The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 05, 1899, Image 2

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A Digest of Bills Put Through at the Recent
Session of the Legislature.
Election, School, Judicial and Other Enactments With Which
All May Become Familiar by Giving Due Attention
to What Appears in These Columns.
Senate tile 1.35, by Holbrook of Dodge,
to amend section 5s. chapter 4J, com
piled statute* of ISM7. no aa *o plac*
country churches Hml contents, country
parsonages and contents ant country
school houses ad contents In the list
of property that may he Insured by mu
tual Are Insurance companies.
House roll 2*5, hy Olmstead.
Section 1. Any number of persons not
less than one hundred, residing In this
state who are owners of hogs ot not less
Ilian IlO.OOflU In value pay associate
themselves together for the purpose of
mutual Insurance against loss of hogs by
d-alh from disease.
Sec. 2. All persons who take Insur
ance In such company shall sign an ap
plication obligating themselves to pay ail
assessments made for expenses or for
losses sustained by a member thereof
while they continue members of such
Hco. 3. A reserve fund of It) per cent
on the amount collected, at the time of
Issuing every policy, shall be set aside,
to lie used as follows:
Whenever the cayh In hands of this
company, not Including tne reserve fund,
shall be found Insufflcltur 10 pay all the
claims that may accrue before the next
assessment, then such deficiency may be
taken from the reserve fund. Such dim
inution of the reserve fund shall be pro
vided for by the next assessment, pro
vided, That the reserve fund shall not
exceed $4 per JI.OUO of the amount of In
surance at risk.
Sections 4. 5, 6. 7 and 8 provide for
annual meetings, the election of a board j
of nine directors, and the elections Of j
officers, the engagement of agents and |
the forniHtton of by-law*.
Section 9 provide* that members may [
lie sued on fulling to tiay assessment*.
Sec 10. Such company may Issue poll
rle* lo Indemnify lls members against
loss caused by death from disease In bogs
for any period of tlmo not exceeding ftva
Nor. 11, Dosses shall become due and
I lyable In sixty days after their ud
tus'tnen*. Said adjustment shall be
made within ninety days utter loss has
Her. 12 relates to assessment*.
Sec 13. In the event of a dispute be
tween the company and a memb r there
of respecting an adjustment of a loss
the matter may be al the request of the
company or the member submitted to
arbitrators, one of whom Is lo be select
ed by the company, and one by th* mem.
her In case such arbitrators are un
able to agree they shall select a disin
terested party to act with them, and the j
decision of the majority shall be final
and binding on ull parties
Reel Ions II 15. Pi and 17 provide .or
cancellations of pollcbf-: that the com
pany Is a corporal# body: for an unnuul
statement; for an examination when
deemed necessary. In section ll there
Is a provision that If hy the withdrawal
of members the number shall be reduced
below Its) and the amount of Insurance
In force below tlA.nOu. hu* It company shall
discontinue business.
See. 18. The fees for examining the
article* of Incorporation ami the by-laws
of such company by the auditor shall be ;
tin. For examination of annual report i
nnd issuing certificate to company tl.
and for issuing agents' certificates M j
Emergency clause. Approved April 1. 1
Heoute die 41. l>y Currie of Custer: To j
provhfe free attendance at public high
schools of non-resident pupils, and to |
amend auction 3 of subtil vision *i. sections
i and 7 of subdivision 14 and J of subdi
vision 17, chapter 29, compiled statutes
uf 1X97.
Hei non 1. That all regularly organised
public high schools shall hereafter he
open to attendance by any person of
school age residing outside of the dis
trict, resident ot the stale, whose edu- |
cation cannot protltuhly he carried fur
ther III the public school of the district !
of hts residence; provided, such pupil
must have a certificate, signed by the
county superintendent, ill it said pupil
has completed the common school course !
prescribed by the stale superintendent i
for work below the high school; pro
vided, further, such non-resident pupils
shall be subject In all respects to the :
same rules and restrictions as those
which govern resident pupils attending i
such high school, and attend the nearest
high school of approved gr id ', or any
high school ufapproved grade In the
county ot tio-ir residence; provided, tm
ther, when any* high school shall lie un
able to furnish areoinm laatious to non
residents without constructing or rent
ing additions buildings, the board of ed
u< ailon may refuso admission to such
Heeiion 2. The state sup -rintendent of
public instruction tdi.ill determine uit
niiully wdiat high schools In this state
meet the requirements o£ the proceed
ing section.
Section 3. The school board of cn-di
S''hoot district of this slate whose high
»• Iiool Is attended by pupils und I ilia
p> •vision* of tills act shall, at the close
»d e school year, report to the county
•io n d of each county in whi n su, h pu
pils at* resident, the number of pupils
ai lending such high school from said
county uml the length of time of attend
ance of each pupil In weeks as herein
after specified, and sahl county board
shall, .it the first regular meeting alter
t!i • tiling of such report, allow said dis
trict the sutn of 75 cents lor earn pupil
reported for each we ll dm lug any part
<d’ which said pupil shall have la«n In
attendance, mid order a warrant drawn
on i lie general fund of said county in |
f nor of said school hoard for such sum.
Section I The expenses contemplated
by provision of this act shall be paid
from the general fund In c ich couniy
and the county board uf any county
may mnually in hide In their estimates
a sufficient tux to meet tit" plirpossj of
tilt— act, not to exceed one mill on tie*
<1 lar of a** sie.l valuation „f said
county for the preeedina )wr. to be lev*
list in t collected In ll • manner irovbbd
by law for tho levy and collection of
other tax**s.
He< tlofts 5. *, 7. and X of the I,III amend
*. flops 3 of subdivision H of chapter
’,s a* ilii'c* of lift, at <1 arid loti 2 of sub
division 14 chapter ?.», and s 'Ion 7 of
aolstit tslon ll of chapter il*. to tottform
l i this at'l.
