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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1899)
VOL. XVI. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, APRIL 7, 1899 NUMBER 23 DON'T FORGET THAT T. M. REED IS PREPARED TO FURNISH YOU WITH DON’T YOU NEED A DlttU HARROW, SULKY FLOW, yil cultivator, .A WIND MILL, , , Uwj FANNING MILL, Garden Seeds, Machine Oils, Repairs for McCormick, Buckeye, and Woods Binders and Mowers. Call and hoc me v\ a Is 111 no m axmhl and I will try and please you with good quality of Roods. vmohlveh^^ Yours very truly, T M REED. HARNESS.* Cl l.l NAUV DKIMKTMICMT. J. F. ohuroh Editor F.kmon rim;KH,K IT’IUMNO—The grat ed rind and Juice of 2 lemons, I <|t of water, 4 cup of butler, 2 eupa of sugar, f> eggs, Boll the water, lemon, butter and sugar together d I solve 4 table spoons cornstarch, atlr Into the boiling Syrup, aeperale the eggs, beat the yetlts smoothe, stir them Into the mixture, re move from (he lire, beat the whites to a stiff froth, beat them Into ereain mix ture, tuke cups, till about half full set them into a pan of hot water, place in the oven and bake about 10 minutes or until it puffs n)i nicely, serve In the same dish. These kinds of puddings must not get cold or they will tall, if you put them Into the oven when you set dow n to dinner they will be ready for desert in time. Ficknch Poachkh Euus—Take 1 «jt. of milk, butter the size of a largo hen egg. pepper and salt to taste, put (lie milk, butter, salt and pepper in a stew pan, set the stew pan in a ki ttle of hot water until boiling hot, beat up 12 eggs Just so they are nicely broken together stir them into the milk and let them cook about 110 minutes, (food for gup per on slices of toast. 1’kacu Flan—Used for desert or sweet entiee. Lines deep square pun with a good pie paste, peel nice ripe peaches, slice and cover the bottom a bout two layers thick, sprinkle some sugar over them, make a custard with a quart of milk, 8 eggs, 4 table-spoons of sugar, pour over the peaches and bake in a slow oven. You can rise canned peaches as well but drain well before using. U \Kt:» Cocoam t runpiNO—2 qts, of milk, 0 oz. eocoanut, >1 eggs, 0 oz of sugai, 2 tea-spoonsful of cornstarch dlsolved in a little cold milk, 2 oz. but ter. Boil inilk, eocoanut, butter and sugar together, add corn starch, remove from lire, beat the eggs well add to the other Ingredients, after cooling a little bake from 25 to 30 minutes. Flavor with lemon. UUKAKIAST HTlcvv Take Hie piece of cold roa«l left over, etc up In dice form, add some potatoes cut In dice, u small onion, pepper and salt to taste, a piece of butter, stew all together, thicken a little with flour rubbed smooth with a litile cold water. Corned beef stewed with potatoes lor •upper or breakfast. Tuke the cold corn-beef left Iroin dinner cat up In dice form add some potatoes cut the saute way, a small onion cut flue, a piece of butler, salt and pepper to la*te, stew till done, thicken a little and serve. Good enough for the best. 1,1 MON IIONKI mil I 'AMS. Ta II IS h IV. (irate the outside and squeeze the juice of t w j lemons, add 1 cup of sugar, j cup of butter, yelks of three eggs, place over the tlrest'rrlng all the time till It forms a jelly which will he In about ten minutes, At'IM.K •Itll.LV roit ('akks (irate two moderate si zed tart apples, add the rind and Jute* of tine lemon and one cup of sugar, boll three minute*, Maonoua MfcttiNqi K— Make a plain cake mixture »ay A eggs, l cup or sugar, I cup of butter, j cup milk, :i cups flour I lea *poonful baklug powder, bake In a sheet * , Inch thick of light color, make the pastry cream a little stlffer than for plea, spread on top of the sheet of eake about d -f inch thick, heal the whites of egg* left from making the cream in a siill troth, add l*otable »poo »m wh te sugar to the white of one egg, place the frosting on top of tts * cieam. sprinkle over with sugar ah * place In lh* oven shout ten minute* until a light straw color, lUitiiwi I'm t in triifiU friuluili'ii !