Lioaal Daws. dames Gouley, of Custer county was in the city last Monday. J. K. Pearson of Lltchtield, a county scat visitor Tuesday. W. II. Conger l* going to have some ol the Barker land resurye.ved. Carl de U Motte of Hazard townsh'p was doing business In the city Monday. D. C. Doe sold a ear load of young cattle to Mr, Hickman this week. The eouufy dads are holding a session j of Hherman counties legislature this week. Bnow, snow the beautiful snow, it started in rain and ended in snow, last Tuesday. Wm Duck, of Lltchtield, smiled in upon us while In town the siiihIi end of the week. Geo, Rightenour and the Misses Kflle and Vida Guthrie were over from Clear Creek Monday Jacob Albers will be auctioneer at T. L. Pllgers store. The auction sales commence Tuesday, March SW. Barn For Hint—A good livery barn 110x40 good location, 4 lots, corral in connection, 2 good wells of w»ter. In- j <|iilre of B.T. Hnypku Jay Cole of Ashton, was in the cLy Wednesday night. Mr. Cole came up to take the last degree of the mysteries of Odd Fellowship. Our old fritnd J M. Buebner, of Bristol township materially swelled our general fund this week bv sending In a good fat money order. Thanks. A priceless blessing Is found in Dr. Sawyer’s Arnica and Witch Hazel Halve for piles, hives, scald-head, eczema pin worms, burns aud cuts. Hold bv Odeu dahl Bro's. The blizzard that set In last Tuesday afternoon, after a 7 hours rain and snow was olio of the severest of the winter, but It very considerately wound up Its fury by Wednesday morning. “The modern pill” is lightly applied to Dr. Sawyer’s Little Wide Awake Pills, because they perfectly and com pletely cure bllllousness, Inactive liver and constipation, Hold by Odendahl Bros. MIm Miuee Craven, sister of 41 rs. ! Frank Cline, who was station agent at tills place for several years, arrived in the iltv the first part of the week from Valley, Neb, fora visit with her friend. Miss Nora White, Farm For Kknt—lflfl acres all under i fence and 80 of it as a pasture, good frame buildings, good water, and only three miles from town and only 80 rods from school house Inquire of B. T. Hmtihcr, at his barn. BE GOOD TO YOURSELF and good to your friends. When you treat a friend to whiskey, give him the best. HAKl’EK Whiskey is the beverage for your friend* and for you, Sold by T. H. Loup City, Neb. The grammar department of our city schools has been moved from the 41. E. church were it was temporarily located since the tire, to the old resturant build ing on the west side of the square. It will probably occupy these quarters until the end of the term. Backache is the first indication of kid ney trouble. Uriuary disorders, dia betes. and even Bright's Disease follow unless promptly checked. Nothing bet ter to make perfect kidneys than Dr. Sawyer's I'katino. Sold by Odendahi Bro’s. While in town lust Wednesday after noon a farmer whose name we did not learn, but living on the old 1’ennepaeker homestead in Oak Creek township, had quite a smash up. Ills •• am became frightened near the depot and ran away He was somewhat shaken up but not seriously hurt. The 41. K. Church was crowded last Sunday night to Its fullest capacity Miss Mae rtiilllps w ho Is holding a series of meeting* here preached an interesting sermon. The meeting* ure still In progress and the church mem borship has somewhat been increased hi consequence. 