I tit' fill'll' \ f! MU’ AI’IIMIM A|IMI I.
h I' I*t, Uy Kualr-r vt *: To
li ih«)cr *iii (nn>t* .-.i um*i t U<'t
)>:»■> Wloli* uf vt'.a|i*<‘r *> ol Ill* la»- of
!<-, la flu* tin* liti^d »«•! uat lul l ■>( Ilia
tauffy li» <• Ilk'll aiwh » *r* t;ol»
I* i< I
it. non I Thoi all (ui**U un«
4* i ilia* |«r*iv|»|»>n* of rn.l|»l**r |i >»f t'io
Ttw* ol i»‘A. nuv •*« In. or
*> |>«< H mor hrroaft*r f H*« Into ISmi
liiiury or any count I *MII l*» Iran*
fan* I i*v Ilia Itionly I»m>*I to III* ft «
|U|^t< Mkonl liut.l of »*» l» >' i *M|
otKio roll W l»y ‘/**ii**i»
■ Ion I Thai a*-*lt«it It «l mMI*I
•loll t c Hauler 5* ol 11*0 i*Hii|ill* I •»at
tar ik:
Mto* 'll Nw»**lw
m«m la k»r*k» aniruJi I to l»*
U* an! |li*
aa lull
■fit# i»-« a I v»t*ra at *nr annual w*at
•Hall «l*»*rnu«a Iff .‘a1* Ik*. ».in
Itor at WtH* M Ik* l»Uai *1 tka o»
mm*I oaoalUoi wM«n ««tll U- I* * I
for all nurf***-’* * a* **t»* tot lb# |>hm#»I
o| Homo* Hwt«l*4*.|« •* win. li »'Wli *
•Hill not »o*«**l i»*»i> «»* twill* In %t r
Four *
»r*>. m*>l ifiai in 4<atrl> •• kaKwf
, kiili.o •» •* l>**ul »a* o» I*** »ko
m* v tkall not •»< **•• tk* *0111 of Mr
V«| .lolUt* «lt*»i l« an* on
IHo dltlib’l* b«i>im w *<» «k*a M»
af aahani f* tk« ban **t
exceed the s*im of fifty dollar.1* ($V1> per
chllil In addition to til** atiuv. 'i hr tux
so voted tlmll Ilf reported hy tIf dis
trict board to the county clerk and shad
he levied by the county bo nd und collect,
ed as other taxKmergency clause.
Approved March 'll.
S. K. 1.11. by Van Dus*n of Douglas: To
amend section t, subdivision 2, chapter 79,
»nd sections 7, X and 12 of subdivision II
of chapter 79, statutes o( 1VJ7.
Section 1. Amend section 1 of subdi
vision 2. chapter 79. relating to qualifi
cations of school electors, to read ns fol
lows; Kvery persons, male or female,
who has resided In the district forty day*
and Is twenty-one years old and who
owns real property or personal property
that was assessed In tlct district In Ills
or her name at the last annual susess
ntcnl. or who has children of school age
residing In the district, shall lie entitled
to vote at any district meeting of school
election held In any district, village or
city. Provided, That all electors at
school elections held In nth'* wnere reg
istration of voters Is required shall com
ply with the provisions of such registra
tion law before they shall be entitled to
vot c.
Hee. Amends section 7, subdivision H.
chapter 79, us follows: Thai the hoard
of education shall have power to select
their own officers, make their own stand
ing rules for the government of the
board and cause the same to be pub
lished on a card or In pamphlet form;
to clee.t, an attorney for the board for a
tei in not to exceed one year at a salary
of not more than IlkKl per annum. Pro
vided, That no member of the boa id
shall receive or accept any compensation
for services performed In discharging the
(Julies of his office,
Heci|<jn .1 That section * sub-division I
of chapter 79 be amended so as to links
(tie term of memb Ts-clect begin with the
111 si Monday In May and the board shall
< iect officers sod may elect a secretary
cither front their own number or out
side, and Ills salary shall not exceed $720
ivr annum. They may elect at a r-gti
I ir meeting a superintendent of public
Instruction and they may enter Into con.
tract with him for i term not to exceed
three years. The election of officers, sup.
crintendent and teacher*, shall be by bal
lot. a majority of all members of the
board being necessary.
Pee. 4 That section 12 of sub division
II chunter 79. be amended. The city treis
urer shul be ex-oftlelo treasurer of the
district, lie shall give i bond payable to
the county. In such «um fixed hv the
board of education, which bond shall ba
signed h” one or more surety corn pan
ics. and the cost of such bond shall be
paid l»y the school dlslfict.
Senate file X. by Parrel of Merrick: H
shall be i lie duty of school district hoard*
to provide on every school house site,
and keen In good repair and In (dean and
healthful condition, at least two separ
ate water closets or privies, located on
those portions of the site farthest from (
tlie main entrance to the school house,
.and ns f ir from each other as the sur
roundings will permit; Provided That
where adequate and separate Interior
closet* sre provided .and maintained In
good repair and healthful conditions the
foregoing condition of this act shill not ,
Hi live me iv. ny oi imwi:
Ta provide for tli- registration. leasing. !
selling ami general management of the
nine itlonal 1.«n*Ih of Nebraska: to pro- ,
vide for the collection of rental. Interest
ami principal payment* thereon; and for i
ll’oj distribution of the fund* arintng
I herefrom; and to repeal chapters S9,
compiled salute* of 1W.
The low. a* H stands tod iv. la re
pealed rind this hill l< to take Its place, j
Tli I a act contains the genera I feat urea
at the present law, omits the extraneous j
mill dead matter therein, and provides
for leasing the unlo.ised linds f about
(kM.OO ni reni at what they are worth to I
the lessee, permits reappraising the I in,lx 1
now under lease on which the appraisal
la excessive; provides that owner sof
sale contracts inav pay all or part of
111.dr principal and at the same time set
tle the Interest account, on a basis fair
alike to themselves and the state; pro
vides a manner for listing for taxation.
In the various counties, all of the edu
cational lands whl'di have been d eded
and with It may hereafter be deeded,
which will doubtless result In adding
much land to (he tax lists, which now
escapes on account of state deeds not
being recorder, makes more certain the
duties of the commissioner of p d»Pc
lands and buildings In regard to collect
ing payments of Interest and rental witn
ln a reasonable time and slmplilies thn [
disposition of Improvi meats on fort'ette<j
land, wlil di will aid in more readily re
leasing such land and will discourage tht
practice of allowing .rental to become de
Holders of lease coni 'acts who had ex.
peited some time to buy the land hut
did not do so before the same was with
drawn from sale are given the opportun
ity at the expiration of said leases to
renew the same without competition.
thus prole,!Ing tli.'in in whatever im
provements have been or may he made i
and keeping the patrimony of the school
children Invested In tn>' best possible
maimer—In tie land Itself, which yields
more a, cot ling 10 the investment uftd is
as safe as any baud.
