The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 28, 1899, Image 5
FOR BARGAINS IN SPRING COODs APRIL SHOWERS BRING MAY FLOWERS,” and they also also bring the need of a reliable umbrella.. You can get the right kind here, rain proof, fast color, with parigon ribs, warranted to withstand the blows of any wind except a cyclone; steel rod, tight roll, all this umbrella excel lence at a moderate price. You can really afford to have an umbrella “at each end of the line” if you buy here. We have them from 50 cents up. TREAT YOUR FEET RIGHT BY BUYING A SUPPLY of new spring hoisery for them here. Ours is not only easy to buy, but easy to wear, and a comfort to your feet, because every pair is perfectly knit from excellent yarn, and free from seams, lumps or irritating wrinkles. This is the right kind of hoisery, and the only kind any one should wear, for it costs no more here than inferior hoisery does in many stores. They run as low in price as two pairfor26 cts. A New Suit or Dress Worn over a Pair of Shabby Shoes is a combination that should be shuned by all people who desire to bn well dressed. We advise all Sherman county men and women to avoid it by coming hero this week and allowing us to fit them from our complete stock of elegant spring foot wear. We promise to fit both vour feet and your pocket book. You should not fail to call if you need shoes. There’s hardly any apparel in which women take more interest than millinery, and there is nothing we are better able to please them with. Our millinery department has been thronged all the week with enthus iastic customers who have told 11s our millinery offerings are certainly the best in town. We tell this nol in a spirit boastfulness but as a statement of facts which will interest all women who hav’ntyet bought their spring hat Respectfully Yours, Clearance Sale. In order to reduce my stock I will sell for Thirty Days at Prices That cannot be duplicated any where. Sale limited to stock on hand AND FOP CASH ONLY A $7.50 Rocker will go for $5.00 A 2.50 Mattress will go for A 2 50 Bedstead will go for A 15 00 Bedroom suit for A 50 Lamp for Picture frames at half price AND SO ON ALL THROUGH T1IE LINE. COME QUICKLY AND HUY AT PRICES YOU WILL NEVER AGAIN GET A CHANCE AT 2.00 2 00 11 25 20 Hardware. Stoves and Tinware GARDEN SEEDS IN HULK, FIELD SEEDS ALFALFA, MILLET ETC. A complete lino nil through and bought before the rise in the market. Yours for business, E. H. WATKINSON, l,mp City, Nob. Af'TlVI’, HOl.KTTOHS WANTMD RVKHV where for "The Story of tlio Philippines' by Mural Halstead. enmmlssh nod by tie (Joy eminent as (iltlelal Historian to tin War lie partrneut. The book was wrtl'en In army camps in San Franel-o. on tie Pictfle w ith Qein ral Merritt, in the hospital at Hot lulu, in 11 in,’ Kony, In th1 Araeriean (reticles at Man la. in the Insure at earnp with A»o .nab do. mi the deck of u Olympia ith 1 we.y. and ,11 the roar of ha' <• at the inII of Manila, Hon h i for agents. Mriuiful of origin. 1 pie Hire- taken by go vet ment ph on the ii it Large Uo' Low price Hi.