The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 05, 1899, Image 1
Loup CY'y VOL. XVL. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA,. FRIDAY, MAY 5, 1899 NUMBER 26 DON'T FORGET THAT T. M. REED IS PREPARED TO FURNISH YOU WITH Her?, Brnes, Was, tass, Hardware, Wind Mills Garden Seeds, Machine Oils, Repairs for McCormick, Buckeye, and Woods Binders and Mowers. Call and see me and I will try and please yon with good quality of goods. Yours very truly, T M REED. DON’T YOU NEED A DISC HARROW, SULKY PLOW, CULTIVATOR, WIND MILL, FANNING MILL, FEED GRINDER, WASHING MACH INES, SEWING MACHINES, HARNESS. A RACE FOR LIFE, BIT BY A DEADLY INSECT. Train Delayed Several Hours on Account of a Wreck. In the spring of is#ft while In Austin. Texas, where I had beon sent for my health was sit ting 1n (rout of the Driscoll hotel, when from a carriage hastily driven from the depot, two KCHlIcinen emereged. Oae was an elderly, well dressed gentleman of about sixty, his face was swolen twice Its natural size, his eyes and mouth almost closed. The other gentleman who was his attendant stopped to ask me If I could refer him to a first class physician. I re commended him to the one who was then at tending me and at the same time asked him a bout the disease of his friend. In reply he stated that about three weeks before he had been bitten by some kind of a spider: and while they had tried the skill of the best and most noted physicians In their section of the country, none had been of any advantage to blm. About two months ago a growth had ap peared In the glands In the side of the neck. This was removed bv an operation but soon re appeared. A late conference of the doctors had reported that he could not live; we bel ug, however, undecided us to their prognosis, in tended to try again. We are now enroute to Louisville. Ky., to consult the specialist, Dr. Rea of that city. Our train being delayed a few hours, we were compelled to remain in Austin until evening. You will not see Dr. lieu in Louisville, I re plied. as I rememt>er seeing in the Houston Post where Dr. ltea will visit Houston, Texas, in u few days, therefore you had better stop there and save yourself the journey. ’ What" muttered the suderer between his half closed teeth, Dr. Kea in Texas; how unfortunate.” They left Austin that night and upon arriv ing ut Houston the next morning, found that Dr Ilea was due In Houston one day later. Dr. Kea arrived in due time was Informed of the suffering and Importance of the patient waiting mid he hastened to make an early ex amination of his case. Without a .king him a question. I)r. Rea said to him: My dear sir, It is my opinion that you have been bitten by some poisoness insect; it is also my opinion that one of your parents or very near relatives has died of a cancer and that your system being especially liable to de velop cancer. has only been aggravated by this bite which has produced a cancerous growth. With the proper treatment your case can be cured. Oo you want me to doctor you V "Yes." said the gentleman No sooner 1 ad bis permission been granted than Dr. Itea injected something to make him rest ami then sent him to his room to lie down. Being treated in the same manner the next day he started to his home stopping in Austin for a few hours between truins. I saw him again at the hotel. He assured me that he was feeling better and that Dr. Itea had promised him a permanent and lasting cure in from three to live months. Being interested in his case, I gave him my address. Six months afterwurds I received a letter from him saying that Dr. Rea had cured him and that be was in better health than he hud been for years. I need not say that I changed Doctors and in a short time Dr. Rea had ( tired me permanently. 1 met a number of patience while in Texas, as I have in ail sec tions of the country I have been in. they all tell me of two miraculous features In Dr. Hue's practice, ills unerring ability to tell a patient of his disease without usking a question and speed and ease with which he cures the most malignant disease. I know what I say. when i say that Dr. Rea can lake any sick person in a few moments tell every phase of their dlseusu better than they cau tell him. I have recently returned from a trip through the West, stop ping In Iowa. Have learned that Dr. Rea has over seventeen hundred patients In that stale. Ills books show In connection with the Invest!