The privilege ut renewing ol.l leases in .
section hi of th- bill under consideration i
obviates the d, , lability lot further
so! s.
He Urn 13 provide* that the commls
sioner of public lamia ami hill.lings
shall, at once a year, hold public
auctions, at tile county seats. at wh'ch 1
he shall offer tip* v.i, it,t school land
for tense at an Annual rental of ti per
c> nt of Hi,- tpp u i vaiui 11 trial
using due diligence, h- Is Unable to
l"ase the land at that tatu, he niay utter I
It at a lower v tin.ill,u> end lease the
same to h pet soo wtio wilt take the can- 1
lra< t st mu annual rental of t> per cent
upon the highest off-rrd valuation.
< 'ommittee substitute lor house roll
3r3 by Mills, rep its thn -ihtlllsloll P..
chapter Pa, compil -d statutes, as b-lore
H' ■ tton I It shall be uni iw f it for any
parent or guatdt.ih, to n.'glea f oa refuse
to i ids., any person, who ar« under tlle:r
looiiol a- vhn Iren or wild* to attend
a id i Mini!* wtHi th« tides of yinc one or
more plinth pilv ,He #»i (simenial si t ool
or s,■ hoot*, f a a term of tgi'tv,' weeks or
more dotois e ifh auv -satie ym from
the time sani children or w ir4, me eight
years old, until they are fwrlnn v«ar*
old. Uiii -Ss they la i, 1* prevented by »d.
Hess, poverty, inability or by reason of
alrestr being proftclrM frnrn attending
S I h pi,bib'. piTva'e nr pane .o il school
or s* funds, a I pro I I el, that to such
v ise they shall lie eg. n<b| i y the sup
erintendent of pubh. pi tea's or Rat e
tidal school, or by tp* hoard of •
floly the school 4 Strict hi xk li sol
rhihlttSb or wards losv live si tie tuno
of such fatlui s lo aile d sutdr public,
prlvalg o» par s tout s. h eyt or ». (tie Is
•tea i It shill be Ills duly of it .
r-'sl. >f the h n i of • i i';„ »t ib«
director of « t.ti * i i*,il district to for
ma to Ik,- sop. rti,!.-i. t-nts ml wit P
|ol>a'e or pat.*- Ins' . . -la c. .nr. r
the teaeher l»> wtb r dial,,, is si the l»*
gin no e of Ik- it.- ism* of *. hw-d « a k
• year t list cm* using lh- Itame* of s i
chihlrvii risking wlthtb the (rtfl* • who
,r« belts.,*» • tgiit and («n m i in of
age aiht to reaftCre s recsart frasi lla
kinslriii of all kskiti, M> tie at
Mat *<fe,i—U lx eMV’S AS the t.i h*r
* we*%g
I Ills close of lh* last tarts of a vs |
for Hr* ysgi whi h repoi t shad asklaik
the names of ait rhtdrwia tarts as > ifkt
and fit* -- i-ao of age s r, » hgvg at
ts«lsd as st s* boot an I bow Imf I hfllg
have Immediately upun the r*»
of till.-* report, the secretary ul the
board of education or the director shall
give written notice to the parent, guard*
lan or custodian uf such child or children
that the attendance of such child or chll
Iwve attended said school and how long
the> have attended. Immediately upon
the receipt of tlds report, the secretary
of the hoard of education or the dlrec
idiall give written notice to the par
ent. guardian or custodian of such cnllil
or children that ihe attendance of such
child Is required at some puhllc. private
or parochial school and lr within live
days such parent, guardian or custodian
of such child does not comply with the
provisions of this act, then the secretary
of the board of education shall make
complaint against such parent, guardian
or custodian of such child or children
before any Justice if the peace or other
magistrate haling competent Jurisdic
tion, for violation of the provisions of
tills get. Provded, that In Cities or In
corporated towns or villages the board of
education may appoint otic or more tru
ant officers, whose duty It aliaII he to eu
for * ha provisions of this act, in the
manner provided above.
Hec .1, Any p< nton or persons violat
ing the provisions of Ihl- act shall he
subject to a line of not less than |1<J
or mote than V*) for each and every of
feii,.-. Maid line shall ha Imposed by any
court of Jus1 Ice having Jurisdleltton on
on sufficient te-ttmony of tIt - same being
furnished, ami all lines so collected shall
he placed In the general school funds tn#
same as other tines and penalties.
House roll ivy by Hetwcller. Amends
section 21. subdivision 17, chapter 79,
compiled statutes.
He tl m 21. That the hoard of educa
tion shall, annually, during the month of
January, estimate the amount of sources
likely to be received for school purposes.
Including the amounts available front
tines, licenses and other sources; they
shall report during the month of Janu
ary to the city council the number of
mills tax on the doll ir deemed necessary
to he levied upon ell taxable property of
the district, during Hie fiscal year next
ensuing, for the support of the schools,
for the purchase of school sites, fur the
erection and furnishing of school build
ings. fur the payment of Interest upun
all bonds Issued for school purposes
and for the creation of a sinking
fund for the payment of such Indebted
ness; and the city council Is hereby hii
IhorUed, directed and required to levy
and collect the number of mills tax so
reported ami demanded by the hoard of
education In Ihe same manner as other
taxes are levied and collected; provided,
however, that In case the purchase of
school sites and the erection of buildings
shall require an expenditure exceeding
125,imi for any on.- calendar year, the
question shall lie suhuiltled to a vole or
the electors of the said district.
House roll VI, by Icmar, Amends sec
tion S, subdivision 11, chapter TO, com
piled salutes, Changes the time when
members of boards of education take
their seats from July to th • tlrst Monday
In May succeeding their election.
Emergency clause. Approved April 1.
Houm roll 171. by Clark.
