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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1899)
Lioaal I?sws. Geo. McDonald is reported *lek at Valentine, A. H, Breeze, of Rockville i« a n«*w subscriber to this paper Samuel Fair of Rockville, was circu lating on our street* Tuesday. 'I’be new building of T. II Klsner, is being rushed along rapidly. W. T. Gibson is In Roclus, thl* week attending to work ill his line. Garden Seeds—Now bulk just in at, Watkinsons It. Sand and David Royer, of Wash ington township were among our sev eral callers last Friday. Mr. Thad. Scott and family arc yl«lt* ing with Mr, Scott’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G II. Scott of tills city. Chas. Stoneberg. Peter Rowe and D L. Adamson are wielding the hammer and saw on the Eisner building. Mr. E G. Paige of Rockville twp. dropped In and exchanged ideas with ye editors while in town Tuesday, Mr. Farmer, She gentleman who came here from Palmer, some time ago has moved into the old Callaway house. Perry Reed and F. L. Trout mustered the required courage last Tuesday night to tackle the frlskey Billy goat of tlie M. \V A The Surveyors are at work on the IS. & M. grade north of Arcadia, preparing the road bed for the rails. The road wi'l be pushed on at once. Barn For Hint—A good livery barn 90x40 good location, 4 lots, corral in connection, 2 good wells of water. In quire of —B. T. Snyder. A priceless blessing is found in I)r, Sawyer's Arnica and Witch Hazel Salve for piles, hives, scald-head, eczema pin worms, burns and cuts. Sold bv Oden dahl Iiro's. The Masonic boys and their wives, and some visitors from several towns in the state enjoyed a banquet and sup per at their hall Tuesday night. Ed. Fuller and Charley Johns of the Arcadia camp and Mr. Corskl of Ash ton camp, were in attendance at the Woodmen camp here Tuesday night. The little child of Mr and Mrs, A II. Ilnnsel that lias been suffering for sever al weeks with inflammatory rheumatism is no better and fears are entertained for her lifp. The Chicago Optical t o., will be in I.oup City March 2* 29th. olllce at the Drug store of W. T Chase, Don.t fail to have your eyes tested by the only perfect method. E A Draper, from Elm township was in town Saturday, He reports more snow in his locality than lierp. Said he had to shovel through some drifts coming to town. “The modern pill” is rightly applied to Dr. Sawyer's I.ittle Wide Awake Pills, because they perfectly and com pletely cure billlousness, inactive liver and constipation. Sold by Odendahl Bros. John Hayes’ little girl had the mis fortune to get her arm broke on Mon day evening last. We learn she went in to the stable to look for eggs and w as kicked with thp above results. Charley Carruth, a. II. Ilree/.e, a. II. Bell, Clarence Wilson, II. Dolling. E Uentfrow, I„ J. Becbthold.O. D Bow en and E. B. Fisher are the new names added to our subscription lDt «lnoe the first of March. M IT. Smith, land agent of Divide, reports having sold a section of land in Webster township, section 31,15.15, to Fritz Biekel Mr Bickel paid the cash for the land and w ill fence it for pas ture. Farm For Rknt-100 acres all under fence and HO of it as a pasture, good frame buildings, good water, and only three miles from town and only 80 rods from school house Inquire of B. T. Snyder, nt iiis barn. The county board has decided to not build another tpan to the new river bridge hut will adverti»e f«r bid* to do the tilling ou the ea*t aide. The bridge has been accepted and the aupervlaora liave aettied with the contractor. Backache j* the tlr*t indication of kid* ner trouble Urinary disorder*. dia I»eie*. and even Bright'* Disease follow unle«* promptly chocked. Nothing bet ter to make perfect kidneys than Hr. Sawyer'* I'katlne. Sold by Odendahl Itro’a. Mr. I'loron* l.akeman anti Mu* Ro.a Comrumpb were married one day |.t»t week, tinrnuptual reporter failed to report and so we did not catch the da>e Hut we extend f>t’yratulallon* and wHh the happy couple long life and prosperity. When Mis* I'bilbpi, the method!