *his nourishing lood medicine J Phil Jaeger’s LOUP CITY. : NEBRASKA. Those’’ shoppers who wish to make a sea sonable purchase in season comes here, for they know we have just what they want and when they want it. Our stock of JM6W SPRING GOOQS in ben;. It is fresh and complete. We are headquarters for anything needed in the general merchandise line. Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Suits, Spring line of boots and shoes, fancy silks, block crepon, wash dress goods, lace curtains, Curtain Swiss, Silkoltne draperies, Scrim, No tions, of all kinds, trunks and valises, kid gloves, etc. etc. QOJS’T TUF?IM YOUF? back on a good thing. Don t forget that in new spring novelties we can show you many new things that have never been shown before. And above all. for your interest as well as ours, don’t fail to visit our store, inspect our goods and learn our prices. WE GAN AND WILL meet our competitors on both prices and quality of goods and in many things can save you money. We bought in large quantities and got the best good* at the lowest figures so can give our customers the best possible bargains for tbc season. Wre invite you to call. yours Truly, J. Phil Jasper. Implements and Harness. Our stock of implements and harness is now in the house and samples on the floor. We venture the ascertion that a more complete stock of the above lines was never before shown at this point than the one we are offering this spring. These Lines are Composed of so Many DM Kinds, Sizes and Prices that it is impossible to undertake to enumerate them here. ID mill MANY AKE NEW THIS SEASON, HAVING NEVER BEEN SHOWN IN THIS MARKET BEFORE. While there has been a general advance in prices on most all kinds of goods, you will find by inquiring that our prices are as low as ever. We ask you to come and see us and our goods and we will trust to your being pleased with both the goods and the prices. Respectfully Yours, E S. HAYHUPST. 1 A • t «... *>V r.« 4. ! M .• » a I *51 ,-**.•«» ’ ■ Bril i. ,r1i:®; i m.w lCtHE.IL TREES AND PLANTS. BEST VARIETIES FOR CENTRAL AND NORTH KRN NEBRASKA, AT FROM GO to GOO percent LESS than agents usual prices. We IRRIGATE our SMALL FR 1'ITS We have the laigeat •lock of ninall fruit* in the state Millions of Strawberry plants, itaapberry platitr, Currauta, (Jooaeberriea, (> rapes. Our etock of Fruit, Ornamental, Shade and Kvergreco Tree* is complete. Shrulxi, lloaea, etc. in abundance. Send for Free Catalogue u» NORTH BEND NURSERIES, North (tend, I bulge Co, N‘« i>ra»ka. A Cl'LLKY 4, f. OULLHY, FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000 tit N*U< u»l lUuk, Viirlt'tu, N \ NitMHitl U*i>k. Omkt, N«l>rwkt