The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 31, 1899, Image 3

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    The Week in
The Legislature.
In the senate on the 18th Senator
Schaal's Joint resolution for a consti
tutional amendment to Increase the
number of supreme court Judges to
five, was read for the second time and
referred to the committee on const It u
► tlonal amendments and federal rela
tions, of which Senator Crow Is chair
House roll No. 330, providing for
two additional schools, waB read the
second time and referred to the com
mittee on university and norinil
Senate file No. 227 was read for the
third time and put upon Its passage.
It provides for the relief of ltussell
F. Loomis. The bill was passed.
Senate tllle No. 257 was placed on
Its passage. It authorizes county
boards of adjoining counties to enter
Into joint contracts for the building
and maintenance of bridges. The bill
was passed.
Senate flic* No. 199, to amend sec
tion 418 of the civil code, relating to
evidence as to legislative proceedings,
was passed.
Senate file No. C4, providing that
warrants drawn by county boards In
excess of 85 per cent of the levy,
where there are no funds In the treas
ury for the payment of the same, may
be cancelled by civil action from mem
* bers of the board, received sufficient
votes for passage, but as Senator Mil
ler, the author of the bill, voted
against It, there was, tn the language
of the chair, a stampede from yea to
nay, by senators changing their votes.
A second roll call was ordered which
resulted in the defeat of the bill, A
number of senators now changed their
votes from nay to yea before the an
nouncement of the result, whereupon
It was true that when the lieutenant
governor came to announce the re
sult, the vote stood Hi yeas to 15 nays.
A constlutlonal majority huving failed
to vote In the affirmative, the bill was
Senate tile No. 204 was recommend
ed for indefinite postponement. It
requires corporations to pay an an
nual license tax on their capital stock
at the rate of $1 per $50,000.
Senate file No. 187 was read for the
third time and put upon Its passage.
This is Senator Van Dusen's hill to
exempt from garnishee or attachment
the monthly earnings of heads of fam
ilies up to $50. The bill was passed
with the emergency clause.
House roll No. 331, Representative
McCarthy's bill to prohibit stock com
mission trusts and combines, to regu
late commission charges, was read the
second time and referred to the com
mittee on live stock and grazing, of
which Senator Reynolds, Currie, Allen,
Noyes and Miller are the members
The bill is iodentical with a senate
file introduced by Senator Curne,
which was referred to the committee
on agriculture, of which Senator Mc
► Cargar is chairman, early in the ses
sion, and which was never reported
buck to the senate
Adjourned until Monday.
In the senate on the 20th senate file
No. 218, relating to original Jurisdic
tion of probate court In the probate
of wills, and providing when probate
judges shall be disqualified from act
ing, was recommended for passage.
House roll No. 252, to amend the
law relative to the Issuance of bonds
by precincts, townships, villages and
cities of the second class in the aid
of internal improvements for streets
or highways, railroads, bridges, court
houses, Jails and drainage of swamps
and wet lands, was the subject of con
siderable, discussion. Finally it waa
reported for passage.
House roll No. 77, to amend the law
relating to notice to land owners of
the opening of roads, was recommend
ed for indefinite postponement.
Senate file No, 275, to prohibit street
railways companies furnishing free
transportation to city officials, was
recommended for passage.
Senate flic No, 131, to provide fer
the registration of women who desire
to vote at school elections and making
other amendments of the school laws,
was amended by Senator Prout to
strike out the provision requiring wo
men to register. On this amendment
Senators Prout and Van Dusen en
gaged In a running debate.
Senator Prout's amendment was
lost, and the bill was recommended
for nassage.
Senute Hie No. 209. reluting to pub
lic roads and the width thereof, w is
recoinuieinled for passage.
Senate hie No. 279, to provide for
disconnecting property in cities end
villages was next on generul Hie. U
provides that lauds in the form of ad
ditions to cities and villages muy, un
der certain conditions, be disconnect
ed therefrom.
