The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 28, 1899, Image 8

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    Lioaal I?sws.
Miss Ella Long leave* to-dav for ('nl
District court for Sherman county
will Convene May Hth
A very large acreage of spring wheat
lias been sown in this county this season.
Mr. F. M. Henry of Ashton, wan a
pleusant caller at this olHce last Hat nr
Mias I.ula Bowers who ha* been very
ill for several weeks, is now getting
C. L. Drake will start the town herd
Monday. He has his large pasture un
der good fence.
Spring has finally atriv d and the
gardens and lawns are beginning to put
on their coats of given.
Thus. Inks had two runaways with
his dray teams last Monday. Very lit
tle damage was done.
Miss New a Converse went to Gib
bon, the first part of the week to con
sult a physician In regard to her health
Arthur Lane and John Webb of Ar
cadia, were In the city last Saturday
figuring on the filling of the approaches
to the now bridge.
Ii EA DQU A RTF.its— For lie w
stock, Field and Garden seeds
at Watkinson’s.
Mrs Lawson, ami a in and daughter,
who have been spending the winter with
Mr. and Mr*. W. K Mellor, departed for
their home in Indiana, Monday.
Miss Kate Pedler of Denver, Col., ar
rived in the eity the tirat part of the
week for a visit with her mother, Mrs.
.1 S. I’edler.
The Chicago Optical (Jo., will be at
the Drug store of W. T. Chase on Wed
nesday May 3rd 1899 Get your eyes
tested free.
Walter Sorensen and Mias Nina Lan
ders, of Arcadia was visiting Mr. Soren
sen's sister, Mrs. L Hanson, last Sunday,
They returned home in the evening
Frank Nightingale returned home
from Aurora, Neb., last Friday evening
w here he had been working in the olllce
of the Royal Highlanders for the past
three months.
Rev. Taylor, a noted temperance lec
turer, will be here and deliver a lecture
at the M. E. Church, some time next
month. Particulars as to date, etc will
be given later.
Waller McNulty informs us ,bat a
letter from his father in Kansas, tells
him that up to the date of the letter no
seediug had been done on account of
the almost Incesent fall of rain.
Mr. and Mrs J. L. Hopper took their
departure for their new home at Ord,
last Monday. All were sorry to lose
such a genial couple from our midst and
the very best wishes of our people go
with them for their future happiness
and prosperity.
W. T. Chase has added an artistic sil
ver glass washer to his soda fountain
and will have it connected with the city
water main, and hereafter there will be
many tiny streams of water continually
keeping the glasses cool and sweet, and
enlk'ing the thirsty pedestrian to cool
bis parched tongue.
W. H Kennedy tin)shed an eight
inonttis term of school in the Topolski
district, on Oak Creek, last Friday. The
last day was a very pleasant occasion
A number of the patrons attended and
enjoyed the exercises very much. At
the close some of them expressed a
willingness to pay Mr Kennedy $1000
per month more if he would contract to
teach the next term in that district.
I was reading an advertisement of
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy in the Worcester Enter
prise recently, which leads me to write
this. 1 can truthfully say I never used
any remedy eipial to it for colic and
diarrhoea. 1 have never had to um*
more thau one or two doses to cure the
worst ease with myself or children
W. A. Stroud, I’opomokc City, Md
For sale by Odenilalil llro's.
ChiR Zwutk, of Webster twp., har
on his farm 300 liens, lie reportr that
last week he sold 113 dozen eggs uml
this week he marketed 73 dozen Asa
rule he gathers from II to 13 doa. per
day. year his receipts from egg*
alone was $113 no Now If he gets II
doz egg a day, and If, as he says it
lakes less thau a bushel of grain per day
to keep them, w hy then is there not a
Urge profit in keeping hens, lie ie
ports having received 10 cents per doz ,
tor them.