**•’*• I l>) ttolli Imu.p. i».| *r>'k *thi«b • iwplf rmijllltlliitMl lb* tint * tt| I||C ► »►** N,|>r«*i»4 u|»ih ikflr bih) K«l«uir)r mib* ruili|i|>iur> ,»ba<Jr* «r H*b Viwwtn, Mm>m «rt t«< «r u« U-|i *M ihiiiii, lr»nt V> *•<!*. Ibal lb* rtiii*wu|tlMI ll**l* III• » U>rg •****»■ *«| ib»i* U*l jwii ibrt'UbM *| ib* |*m|Is • "»*•**» a»t*l «MM (.*>. ,fir* i-utlrii >, It.. «w lur *b«l b»*'*Bl*t I* MH.una.1 b* ib* »bir»i» !• m'l HUibb »<•«» HI* ««n, b«*i *»»* l»* N*l|«'* Wish It i**i *»<l bmb«* far k.>hu, |>iM, kbw, b*. » «».* «HU r*M *•»* Ujr O trn.UM biu • Complete line of new and up to-date Carpet Samples, at T M Heed's If you have urinary troubles or pain In the back, indicating kidney disorder* If there be a general loss of energy, we aak you ill all fairness to use Or. Saw ycr’s I'katlne. Thousands bear evidence to the fact that It cures. For sale b,v Odendahl Hro's. No constipated person can look his or her best 01 feel perfectly well. For that Inactive liver and constipation try Dr. Sawyers Little Wide Awake Pills, and they will cure you. for sale by Odendahl lire's. "Little colds" neglected costa thous ands of deaths yearly. People who have used I>r. Sawyer’s Wild Cherry and Tar, recotnend It even for consumption, For sale by Odendahl tiro's. lthauinallsin Cured. My wife has used Chamberlain's Pain Iialin for Itbeumatism with great relief, and 1 can recomend It as a splendid lini ment for rheumatism and other house hold use for which we have found It val-( ual.le,—W. J. Cuvi.KB, Ilrd ( reek, N. Y. Mr, Cuylerls one of the leading mer chants of this village and one of the most prominent men in this vicinity. W.O. Pinri’iN,-Editor Red Creak Her ald. For sale by Odendahl Hro's, Garden Seeds—New bulk just in at, Watkinsons NOTICE. We will stun) tin Stallion ‘Hill Mac" the ensuing season at the barn of H. T. Snyder, in Loup City. B. T. Sntuek, N. B Thompson. SHORT HORN BULLS. Three red yearlings eligible to regis try. Bred and raised and for sale by— Samuil McClellan, North Loup, Neb LEGAL NOTICE. Iu Hie District Court of the United States for the district of Nebrasku. In tho matter of i Cnee No. 133. Timothy II. Eisner, r In Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. I Voluntary Petition. On this 1st day of April A. D. !«91*, on tiling and reading tho petition of tho above named bankrupt for his discharge herein, It is ORDERED, that the Wth day of April, A. I). lHt*9, be and the same is hereby Axed as the date on or before which all creditors of, and all other persons Interested In said estate and In the matter of the discharge In bauk ruptey of the said bankrupt shall, if they desire to oppose the same. File In my said office at li Security Hank Building, Uruud Island, Nebraska, In said district, their appearance, in writing, io opposition to the grunting of said discharge, and ulso, within ten days thereafter. Ale In my said ofAcc speelAeatlons of the grounds of said op position. Witness my hum! hereto, at ray oftlre In Grand Island, Nebraska the day and date herein first above written. It. U. Mouth, Referee lu llankruptcy, NOTICE Tu LANDOWNERS. To ell whom it may concern: The commissioners appointed to view and report u|sin u road couimeueing at the north corner stake between sections thee and four iu lowusblp sixteen (It north of range thirteen il3> west In Sherman county and state of Nebraska and running theme on the section lines as near as possible due south between sections three and four, uud niuc and ten. and sixteen and Ufleeti. and twenty-oue and twen ly two and twenty seven and twenty eight and thirty-three and thirty four all in town