The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 07, 1899, Image 4

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    The Northwestern
at the county heat.
•BO. H. Gill»<»*,
Kdltnrn mi'l
Entered at the Loup City I’OEtoffleo for trmns
mieelon throu«h the m*IU on Eccond
elites mutter.
Official Taper Sherman County
Our Legislature ban adjourned,
that ts as far as their pay goes, but
they are still after the supreme court
ex-governor Holcomb and the fellow
they get their salary from.
Boss (Jroker says that General
Miles is to bo the next democratic
candidate for McKinleys position.
The unwashed are like a mugot in
the “army beef," wiggling in their
filth. _
Hon. John Hliortnan who tins been
“dead" three times in the last month,
is improving In health and is still a
living monument of the “crime of
’73." He is a tough old bat from a
demopop standpoint.
Germany *aj s that if Kugluml uud
the United Htate* get* Into a inu**
with her, they will discover that it i*
not Spain they have to deal with.
Gue** not, but when they get through
Germany will be asking who she is.
The longest span of an arch bridge
in the world is at Niagara Falls,
the one which takes the place of the
old suspension which is wrecked.
It spans a distance of 6C7.8 ft. The
worlds greatest bridges are now be
ing built on the arch plan.
When the Texas, was first com
missioned it took 7 minutes to load
and fire her 12 inch guns, but after
Lieut. F. J. Haeslcr, completed his
improvements, she performed the
operation in 1J minutes. The crew
presented Mr. Haesler with a gold
watch for his successful undertaking.
Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria,
whose wife was assassinated not long
ago, is about to marry again but
seems to be haulting between two
opinions whither to marry the 111
year old sister of the youDg King of
Spain or a Princess of Bulgaria. He
is old but a good catch for some half
penny Kingdom to tie too.
The silver combine has decided to
lift the "white man's burden” from
Billy Bryan's shoulders and advance
the price of silver bullion 10 percent.
Bryan's mouth seems to be the fore
runner of trusts, and they may yet
bring as much joy to the heart of
the boy orator as the crime of ’7:t
brough him political buncombe.
Governor Stephens of Missouri,
says; Bryan will be the democratic
candidate again in ldoO, and that
"anti trust, anti-expansion and free
silver will be their platform.' also
that "every battle in the Philippines,
is making democratic votes.” They
should add anti-beef, anti-fat and
Cleveland prosperity, to it yet, it bet
ter represents the perfidy of theii
P»rty. _
Our little squabble in Samoa,
in which the cruiser Philadelphia,
acting in conjunction with two Brit
ish cruisers, bombarded the city of
Apia, while the German representa
tives sulked, will come out all right
like all other jealous difficulties as
long as we have men of backbone
guiding our ship of state, and the
right thing will lie done, as it will
be in the Philippines. The great
majority of the penplo of this couut
ry have heeu murmuring lately in
such positive tones that the little
American news papers urn uncertain
just what to say, and hiujeare curb
ing their pent up cuisuiity wailcs
till they cau see an openiuy. Hilly
Hryan seems to lie the only positive
fellow among them, and ho is for
free siller first last and afterwhile.
•lull el « Mf*
To U« bouud baud aud foot lor test*
by tbs chain* of dl**a*e it lb« worst
form of slavery. Usorgs l>. William*,
of Main better. Mich,. t«IU bow such *
•lave was made free. IN toys ’VI)
wits ha* been to beiplses (or the pin
tbst she could not turn ovsr lu bed
alone .tiler u«log two bottles of tire
trie Hitters, sbe 1* wonderfully tupruy
•d and able to do b*r own tuik * I bi<
tupretu* remedy tor female dt*eas»*
quickly cures nertuuiuett, tl**|<l»»»
Metanetio>i headache, backache, fatut
lug and ditty spell* Thlt ml reel*
working It a goltsml tu w*»k. tb sly
run down profile. I.yvry bottle gusrsn
tnntl. Only hi went* Wold by mien
•sbl Bmt Uruggltl*
The al-tion of Hie United Slate*
senate in refusing lo pay more than j
♦300 per ton for armor plate for our
new war vessel* is another instance
of the uslessness of our house of
lords. The fuel is acurately set
forth by the best advised men in the
country that this armor cannot he
furnished for that money, and Ame
rica cannot buy it in Kuropo for less
than #515 per ton. The Cramps
are now paying $575 per ton for
Krupp plate for the vessels they are
now building at their yards in this
country for Russia. The Krupp
pinto is considered -'5 per cent su
perior to the Ilarvcyized plate, and
If we want the best, as we should
have, wo must expect to pay as much
as other countries. This armor plate
business has grown to such magni
tude that our government should
huild and operate u plant of the'r
own, and make the best, and get it
for cost. Private » nlcrprise must have
a large profit as their works cost im
mense sums and then they run the
risk of having to change them to suit
new discoveries almost us soon us
they are Completed. From the par
simonious action of the senate our
new war vessels ordered by the late
congress cannot be built ns that
body placed a provision In the bill
that they should not he constructed
until their armor plate could he got
for lidOO per ton. Our Senate can
fix the price they will pay but it can.