Senator Van l)usen opposed the hill
and moved It* indefinite postpone
ment. lie claimed that under "boom
' times" land owners had platted out
their lauds into additions, sold lots
therefrom at fabulous prices, and now,
finding the boom collapsed, they de
sired to be relievi I from city taxes
by Ixdiig allowed to withdraw from
tbs ‘ tty,
The bill was recoin: «uds4 for pas
House roll No. s«, relating to the
compensation of receivers, introduced
liy H. itaior Weaver of Itichardson, was
opened bv rleiiator 1‘rivut aud defended
by it*nalor Mpohn in a sir mg and log
ical speech i he hill was recommend*
• > for | ass.ige by a vote of 11 to 3.
hen,il<> tile No jl iteits'or lallmt s
uniform text hook bill, was consider
ed In general. It provides lor a slats
si bon| text iM«.it comtniMlon whb h Is
to design.*** tb* t«- >k« to l» »iin
nil school* la Nebrashs, at not to si
eved a lived price provided lot in the
bill, ftboutd no flrat be willing to sstl
booh* at las f rise named >* r**mmt*
ston is empowered t» give the contract
fur the manufacture oi such h*udts to
nr publish tag boun* th* publisher*
to he paid oat of th* proceed* of th*
nates of ta* booh*
IWfor« th* reading o< the Mil by
the ilerh had b*en completed
Nuehe uoived that the further sailing
• the bill h* dispensed with *nd it be
Indefinitely p«ipa*4 whi- h iw.dU n
prevailed ay « unanimous tut*.
The first order of business on the
21 st In the senate that met with a re
sponse was the passage of bills upon
third reading. H. It. 88 and 262 were
H. R, 88 regulates Hie compensation
of receivers of state banks and H, R.
252 amends the present law relating to
Internal improvements in cities of the
second class and In villages.
In the afternoon the clerk of the
| bouse announced the passage of the fol
I lowing bills by that body: H. It., 390,
| 353, 214, 444, 500, 418 and *97. They
were given their first reading at once.
Standing committees reported a sub
stitute for B. F. 34 to puss; B. F. 310
and 245 for indefinite postponment.
B. F. UM5 Is the bill Introduced by
I Currie of Custer to prevent combina
tions, trusts and monopolies in buying
and selling live stock, produce and ar
ticles of trade at public and quasl-pub
11c markets, and to provide remedies
for persons injured thereby, and pen
alties for violations of this act.
The McCarthy bill passed In the
house Is exactly the same, hence Ben
ator Currie was willing to have his bill
H. R. 187 was passed with the emer
gency clause. 8. F. 131, 35 and 275 were
I also passed.
B. F. 131 amends the school law by
providing for registration of women
voters In cities where general registra
tion Is required; to provide an attor
ney for school boards at u salary not
; to exceed $390; and changing the time
members take their office from the
first Monday in .inly to the first Mon
day in May.
ill committee of the whole H. it, 187
j was recommended to pass and 8. F.
175, 179 and 159 Indefinitely postponed.
II. It. 187 provides that all fire In
surance policies, written ami covering
In whole or In part upon property with
in the state of Nebraska shall be writ
ten, countersigned and Issued only by
u duly authorized officer or agent of
such company, corporation, association,
partnership or person, resident of the
state of Nebrassa, and providing penai
i ties for the non-compliance of the pro
I visions of this act.
Progress was reported upon H. F. 302
with leave to sit again. It tlxes the
salaries of the deputy state officers, be
ing a bill to amend section 5, of article
i, section 6, of article II, section 14, of
article 111, section 7, of article iv, sec
tion 1, of article v. and section 1, of
article vl, of chapter IxxxlH, compiled
statutes of 1897, entitled, "State and
State Officers,” and to repeal said origi
nal sections.
In the senate on the 22d H. R. 93
was given Its third reading and passed.
It amends section 601a of the civil
In committee of the whole H. R.
197 and S. F. 112 were recommeuded
to oass.
The afternoon was spent in consid
ering the revenue bill, several sections
beln» stricken out. The committee
arose v/i'b the understanding that It
sit again from 7:30 o'clock until 9
o'clock to finish the consideration of
the tjill.
I'.'ie committee on rules reported the
forowlty new rule:
* That the sifting committee shall
have in charge ui• hills on general file
and that all hills reported by said
committee shall take preeedonce in
preference to bills now before the
senate except appropriation and claims
hills which shall be subject to snpalal
order at any time."
A motion by Van Dusen that the re
port lie on the table was lost and the
mot ion to adopt the report prevailed
by a vote of 17 to 11.
Standing committees reported the
following bills: Sutmtltute for 8. F. 319
to pass, substitute for S. F. 315 to puss,
H. It. 671 and 270 to pass, H. R. 20 and
177, S. F. 267 and 321 to be indefinitely
postponed, and H. R. 41, S. F. 323, 349
and 344 to general file without reeom
mendatlo i.
