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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1899)
The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY HEAT. 0*0. K. n*IMCHOTKR. 0*0. II. 0IR90N, Rill tor* anil I’ntilldirr* TKKMS: —*1.00 pub y«ab. if paid is ai>va»i« Entered at the Loup City Postoffloe for 'ran* mission through the mail* as second claa* matter. Official Paper Sherman County When the Trans-9lberiaa railroad it aomplete it is claimed that the trip around the world can lie made in 33 days. Wireless Telegraphy, although iu infancy, is being successfully oper ated and as the system is better un derstood the distance between the instruments Is being lengthened. General Otis informs the war de partment that 30,000 troops will suf fice him to look after Aguinaldo and his followers in the Philippines. All he asks is to have the volunteers sent home replaced by other men. The people of South Dakota, through their Press, ure making it known to the world that Gov. Lee of that state only represented him self and possibly Billy Bryan, in his impudent overbearing letter to the President on the Philippine (piestioo It is claimed that were it not for vaccination the deaths from small pox in Great Britain alone would be over 80,000 annualy as compared with the death rate from this disease before Jenner made bis great dis covery. General Oomez, Las determined that an American paotectorate for the Island of Cuba, is what is best for ber people and will so announce bis belief. This will give the Bryan Itea more provender for their dif. gruntled maw. If W. J. Bryans political princi ples were as convincing to the labor ing classes, after numerous trials of tbeir democratic downward tenden eies for labor, as bis word picture is enticing to tbe visionary, bo would be in tbe white bouse now. Tbe Chicago platform democrats, or Bryan free silver filibustered, are sending out empbatic denials to tbe country that there was any gentle men of color at their $ dinner in New York. It is a shame to charge tbe democratic party with entertain ing a black man at any time except election day. Just imagine W. J. Bryan in the while bouse, tbe Bpanish war on hands, our brave boys capturing their territory and thereby placing tbe only civalized inhabitants there in at the mercy of blood-thirsty chiefs and then abandoning them to their fate because to do otherwise would be expansion. How would that strike you people? Reports from the wheat belt of the United States indicates a very had condition of atfairs. The winter wheat is badly damaged if not entire ly killed in nearly every winter wheat district, and Nebraska is no excep tion, Wheat is climbing toward the dollar mark in Chicago, and the prospects are that those who held on to their surplus will realize* well on their veuture. ‘■Czar Heed" who has so faithfully tilled the speakers chair for several terms in the lower house, and who so emphatically counted democrats who claimed they were not present Imtause they refused to anawer to the roll-call, it is amid has decided to <|«it politic* at the end of hia term, ami will thereafter follow his »liosen profession the law He will loeale in New York City, —..■■■ ■»■ i • Mat l^ii) of l‘euua\Ivatiia. was last I'lMsv by a Jury of Ida peer a, declared not guilty of using state moneys to bis owu unlawful gain and profit a hi It verdict, according to dis p»Icltt*. was the prevailing verdict of the masses and was tJlcietofc hailed by (beta with loucb applause. Mi M i** *»* im mdtatelv upon In* s<‘|uital, appointed !«* linoikur Ml one. lo All thevaesnev m>w esiat mg in tbe l ulled Mtatea *« uate >i> on inviuut of the failure of lhell tale le||talatufn to elect. ANOTHER NEW PLAN. Claad A'tie**.or who u few years i was one >»f pi unary school sehol- J atf, Imt wb*> now i* an architect in i Chicago Iiiii* submitted plans and specifications f *r our now school building'. The plan is for a mi room building, :i8i8-J feet, with three class rooms above and ihree below. The basement shows ' wo large rooms, one on either side to bo used a* hots and girls pla\ rooms. It con tains w ash rooms, janitors otllee und coal bins, also plenty of space for ouu <ir more furnaces. The building has but one entrance, but the hall way is neatly arranged. The hall is (Ire feet wide in the clear from baud rail to wall, and nino feet from wall to wall on the landing, and as the scholars fiom each side have a separate stair