1 lie \\ abanb I'onltry Compound aold meter guarantee, to cure Cholera or Jimip and exterminate Mite* or l.lce or money refmieded Salesmen wanted In every County. •„* to per day, »mg le or duulble rig, for further particular* addrea*. with •lamp J K VxnMmmi l'ar»on«, hauaar. I have been alltli-led w ith rbrumaibtii for fourteen yeara and nothing aeeme I (ugly* any relief I aai able to be a round all the time, but cunataully ault> r* log. I had Hied everything I oou.l hear of and at la*t war told to try Chaiu herlaln’a I'aln Italm, wlib b I did. and waa Immediately relieved and In a »h<*rt lime cured I am Mppy to »ay that It liaa not vine* returned. Joan Itaitr tiermautoan Cal Ter ante by i» temUh H«o* Mr Mi ItarnuiM md family of I»uhi more, IVU, have arrived In the vltv The family Coming In ou the Saturday night and Mr Htrnnm ntv.d Monday n«mn with a « «r l»ad *>f h..«r>e held gevd*. faim mac hinery and ituri He ha* per* banrtl a farm mm imv < teak, ■gel will hull*! om It Ihla apriug M> Halnum la one of the kind **f emigrant* UMI hgenw an ewuwtr w*»b wmea, and there 14 We iluaki that moan **ali» Mr II rnuna mm o»,r pro bicllve wdl District mail overseer* of Sherman county, also alb township o fleers, or In fact anyone wtio has printing to he done and to be paid for by Sherman county should hear in mind that the Southwr.sTKitN Is the regular author, i/.ed paper to do all such word and that we have a contract with the county supervisors to do such legal printing. Key. E. Edwards, pastor of the En glish Ilaptht Church at Mlncrsville, f’a. when suffering with rheumatism, was advised to try Chamberlain's I’aid Balm lie says: “A few applicatinua of this It nlinent proved of great service to me It subdued the inliamatlon and relieved the pain, should any sufferer profit hy giving Pain Balm a trial it will please me " For sale hy Odendahl Bro's. Last Friday Milton Fletcher and Cbas Johns, living north of Area dla, while going home from Loup City, stopped near the farm house of A. II Hansel and began shooting into what th y supposed to be a flock of wild geese. They had killed six of them be fore the lady of the premises appeared and ordered Iheut to desist. Six of her best geese had been slaughtered and lay strewn upon the ground. The hun teis appoliglxed fur the mistake and started home It Is generally believed here llyit they must have purchased their ammunition from the temperance saloon at Arcadia. Take notice of the new ad of T. L. Pilger on local page Mr, Pilgcr Is bound to closeout hi* stock and lias in stituted an auct'on sale which will be gin on Tuesday, March 28, ut 2:00 o'clock p. m and will continue at the same hour on every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until every article in Ills store Is sold. There will bo no prices on goods except those you make. He also offers to sell trade or tent fils siore building, and to sell the store fixtures. Here is an excellent chance for some one as his store fixtures are us fine hs can be found In any general store in the w esf. Word comes from Idtchlleld, tl at lust Friday a very serious accident oc cured near that town An emigrant was traveling through that vicinity in a wagon wj;li his family, and had a stove in it for warmth. Abrul two miles and a half couth of town the road crosses a sag ami a till Is made for that purpose, the top of the till was hut lit tle wider than the track and by some means the wagon upset down the side of the mi, setting lire tod he clothing and so severely burned the mother and one child that their litres are despaired of. The citizens of Litchfield, as usual showed their humane spirit by raising a sum of money for the unfortunates, A surprise vas very caret ully arrang ed ui.d pleasantly carried out by the friends of Mrs K K Ditto on last Sat urdsy evening in honor of her -PJ birth day. Aspre arranged the crowd assem bled at tlm home or Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Austin and at H;:}0 quietly grouped their way In the darkness to the rrsid cnce of Mrs. Ditto. That lady was not antUipatlng any callers that evening »nd was completely nonplussed when she op< tied her door at the instance