H R. 20 is a bill to provide for the
payment of interest and principal on
real estate mortgages.
11. R. 177 seeks to amend section 370
of the code of civil procedure and to
repeal said original section.
8 F. 267 was to amend section 538,
chapter v, compiled statutes of Ne
breaku. 1897, and to repeal said sec
tion us now existing.
8. F. 321 is a bill to define and pun
ish certain misdemeanors in trude and
commerce, and to make it a crime for
anyone to purchase goods, wares or
merchandise on credit und sell, hy
pothecate or dispose of the same out
of the usual course of business with in
tent to cheat or to defraud the ven
dor or seller, and to tlx the punish
meat of subl offenses.
I lie senate took & recess until 7:30
o'clock, 8. P. 210 beiug made a special
order at 7:30.
At the evening after recess the sen
ate went into committee of the whole,
with Senator Front of Uage in tile
chair, to consider the special order. 8.
P. ok. by Senator Fowler of Fillmore,
an act relating to the isaiiauce of
teachers' certificates by county super
intendents, was recommended to pass.
The senate on the 23d postponed II.
tt. 137, muter known as me I'ollard
reveuue bill. ‘1 he bill did not appear
to have a single champiou in .Be sen
ate at this lata day in the session, al
though four Members opposed its post
ponement without some consideration.
It tie ,olc to postpone was It to «, Sc li -
atots Van iittiru Owens, llaldrrtuau
and Fowler composing the latter,
the following bills were ptttstat: s
F IN, relating to the duties of pro
bate touria, n F tig, t elating to the
organisation ul school district hoards,
J d F, ft*, providing for the dleeonuee*
non of plats fmni cute* anu towns,
and 8 F .'os th«- eond law
M tu width of roads
Senate hie .No 3hW, instructing the
state istaici ul tus-yuiUtitiR to t«g*
freight raise la Nebraska, for tndcli
atta postponement Senator Spotm
moved that the yeporl he sut accepted,
which noittou was st by a stn t par
ty vole, and the hill was mdehutiety
Ihe rommittue us insurance recom
mended the Iwdehlttle postponement tM
•emite hie N» ft, and the passage of
house roll No. 191, with amendments.
The report was adopted.
House t jll No. 191 Is the Weaver
Insurance bill, while senate file No. <4
Is Senator Talbot's bill, identical with
bouse roll No. ul.
Senator Prout moved that the senate
reconsider Its action In indefinitely
postponing senate file No. 176, which
authorizes the auditor to license not ‘o
exceed 100 fire Insurance hrokerB.
Senator Prout explained that he
made tnls motion at the request of sev
eral senators who were absent at the
time the bill was Indefinitely post
poned, and who were very much In
terested In it. lie voted to kill the bill
tie cause he believed It a tiad one, and
he was frank to say he had not yet
changed his opinion.
Senator Proof's motion prevailed and
the bill was recommended for passage.
At fhe afternoon session the sifting
committee reported, placing the fol
lowing bills at tli«* head of the general
file. In tne order natr d:
Senate filOH Nos. 210, 243, 211, 212,
172; house rolls Nos. 276 and 264.
The senate then wont into committee
of the whole, Senator Prout In the
chair, on senate file No, 210, the Van
Jtusen revenue measure,
Senator Van Dusen moved that the
bill be recommended for passage.
Senator Reynolds moved to amend
by recommending the bln for Indefinite
postponement. Ily a rising vote the
substitute prevailed by a vote of 21
to 4 The bill was accordingly recom
mended for Indefinite postponement.
When the senate met on the 24th
standing committee reports were nu
merous, as follows: II. K. 297, to
pass; H. F. 266 and 291, to pass; n. It,
251, to pans with amendments; 8, F.
330, 331, 247 and 288, no recommenda
itocke of laincaster offered the fol
lowing resolution:
“Whereas, during the early portion
of this session resolutions were adopted
by the senate which reflected on Colo
nel John M. Stotsenburg of the First
Nebraska regiment at Manila, and
requesting his recall from command
thereof; and
“Whereas, sue a resolutions were
adopted without any hearing on the
part or In behalf of said Colonel, and
In the Itght of recent information os
to Ills conduct In battle and command
of the regiment, those resolutions seem
to do the colonel an Injustice; there
“Resolved, That the resolutions
above referred to lie rescinded and
wholly expunged from the records of body.
