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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1899)
The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY KRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT. OEO. K. BENSOBOTEK, I E«lltnr« and OEO. II. OIIISON. I Publisher* TERMS:—11.00 PH YBAK, IP PAID IE APVAIN I Entered at the Loup City Postofflee for trun * mission through the mull* an second cluas matter. Official Paper Sherman County Hoxie, nf lhe Kearney reform rcIiooI will goon ijuit, us the board of Public Lands and Building* has out ofl his pay amt a pop < tlleiul never stajs long after his pay is taken away. Jerry Simpaon, of socltless f.ime in wiiti 1114 a hook which he entitle* “If the Devil caimi to Congress,’ Jerrv in trying to emulate Stead of London. But Stead wore socks. or it is supposed he di I. (Hull and Delaware, the land ol the iniieli reamed man and the peach, have both aeon their legislatures ad journ without electing United States senators, ami Penney Ivania and Cal iforuia are liable to lie treated to tin same toast. Ihi' in Nebraska the people said liny ward and it was The Kearney eoilon mill employs 2‘i‘i operatives and jMitt.Oott are an nuully paid for wages Tile output runs as high us 1,800 cuts of muslin per week. These cuts contain an average of GO yards to the cut, or a total of 108,000 yurds. The muslin is of the best of its class and finds n ready market within the state. —Penny Press. Trusts! Trusts! Eve.y thing now days seems to be trusts. It is an oio proverb that to '''rust is to bust, to bust is h—, no trust, no bust, no bust uo h—.One of those days some fellow with the required vertebra will go after them with the business end <»f the Sherman law, and they will immagin that a trust is h urd stuff to handle. One ot the large department es tablishments in Chicago, that pr<. tends to sell goods to the people of the west at greatly reduced rates over our local dialers, sends us a proposition for advertising space with the very liberal offer of O f cts. foi a three months contract for a 4 inch, column wide ad. They may steal their goods arid thereby sell them at half price but they can't steal our advertising space and get us to sign a contract to let them do it. Ueo. W. Dewey, Admiral of the United States Navy, lias won his laurels and at the same time wedged his way into the hearts of the Arne riean people as very few men ever has. lie could well refuse the prof fered nomination for president, he holds an honor that but four men has ever held, and one that would oot be overshadowed by being presi dent. With a salary of $13,51)0 a year he can live at his leisure and enjoy his remaining years sensible of work well done and a place in the heartB of every American. The bypoeraey of half dozen re publicans who went over to the pop ulists last week in the house of rep resentatives, for the express purpose of getting themselves a position on certain committee's cun ouly be equaled by ttuir selling their souls to I). K Thompson in the senatorial contest. Whru Bill Taylor sold the populist's boots ami britches a few wars ag<>, he took time by the fore lock and skipped to escape me righ teous iioligtiatmi o| a wronged par ty, and if these Judas will emulate Bill, they wdl have more peace of mind in the future Some of them, especially Fisher, hf Dawes count v were apparently beginning a brill iant career and their constituents were justly proud of them But with one felt swoop of Judaism tio-i Mast their future prospects, at I brand thrtn*e|\es with the political mark of Fain, and will hen after lit knowu among their Migblarra as no . unworthy of • trust of mi kind I have been afflicted with rheumatism fur fourteen ) *srt and uolhtug see me I to give say relief I was able In las a round all Ike time hut totislanlly suffer ing. I trail tried everything I eee.J hear of and at last w as told to try • 'h »*« Iter Iain's l*aln Halui which I dt I atol was Immediately relieved and In a short lime ruled I *ot happy to say that il lias not tin. r returned, Jwil. M« o Uorw*ttiu»t» d'«l I or sale by Urea. TKKATISF. fiN IIAWAIIAM ISLANDS' * 1 nloii Pacific Pul>llalie» a Book on In.lo Sam,* Mow P*»*»««»loni». The Union Pacific has just issued one of the most interesting and ar tistic publications in the way of a railroad compendium of informal^ n ever placed before the public. Though in the shape of a folder, it is really an elaborate treatise on the Hawaiian islands. The title page is an ingeniously wrought desigu, showing the Pacific ocean surround ing the Hawaiian arehipeligo, bear ing a ship of the vintage of 1778 with u mariner on the quarter deck. It represents the discovery of the islands by Captain Cook, iilended with the whole are scenes oi more modern periods, the palace of the new republic with the stars and •tripes prominently in evidence and other features of historic moment. The illustrations, of which there are more thm 100. pee.