The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 24, 1899, Image 1

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Seeds, Machine Oils, Repairs for McCormick, Buckeye, and Woods Binders and Mowers. (Jail and see irn
and I will try and please yon with good quality of goods.
Yours very truly, T M T1IDK1D
!\l) MILE,
to !>I<m'iihi* tho I'ropoHilion of u .v w
School lloun*
The citizens meeting held lust
Friday evc*ning at the primary school
bouse, for tlie purpose of discussing
the ipiestion of building a new briek
school h use, was largely attended
by enthusiastic citizens. J. S I’edler
was elected chairman of tlie meeting.
It seemed to be the wish of all pres
ent to build a six room school house
and after listening to remarks from
several of the citizens, a motion was
carried instructing tlie school board
to procure plans and specifications
and estimate of cost ,if a briek1
school bouse, with six rooms, lie
same not to cost less than .£7,doU or
more than JflO, UiiO It was*
tin in U at the meeting f r« in -a a -
ments made b> (' F .loiio-on, .1. A
Ainger, I M. I' oiski t d eoum
T Frink B.tdurs, that thedis
juld t om m aid from tP,000 to
000 for building purposes. Fi
jnei'illy, *ii•' s li'wd district i-i in
about. the follow in i shape;
On t>and In “cho'il tren-iUi'V h
township treasury. <5
county treasury. '0
fttnu apportionment per year. mo
• Total cash mi bund 2Ai>)
Tu tin ' may l» ■ added the llccu— inone^^^oo
Pol a . ii i - ...c .. -di j *> h -
As atidiost this the sen uni treasurer Informs u
tha tl will take imw to Ijiieli term of school
amt t lint tfcty ntmnlil rtuTTn m te fll room
for s< hoot work which would leave u lialam
of : -.IR6 uvallalde.
Ii would seem possible that this
last total might b • used to Imiid the
school house with. Hut some will
Buy thu we should have some money
to opperale our schools with for
another year. Hut we will have: If
our count) and tow ship treasurers
Collect the same amount of taxe
wliicli they did last tear between
March of this t ear and FYbruart of
next year we will have * i.»ut #1,000
for that purpose I’ln se figures are
made simply to Ini the people know
exactly what our tiu mend condition
as a school disti ct is.
* '
CEDAR, (Art. So. I i
Some experieiu es Mr John Van
drulia, told me of live .‘ten " in Mi"
Botiri, where the cedar was cot d tt
aud ali us d for railroad tics I hc
ground was cleared of limber and no
one ever expected to see timber ;Li; re
again In one or two jears after the
limber was removed toting cedar
came up like gratis on the prairie.
They grew so thick on the ground
that neither mail or beast could puss
through them, and grew in height
vert rapidly, straight as an arrow,
aud very strong, just a small show
of limb* a" the top. Of course the
old trees left the • d there, and all
it needed was u ehaneu to grow (Jo
to Mr K. VH Ooweiis at old Cedar
ville, and lo -h wi si again*' the wldti
limit I the t t. ■ k that I (o
M .lit tutiug cedar* hate I*, eit taken
from that white limit S nu< t. o
•iiiei Mr I'errt (’'• 411.011 went ail,
in* lo Ihti »,i M to g. t \un ig'
I found l«u' few |, , i,,ok | Hi.
w»# I'tui. w i* no gneu thu g 1
Ut >1 a ti e It .Ilk win II l left | i \
eepi one old »»o». ..f « is d ,r *1
lw ■
I >
(It «. I* l|4» 1:j« ,1 ,t t, , | ,
lug and W«t t u » n no.,o , n > n>
li«. » -1 * 11'.,»i ' « I.
•p* *■ I 1 , . . .. 1 .1 | ,
hn« a.1 hody w*.«w |t I. a aw* , , I
|i *'**4 rvsifd, | Uwtw newt U' *
back to tbut spot since I loft it, but
1 others tell me there are thous
ands of young plants there now. J
There is, I suppose, enough seed on j
Mr. Fletcher's and on ruv trees at the
farm to add two or three millions to ;
Sherman county, and beauty ad in- j
finitum, if developed into trees.
J. M. Hnvihcb
Ashton locals.
We hear that Miss Eva Taylor was
on the sick list the last of last week.
But see she is able to he around
.Mr. Draper's brother who hud been
visiting here fora week, left for Ins 1
home Saturday morning over the
[ Burlington Route.