The resolution failed to carry and
was laid over one day.
The following bills were passed: 8.
F. 91, by Noyes, making trie Friday
nearest the middle of May “Bird day;”
8. F. 299, the Talbot concurrent reso
lution relating to money uue the state
educational fund from the sale of the
Pawnee reservation by the govern
ment; 8. F. 99, relating to the Issuance
of teachers’ certificates by county su
perintendents, and 8. F. 213, by Newell,
fixing printers’ fees.
8. F. 38 was recommitted to correct
errors in engrossment.
The sifting committee reported the
list of bills for advancement, following
8. F. 264, as follows: H. R. 240, 8. F.
304, H. It 191, 8. F 231, 184, 319, 338,
302. 176, 238, 249.
The senate uid not concur in the
report on ri. F. 288, and . was Indefi
nitely postponed.
H. R. 501, the general appropriation
bill, was given its first reading.
In the afternoon ialbot of Lancaster
moved that the printers of the blue
book be Instructed to furnlsu 260 copies
to the secretary of the senate. Ho said
his motion was in accordance with a
resolution passed early In the session.
'1 he motion prevailed by a light vote.
In committee of the whole 8. F. 211
and 212, relating to roads, were recom
mended to pass.
In the house on the 17th when tbo
journal was read House of Hall called
attention to the fact that the sifting
committee which was selected was
elected by a vote of only fifty mem
Dismission followed, at the end of
which the journal of the previous day
was adopted anu the sifting commit
tee was made secure in its position.
Standing committees reported to the
general file If. R, 141, 602, 563, 595,
554, 560, 181 and F. 154, 148 and 61.
The bills indefinitely postponed
were H. R. 464 534, 573, 59, 676, 2, 263
and 224. The last numbered bill had
already been maue a special order,
and there was a motion to reject the
report and put the bill on file. The
motion was defeated by a vote of 24
to 35.
After recess bills were taken up for
passage. H. H. 251. by Taylor of Cus
ter, un act to amend Beotlon 3 of chap
ter 28 of the compiled statutes of iv.i?,
entitled "Fees," was passed by a vote
of 82 to 9.
The house then went Into the com
mittee of the whole, with Iietweiler Oi
Douglas In the chair, to consider ths
special order of the day. S. F .’0.
by Holbrook of Dodge, un act empow
ering the corporation authorities of
cities of the second class, villages and
count Itst to take up and pay off valid
outstanding bonds Issued pursuant to
vote of electors, was recommeuded for
II, It. So. by Hums, to abolish tits
state Iniard of transportation, socis
taryshlps and all, was taken tip.
ITInce of Hall offered au amendment
which was practically a re-enact merit
of II. K 59 The amendment w is
adopted. WheuU-r of kurna* then mor
el to recommit ths bm. l.ost, and t is
bill recommended for passage
II It by la-mar of . uni ters, is
•tulriItK the secretaries of the buaid of
transportation to Ale ts
■igiiipst railroad companies where vio*
'atoms uf the law came to their i.o*
, ee. waa re* unintended for psuug*.
II It 3"| by Flynn of Douglas, all
act proiidilig that eight hours stall
const little a day a work egeepi w.ivn
Othermse slipUialed In the contract,
and prohibiting longer hours un tills
work egeept In case# of great ettsf
geney was tndeAnltely |e>aip.<ae ,
tt It ,11. by thin Head retails* to
in* nisi ner of wh Mint special iina
or itaiMWrHtii arisiag out of itnproys
m*tii« to property m cltiea of the met*
ropolllau class waa iuommeads* fug
It N t»T by ISillard appropriating
Ii for the use sad *uppi#f of tks
slats boftli nil oral tee let y was ft oat*
no-lifted for passage
II H tl* y Draft on to appr *ptl»
ate ?5,0n0 to build a standpipe, furnish
fire protection and furnish the libra
ry at the Peru normal school, was rec
ommended to pasa.
H. K. 299. by Lane of Lancaster, an
act to authorize the state auditor to
license a limited number of tire insur
ance brokers and defining metr duties
and compensation, was recommended
for passage.
The house on the 18th held but a
half day session.
The sifting committee reported the
bills for advancement to the head of
general file.
The report was adopted after an
amendment by Jansen "that the re
port he adopted and the committee
dscharged," was voted down.