* gallons of the facts, that In cancer, consump tion. tumor, paralysis, fatly degeneration of the heurl, kidney and uervous diseases that he does not lose one case in ninety that his pa tients are those having the worse cases of chronic diseases and have been given up by other physieians aa Incurable, and yet these incurable, malignant diseases seem to be hand led by him with the utmost ease aiul uniform success. The names of the patients whom he has cured In Iowa and other places throughout the country have come to my notice. J VV Job mum. I'urlieu, lu cured of pile* Ihuiirtiter of Ole Solmeititco. Swim I.uke. lit., tcounty cbertcr i cured of chroutc rlieuinelitui K. VV Tilton, Dccelur Nebr.. cured of ner you* proMl ration. jOh tic liter of Audrre Mitchell Arm-droit*. lit •Vnd of ceturbel deefnev* m two tuoulli* tree* meat. Mr* It V l'ript>, Uraitruiffr. I*., cured of chronic femele trouble Then W inter* liter title U . employed by rturned company, cured of chronic cu.trttu. of the • Mr-. Mnry Mtruder. • ecll kuoutt K»terytile, le lIrblltt ■ oaten cured of n cekcer uf three feet % dttdllt Mlu Mnod huilth Kudiunu le cured uf ruu ■umpUou in Iftl •tune H» bt NlchoUon hheldou In cured uf rhru Hiet - U!l Mr* || K Mlbfcnrd l..»cr>dl» le cured of e* him Mi. M. leu yu tec retd Keieryltle le cared uf culecch (* It Horlbort. I er»ol Neb cured uf nhitt I diutew uf mm .teediue J A Klee nthbry le cured nf Mol pOee. Mnt Mery tank I *e to ter Neb. cuterrb of •tuutech. cured ber la three uruathn t It ieruimuCi Weahte le ulcerated ware leg, cured In two months. W. O. Clark, Laurel, la., cured of nervous ness and kidney trouble. O. Doyle, Atllssa, la . cured of a very aever* case of catarrh after having doctored with others for years. Mr. Hooper, Waterloo, la., cured of nerve and brain trouble, James Weldon, Cedar Kapids, la., cured of blood trouble In a few months. Clinton Knouf. Cedar Kaplda, la., cured «f nervousness, and lost vitality, after many Chi cago, doctors failed Mrs. Henry Preat. Iowa City. la., cured of female trouble and liver spots. Mrs. McFarland, Independence la., wife of a prominent business man. cured of fungua growth on the face after It had almost taken her life. Wm. Brown Wuterloo la., railroad man on the Northwestern railroad, cored of rheuma t Ism in three weeks. He had not done a lick of work for eight months, Rev. E, II. Woody, Dayton, O., cured of ner vous dyspepsia and cattarh of the stomach after having given up all hope of relief. Miss Kate Linder, student of state university Iowa City. Ia., cured of eczema and catarrhal I deafness, Mrs. A. L. Hines, wife of a well-to-do farmer near Ked Wing, Minn., cured of lameness of eight yeurs standing Charley Wood, son of J. B. Wood, of Jones boro, Ua., cured of double curvature of the spine, after all others had fulled. J. E. Bums Milford. Ia.. cured of deafness in twenty minutes Had been afflicted for five years. Chas. Wolf. Fairmont, Minn., cured of ner vous debility and lost vitality. These are names of a few who represent the most prominent people in the state, who pos scss every faculty necessary to be treated but under the ordinary methods got no relief. The prominence of these people, the serious ness of their disease and the quickness by which Dr. Kae cured them are sufficient reas ons to prove that he Is one of the greatest spe cialists of modern limes. E. B WOOD. Chicago Board of Trade. Through Tour ml Sleepers To The Worth west. The Burlington Route has established a twice-a-week tourist car lino from Kansas City to Butte, Spokane, Tacoma and Seattle. " Cars leave Kansas City, Lincoln and Grand Island every Tuesday and Thurs day, arriving at Seattle following Fri day and Sunday. They are upholstered In rattan. The bed linen and furnish ing are clean and of good quality. The heating, ventilating and toilet arrange ments are all that can be desired and each car Is in charge of a uniformed Pullman porter, whose sole duty Is to attend to the wants of passengers. Cars run through without change of any kind and the berth