of a loud and continuous knoc king, and beheld some twenty five of her neigh bors and ft lends assembled before her, hut she was equal to the occasion and soon had them enjoying themselves in games, music, ami chatting. About 10:110 a lap supper was served which a'l done ample justice to. This was fol lowed by the presentation of a very hamlesome stand lamp to Mrs Ditto, as a token of the esteem in which her many friends held her. At 12 o'clock m. the assembled guests took iheir departure fur home, tilled with the thoughts of th- pleasant bouts passed, and with tne hope that .heir ... friend might enj >y the annu al return of many more birthdays. Oil account of the stormy evening a num ber that were expected could not come I lie following Is a list of those present Mr and Mrs, <' A. Austin. Mr. ami Mrs. J. S. IVdler, Mr. aud Mrs O liruacboter Mr and Mrs. D. W. Iluntei. Mr and Mrs. I' M R< ed, Mr and Mrs, W .1 Filter, Mr and Mrs. .1 | Depew, Mrs. Me I’he t sun, Mr- W Nuvllle, Mrs. Katie Hurrowes. Miss Nan liurrowcs.fMr and Mrs Deo. K. lienscbotcr, and Mr and \ Mrs. t}, || i j jhson. DIKII Mi-- Pearl Sherman, daughter of Mr uml Mi« W. N . Shertn oi of flay !ii«n> •hip. died of men l< » i it Mart'll 'Hi Ihimi at 5 lW m I lie defeated no born al Alda, Hall < >miiy Nebraska, January 21, I"■'H, him at the time of b>'i dealli "•*» 10 year* l to mill ami 27 dtjrt old. d lieu lull a *mal| fluid »be fame alili bT (•arenu io rtkeriuaii e-muity. a here lb*jr loeaied ut» a farm D mile* *outh of I«otip t'liy a here >be retided al lb« lime «>f Ihi dr tin I’unrral imlir< a> re eondm led h> He'. Jobuaon, a P»**l*>letlau uilnuiei of *b »'li t'bttfth *h" a «' » meinUtr I be ivtoalh* mi lutem * in \ erdutelle eemrlvry and were f«dl«*e.| to their la»t retling |dafr l«y a large mm 'Miw nf •«ifn»*iii^ ' lilnelt • a • %utl»a el t<«a« Mtotioe the •too ■ «1 t o a it oo - t tiijf It. (ml lot l.nup I‘lit lu*iu>btyt' a ||| he to i | at i be tin a of i imf I .a i.ui|* eti on | mtt day April lib I" <» lot in* Iran** Imm ol "ivk byt'Mtt at by la* mat pro petit eotoe to lore the meet I >g li II tiilbot lepllih •at I have |'!<* i««*ttr*t| a very nba line ol bamta and »lt«fc a ol I be t«i»«t tt y let •mi mak*t ami am able i» %air«oi* toil pat# *o'J II* am Ihamu Who I* To Blaine. Kidney trouble tin* become so prn valent that h I* not uncommon for n child to be born afflicted with weak kid tie; s. If the child urinates too often if tin urine scalds Mie flesh, or If. when tin child reaches an age when it should tn able to control the passage, and it is yet afflicted with bed wetting, depend upon It the cause of the difficulty i* kidney trouble, and tne (list step should lie to ward* the treatment of these Important organs. Till# unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit a* most people suppose. If the adult has rheumatism; pain or dull ache in the back; if the water mi** es in irregular (|nantltie*. or at irregu lar Interval* or ha* a had odor; If it sthiii* the liner: or vessel the color <>| rust; If the feet swell; if there are puffy or dark circle* under the eyes; your kidneys are the cause and need doctor lug. Treatment of some diseases may he delayed without danger, not so with kidney disease Dr. Kilmer's .Swamp-Boot the great kidney, liyer and bladder remedy promptly cures the most distressing cases. It* mild amf extraordinary effect Is soon realized Hold by druggists In fifty- cent and and dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle and pamph let telling all about it sent free by mull Address Dr Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N.Y. When writing mention that you read this generous offer in the Loci’ city Noutiiwkstkicn, Tfltlflf, Hull-Hlienin iiml Ki/niiu The intense itching and smarting inci dent