The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 21, 1899, Image 8

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    Lioaal Dsws.
The isiewor I* abroad !n the valley.
Head L>r Thrasher's local Mil in ihi
Every body is* making garden new
J. F. Si nip* on a Loup * n\ vi»it«
oi Monday.
E B. Hickman answer* to the roll rail
of the NoutiiwtSTETM now
W J. Wilber, of Litchfield.»«»
business at the hub last Hat untay.
,), K. ilcnry l itrohssed a new top
buggy of K. H. llayhurst Saturday.
Mr Knapp and son of Havre (’reek,
waa doing busluesaat the bub Monday.
Dr. Chare anil T. II. Elmer are tap
ping the water workaln front of theli
place* oi bunnfM
Water (‘ommls*loner Jenner was bu*>>
boring water main* till* week lie
struck water every lime.
A Hutton andaon Koan, are runging
over twJ hundred head of cattle on the
valley north west of town.
Spring time bar arrived gentle Annie,
and the Johnnie Jumpups will delight
the beaita of youtg America
Our cltl/ene should not forget that
thl* la the reason of the year to plant
trees. Beautify your homes by setting
out a few.
A postal card from K Brewer in
forms us that he intends soon to return
to Nebraska, lie will visit Lincoln
before returning to Loup City
Lonnie llentfrow, who left these parts
a year ago returned last Saturday even
ing and will, for the present, remain in
the city. Mr Rentfrow came from
Cblllacotlia Mo
Our nuptual reporter states that
Walter Johnson and Miss Cora Bowers
both of Valley county but quite well
known here, were married last Tuesday.
April 18lh. The XouTHVVKBTtRN ex
tends congratulations.
If the different church organisations
of the town will furnish tis with a week
ly announcement we will give them a
column on our local page. We would
like to have all announcemeta handed
in as early as Wednesday of each week.
Mr, Fred Jens of Oak Creek subscrib
ed to Hie articles of faith that Insures
52 visits to his home, of the the Nokth
WESTKKN this year, Mr. Jens Informs
us that they have 21(5 acres of small
grain in the ground and are still sowing.
Mr. Joseph Hecora, the young man
who is working for Judge Wall, met
with quite a serious mishap .Saturday
evening last While passing a cow be
longing to Mr Wall, she kicked him on
the Buin bone with such force as to
splinter it slightly and laid the young
mar. up for repairs.
Mr*. Busan A Hondeisbeldt, daugh
ter of Hev. Mi/ener who wag binned in
a prairie Are la.-t week, arrived at Grand
Island on her way to her fathers funeral
and telegraphed from there that her
little son, about three yearg old, broke
hli collarbone and she had to return
to her home.
The Women's t'nitv Club will give a
musicale at the home of It. J Nightin
gale, Friday eve., April 21at. Come
and enjoy a musical treat A deposit
of a dime in the “Club havings Bank”
will be appreciated by the ladies In
charge of arrangements.
The daily papers announce the mar
riage of Miss Ftnnle Brown, of Bur
well, Nebraska to B. II Miller of that
place. MUs Fannie is a cousin of ye
senior scribe and has a number of ac
quaintances here. Her father G. 1*
Brown, was one of the early day set
tlers of this county. The groom, we
understand. Is Burwell’s hotel proprietor
We extend congratulations
I wa* reading an advertlaement of
Chamberlain'* Colic, Cholura amt |)iar
rlioea Kemedy in th» Worcester Enter
prl*e recently, which lead* me to write
thU. 1 can truthfully *'iy I never uaed
any remedy e«|tial to It for colic am)
diarrhoea I have never had to me
more than one or two done* to cure the
worat ca»e with mytalf or children
W A Htiiood, i'opomnke City, Mil
Kor sale by Odendah! Bro’r.
The eiitertainmenta given by H«v.
