THE WAK Appropriations of Congress Over a Billion Dollars. NORMAL EXPENSES ARE SWELLED. tttupendou* f igure* a* rrr*rutey the Home Commit tee— Iii details aie ptiMiiralde here Vr« isla of the s ir ii< i'liiiuriil, that so far very let aiodhsiuin* have tiem tiled fur gf sills, frau> fuses or cottesa sIons for the * onatrui lion uf nubile works of various hinds Probably wore than a duaen reoueata for • rlvtleaee uf thia i hare* ter In Cuba have been made and less than that number in porto Mho THE CIVIL SERVICE. Interfiling Iteirifve In llie Forihrotiling Itf port. WASHINGTON, March 4.—There will be two unique departures In the forthcoming annual report of the civil service commission, which will he presented to the president shortly after the adjournment of congress. These will he a completed history of civil service from the beginning of this gov ernment and a full discussion of the methods of governing all the colonies of the world. Summing tip the civil service history the commission makes the deduction that the civil servi'-e law was enacted for the nutnose of carrying the government hack to what is termed thp wise period of the found ers of the republic, when merit and not political partisan service was the basis of consideration in the matter of appointments and retention In of fice in the government service. Reviewing the administration of the colonial affairs in the world, the com mission In Its report will state that universal experience shows that whera the colonial government is affected by political changes at home their gov ernments are unstable and ertr.tva gant and that in such colonies occur most of the revolts that figure In his tory, producing the high costs of mili tary rule. The commission's report does not specfflcallv recommend an extension of civil service over our re cent acquisitions, hut the application of these conclusions In the considera tion of our Insular affairs Is left for deduction therefrom inn report reviews llie application of the dvll service Jaw since the last report anil cites all the eases of viola tions. with pointed and vigorous con clusions based on these, and there are a number of recommendation* made In the remainder of the report. Including several renewed from last year. Report on Trno Great Hiitalu and loan y ambassador to Prance, have tendered j iheir resignations The prefects and I secretaries of state have also resigns |4 lb» I rest i tavufaM) WAHIIiNG ION March 4 Ths bate com m I tie# mi foreign relations agreed to report favorably a treaty iw tween the 1 ailed i4tat»s and Great ill Halit it bi to the Htitats >eetv.*ii/ ') the pr««* t. nt I he treaty tegulaies ! di*' descent of property of tHIsens of j 'his « mntry who die m Great Itriistu *i»d of III It tali subjects a ho die In tha I titled mates It provides that prop j rrty Ik such cases shall be disposed of »s If the pel sou deceased should dis ! >a his owtt mu mi) sad gives adtuiu istrators. executor* etc., three year* i In eh'>b to rootle estate* . • . * I Weekly Digest of Telegraph ic and Other Matters. NtWS AND NOTfS Of INTfRIST. A Collect Ion of I'llri«graphs Covering a Wide Area and Imparling a flood Ileal of I m forma I inn Without tha Monopoly of Valuable Space. Hrl unlay. It I* expected that the government will noon sell the exposition building at Omaha. The uutloua! government has given an 8-Inch howitzer with forty sheila to mark the grave of Major General Sedgwick In Cornwall. Conn. General Sedgwick was killed in battle during the civil war. 'I he subscription for a monument to Wagner In Uerliu has been dosed, having reached the gum of about J2f>, 000 and the competition for the de sign has been opened. The site has not yet been decided upon. After one of the most exciting local campaigns Mayor Robert ri. McKisson was renominated for mayor cf Cleve land, O., at tlie republican primaries over Judge Carlos M. Stone by a ma. Jorlty of over 7.000. The light was distinctly between the Hanna and Mo Klsson forces. Representative Shermans appoint ment on the board of apralsera leaves an Indian at the head of the house committee on Indian affairs. This representative, Charles Curtis of Kan sas, who belongs to the Kaw tribe, draw's quarterly from the government bis share of the tribe's annuity. General II V. Boynton, ..resident of the Chicamuuga-Chattanooga mili tary park, has a letter from Governor Bradley of Kentucky Informing him that he had decided to fix May 3 