The house resolved Itself Into a com
mittee of the whole for the consider
ation of hills on genera^ tile, with
Prince of Hail in the chair. House roll
No. 444, the salaries appropriation bill,
was taken up.
The Items providing for salaries of
supreme court commissioners, $16,000,
and their stenographic assistants,
$6,000, were stricken out of the bill.
The discussion of the university
salary appropriation item wns long
and at times very hitter. Taylor of
Custer, Wright, Cunningham, East
man, Easterling, Lernar, Cawthra,
Tanner, Thompson of Clay, nnd others
spoke against retiring the item at the
larger sum, while McCarthy, Weaver,
Loomis, Clnrk. Wilcox and Pollard
made the fight for the full amount.
The advocates of the reduction criti
cised the methods of the university
management and lobby In caustic
terms. Taylor charged, among other
things, that the showing of 2,000 stu
dents was not correct, Haying that
there were only 1,270 to be provided
for outside of the departments of law,
music and art.
The report of the committee was
adopted, when the committee arose,
by a vote of 60 to 23, and the hill was
ordered engrossed for third reading.
The speaker of the house on the 20th
signed H. R. 65 and 156 and they were
transmitted to the governor. H. K.
it.i 1h by Prince, relating to the rate
of interest on county and municipal
bonds. H. K. 156 was the Wilcox dog
tax measure.
Standing committees placed on gen
eral ule H. It. 616, 619, 669, 31u and
531. A report from the committee on
revenue and taxation pluced H. it. 29
on file, but Pollard, chairman of the
committee, objected and said there
must be some error, as he knew noth
ing of such a report having been made
by him. The cierkH examined their
list and found that the bill was not
properly before them at this time.
Fisher of Hawes then said he thought
this bill had been recommitted, and
moved that it now be sent back to the
standing commit lee. The motion pre
Chairman Wilcox of the Judiciary
committee reported 8. F. 58, 79, 80, 93,
96, 113, 117, 119, 124. 125, 126, 129, 140,
143, 144, 145, 150, 151, 153, 155, 1*6
and 157, with recommendation that
they be advanced to a third reading.
He explained that they were all cur
ative measures amending the civil and
criminal code, and that they would
need no discussion. The motion pre
The asylum bills, H. It. 8, 296, 280,
27*. 336 and 359. being the special ap
propriations to build additions to the
institutions, as follows, were taken up:
H, Jt. 8, Hastings asylum, addition,
$30,000; H. It. 296, Lincoln asylum,
addition, $50,000; H. R. 9, Hastings
boiler house, $30,000; H. It. 275, Omaha
O. & D. boiler uouse, $6,200; H, R.
280, Omaha 1). & 1)., addition, $50,000;
H. R. 336, Feeble Minded Institution,
addition, $73,500; H. R. 538, Blind
School, addition, $6,000.
These bills were all recommended
for passage as originally drafted, ex
cept II. It. 280, which was scaled down
to $25,000: II. R. 9, to $15,000; H. It.
336, to $48,500; II. R. 275, raised to
H. R. 585, by Easterling of Buffalo,
an act to give the governor the power
to appoint officers of the Kearney In
dustrial school, was recommended to
H. R. 654, by McKinley, an act to
require any railroad company or cor
poration doing business within the
limits of this state and receiving and
conveying any live stock to pass the
shipper or his employe to or from the
point designated In contract or bill
of lading without further expense to
shippers, was recommitted.
S. F. 135, by Holbrook, to amend
the mutual insurance law relative to
the insurance of farm buildings, was
recommended to past..
In the house on the 21st hills on
thin! reading were taken up with the
following result:
8. F. 20, allowing cities of the sec
ond class to refund their bonds and
issue other bonds at the same nr a
lower rate of Interest, was passed
by a vote of 78 to 13.
H. It. 122, by Olmsted, to authorze
county courts to require administra
tors and administrators with will an
nexed to pay and deliver to svd
court* money nnd certain personal
property remaining in their possession
after the final settlement of their ac
counts, was passed without a dissent
ing vote.
II. It. 24, by Hums, to extend lien
privileges to cover windmills and wells
was passed, the vole txdng 78 to 7
8. F. 132, flxlng the fees and sa'.a.y
of county surveyors, passed with only
three votes ugalnst It.
II. it. 330, tty Young, to appropriate
certain money ttelonglug to the 8ta*e
Normal Library fund for the put chase
of books, was passed with the emerg
ency clause.
