The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 28, 1899, Image 7
The thinking the professional diver does when he's down doesn't make him a deep thinker. Do Toor Feet Ach* mid Iturnf Shake into your shoes, Allen’s Foot Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot and Sweuting Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREW. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeKoy, N.‘Y. There's something wrong with your religion If your servants are not the better for It. In an Improved rar starter the level Is pivoted on u horizontal pin sus pended In two hinged member*, the latter forming a damp to grip the rail when pressure Is applied on the lever. Ob That Dellctotia Coffeal Cost* hut lc per lb. to grow. Balzer ha* the seed On man Coffee Berry, Jikg. 15c; Java Coffee | kg. 16c Halser'a New Am erican Chicory lie. Cut thl* out und *• nd lfce for any of above package* or •mil *0o und lift nil t pkg*. and great Cata logue free to JOHN A. bAI.Zlill SKKD CO.. 1m Wla. Iw.n.J The Inventor of a flying machine has soar trials of his own. JIB. (PAY IS ACQLITTED On Announcement of Verdict, Ho Is Reappointed. DEMONSTRATION WHEN CASE ENDS A t'ro»<l of Kntliimluitlr Friend* Male* Attempt to Carry Ki-Penator Out of Court Kooiu on I lielr Mhoiildcr*, but He ICrkUta, t lalniluK He Will Too Old for That. PHILADELPHIA. April 22.—Mat thew Stanley Quay was declared T>y a Jury of hla peers to be not Kullty of the charge of conspiring to use for his own unlawful gain and profit the funds of the slate of Pennsylvania deposited In the Peonie s bank of this city. The verdict was announced by the foreman of the jury Just us the hands of the court room time piece pointed to 11 o’clock. There was an attempt at a demon stration, but this was sternly repressed by the i curt officers whose loud shouts < of "Order!” "Silence!” was effective ; In silencing those Jubilant spirits who i wished *to give vent to their satlsfae i tion by cheering. The officers were unable, however, to keep back those who struggled to get to Senator Quay und congratulate him. Chairs were upset, tables were brushed aside and bats were smashed by the on-rushlng crowd. Senator Quay, with a broad smile on bis face, responded pleasant ly to the greeting and congratulations of those who crowded around. A few of his political friends were there, and these men were loud and sincere In their expressions. Although the court officers prevented the cheering in the court room, their jurisdiction did not extend to the corridors of the city hall and the first group of men who left the court room sent up a mighty shout, which was taken up ami repeated by the; crowds Just outside the "dead line” drawn by the watchmen, beyond which only pos sessors of tickets were allowed to pass. As soon as Henator Quay could get uway from those anxious to shake tils hand and congratulate him, be made his way, accompanied by his counsel, to the elevator to descend to the street from the sixth floor of the Municipal building. ll» re the scenes in the court room were repeated. Everybody want ed to say something pleasant to him and crowds gathered near the eleva tor shaft on each floor to watch the car carrying the distinguished party us It descended to the street. The ave 1 nue surrounding the city hall is wide and smooth ami the neighborhood Is the stamping ground for the politicians i of the town. A group of enthusiasts j rushed forward and attempted to hoist him onto their shoulders, hut the sen ator waved them hack, saying: Oh, no, oh, no, I’m too old a man for that." Senator Quay walked with his friends one block down Broad street | to the office of his counsel, where he made his escape from the surging crowd. It Is understood that he will nt once Join his family in Washington and will probably go swav for a long rest. Public opinion is never far wrong You can cheat it for a time, but only for a time. The average life of a patent medicine is less than two years. They are pretty well advertised, some of them, but it isn’t what is said of them, but what they are able to do which carries them through the years. Ayers Sarsaparilla (winch mtdc SuupuilU ftmoui) has never recommended itself to do what it knew of itself it could not do. It has never been known as a cure-all in order to catch all. For half a century it has been the one true, safe blood purifier, made in the best way out of the best ingredients. Thousands of families are using it where their fathers and grandfathers used it before, and its record is equaled by no other medicine. Is