The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 17, 1899, Image 1

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    , L< »up CrrY Northwestern
x Uiill IIIUUUIUUIJ) XJU££1UMJ vv U^UUMJ xxui uuiJMj xxui ll TI ill Uj II1UU IVllllUj lUlU|IUj liJJUIE NMNG MILL,
Garden Seeds, Machine Oils, Repairs for McCormick, Buckeye, and Woods Binders and Mowers. Call and see me \\ \shing maOl
and I will try and please you with good quality of goods. machines
v .1 r 11 a m ~w ■» ii i. JIA RNESS.
Yours very truly, rJ\ JVL- REED.
Slicrumn County Bar Meet and I’a»» ite»
V olutlona of Ueapect.
Congressman VV. I. Greene, of
tins sixth congressional district died
at Omaha last Saturday. He had
left his hotel and was on his way to
the depot in a cab with some friends
On reaching the depot w here he ex
peeled to take the train fur Lincoln
his friends slighted and called for
him to come on, but us lie did riot
respond they stepped back into the
cub lie was sitting upright with
his chin drooped on his breast but
was dead An autopsy wus made
1j\ the eminent phtsieians of the
city and m uccoidatice with the And
jugs tlie inquest jury decided that
death was caused by the i Xcessive
use of AIcliideil, A delegation from
Kearney starred at once as soon us
tin news was received and accom
panied the body home. Mr Norris
Jlmwe In-<>ppoiiHiit in the late cam
paign was one of the company.
Mr. linin' leaves a wife and six
Mn i nun ( ml HI y Itur |u \ '» 4 o llu r #• -* l«u u
VV I. «r4M*H4» it I S|l(Mt*,
.»i .. mi l ling of i!*«• members of the
I Ml'id .*>10 1 mail County Nebraska, 1|> 1 I
hi I.* np < in , mi vVedne-dav M ireli 15.
|89i), die fnilu " ing rc-olu i ms w-Tf
uiiMilmnusly adopie<<, tiu',
VV nuiLAS. 11 U±is come to t be
knowledge nf ilie m'mb-rs nf tlie Slier
mini cnuniy Bar, tliat the Honorable
William I/, Greene departed tlda life on
HaUlld iy Maicli II. 181-9 at Omaha. Neb
raska, and
Wiikkka i VV« d«*edly deplore tne loss
of lids eminent member of the bar of
the Twelfth Judicial Hi-trict of Nib
! i. w ith whom we havo been person
ally aiipiainted for a iiumb-r of years
in the capacity > f a citizen w hom we
all respected. A lawyer whose intel
|>u ual resources weie almost without
limit, an advocate whose eloipience was
powcriul and persuasive; a Judge
whose ense of sight and justice were
of ilie liignest order in whose court tlie
Cau-c oT (In' poor and lowly was us sa
cred as licit, of tin- rich and influential;
and whom we have also known in the
• capacity of Hepresentatii e to the Con
gress of the l'lilted States, in which lie
faithfully gicnded the interests ot his
fon-tltuent* ami promoted the welfare
of this great nation, and in which he
found > tilting arena for (lie di-phi) of
Ids great abiliti, therefore b- ir
Hkmu.vkii; That in recognition of
tlie ilia ,) virtue-nf our departed broth
er, and ot kis distillgliished career as
Lawyer, Judge and Statesman. We
hereby tender to bis grief strsekeu
family onr heartfelt syiupalbv with
them In tills hour of their hi-ri-aveiuent
by sending to them a copy of these re
solutions; and that we also make appli
cation to the Judge of tli I>1 strict < 'ourt
of sin rman County at tin- m-xt term of
said court to spread these resolutions
Upon the record of said court us a per
manent niemnilal to the honored dead.
i It .1. N liillTINli via .
Co ui in I tlee on mV, It Mai.Lim,
K'-siduiiona V vv II William*,
Aauo-v Wall, John W. I.ojio,
l hull Ilian, Sec,
VI tin Ii -rs ot the It ir
W. .1 f t-lier, W II • ongi r.
I S NighMngale, Geo \\ II inter.
H *» Mill*** ,1 a ivjler.
| ill Mil* •Wl It |i(J« (Ml 4 |f|«
lum it 111|i iii (Hi* i'i untr) . kgiMi Iu «i«
•ill ’in l»l III* I. ll'iur Jiiiiiii ,|
hit i#u»t |*i« *» «»| < *% uurk It i
• fir* i«f |4 |m i Hi * hu’tt hr
ilrhti ’ */,** t«| *•. . Iliil 4 uiliiitti i
hi»' it |n I | > * "h^i» | * * i ** It * % « | rriifc |i
•( *’ * i* 'n I*1- | *i i* It-* % 4 i**i -
gt*llftl|tm i « n« I hr u i* >t I * | 4 iu |,<
l*|rr t «l Mb* r |'b*»i * »»f ih* ui**«l n «
|»(« t * 11 iif 4 t•«< gi» , iiom 'u
• I* ** *»r
; Alteml iln* Oitl/tim Mooting »t tli*
l*rlumry Hcliool House To-Nfglit
There will lie a citizens meeting
held at the Primary school
building, Friday evening, for the
purpose of discussing the proposi
tion of building a new school bouse.