II. lli bdoii, of Omaha at the M K.
church, last Huodajr, Monday aud Tue»*
day iilftht* were tlrat claw and the
crowded house* each night ahowed (hat
hla effort* were highly appreciated
The entertainment con*l*ted of to-au’i
fnl alereopih a i views Key. Ilebdon I*
a temiterance evangelist and a numtier
of wlrrl aong* rendered during ih«
evening program were aecoutpanlnl i>«
III 0*1 rated •triii*, Ills method of v\
plaining the scenea i* both pleasing and
lualruclive. Mr. lit b Ionian W * dm *
day morning for I’hapman
Mr, John Kggett. uwr accotnntedallng
la*irk»t and nmi buyer, and Mi* Id*
11«.blow both of lamp t tty, were mar
ned wt tirwwd (•land !a*t Momls) «i j
O.ctiH k p. mi , at lb« r**tdm‘« of |b*
groom* brother 11»«*» b-f here i|
day moioing and returned HTnlumUi
evening Mr Kggef* i* aw of our *ub
atantlai b wlue** tw»» ami h*« a h*»l of
frlewd* who wl.l* him an abwdwwew el
heppimM* awd *w*v#»* The hrbbr l* an
Mwwyitikril la* y awd m«. h re*petted
by all who fcwa# her, live Nnant
wiilias )*>l»i la rklending towgralu i
Nil low*
'I Iihv Jainmg. Ashton's popular hard
wan? metcbant whs a Loop City vislt<>i
Fresh Garden and Field
seeds in bulk at T M Heed’s
AsliU-v Conger took a tumble from
the top of his windmill tower the other
day and by good luck and quick air
manipulation came out with a few
F. K. Hi ewe i wishes to announce that
lie will have a supply of fruit ire a on
hand about April 15, which he will sell
at very reasonable rales. Call and sec
him if tou contemplate setting out trees
The water main near the hose house
showed a leak by the water forcing It
self to Ihe surface yesterday. The leak
proved to be from the old Lander# c n
nectfoii and was promptly stopped by
water commissioner Jen tier
Cl itn up your burn )anl» uml deposit
thi* manure uml rubbish on the new road
leading to the new bridge. There will
nccfNirliy have to be lor* of grading
and filling done and if all in town would
unload In the low place* It would ma
terially help the township to get tin
road In a payable condition. We are
Informed by the township officers that
there I* not enough money In the road
fund of this township available for that
particular purpose to get thi* road in
good shape. In this event it is but
natural to suppose that the business
men of the town would help what they
can to get lbe road in shape.
A. 1’ Cuiley la expected to return
from the east In time to give u* some
further observations on the weather this
month. In hi* last he forgot to say
anything about the prevailing heavy
winds or why It is that the month is
two thirds gone and no April showers.
People seem to be quite anxious to
know whether or not these winds will
continue blowing all summer. Of course
they have no fear as to the winds dry
ing up and destroying the crops for .Mr.
Colley has already assured Hi* m thut
the harvest wiil be of an abundant
yield. But the inconvenience of such
wind hug made them anxious to know
just what they may expect. Mr. Cullry
will probably report in our next issue.
The Ladies of the U. A. It. entertain.
Client last Saturday night was a ]{ed
White and Blue sucec-a financially uml
every otic r way. The speaking and re
sltations was very good, especially the
‘•Kittle Scared B inner” by Mrs. Hunter,
and tlie Irish song by Prof. 1C. M.
Woods evoked great applause ami some
blushing 011 the part of that modest
gentleman. The music famished by
THE orchestra was delicious and soul
stirring ami made one feel like clearing
a space for a Virginia Reel After the
entertainment a supper was served, the
exhilerating part of which was the Ko
miko bill of fare and the strength of it,
the ‘ Crystalized Oder*.” I lie receipts
were f 11.00 and the satisfaction general.
Our good looking friend Joseph I’edler
was the lucky lujun tiiat wore Hie tri
colored blanket home after an impar
tial drawing. The L. of the G. A. R.
are always ahead wnen it comes to a
good time.
A quiet little surprise wan arranged
by the friends of Jimmie Conger last
week, and on Sunday morning they
swooped down upon Jimmie to remind
him that years were parsing and that he
had already arrived at hi* 27th mil*
stone. The time pasted pleasantly un
til dinner was announced and then the
little crowd of merry makers gathered
around the table which was groaning
under the load or many good things
prepared by Mrs. Conger and Grandma
Haney, to tickle the pallets of their
guests. After dinner the time was spent
In games, music and singing until old
•sol dipped his head toward the western
horizon and warned the party that it
was time to depart. Thosu present were
Mr and Mrs. ami Miss Hattie IU>hurst.