Frank Dzioogle and Fred Wh o
man unde business visits to S'. Paul
Mr. .Judt vine of (iraud Inland t
here visiting at Mr. I'.iig.-V
Mr. and Mrs <}. W. Marvel, re.
turned Suturdai evening fj in an t x
tended trip through n iseonsiu and
Illinois. Mr. Marvel benghf so eli
guut line of go ids while il. (Jhieugo,
f r his spring and summer trade.
Mr. an l Mrs. W M Kmelser drove
over to Rockville, and spent Sunday
with ‘-Fa and Mu," F-ir.
Tht* Cards are out atinuneiug —
w !1 what do you call i<? Oit yes! It
Is in'tif iod ii t-i i mil a .he opera
house lieie an Monday evening.
A pril 3rd, C< )M 10.
Messers Win j• • il'r**\ and A N
Conklin each shipped a eurload of
hogs from this station lo south
Omaha on Monday afternoon. Both
gentleman went along to 'pay the
metropolis of the state a visit.
Quite a delegation went up to
L mp City Tuesday evening to at
tend the big .M isoide Banquet hu I a
Royal Good Time. Mr and Mrs
(1. W. Marvel, Mr. mid Mrs. H. L.
Arthur, Mr. and 'In \V. M Suiei
ser, and Mr. H. Stnelser engaged
pas-age over the B. <*t .M for the
occasion. All came h me Wednes
day wearing smiles, and report be
mg well treated and none complained
of hunger.
Mr. and Mrs Kdgur Draper left
Wednesday morning for u visit at
Cmtral City, we were told. Mr.1
Draper will he hack Kiidav.
11 iv. Salem Paterson, D. D , de
live red a lecture Sunday evening at
the Presbyterian ehureii The at
tendance was large ns usual.
Mr. K. A. Witter will lecture on
‘■Pilgrim's Progress,” on Monday
tvenmg March g7. at H:00 p m.
John Petersen of Dunnevirke. had
the misfortune of u broken leg, but
is doing as nicely us could be ex
peeted under the skillful treatment
of Dr. Howard.
Tuesday April I, id Village *• lot
lion, don't forgot it, ttml come out
and vott* for the men who. according
to your judgment, will have the in
tereat of our hualling little town
foremost in their heart a. You wh<> ■
are voter* don't fail to come in amt
ca«l tour ballot.
We UtideMtaud that work will be
gin this we» k on Artiinn* 15.0110
I'atIndie church. Hurrah for Aah
loti and it* energetic |e . |ilt
i'liot. Jailing watte a tri|< to Klh*.
and St I'anl ttie fore pan *«f thi
w d k «oi t'li-'m ■>*
U ho . *id spring ii i d tt iue .' I
•hink tie must to* mistaken »» »k»l
Ht4 and »l. l^hing are the rage
the te«| her t>utllmi> ,«,tl ai <1 to
» beat ■«*«
\ tali MW aatlw -niNgiie
lut a ok ble i e*
*;• w »r to l a i olutble hoi.
I rai k !%-..» l* . • r.«4 i»«two at.. .
b u.e it t, , 4 |f ■
J. ho h.- mureii t .nli . i I ■
1 *' i. I|> *4*1.1 hi* tariM li> in l,*«t (all
Mat oat*an
Loup City Nebraska March II.IHO*’
State of Nfliruf ka i
bhcrmun County i H h
County board In s' •.-.inn pursuant to adjourn
moot of January 111, l-W: Froaem: s. N.
Hwuetland chairman O. L, Way.J, P. I.ilnln
ger, Lewis Bechtboid. W. t', Dietrichs Peter
McKt'on and A. JJli kerson Supervisors; and
T. S. Nightingale. county attorney, and John
Minahull, county clerk. The following pro
reedlngs were bad and done, to-wit;
The county board proceeded to examine bids
pluns and speclllcutious, Hied with the county
clerk by the following named persons W. T.
UH»son, M. L.Scott. Mean* & Tally; The fan
ton Bridge t o., J. II Sparks and the Wrought
Iron Bridge Co., which said bids, plans anil
specification* hud been tiled by said parties In
response to the notice published by the county
Before the Board appeared Nels Jensen, and
requested the hoard to strike from the lax list
of the year Isy,. the total personal and poll tax
assessed against him. Satisfactory evidence
showed that ho had In tn assess' d for same
year in Howard eouuty. and the sa no was
lie refore stricken oif as requested.