To amend section 5.221, the Ham'’* being
statute* of Nebraska, !S!i7 <s ate uni
versity; and to repeal *n id original »•■€
tloti; and to repal »»■ t tin »,t25, being
section 20 of chapter *7 of the compil'd
statute* aforesaid; also to repeal mpo
tlot*a 5,Ml, 5.231a, 5, 71 h , 5,231c. 5.Mid,
0,Title, 5,T;tI/, 5.2 !lg. 5,2liMi. the Main*' being
sections ltd. T'ta, 2>>b, 2Hc. 2'id. 2'ie, 2'if,
Teg. utid 2'mI. of eh.ipti r *7 ol' the com
piled statute* of Nebraska 1*97,
The *•■-, erul funds for tile support of
tbo university shall he < cnstltuted utid
designate.1 as follows: First, the perma
nent endowment fund: second, the tem
porary university fund; third, the uni- |
veraity cash fond; fourili, the I'nlted
S' it.s "Morrill Fund"; fifth, the I’nlted
Suites experiment st.nlon fund.
The permanent endowment fund shall
h" kept hi two acounts; In the tlrst ac
from the sale of lands donated to the I
douuty all moneys d-rlvol as principal >
from the side of lands dona tea to the ■
state by the I’nlted States to establish I
and endow a university and In the second |
account, ail moneys derived as principal j
from the sale of Linds donated to the j
stale by the I’nlted States to provide I
colleges for the bund'd of agth ulluie !
and the mechanic arts, by an act of con
gress approved July 2, 1SG2.
1’rovlslnn Is made for the university
to oetjttlre land by donation and to a dl
the same so acquired.
The temporary university fund shall
consist of the proceeds of Investments
Of the p-rmanent fund; of the rentais
of the university and agricultural college
lands leased, and the Interest upon de
ferred payments on sales of the l.andi
aforesaid, of the lent ils or Income 0f j
land! or other property donated, without i
particular object or uses lining specified: ;
and a lax of one mill upon th- dollar
of valuation of the grand assessment !
roll of the state, which tax shall be ev
led In the year 1#W and annually there- |
after All moneys accruing to this fund
are hereby appropriated for the main- ,
t.*nance of the university Including build
ings and permanent Improvements and j
the same may be applied by the board r.f .
regents to any and all university needs,
except the Income from donetions made ,
for particular purposes. Emergency ;
clause. Approved February 15.
Senate tile No. 127, by Talbot of
custer. to amend subdivision ti. of section
l!7; sections 69, 70, 71, 7s, 50 and 71. of
article 1, chapter 13a, compiled statutes
of lw.17, "Cities of the Fit st Class," know a
as the l.tncoin charter.
Subdivision t>, se. turn <•'. chapter 13a, r.f
the statute* of isy7. is amended *o as to ,
permit th • city council to contract for i
sidewalk bu Iding as occasion r-quires. In
stead of by the >ear.
Sc tloii ',9 Is amended so as to permit
the owner* of a plurality of abutting feet
to determine on paving material. The
same section is amended so as to author- t
Ize the city council to issue bonds to i
pay the cost of paving Intcrsactlons. .
Authority to have grading and piling ,
done by days’ work la stricken from i
section 70. leaving It to be done by con- j
tract. The same change is made In aec- ,
tioti 71. relating to the paving or repav- |
lllg of Intel Sim l iollS.
Me thin it. relilli'.g to special assess- I
men!.,, authorizes the mayor and council
to make reassessment If any sp>?eial
assessment !>■• declared void or its valid
ity Is doubted, due i redll to be given for
any sums that may have been paid on !
tin- original assessment.
Bei thill H Is amended so as to require
st I eet railway mtnpunl* * to lay ‘enter j
bearing or T lulls Inst* ad of strap or !
II ii tails.
Henate tile > >»>' 1.1 loot of 1/in
caater. to amend xectiona U'J him! Ill of j
« hapter 11 of 1^7.
H"cil«n 11*11 It admit be unlawful for any
mrwt i.itlway lo curry any city nfttc*i,
e|* rttv«*«ir Appointive. «*x« **jit th** chief amt
m^mbt rn of the lire irunent u •! po
ll* »'mrn, upon l*» ca*» free oi for a *m *|if
•r thorite than it ciuirg*-* other patrons. ,
S*Ntli!ii 111 It admit In* unlawful for ,
any of any city, except tlie chi f i
atwl member** of itn* tire dep irtm**nt am) .
l ot* emetl to a< *■••{»» or **•%♦ any fr*n» paa* !
I tom a ait reel rail wav company.
Henate III** No. > 8,i*ahn of NU« kotta, s
to a' thorU** mid empower dtle* «»f m»* )
iid clue* and cHtea* having that m*»te j
than '.* • *►**» Inti riilnn*a. to pun ha**, take ;
by donation *»r oppropt Uttoit amt control r
land lor parka and public round**, and
to borrow money oil the bond* iif Riii 'i I
« If lea l»r Ih* purctiaae and improvement ;
of HI nil (laika and publh ground*. and
to • alt eh** Ilona and ,uh..itt i*fnp*a*iiton* ,
to the !»!«•' inn «»f *.|eh i llM» lor the j
taaiiam« of iu« h Im tola, and to repeal j
iw>'tiiiiiR Ikta* ai d ptb. til chapter II, ]
arthl- |, <tt the » ottipi 1***1 atalute* of \e* |
I ta**ka of Iv*-;, at 4 all acta and porta of ,
U‘ tH *h « Miltb i with ttila >»• t
H** lion 1 .\»>> *lt> of the ae» ml • \+*a
or an> city mu bivioi more than ?.*♦•»#
Inhabitant* I* hereby uulhorii***! to tak>«
land in fee Within It a ♦ iM porothin time a
•»i withtn one mile th*>te»f l* donation
! piirt h iw or tt|»t>r iprUiUm amt to impM'a |
it*d i Mitrol ao« t« land f ;f park* The
;ot iwth thin of l ib mi> nr city « oum it
and pnttrw Power th« rof rtiatl extend m«r :
the teine |}^ \lrtue of thta act
ll«» in»«» j The Noitif and council ahalt
Imiir |*»*wer to bm row iu «»oi amt fl« l*«»
j the propcrti ant »i**iit it lh« v||j ».;• *u
1 Ha Ic«Woliable t*>'iid« of wtherwiee to an
aftt *u» t pot m< <tlf | In the
|i t *«* for the |» of j*or« h t«tf%4 ■n t
improihm land for p.*rk« and imbii
gi o.o^I-r u* lit ihu a* I contempt**led a*
tbirth therefor hnlnf t*rat l* *»n oh*
yoif* uf the *i l
•hilaN of the * 11 y toting on au« h »|n»o
tI'M* «l an- flei.a +1 tit* %»u--»bni ««f *•« h
| (Hr of at am *wti>»H tailed fur mat
U|MM * pt 'Apr Ml I h*n of pr*n* ellt.i! |
• «<•«%.>u* t in the m * *H» r pMiih*i by lit
t *i the t^bwiMMn of p ^oitwut ta id
in lb* fonattnethtn of reitrweda and oih#f
m lit* of Internal em«*»t »k| l a
t off aw money and plot** |h# pi ipedf
i ami credit of tha city In the manner
1 aforesaid.