and 4 as the dutes for the dedication of the Kentucky state monuments at Chlrkamauga park. Thomas J. I^ee of Missouri, whom President McKinley has nominated to be professor of mathematics In the navy, first came Into prominence through his discoveries regarding ce lestial heat, which have practically changed the whole nebular hypothesis of Herschel and Laplace. In the Spanish cortes the debate on the conduct of wur was continued, but little of Interest was Involved on either side. Count d'Almenas declares that he will not yield to intimidation, Imt wilt contlue the campaign ugainci the generals in the senate, where he will read the violently provocative letter he has received from General Li n ares. Monday. Today's statement of the condition of the treasury shows; Available cash balance, $274,000,u.H; gold reserve, $229,671,445. First Sergeant W. H. Osburn of company M of the First Nebraska vol unteers at Manila Las been appointed by Governor Poynter second lieutenant of company A, vice Orr, resigned. Texas is passing through an epidem ic of meningitis. The situauoo is alarming. The death record in Fort Worth Is thirty for last week. Re ports from the country towns give a similar situation. Many schools have been closed on account of the ravages of this disease. An eventful petiod in the country’s history Is covered by the work of the Fifty-fifth congress which come to a close this week. It has been a period of stirring and dramatic action, with questions of vast magnitude constant ly engaging attention, forming an epoch alongside those other American epochs, the revolution and the civil war. The department or state lias been informed by cable from Ambassador White at Berlin that orders have been issued according to which American oranges, lemons and raisens imported into Germany, as well as all American fresh or dried fruit passing through Germany in bond, are no louger to be examined for the San Jose scale. The house was in session seven hours yesterday and sent to the sen ate two more appropriation bills, the army, which had been nder consider ation for several days, and the forti fications. The former carried about $79,000,000 and the latter approximate ly $4,700,000. Tuesday. Edward I*. Thompson of Indlanapo ■is, Ind.. has been selected us post master of Havana. Cuba. For several years he has been deputy at Indianapo lis, and is a trained postofflec official. The Loudon Times prints a copy of the letter dated January 24 which Lloyd Osborne, l'nited Staten consul at Apia, at the time of the conflict of the authorities over the case of Herr (ire vesmuhl of Apia, who was arrested und lined for breaking the windows of the aupreme court. Six second lieutenant* In the reg ular army just graduated from the military academy at We*t Point have arrived at San Frandtco on their way to Manila to join various regular In fantry regiment*. Kleven other otfl c*r* of the same grade will arrive . k to sell mil at an appraised valuation or *. - i t sum k in another rnrporatlou for their holding* — The Colorado senate has passed a bill for an eight-hour day In all mineA In the stato. A Itev. James Monroe Taylor, presi dent of the V'assar college, has de clined the presidency of Brown uni versity. Today’s statement of the condition of the treasury shows: Available cash balance, $269,103,613; gold re serve, $231,124,637. The civil service commissioner an nounced that on April 8 an examina tion for posioiflce clerks and carriers at Fort Madison, la., will be held. The Covington. Ky., postofhce was robbed of stamps and money reported to amount to $20,000. The work was evidently done by men who had se creted themselves in the stamp de partment. General Maxima Gomez visited the graves of General Antonio Maceo and Lieutenant Gomez, theson of the Cuban commander who was killed at the time Maceo was drawn into ambush and slain. The gruveH are situated at i'unta Brava, twelve miles from Ha. vans. Tl»« California anti cartoon bill prohibit* the printing of any portrait of uny citizen except a public official, without 111* consent, or of any carica ture “calculated to reflect on the honor dignity or political motives of the original, or to hold him up to pub lic butred, ridicule or contempt.” Mr. Hunter, United States minister to Guatemala and Honduras, is in Washington In consultation with the officials of the state department re specting the course to be pursued In the matter of the killing of