ship sixteen north uf range thirteen west Also between aeellons three au<l four, town ship ttttceu north of range thirteen wist, '•heruiaii county Neliraska and terminating at the go%-OhilU'Sl stake on the sooth IlHe lie twteeu sections three and tour »f township hftreu north of range thirteen west t« tttn-r HMsix county. Nebraska has reported la layer of the establishment thereof sad all object. leas thereto or claim* for damages must he Bled In the county clerk- office on or tiefore noon of the 1st day uf June A It I see or such rood wilt Is established w thoot refer time thereto. Dated this Ml day of Usttk l<v June UiWsitvt«. County t'ktk \uru ». iu land dm si gs T» *U tbl* »* Mi tw«b TW "WmW'On •mk>Iuu.| ut «>*• »iui »*►*«» • '**••1 Mnntm ibv at ttt* •uulk •Ml «<IIMI «l mwIMi >MM| tau i H> |>.f« «*>!> tklltwvk .1*1 ran** »»>** « iHi att4 r<M •MW tfe«M> •*• hM wvttMl IlM mm Mt •tK4llM •* *k* HKMfc ••*! MUM uf Mhltu* t*«Mi t<wi « tnwaafclp IKIWII «H> »»-** •n*«M <lk tk MUWM »«m»I* S«• >•.! « h*. >• *•*•*» »W> «• ■»•(•!,I«*»...! *»-* *M »».|..«lk.MI. lk***l» d« (htlM. t> • a«U. a*** *>•»* Wt *t»- * •• Ik* • -Hint tkflM • "« •(“« *'“** *M IM l»‘ <t» - <•> 4*«M1 a U IK* •» MM w • llkwai tW*HWM »•*««■. »**■**'• MU »l 4*| at M«>> k IM* J**M* ttlUNfl l flnMill rn»»k tJnsteyer’s Spring Stock Of Dry Goods is now complete and he asks you to call and inspect the same before purchasing your spring and sum mer supplies. He has, as usual, a splendid line of calicoes, percales and ginghams, and aside from these he carries a fine assortment of the following: Fine dress denims, per cent* nuitabie for blazer suits. Blue Kdna Cords “ “ .“ “ “ “ •* Linen Crash •* “ .20 “ “ *< Ladles and Miss skirts Brown Linen “ “ .20 “ “ •» *» “ “ shirt waists. Batiste “ “ . 15, 20 “ Organdi Merodi, per yard. to cents Fine Dimity *• • .18 “ Crepon per yard . 20 “ ALL OF WHICH WILL MAKE BEAUTIFUL SUMMER DRESSES FOR ROTH LADIES AND CHILDREN. if you need a goi d mactiiue for sewing these goods, we wil! furnish you One of our Marshall Field Own Brand. “The Field” which comes with u five years guarantee for only $26 00 cash laid down. GROCERIES: Prunes, |>c*r pound.5 cents Beans “ “ 3 “ Dried apples.'! lbs....25 “ Snowflake flour, beat in the atate, per Hack 9) 00. McLaughlin's coffee, per pound . If) Granada “ a splendid value. It Our bargain counter will be changed every two weeks. At present it con tains something in nearly every line of shoes at only #1 00 a pair Soliciting your esteemed patronage 1 am very respectfully, CHAS. GASTEYER. —ALL WOMEN J^INMHHTHS Of all tho pain andslcknessfrom which women suffer Is caused by weakness or derangement In the organs of menstruation. Nearly always when a woman la not well these organs are affected. But when they are strong and healthy a woman Is very seldom sick. Win»i Is nature's provision for the regts latlon of the menstrual function. It cures all "female troubles." It ts equally ettectlve for the girl in her teens, the young wife with do mestic and maternal cares, and the woman approaching the period known as the "Change of Life." They all need it. They are ell beneUUed by U. • Ml kAfeiWlM C*. *'^mtla t Of, TtMU dftdftJM IHM. I. eoorta. i«e«*s, Met.. •• Mi »t*l«* i.lint kte ...t tiseeew •»< »ai*M m4 Suitors *<•* >•««.# aes. Tktse el Cveei 1*1.»»t* .H» »»*> i*M• Imvi.U t.| I *• ' *•*! i MVHl'Ml »* tImp fit* | fn I’tu 't« ,«..» N >M •* V«Utht« •Mw> *«» t «»IH> iU-U IM fc* t»***l#*l. **»M I M htMl.ll, l ni|. l it) N«i» w J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public,! Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases. also no A General Real Estate Business. Office In NoiiTiiwiotTKHM llulldlnR, LOUP CITY, - - NKUItAMKA. R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, loup oitt. i i can. LIViERE7£ THC UP-TO-DATt LITTLE LIVER PILL CURVB Ciiiuiu noss Const!