rate from Lin coln to Tac >ma or Seattle Is onlj $5,00. To intermediary points, it Is propor tionately low. Montana and the Puget Sound coun t'y are now enjoying a period of unex ampled prosperity. As a consequence, travel to the Northwest U rapidly at t lining large proportions This new tourist-ear line has been established with a view of caring for toe Burling ton's share of it in the best possible manner. Berths, tickets and full information can be had on application to any Bur lington Route ticket agent or by ad ressing—J. Francis, G. P Agt Oma ha. Neb. Cl l>«r In N A big 8 page dally papes nix months for it. seems an Impossibility, but the Daily News of Lincoln, Neb., Is being sent by mall at that prioe. This re markably low price is only iua«le to add several thousand new subscribers ami It Is doing It. The News prints all of the telegraph news of the world, all of the stale nra mid the news of the state eapltol. It Is one of of the brightest and snapnlest papers In the slate and at such a low price every family can af ford It. It's nearly at cheep as a week ly. It gives markets and other tele* graphic matter hours earlier than Oma ha patters and Its price la but a trllte bend tor a sample copy and try It for six months. Address. Till: DAILY NKWH, Lincoln, Neb Bur BiMEl T IN HUVli t<M f«M* * '* » lulo II ,«i , .4 • • •. , U * OMAHA OUR POLITICS have not changed but our ratio now is 11 Ibp. $irgar? fm fl.fO We have also a number of other good bargains to offer you, SUCH AS /? A good seeded raisin at 10 cents per pound package. Cleaned and stemless currents at 10 cents per pound package. Wetmores prepared Jellies and Icings at 10 cents per package. Fruit Puddine, a splendid desert at 10 cents per package. . \ On Time, Magic, or Yeast Foam, 3 packages for 10 cents Wheat Manna or shredded wheat Biscuit, 2 packages for 25 cents Pillsbury’s “Vitos1'and Grape Nuts, 2 packages for 26 cent. “Snowflake best flour in the state per sack 90 We also have the best assortment of laces, embroideries, and summer dress goods in town which we are selling at honor able prices that at once appeal to the intelligent trade. THAT EVERY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS CASH PURCHASE YOU MAKE OF U8 ENTITLES YOU TO A CHANCE ON OUR PHONOGRAPH. SOME ONE WILL WIN IT. WHY NOT YOU? Yours Respectfully CHAS. GASTEYER. NOTICE TO GRADERS. Sealed bids wltli specifications will be received no later than noon of May, 15th IWWat the ofllce of the county clerk in Loup City, Nebraska, for the making of n grade In the Middle Loup river, on the section line between sections II and 14 in township fifteen (15), Range 15, Sherman county, Nebraska, such grade to commence at the east end of the new Middle Loup1 river bridge on said line, to extend to the j oust bank of said river, and to be at Its west end one foot higher than the floor] ol said bridge, and to have a lull, begin nlng at said bridge, of six Inches to every twenty feet of entire length of grade, the grade lobe twenty feet wide on top, with slope on aides of one and one naif feet to one foot of height, top of grade to oonstsi of at least one fodt of clay; Bids to be ut a specified sum per lineal foot of finished grade: Bidders to show manner of osak* mg grade: The right to reject any or all bids Is reserved. I'attsl this Hist day of March, 1MW seal l John Mimsiiui.1,, AGENTS WANTED To sell Tbrastiers Hobbles to prevent cattle from Jumping fences, or from •ticking themselves, also to prevent horses from Jumping. The most sue j cess full Hobble ever made and Just what every farmer ueeds. Those hoi) blea will be on sale at the store of T. M Krcil. I,ouij (111*, or uliIrrM W T I rtreams, .'two. The rich man's whiskey is IfAKPKK because It Is supremely delicious The ' P or mail's whlske) is IIAHI'KK be cause such good whiskey helps him The family whiskey Is Harper, because It's pure, pleasant and strengthening Hold by —T II«m. LoupCtty (ton t scratch your Ilf* away, but use , Dr Sawyer's Witch llaael and Arut.a Halve fur ecsenta. piles, hives, burns '» • cola |‘nr sale by Odendehl Kras’ Frwh Uurtlt’ii mat jit Is||11( nt T M Htool'g County Clerk W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend in Foreclosure Case*. AI.SO DO A General Real Estate Business. Office tn Nouthwehtekn Hulldlng, LOOP CITY, - - NKim.ANKA. R. J. NIGHTINGALE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOtJP CITY. i l ton. LIVERI7A THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER FILL CURES Biliousness, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Sick-lloatl - acha and Liver Complaint. auiAS COAT40. “ILLS Sold by »)l drnruUie oat f*Tfi #f w#i **y i»i«i 1 via' ’**—lUiiCi,, M.tfe 4 0 PILLS i \ LIVERITA m CENTS roll 'AM! HY ODKNDAHL HKOM.. I.