The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 31, 1899, Image 1
VOL. XVI,LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY. NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1899 NUMBER 22 DON’T FORGET THAT T. M. REED IS PREPARED TO T -FURNISH YOU WITH Fan lien, fillies, Wapns, Harness, Hardware, Wind Mis, Pi is, Pips, I Garden Seeds, Machine Oils, Repairs for McCormick, Buckeye, and Woods Binders and Mowers. (Till and see me and I will try and please yon with good quality of goods. Yours very truly, T M HI] ET). DON’T YOU NEED A DISC HARROW, SI LKY PLOW, < ULTIVATOR, WIND MILL, I V.WLNG MILL, H i D GRINDER, W ASHING MACH* INKS, SEWING MACHINES, HARNESS. ■L'PKKVIMOIt* I'ltOCKKDI NOS . Loup City Nebraska, March 10, two Htate of Nebraska i Sherman County t h * County board In session pursuant to adjourn meat of March 10, 1X99: Present: H. N Sweetland chairman. O. L. Way, J, P. Lelnln ger, Lewis Hechthold, W. C. Dietrich*. Petei MeKeon and A. Dickerson Supervisors; and T, IJ. Nightingule, county attorney, and John Minshull, county clerk. The following pro ceedings were had and done, to wit : On motion the county is ordered to transfer the sum of $1000 UO from the county general fund to the county bridge fund. On motion the county treasurer is Instru cted to take up of the county rail road bowl* to the amount of $3,ouo at their full value with accrued Into, or at a* Iowa premium as the said bonds can he obtained, provided that the county treasurer shall not. pay a greater premium on said hoods that a sum represent ing an amount equal to 3 per cent on said bonds, per annum iiblII the same are due. The report of bridge committee on the con struction of new bridge accross the Middle Loup, commencing the work as being in ac cordance with contract, plans anil specifications was accepted and approved. On motion the claim of M. I, Hi-ott appear ing for fcj.fir:! .Ml It being in payment for the new bridge uccross Middle Loup river west of Loup City was allowed and a warrant for said Mum ordered brawn on the bridge fund. It having been shown to the eounty board that T. il. Khmer, now of Loup City had paid his poll tax in Hall eounty for the year 1x98, his poll tux for said year was therefore stricken from the tax list of Loup City village. The contract uud bond of the Omaha Print ing company for printing books and furnish ing supplies was read and on motion approved. K A Brown's contract and bond for print ing and furnishing stationery supplies Was also approved. EjOn motion It was resolved to make a grade from the east eml of thi new Loup river bridge to the east bank of said river, the grade to be one foot higher than the bridge floor, and said grade to have a fail com mencing at s d in luge of six inches to every go feet, of its entire length, the grade to he go feet wide on top with slop* it one and one-half feet to every foot at height, top of grade to consist of at least one fi*ot of clay, and county clerk ordered to advert. • for bids, a notice of which uppeur* elsewhere in this issue. On motion il was ordered that Supervisors Leiningcr and Hechthold construct the necess ary wing damn on the sight of the new Loup river bridge, and they are hereby authorized, together with Chairman Sweetland to let the contract for the grading designated in the foregoing motion. Ou motion the county treasurer is author ized to accept the full umotintof all delin quent taxes against a certain two acre tract, being a part of southwest quarter of section 1, township Is, ltange It. assessed In the name of Henry C. Palmer and in the name of James Shields in full of the delin quent takes against said tract m On motion the item of poll tux charged to Christine Hchnke for INtr, and at Christine Riegel for same year were ordered stricken from the tax list. It appearing to the board that the personal assessment of John Johnson in the year IXWO in Ashton township had been eruueously en tered It was on motion ordered that one of said assessments and the tax resulting there from be stricken from the tax list. Whereupon the county hoard adjourned to March 17th, 1X99. County bourd in session pursuant to ad journment Present: Full bourd, county ut t iruey anil clerk. irn motion me county treasurer Is instructed