*, wit the tine** skill of the photographic iii'isi 'i’ll \ are executed in the c<j -i pro cees, and exeel, out views of«e» lierj ever shown in this w»j. I'liese il lli»lrations depict every |>Iim»«* of nu live life, historic spots, public build digs, Hawaiian scenery, etc., but tbo\ «r<* of secondnn consul' ration an coiitpuit'd w11ii tin' valuable iu foi mill ion about 'tic islands wliu h lb** publication cun aim*. flic y< ographical, historical, agriniltoral and cducatioim* features arc fully dealt will), while llit* manufacturing ami industrial r* source■« of the ter ritory arc especially prominent Though the publication is* elaborate and exhaustive it is so tabulated that every conceivable subject relat ing to the island is presented in such a manner us to make an interesting story of the whole. The work begins with the discovery of the island by the bold Cook#and adventurous mates, later intercourse with th i people, tin ir history as a nation, sketches of tln/ir rulers and men of note, forms of government, ancient and modern, the prevailing methods of agriculture, commerce of the various nations with the is lands, educational institutions, show ing the natives to tie rapidly advanc ing, and concludes with some inter esting observations on the evolution from monarcbjal to republican form of government. While the frontis piece ia a delicately designed affair and a thing of beauty, the final il lustration, showing h tropical be gonia and a typical private residence of Honolulu, is a triumph of the ar tistic features. A considerable portion of the pas senger trollle of the United States to these new possessions must pass through the Missouri river gateway, and General Passenger Agent Lomax of the Union Pacific has presented this folder to the public for the ben efit of those who desire accurate and exhaustive information on the sub ject.—Omaha !iee. 1HM i§**H ' • - ., VQII^UI' .^PtiiL •i t: -rv s * L., ayo* To you tnke cold w:*h evsry ch’iige in the v- 2 1 *r i* Does 3 .-ir thror* fat’ raw ? And da rhtirp f dirt ti.rottch y . . ' c: *'? D n’t you know the^e e.-f d.i*.,*ci si ;-ia!j whl h pi 'rt t>< pneum iu, broiu.htti.>, or Coiid'.i:npiiv ,j Itself? I# you are Ailing ar.J luvo lost flesh Uldy, they are certainly tfarusr i/oab. the qnesu n for you to decide i», I toe % Uglily to threav se <ih<a*«» ? '* i w ,»tt to try SeO’l l . AlON «as a loti ie Thrre )■> no remedy •‘M I t*» it f«»r fortifying the system. I'revention I* my. ••M-e o.i 12, , t. Scott’s Emulsion tup tuifc'Htoit ami *th*r dt»*a#e» wi.icti i *<ak sod tb< it i Wuai. 'A I Ml I SitiN U ..rvt iinrsi'y tor Itnuli and Imj» ». , h« t,*»ebitia and cun* . niai kaM« pu* wt* ooi H niNJiahai 11 • d a Rt«dki «a, k », «. t a it lartMt* fiariod t u ndithMM, 0 <t rt I 0 0 t 0 A t I « d I I 0 » YOU NOW HAVE THE OP PORTUNITY of consulting one of the leading phy*l «• i*»11itnil surgeon* (In the trea' incur nf chronic and ncrvouB diseases) of this country, DR. 11 K A II** is well known in Nebraska, and in reliable* a* well as eminent In his profession, and has but few superiors in ills line of diseases, and. from reports of the press, his rooms me crowded wherever he stops By the request of hla many frjends and patients who have usually gone a long distance to see him, he has decided to VISIT I*OI I* < TT Y, and will he at ST. ELMO HOTEL, TIlt'RSDAY April flth ISO!*, one day only, returning every 4 week* for six month*, Consultation and examination FftKE to all. Urt. KtA. Ill* Ir< iitinent and examination* we under.- (and are baaed i.pon new method*. and ur« similar a* are given In the cittern and toutbern hospitals where he learned his business. He treats chronic cattarb, disease of the.ear,nose, throat and lungs, dyspep sia, Bright's disease, diabetes, liver, stomach, constipation, rheumatism, chronic female and f>exual diseases, neu ralgia, sciatica, dizziness, nervousness, slow growth In children and all wasting disease* in adults, deformities, club feet, curvatu e of the spine, diseases of the bruin, paralysis, heart disease, eczema, varicocele, and hydrocele. Cancer, tumors, wens and birthmarks removed. Young, middle aged and old, married or single men, and all who suffer with lost manhood, neivious debility sperma torrhca, seminal losses, decay, falling memory, weak eyes, stunted develop ment, lack of energy, impoverished blood, pimples, also blood and skin dis- | ease. Eruption, hair falling, bone pain, swellings, sore throat,, ulcers, effect of mercury, kidney and bladder troubles, W'euk back, burning urine, incontinence, gleet, stricture, receive searching treat ment, prompt relief. Both sex* treated confidentially ami privately. 