*! rvangelut told her he*rera that ii » «• wror g to patronise the patent medicine companies and purchao* ibeir vile ttng every one at mice thought of i ,r M't’arly who u <o n* of He I hrun bad pt'n.ils I llh>rt > onit one abort year ago I'Hytlciau* ate the f*)••• u «<f i|, faeMljr II VHIM H Wnu > t u tm* u of tbe l*bf*t* it'is \ oi*l taioahie . aUtan* and owe that ■ aw he liostcd poll by I II t.tsHfcM, l.tmp t'tty, Mi h HKAixn vittklift—For new stock, FieM and Garden seeds at Watkinson’s. ThelNION PACIFIC haw made the Greatly reduced rate of $20 4.'» to Port land and other Puget Sound point*, also to Helena and Montana points, Salt Lake City and ITtab point*. For tick et* and full Information call on—W. 1>. Clifton, Agent. At tin* meeting of tln> citizen* at Wat klnson’s hall Wednesday evening, the following gentlemen were named a* the parties which should he placed on the petition as citizen* candidate* for Trustees: K. S. 11 ay tin ret. J. Phil Jae ger,.!. I. Ilepew, II Ohlsen and C *1. Odenduhl There will he German Evangelical services at ttie Baptist church in this city on Good Friday evening, March 31, at 7:80 p. in., and at Ashton, same (latest 2:(M p. m. There will also be held Easter services Sunday April 2nd at Loup City, at 10:00 a. m., and at Ashton, at 2:30 p. m. Mrs, M, II Mead met with a very un fortunate and painful accident Wednes day evening. Mrs. Mead was laying in bed and with her right hand attempted to draw her pillow up, and In the exer tlon threw her should* r out of place, and during the t ight a child was born toher. At last reports she was ijulte low. Mr, Charity Johns who we mentioned last week as one of the parties who shot Mr. II m*eD geese, wishes to lay a disclaimer to any participation in the affair and also to having purchased any amunltlon at the Arcadia temperance saloon. Mr. Johns wishes It understood that I e neither buys or us<s any wet (diminution, and further says that Mr. Fletcher was honestly mistaken as he surely took the geese for wild ones and hud not even smelled tiro water. We believe Mr' Johns to he right as Mr. Fletcher A.ts very much humiliated over hi* mistake and offered to pay for the geese. Eugene F. Walker, who for the past three >ears has been employed in E. Burrows* store. In Ibis place, lias sever ed connection with that store. Mr Walker and family will soon move to Hartwell, a -tatiou between Kenesaw and Minden, Kearney enmity, where »c understand lie will engage in the store business. Mr. Walker is a good live business man, and the many friends of Mr. Walker and family will wish them success and prosperity in th ir new home. - Mason City Transcript Notice of Town Me* tint; The annual To»n meeting In and for Loup City township’ will be held at the office of ilie township clerk, on Tues day April 4th l*!tb. For the transac tion of such business as, by law, may properly come before the meeting, G II. Gibson, Twp., Clerk. The Young People's Literary will be hold at the Baptist church this, Friday, evening. AdmfSsion 5eta. Stephen i, i’res. The Religion and Phllanthropby Com mittee of the Woman's Club, furnish the program f< r Saturday afternoon, March 25tb. They hive secured Mi s Phillips to address the Club, and all Ladies are cordially invited to attend and enjoy the program which will be rendered By order of CtiAiu.ilan m Cost. There is no medicine that has yet been discovered that has virtues deserv ing to lie compared with Dr Sawyer's W iId Cherry and Tar, for bad cases of Chronic Bronchitis, Consumption, or any cough or iold. Sold hv OdendabI Bio's. <<lorii>iit Ntwa. Comes from D It Cargife, of Wash! ta, I. T. He "rites -Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs Brewer of scrofula, w liicii Iims caused tier great euueniig ior learn. terrible sores woiiM break out on ti<’r lieai) ami face, ami the best iloctota coulil give no li«*lp; but tier curt* i» complete ami hi*r health Is excellent I his shows what thnus amlslnve i»r. v**.t, —tlial Eleotrl* Hitters is the !»