Mr and Mrs, U 1. Christianson, Mr.
and Mrs. Ashley Conger and Mi and
Mrs G, II Gibson. A few tokens of
remembrance of his ‘27th birthday was
presented to Mr. Conger, after which all
returned home w ishing for n any r
turns of the occasion for Jimmie.
I lie Western part of Nebraska ate
to he opened up for development bj
the construction of a new railroad to
branch off from the Hurling ton a line
t • the north west at MlUm-v, N.d.
and eateud west ward, a distance of
I r. miles to llartville, W’yo The
new line h «« been surveyed and I .*0
team* are already at work griding
j IV road bed The comp ua build
• >ng the liaa i, *tyh-d p„, ,V hraaku
jWioroiug an,| Western i wit ad and
j it mm later ha a*.« ,Ci. ,| |,v the pro
j ur^auiv* lluihiigtou Snt.m
•mi u h\ mm
| m las lt*|* % at|i}
It • o A « | k V«
mm jti#i Him * *4 .* r *,
***** *i » | • » «J« • , g i ,
•***'■ M ‘t tttttfcil* fegd
^•*1 Ml IM s 4.I.-4M
!>■•«* >1 j»|i |mau<
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I **•« » a <MM*i w irfA. # .
■- B‘ > t •* >
•fca* * » r* 4|A ** |W%**»§Mk! - •
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itlM i# f*HH Mk egtp yc# %.*:,
t t**^ | mg
Our kind friends Mini miKhi ors "ill
please accept our slnci re thanks fur
the klndne** Hnil help given ti* during
the sickness anti burial of our beloved
father. Mill*. IIANNA ( AIIRCTII
Wll.I.IK ('AHItl'TII.
Ml( uml Mil*. i'HAKLKY CABKI I II
Mh and Mrs. Ei-mkr Thompson
Mm. mill Mbs. Thompson
Mr. «nil Mrs 0. S IIiihiklxok
Tel Irr, bull-Ithemn anil ...
The Intense itching andaraatllng loci
dent to tho*** diseases, t* Instantly
ed by applying Chamberlain** Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bail *• *0
have been permanently cured by if- li
Is equally < ffleient fur Itching plli - mil
a favorite remedy for sore nipple*
chapped hands, chilblain*, frost biles
*nd chronic sore eyes. 2ftct*. pi r box
For sale by Odendabl llru'*.
Hot kk Clkamncj Is Here
Go to Watkinsons anil pick
out your Hew carpet. New
Samples now in.
Three reil yearling* eligible to regl*
try. Hreil and raised and for gale bv—
Sami ii., N.trill Loup, Neb
l)K. Cady's CONDITION Towi»kis>, are
ju»t wbat a horn* need* when In bad
condition. Tunic, blood |iiirltl«*r and
vermifuge. They are not food but med
icine and the beat 111 u«e to put a horse
In prune condition. Trice M cents per
package. For sale by Odondaht Bro's.
Mr*. Carolina M. Kent Entertained tier
Children at lllnner.
Mrs Carolina M. Kent entertained all
of her children at dinner last Sunday at
at the home of her son, Kdward B. Kent,
at U,; Fayette street. The dinner was
given in honor of Mrs Kents daughter,
Mrs. F F. Foster of Loup Llty, Neb
raska, who has not been here in t wt yle
jears. During the afternoon a photo
graph of the party was taken. Those
present were Mr and Mrs. /. I’ Rhodes
of Susquehanna, Mrs. Foster of Loup
City, Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Kent, Mr. anti
Mrs. A. E. Kent. Mr. and Mrs. K. B
Kent and Mr and Mr*. A. O. Mei l of
this city Binghamton N. Y. Time-.