Hoiiif (allow wlilt • tbir.l aioi n
twi ti of tlUcralion, ttti<larfoolt to ft-Mi*
ou*l> ami will* inora forvlhuuKht (ban
•Iter, mail* au dint |>t to ab.iratl x>nt«
a*a*Mia of tianibrlnoa from thw aalooo
of Mr f II Kl*n> r la.t Momlav
but Mr Klauar for to Lately Hal left h .
two In the bnliilirtg »n<l the* rtiml
•ui h » row altowl || III it tiny tawir
Mr tia.layer »!»*> M*aa ti**t <l«...i Mr
U*i4r)rr, brluy nl a i)M^Mhrll« turn
«f wmil, ao-l n< l wl.hlng to L**a ant
Imr l*«v« lv«« nhNm It tin !•••>.!
by o kuHiiu attaloMif, at w.r» |>im«t<lril
to notify Mr Rlwri who lirw « bWk
away fb* *•>*! fallow, with Ho u«k.|<
oral rhtrat t»oar«l turn ntaka kb wait
from klr k“«» an I look Ik* bint anil
lh*tr Iwwhi a|M>k wwwr at *«••' an I
y.nll*il lof ll«* loo •.mill n *
btl.lgr without a*» in* *itrr,
Then* It 98 cates on the bar docket
for rlie* May term of district court.
Post master Throckmorton of Divide,
was a county scat visitor last Monday.
Mrs Katie Burro we* is having a new
wind mill erected at her residence
Mr. F. K. Brewer received a large in
voice of fruit frees from the Sioux City
nurseries last Saturday.
Mrs. A. Boone of Greeley Center, ar
rived In the city Monday evening to vis
it a short time with old friends.
Complete line of new and up
to-date Carpet Samples, at
M Reed’s
Miss Llilic Jaeger departed for Battle
Creek, Michigan last Monday morning
to fake charge of her position at the
liasUel Institute at that place,
Three red yearlings eligible to regis
try Bred and raised and for sale by—
Sam TIM. Mr, North Loup, Neb
House Cleaning Is Here
Go to Watkinsons and pick
out your new carpet. New
•Samples now in.
James Kentfrow put clown h lij tlraulic
well for Win. Sharp at hi* residence last
week, anil moved the wind mill from
the old vcell to the new. The well la
128 feet deep and a good llow of water
wan secured.
Mr. Thomas Kentfrow dropped In to
exchange ideas with the force in this of
fice Tuesday. Mr. Kentfrow tells us
that Missouri, his native stale Is getting
so much rain that seeding can not be
If you have urinary troubles or pain
in the back, indicating kidney disorders
if there be a general loss of energy, we
ask you in all fairness to use Dr. Saw
yer’s Ukatine. Thousands bear evidence
to the fact that It cures. For sale by
Odcndahl Bro’s.
No constipate J person can look his
or her best or feel perfectly well For
that Inactive liver and constipation try
Dr. Sawyer's Little Wide Awake Pills,
and they will cure you. for sale by
O.leudahl Bro’s.
Taking A. P. Gulley’s theory for it,
the Aprii showers must have been
crowded into May, and May rtowers are
expected to bloom in June. It really
does look as though he was correct.
Later:—A. I’. Gulley returned from
the east last Tuesday evening and
brought a splendid rain with him.
We look for a large concourse of peo
ple in the city May 9, tiie date of the
big Campbell Bro’s, circus. The ad
vanced billing says the street parade
will take place at 10 o'clock in the morn
ing. The afternoon performance will
begin at 2 o’clock, but the doors will be
open at 1 o'clock to enable an inspec
tion of the menageries. Free balloon
ascension at 1 o'clock p. m.
Cam lib” II Bros. circus will bo liete
Tuesday May 0, for two peiformanees,
they promise a marked improvement
and a lot of new and good things. Mr.
Virg Campbell who has heralded this
big .amusement enterprise lor many
years arrived here Tuesday with their
advertising car and a score of bill pos
ters bringing announcements of won
ders more gorgeous than we have ever
before known He is billing most lav
ishly for his purpose and must have be
hind him a capital show.
The trial of the “Rotary Dutchman”
plow last Saturday, now being introduc
ed in this country by Mr. K S. Hay hurst,
was an entire success and clearly dem
onstrated the fact that a decided im
provement in the old mold-board plow
bad bean made. The large concave disc
that does the plowing rolls with preci
sion faster or slower just ns the team
moves, and thereby does away w ith the
friction caused by the stationary mold
b lard, and consequently makes a very
light ( raft. The trial showed that the
20 inch disc will cut a 1<I inch furrow
9 inches deep, and not worry three
horses us much as It will toeut a 14 inch
furrow 0 Inches deep with the old style
There is no doubt hut that this plow
will it vol ut Ionise the mode of turning
over the sot), »* jt dearly demonstrated
it* superiority at the trial.
*|>r*a*l« l.llt* Winlltr*.