1'ilcs. li*tula, Assure and rupture by our new method. Cheai><*Ht l'H|ier In Nelira«ka A big H page daily papes six mouths for 91- seems an Impossibility, but the Dally News of Lincoln, Neb., is being Sent by mail at that price. This re markably low price is only made to add several thousand new subscribers and it is doing it. The News prints ail of the telegraph news of the world, all of tlie state news and tlie news of the state eapitol. It i* one of of the brightest and snappiest papers in the state and at such a low price every family can af ford it. li'- nearly as ch"ap as a week ly. It gives markets anil other tele graphic matter hours earlier than Oma ha papers and its price is but a tritle. Send for a sample copy and try it for six months, Address, TIIE DAILY XKWS, Lincoln, Neb Cliuiiiberlisin'a Cough IteiiHMl)' This remedy in intended especially for cough*, colds, croup, whooping cough slid Influenza, It lias become fa man* for ii» cures of these diseases,over a large part of the civilized world. The mo.-i (l ittering testimonials have been received, giving account* of its good wink*; of the aggravating and persit tent coughs It ha* cured, of severe cold* that have yielded promptly to it* sooth ing * fl eet*, and of the dangerous attacks of croup It has cured, often saving the life of (lie child The extensive mu of It for whooping cough has shown that It rob* that di-cane of all dangf reuacoo eetfoeiices. It I* e*|M-clallyr prized i>y mother* for tlnTr children, as It never tali* to effect a speedy cure, and tie cause they have found that there i« not the east danger In giving it, even to liable*, i> It eoiitain* nothing injure-tie I * till lit Odendnbt Rill's. t«««* Ik IKHwitl, ll»t' w«|i kttuvtii i, 114 llmkir Ilf luuuili. S \,, • «*» 'I h**t* om,| k Illll.ttlUlli'. « Hugh >l> H4 >• y ItUM * I t 4 IllUg tllllr .till l»»v* luutiil il «u|wfWr |i» nit Hiiirr** >'t<r »«!• i»> Mi«» * ***»»» i*kVKM4t rut (|«ii«rui, |>> >*>" » lit tl*l* »l»l* l*> Ut«M«g» niii I. !«•**• in llw if «>«n *t>il 1 1 «ft»! t'«tu< llr* !• I* * KtN.I.NI#! «| talut tiiilflu gn<i 1 |ni *h4 • «1» Kit11»' b •t>*g.b- ht! it. IV, !*•• •«!•»*, \|*«i 1 hi* l( |i|. fW* I b. »•“*' lfl|«Mlft«*4 HMkHw ll* i u«‘11 i; I|t>*. |N| i U » kii'ifx J. Pliil Jaeijer WE AltE CLOSING OUT OUR STOCK OF WINTER GOODS TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW SPRING STOCK. DON’T FORGET THAT WE WILL GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO HUY ALL KINDS OF GOODS AT CLOSING OUT PRICKS. MARK OUT YOUR LIST AND WONG IT TO US. HOME OF OUR SPRING GOODS ARE HERE AND MORE ON THE WAY. WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR THEM. THIS WILL RE A MONEY SAVING SALE TOR CUSTOMERS, ANI) A SPRING CLEAN I UP AND MONEY SAVIGG SALE FOR US. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, 'J- P HI G •FA ICG Kit. Implements and Harness. Our stock of implements and harness is nowin the house and samples on the floor. We venture the ascertion that a more complete stock of the above lines was never before shown at this point than the one we are offering this spring. tee Lines are GoiDOsefl of so Many Difereil fins, Sizes anil Prices that it is impossible to undertake to enumerate them here. to MANY ARE NEW THIS SEASON, HAVING NEVER BEEN SHOWN IN THIS MARKET BEFORE. While there lias been a general advance in prices on most all kinds of goods, you will find by inquiring (hat our prices ore as low as ever. We ask you to come and' see us and our goods and we will trust to your being pleased with boil, the goods and the prices. Respectfully Yours, E S. HAYHURST. C^mTHE.^nJ TREES AND PLANTS. HIOST VARIETIES FOll CENTRAL A\I) NORTHERN NERRASKA, AT FROM 60 to 600 per cent LESS than Halits usual priees. We IRRIGATE «»ur SMALL FRFITS. U v have (lie large*! »Ux.'k of aiuall fruit* in the atatu, Million* of plant*, Kaapberry plant*, Currant*, (iooa^bcrrle*. Ornpe* Hur at.H k of Fruit, Ornamental. Shavle an.l Kvergraco Trw* i* complete. 9urui>«, Iti *•***!*, ete, in abundance. S. I. I fur I n . Citalogue to NORTH BEND NURSERIES North Iti'Uil, l>o<lg«t ('ii,,* r \ <TI.I.KY t’rr *l.t«ut A. K eChtEY. ■Mill*. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000 o..*»*.i. \,<t xi* "ttlNtnl National Hank NeaYotkCiit N \ .Ouatia Sat tonal Hank Omaha Nil>uiti