Editor A11 |>li in of tin- Arcadia < 'liatu
pion and Mr. Earitle Milbitrn, propri
etor of Arcadia's temperance saloon
were discovered preambulating our
streets last Monday just about the time
the wind went down. The boys, that
is Earnte Is as fat as ever, and brother
Allpbin just as good natured and near
ly as fat. II" always was as corpulent
as a double end tooth pick and ju-t
abouus pointed—in Ids remarks to the
pops. Corne again boys and-have
There was eonaidi ruble excile
nient at Washington last Tuesday
over the receipt of a telegram from
Admiral Dewey, which reported
that Hie insurgents laid
taken prisoners fifteen American
soldier*, a party of Dewey’s naval
forces. The dispatch says that the
Yorktown visited Baler. Luz id, east
coast T.I on the 12lh inst. foi tbepur
p >se of securing and bringing away
the Spanish forces, consisting of 80
soldiers, who were surrounded by
400 insurgents They were tired up
on and some fifteen of them captur
ed. The fate of tin in is unknown
as the insurgents refuse to commun
icate. One of the missing number
is a Nebraska boy whose leone is in
At » meeting of the aetioo| board
Iasi Wednesday ms'll', it was deei I
ed to nil inn it h propusi'ion to the
voters of tins school district to vote
7,000 Uo bonds to build a tour room
school bouse Mr. Hicks, (be archi
tect of Omaha was present and it
was arranged with linn to furnish
(dan* for a four room building and
estimate of .met of same. The
building to be substantially as fol
low: Suu of building I • by 7«l,
each school room to b# -1 bv 11,
the main ball lobe by is From
tics ball space on llrst ll >or is to In- a
wardrobe on each side and s'iirw»>
This will leave the ball in llst| dear
I'olll |j by ii, (lit loe second
il •' r wil| be two want role < and a
ri h\ Id reeitiH ii r «oii also tak> n
fr«>iti the Is *11 space I n ■ t<a#eui*itt
la lo be of stone and bdance of
butl liug lo I*• • f bre Ii an ( in base
I' Wo entrance* Mr lie As *ii| i rob
t'd\ gel tbe pl ies no b In alt ml It it
I dais vi i 'hi* n' nit ii i b cling w id
| *i •• J? 10 * *#ii i |(|)i
I |»Jsi<%* ♦* * i#»|| D% mt « hi i
lltt* *# ill «!•»<**• 11« •• lid i| i)"muui||)1
, i < *k* * 11 s ' f • ‘ , 4 1 * m ■
I •-til ttti*ict * 11»* I i* 4 ( ^ I .m
< lit tm«% i m mtith • >«***«•%* tin
[ ||| 'ini* 14# 4t *4 4l l< tiM* #MF«*
ft'f lilt* »t| (‘b ill if ff (I
»«* H«lt i*V t| i|i| *i n* «*t I ill i|j |
Tllll'i TAIII.K
I, In coin,
• 'bicago,
St. JOM'pIl,
li union- Oily,
St. I.oiiIk,
null till point*
Ka«t and South
I >*‘n vt*r.
Salt Lake City.
Pori land,
San Frunclaeo,
and all point*
(joist. EAST
So By I'
Hu tit) freight , . ..U (Nip, m.
So 6) I’ttwBonr . i.IB p. m.
So i tfiaiii. iiinoa. tn.
hle> |.1 tttx dinner amt redlining chair earn
(neat* tr*'" on through traina. Ticket*
•old and i. -gage ••lioomnl to any |Mttnl In
the t'ntted siataii or Canada.
Km inlm matloii, iiiuivt, tlinn tallies and
lleketa tail oil or write to A. K, Wert*
A rent. Or .1, Klt VSl'l*, (Joil’l, I’UHHunger
Alient, Oiiniiitt, Nehru-k.i,
So -il leave* daily except Sunday (pa*»
enifcri, 7 : i a in.
So, hs leave* Monday, Wedueaday and
Krldav, on tied) t':05 p. in.
so, up lenvea luemluv, Tlturaday and
Satur ' ty, tmixed) 'i :ut o to
So H. art I Son dally except Sunday (mixed)
11:4.1 ik. in
So. flanlvea dully except Miindny (paait
eiii-er) ".on p. in
Klrat clna* •erviea and eloae connection*
cant, weal and aoutli
W. 1). ClAVTON, Agent
‘ l ittle colda" neglected ioat* Uioun
aiiilaof deatb*yearly. People who have
iisi i| |»r, Sawyer'* Wild (.'berry and Tar.
eonmend If even for conrumptlon,—
For ale by Otlendahl llro'a.
