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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1899)
The North western PUBLISHED EV ERY TRIDAV THE C'OTJ’.MTY SEAT. «>KO. B. ■■RHIJHOTKK. ( KilltAr* and 4}BO. H. oinsoll, I Publisher* TBB1IS —H-OO PKR TEAR. IP PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City Postofflee for Iran s mlMfon through the mall* as second class matter. Official Taper Sherman County The year 1898 saw the ad rent of the first locamotive engine that ever snorted through the hills of Korea, aDd it was one of Yankee build which makes it nil the more interest ing for Brother Johnnatlion. The French Nation is still tremb ling from her polsied condition over the Dry fus matter, and the pros pects are that the earth of Devils Island will - lose over their victim before justice triumphs. Jo 1814 4*1(1 “Hickory. Jackson fought and won one of the decisive battles of cur second war with Eng land, 13 days after peace was de clared al! because he had not heard of it. In 1899 Otis' victory over Aguinaldo was recorded at Wash ington 12 hours after it occared, although it was 11,000 miles away. The century just passing will be remembered in history aa being the period of moie great and useful in ventions than any of its predecessors since the beginning of the Christian era. Man has learned to talk around the world upon the lightnings Hash, and to travel upon the wings of the wind. Distance has been annihilat ed and a pleasure trip of sixty days takes you around tha globe. The W<»rld-Herald says that Sena tor Allen showed himself capable oi raising above party when ho voted for the ratification of the treaty ot peace, llight it is. and the next tbiDg iu order should be for the party to get up a little so that it would be honest enough to uphold measures that they know is right. If Mr. Allen was not so bitter against the protective policy of our country he would doubtless, under the present circumstances receive enough repub lican votes to re-elect him. Senator Allen, whose tenure of office will soon expire has proven himself to be a statesman and a gentleman, and one worthy the con fidence bestowed upon him by his party when he was elected. Mr. Allen, though a democrat, elected by a populist legislature, has demon strated the fact that when the honor of his country was at stake lie would be found voting to uphold that hon or whither the administration was of his political complexion or not. He is a man who possesses the strength of his convictions and will be re membered in history as one of the senators who was not elected in vain. The news was cabled from Manila to the w ar department at Washing ton on the 14 of Feb. that Iloilo, capital of the island of Panay one of the group of the Philippines had been taken by the Potted States for ces under Brigadier General Miller. Not a single American so far as known was killed, but the loss to the insurgents was heavy. The Dalit#' provoked mi ssMult slid refused to surrender hut tied after resisting. They set the town on lire before evacuating it, but the American troups extinguished the llamc* he - fore much damage was t ar, Up on receipt of orders from Maud*; General Miller sent native ctontui** I loners asbort front the Untied S' . ■ * transport, St. Paul with a eommuni cation forth* rvhel governor «f 1 i csliii g upon him to surrt 11|> r in ii time slated arol a sluing him n > i t ui ake a d< uonstratioit in the interval The rebels I ut mediately took up arota and prepared to defend their position. The Petr*l then Bred two warning guns and the r* led* o)t«ued Ure upon her I he l'« tr< | ami the lloltiniore then b iinbtrdtd the town ditug very tfftfilrs work The American Ironp* were promptly landed and the natives tsinvM Une year ago the pivseat p* iilt« u of the i utve*i JuUi in it* " taio»n |o the World Was not tvp|» thought b.v the most intelligent, and when the order was issued from Washington, instructing Dewey to at once pro ceed to Manila, and capture or de stroy the Spanish fleet, the hand that penned it, nor the biain that evolved it were cognizant of its full meaning. But when the order was fully carried out, and the Spanish fleet was at the bottom of Manila Bay, Deweys task hud only begun and the responsibili ties of the government lie represented was then launched upon a turbulent sen. But had Dewey sailed away and left the Spanish and Filipinos to continue their bloody strife would the United States been justified. This war was entered into for hu inanities sake, and to annihilate the greatest factor of self defense the, at least, semi civilized party possessed ard then abandon them to tlie blood thirsty savage Malay’s, whose only principle is eussedness and only wish to destroy their oppressors, would have eondetned us before the world. The fortunes of war had delivered into our hands the harbor of the me tropolis of the Philippines, and that humanity which we boasted of, compelled us to no longer recog nize the authority of the Spanish to continue his rule of horor as he had been for 387 years, neither could we place the saepter ia the hands of an uneducated barbarous people who wree not even capable of governing themselves much less the mixed pop ulace inhabiting these islands. By conquest we had the sovereignty of the archipcligo. Humanities dicta tions would not allow them to bo turned over to either party. Selfish greed and averice would have caused their re-conquest by some