8-nate- fie No. 29. by Holbrook of
Hodge for an act empowering the cor
j orate authorities of cities of 111 ' S''C ml
class. villages hmi counties to lake up
anil iihj olf vallil outstanding bond.?, by
the Issue anil sale, or by the Issue and
exchange therefor, of bonds bearing an
equal or lower rale of Interest, and pre
si rlbine the procedure In that behalf and
repealing auctions Ilia to Mill, both In
clusive of article I. chapter is, of com
piled statutes of Nebraska 11117, anil sec
tions ]j and H, of chapter 16, of said
Section 1, The mayor and council of
any city of tin- second class, the chairman
end board of trustees of any village, and
the county board of any county, which
has valid Interest-bearing bonds, may
take up th» same and pay off such bonds
by the Issue arid sale, or the Issue and
exehang'- therefor, of the bond i of such
city, village or county, which bonds so to
be Issued shall not cxcei d th" amount
lawfully owing upon the bonds sought to
be taken cp. and shall hear Interest not
greater In rale than that of tin bonds
so sought to lie taken up. and said inter
est shall In no event exceed U per cent
per annum.
Kti tfon 2. IVhs .ever It Is desired to
Issue bonds unde, tins act III" authorities
described in section I shill give not lea
by publication for a period of two weeks,
cntl tlx a day for the tiling of objections
by citizens. If no objections are tiled
against the validity of such bonds tins
authorities may i-suo or exchange, if
objections are till’d such objections, to
gether with a full statement of the facts
rhall be presented to the district court
at Its llrst session following the tiling
of stuli objections. An appeal may be
taken to the supreme court from the
decision of th" district court, a bond to
le given within twenty days. If an ap
peal la taken It shall stay proceuemgs
urn.I such appeal I* decided.
Hoc!Ion 3. 'I lie bonds Issued under this
act shall be negotiable and shall run not
to exceed twenty years, and shall be
registered as provided by law for the
registration of municipal bonds, and shall
neither be sold nor exchanged below pgr.
'ill.' sinking fund accumulated for Hie
payment of such outstanding bonds shall
be used to reduce the amount of Much
Section t. It Is made the duty of the
corporate authorities, when a net sub
stantial saving can lie made, to take up
and pay off such outstanding bonds itndir
the provisions of Ibis act. A comity
board may take up precinct bonds un hr
tills act.
I'.mergvnry clause Approved March li.
Senate tile No. 2d3, by Newell of 'hiss,
to amend section II, of article 2. of chap,
ter It, compiled statutes of IV*7. relailug
to cities of the second class, by placing
the offices of city marshal and city attor
ney in the list of elective offices.
ICniergeney clause. Approved March N.
Henate llle No. Ill, by Aiends of Otoe,
that sections tl ii and <io. r liapter • ■*.
article 1, statutes of liiitT, be amended
us follows:
Section tl, Th" corporate powers and
duties of every village shill be vest'd
in th" board of trustees, to consist of live
members, two of whom sh ill be elect -d
to serve two years, said election to inks
place at 111’ Hist annual election ufl »r
the passage of this ,n t and at each alter
nate election thereafter, two shall be
elected to serve two years and thr.-o
sb.til be elected to servo two years.
Sc'-tlon iJ Any poison may be a ’goa
tee who shall have attained the age of
twenty-one years and shall be a tnr'o
citizen of the (.’tilled Stales, or deel.iie
his Intention to become such, who shall
have been an Inhabitant and taxpayer
of the village ;tl the Utile of his elect! ni,
anil resided Unrein for thee mouths n xt
preceding. and every trustee so 'civ aj
shall hold Ills office for the term of two
jc.irs ami until a successor Is ele’t’d
an I qualltird.
dc 11ion i,1. i »n tn» tirst Tuesday or
April of each y*ar an <■!•*■ • J<>n shall oe
held In each city and v 111. i k • •. governed
by thin chauler. for oJIPets as In this
eli top r provided. ail of which ofTlu *rs
except councllmen and trustees shall 1“
elected mijcI c|i;allried, at which election
the qualified voters of each city may ea*it
the|r ballots between the? hoots of 7 |
o'cloc k a. in. and 7 o'clock p. m.
Etnljergeiiey < la'.se. Approved April 1 j
llcitse inti X„ 252. by Nes’ilt, to amend
sections if 15 and ! I. chapter 45. com
piled statutes, relating to Internal Im
provements. I'.-rtnlts -Ities of the sec n I
Hiss to Issue bonds for improv emer.l of
st reels.
Emergency dauss Approved April I.
House roll No. 611, by He'
section 76, chapter 74 c emptied H'atlP.s.
relative to disposition of ro id taxes ami
road fund. Provides that tit-* half of
the county road fund which under tin
former law in metropolitan t ith-s rin l
cities of th" first class cue at the .’.is.
posal of tin* city council for road pur
poses shall gci “tej the council of said
cities to 1>« use,) tinder the direction nod
control of the hoard of park commis
sioners of su< h clti*'- pi th • construction
and Improvement of road' tvs In the sys- I
tem of parks, parkways and boulevards !
of such cities.
Emergency clause. Approved April 2.