Members of the hoard inform us that
they expect to have on exhibition at
that time several differeat plans and
specifications. The citizens should
all turn out to this meeting Let us
build a school house and one large
enough to accommodate the district
j for Some time to come as well as for
I h ■ present. We are now neces
sarily compelled to run five rooms
and it will only lie a question of a
tear or so until we w ill need the
Mix'll room If wp build them now
i will be built and ready for use, if
i isn't built now ii is but natural to
suppose that it will be many years
before the sixth room is made and we
will he continually under the ex
pense of running school n the old
primary school building, when in
tact if it were all under one roof all
of th<- rooms could be heated by
steam or hot water at practically no
i U MMllOUal 4*X)>**I.Ki\
Then again we should be very
i careful to have these rooms large
I < noiigli and w.ll ventilaltd, give
plenty of room in the isles as well as
for seating capacity Ail these con
veniences help both teacher and
pupil and much better results will
l be attained in our schools. We are
informed that the ilistiict can vote
17,000 bonds and also that there
will be about S'l 000 in the treasury
after the schools are supplied for
the school year. This JO,000 will
build a school house something like
our necessities demand. Let us say
no more about it, but chose our plans
and specifications (which of course
should include a brick building) ap
propriate the money and instruct our
school hoard to go ahead.
CEOAlt, i Art No. 3 )
Planting seed is perhaps, the least
understood, and therefore the most
difficult part of this subject. 1 have
IrieO soaking in he and planting in
*and but no success has come of i:
Mr. IIill, of Dundee, III. wi ilea me
dial the seed need not be expected
to si| pear the first year. The second
v cat some plants appear, aud so on
for four years or more. Mr. Angier
has had a limited experience, and he
agrees with Mr. Hill.
I lie method is about this, gather
the aeed alter it has had some ae
vela freezing, pulverize the grout d
deepely, pluut in drills at least oue
foot between rows, cover with earth
about one and one half inchea, -hade
well but not totally.
A good arrangement would be aix
inch fence boards on edge, corn*
tnou la'ii nailed cross wise with
spaces about oae half inch or a little
more, feuce board every foul, that
gives four spaces, ground made
ready, set on your shading arrange
ui nt, this marks the grouud, remove
\ our shade slid plant seed mitiWnv
between marks, replace shades
Thereafter ke«‘p the weed* i iit, this
sill in he two or three Weeding time*
each sum mar. III course tour shade
will have to lie i« moved while too
w ed i n' and then put look again
Ustter ehose the eooi of the i| l\ O
« O Jour weidluj M No part if
It INI l» e \ pel |eli. e w I il ms*, | mil ,iii | \ '
wri ing what o he s i, l,
\\ helevsr Ihe > 1st bmi win *"s
‘,«u i''iu find tootg pistils i m 1,,,•
an, It ssiema In *1 Ih, 1,11>| ht, ■
tiia •■■*il, and |rep,ita m, • r>t t>>
; gfow ,|. t| gtmtt
Hnrj(l«r» Vl»lr«*i| Tli« Town amt ( arty
OIT Some (>r 11a Wealth
Ou Saturday morning the peace
loving citizens of Ashton awoke to
learn that that awful specimen of
humanity had paid our little village
a nocturnal visit arid carried awuy
some of the hard earned “coin of
the realm." Upon hastening to the
scene we found that Messrs. Taylor
& Conklin were tho losers, and their
massive safe completely ruined,
with one of the immensa doors blown
off completely, and with such force
as to throw it against the wall of the
building with foree enough t<> crush
a portiou of Ue wall. Paper*, In oks,
etc., were strewn ver\ permiscti. usly
every wheie idioul 'In premise*.
We are informed the loss was only
about $ll!0O. No clew could be
found ns to who were the perpctia
tors of the crime.
Will N uuioan made n trip to the
hub Thursday.
FruciK J. Taylor and Mr. lOirl
Kendall came up ftom bl. Paul.
Friday evening
P. Lukuszuwski took his daugh er
to the hospital at Grand Island, I■ >i
a surgical operation.
The lligh school entertainment
passed oil smoothly Saturday even
ing alter several postponement-.
Even if the weather was had, a
fairly good attendance was given
the young folks. The little “coon"
brought down the house and was
called hack by repeated encores.
John C'bipps ot Davis ('reek was
in town Wednesday.