Nit llliclit lit tgllllesS
The woman who is lovely in face,
form ami temper will always have
friend*, but one who wouhl he at true
live in oat Weep her healih. If she is
weak, sickly ami all run <i»wn,
•he will he nervous ami Irritable. If she
bit i onatlpatlon or kldnuy'troublf, bar
Impure blood will cause pimples,
blotches, skin eruption* and a w retch
ed complexion. Kllctric Hitter* I* the
best medicine In the world to regulate
•tomache, liver and kidney* and to pu
rify the blood, lr gives strong nerves,
bright eye., smooth velvety skin, rich
complexion. It will make a good-look
ing, ch inning woman of a run down in
valid. tInly 50 cent* at Odeudahl Bro’s
Ilrilg .Stole,
Si:' heroin ii-ri (lint < J. Oden
datd uiul VV, (j. Oileuilahl. partners and doing
h . in ,, iimler the tirm name uml style of
O il ii,i,nl II" (her» have on itn 12th Cay
of April. I W. tiled their {<1 It loti anil
application for u permit to -i ll liguor
fm no < Ininicttl, i In mil ill ur.n medical
purpo-i • in the vi,I 1,-e of Loup City for
the ' ll- ilii year to .v 11: from May I. ISO#
in Mi. Itli, All persons objectlnif there
to will tile nine on or before the next regular
meeting of the hoard of trustees of said vil
la , Dated this tilth day of April I -yy.
(Seal i VV (i. OKI NIMHI. i Applicant#
Atu a1 K. II Hu iimas Village Clerk,
Notice i hereby given that on April I3tb.
I, .Mfrid Chainlier. died with the village
clerk of 1. up City, Nebraska his petition for
the 1* juiii ' to him Hi a license to sell moult,
spirillum- and vinous ligtiora within said vll
1st <■ liurir, (he fiscal year next ensuing from
and after Tuesday, May 2nd, I slit i. Object
ions to the Issuarn e of such license must
be tiled ori or before tm t nd day of May,
istr.i. Dated this 13th, (lay of April, |sM».
Annum Chamhbrs. Applicant,
i si ali Alt ist: E.B Hickman, Village Clerk.
In my wife went Hast and was
attacked with rheumatism. She receiv
ed no relief until she fi iod Chamberlains
rain Balm Since that time we have
never been without it. We find it gives
instant- relief in cases of burns and
scald- and >- never failing for all rheu
matic and neuralgic pains.—1>.
Biiant, Santa Ynez. t'al. For sale by
Ode.idah! Bro's.
Restore* VITAUTV
'and manhood
Cured Im potency, Night Kmissionsand
wasting diseases, all effects of self
abuse, or excess and ludis
fiction. A nerve tonicund
blood builder. Brin^H the
pink glow to pali ■ land
restores the fire of youth
[By mail ROc per box, tilnixes
I for $2.50; with n written i;nutHn>
too toouro or rel'iiml ... , y.
Send for circular. Addre- %
Clinton A Jackson , CHICAGO, ILL.
KOH mu: HY
Letup City, Nebr
'1 hi’ best salve in the world tor Cuts
BrlSoros I'leeis Salt Rheum Fever
Sores Tetter Chappeil Hands Chilblain*
Corns and .ill Skin Eruptions Slid pos
itively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by (Jdendahl Bros,
I,ami Olttce, Lincoln. Nebraska)
April Kith, \m. i
Notice in hereby given that the follow
Ing.named settler bus Hied notice of her
intention to make final proof In support
at her claim, and that said proof will be
made before the County Judge of Mherman
County, at Loup, Nebraska, on May JO, I Hint,
viz: Martha K. Kngle, wlddow and one
of the heirs of George Kngle, deceased
Homestead Entry No. IH.H7, for the east
half Norl h east quui ter Heotlon 21, Town
ship IS, Itiinge III west.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove Ills continuous residence u|m>ii and
cultivation of said land, viz:
llans fleck, of Lllchfleld, Nebr.