other pow er very quickly after our withdrawal. Therefore for the sake of that liberty we ho delight to hold up to the world coupled with enough selfishness to, protect and foster our own interests, it would seem to be a travesty on common sense for men to call the present state of affairs at Manila, an “unholy war.” .1—W—»W » Ml —I j m cough i n§s on | Yea have used all I sorts of cough reme dies but it does not j y'.’M; it is too deep jsrJ:. ft may wear < r e, but ble to | produce k; grippe, ! pneumonia or a seri \ ous throat affection, j You need something [that will give you j strength and build jup the body. I SCOTT’S EMULSION will do this when everything else fails. There is no doubt about it. It nourishes, I strengthens, builds up and > makes the body strong and i healthy, not only to throw > off this hard cough, but to fortify the system against further attacks. If you are run down or emaciated you i should certainly take this nourishing food medicine. % ♦‘■It# *’t 4f j • * *. *» * Y<xfc A LOUD GALL for our delinquent subscribers to cull and settle. We must have money Please answer the call. The Deadly Drip Is again abroad In the land. The air you breathe may be full of Its fatal germs! Oon’t neglect the “Urip” or you will open the door to pneumonia and Consumption and Invite death. Its sure signs are chills with fever, headache* dull heavy pains, mucus discharges from > the nose, sore throat and never-let-go cough. Don’t waste precious time treat ing this cough with troches, tablets, or poor, cheap syrups Core it at once with Dr. King’s New Discovery, the Infallible remedy forbronchial troubles. It kills the disease germs, heals the lungs and preveuts the dreaded after effects from the malady. Price 50 eta. i and $1.00. Money back if not cured. A ; trial bottle free at Odendabl Bro’s I | A strictly hir;h- r-de Family “sewing Machine, p'j easin') nil modern ..ic.’overrents. ! i • Prices very r. isnnnble. Obtain them trom”''0'.ir local dealer and m ike comparisons. MANY HOURS QUICKER via TO THE PACIFIC COAST. Than by any other line. "THE CLEVELAND LIMITED Carries the Government Fast Mail. 8ANFRANSCI8CO. PORTLAND. nvi v 1 Wl Hours to Sanfranslseo. "i 5H Hours to Portland. From Missouri Riuer, t or timetables, folder*, Illustrated book* pamphlets, dlscrtptlve of the territory traversed, eall on W, D. t'l.irTON, A*»nt Trade Maims OtSIdNS COMVMIOMTS AC. Anvon* *afldtng a ■fceti h and rtmcnptloo way n il. sir wesirtaiu «.ur oi i n free wiiMber an I* |« 'mbiy p .n m»Me. I mmutili-*. iiutiKinetlrr midi- .list. 11-.litiisstkim PatMit* •vnt (re*. Illil. «t ai>«in » li r *t>, itrilife- intent*. 1'il-nt* taken ibr. 'nth Mui'U A Cii. receive *p« let w-lit, "I h. lit *h Ui the Scientific jHntcrican. A w+mklf. I *'*mt tit * »•’*( , s “it Ht iitbi, |L r 1 ly nil MIINN i Co”’0'*—’• Hew tori iliiMQ <%t. ¥ W, Wa«llUifff<4i, I*. C. Wtggs arid Plants. IIKST YAUIKTY Foil ('EXTRAI* AXI) NORTHERN NF.1IRASKA, AT FROM AO to AU> i*r ivi.t I.Fss than i*i * w < i unit; a ii m \i i i urns Wi- lu»( |Im liffvft •(•hIi of amall fruit* tu |(m (MM 'li!lio*f of itUtwl«ih 11 .itla, llaa|ii-rtiy |iltvtr I’urrtui. tlw >il*rrit» llri)wi *».,! f f 1 * Irii tin. Ill at, J* i. % It sa I - I I . ■ (1. 1 ■! I . . « . hi |11* Mlirut**, U'i*. a, tin ih it’uk Urn r r si for V*~ Catrl.^ua U* NORTH BEND NUMSLMIL3, Nutlh Kiihl |*n l\» Si-t.fji.ka J. Phil Jaeger WE ARE CLOSING OUT OUR STOCK | OF WINTER GOODS TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR NEW SPRING STOCK. DON’T FORGET THAT WE WILL GIVE YOU A CHANCE TO BUY ALL KINDS OF GOODS AT CLOSING | OUT PRICES. MAKE OUT YOUR LIST AND BRING IT TO US. SOME OF OUR SPRING GOODS ARE HERE AND MORE ON THE WAY. WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR THEM. 1 THIS WILL BE A MONEY SAVING SALE FOR CUSTOMERS, AND A SPRING CLEAN I ! UP AND MONEY SAVIGG SALE FOR US. YOURS RESPECTFULLY, J. PHIL JAEGER. ! Implements and Harness. Our stock of implements and harness is now in the house and samples on the floor. We venture the ascertion that a more complete stock of the above lines was never before shown at this point than the one we are offering this spring. These Lines are Composed of so Many Different Kinds, Sizes and Prices that it is impossible to undertake to enumerate them here. ' to • MANY ARE NEW THIS SEASON, HAVING NEVER BEEN SHOWN IN THIS MARKET BEFORE. While there has been a general advance in priees on most all kinds of goods, you will find by inquiring that our prices are as low as ever. We ask you to come and see us and our goods and we will trust to your being pleased with both the goods and the priees. Respeetfully Yours, E. s. HAYPUPST, ACATALOGUE * sent to you by one of the catalogue houses may look well to you but, say, citizens of Sherman county doe* that Catalogue house pay any taxes in our county? Does it help support us in anyway? Now candidly, vvould'nt you rather do your buying at home. Then come in and see our line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware and let’s talk the matter over. Keeping your money at home U the only way to build up our community ami we ars convinced in our own mind that our prices are as low us any ones, and even you will say so when you have looked over our *t«>ck and compared them with our very low price*. i You will And us always willing to show you good* and tell you of their merit. Thanking you for past we remain, Yours successfully, 1. S. SllKPPKKD, Juwt»li*r mid opt intin