way to the lower tloor with a nine football to the top step, the room is therefore ample. On the second floor is, in addition to the three cla-s rooms, a principals office. Kvsry class room is 22x',2 feet and is well provided with suit able ward robes. The building is well lighted and well ventilated. This building is estimated to cost about ffl.UOO, ll lias four feet less outside wall (ban the lour room plan to be submitted by .Mr. flicks of Omahu. Virtually the only materi al difference iu ihe two plans is that Mr. Wheeler makes bis class rooms some smaller than Mr. llicks, and utalizcs a part of tbe immcnce hall space shown by Mr. Hicks, as a part of a class room, thereby giving us the two extra rooms, and that too, within the walls of a building haring a trifle less feet from base to top of brick wall than tbe four ro< m plan submitted by Mr. Hicks, and even though we build the walls just as thi' k and substantial they cannot cost any more. The plan is of the lutest eastern desigu with the up to-date theory of ventilating, antJ Mr. Wheeler has the satisfaction of having produced plans that are, to say the least, highly ap preciated by our citizens, whither accepted by our school beard or not. It is generally understood now that when Mr. Hicks' plans for the four room building arrives a public meet ing will be called and the selection will then bo made. The board, how ever, has contracted with Mr. Hicks to furnish them his plans for £100 and have already paid him one third of the contract price; but a part of them at least have expressed a will ingness to back up and start again should the citizens select Mr. Wheel ers plans. Through Tourist Sleeper* To The north went. The Burlington Route has established a twiec-s-wcek tourist far line from Kansas City to Butte, Spokane, Tacoma and Seattle. Cars leave Kansas City, Lincoln and Grand Island every Tuesday and Thurs day, arriving at Seattle following Fri day and Sunday. They are upholstered in lattan. The bed linen and furnish ing are dean and of good quality. The heating, ventilating and toilet arrange ments are all that can be desired and each car is in charge of a uniformed Pullman porter, whose sole duty is to attend to the wants of passengers. Cars run through without chunge of any kind and the berth rate from Lin coln to Tacoma or Seattle is only $5,00. To intermediary points, it is propor tionately low-. Montana and the Puget Sound coun try are now enjoying a period of unex ampled prosperity As a consequence, tra\el to Hie Northwest is rapidly at taining large proportions This new tourist-ear line lias been cstatdished w i(h * view of caring for toe Hurling ton’s share of it In the best possible manner. Berth*, tickets and full information can be had on application to any Bur lington Itonto ticket agent or by ad replug .1 FhancIs, t i p Agt Oma ha, N el» t Heap**! I'aprr lit Sibrtali* \ big s page daily pape* six months for ft. seem* an Impossibility, bit the lialiy New* «• I I .incoln. Neb, t* t« ng sent by mail at that pi ice This re inatkatdy low price i* only made to add several thousand nea »ui,•critters ami It is titling it i t*e Nr n* prlitis all of tl»t telegraph new* of the world. all i>I the stale new* and the new* of the si *ie eapitol. It I* one of of the btlghle*t and «<i*pt>ie*t paper* in the stale aud at •uch a low price every fatitdr can af ford It It'i neatly a* cli *ap a* a week ly. it give* marvel* and «iU«r l»l» graphic Matter bout* earlier than o»ii Ha paper* and it* pint* I* but a trill* send (or a * am pie copy ami try It for * s month* Aidt*** Mil. I*MI\ N K« s l.lmoln N>b YOU NOW HAVE THE OP PORTUNITY of '•onMiltliiii out* of th<* leading physi cian* am! surgeon* (in the treat iii**iit of chronic and nervous diseases) of thi* counfiy, DR. REA lie is well known in N< bra-ka, ami is reliable a* well as eminent in his profession, and has bn* few superiors in ill* line of diseases, and from reports of the press, his rooms are crowded wherever he stops. By the request of hi* many friends and patients who have usually gone a Ion;; distance to see hint, he has decided to VISIT LOUP CITY, and will be at ST. ELMO HOTEL, TIH’RSDAY May 4th 1HW*. one day only, returning every 4 weeks for six months, Consultation and examination FREE to ail. DR. REA. His treatment him! examination* we understand are based upon new methods, and are similar as are given in the eastern and southern hospital* where he learned his