* nior Dyepcpsle, S Ick • lUa ri icho and Livu Complaint. .*oa*s cosno. 100 PILLS N, ni h» <,n Ara«t,u J*ACTS.J 4 0Plll|^ IMRITA ID (.ENTlj J nut mi.k hy ODKM’MII. IIHOs,, t‘iu. N. t»r. SUCCESS.™™ A- S- MAIN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY. - N i IIKASKA OITirlCIC. —One floor «ul <>l Uliua’i druft Mluro Nature's Danger Signals. I)o your eyes Murat times? l)o they hurt after reading? Are there frequent headaches? Art* tin* niti*cloft around tin* eyes drawing wrinkles anti erowfeet? They are N AT 1 It F/S I) A NUUK S1 (»N A L8. Only when it gtiiut i« tin* f rtble iliinger realt/ed. It o»»t no little to help tin* tin* o\« I* tl fi* in turn* I ean giv# them early help l.nter I hail t« n il tli« work to oeeuliata. 1 eitimiiie the eye* in the iiiomi mt !h •« nl dial enreful manner aiul without elmri;e If uln**- ■ are »**••** 1^*1 I ran supply the eurreet len*e* mounti'il iu am run»*in*»- il.on.l * I H. BHKIT.VftUi Jeweler aiui Optician, I lie I SION PAUIFJU'hsa made the On ,i i• in. «■<| tate of 4ft to Port* lai 1 "i I'ngei sound points, also i'< II i -4»i<I Montana point*, Halt I-itiv• < in ,n l l nit point*. For tl*k uni toll Information call on -VV. L) < ton, Agent. lloiiiiiKiikvrB Kxeuralon Kata* are MUW III aAxnt rim Ike I iSIO.K I'Al ll ir HI wmil.K.N POINT*. I ii i-i ii-i rmiiI'liiplate a trip we*t I i ‘in in • i i i : anuri' should got lu fm ii god iitg the*e greatly re du<d i in-, Advertising matter and ion iiiPiiii ition can he obtained by •■ailing on or addresBing VV. I). C’ur Ton, Agent C'MJUJIINO KATP.M I’av I'p Farm Journal and get a itlUrgalii. Five Year*. i!> ii an alignment made with the puo ii i of the FAJIM JOURNAL We .u .»i,i i to offei a 6-years *ub M ilptl ni n. i ,at paper, and oue year* •oO*>ei.| Mill m till Sold II WKITKUN for >1 i1* I n oiii‘ offer in made to eyery "id mi n i iviio will pay all arrear* i" ' <■ ii in advance, a* wall a* to Me ■ m| riheM. In order to get the FA1- I JOl UN AL at thla low price It v Ii b< o' i try .o walk right up to do -t, in’, ollli ■ for we haye only a iimi'i i imiin r of 5-ycar subscription* I - i .. I'hr i AKM JOUKNAL i on d! ‘ foimdatlou and perfectly ! trustworthy. " ■ iii'i furnish ihe Kanaa* City VV* ‘ kly Journal, one of the UK.HT v < kly paper- in the went, and the Southwi i run for fl M). This ia the - nin pupet wo oluljjod with last year that g .ve ueh general satisfaction. Also tie Semi Weekly rttate Journal and the N< 'laii wkstkkn for tl.bO. i ! MI. 18 MONEY. W h«n you nr*: traveling, due cooaid • ration should l**! given to tho amount of tlrni' -pent In oinking your journey. I' HE I N ION PACIFIC l» the Best f.iNi i l maker the Kahtk&t Time by litany hour-: to Malt Cako City, Portland land California points. l or i on tables, folders, illustrated bool; i»bainp|ets descriptive of the ter iiory traversed, call on—\V. D, Clif ton, Agent. ,\< II K rOMCITOBM WANTED EVEKY 1 i"i Tlie story of the I'lilllpplne*" i1 nail i mu Missioned by tho Oov ■ *'ii" * ;t*■ o mini IlKuii to the War De > ! ai ie ■ ik was written In army " I i urlseo, ou the I'aclllc with 1 ' ' tn ' he hospital at Honolulu, || hi the a me r lean trenches at alui *11 b *• iii rump* with Agulnal the Olympia with Dewey, i a Kittle at, tin- fall of Manila. ‘ h ei,i , Urlmfui of original plo .. photographer on ii i " Low prices, trig prof * 1 »< i"i'h t'leait given. Drop all i o' oUe Outtii free, A<1 1 i, H« i o- r. Mil y„ star Insurance ! Hlrig,. Chicago, 111. W.tM KD -suviim, Thubtworthy pee sons in this state to manage our bualneae in Hit ii i." e anil nearby e.ountles. It la urn in ottti •• worn conducted at home. rtal ** ■' a year ami expense#—de il m 1 ullde. no more, no Teas salary v i.oil Beit reuses. Enclose self-ad 'In feii\. op. Herbert K Hess, Pre*. Depl M Chit ,go, f1!. H-KME