W. It Jdclior, appeared bi Tore tin- 1>. ., l and
on behalf of Otis H. Spencer offend to pay
Shoruiun county the sum of -.‘,0). for mu ui x
sale ooilHiralo which Sherman county bold,
against Hie Lamp City Itols-r Milts propr,* ,
and a ' a ore, teat on " pay ail dcl.iiqu* . t
taxes ugalnst said pnqi ny which are xul.- e
quent to tUi taxes e! up m said lax sale oern
deal*, if Ills offer slioulu be accept* d. And It
was on motion resoivod to accept the offer
ma. e, provided the t' n- Vtion is complete i
taps day and all moneys paid.
Uu motion tho cou :.v treasurer is a it uorlzed
to acti pteil from Alfred Clint the sum > r it.
se la full payment of Alfred Flint "* ;i . ;ie nt
pi t sotial taxes for the years 1885 Ml-;-,"* ) • and
1 • ff. in.d tilee*.ui,t , in usurer is ais ,autiio, zed
to accept front 11. S. vViiklttson the sum of .-id
In full payment of said Wilkinson * delinquent
persou;,l la.-" s for the rears 1SM7 and P-S , aim
the county treasurer Is ordered not to accept
road and poll tax receipts in payment of any
part of the ufor- .ilu Mints.
Communication from T. II. J{ea»<>ner asking
that lie be released from the payment of the
personal delinquent taxi s assessed against the
llrm of Beasoner & McCright In the year Isms,
and asking that he he- paid hack the amount,
which the county hoard has applied to the part
payment of said taxes out of claim against tie
county In favor of T a. Beasoner, was read
and on motion bis request was denied, anil
treasurer ordered to collect balance of said tax
by distress.
Communication from Alex (lappa wa • read
In which he requests the county board to hold
tho Arm of Marvel & Co., liable for his de
linquent personal taxes for the year IMW,
which request was on motion denied.
On motion the county treasurer is instructed
and authorized to accept the face of all person
al delinquent taxes assessed prior to the year
ls;«i ia full- pavnj ■»'. oi - i;i tux i-idleeiing 1 >•
intercut on said tax. and that tho county
treasurer proceed to collect said tax at etc
by distress.
Whereupon the county board adjourned to
U;IX) a, m March IS, l.sitSb
I.oup Ci’y Ncbr.. March lii. IK-.c
Board met pei stmnl to adjournment of March
ll. Present, lull hoard, county attorney an
The official bond "I J. H. Draper as ovevsc r
of high ways for road district Mo. 8 wa - ex.on
I tied and on motion approved.
On motion the contract for the constru t ••
of the bridges required by Sherman countv
during the term of one year from April hi
1 -.'ii was awardi d to M. I, Scott.
Motion to order the county clerk to deilvi r
tn all the urn ucossful bidders for the eun
Mrun ion of the bridge*. required during tin
t nsultjif year. the plan* and spec ideation* I.
tin to ibmitted mill which wore cxnmlRcd by
the h< in], was Joxt.
Motion to reconsider lost motion wm« carried
■ in honor of the Memory of the decented lion
William L. Oreene, uomciessmaii of the fith
coiwri shmal district of the state of Mebravka
It was moved by Dickerson that this body be
adjourned to U o'clock of March 16th l*nu
which motion prevailed and the county board
nljoui riod aceordintfiy.
Attest .loin. Minsliull. County clerk.
by Louis Hein, Deputy.
I’uy Up Farm .Journal
and get a
Big Biirgitin, Five Year*.
By tpedal iimmgement made v/itli
i-fie publisher* of the FARM JOURNAL
We hi.j eunblfil to offer a .j years nub
seripi ion to 1 i'.af"f1 and one year
sub ; lion 1 I tllf XoiirilWl I I,US' I '
■^1 oU I In* » i i|e ■ ll'i i' 1- in id I . tmi
Did •ii’> rib v bo .||| |. , | m i
i'O' id one .11 ir in advance, . «.
ion* • i|d-i'l »is. In old* I o g* h
i A K '1 .lOT ii \ A L wi l 111* In ' 111 c
v. li t • in« ,-s iry to vvaik m io
Mi .■ o' tin’s i.nice f..r we have < nl\ a
bi n o | i umbel of 5 i ear sun-ci i|>t loi *
toi, ■ -e , i Tie* 1 A IIM JOURN » I
i- io ..ini foiiiidjflim and perDcili
H ost .* or by
iM il abs . furnish flu* K io-. < i t
We.ii Journal, hi r of i b. ill s |
iveeii jy papers in (lie «i s anil I lie
N> k . iiwkmkh;, I ir si go '1'bis i ib*
•mi** mper vte clubbed «illi list vh p vi such genei il sulisf. eiion.