**iij» t'av. Nvltr Far Ik» round trt|A vie lit* t oliui |'«ril ii1. Id J»*n hm i'i » t'.i . ! i \ %11,>.ie l)t|.4UI AiuMyrt ••nr. Hey S IrW Fur dele* i««i uMvb llvi. rf. • Ill It* m.K| Iiiu a* end full IuIuiihiIIimi cell on W |i tTirrar t|*«| A. S- MAIN PHYSICIAN & SURGEON I.OI P CITY. • - Ni BKAnKA tit MCE. -Out* door «>Rst of Ch-tao'a itruK atom. Nature's Danger Signals. I)o your eyes blur at times? Do they hurt after reading? Are there frequent headaches? Are the muscles around the eyes drawing wrinkles and crows feet? They art* NATURE'S DANGER SIGNALS. Only when sight is gone is the terrible danger realized. It t*ttat so little to help the the eyes. If done in time I can give them early help, loiter 1 have to refer the work to occuliata. I examine the eyes in the moat intelligent and careful manner and without charge If glasses are needed I cun supply the correct lenses mounted in any maimer desired 1. 8.3HKI*I'AKI) Jeweler and Optician* IH CKI.K.Nh’ ARNICA NAliVK. The best salve In the world for Cuts bruises bores Ulcers Mali Kheum Fever Sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilblaina Corns and all Skin Eruptions and pos itively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 26 cents per box. For sale by Odcndabl Bros. Natlunal Baptist Moolalltis Anniversaries l'orllanrt Ore., June J-S I8UU. One Fare plus 82.00 for round trip via UNION PACIFIC. For dates on which tickets will be sold, limits, and full information, call on—W, D. Cus tom, Agent. OLUBBIMO BATCH Pay Up Farm Journal and get a Big Bargain. Five Years. By special arrangement made with the publishers of the FAKM JOURNAL we are enabled to offer a 6-years sub scription to that paper, aud one years subscription to the Noutuwkstkun for • 1.50. The same offer is made to eyery old subscriber who will pay all arrear ages aud one year in advance, as well as to new sudscribers. In order to get the FAKM JOUKN AL at this low price it will be necessary to walk right up to the captain’s office, for we haye only a limited number of 5-year subscriptions to dispose of. The FAKM JOURNAL is on a solid foundation and perfectly trustworthy. We will also furnish the Kansas City Weekly Journal, one of the BEST weekly papers in the west, and the North wkstkun for 81.20. This is the same paper we clubbed with last year that gave such general satisfaction. Also the Semi Weekly State Journal aud the Nokthwkstkkn for $1.80 1 1 StiC IN HUNKY. Wheu you ;.ie traveling, due consid eration should be given to the amount of time spent in making your journey. THE UNION PACIFIC l« the Best Link and makes the Fastest Time by many hours to Balt Lake City, Portland and California points. For time tables, folders, illustrated books, phamplets descriptive of the ter itory traversed, call on—W. D, Cut ton, Agent. ACTIVE SOLICITOUS WANTED EVERY xiwhere for ‘ The Story of the Philippines" by Murat Halstead, commissioned by the Gov ernment as Official Historian to the War De partment. The book was written In army camps at Sun Francisco, on the Pucltlc with General Merritt, In the hospital at Honolulu, In lions Kong, In the American trenches at Manila, In the insurgent camps with Agulnal do, on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, aud in the roar of battle at the fall of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brimful of original pic tures taken by government photographer on the spot. Large book. Low prices. Big prof tl». Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outtit free, Ad dress, F. T. Barber, Seo'y., Star Insurance Bldg., Chicago. 111. SUCCESS AGENTS WANTED ▼« ihov jn th road to BDCClSBtad fOBTTOi. BIO PAY—STEADY work-new plan. THE SUCCESS COMPANY, Coopor Union, N.Y. City