not force men to furnish the plate
for their price.
The average annual coal produc
tion of the United States from 1871-5
wua 45 million tuna, while from
1801-5 it had increased to 132 mill
ion tona. The world* output in 1895
waa 520 million tons, the United
States producing about 25 per cent
of it, while in 1876 wo produced but
17 percent of the whole. The im
mense exportation of Amcricau coal
m the last few years ia causing con
siderable uneasiness in (Ireat Britain
as we are fast gaining a monopoly
of the worlds coal trade.
“A word to the wise Is sutliclent” and
a word from the wise should be sufll
eieiit, but you ask. who are the wise?
Those who know. The oft repeated ex
perience of trustworthy persons may be
taken for knowledge. Mr. vV. M. Ter
ry says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
gives better satisfaction than any other
m the market. He hag been In the drug
business at Elkton, Ky , for twelve years;
has sold hundreds of bottles of this re
medy and nearly all other cough medi
cines manufactured, which shows con
clusively that Chamberlain’s is the most
satisfactory to the people, and is the
best. For sale by Odondahl Bro's.
Through Tourist B!eep«r» To The
The Burlington Route has established
a twlce-a-week tourist car line from
Kansas City to Butte, Spokane, Tacoma
and Seattle.
Cars leave Kansas City, Iducolo and
Grand Island every Tuesday and Thurs
day, arriving at Seattle following Fri
day aud Suuduy. They are upholstered
Id rattan. The bed liueu and furni-h
ing are clean and of good quality. The
heating, ventilating and toilet arrange
ments are all that can be desired and
each car is in charge of a uniformed
Pullman porter, whose sole duty is to
attend to the wants of passengers.
Cars ruu through without change of
any kind and the berth rate from Lin
coln to Tacoma or .Seattle Is only $5,00.
To intermediary points, it Is propor
tionately low.
Montana aud the Puget Sound coun
try are now enjoying a period of unex
ampled prosperity. As a consequence,
travel to the Northwest is rapidly at
taining large proportions This new
tourist-car line has been established
with a view of caring lor lue Burling
ton's share of It its the best possible
Berths, tickets and full information
can be had on application to any Bur
lington Koute ticket agent or by ad
renslng—J FuAMOa, it P Ag! Omi
ha Neb
lh**s**l I’sysr Is Sskrsiks
A big a page dally papas six mouths
for $1. seems an Impossibility, but the
I tally New* of Lincoln, Neb, I* being
sent by mail at that puce i hi* t<*
tuarkably low price i» only made to add
several thousand new Mih*cribrM and It
la doing it. Tin- New* prints ail of I to
. telegraph itrw* of Ihw world, all of Us- I
d slate new* and the new* of the state
I eapitut It U one ul of lit* brightest j
and snappiest paper* In the state and at i
1 such a io«. price «-vet» can «>
I (urd It it's nearly as ill tap a* a w*»*
If 11 gives up .eta sad ether tele
graphic loader hours eatilef Ihsn (loss
II ha papers and Its prteo ta but a trill
I hetsd for a sample copy aud try It Imi
I ala month* ,\d-lr***a,
IIIK HAtl.Y If KWh. Uuwlu Neb
©f consulting one of the I<,t Hi 4 phj i
eiatiM ami surgeons 1I11 tin- I real •
merit of citron let ml nervous
disease*) of thl» country,
DR. 11EA
He Is ''ell known In VebriMka and
In reliable mm well nm t mljiei i In his
profession, and ha- lint few ni|>iilor*
Ill hia line of ill-«»H‘cs, uml. from reports
of the lire**, lll$ l oom* are crowded
wherever he stops. fly lie requrtf of
his many friend* ami patient* who
have usually gone a long distance to
see him, Ini has decided to VISIT
LOUP CITY, and will be at
THURSDAY May 4th ISO!), one day
only, returning every l week* for *1*
month*, Consultation and examination
FREE to nil.