to these diseases, Is Instantly allay ed by applying Chamberlain’s Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bad c- se* have been permanently cured by it- It Is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyes. 25ct*. per box. For sale by Odendabl Bro s. ♦ • ♦ Du. Cady’s Condition Powdkks, are ju*». abut a horse needs when In bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge They are not. food but med icine and the best in use 11 put a horse in prime condition. I’lice 25 cents per package. For sale by Odendabl Bro's, ItAII.KOAD PALACE* The new Palace Sleeping Car*, built specially for the UNION PACIFIC, and recently pm In service on their famous fa*t trains to Colorado, Utah, Califor nia ami Oregan points, are the finest ever turned out. Throughout the Interior the draping*, wood work and decorations are in the most artistic style, and tlie convenien ce* vastly superior to anything ever seen before. These cars are attached to tlie Union Pacific fast trains, which make Quicker time to all Western points than trains of any other lines. Tickets, and reservation* can lie ob tained by calling on or addressing W. D. Clifton, Agent, IIUCKLKM)' AKN1CA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts Briuse* Sores Fleets Salt Rheum Fever Sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilblains Corn* and all Skin Eruptions ami pos itively cures Pile*, or no pay required. It i* guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Odcndahl Bros --——--♦ -♦ - ' llitmsMeeker* Kifumlon Kale* are now In eOoct via the UNION PACIFIC TO WKSTEKN POINT* Those who contemplate a trip w>»t for business or pleasure should get in formation regarding these greatly re duced rate*. AdyertUing matter and full information can be obtained by calling on or addressing W. I) Iji.iy Ton, Agent. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Tlie Farmers State Bank, < llAKI KK No aai At I .ci 1111 « it V In the state of N etna aka at Mm Close of business March «. isim BKtfOl'KOKS, boons ana discount* . o <»| Overdrafts secured and unsecured :! „*<) oilier assets . tnu.Ti Hankins house furniture, tltturos 2,iaio> other real estate Current cs pauses and taaes |>ai>t ■ >'«• from National, state and >*rI vale bank* and banker* Jk.k& t ash Currency « iay»to. " Hold I.usual ** ’Hirer .114 M I.47a«a f***** MI.IWS 1.1 v »• 11 inks ’ *|iilal stock |iaid In | u,eai kurfens fund I lid it bled (imllta In Its id mil de|*i*ll a tub Jeel to check • yjst. is In n.»u>l esrtlAcale of de posll k,SMa • | Time OertlAuales uf tie l»«0 t.av. *1 ii.iit if total j ***!• %*| | tonety of altotuan. I* * 14 I'kll Jweial, President of lit* ulmae nswvd Hank, do si detent y i a ear that I t*e staiyw statement t* tine In Ika best id my tAMklelf* and belief 4 Putt rtea.lrol ftttsst. * H imiiidsi Urn, tut t 4 i•!•*Slum Ulir> Ixi •sbhiiM * > t Ok tarn tablwa ».. i a inn day uf kwm tent 4IMIS « let* *•* Will| Petal i Mr wemuwitt ttyirai lane am, i,r ” I V J ACOB ALBERS, Auctioneer. Cleap Sweep. Evepythipg Slaughtered. « Our first great miction sale will take place on Tuesday, March, 281 h, 1899 at 2 p. in. and we will continue to sell yofi goods at auction at 2 ]». in. on every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday until every article is sold. This stock of goods will be sold at our auction sales; there is no price on goods. All we want you to do is to bid on them and carry them home. I wish to say to tin* public in all candor, that this is a bonified safe, and that we are going to do just what we advertiie. Remember our private sale continues every day, and we will and must save you money on everything you buv. I will continue paying you the highest market price for your eggs, butter and potatoes as long as 1 am in