1 rouse roll No. 2H2, by Weaver, Amends
section l, article 2. chapter 2. compiled
statutes, and permanently locates ti’j
slate fair al Idncoln. The board of put*■ I
lie lands and bullring < is authorised to j
select a site for the fair within a radius I
of three miles from the state raid'd j
building and to purchase a site provld • t ‘
that the same shall lot cost to exceed
$1 for a clear and sufficient title
Emergency clause Approved March :v I
II" roll No 21*7. by Pollard. Amends ;
section 40, chapter 2 complied stafu'is, I
and repeals section previously existing.
The stun of two thousand rive hundred
dollars sit ill be paid out of the general I
fun.I annually for the use and benefit of I
the state horticultural society, one in,,u. I
sand do lars of salt! amount to he in *d ,
In the payment of premiums awarded
ty such board In the various branches
of horticulture and the remaining Pffe-n
hundred dollars to he used in th» aid
and support of stub horticultural sictev
In such manner and for such purpo- s
as the society may direct
House roll No. 41. by E!w tod. Repeils
sections pi and II. chapter 2. artlcl- t. .
compiled statutes, relating to payment bv
county of a beamy on the cultivation of
timber and making It the dut\ of as- s
sors to repot t the condition’ of tlnt'-eg I
I lante.1 to receive the bounty. Km* r- .
gem y t hit -e. Approved March 22
House roll No. by Jansen. To re
peal chapter if the compiled «tatir *s
of 1497. rel itlng to the destruction o. '
House roll No. 121. It) Jansen.
There Is created t food commission
The governor Is mud- the fool . .mtntx
sloner ami he slut! tine th*- power to
appoint a depu't food cominisslonet it a
salary of fifteen hundr-d ttol'irs t|t .■i"
per annum together with ms expense,
actually uni necessarily Incurred M *
shall l»e i p.a -on of i .*■ ignlse.j Htandli. t.
egperlen. e sollit) m l knowledge ill and
concerning dairv n.| other food pr . f- ,
nets lie shall put up t aw bond an 1 i
he tr.oy employ a clerk at i salat) .1
not a* *»r f , i»er month
in** *mi i.ininiM'im niton i*** rin* ?■ i
wtlh ih«* fiifur imfiit of 4II «*•»• eo-t
i-rmlti* butfor Ihw*' "iinmli trm *n
t**r." •imi’ iMon * h» ■ • ' milk »i .l i r m.
vln«**ttr <'|.|**r, 11*1 I ill !.*w* <'oit.'*riiti«
il ill i" .l t-. . 1 !,*r *r iln.-iii- .»r *
Hull *,r iil ilinriilioo lh.*r*ntf. 1 >1*
fon.l ''*)itinnuioM*>r *'1411 hnv« • •nlrol oi l
• In* HotiJiN i of I.*,in * milk • ixl * roim ..1
• No form, lit tti> f i< tori »kiQ>ini 4 *• 1.
• I ni t»il!k m "irini •l**(. •» milk or rr in
Wdl'Ht. or lit’. ii'hT nit, mu. no K
or 1 roam l. •0141! or • >l>t .m.t nt *
in ik" « i Ii roK’i!*lloi<» i •in. .•nun* t »
«nhj««*l of •••tin* in 1!4 iiiui ir-iRi •< 11
mat dwiti ro« . m.tlili' . I |nm, ,, 1 < 1
hn • 1 ••» • r 1 . * minim 11
■litlil-tlil i1 U lf'orf,*' In tnllk *1.1 . 141111
Ttw l*w t*rovi.|. * for |ivr*|* from mitt
tif,** »<tr«*r» 1. I hi l.'i i«h .1 r .,*•• «* . *,«
• *lnr» Hi 1 wf* 1 ,r,. Irmlrr* |* *•
ntlf» I* 4*1 bvafrn*** In *.11*111 I" •« ■*■
nofoin f *r ttlil.h *h* I iilntlug f.
***** *11 *1»<**I a*. I inti- mi*.1,1*1 *ry |n> ;.,*|.
In* **rv|. •’• >»f Imtuto i|**«*
rr>*» »** ** mannf t lurrr of ' miti' *n
I mui ' *»r "Imlinfion . no-* - •• | «i jr r*i
«rk whrtlrMlrr In “Inti ailon l.mi.r „t
' lmil*H o, lift* I.'* fr .oi »• h «**•*.
rtf *• • nr 'r *»* »N *!•**, • -I- *l*r In *0 ■ »* •■ t
1 f rain” V !>*<***» »|tio *tno*ir *»*
•rrttll" »lr*» ** f«' fr *»* «•* h nt*
In* irttnr or ttrl. .1-. .I* •Imlar lit 1 * far
r» H it'.. '* iuim ... wii *4*1*1
4* il»f In rllrf tln««*r | fr m **t**h
It 1 11 . I
. t :. ntt* iff 1 ' ! *11** n 1 '
ti l from « t H *ii4lmtli I* il«i 1 ■ »*., t,-r
ttr »■*•»—r |t » *
Th* n> . nl o 1.1 on* *MH in nt . ■ ♦
• I '—I in.* jilt* * f t r - • ini i< to it .1 4
In ik< « 1 I •»* t*-r «nni*nt 4.
1*11 tt*l
II* N. 1*.. b, i\ .» tin .|«
14 4*4 H >♦«!*'« til, 4IV< u 1
compiled statutes, and repealing *.ta
saint) law ax before existing.
'i he lutv relating to govvrament of lr
tlgation districts is changed In section
on*- to permit mi assessment by trrU t*
lion boards for a bond fund. A pro
vlsion is Inserted that bond interest
coupons and district warrants tnay be
j aid on litigation district taxes. Tilt)
board In addition to powers under the
present law la empowered to levy an . s
seaament for the care and malntenan e
of irrigation works already constructed
id for the paymenut of aulariea of oii>
ccrs and general expenses w Licit assess
ment shuil bo called the general fund.
Section - provides that the coal and
expense of purchasitiK and acquiring
property and constructing works tn.iy,
best ilex being paid out of the construc
tion fund, be puid by Ulslrlcl bonds pro
vide,! for In section one of the b II.
Emergency clause. Approved March 31.
Mouse roll 431, by Hurthorn. Amends
section 3, article j3, chapter t3, com
luled statutes. Provide* in addition to
provisions before m the taw mat •the
officers of the hank seeking to qualify
us a depository ifof slate funds) shall
be Ineligible to sign me bond provided
lor umh r this section." The rate of In
terest requited Horn the state deposi
tories on Htute money is enunged from
3 per cent to 3 per cent and the form
of the bond set out la altered uncording
Emergency clause. Approved April 4.