-’prof its. Freight paid, c'redlt pi.en. Drop all trashy iiiiofPcIal war books, Gullit free Ad dn s I'. T. Ilarbi i Sec'jr., Star ins nice Bldg., Chicago, ill. - NOT!1 F. FOR PIIBLI ATION. Lund nfflce, Lincoln, Nebraska / April 10th, istri. ( Notice is hereby given that the follow lng.named settler has tiled notice of her Inten',ion to make dual proot In support of her claim, and that said proof will be | made heron the Comity Judge of Mherman County, ut Loup, Nebraska, on May SO, 1809, vh Martha E. Engle, wlddow and one of the heirs of Ueorge Engle, deceased Homestead Entry No. 1*»I7, for the cast half North east quarter Section a-.', Town ship 1.1, Range hi west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: Hans lleck, of Litchfield, Nebr Richard Ilaker, of “ <• Jerry Hhcttler of “ •* John Wubler, of Loup “ J. W. Johnson, Register. Parsnip Complexion A majority of the ills afflicting peo |>le today can be treated to kidney trouble It pervades all clashes of so ciety, tn all climates, regardless of age sex or condition, I'lio sallow, colorless-looking people you often me* i are afflicted with “kid ney complexion.” Their kidneys are turning to a p -snip color, so is their complexion. They may suffer from in digestion, bloating, sleeplessness, uric acid, gravel, dropsy, rheumatism, ca tarrh of the bladder, or irregular heart. 1 You may depend upon it, the cauae Is weak, unhealthy kidneys. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble and both need the same remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Hwamp-Koot. the great kidney liver and bladder remedy will build up and strengthen weak and unhealthy kid neys, purify the diseased, kidney-pois oned blood, clear the complexion and soon help the sufferer to better health. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Koot is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, suob as weak kidneys, catarrh of the bladder, gravel, rheumatism and Bright's Di sease, which is the worst form of kid ney trouble. "At druggists fifty cent and dollar sizes. You may have a sam ple bottle by mail free, also pamphlet telling all about It. Address Dr. Kil mer & (Jo., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing pleabe mention this paper. THERE IS ! ONLY ONE OVERLAND ROUTE DIRECT LINK TO ALL POINTS IN Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming Utah, Pacific Coast and Puget Sound. Palace Sleeping Cars. Ordinary Sleeping Cars KufTelt Smoking and Library Cura. Free Reclining Chair Cars ■lining Cars. Meals a la Curts. For timetabtaa, folder*, illustrated hook* pamphlet*, dlaeripllvn of the territory traversed, ca l on W. 1>. CLIVTOX, Agent. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. i March Wth, 1HU8, f Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of hla Intention to make final proof In sapport of his claim, and that said proot will be made before the county Judge of Sherman county at Loup City, Nebraska, on May 8th, 18W, via: Lawrence Rossa, Homestead Hntry, No 18331, for the East half of North west quarter and lots l and 2 of section 30, township hi north range 13 west. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis. Mike Lewandowski, of Ashton, Nebr. Thomas Stancsk, of Ashton, Nebr. John IJ. Pray, of Loup, Nebr. John Jens, of Loup, Nebr. J. W. Johnson, Register. LhlUAL NOTIGB. in District Court of Sherman County and state of Nebraska ! Clara E. Note, Plaintiff. vs. ! 8. 8. I John Note, Defendant. I State of Nebraska i > Stale of Nebraska. shermau county j To John Nute, non-resident defendant: Vou are hereby notified that on the STth day of March i-STj Clara K. Mute died a petition aifalnst you in the district court of Sherman county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you »n the grouuds, mat yoa have for over i wo v rars last past been aa heb I ituai drundant. nut further that being of eufflclunt ability to provide suitable maintenance for said plalntifT for three years last past have grossly, wantonly, and cruelly refused, and neglected ao to ito Vou are i squired to answer said peti tlon