Richard llaker, of *• •<
Jerry Khettier of ** **
John Wuhler, of Loup ••
.1. \V. Johnson, Register.
Land Office at Lincoln. Nob. i
March *Tlh, IMO. f
Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing. named settler has filed notice of tils
intention to make final proof in support
of Ills claim, and that said proof will he
made before lhe county Judge of Sherman
comity at Loup City, Nebraska, on Miy
Dili, 1899, viz: Lawrence Komnu, Homestead
Knlry, No. IKKII, foir the East half of North
west quarter and lots I and a of section
.10, township Hi north, range Li west.
He names'the following witnesses to
prove Ills continuous residence upon mid
cultivation of said land, viz:
Mike l.ewuiidowskl, of Ashton, Nebr.
Thomas Stanczk, of Ashton, Nebr.
John Q, Pray, of Loup. Nebr.
John Jens, of Loup, Nebr.
J. W. Johnson, Register.
State of Nebraska I
\ k. a. The State of Nebr.
County of Sherman 1
To Unknown owner non resilient owner of
the following described realcstate situate In
Knud District No. 7 of Sherman county anil
State of Nebraska to-wlt; North west
fourth. Section 3.’, Township Id, Kanur Id west
Volt are hereby notllleil that complaint has
lin n made to tno as lioad Overseer of said
Hoad District that there Is an open well upon
the above described real estate and if the same
is not lllled up Immediately, I shall proceed to
HU the same In the manner provided by law aa
the sain*1 is dangerous for stock.
Given under my bund this 31st day of March
Iswy. « hAimes Linoku,, Overseer of
Koad District No. 7. Sherman county, Nebr.
In Distrlei Court of Sherman County
anil HI ate of Nebraska
Clara K. Nate,
v*. 8. 8.
John flute,
State of Nebraska ,
> State of Nebraska.
Sherman county )
To John Nute, non-resident defendent:
You ure hereby nolllled that on the 27th
day ol March l-su Clara E. Nute filed a
petition against you in the district court
of fehermau county, Nebraska, the object
and prayer ot which are to obtain a divorce
from you on the grounds, that you have
for over two . ears last past been an hab
itual drundanl. and further that being
of sufficient ability to provide suitable
maintenance for said plaintiff for three
years lust past have grossly, wantonly,
and cruelly refused, and neglected so to
You are required to answer said pell,
tlon on, or before Monday the sib day
of May 1
Claus E. Nutb, IMaintlfT.
By T. 8. SloirriSGALB, her attorney.
Attest: John Minsbull,
(seal ) Clerk of the District Court.
Healed bids with apecifloalions will he
received no later than noon of May, 15th
lsii'.iat the office of the county clerk In
Loup City, Nebraska, for the making of a
giailu In the Middle Loup river, on the
section line bet ween sections II and II in
township fifteen tl5>, Itangu 15. Sherman
county, Ncbrenku. such grade to comuienee
at the east cud of the new Middle Loup
river bridge on said line, to extend to the
cast bunk o| mM river, and to be at its
west end one Lait higher than thu floor
ot "Hid bridge, and to have a fall, begin,
ning at said orldge,of six Inches to every
twenty feet of entire length of grade, the
grade to be twenty feet wide on top, with
slope on sides of one and one half feet to
one toot of height, top of grade to consist
of at least one tool of clay; Bids lo be at
a specified sum per lineal loot of finished
grade: Bidders to show manner of mak
ing grade: The right to reject any or all
bids Is reset veil.
Dated this 21st day of March, |s‘.»
seal i John Minsiii.'I.l,
_'o-iniy c .-iu
Notice U be tally given that T. Henry (tuner
did on 'be 3rd day of April. t»g0. Die with the
Village Clerk of Loup City. Nebraska in the
county of Sherman and said slate bis petition
and application for a license to sell mall,
plrituon* aad tutm* liquors In *akt village
lorth* fiscal year beginning on lb. Brat Tuva
lay of Mai isfe sutb appllvatton lelag |
l*ttttio»t u| toon titan thirty of the rest- I
o« frw bold. IS o| t lilaav uf Loop t tty |
tny ul • •Hon. protest or reiatusalraacr to
aid appusat ion must tw Bled ua or lie fore |
l INI 'III ifalf of JklstV imv,
tf*t*4 tfcl* MU lUfr ef
1 Manny Ctsann Applicant j
tt < -» 1 It III- it til tillage (bob
Notu » lOUXilimNHIU
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stock, Field and Garden seeds
at VV'atkinson’s.