II It 27. by 1‘ollaril providing for
the appropriation of 13.300 for th« use
and betielil of the tttatc
society, was passed by a vote of 31
to 28, a half dozen niciiit* m chaugit.g
In favor of the bill at the last moinctl.
II It. 311, by •tint t. d providing lor
the proper of spat ial tux
es for assessments for tin purpose, > f
Internal improvements In elites of the
metropolitan t lass, was passed.
it It 418. hv tlrwfto*. appruprtatluw
the sum of $.*>.ishi for a »*ud pip* to
ealarga the heating and lighting ap
pars!us and aid la furnishing a m w
chapel at the l**ru mate Normal, was
pas- d by a vote of 88 to IP
li It i ) by Kvan» rt»*iii in* a
retold to be kept of all births and
death* in the stale of Nebraska and
allowing the vouaty clerk Id reals for
each Item SO recorded was passed |||
a vote of 3t to M
It H 54a. by Iswsr sspHcltlr d-d •
lag the duties of the secretaries of the
H*ate tt<*«rd of trsn.,.,.1 isti-it. *• j
requiring that where violation* of lit*
i law are known to them, and no com
plaint Is (lied, they shall formulate
and file a complaint, was passed with
| little opposition.
After recess H. R. 444, the salary ap
propriation bill, was put on third read
ing and passed. The only member to
vote against It was Eastman of Custer. !
The bouse went into committee of
the whole to consider bills on sifting
file with Nesblt In the chair.
8. F. 203, which provides that police ;
! judges and city attorneys shall be elect-1
ed by the people Instead of being ap- i
pointed by the mayor, as Is now the
rule, was recommended for passage.
H. R. 422, by Prince, providing that
all judgments, except In certain speci
fied cases, shall become dormant after \
\ ten years from the date of rendition, i
was taken up. After heated discussion
: It wus recommended to pass.
H. R. 30, which had been amended
ho as to cut offl two of the secretaries
j of the board of transportation, was
placed upon its passage and was do
i feated by a vote of 24 to 02,
Wenzl of Pawnee, on behalf of the
joint committee on adjournment, re
ported that the time agreed upon for
final adjournment was Friday noon,
March 31. The report was adopted.
II. R. 302, permanently locating the
state fair at Lincoln and providing for
the purchase of a site, was under dis
cussion most of the evening session. A
strong sentiment developed against
permanently locating the fair at any
point. The history of Its financial suc
cesses and failures was reviewed by
both friends and eneTTlnsljf the bill.
Detweller of Douglas moved that the
bill be indefinitely postponed and It
prevailed by a vote of 3H to 29.
The bills advanced by the house
sifting commltee on the 22d were an
II. It. 502. by Dltmar, appropriating j
65.000 for the relief of Nebraska City,
because of the smallpox quarantine.
H. It. 511, by Crockett, authorising
the Hoard of Public Lands and Uulld
ings to build a bridge across the Nio
brara river and appropriating 68,000
for the same.
H. It. 194, by Tanner, appropriating
6500 for the relief of Cyrus F. lllake,
deputy sheriff of Nance county.
H. It. 289, by Burnarn, allowing bond
companies to sign bonds of suloon
II It. 424. by Wheeler, permitting
leaseholders of school lands prior to
January 1, 1897, to purchase the lands.
H. R. 610, by Grafton, appropriating
625.000 to buy the Buckstaff property
In Lincoln for a residence for the gov
H. R. 414, by Tanner, amending the
newspaper publication law In relation
to licenses, allowing publication “in
a newspaper published In said county.”
H. R. 466, by Weaver, an act pro
viding for the repair of temporary
plank sidewalks In cities of the second
8. F. 136, Crow’s bill making dogs
personal property.
H It. 621, oy Detweiler, relating to
the disposition of money paid into the
county treasury from the several road
H. It. 303, by Israel, appropriating
620.000 for experimental stations at
Culbertson and Ogalalla.
H. H. 347, by Fisher, creating a state
registry of brands and marks and a
state brand and mark committee.
Consideration was nad of the gen
eral appropriation bill.
The chairman of the finance commit
tee recommended an amendment
which was adopted allowing the gov
ernor 6100 to pay his private page dur
ing the legislature.
The amount for the support of the
National Guard was cut from 621,719
to 610,859, while the amount to replace
the equipment of the guard on account
of the property transferred to the gen
eral government was entirely stricken
out .mnklng a reduction In the bill of
666.697. This wus on the recommen
dation of the finance committee.