ID furnish tile county attorney with u list of all lands upou which the special Russian thistle tax is unpaid, and also with a list of all the improved village properties upou which there are delinquent tuxes, together with the address of the owners of such lands and of such village lots, and that the county attorn ey with the county treasurer proceed at once to collect snch taxes by foreclosure or other means The contract of M L Scott, bridge builder and his bond for the faithful is-rforuiance of said contract was read, examiued and on ruu ■W tton approved and the chairman Instructed to sign said contract on behalf of said county. The atiovc mentioned contract to tie made a part of this record am. Is recorded on pages 314 and 31' of supervisors record No 4. On motion the county attorney Is Instructed to putcha-se on behalf of the county for delin quent late* lots a a 7. s y amt IV. In block 13. lotlk * Krelebtsvuul.s addition to lamp City U no a n a> the lire uer l*ro|M-rl y. ’* tHi motion 4 rank llmlara county treasurer and lamia lb in. deputy county clerk are ap pointed a i .oiiiii1 loi iti apis ar Iwfore tha state hoard of t»lu .ti.-nal lauds amt building* for the pur pot: of making atu-h arrangement* with said board that the county of Hhermah any tie •atiticsl h. a- eluartk to gradually |*»» that part uf tha maud .win ao« held hy the statu of Neuraasa as an* ihtvstmehl of Its mh.sii load ward cotawitlee lo taake its re port to this taaynt >st June I f I -up The totem lag claims acre aH->ae>t dedoel bats far takes ash* sad astreats ordered drawn ua the re«pm fua>t> via 4i ... si r... Via is S ’*** • »•** •9 II H < i i ■%•««% ^ 4 I I* i -4 , . a€ • « H Mbm# t.atlmri y «» jeitn if i a shall ra ■ »1 M ISh m I M f dsk. *.«, 11v m | m I H it A* 11 I M m m , V4W JJ Phillip King. IK Ignatz Janulewicz. I John Czaplewski. I mi John Bzydzyk. 2 an John Czaplewski, Jr. I no Barbara Czaplewski I Ho Prances Czaplewski. . I no K, A. Brown . 11 S3 Frank I tail ura . I* no Benschoter A Gibson 1185 Frank Badura. 7 75 Tbos, Inks . 2 to It. G. Patton. 10 45 Peter McKeon. 13 50 W. C. Dleterlehs. 13 no 8. N. Hweetlarid in 20 O. It. Way. 13 40 I-ewls Becbthold. 12 00 A. Dickerson. 14 00 J. P. Lelnlnger. 13 40 On bridge fund. Jacob Albers. 8 50 Keystone Lumber Company. 17 85 Henscboter A Gibson. 2 25 M. L. Fries. II 05 Dlerks Lumber and Coal Co. 21 05 Win. Uulno, 8 00 laxen for tax. 150 John Ktitles. 4 50 Peter McKeon. 10 27 Mike McKoen. 3 00 W. C. Deitrlchs. 3 72 8. N. Kweetland. 3 00 O, L. Way. 4 HO Lewis Bechtbold..... 3’.si | J. P. Leintnger. 7 00 j On road fund: A WatkinHon. 6 48 On motion the claim tiled by one B, L. Nich ols. a supervisor of Custer county, was dis allowed by the county board for the reason that said claim is not sworn to and for the further reason that It does not state that ft Is one half the cost of replaoklng the bridge mentioned therein or the whole of said cost of replanking. The claims of William tjuinn and Jonil KI lies for $5 26 each were allowed at $4 50 each for that II 50 is the limit of wages paid per day by this board for common labor. Whereupon the county hoard adjourned to June 12 IWU. Attest: John minhh ll, County Clerk. By Louts Kkin, Deputy. Kobbeil The firave A startling incident, of whkh Mr, John Ollv r of Philadelphia, was the subject, Is narrated bv him us follows: “I was In a most dreadful condition My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite -gradually grow ing weaker day by day Three physi cians had given me up. Fortunately a friend advised trying "Electric Bitters:’ and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improve ment. I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another victim,” So one 6'inuld fail to try them. Only 50cts., guaranteed, at Odendabl Bros Drug Store. Physicians are the fiiends of the family HARPER Whiskey is the friend of the Physicians. A most valuable as sistant. and one that can be trusted, Sold by T. Ik Ei.SNKK, Loup City, Neb. There Is no medicine (hat has yet been discovered that has virtues deserv ing to be compared with Dr Sawjer's Wild Cherry and Tar, for bad eases of Chronic Bronchitis, Consumption, «r any cough or cold. Sold bv Odeodahl Hro’s. NOTICK To LANDOWNERS. To Mil whom It may concern: The commissioners appointed to tiew and report upon a road commencing ut the north corner stake between sections thee aud four in township sixteen (1(1 north of range thirteen (13i west la Sherman county und state of Nebraska and running iliencc ou the section lines as near as possible due south between sections three and four, aud nine aud ten and sixteen and fifteen, and twenty -one und twen ty-two. and twenty-seven and iwenty-eigtil, and thirty-three and thirty four, all in town ship sixteen north of range thirteen west. Also between section* three and four, town ship fifteen north of range thirteen west, Sherman county, Nebraska and terminating at the government stake ou the south line be tween sections three aud four cf township fifteen north of range thirteen west la After man county. Nebraska has reported in fa tor of the establishment thereof and ali object ions thereto or claims for damage* must iw tiled in the county clerks oBU i on or f- r--: • noow of the 1st day of June A It i»vo ut - < h find will tie establish*-I eith- it r» b i thereto. Dated this nth day of March ng JoMM Mtash Jl.t t -uatj Clerk SUIH ITlUAMHIM M Its To ail whom It may nsk-mu The i-wmmiaaiuac • appointed to view and report iipa a rami comment-log at the st.-.lh west corner of seetlop laeaty lau • « tous shop thirleea <U» range gfte*a >1*1 ami rua a-a* iheaee east up satd sect not lias eel ter ttdoaltap at the south east voenee of set tlon twenty four ilMi taaaehtp thirteen ill- fangs hftoea tthi la hhermaa eoaaty Nebraska ha* to par ted la favor of the estaMitfiiosai I hereof aad aU i-njeettons thereto ee stains* for item are* most na nie-t IS the coapty eierhs .on o op at hef»*r* MW wf tfee i.t -I*. 1 I t,- % tag* a tpriMiiadniiiienit re Os renew thereto •nrned thfa hah <ta> eg March taw J--WS distal 11 iv at, Oeifc ASHTON LOCALS. A N Conklin returned from smith Omaha Thursday evening, i W. C, Dunker mado a Hying business trip to St, Paul Thursday afternoon, Miss Tracy Seifert of Grand Island arrived Wednesday evening for a short visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Seifert. Miss Seifert returned to the Island Friday morning, accompanied by tier father, who spent a few days In that hustling city We beg to acknowledge receipt of an announcement card saying Miss Maud Blanchard of CotesflehJ, Neb,, was mar rled to Mr. West on the 15 Inst. Many of the Ashton people will remember Mrs. West, as one of our primary school teachers. May joy and a long happy wedded life be theirs. W K. Mellor of Loup City, was a call er at these headquarters on Friday. •John Spotanskt left Friday morning with his little daughter for the hospital at Grand Island, where lie intends to pisce int* young lady lor treatment. Ed. F t’tilnn, Ashton's one time druggist, now tiav ling for an Omaha ding firm, was a pleasant caller Friday. Prof If. E Artliaud, accompanied h> Mi— Grace Artliaud made a visit to St. Pan’, Saturday Mr. Itollurhide of St. Paul, w as seen on our streets Saturday morning Mr. .f. II, Frank, a carpenter from Nes ted, ciine up Tuesday amt secured the job of doing the carpenter w ork on our new Catholic church, while the enter prising tlrru. the Keystone Lumber On , secured the contract for furnishing the man rial. Work will begin at once. Keep your eyes on Ashton, ai d see it grow "We aie the people!" Mr. E A Witter, gave his lecture on "Pilgrims Progress” at the Presbyte rian church on Monday evening, to a very small audience. Don't forget tin* big Easter dance at the opera house here on M inlay even April 3rd. home and have a good time. Reiiieiiib< r that next Tuesday is Vill age election |)on't forget to vote, and vote for wtio you think will manage the affairs of our little city forthe hist of those Interested. Mr. Ohlsen of Loup City was seen parading our streets Wednesday. K G Taylor went to Loup City Wed nesday on business I . C. 1 LIVEff” THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER P?U GJR£2 Bllious;io& Constipa'.icn. Dyspepsia, Slck-Hcad‘ acho and Liver Complaint, SUGAR COATtJt?. Jold by nil : or sent by mail. Yervlta V.cSIcri Co., r.hkrgo FOE SALK HY ODENDAIIL BROS., Loup City. Neiir. Tlx* I NI ON PACIFIC has made the Greatly reduced rate of 926.45 to Porf land and oilier Puget Sound