House roll 3i, by Prince. Amends sec
tion It), chapter 44. complied statutes and
repeals sections so amended. Keduccg
the rate of Interest on state warrants
from 3 to 4 per cent and provides; ‘ No
bonds hereinafter Issued by any county,
city, township, precinct or school dis
trict. shall draw Interest at a rate ex
ceeding a per cent per annum.'' Tills re
duce.* the tute of Interest to ti per cent
from 7 per cent.
Senate hie atOsy Allen of Furnas; That
nil monies remaining In the hands of the
state treasurer, at the date of tin1 pass
age of this act beloging to the following
funds: Penitentiary fund, normal build
ing fund, stae bond fund, capltol building
fund, reform school building fund, live
stock Indemnity fund, st ite relief fund,
conscience fund. Interest charged county
treasurer's fund, shall be transferred to
the general fund, and all monies coining
Into these funds hereafter, from back
tax-s, shall be credited direct to the gen
eral fund. Provided. If there
any warrants, which have been overlook
ed and not presented for payment and
shat he presented hereafter they shall bu
paid and charged direct to the general
limergeney clause. Approved reuru
ury 17.
House roll 5*5, by Kanterllng.
Section 1. That section 2, of chapter
75. of I ho compiled stulutee of IMG. b* i
and the some Is hereby amended to read
as follows: The governor snail appoint
a superintendent, who shall, before en
tering upon the discharge of his office,
give a bond to tin* stale of Nebraska
In iho sum of ten thousand dollars with
sureties satisfactory lo tno governor, con- j
dlttonal for the faithful discharge of his
duties. The governor shall ,on the nom
ination of the superintendent, appoint an
assistant superintendent who may he re
moved by the superintendent or the gov.
ernor. All teachers and other employes
shall be appointed by the superintendent
with advieet and consent of the
governor, and may he removed by either
the superintendent or the governor. Tho
superintendent shall conduct such Insti
tution under rules and regulation* pre
*• rihnl by the hoard of public lands and
buildings and said board > ti ill liave power
lo fix all salaries for till teachers and
employes when not prescribed by stal- I
lit es.
Section 2. That section 2 of chapter :
75. Of the compiled statutes Of 1S3J. bi) |
and tho same Is hereby repealed.
Km Tgeucy clause. Approved April 1.
t'onunittee substitute to houso roll 251, J
by Taylor. Amends section ii. chapter 28. |
compiled Statutes relating to clerks of |
tho district court, and repeals section as j
before existing. Adds to the section as
before existing as follows;
"If the fees of said clerk s! all exceed
SI .GW per annum in couiltbs having less
Ilian 25.'*») Inhabitants or In the fees
shall exceed $3,o:W p'“r annum In counties
hailag more lhan 25,ttW Inhabitants and
I'M than 5'l.OW Inhabitants or If the f»e*
shall oxceed ta.UUU p"r annum In counties
having more than IdU.OW inhabitants, sad
district clerk shull pay such cxccos Into
the treasury of the county In whtch ho ;
holds office I’rovl l d ul'O that the clerk
of the district court of each county ahull
on the til st Tuesday of January. April, !
July, and October of each year m ike a !
i—port to the board of county coinmls- j
stouers under oath showing the different
Items of fees received, from whom, at j
what time and for what service and the
total amount of fees received liy such
office since the lust report, and also the
amount received for the current year.
Provided further, that if the county board
of commissioners think necessary, said
clerk may be ulloyred one deputy at a
compensation not to exceed one-half that
allowed ids principal; and such other
assistants at such a compensation and
for such a time as aforesaid board may
allow, and that none of said clerks, dep- ;
titles or assistants shall receive any other :
compensation than that accruing to their
H. F. 132. by Van Dus*n of Douglas: To
amend section III. chapter 2S, statutes of
1 sw7. relating to fees or county surveyors,
by adding: That In counties having a
population of more than l'W.OOO, such sur
veyor shall receive a salary of l.'.OO) a
year, and in counties having more than ’
VlstuO and less than 100.000 Inhabitants
such surveyor shall receive $1,590 a year,
and that ad fees received by said sur
veyor shall lie turned over to the county ;
treasurer monthly.
S. 1' 257. by Holbrook, of Douglas: To :
amend section SS. chapter 7S. statutes :
of IVC. as follows;
For the purpose of building or keep
ing In repair sic h bridge or hridg s it
shall be lawful for the county boards of
sin h adj.lining counties to enter Into |
,i iltit contract; and such contracts may
lie enforced by law or eouity, agilnst
tlc*m .jointly, tin* same as tf entered In'o
by individuals, and they may be pro
eeede l against jointly by nurtles ttiter
estrd In such bridge or bridges, for any ,
tcgicct of duty in reference >n such j
bridge or bridges, or for any damages !
growing out of Mich neglec* ; provided, i
That If either of such comities shall re- ;
f ise to er'er Into contracts to currv out I
the provision of this section, f ir the r»- ;
pair of nny such bridge It Vital) be law- j
ful for the other of slid eountles in en- \
ter Into sin h contract fir ill ne>.|fu| re. |
|iitr«. an I recover hy suit from th** conn ^
ty so In default such proportion of tho
cost of m iking su It repairs is tt might
to |c not exi ling one-r. tlf of the full
an* Mint at exoettded.
House roll "j", l»y Mvers, ftefln* s tbs
bound i' V of S trpv com tv Pepe its See.