business, lie treats chronic cattarh, disease of j the. ear, nose, throat ami lungs, dyspep mu, Bright’s disease, diabetes, liver, stotnach, constipation, rheumatism, chronic female and sexual diseases, neu ralgia,'sciatica, dizziness, nervousness, slow growth in children and all wasting d iseases in adults, deformities, club feet, curvatme of the spine, diseases of the brain, paralysis, heart disease, eczema, varicocele, and hydrocele. Cancer, tumors, wens and birthmarks removed. Young, middle aged and old, married j or single men, and all who suffer with lost manhood, nervious debility sperma torrhea, seminal logses, decay, failing memory, weak eyes, stunted develop- j meut, lack of energy, impoverished blood, pltnpler, also blood and skin dis ease. Eruption, hair failing, bone pain, swellings, sore throat, ulcers, effect of mercury, kidney and bladder troubles, weak back, burning urine, inoonlinence, gleet, stricture, receive searching treat ment, prompt relief Both sexs treated confidentially and privately, i’lies. fistula, fissure and rnpture by our new method. Mature Babies and children need | proper food, rarely ever medi I cine. If they do not thrive • on their food something is | | wrong. They need a little | j h Ip to get their digestive j | machinery working properly. | COD LIVER OIL K V //> / ’OPHOSPHtTLS 0/ L !M£ 4 SODA L / J | v ill generally correct this I < iificultv. If you will put from one* j *rth to half a tcaspoonful ! i.» baby's bottle three or four : t s a day you w ill soon see t'h d improvement. For .* th Idren, from half to f» . poonlul, according to *, c n solved in their milk, you *o desire, will very i S>w its great nourish* ; p .*er. If the mother’s , i A does not m-uroh the 1 baby, she need' the emul* i v**n. It will show an effect at once both upon mother ami child. J Phil Jaeger’s LOUP CITY. : NEBRASKA. Those'shoppers who wish to make a sea sonable purchase in season comes here, for they know we have just what they want and when they want it. Our stock of JM6W SPRING GOOQS is here. It is fresh and complete. We are headquarters for anything needed in tba general merchandise line. Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Suits, Spring lino of boots and shoes, fancy silks, block crepon, wash dress goods, lace curtains, Curtain Swiss, Silkolme draperies. Scrim, No tions, of all kinds, trunks and valises, kid gloves, etc. etc. QOJM’T tuf?]m youf? hack on a good thing. Don't forget that in new spring novelties we can show you many new things that have never been shown before. Ami above all. for your interest as well as ours, don't fail to visit our store, inspect our goods and learn our prices. WE GAN AND WILL meet our competitors on both prices and quality of goods and in many things can save you money. We bought in large quantities and got the best goods at the lowest figures so can give our customers the best possible bargains for the season. We invite you to call. Yours Truly, J. Phil JaGQGr. Implements and Harness. Our stock of implements and harness is nowin the house and samples on the floor. We venture the ascertion that a more complete stock of the above lines was never before shown at this point than the one we are offering this spring. Ito Lines are Composed of so Many Different Kinds, Sizes and Prices that it is impossible to undertake to enumerate them here. MANY ARE NEW THIS SEASON, HAVING NEVER REEN SHOWN IN THIS MARKET BEFORE. While there has been a general advance in prices on most all kinds of goods, you ''HI by inquiring that our prices are as low as ever. We ask you to come and see us and our goods and we will trust to your being pleased with both the goods and the prices. Respectfully Yours, s. hayhufsj 4 TREES AND PLANTS. REST VAHIETIKS FOR CENTRAL AND NORTHERN NEBRASKA, AT FROM 50 to 600 per cent LESS than agents usual prices. We IRRIGATE our SMALL FRl ITS We have the largest stock of small fruits tu the state. Millions of f Strawberry plants, Kaspherry plant*. Currants, Gooseberries, Grape*. Uur stock of Fruit, Ornamental, Shade anti Kvergreen Trees is cotuph'tn. Shrubs, Rosea, etc. in abundance. Send for Free Catalogue to NORTH BEND N URSERIES, North (lend, hoil^e Co., .Nelns-ka. A rfl.LKY 4 C. CULLIT, l’ra«lv|«Q% Ouklti FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000 Niiii ml Kink ,N« * Y»>tM u», N \ \«liuu*l Hank, Himlit, Nrliiitlii A . •* n It i (' M' t ♦Ml «’ •*%» • § 'vt* * Jvfll i^Mt %tra L i.iEHt, it «*