point*, also to Helena and Montana point*. Salt Lake City and Utah points. For tick et* and lull Information call on W. I) Clifton, Agent Hoini-soeker* Excurvlon Kate* urn now In edert via the UNION I’ACIFIC TO WEhTKKJ* U01NT8 Those who contemplate a trip wes1 for business or pleasure should get In. formation regarding these greatly re duced rates. Advertising matter and full information can be obtained by calling on or addressing—W. D. Clif ton, Agent . CI,ljKill NO KATES 1'ay Up Farm Journal anil get a Big Bargain. Five Years. by special arrangement made vilh Hu- publishers of the FARM JOURNAL We ar.i enabled in offer a o-years aid) script Ion to ttiai paper, and one years >ub-cr |-tion to the Northwextern for *1.50 Tbe sum offer is made to evert old subscriber who will pay all arreur ag" and one year in advance, aa well as to new sud-ci ibera. In order to get the FARM JOURNAL at this low price it w II be neceaaarv to walk right up to ilie cap; a n'a olllce for we have only a limited number of 5-year subscript Iona to dispo-c of. The FARM JOURNAL i> on a olid founditlon and perfectly t rust worthy. We will also furnish the Kan«aa Citv Weekly Journal, one of tbe BEST weekly papers in the west, and ihe North western'for *1.20. This is the same paper we clubbed with lust year that give such genera] satisfaction. Also the Seini-Weekly State Journal and the NORTH WESTERN for *1 SO WAnted—several trustworthy Per. soiih In i lita mate to manage our business in t In lr own and nearby counties. It la mainly office work conducted at home. Sal ary straight •turn a year and expenses-de tlniie, boaatlde. no more, no less salary Monthly $75. References. Enclose self-ad dressed envelope. Herbert E Hess, Pres. Dept, m Chicago, ill. 3-10DB TIME 18 MONEY. When you are traveling, due consid eration should be given to the amount of time spi nt In making your journey. I IIK UNION PACIFIC is the Best Link and makes the Fastest Time t y many hours to .Salt Lake City, Portland and California points For time tables, folders, illustrated book- p iampleta descriptive of the ter itor\ traversed, call on—\V. I). Clif ton, Agent. ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED EVERY ••where for ■ Tii • Story of the Philippines" by Murat Halstead, commissioned by tbe Gov ernment a« official Historian to the Wur De partment. The book was written in army camps at Sun Francisco, on the Padiic with General Merritt, in the hospital tr Honolulu. In IP ng Hong, in the American i tenches at Manila in the Insurgent camps wish Agulnul do on tl.c deck of the Olympia with Dewey and In the roar of battle at the tu’l of Manila. Honan/.a lor agents. Hrimtul of original pic tures taken by government photogrupher on tin-spot Large hook. Low prices, lug prof tie Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy iiuofflcial wur brinks. Outtlt free. Ad dress t T. Uurber. Sec'y.. Star Insurance Itldg. CIlieago. HI Nature's Danger Signals, fj o Do your eyes blur at times? Do they hurt after reading? Are there frequent headaches? Are the muscles around the* eyes drawing wrinkles and crows feet? They arc1 N ATI II E'8 I >A NO KII SIGN A L8. Only when night in gone in the terrible Hanger realized It eo»t no little to help tin* the even. It Hone in time I can give *'■ * !4* • ■ 11 v I■« 11• I ;ilt i I 1 ' > t• ■ 1 > < t 11 e w el k to «ni'iiliatn ■ ’ and careful manner and without eharge If g n**e« are needed I ean nupplv the eorreet lenN-« mounted in tut loaitiM r denned I. 8 8IIKI'I*.\Ith, Jeweler and optician. Tli roe of a Kind! 1ST. A CASH CUSTOMER • WHO BUYS THESE GOODS. _ 2 ND jjrj 3RD x GROWa/ CHASE & SANBOltJN, Importers, Boston. FOR SALK BY CHAS. GASTEYEE. W J. F SHER, Attorney at Law nd lolary Public, Will Defec t In I'lmnr* Ccaea AMD, IM) a General Hoal l ;.t itn Bimlm*- < in N if % l ... •itntt, uMir cut, m m, ,..i, a A* g- MAIN. nnwiAN a > i i«i i.i »n 1,01'p « I | \ N (ill I'K V (19 ? It fc -<>*1 *1 ( I<1,^ * <tr«m •!«**• a. J. NIGHTINGALE. tom* am. , , ran MANY nouns Ql'If’KKit v\n r»* rin i \tiHr otutfr. Tk-i, i*i «•»> Kklwt Ilk* ii » t imvh i.iMirisn • I • - •••* *!-•* *ri 41 » ••• 4*11 vsr \ i - II, PoUTLAOO. 1*4(1 v * ” *» Prom Mimnuri ttivor. 9 1 l l 'M l«l*l Hu»*M I* •<! »»« INMIMI ■ **«*!MM4 Ml MM W It IHtH, *