Mr. peart, n native of Pittsburg, and the resident agent of the Honduras Mahogany com pany near Puerto Cortez, Honduras. The monthly statement of the pub lic debt shows that at the close of bus iness February 28, 1899, the debt, loss cash In the treasury was $1,157,904, 391, an increase during the month of $5,277,649. This InereaHe Is accounted for by a corresponding decrease In cash. The debt Is recapitulated a* follows: Interest-bearing debt, $1, 046,735,270; debt on which interest hat ceased since maturity. $1,231,670; debt hearing no Interest, $385,040,964; total $1,427,007,904. Thursday, The hill for a government building at York, Neb., to cost not to excaeu $20,000, has passed the senate. First Vice President Henry W'lek, of the National Steel company, denies that a combination has been formed with the American Tin company. A mortgage for $6,000,000 has been filed at Youngstown, O., by the Central Union Telephone company In favor n* the Old Colony Trust company of New York. M. J. Connelly, the manager of Pe ter Maher, the pugilist, has a telegram from the National Athletic dub of 8an Francisco offering $10,000 for a contest between Maher and Kid McCoy, to take place in Aurll. The Americau Tin Plate company has increased wages, affecting 10,000 men. E. It. Edison has formed a trust to oppose the new fisheries combine, and will establish a big fish packing house at Cleveland, O. The syndicate represented by Hugo von Keitzensteln ano representing John C. Tomlinson. Senor Kaffel Gov In, Mr. Eustis, Senor Francisco Gar cia and other prominent people, has purchased and partly paid for four teen cigar and cigarette factories in and about Havana. John W. King, paymaster for the Missouri Pacific railway, committed suicide at his home in St. Louis h* hanging himself to a rafter In the cellar. When his body was dkeovcr *-d several hours after the act had been commltteed it. was cold and all signs of life were extinct. The course pursued by the comrnur. der of the gunboat Marietta at Blue fields in giving asylum to General Rey es. the leader of the defunct rebellion, is fully apnroved here. It is said thai Captain Simmons piobably saved much bloodshed and rioting and Incidentally the destruction of American property, by offering this refuge and thus termi nating the active resistance of the reb els The Toronto Globe, the government organ, editorially says rc_„rdlng the burial of Lord Herschell: ‘‘It would be a graceful thing on the part of the government of the United States to send the body to England in an Amer ican warship. Nothing could more fit tingly illustrate the kinship of the race than a warship flying the stars and stripes entering Portsmouth with the flag at half-mast and the body of the British plenipotentiary on hoard." Friday. Cadet Taylor has been confirmed as surveyor of the port at Omaha in the face of strong local protest. A dispatch from Manila saya it is rumored that a steamer with 20 Oik* stands of arms and ammunition which were hound for the Philippines hut been seized In Japanese wuters by the Japanese authorities. The Chilian war office and the mili tary authorities have definitely decided to reduce the army by 6,000 men. The government, it is rumored, contem plates the sale of several cruisers io the United Stales und Ecuador. The net income of the Rock Island road for the mouth of January wua $5u3.000, an Increase of $20,308 over the sauie mouth last year. For th*y ten months ending January 31 the uet im nine was $6,537,345, an Increase of $471,077. KHf New KuaUnd *cnator* Joined in u telegram in lb* p .-evident advtaln* that the nomination of l{*pre«*utallv* Harrow* of Minumi hu*ctt* a* librarian of coogreaa be withdrawn, aa It* not Ulna a trained librarian made lit* r on It r hi a l Ion nnadviaahle. Secretary Alger i» tmllurd to look with favor upon ih>- •ugK*etb»n that the army matutalned to th* t nlt i State# lu ('ntia •hall l**« recruited from tlenerai flomei lu hi* recent t infer aiuona ihe native*, a* prnpoeed by dice with Major General tlrnoke, lb* inilliary *ommand#r <»f the Ulaud. I’leetdeut luachaloue of the Alloy admit* that the •radical* arch lug pur> ha»e that road ha* »«*. tired a uiy torltv of th* atorh and that ihe Mi* will *ur> I) tie made Th* prc*ldeut of the road having been oppoeed to th* tale of the *lorV Ihla adml«*lon from him more fully • ••ntttm* th* report* from ih* vindicate that It had aecurel control at a majority of the Much.