♦ Ion 'N chapter 17. article 1, compiled
st itutea as before "xlstlpg
ColU'OllATIl >Nrt
Ito'U' i >11 slit, i>> Burn im. lUpul*
lion* 14'. tu li», t hi liter 4'., rvmpilni ».,u- ;
« i» li f it -it.I ... ivu the
bulliliitti in i l >.iit -i iliitn 11 vi
Tlit> n» nrtniiit jn tu *m|h nil C'lrjKir. '
I'l.u,4 t it*|p* mniiey i,i U* Uuiml 41111114
1 4 m«'», iirvii'iit* uin* tttemli r (runt 1
I* * hint Hum ihm >«»i »i . :i (it \,.|ii* I
hi • inbuilt, t trim s.nti.K mure l
»•* l.i [irotl' i pr»i ii|im (>tr u reserve j
fun I ».>r » linl premium or •■tlt-rivl*4 |
it til l 'i[Ui in of 1 he I'nn Ull iii limit«
tin llll'l.lll thill mil 1 !»• In .11 | on j
• it it., .in 1 1 it< ml tlii> tjsr.o iii . 1 ilhm*
m+y < irrv reti e4t.ite from tine- tu t'.v* !
y, ,tn |ir...n|e* r«r the tb|Ui l*ti.,u iint re
,<ri 1 11 itlni) f in ■ IhIIihm m*t in ||11'I
I'lllutltlOli. 4 '11'ltlin I ll.t li Holty ,|f fe
1-11 i-raliimi. <■ v nllnu f««r ut l-'iat in.
(lull III t'letiilii, |ir-iv 1 |mi« .1 Hiti'm illD
h.'-'lni.e uf th- f ' lt'l > ||V;I|4 the •I4l»
liii.hnit lyiif'l »Her |> in imM
Unit et.vh 4444.-1 rum
Hrohwa How h A [» »irl« Hrw
whi"h •<«M»4 in th.* Hftl hilt* haa
tMM>a raging north wmi mi I w**t of
town to lay, With th* h<*«vjr wtn4 it
tr«vwl»l tr#rjr rwplillr. tuoauauag
rvwrythmg in it* t»»-h
Tout Morris) of K ir*V 1 \ ittpjr wm
•‘Might whl!» trying to rrm»v« dig
h ir»*» from th* auM* an4 ruuiiH«i|
with thvai
John h-K h who h •• iliiwi mil*a
•wit of Mr*, mriwl t*» r*tun to h •
houM fiom —m» h*r«t*-fc» *ni h ha
h*4 M«» trying to u«« an4 wag
Uorwa4 to 4*41}
4t The Prudent Man Setteth
His House in Order/*
Your human tenement
should be given even more
careful attention than the
house you live in. Set it in
order by thoroughly purifying
your blood by taking Hood's
Erysipelas-" My little (»lrl Is now fat
anil healthy on arrount of llooU'ii Kareapa
rllla iiirlnn her of erysipelas and eezetna."
Mas. H. O., 1'ort Chester, N. Y.
^_Ifood*i Pill* car© liver file; th© non Irritating and
only ceihertlc to tak© with llood’o hareapartlla.
The Congo river inn at one place
thirty-two waterfalls within a distance
of 154 milea.
It H. Talent Office llintlne**
It is officially announced that In ter
ritory subject to military government
of the United States, owners of pat
ents shall receive the protection ac
corded them In the United States, pro
vided certified copies of the aitenta
are filed In the office of the governor
general of such territory. This relates
specially to Cuba, Porto Rico and thu
We have succeeded In getting a pat
ent allowed to C. W. Cross, of Grln
noll upon his application ffled by Wed
derburn In March, 1897, for a clothea
pounder In which there Is a cylinder
and piston for forcing air and water
through the meshes of clothing upon
which It is operated.
Upon apppal to the board of exam
iners In chief, we secured the allow
ance of a patent to Mrs. E. J. Dunn,
of Humeston for a velocipede in the
form of a horse that when ridden will
simulate the motions of a horse with
pleasing effect to the rider and the
looker on. A company has been or
ganized and a factory started to sup
ply young America with the invention.
Valuable information in printed mat
ter and consultation and advice free.
Solicitors of Patents.
Des Moines, Iowa, April 22, 1899.
The dentine of the teeth is perme
ated by tiny canals 1-12,900th of aa
in in diameter.
A ll»u«rli iild KrrMilIf
fvvrry Ionic t-houl'J have handy f »r met llttl*
Lot »f i a*, arci* (duty r-rtlfi»4rtl<\ u» a perfect
K'mrd'.vj of Hi • family health. All drugtfUU. l(*\
2. c. ftV,
Italy's Income from.foreign visitors
la estimated at $40,000,000 a year. In
Homo there are three times as many
hotels and boarding houses for tour
ists as there were twenty years ago.
FITS Permanently OipwI. Nofltnorm»rroti*n*****fu»e
lit><t •!'S of I>r. Kilne’tf (jreat Nervn !U?«i*>tur.
Merit! l »r I KFK 999*00 frinl bottle and fr.-ail**.
D*. K. 11. Ki.lM. Ltd.,'*11 Ar a SI , I hi: add phi*, To.
The Detroit arrived at Greytowa
for an inquiry into the state of affairs
there before proceeding to Bluefields.
I nited .States Minister Merry has al
ready started for the latter place from
Managua, and tt Is believed here that
lie will soon adjust satisfactorily, In
the presence of the Detroit, the issm
between the authorities under General
Torress and the American merchants.
Before the war Cuba contributed
about one-twelfth of all the tobacco
used in the world.
i| Try Grain-01 I
| Try Grain-Ol |
Ask you Grocer to-day to show yon
a paekageof GRAIN-O, the new food
drink that takes the place of coffee,
uj The children may drink it without
In jury as well as the adult. All who
try it, like it. GUAIN-O has that
rich seal brown of Mocha or Java,
but it is mule from pure grains, and
the most delicate stomach receives it
without distress, } the price of coffee.
15 cents and A5 cents per package.
Sold by all grocers.
Tastes like Coffee
Looks like Coffee
I nMst that jour grocer gives you Git AIH-O
Accept no Imitation.
%a brn^
Ojii'I t>« toot*) «n<h • <«•»*. Wstmli
<» lubt>*r oul It f it atntaCMt
()<«• will b»*i> you J<y in '*m h»r!
•Mt t+xm buy lt>« flth Bull
Sm. b*r It not f ir ul4 in > »«t
tu««. lul #1*1 '<(*• <U
4 I r .>WM# H . ,1 M4*»
$5 to $25—W Hijfht'r.
Bicycles tent C.O.O.
Wilh|>rloll»|.ii(rMnln«|. u.
Mu.V. # **»• w •I1--I Haul,
writ* fur i»4<ii .tUr«
•* muNr am,
111* » on >». *t , V %