Also lin* S.'iiii'w* < kly -tale ,1. u I'll 0)
ml 'll' Noii'i IIM i.M i i.Nfor Si HO
W AN I Kl»—bfc Vr.KAL 1'lltgT woltTHT I'll!
Solis III I Ills SI ale to Hoi nay e our business
in 111. 11'own and nearby eonntic*. Il o
nminlv office win k Conduc ted hi borne, sal
ary sliinghl *.*KI a year and expenses—Ue
lintle, boiiiillde. no more, no less salary
Monthly $75. deference*. Kneloso nelf-ad
droHspd envelope Herbert K. Ileus. I*re».
Dept. M. Chicago, III. 3-10 in
TIM 17 lit MONEY.
When you are traveling, due conoid
end ion should be given fo the aineuui
of riine spent in making your journey
f.ISk and makes the Fastest I oik tj
many hours Io Salt Lake City. Uc rtl i-o'
Hill I (' ilifoi mu points
For time tables, folders, illu*i rated
book* p'lamplefs descriptive of tin* ter*
iiory 11aver*til, call on—W. I), i,’I.IK
TON Agent.
** where for * The story of the Philippines'*
by Mm at Halstead, commissioned bv the Qnv*
ernmei a* Official Historian Io the War De
partment. Thi book was written in army
a.imps I Sail ITnuciseo. on the l’a. Ifle wilt)
Ceneral Merritt, in the hospital ; If.,o lulu,
bi Jloii Kong. In the America!. cm-he
Manila In the usimrent .’ami s w "i Again i
i >. out'" dock of the Olympia ,;U Dew.",
i iid in i hr roar of battle nI the id . : Manila.
Honan? i for ug. at* Hrlmful <d ... /itinl pi.
tares taken by governi;.. nt pkotourapher #.*»
the* spy I.UI; i l.".i|{. I. iw p. ii-,--. HU'plof
u«. K diet paid, c'ri t given, Iirop all
tnehv nofBeliil war bo, Us I bittil fi*f■.■ .V
dress 1*'. T. Barber, Si,*.,.. Star Insuniiic.
Hula, Chicago. til
Do your oven blur at tiinOn?
Do they hurt after muling?
An* llioro IVo(|iiont headaches?
An* the muscles around llu* eves drawing
wrinkles and crown feet? They are
N AT 1 \l FAS 1 )A NU F U S Hi N AIX
O ik wlu'u aiglit iag«>it<* i- thi* torn bit* ilattgor ir,tii/r*i It
n>*t imi littlo to !h*|() thti tin* t oo !t‘ done in time I nut give
O ' l t j I t lit ; J I .»f t I I I t l tl i i t T U,l< W l | it 1“ t rllliltN
11 ui.iiio tin* in tin* mi ->t iiiti'Uiji'iit tun) txtroful ittmutor
rtti-l «ttlmul t’Uargo If'• i + iiii* uHilril i ran i*uj*|>iv tht*
t'«*f i ttt U lift t iihttiitlt'tl i t« ttto mo tutor tltMtiml
I. S, >11 KITAitO, Jeweler ami Optician.
3 HD
Mimwmmii t- .1 _-v w
CHASE & 8MB0BS; Importers, Boston.
Attorney at law ;nd notary Public.
Will U. f.-iiil hi I ,.tvi'lnsur* Cmma
Al mi 110 A
tionorai l{< l . ite Bualnss >
Offl.« In i iiiwtvniSMf! Iluii.l.w
I oil*’ Dili M.UMAAM A
i*m SK IA \ A >1 lU.l u
1*01 I’ I 11*\ V i HKA-k A
•if ^ •»*•* or umi ui h «»•
*1 l# »l ■
Lour OITT. i I MW*
QIK'iv EH via