the best any too good for you? Previous to the announeement of the verdict the accused man sat in hits ac customed eeat In the court room and chatted with his counsel and a group | of newspaper reporters. He was in good Fplrlts, probably owing to the prevalent rumor that only one of the i Jurors was holding out against him. When the Jurymen had taken their seats in the box the senator turned and half faced them. The stereotyped "liow say you. gen tlemen of the Jury; do you find the ! prisoner at the bar guilty or not guil ty?” brought promptly from the fore man's lips the words "Not guilty,” and at this point Benator Quay’s face flushed and he seemed momentarily as if about to be overcome by the feel i ing of emotion that was surging over ! him. This was only for an instant, however, and the great political lead er was his imperturbable self again, as he smilingly responded to the con gratulations that were being heaped [ upon him. Senator Quay did not look at the : Jury at all, or in any way express his ] gratitude to it for its verdict in his ! favor. His friends, however, surround ed the Jurors, patted them on the back and told them what heroes they were. Senutor Quay's only comment on the verdict was. “Well, I expected It.” HARRISBURG, Pa., April 22 Short ly after noon Governor Stone appointed Matthew Btauley Quay as senator to serve until the next session of the legislature. The appointment Is addressed to the president of the senate and it is stated In the letter to be made under authority of clause 2 of sec tlon 3 of article 1 of the consti tution of the United States. Sheriff Klllnl in Ambush. KNOX VII,l,R. Tenn., April 22 — Sheriff J. S. Dawson of Cook county was killed last night from ambush in the mountains near the North Caro ; Itna line, not fur from Walkervllle, N C. The maishals walked Into the ambush about 2 o'clock this morning The first shot was aimed at Chief I»eputy J. D Alton of this city. The bullet passed through hi* coat, strik ing Sheriff Dawson in the neck. The sheriff died almost instantly. The set ne of the ambush is In the niountslus, twenty-five miles from the uesrest telegraph office, and details art meager It Is said the moonsblaers have gathered In considerable force and reinforcements will be sent to the deputies at once. *»*••»» l« l»* I* (•••!■» OMAHA Nob. April It H.»r AJ b*iral dtbUy, lb* k*rw of lUaiiagu u*y. • Ill poaalbly \m • to Oniftbft (bltW Ibr •arly part «l uni tuublh Th* only mbtlnarbry ftbltb u**» pr*t*bl ih* trip !• blft NN«I ftftfti|i>ib«rni It* duly ua • rviiriftf bu#rd at \A ■•biuctou lb* dull** «*# »bi*b way »*«|uir* hla rUUllbUvd | »•**» U- * 11**1* If b* iu«H It «til b* lu lb* *ftp«rlty uf « pri«au * Ultra •**fcii4* r*ftt Irufti lb* •blrl uf ***bift »hi* h bft»* MIo*4-«I lb ttwuh •ur«*«ftlwb •!•«• lb* day b* ft* a I lb* bpftftlftb •**! I« tb* bUtlUMl Uf tw* Mft The difficulty of distinguishing be- j ween a waiter and anybody else was exemplified at the Croker dirtu*. »n New York the other night. There was a shortage In rlgars, and a well known | and exceedingly rich youth of the me tropolis who happened to he well sttp: plied tendered one of his own to the celebrated Coogan, who didn't know him. The borough president produced 25 cents from his pocket and tipped him. The young man produced a 50 cent piece, and, thrusting it into the astonished Coogan's hand with the words, “Keep the change,” hurried away. A Berlin dispatch says the recent demonstration on the part of the Ger man societies of Chicago in condemna tion of any attempt to cause trouble between Germany and the I'nited States has been hailed with great satis faction here. The semi-official Post expressed the belief that it proves the German emigrants who are finding homes in the new world are “not lost to tiie fatherland, but retain in their hearts a fidelity which is of greater worth than assurance of national sen timent on festal occasions, but which fail w hen needed." Santiago Morphy, who In alleged to have robbed the National Hank of Mexico of $70,000, arrived in the City of Mexico under a hi rung ikjIIcc guard from the I'nlted States. A great crowd had asm mbled at the Mexican Central station to meet him, but the officers removed Morphy from the train at a suburban station and brought him In a com h to the city, w here he was placed In prison, rigorously incom municado. Carlysle's dislike for the negro—he loved to spell it with two "g has been uniquely avenged by a I/ondon council official who has had the statue of the great author which stands In Chelsea carefully scrubbed and treated to a nice shiny coat of black paint! It doesn't take food to board a car, but It requires a good deal to supply an eating house. PAINFUL PERIODS NO MORE MRS. GEORGE OSMUN, of Belvidere, Warren Cc , N. J., writes: “Suffering as I had from weakness, irregularities and backache for several years, a release from this suffering wa> a blessing. Ohl how 1 wish more suffering women would accept your kind offer and be relieved. There is no need for women to suffer Mrs. Pinkham's advice and Lydia E. 1‘inkhum'u Vegetable Compound will relieve them.'’ Mrs. Ida Peters, Milan, Tenn., writes: “Dear Mbs. I’inkham—When 1 wrote to yon the fir.-t time asking your advice I was u threat sufferer. Menstruations were irregular, some times u week too sism and tlieu a week or two lute, and when they appeared were very profuse; great pain and tenderness in the bowels, pain in back and limb*, leucorrhoea ull the time. 1 was weak und nervous and had no appetite, liurniutf and choking sensation in my throat. I received your reply and followed all your instructions and now I am cured. I owe my recovery ull t<> Mr*. I’inkham's advice umi lier wonderful reined!«*».'* Eixa E. Brenner, East Rochester, Ohio, writes: *‘I have been thankful a thousand timee since 1 wrote to you for what your Vegeta* ble Compound has done for me. I followed your advice carefully and now I feel like a different person. My troubles were baek* ache, headache, nervous tired feeling, pain ful menstruation und leucorrlicea, I took four bottles of Lydia E. l’lnUhirn’a Vegeta ble Compound, one box of 1'ills, one package of Sanative Wash and sun now well." Mrs. Maggie P. Sr INK, New Berlin, ^ Pa., writes: “ i have suffered with terrible backache in the small of my back for ubout seven years, and eould never get anything to help ^ me. 1 tried several physicians, but found no help. ! have now taken three bottles of Lydia E. l’inkhams Vegetable Com _S\'\ n pound, mid feel like u tli fie rent woman. Mna H. A , 124 Cedar Street. Owosso. Mich., writes: •• Nearly three v* ars ago I wrote to you asking ad vice in regard to my health. I ,va« bo miserable; Buffered from painful menstruation and backache, was nervous, dir/.v and faint. I received such a kind letter from you, telling mo juM what to do. I followed your advice and 1 now am recommending Lydia Jw l’inkhum's Vegetable Compound. 1 thank <iod for this i»aiu destroyer. The Natural Cure " for Indigestion. Do you have pain In the stomach after eating? Do you have a yellow tongue? Wind on the stom ach? Constipation? These things arise from Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Digestion depends on digestive fluids or ‘ferments" secreted by certain glands. When the secretion becomes insufficient, Indigestion results. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People cause these glands to resume their normal action and good digestion follows. Artificial ferments (of which most so-called Dyspepsia cures are composed) may dive tem porary relief, but Dr.Williams' PinK 'Pills for Pale People afford a permanent cure. Poor dlgeptlon often rauwn Irregularity of the heart’* action. Till. irregularity may lie inlktukcu (or real, organic In art A ,u.c in point: Mr*. Klleu (olnotn, New point. lrnh, hi,.I nifTe red fur four.roar* wllh tlmriu li trouble. Thcgu.i* fenerulcd hy the Indigc.tlon preedon tin- heart and <m:K „ an rri gulanty of It* action. Hhe hud much pit In in hei aloiiiurli and haul I, and wa**ubjert to frequ*nt and mo i r- < linking .pells Whirl wi re ninal revere at night Lira-tor* w< re l rled In vain; lint pal lent liecuiue worse, de.j>ondent,*rid teared I in |>< tiding death. Mie noticed that In Interval* In which tier stomach did not annoy her. her heart', aetlon heranie nnrrnul. lUawmlnir correctly that her dlge.tton «M alone at fault *he procured the |ir«j|K r medicine to treat that trouble and with Immediate yood result*. Her appetite earn* hack, the choking .hell* became Ic.h fri<|ucni and Anally rented. Her weight, which hud been greatly reduced, was restored and the now weighs more than for year*. That other* may know the mean* of cure we give the name of tin- medicine used—1 >r. William*' Pink I’lll. tor Pale People. Them- pill* contain all the element* necea.ary to give new lilt and rlchhia* to the blood and re«tore .battered nerve*. —Sew Era, Urtenbury, Jud, Sold by all druggists or sent postpaid by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady.N.V.. Price So^per bov.b boxes, $>££?. A diet book sent FREE AliABASTINE In the