**«i iilootl puriiler kn<>wn. It’s the supreme remotly for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, hulls ami runnlntf sojes It stimulates liver, khlneys ami t*owh », t x| i ■ poisons, helps digestion hulhls up the .treiijfth. Only 50 eents **u|i| ||) Oih'inlthl Hill's llruggl-l Ounrnn'eeil I he Teachers Va-icUth.ii will meet April Mh 1 — *'• r11e folio \ lug program I* m mum. • i Mush , He lei I i|; |t»l| *’-»*» "ithl o| M.tter, chat' Mi-s llorrowo I’tper, school |luciplltie< Mi s l iiion.ii, pin' i,shin llhi Ahliie Ih'.ntl. t lniu'i K •»>», pp uj to |(s|'; Ksblbiii»m u| ii h«Mil Murk %ll t« ach • are r* | • to he present mil hate « *msll • xHIhllofi u| their pupils *< tii <i -s I IISiMil H | M |Phi|i. I*rr« srt< • • • lluMseseellsIs S n itt*l„H ttsts* «»* HIS IH >S*II II* III. I 'to l »" ti ls II «i n i < i ■ n i rut Mi t b *•*> wh» e Mil ip piste a l|lp tri| tut W'l’tio •« • r |l« ost* shniihi g*> l« turn, lit o i 4 »f » 04 (he»e |Op|| ••• mj#. A^yn tsiog muter an) fail twtur*w*rh>M i‘»ii b« sMs wttl tu siltpg in ii II, ,tii*>». g M 11 i in t«s tpel Who I* To ftlani*. Kidiifv tmnble has tifcomi' so pre valent that it is i.dt uncommon (or a chilli to bn burn afflicted widi weak kill uej * IT the child initiates too often if the urine scalds the flesh, or if. when the i liilil reaches an age when it should be aide to control the passage, ami It la jet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it the cause of the di iDculty is kidney trouble, ami tne first step sbotild be to wards the treatment of these Important organa. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and net to a habit as r.iost people suppose. If the adult has rheumatism; pain or dull ache in the back; if (he water miss, es in irregular quantities; or at irregu lar intervals or baa a bad odor; if it stains the linen or vessel the color ol rust; if tim feet swell; if there ure puffy or dark circles under the eyes; jour kidneys are the cause mid need doctor ing. Treatment of some diseases may be delayed without danger, not so with kidney disease J)r. KUmer's Swamp-Hoot Hie great kidney, liyer and bladder remedy promptly cures the most distressing cases. Its mild and extraordinary effect is soon realized Sold by druggists in fifty- cent and and dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle ami pamph let telling all about it sent free by mall Address Dr Kilmer «St Co., Binghamton N.Y. When writing mention that you read this generous offer in tin* Lot r Cm XOHTHWKSTKUN, Tetter, t-alt-Kliemii anil Eczema. The inteiige itching and smarting inci dent to these disease*, is instantly ad iy ed by applying Chamberlain's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad c'ses have been permanently cured by it- it is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 2-icts. per box For sale by Odmdahl Bro's. Da, Cady's Condition I'owdkus, are just a hat a horse needs when In bid condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They are not food but med icine and the best In use t » put a horse in prime condition. Price25 cents per package. For sale by Odeudahl lire's. KAIL,HOAD FA LACKS The new Palace Sleeping Cars, built specially for the I N ION PACIFIC, and recently put in service on their famous fast trains to Colorado, Utah. Califor nia and Oregan points, are the finest ever turned out. Throughout the interior the draping*, wood work and decorations are in the most artistic style, and the coiivenlen ces vastly superior to anything ever seen before. These cars are attached to the Union Pacific fret trains, which make (Quieter time to all Western points than trains of any other lines. Tickets, ami reservations can be ob tained by calling on or addressing \V. 1). Clifton, Agent, HOUSEHOLD DEPAKTMKN T. J. F. church Editor Tomato Salad Dressing—1Take 1 pint of stew( d tomatoes, r.ib them tbrougli a sieve, add *£ tea-cup of vin egar, 1 tea-spoon of salt 1 of pepper, a little red pepper. 