business. Ladies are especially invited to attend these sales. All my store fixtures are for sale consisting of show cases, lamps, tire proof ^nfe, etc. etc. T I quote you a few prices, it is impossible to give you prices on ail my goods, but come and see how far a little money will go: I 1 pounds of oat meal for 25 cts, 1 pound X, X. X. X. coffee, 10 is, l p mu I (’ ml »v i c iffm 10 <■ «. Best Soda crackers 0 cts per pound, i box corn starch 4 cte , 17 Ihs granulated sugar I 00, Grandpa’s Wonder s( up per bar 7 cts., Cow Brand Soda per package 1 cts , Champion lyo per can 5 cts. Clothes pins per doz I ct., 10 cent bottle of bluing for 5 cts , 5 cent package chewing gum for :i cts., 10 liar* silver lOaf soap 25 cts., MY STORE BUILDING IS FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT. At private sale every day I am making terrorizing, slaughtering and earthquake prices on dry goods, notions, hats, boots and shoes, rubbers, queensware, in fact every article I have in my store. I an selling for less money than other merchants can buy them for. Come and be convinced. Don’t forget that the great auction sale will open TUESDAY, MARCH 28th, 1899 AND WILL CONTINUE EVERY TUESDAY, Thursday and Saturday until every article is sold. Don’t forget to bring your neighbors to this great closing out sale. I have a few Early Ohio seed potatoes for sale. Loup Citv, March 17th, 1899. Respectfully yours, fHEO L pjLGEp Report of the Condition of Tie Bail of Ashton. CHACTKK NO 15 At Aubtiuj. in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business, March flth. IW. IiKSOUHCKS. Loans unit Discounts . f 8326 K< Stock, Beruri tics, judgments, claims, etc Uo5 70 Ilunklng house furniture nud fixtures i luo 00 Current expenses and taxes paid... 351 it Checks and other cash items ... 95 ssi Due from National. State and Private Hanks and Hankers.... 7.562(10 Cush Currency. * «,*oo ou " Gold . •.’35 00 " Silver. 43* 71 2,873 71 Total .#21,105 27 I.IAB1LITI KS Capital Stock paid in .$ 5,000 00 Surplus Fund. 1 200 00 Undivided Profits . . 387 73 Individual deposits subject to Check. 9.N20 54 Demand certificate of deposits 522 00 Time certiorates of deposits 3.070 00 13,51* 54 Total. #31,106 37 •State of Nebraska i a County of Sherman I. W M. Smellier, Assistant Casliler of the above named iauik. do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief M. tV. SMELMKH Assistant Cashier ATTK5T: H. SMKLSKU I A. P. C'L'LLKr I ,,lrf‘ lor‘ Subscribed and sworn to In-fore me this in day of March, l*w. J K. Conklin, Notary Public. My Commission Kxpirrs Juno 23rd, IMS* REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST RANK CUARTKU SO. vi i. At l.mipClly In tlio statu of Nebraska, at the Close of lluslne**, March fl, law. KKSOIRl'Ks l.oau* and discount* II.IIW) overdrafts, secured and unsecured 571 7T Mlocks, bund*, •wuilllio, Judgments claims, etc. |,t o ui llsakinii house, riirntlure, ll x lures j.&oiti Other Real Kstate it, 1*750 Current expenses and taxes |utld l.n tit Checks amt oilier Cush Items 1,7., Mi Due iron, \ tltonal, state and I'nv - ate hanks and banker* 5,04k*1 Cash MlekUs an* cents 4 . * ** Currency lulu* OuH 7.05,« u silver v«t to .T,tW 7s Total IMAIM* i i vmi i i rit *, l spit at tin, a paid in IJr.imsi Cadlvtdvd prodl* itN Individual drpiSHS subject to e tore a. tt,i«44> i HI*'ales ot U|» *H I. I <1 /. ,5JM t* t ' i 11 Al t' *tat* u( s"i-tsuka, * 4 # t*4 lil«i MMll | $, | I* * 4Tl t«l M| III*? |i«tVW >!*• m*I*»mu * ««v a. nt Nu. 1,0 Freight. 2 oo p. in. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger . 4.16 p. in. No. 511 Freight. .Hi.Via. ill Sleeping dinner and reclining chair cars (seals free) on through trains. Tickets Hold and baggage checked to any point in llio United stale# or Canada. Fur Intorination, mape, time tables und tickets call on or write to A. F. Werts Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, Gen'I. Passenger Agent, Ouialiu, Nebraska, II. I*. RAILWAY. No. sd leaves daily except Sunday (pass enger). 7:110 a m. No. its leaves Monday. Wednesday und Friday, (mixed) 2:05 p. in. No. Do leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 2:30 p. in. No 87 arrKes daily except Sumlay (mixed) 11:46 a. in. No. V> arrives daily except Sunday (pass eager) 7,05 p. in First class service and clone connections east, weal ami south W. 1). Clifton, Agent. NOTION FOR PUBLICATION. Land office, Lincoln Nebr. i February, 2nd, isw t Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has tiled notice of Ills in tention to make tlnal proof in support of bin claim, and that said proof will lie made before the County Judge at Loup clt>. Nebraska, on Tuesday, April I, 1*1*. Vlx: Win. gulun, Jr., Homestead No. 1*314, for 'lie south east quarter, section 21, Township l l, Range 15 lie names the following witnesses to prove his contin uous residence ution and cultivation of said land, vlx Jolm O'Neill, i Imnes Cochrane, Michael Kmcs, Jacob Wolf, all of I(htciimi, Nul»rJMilttt. J W Joimtolf. nhtick nm »*i in,i aiion, I .awl < inter. Lincoln, Nebraska f January lltli, latri v Nailer lo hereby klven Uml the follow Inif namtfU oettlrr has Hleit nolle* of bln Intention lo wake Anal |v*oo,‘ in *tt|»|*ort «f lu» l lano, ami that *anl |ifnof will loaitr he l ore Htei utility Jmtkeof hherutan County, at l.oitp. Nehraaka. on A|>rll .1, I vat, rId Owen l. Mrrerr, Ihoio-sirat entry. No I * It, for the North ©aat ntiarter. *e© Hon la Tow*etit|> II north of Hank© hi neat II© name* Hi© fu low I Ilk iIIhcmii to |itut© hi* tontluuou* resilient© tt|«.n • ••it full it at ion of *at>l laittl, t it Anion To|a>l*ki *atutiel It tutor, » r©*t N., John JokMMl til of A*bloit, Nehraaka J h Ji'llteo, lt©kiat© t KtiAI. Ntrrit » <>f H* ’ f4*kt | * i. Tb* kl«i« »4 i .i ti| of k^ rvuM I T-' i bit* i*v«* li Aklrt «t noil rvtoiiliRl ittitii *•# iSr# ft jiut AKt# tl'if rllmi iH ii-Niti iii kltu l Su £ **# nii#MMi> ikunly «t»4 Mb * <4 S' NHik# I** lit kotiil mmM .41 U f , • t **• 4 to N l Hi H **»*#* «t «| V<'to iff Iwifkf 1' UM tMl t t>ktyUttoi Imm *♦ ft* Muftii* i* *» H * 1 lh- r#4l *4 .*ul M 4) Ihi*?. 1 iStol h *4 tti« to ft 1 it ' S* #* •' »» »1* *f Htftpfl i" • <*ilP*|ftlf# fttiMtl 4 Ill* » 1 ? ii I .!> ) t!*4 ^f.n, - .. h. 'Ui UM t til if I# iH* toiN|Mto> '1 I t f4i ■ 4* llto * -t I i*# i* tlhvl -( «-U I Ml ah 4 I* i >l#v %4 lift • »4i» Mfe* •** Uk M MoftilHvmif ? II- 1 ? N « , to • * ◄ „ . . _ 1 Pin* Wishing to close mv Photo Gallery at Lonp City l will make Photographs from now until April at the following extremely low rate: Qabinet Size: [Guaranteed finish] $0.99 perdoz ©ard Size: [Guaranteed finish] 75 c, per doz Min. size [< finish j SO e per dos. STAMP SIZE: * [Sinai but m»at] 3 doz for 26 cents M. I.KSCIIINSKY Artist. V A IO • * i by Uttrst M*< «tt *.|, r.ittiiitvtttiinr) tit th. u... • thmi t.l a*, ll tls'sl ll .ltirlsll l« lh. IUr Ik yitriimkt. T.m tvMik mm* tkriltr *1 in stmt . «» ■>,»„ | ikkil.,.. ,it . |v . (| .I «|"I»I ib th» b- |>tUi s' M l. lb li my Knn.‘ In lb** Am* ft. s’, fty. . . ,, kUatW la ife. i.,..u..nU:,ui|i, m,i>, tsutiMl .1.. ■in'*'. .1. ul lb. lit.mi ts si.i. is»ii tfi t.«# fiinj • * t ** if f*»- i u ... 4b* at* * I .* If . I « , , }i |4f. . if* tfj?= 1 |mi.4 i *iwiiiu |iv^i iir ni| ff**b| Wn»l’,i il Nfe %b tktnt (ifti t I, itnm r r itfiHf I a*i,* 4.k«fnuk» * i‘k» in |§mh §inin in i*am> t u* tia>« IMtafV |*-!|/# nnti lr-4 «( .. f*wj 1 ' '*1 4 4 v«|f ito-4 ‘ a. r 9 -s vlb) tt *4»lt.!f • ,i «« |bY»4'k«M. . yj * tlfnAtA ( tinmma) •«<•« *t »|^ f €U | lt*4*. 114% 4** , I M I bu««» ti . a - 4 *41 mV i » j 1 * f* | # 1 4