original and only durable wall coaling, entirely different from all kul Bomlnen. Hcudy for use In white <>r twelve beautiful tint* by adding cold water. LAP1EB naturally prefer AL.A BASTIN'E for wall* and <ell lng*. because It 1* pure, clean, durable, l’ut up In dry pow dered form, tn five-pound pack age*, with full direction*. L/L kaleomlnea are cheap, tem porary preparation* made from whiting, chulks, clay*, etc., and Muck on wall* with de caying animal glue. AI.AUAS TINE I* not a kalaomlne. B A S T I N E EWARE of the dealer Who amy* he can aell you the "name thing" a* AL.ABASTINE or ••*omethlng Just a* good." Ha I* either not posted or la try ing to deceive you. ND IN OFFERING something he ha* bougot ehegn Hnd trie* to sell on AL.ABASTINE'8 de mand*. he n.ay not resilie the damage you will suffer by a kalaomlne on your wall*. ENBIM.K detier* will not bit? a law Butt Healers rt*k on* by eelllng and consumer* by us'ng Infringement Alabaetln* t’o. own right to make wall coat* lag to mtm with cold water. HE INTEHIOR WAUJ of every erhoalbouea ehou.d be coated i nlv with pure, durable AUAHAbTINF. It safeguard* health Hundred* ut ton* er* used annually for this work. N Rl'TWO Al.AHA8TtNE.Ma that packages are properly la- ; be led Beware of [urge few* pound n* keg* light k»l*o mine t Here 1 tn customer* *■ e l<«-*itu*4 ia keg*. tMMANrK of wkll neper la ob viated t v AI.AIIAHTINET It ran ti« used on i lastervd walla, winid retitnge, brick or rao* vat A child ran brush It o», It doe* n«H rub or *< ai# olf STAPI IfttinT) >n favor Shua all trw' A*h pebtt d#ai«* or drugsiei for tint card Writ* for "lltkiMlfii Era." free, te At. AH\*‘t INK 1*0, UratM Heptda, Michigan. W.N.U. OMAHA No. I 7-IS00 WHEAT WHEAT WHEAT ''Nothin* hut wheat; what you mlpht call a era of wheat.” la what waa aald by a lecturer apeaklng of Weatern Can ada, For particular* a* to routea, rail way faica, etc., apply to Superintendent of linmlaratlon, Department Interior, Ot tawa, Canada. or to W. V. Bennett, 801 New York l.ll« Building, Omaha, Neb, Whiskers Dyed A Natural Black by Buckingham’s Dye. 1‘rtrr 50 cent* nf all druaglaU or . II 1'. Hall & t o., Nubua, N U. Five Hundred Head of Young Cows and Stock Heifers, Showing in ralf, lown |irt>d. all rad anil roatiK. l'rlre from V27.60 to liifi.OO jier lit*,ol. Hold in IninrlioK to euit (iiirchascr. ( OMK AM) HKK THKM I . M \t ll)M‘It. t urning. la. on i’.. It St g. It. It. DCAlQinilQ 6et Your Pension rcnOlURO double quick Writ* CAPT. O’PAHRELL. Mention Agent, Mag Hew Vorl. Avenue. WASHINdTON, D. C. Dr. Kay’s Lung Balm PMCIAAi",,l>u',OHRIS IldlUll It iikltlngloii, U.tT ni'ivll war, 15 ..dimli, alma ■•lalin,, ult > ms. uraau. alt v •lute. tVANTKti-CiMi of Halt Tirana lliat H I T A N ft will not benefit. Fetid 5 rniU to Klpan. Chemical Co.. Hew York,for tu tain fie. and l.ouu UsetluiuoiaU. A piece of classical string music is often a knotty thing to unravel and get straight. Are You lUlug Allen'* Kiot-E«i»T It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, naming, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 2fiC. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. A widow knows when a man is in love with her long before he knows R himself. DEALERS should carry a complete line of Spalding’s Trade Mark Athletic Supplies Always a demand for (hem. Write for our culuIuKue. A. C. 8PALDINC & BROS. New York Chicago Denver Base Ball Koot Ball Golf Tennis Cricket Crouuct Boxing Athletics Uniforms Sweaters Our ( batalee* btr;r.n »rr alwavn rowl; to ride brrww the runntn# grur ukra rare ol it.rlf. Thera la uoihln* to entau*la or nbll the elnlhln# The utatihitiee are mi eouetriu'tad that th> tx vel-*aariB* cannot be cramped or twitted under atrataa, » bleb aaeouat* tor tbalr ea»y bill-ctimbiu* and aplriidd runnin* uualtllea under ail ruaditton* ol ridla* Our new < hala abaci* contain many improa. ro< i.t» eoaenn* deal»a. him banlatn, and flioab The l»»i hula t niumtdaa are the name an the t balnlraa with the map lloa id tbe drlrla* rear. II art lord . art u( new pattara. bare Improved ernnk-abaft tonalruetioa and are thoroughly tellable in every reapeei Aa lo the Vedrttea •> oui> a»k you to intupare 'beio with any other machine* obtainable at tbalr price. i’UICES: Chainlets. $75; Columbia Chain Models, )jo{ Hart* fords. fjj; Vedettes, fas 1 men's); $a0 (ladles'). Ask any Columbia dealer for Catalogue, Booklet*, Foldere, ate., or writ# to ua enclosing 2* cent stamp. POPt rtANUPACTUDING COMPANY. Hartford. Conn • A BRIGHT HOME MAKES A MERRY HEART/* JOY TRAVELS ALONG WITH SAPOLIO