1 tea-spoon of mus tard. i cup of butter, boil all together cool and serve with salmon or lobster salad, Extract ok Tomato—Take the ripest tomatoes in the fall, cook in as little water as possible, rub them through a sieve, bottle, seal tight, use for soups, gravies and salad dressing. Good enough for any ouc Fresh ^trawherry Cake—ft eggs beaten lightly. 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of butter, 1 cup of i-weet milk, 2 cups of Hour. 2 tea spoons of baking powder, mix all together and bake in two layers, make the pearl iceing rather Mill' spread one of the layets, take nice strawberries place thickly on cake place the other on top. ice the top of the top one, place the berries as thickly a* pos *11*1* an top and serve col.I or warm, looks uiee ami tastes b “tier MKAMKI) ft UAH AM t’lHUINd I clip of sugar, i cup of butter, 4 cup of milk, * ‘•Kg* w«*H beaten, 2 cups of Moor ■ w hite hijiI 1 graham, 2 ten spoons of baking powder, mix up well ami steam two hours, serve with sweetened cream, or atiy other sauce, 't.i.vil Sllljii.k t’AKK-4 egg. b*at en aeperatclv, 2 cup* of uigur, j cup* ot , Hour, H tea-spoon* baking powder, 2-.11 ! cup of boiling water Mix »ngar. egg', ’ »i* I Hour together m Ith powder lol.lcil, ] | b at '••II, aibl the water la«t ll.not with 1 ii iio'H. hake lo a moderate oven N A 1*01.» "V i tkt II tke tail shea-1* ol good pie paala i I eiptat »l4e, make the p**tr) cirani cover one *lteat with the 1 cream tajr the other on top tie atilt the t*earl icelitg cut iu iipiat, a atul mite It in ke* a idea (Meet entree I \ t V 1*1 SUimll IIM l ake e.pul pan* i»i colil t*i'k'*) ami league, mince Hoe •« ,1*01) a till Mil pepper, all ,, g|,»l I g of I It meg a laid* t ,l |,. mato > .it kiip, k line gra«e<i ihr*»,-, t, in,- l i <>,* i • ,1 '..Mil, , I ; I , ,| pepp« i an n o with eiiam tl |i*a hit e it or gout! uitlk at.l tit* mia ae|!% •plead Lolwii u I e ■ t d hi. .|o *« d ♦live | he n, »t nil cm I* t tc , |te i |, ,u th- grucert *101* at Uve cent* i> t * *4 V- « f'*r ipt er U’M t I HMMl'VIk t -tke let • it k ) NEW YORK STORE, LOUR CITY, NEBRASKA. JACOB ALBERS, Auctioneer. Cleap Sweep. Evepythipg Slaughtered. Our first, great auction sale will take place on Tuesday, March, 28th, 1809 at 2 p. in. ami we will continue to sell you goods at auction at 2 p. in. on every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until every article is sold. This stock of goods will be sold at our auction sales; then' is no price on goods. All we want you to do is to bid on them and carry them home. 1 wish to say to the public in all candor, that this is a bonified sale, and that we are going to do just what we ndvertiie. Remember our private sale continues every day, and wo will and must save you money on everything you buy. I will continue paying you the highest market price for your eggs, butter and potatoes as long as I am in business. Ladies are especially invited to attend these sales. All my store fixtures are for sale consisting of show cases, lamps, lire pre of safe, etc. etc. I quote you a few prices, it is impossible to give you prices on ail my goods, but come and see how far a little money will go: II pounds of oat meal for 25 eta, 1 pound X. X. X. X. coffee, |0ot*, I p mud U >r I n i .