on. or before Monday the «tb day of May (<«m Uatt K. Nits, plaintiff. Hit * UsailMtll, bsr attorney 4tt*sl Jons Missai L.L, •eel > l ierkof the Ultlrlett'oim KAII.HOAD 1'A LACK* The new Palace Sleeping Cars, built specially for the UNION PACIFIC,and recently put In service on their famous fast trains to Colorado, Utah, Califor nia and Grogan points, are the insat ever turned out. Throughout the iuterlor the drapings, wood work and decorations are in the most artistic style, and the convenien ces vastly superior to anything ever seen before. These cars are attached to the Union PacIHe fast trains, which make (julo'ter time to all Western points than trains of any other lines. Tickets, and reservation* can he ob tained by calling on or addressing W. I>. CurruN, Agent. J» • « MIKltVtll 11 III 111 (I A FREE PATTERN (?o*r own limit «o **#r? Mb- ! fiber. Only 5u uuU a >e*r. MS CALL'S MAGAZINE A LADIfiS' MAQAZJNP. i. ' 2 :* •* TdlMf t*4l MS CALL, [f\ I ABterMU •I #«*■»• A I! »*•»«» IHlUtn. , ’ • 1 MU M L CO., mui .tt “A word to Uie wi»« It *ultlol*nl" and » word frotu the »u« should be auffl cteut, but you Mb who are the witef Thoa* who koow. The n*t repeated ex perieiice Of trustworthy person* may be taken for knowledge Mr. W M. Ter ry **y« Chamberlain's < ougb Keinedy gu** better satisfaction than any other in the market Ue baa been Is Ibe drug bualue** *t Klotoii Ky . far twelve years h»» told hundred* of bottle* of tbl* re medv and nearly all other cough medl elite* manufactured, which show* con duatyelf that I’btuiberlaln'e I* the u»<*t satisfactory to ihe people, and m the I boat. >’or *ale b» iKiendaht itro'a. ii \ Mhl v Hrkim—N«m bulk iju»l ill «t, Wutkiunong Tsiiio Kw l*f |>V|U W rlS*' *ki* Mi. Will f Ull >1,1* I.. ... I-* ri|i', m. l td. |l Hi II,<• II I u 4 *4*»*1.» 4 11*1* VIUII'i • »l* k«.>»*« t l>% r**a *hkri NMl ,M ■> •>■ ' ' Ml. (ku t I ft l»J •) < *V« t.HU iM I I l t>t«* ► ».» I1 *> • ♦ * ‘ ,1 . . J Vm«Mf ittvl >• l.KtJAL. XtTlt'*; ***M of,k« I ' * IV M»lr uf K< lu ( uunt| a! Nhprtnitit I T« r»kM<iwii Mirt o.‘ii nalibM «w«or *>| Ibk lai- J. *nM irtkMtitr -ttuai. Hi Hs.ii.l MriHrt Sii I «f khrti«4it| alul Iluln I-I Vrl.ri.lii lo wlr N ill I'Mtth Nr. ti.»« «i |k Hub*. Mfwl Vow «• V’lokv B WlH(M 11*1 l -rlrpUHM *•« '**'»•• Wutir III IW |. Mail OOKMt ul , M«l •* i HUHlrl llm iBrro l* ail np»» •rll *)■»• Mm NimVW .!>.*«fttMMl ml r.141. »h4 U (hr M.ln« > mtoil IlMi . ,i* I ,1,4.1 |« .r»H l 1.1 •■*>*. » * V II i(-» s 1 ■ I . ! I t 111, * Mi* ihm) 1* ilNUfurm . i ,t»- I .. »**»» mt hNMlU* 1.1* i».*i «< Mur. * ( Mini** LlMull Ih'rmi «» W - It i|(N‘l J|ii * . aBMi*?. , M, (■■ • Al. NOTH * Si*Ut ul J « * Th» St«|p of Svbt | • ••<*>*•* »4 Ab«tw«« 1 mkni** ant ntiiligi ••mi u| ikt f Jntl •< >liuai« In U i**l * \t» 1 ul KiwrMi i ottnljr i»i< ‘'■(tlt f S> : .*• *V *11 MHtlb ««*l >|ll*rti r ( * 1'u*tiibi|| |4 |*||( 14 **«l ' "<* »»* •»'•«* *. II,..t 1*41 >*>a»i*i4ii»i b*« '• >**»-'* « I W M llt*IW*l ul 111*1 U 4*1 IlMcbl Ihli llrf* k M uyn «ft| itpuu ' I *• >.>,**<« 14.1 ll in* «•** . . net I iif ,<hh*“ ***** I * 1*4*1 |in<*n| tv »to* *«<.»»•» i t 144 - »** '4-Oi t« .*•>. • *• >4 |.<» .l« It «•**** ..... ■ H iMMt 1-*l* <**»* .*«> ul Him M**i (N>* • itllMli 11- 4.1 »*t, rat*. •*«. «a I tie above greatly re.hi.e.l rat* lit* Jt>*rn mail*- >r the l SION I’AtiKIt'III t i i forma |><i{nti I hro >gti TuwnaU Ml«|t*r*. i)uteW*r Hut* than any other •o«*» I or t Wet* ami lull Inlunust on W i' ■ miMi Agent .MOTH E. Hi. Will .till.I the bullion Hill M !b« *i •ttlug >u«iu at lb* bar* «>f It I bujuler. In Ml) II I MNltikN, N H l>IK*MI**ON,