You emi t keep » gooil thing flown,
i Sew* cf It truel* lut. When thing*
are "the be*t” they become 'the beat
•eliing." Abraham litre, a lea<liu|(
i ‘If'htttiai. "f ll**|lvllle, Ohio write*
"Kleetrle Hitter* are the he*t »*lling
| hitter* I have ever hantlletl in my -jo
! year* experience" You know why?
W"»t ill*ea*c# 'e-gm In ilUnriler* of
| Motnache, liver, khtney*. t> iweU, bhrml
anti nerve*. K'ectno Itltter* ton • u|>
the *toui«t'lre, regulate* ||v**r, kolney
arol bowel*. |iurirt<‘* th • h«n»|, strength,
en* the nerve*. hviire * ore* moltltiole*
of lntl»>ll»* |’ tnithl* u|> lb* entire
*y*l*ui l*ut* oew |i|» atol * ig i| Into
| *i y weak. •ii’klJT, rvtn*«h*wn win or
w •••» oi 1*11 \ k) i'«ati *.ili| in Oli'ii
11tabl Bfti'i lliuggi*!*, amraoteeil
*• *
aui .welim Intel
tlr *il< h»» n**.l t'rt«ini>eri«iM * I'aln
Helm for HHiMiiitlluu Wtlb great relief,
amt I • an i> « •oneml It a* a • pt*n<IM lint
[ nrki for rbvumaO'M an*l other !»•'»»*« ■
, ii**M »*** fro * ItU h we Inee fourol It fat
! o • le \\ • i l 11 r M It t| * ree K \ \
Mr, • o*l*l le one of the lna>tlwg toe •
phenia of thl* *1 <t< ml .ore nf tin
<0***1 |*rou«l>**oi «H*o in lt|l* Vltlnllt
I* t| f*HM *'tW. K*lttor Itril l reek lint*
! thl l«r » »|e bf IM»».lelil Bm e
We are pleased to announce this week
the marring'* of Mr. William C. Dunker
to Miss Mamie Ojendyk. both of Ash
ton, Nebraska, They were married at
high noon on Sunday, April 23. at the
home of the Brides parents, Rev Aug.
Jennrichs, local pastor of the German
Evangelical church officiating. They
are two of Sherman countv’s highly ac
complished and worthy young people.
Mr Dunker is at present deputy post
master at Ashton The wedding is re
ported to have been a very pleasant af
fair. Quite a number of the relatives
and friends were present ami the usual
festivities were indulged in. On the
following day Mr. Ojendyk, father ol
the bride, received congratulations for
the young couple by eable from his
brother-in-law, Mr. Pell weasel, of Ham
burg Germany.
The happy couple start out in life
with the best wishes of all and the
XoUTHWKSTKRN joins the long list in
wishing them a se i of prosperity and
Sinco tho above was written we re
cieved the following account of the
marriage from our Ashton reporter:
Hunker—Ojendvkk— On Sun
day April 23, 1899, at high noon, at
the home of the brides parents, Mr.
William C. Hunker and Misa Mamie
Ojendyke, both of Ashton, Nebraska,
were united in the holy bonds, of
wedlock by Rev, A. Jennricb.
The bride and grootn were accom
panied to the hymeniul alter by Miss
Ottelie Jennricb as brides maul and
Mr. Henry Ojeudyk as best man.
The brides costume was a pale
lavender, trimmed in white silk and
pearls, and she carried a huge bo
quet of brides roses, carnations, lil
lies and ferns. The groom wore a
suit of Kuglish broadcloth of the
conventional black.
The ceremony was performed in
the presence of only the two families
and a very few friends After the
ceremony was performed all partook
of a sumptuous dinner prepared in
honor of the occasion.
Both ot the young people are well
known to sll of our citizens.
The groom is a tine young man
who at present is deputy post master,
while the bride is an accomplished
young lady, the daughter of our en
terprising lumber dealer.
They will begin house keeping at
once in the house recently vacated
by Dr. Kun/.e,
The groom wishes to acknowledge
receipt of an elegant lamp from \V. j
M. Gtnelser in settlement of a wager
made in 1895, as to which would wed
first. Reporter.
Mlll'ons (alvei) Away.
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern in the latul who
are not afraid to be generous to the
ne' dy and suffering. The proprietors
of Dr King’s New Discovery for Con
sumption, Coughs and Colds, have given
awny over ten million trial bottles of
this great meni ine; and have the satic
faction of knowing It lias absolutely
cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asth
ma, Hronchitas, Hoarseness and all di
seases of Ttiroat. Chest and Lungs are
surely cured by it, (Jail on Odendatil
Bro’s Druggists, and get a free trial bot
tle. Itegular size 50c. and 91 00. Every
bottle guaranteed, or price refunded.
announcement CARDS
Services next Sunday April 30th 1H99. Morn
In# serevice 10::i0. Subject: Loup City's Great,
est curse. Itov. K. Smith will preach In the
evening ut K:00. Monday morning at 10:30
Quarterly Conference will be held. All are
cordially Invited.