• df • |<j e’s Bent Soda crackers t! els per pound, i box corn atarcb 4 ct» , 17 lbs grauuUl* d sni^ir 1 00, iJrundpu's Wonder S( ap per bur 7 cts., Cow Hrand Soda per package 4 cln , Champion he per can 5 cts. Clothes pins per do/. I et., 10 cent bottle of bluing for fi cts, f» cent package chewing gum for .'lets |0 i.ais silver leaf soap 25 cts., MY STORE HIJILDING IS FOR SALE, TRADE OR KEN I’. At private sale every day I am making terrorizing, slaughtering and earthquake prices on dry goods, notions, bats, boots and shoes, rubbers, queenswure, in fact every article I have in my store. I an selling for less money than other merchants can buy them for. Come and bo convinced. Don’t forget that the great auction sale will open TUESDAY. MARCH 28th, 1899 AND WILL CONTINUE EVERY TUESDAY Thursday and Saturday until every article is sold. Don't forget to bring your neighbors to this great closing out sale. I have a few Early Ohio seed potatoes for sale. Loup City, March 17th, 1899. JACOB A LEERS, Auctioneer. Respectfully yours, THEO. L p(LGEp 7 pie paste, roll a' out > , inch thick, bake on ,l''||y tin', inolv>* h nice tipple cream this wav, 1 cupti *'f finely inliic-il or gran d npph a, stewed apple* will do, 2 cup* of *ugur, } cup "i liiittcr '1 table* spoonsful o| water, \ egg, ll ivoring of minced orange cr lemon poet, put the speciti* d ((uantity into a sauce pan with till other ingredients and stir them over the fin* for about 1(1 minute*. lay Up like jelly o ike putting (h<* cream between, sprinkle powdered *ugr over t*>|» and serve, nice for dinner or 'u(tper, line with nice cream. M 4 .-, The above greatly reduced rate lias been made by the I N ION' PACIFIC to Ca ifornia points Through Tourists Sleepers, quicker time than any other lines. For tickets and full information call on VV It. (Tipton, Agent HI rumen hj a Woman Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country, “Disease fastened its clutches upon her and lor seven years she with stood its si verest test', but her vital or gans were undermined and death seem ed imminent. Fur three moirbs she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. Me finally discovered a wav to recovery, by purchasing of u* a bottle ol Dr. King-' New p - overy f*>r <Ion suniptioii, and was so mnch redeved on taking lirst dose, that she slept all r.iglii; and with two bottles, has been absolutely cured Her name is Mis. Luther Lutz." Thus writes \V. C, llnmuiick .V Do,, of Shelby, X.t'. 'I'tial bottles free at Odt-udah! iiru's Drug More, lieguDr *i/c v and $1(0 livery Ihi|i|c guaranteed. Ill * KLK>V AKNIOA i %I.VI. I'li** be«t »alve in Hi** world for Oit* Ulltili‘4 r*<- I 'lccu >ti|t KIii iiiii K«v«*r T*-it«*r I lot|i|i< IIhM'U i 'bilblaln* < 'orn» find all >kin Kiojiliona ami po» lllvi ly **ur**i> I*II**k or km |t,»v *»*>|*i I red. It I* KIMI I :m*d to i»f |n»i(t ft »ttll»fHi tlon or ho t-y ii r.tmlt .1 Vd b ■*, I or * »i« bv Oilnidabi liro*. s a ( I • 11 i : • ll f (4 m l«*f 1 Vu • w * «!*» i l*t.« IMJ t I-Kti.VL aiiill* f i f X-- '*i i«k.« i « IIMi * i*V(n * 0 pri son I I *•%* rikn t r No * cf| f.mkM i» •%! *>i 11 To«A»* t Nl ftfiilirt r<r*l U 1st 1 ! liU .ufti tt ii II** .,1 fni'f of tout* m « eoumtf »k4 il«*i qiNi tfaftvu- 14 W#*l i**mp4mkni hi* *# f*F of Ai|ii| o » 1 i*|«*t* ill* i If tar «n(i*f • I* |w*wfnl to * * .« ! %** ;»*, AGENT* WANTED SUGSES3. W. il}» t*i u r-4 u * . .?J5 ul rtXTW* MIW »*** >l» VOV V **»k U I'Lb*. »•*!♦»» a - V a* *«•> of |( .1. f* »M0 at •a 9 J <■ » t * .. W. «.l U.iTSaY 11 II <4 ( I V til. V! IN* «>| V.C*| TIMB TAX 1.1'. i.orr mv, nkijk Lincoln, Omaha, < ’h icagu, St. .fo-cpll. i.aunas City, St. I.ouis, anil all points East and South. lie over, Helena, Butte, salt Lake < ,’ity. Portland, San Francisco, and all points West TKAINs Ai KOI.LOWS: KOI.NO EAST No. .52 No. t,0 No. SI No. Ml Passenger. Freight. KOINU WEST Passenger . Freight . 7:6.ri a. in * .00 p. III. . 