The State Hoard of Irrigation was
allowed 6L500 for Incidental and trav
eling expenses, an increase of 6LQ00
over the original bill.
A motion to allow the commissioner
of labor a salary for a factory Inspect
or was defeated, as was also Ester
ling's amendment to increase t.he ex
pense item of the Hoard of Transporta
tion from 6200 to 6500.
The asylum at Norfolk was allowed
an Increase of 62,000 In the board and
: clothing fund, and small increases In
several other funds
The asylum at Lincoln got an in
crease of >3,000 In the clothing fund,
>200 In the kitchen furniture fund and
an addition of >1,000 for burial ex
perises, >1,000 for postage and express
| and >1,500 for drugs and nooks.
The Industrial school at Milford got
an increase of >300 In the repair fund,
j >100 in the postage fund and >750 In
I the improvement fund.
At the Nebraska institution the >400
for a com crib and >100 for a safe were
Btriken out.
The Institute for the Feeble Minded
at Beatrice got an Increase of >4,000
In the employe fund and the Institu
tion for the Deaf and Dumb at Omaha
got >0,000 added for a new dynamo and
j repairs of building.
All these amendments were made at
; the recommendation of the committee
on finance,
When the Nebraska State university
was reached In the bill there was a
long struggle over the (93,500 for new
buildings the tight against It being led
by Taylor of Custer and Cunutughum
of llurlau. An amendment was offer
ed to reduce It to >33,500 and this was
finally adopted.
l bs Hem of >900 for the visiting and
• lehauga board at (irand Island was
strlken out and >20.000 was added to
build a hospital for the home.
For the Milfold Soldiers' home the
I Item for > 1 ,ooo for rent was strlkeu
I mler the head of "Miscellaneous"
the It cut for the support uf the slate
Ik will uf agriculture was raised front
|.' Mtu to 11 isK), aud >« ouo was added
to tie used Air the ptlutittg of supinui*
court reports.
The f t <nmj for a standpipe and chapel
at the State Normal at iSru was strik
er! out.
When Ik* ■ omm It tec stone aud the
report came to the house the Hein for
| new buddings lor the Plate I alvetslty
• as plan'd bach to the original figure
i uf
In the Imii .e un the |ot| Faster I ng
uf lluSalo offered a resolution iailing
for a consideration uf Ho action of
the house In ordering II 14 3P4, the
W tiros reappor I lonarenl bill to a
tbird leading On Motion uf klrUla
ley of (Nin> the resolution eas laid
on the t eh la.
Mi II P4, by l|i ittntev an gel re j
uniting any railroad lompany or isr j
potation doing business with the state
ieoeivlng or conveying any live stock
to pass shipper or his employe to and
from the point designated In the con
tract or hill of lading without further
expense to the shipper, was passed
by a vote of 80 to 3.
II. H. 285, Oltnsaed’s bill to author
ize the organization and regulate the
conduct of a mutual Insurance com
pany, to Insure against loss of hogs
by death caused from disease, was
passed with an emergency clause by
a vote of 7o to 14.
H. R. 297, by Dltmar, an act to
provide for a fireproof wing and heat
ing equipment for the asylum ut Lin
coln and to appropriate $50,000 for
necessary funds therefor, was passed
by a vote of 56 to 22.
H. R, 505, by Evans, un act to pro
vide for the depositing of county funds
In banks and for the investment of
the same In securities and providing
a penalty for the violation of this act
by any county treasurer, was passed
by a vote of 82 to 2,
H. It. 431, by llathorn, a bill amend
ing the laws relating to depositories
of stute and county funds and provid
ing for the securities of the same, was
passed by a vote of 77 to 7.
II. R. 8, by Evens, to appropriate
$30,000 for a new building ut Hastings,
was read the third time and passed
by a vote of 71 to 12.
H. It, 9, by Evans, appropriating
money to build u boiler und engine
bouse at the Hastings asylum, was
passed by u vote of 73 to 7.
11, R. 538, by Harris, appropriating
16,000 to build a gymnasium and labor*
ntory at the Institution for the blind
at Nebraska City, was passed by a
vote of 62 to 16.
ii, it. .inz, uy weaver, to perma
nently locate the stale fair at Lincoln
und authorizing the purchase of a site
therefor, was put on Its passage. The
ldll having fulled to puss with the
emergency clause, the roll was called
on the passage of the hill with the
emergency clause stricken out, an 1 It
was passed by a vote of 56 to 87.