The Presbyterian* will hold tlieir meeting*
in Peterson's Hall at |0:30 a. m . Sunday
School ut II :3<l a. in.
Christian Endeavor meet Ins held every
Tuesday evening. AH are cordially invited to
attend these meetings.
Itev.C. Eepeltalt of Omaha will preach for
the Presbyterians April 81Kb, at 10:30a. m.
The next German Evangelical Services mil
be held next Sunday at the liaptist Church,
In this city at 10 oo a. tn. and at Ashton at
*30 pm A delegate to the conference of
our Nebraska district should be elected
then if isissltdc All Germans are kindly
A Do jEsnitt. ii Pastor
A SKUtas or sEKMoRs
On April 30th at the Itapttst t hurch 1 in
u nd in In-gin a series of sermons relating to
i.ispiratiou of the btble, prophecy and the
coming Kingdom Meet lags to be held e very
Sunday morning at |o to.
J M Msvpin
sStliRM *1 l slid At.,
A spider Well BSS i*l will be held m Wat
kd.'-iu * ballon May Mh to cents will admit
you There will be music gsne * end *
I general guod time fakes and fruits alii tm
j served
*•« muRlt) ivmnj April »»h L«l|i »’n»
tV Mall t tl I. t Milt kuhl | «» «| i(
• h«tt Vlnuiwi, uI »«b>i i nr Htlfg
M» iHH«4lip (•<*<# *l».t »**. • IUM,
Alk-1 «IH» lfc<*hr Mho f«r»* bo IkaUllUir ado
*»'«**• «1<*I IHM ut MUI ol.tvC Uulltl llw
MIU hr Wl|>M «lu|
hr.rvoHi >«fcir «.,4nl «4fl a«»|« A Milt i«
wl»«4 AJuiMkll MurtU
f' • !• I' If • til* M«t » i«*
1 *. M< *»4f HMU«h» Mom*.!*
j A rtiiluf Uilltt Uv 'k Itktp
H».U*ki.o» Ml Mi. Hf.
f»* Ut»J t*4* ItOnf *» (MA .*
1.14 MM M ti-h Q
o.M i
hi* (MMH
*- M. . I. ok . * I>« “* I
<1 * lll«|k •«
•*t> »4 iKfcl
Salt Lake City.
San Francisco,
and all points
No. 52 I’sssenger.7;S5a. iu
No. 110 Freight .2.00 p. in.'
No. 51 Passenger.4:15 p. m.
No. 59 Freight.11:50a. m.
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cars
(seats free) on through irains. Tickets
sold ami baggage checked to any point In
the United States or Canada. ,
For information, ina|M, time tubles and
tickets call on or write to A. F. Werts
Agent. Or J. Fit ANClS, Gen'I. 1'assenger
Agent, Omuha, Nebraska,
No. sg leaves dally except Sunday (pass
enger). 7:30 a. m.
No. as leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 2:05 p. in.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday am)
Saturday, (mixed) t:,To p. in.
No 07 arrl aes dully except Sunday (mixed)
11:45 a. in
No. Si arrives dally except Sunday (pass
enger) 7.06 p. m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south.
W. D. Clifton, Agent.
Sf. Joseph,
Kansas City,
St. Louis,
anti ail points
Hast and South.
‘ l.ittle colds” neglected costs thous
ands of deathsyearlj’. People who have
used Dr. Sawyer's Wild Cherry and Tar,
c com end it even for consumption,—
For sale by Odendahl Bro's.
Dr. Cady's Condition Powders, are
just wbat a horse needs when In bad
condition. Tonic, blood puriller and
vermifuge They are not food but med
icine and the best in use to put a horse
in prime condition. Price 25 cents per
package For sale by Odendahl Bro’s.
Stale of Nebraska i
- s. s The State of Nebr.