1.19 p. ni. into a. in. Bleeping. dinner and reclining elmir cum (seats tree) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any pond In tlie, V mted states nr Canada. Km Intonnalinii, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to A. F. Werts Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, Ueu’l. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nelu-aska, U. P. It AII. WAY. No. SI leaves daily except snnday (pass enger). T:3U a. ni. No. as leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 2:09 p. in. No. is) leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 8:30 p. in. No 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed) 11:49 a. m No. <9 arrives dally except Sunday (|>uf*s e tiger) 7.U5 p. in. First class si rvlee anil close connections east, West and south. W. I). Clifton, Agent. NOTION FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, Lincoln Nebr < February, 2nd, P*». i Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has tiled notice of Ills in tent to it to inaketlnal proof inaupport of Ills claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Judge at Loup Citj , Nebraska, on Tuesday, April 4, 1M«. viz: Win. Ouliui, jr.. Homestead No. 1*912. for ihe South east quarter, seetton 21, Township 19, Range 15. lie names tile following witnesses to prove liis contin uous residence upon and eu'tivallou of said land, viz Joint O'Neill, t hsries Cochrane, Michael Knles, Jacob Wolf, all of Havunna, Nebraska. J W. Johnson, Register. NOTICK t OH iTHI.I ATIoN. I.uud ortlep, l.tnroln, Niiirutku » January ilth, l*W >. I Notice i« hereby iflreii that the follow I "K ilium <t mil ier hut Hied notice of hie Intent tun to make Neal |truul In iU|i|Nift <<f hit el»ili»l. mill that mud prool will be Wude Indore the i on lit y Judge of Mieruian ' ountv, a Coup. In i«ka, on A|<rll (, inuu, via, Owi n J. Iti‘riel, llouiealead l.ulrjf, No !i. for the North Mai quarter, atm thin it |owu»iii|) is north of liaugc U »• *< He haunt the fn.lowing*** tu prove hit r'Ottiitunoa rvaldenee U|ain and cultivation of mild land, vit Anton T»|edtki, taluurl H u.Her, (red Neaiuan, John Johnson, »'| of Athlon, Nehrntka I W J lit tot. M' (ltlar t.t'i it. surii r wiaie id Nthratlh* I • » * I he Ntith .d Si nr • u i ) «»f Hh* MimU I I » • *■-; !«•* I 4Mr«tl* l%i »» tfhlflittt (Ib wf |f.» ! ii-'*11«If ii* > Mitt's) r%*il#Nlt|lt« liltMlt 16 II iH rlrwl I t»f Uhl I Ht4i I" til 6ami til ifc ituii Id |6 |A HP*i \**6 illi It. , li«4U*di|»i4tt)l lull **• '*** * i* «« Kt «*4 Ovtrwti i i «4ia H- i * ' * f* I iN-fc- *•«>#*< mm • % ii u|r>4 *« *» : ‘ ■ tty - | Ifcfti! |*» • h * ‘ It V 4». i i*.| * U>1 ‘ - ** 4tM U » 4 ***. p| # 6 Wishing to close my Photo Gallerv at Lonp City 1 will make Photographs from now until April at the following extremely low rate: Qabinet Size: [Guaranteed finish" SO.99 perdoz ©ard Size: [Guaranteed finish] 75 c, pef doz ! M'o. size [Guaranteed finish] |50 e. per dos. STAMP SIZE: [Smal hut neat] 3 doz for 25 cents M. UCsrilLVsK V Artist. -4 r » - 11% I *. i I Mil H M ,N , , \ (V **«!««■ rv r«r Th* »u*r> ul tb« i'Un (•pmu* ' t*|r 34nril tUMribt nitHbiiHhiBril Nr 'ti<- it)ry. < rnnu til a* um,tat HMUtrlan u» UM War lie |»«rlMt< nt lb,* Ian t *a, «* *, * l.; *m> t tn.|<. .11 > .!, p’ratn i . <>« lit. is, *,i|L '.Mitral Mar ml talk* l.t»|.i. ,, It .. L?M “' h *“ 1 • • • , . *i Matolla la lit! Ittntili Bl • tttt|»n a . \i , li4j »l lb" *». > l , an>J la th»‘ r>*i nt In*ilk' a> lh« fail ' ■ tar«» kalUMI i.» k,,a ,.« ti alt,., lh. mk»I I k I, a t>r ,, lit. P fair , ,i i’t> itl a|i * n . .i.» if a i, - iS1* >’ 1* Hat'- | a HM* I k .a' * ■ W*P|Uv««ltWtl. (IlfttWi; *ta• la Ik • >'tip ih im-»i aa* la *k« tr «•** i» i >.«ar j iia, I* M0f i %* t***l a ■- Ilk } i|f | t i| ;|| *' V «tf#§gfe§ • l* *% «4|.*| p- « *’*■» t ** ‘9 * Hi IH • *•*=., f ^ ‘Ml tf H &f *• it | ***' *** 1 k Nil u | « • i u- |.t *t i • Vtitlatkl T t,‘ ** 'I* <*tl f * •' \*t« **» iNl • *»%#*# iv i« !« i* ►% IL I