H. It. 295, the bill prepared by the
committee on soldiers' homes, calling
for the appropriation of $13,000 to pur
chase the buildings and site of the
soldiers' home at Milford, passed b)t u
vote of 82 to 1.
H. K. 470, by Hurinan, appropriat
ing $3,500 for the relief of Wllllum (5.
Peterson because of disabilities con
tracted while serving with the Na
tional guard during the Indian war In
the winter of 1891, was passed by a
vote of 72 to 13.
11. K. 336, appropriating $48,500 to
construct new buildings at the Insti
tute for the Feeble Minded at Beatrice,
failed to pass with the emergency
clause, receiving only 52 votes to ?8
against. On the second call with the
emergency clause stricken out tke bill
passed by a vote of 62 to 28.
In the house on the 24th of the bills
refarrud to H. K. 599 was the bill to
nay the claims for bonks for the state
library; 600 and 803 were to pay mis
cellaneous claims; 267 and 334 were
the sugar bounty bills, and 370 was the
chicory bounty bill.
II. K. 501. the general appropriation
bill, was placed on third reading and
passed by a vote of 78 to 8. Those
voting against the bill were Bower,
(luwihra. Grosvenor, McCracken, Men
nlnger, Morrison Peck and Shore.
The sifting committee made a new
report, advancing 11. H. 608, 600, 599,
510, 273, 315, 4)2, 314, 225, 259, 230,
141, 439 and 403. The report also
recommended H. R. 385 and 392, the
Omahu charter amendments, to be en
grossed for third reading.
Rouse of Hull moved to Include In
the latter part of the report H. R.
343 and 370.
The chair held that the report, to
have a bill engrossed for a third read
ing, and the Rouse amendment were
out of order. The balance of Lie report
was adopted.
The house went Into committee of
the whole, with Jansen In the chair,
to consider bills on the sifting file,
H. It, 289, by llurman, permitting
saloon keepers to give guaranty bonds,
was amended so as to compel all saloon
keepers to give guaranty bonds and
was then recommended for passage.
H. R. 424, the Wheeler bill to Der
mit the purchase of school lands by
persons who ueid leases on the same
prior to January 1, 18s., was next
taken up. An amendment by Hicks to
Include university landB was adopted.
H. R. 347, by Fisher, for an act to
create a state registry of brands and
mnaks for live stock und a state brand
amrmark committee was recommended
for passage without discussion.
H. R. 303, by Israel, was taken up
and the committee substitute discussed.
I he bill provides for the establishment
unu maintenance oi the experimental
stations located by act of the legisla
ture of 1891 at Culbertson. Gordon and
Ggalalla and appropriating the sum of
$30,000 for the same, the money to
be expended under direction of the
state board of agriculture.
McCarthy moved to strike out the
name Ogalalla wherever It occurs m
the measure and substituting the name
Kmerson. If the state was going to
spelt" money oil experiments he be*
lleved It should be used In the eastern
part of the state, where agriculture
is more of a success under present
methods of farming. The amendment
failed. Before ronstderuuon of the
hill was flnlshea the lommttllee arose
and reported.
Bollard moved that the report on
H. It in be not concurred In, but tuat
tne bill lie Indefinitely pouf potted and
demanded a roll call, which resulted,
.12 ayes and 56 nays, a majority of tho
members lie tug In favor of buying a
house for the governor,
Mvers moved mat It It. 517, which
deiiiies tie- tMMindary of rhtipy county,
be advanced to third reading It was
so ordered,
It H tit, uy Tanner ot Nance, to
change the law relating to me*
iiwi of s.ib cio lii »p»es w>ts taken up,
and W lieeb r of Bnruaw moved that It
tse recommended for passage l.iuc of
Mnewsier moved to amend that ths
bill b« In>b duitelv postponed Ths
mol loll prevailed
II It 2t" providing that Ike Omaha
hoard of educaOou wkail annually Hi
(be levy hit oid
making It impergllvs upug Iks city
iHincll to provide for the • atonal w
levied. wae re* ••muicadtd to pane
A uuta never • ares ant thing about
meeting kta wife* relkium* unless
they are rub and distinguished
The frail* of Industry sometime* go
to smash >l ho llv )*»*