The commissioner appointed to view and
report upon n road commencing at »outh •*
ea»t corner section Thirty four <rii) Town* 7
•ihip Fourteen (I I), linage Thirteen (13) itnd
Northeast corner of Section Three i3) Town
■hip Thirteen (13) Bangs Thirteen (IS) In
ltoekvllle township, Hhertni’i county,
Nebraaka, and rnnuing thence west on
Section line to n point In the draw a few
rods west of auction corner of sect Iona
Tbiriy-twopl) and Thirty-three(3'h Town*
aliip Fourteen (14) linage Thirteen (13) nnd
Section* Four (I) and Five (,r>) Township
Thirteen (13) Range Thirteen (1,1), thence
down said draw In a aoutli weaterly di
rection and terminating at tnt. r»ectlnn
with county road running to Rockville on
north eaat quarter of auction live , >) town*
whip thirteen (13) Bangs thirteen (IS) in
aald county, liaa reported In favor of the
ealahllahment thereof and all injection*
I hereto or claim* for damage* mart he Hied
In the county clerka oltlce on or before
noon of the 7ih day of Mm i», lhdO or
such road will tie eatnbllaheJ without
reference thereto,
Signed tin* SSrddayof March, IMW.
John MiNaliuu., County Clerk.
State of Nebraska (
• m, a, The State of Nebr.
County of Sherman I
To unknown non resident owner of the
following described reulcstatu situate in
ttoad District No, ; of Sherman County and
State of Nebraska to wit; south wo*t quarter
of Section :s Township 10 UaUge Id west.
You are hereby notified that complaint has
been made to uic us iioad Overseer of said
Koad District that there Is an open we 11 upon
the above dt crliii d rculn tate aid if tin onne^
Is not llllod up immediately, I shall proceed to
(111 the same In the manner provided by law,
as the same is dangerous for stock.
Given under my baud this lilst day of
March I bull.
CHAtitiBH Lino iX, Itoud Overseer
of itoud District No. 7 Sherman County Nebr.
Slate of Nebraska j
- s. a. The Slate of Nebr.
County of Sherman I
To Frank Tucker, non resident owner of the
following described rcalcstate situate in Hoad
District No. 7 of Sherman County and State
of a to wdt; south west quarter of Sec
tion ;toTownship Id Ratine PI west. You arc
hereby notllicd that complaint has been made
to me us Road Overs’er of ,ald Hoed District
that there Is un open well and upon
the above described reub ,tute and f the
same is not tilled up immediately 1 hall pro
ceed to lill the sunn in the muiiui r provided
by law. as the same I- dangerous for stock.
Given under my bund tills hist day of
March I."Mi
CM Mil.V LlNUEUi Itoud Oo -eer
of road dln.rtct No. 7 Sherman count:. Nebr.
I In* old Re I inb I phoenix <>f firook*
l)ti, will w rite combined lire, lightning
lortuuli) ItiMirnnc lor ~si) j er hundred.
N Lkkuy, Iilst Agf.
Wishing to close my Photo*
Gallerv at Lonp City I will
make Photographs from now
until itpril at the following
extremely low rate:
Qabinet Size:
[Guaranteed finish]
SO.QQ perejoz
Qarb Size:
[(Jtinrantectl finish]
75 c, per doz
Min. size
[(• uarantcctl finish ]
50 e per cios.
[Sinul but neat]
3 doz for 25 cents
M. I.IISCHIN’SK^ \ltist,
1 ' I I \ o
* »
tel Mut*t lltUntui bfc ‘ r*
f4U |^ A ?»1 I
(*1 M 11 l
Ifc -.-*** $* f .A Dt , i|.
t* *»** i, H I
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