County of Sherman 1
To Frank Tucker, nonresident owner of the
following described realestale situate in Hoad
District No. T of Sherman County and State
of Nebraska to wit; south west quarter of Sec
tion SO Township 16 Range 16 west. You are
hereby notified that complaint has been made
to me as Road Overseer of said Road District
that there is an open well and upon
the above described realestate and if the
same is not tilled up immediately. I shall pro
ceed to Bll the same in the manner provided
by law. as the same Is dangerous for stock
Given under my hand this 31st day of
March 1(W.
Charles Lin deli.. Road Overseer
Of road district No. 7 Sherman county Nebr.
Notice 1* hereby (riven that C. J. Oden*
lahl and W O. OdeBdahl. partnets and doiug
business under the linn name and style of
Odendabl Brothers, have on the 12th day
jt April. lHpy, tiled their petition and
application for a permit to sell liquor
for mechanical, chemical and medical
purposes in the village of Loup City for
the ensuing year, to-wlt: from May 4, lsw»
to May 4th, 11400. All persons objecting there
to will file same on or before the next regular
meeting of the board of trustees of said vil
lage. Dated this 13th day of April issitf.
C. J OotXUAUt i ...
iseali W O. Odkndahi. \ Appiitauta
Attest: E H. Hichman Village Clerk.
Notice is hereby given that on April 13th,
IWU. Alfred Chambers filed with the village
.•lerk of Loup City, Nebraska his petition for
the Issuance to him of a license to sell mault,
spirituous and vinous liquors within said vil
lage during the fiscal year next ensuing from
and after Tuesday, May 2nd. 1HSI9. Object
ions to the issuance of »uch license must
be filed on or before the 2nd day of May.
IW19. Dated this 13th, day of April, lsus
Ai.prkd Chambers. Applicant,
i seal (Attest: E B. Hickman. Village Clerk.
Notice Is hereby given that T. Henry Eisner
did on the 3rd day of April, IHWi, file with the
Village Clerk of Loup City. Nebraska. In the
county of Sherman and said state his petition
and application for a license to sell malt,
spirituous, and vinous liquors in said village
for the fiscal year beginning on the first Tues
day of May, 1H99; such application being
the petition of more than thirty of the resi
dent free holders of said village of Loup City
Any objections, protest or remonstrance to
said application must be tiled on or before
the 2nd day of May isio.
Dated this 4th day of April.
T. Henry Ki.sner. Applicant
Attest: E. 11. Hickman Village Clerk.
In 1*88 my wife went Kast. ami was
attackci! *ith rheumatism. She receiv
ed no relief until she ti ied (,'anmbeilain*
Pain Balm. Since that lime we have
never been without it. Weilnd it gives
instant relief in eases of burns and
scalds and is never failing tor ail rheu
matic and neuralgic pains,—1>. f).
Brant, banta Ynez. Cal. For sale by
Odendahl Bro's.
Teller, >*ll-Kit rum mill Krinuu
The intense itching and smarting inei
den* to these diseases, is Instantly allay
ed bv applying Chamberlain's Fye and
Skin Ointment Many very bad c ses
have been permanently cured by It- It
I* equally i Mil-lent fur Itching plies and
a favor te remedy fur sore nipples
i happed hands, chilblain-1, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 4-u-t*. per Imx
For sale by Odendabl Brn «
Ra*tarr> VITAL!f•
Cure* luipotency, Night KtniMiuiieanU
waiting iliaease*, all effect* of self
cretion. a tierce tonic mol1
hltMMl toiihler. Ilrlng* the
'pink glow to pale cheek* un<l
restore* the Are of youth
. jlli mail Am* |, r ho*, tt t->\>«
tor A'J.Atl: with it written gimruii
lee hi cure or retinol the money,
th-nU for circular Addttn,
CUntwi A JaoAaoo Ma , CHICAGO ILL.
mu MU mv
I »»M{» l U \, Ni hi
“A Show of duality,
One of Merit.” Will be at
Campbell Bros.
Colossal Railroad Shows
Triple Circus, Hare Menagerie,
Strange Museum and Hippodrome.
Free Grape! 0aloop Ascep
Finest, Brightest up-to-date Exhibitions
Positively and Emphatically
feature show for season of '99
Modest in promise, lavish in its performances, always honest
in its announcements, it is the very acme of perfection,
presenting at all times twice as much as advertised
and producing preformanees never before seen
and which cannot be duplicated bv any oth
er show no matter how great or small.
Wonderful Outside free Kxhiiution Daily
on tin* h)ioyv uroumU
l‘ M, Doous ol’KN AN HOI K EARLIER.
Positive lo Appear oa Day and Dale Announce!
Ghaap Gxaursionsori all R R's