ilia treatment and examinations we
understand nre based i.pou new
methods, and are similar ns are given In
the eastern and southern hospitals
where lie learned his business.
lie treats chronic cattarb, disease of
the, car. nose, throat and lungs, dyspep
sia, Bright's disease, diabetes, liver,
stomach, constipation, rheumatism,
chronic female and sexual diseases, neu
ralgia, sciatica, dizziness, nervousness,
slow growth In children and all wasting
diseases in adults, deformities, club fee,,
curvatu e of the spine, diseases of the
brain, paralysis, heart disease, eczema,
varicocele, and hydrocele. Cancer,
tumors, wens and birthmarks removed.
Voting, middle aged and old, married
or single men, arid all who suffer with
lost manhood, nervious debility sperma
torrliea, seminal los-c-, decay, falling
memory, weak eyes, stunted develop
ment, lack of energy, impoverished
blood, pimples, also blood and skin dis
Eruption, hair failing, bone pain,
swellings, sore throat, ulcers, effect of
mercury, kidney and bladder troubles,
weak back, burning urine, incontinence,
gleet, stricture, receive searching treat
ment, prompt relief.
Both sexs treated confidentially and
privately. Piles, fistula, llssut and
rupture by our new method.
Babies and children need
proper food, rarely ever medi
cine. If they do not thrive
on their food something is:
wrong. They need a little
help to get their digestive j
machinery working properly, f
will generally correct this
If you will put from one*
fourth to half a teaspoonful
in baby't bottle three or four
: ;r>«s a dav vow will won see
» f •
J • mV J improvement. for
r children, from half to
t vpoc recording to
* i ihid in their milk.
i *o *’ re, will very
i * it great nourish*
14 power. If thv* mother’s
, lot t n rrUh the
I baby, she needs the emul*
Mt>»v It w'll vhow an efleet
,*t one e h«th up* s mother
and child.
J. Phil Jaeger’s
Those .shoppers who wish to mala: a sea
sonable purchase in season comes here, for
they know we have just what they want
and when they want it. Our stock of
in here. It in fresh und complete. Wo are headquarters for anything
needed in the general merchandise line. Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing,
Suits, Spring line of boots and shoes, fancy silks, block crepon, wash
die i goods, lace curtains, Curtain Swiss, Silkolme draperies, Scrim, No
tions, of nil kind*, trunks and valises, kid gloves, etc. etc.
back on a good thing. Don’t forget that in new spring novelties we
can show yon many new things that have uever been shown before. And
above alt. for your interest as well as ours, don’t fail to visit our store,
inspect our goods and learn our prices.
iiiH't our c impetitors on both prices and quality of goods and in many
tilings c un save you money. We bought in large quantities and got the
best goods at the lowest ligures so can give our customers the best possible
bargain* for the season. We invite you to call.
Yours Truly,
2J. Phil Jaeger.
Implements and Harness.
Our stock of implements and harness is now in the house and
samples on the floor.
We venture the ascertion that a more complete stock of the above lines was never
before shown at this point than the one we are offering this spring.
Tliese Lines are Composed of so Many Different Kinds, Sizes aid Prices *
that it is impossible to undertake to enumerate them here.
While there has been a general advance in prices on most all kinds of goods, you
will find by inquiring that our prices are as low as ever. Wo ask you to come and see
us and our goods and we will trust to your being pleased with both the goods and the prices.
Respectfully Yours,
A t*'**
* #>•
' j
■ I tp - *.■
Wa’uiV.f It at
NEBRASKA, AT FROM 60 to 600 per cent LESS than
agent* usual prices. We IRRIGATE our SMALL FRUITS
We luve the largest stock of small fruits in the stale. .Millions of
Strawberry plants, Raspberry plants, Currants, doomdierries, drape*.
Hur stock of Fruit, Ornamental, Hhaile and Kvergreen Trees is complete.
Shrubs, noses, etc. in abundance.
Send for Free Catalogue to NORTH BEND NURSERIES,
North lleud, 1 lodge Co., Nebraska
A i t LUCY
Cm* i«r
General Banking Business Transacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000
»’■ * » ■ < -hi * > v m1 .*nl N«li i.. IUi.w Nt <* V«*fIfc l'»»V N
MiIiumI Hukt Oiattt*,