The Danish Socieiy shipped hogs
from this station Wednesday, while
the Polish Society shipped a ear of
cuttle from here Tuesday.
. W. S. Harding of Mebraska City,
was a pleasaut caller Wednesday.
Rev. Salem Paterson, D. D , Pres
ideul of Hastings college will preach
in the Prcsbyteriau church at 8:00
p. m. Sunday, March 19lb. Lot
every body come.
I. C. u.
Miss \ ida Allen, the "star’’ of
Hull Caines dramatization of his
popular novel, “The Chm'itm." has
always aspired to be an author. Sin
has mai<I that there are two things
which she would rather do than act.
wtitc a book, or be a trained nurse.
She will now make her literary de
but in an article which she lias
written for The Ladies Home Jour
nal, loading and explaining fully
‘‘What the Life of an Actress
Pay Up Farm Journal
and get a
Big Bargain, Five Years.
By special arrangement made with
the publishers of the FARM JOURNAL
Wo are enabled to offer a 6-years sub
scription to that paper, and one years
subscription to ttie NoHTIIWKSTKUN f..i
• I 50 The Mine offer Is made ft, ei - n
old subscriber who will pay nil m r
ages and one year in ndvanec. n» well i
to new su Iscrlb'-i *. In order to get in
FARM JOURNAL at ibis low price i
wdl be necessary to walk right ui< i<.
the cap1 jin'* office, for we haye only »
limited number of B y ear subscript im.*
to di-|io-<-of. The FARM JOURNAL
ii on i .-olid foundation and perfectly
tin*! worthy.
'•'o " ill also furnish the Kansan City
Wrt-klj JtiimAl, 01 r <>f tlif BKNI
weekly puperii in the west, and the
N'Uithwestebn for $1 30 This it I in
name paper we clubbed with last year
that gave such general satisfaction.
-tl .. the Hein Weekly .State Journal
and the Nohth WKBTEiaifor §1 HQ
sous In this siate to manage our business
Inihtirowu and nearby counties, ft is
mainly office work conducted at home, sal
ary straight •9110 a year and expenses—de
finite, liouaflde. no more, no less salary
Monthly (70. deferences Kudos* self-ad
dressed envelope. Herbert K lless, Pres.
Dept. m. Chicago, ill. 3-10 »
When you are traveling, due consid
eration should be given to the amount
of time spent in making your journey
Link and make* the Fastest Time ty
many horns to Halt Lake City, Portland
and Callfoi nut points
For time tables, folders, lllusl rated
books, piiamplets descriptive of the ter
itorv traversed, call on—W. I), ('lie
ton, Agent.
s s-where for ' The Story of the Philippines''
bv Murat Halstead, commissioned bv the Gov
i i niiii-rit as Otfteiul Historian to the War De
put I meut. The book was written in army
. .imps at San Francisco, on the Padlle with
General Merritt, in the hospital at Honolulu,
in 1 loin; Kong, in the American ti. iiehes m
Manila, in the insurgent camps win Aguina!
"ii the deck of the Olympia " ,Ii Dewey
■el m the roar of battle at the fall "1 Manila.
Bonanza for agents. Brimful of e. igt.ial pic- j
•'•res taken by government photographer on
the spin. Largo book. Low prices. Dig prof•
tls Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all
trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free Ail
dress, F. T. Barber. Bee'y., Star Insurance
Bldg., Chicago. Ill
Nature's Danger Signals,
Do your eyes blur at times?
Do they hurt after reading?
Are there frequent headaches?
Are the muscles around the* eyes drawing
wrinkles and crows feet? They are
Only when si^ht is gone is the terrible danger realized It
eo*t so little to help the the eye* If done in time I enn give
then, early help. l.ater I have to refer the work tu oceuliAU.
I examine the even in the most intelligent and earefnl manner
and without charge If gla»*« *t are needed | r-m supp v the
correct lenses mounted in any manner desired
I. H. Hll KI'I'.Mtli, Jeweler and Optician.
Three of a Kind!
2 ND
3 RD
x 6R0Wa^
CHASE & SANBORN, Importers, Boston*
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
Will U*(«nd In For.-cionur* I'tMi
Aim. |to A
General Real Estate Business
Offlo* In NoHiHwrsrnnk llullillng,
•«»ur Alt'* SI ,,,. ,
UlHfl lu«| *»f (*!>«•
tru| *!«•»♦>
QrK’RfcJIt via
i‘> Til! IUIKIC M»AHT.
T’ *11 bt -m»r Mm
ski >i k this 11 ¥1 ran
' *> • >•««' >*%*» Mbit
*"► • Ht>UTtAI»D.
*»«.' ff •/’IT**
i Hi war,
«, .u*is»ia*i bMsba
I* 1 1 I k« ul ha WftllMi
titiHM m!u« n, it mrtttt, *