rAn improved ventilator for room* ia formed of a gauze screen set in an aperture cut in the lower sash of the window, with an adjustible dumper by which the passage can be closed, the screen keeping out the dust that would enter if the sash were raised. We are sure you do not. Nobody wants it. But it comes to many thousands every year. | Itcomes to those who have had coughs and colds until the throat is raw, ana the lining membranes cf the lungs ere inflamed. Stop your cough when it first appears, and you remove the great danger ef future trouble. [Auer’s Cherry ipeciorai •tops coughs of ell kinds. It does so because it is a sooth Ing and hcalingrcmedyof great power. This makes it the great est preventive to consumption. Put one of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Plasters over your lungs / A whole Medical Library Free* For .'(H r tftiXk 1 u ititn|>« tnpajr rmf wljl if lid J'iu ilxtovu u.coital Medical Advice Free. We have the exrluilvo of •otn« of the moil eminent i»m III the Coiled bttttua. oppor tunity* and long esparteuca emi nently tit them fdF kivluu you medical advice. Writ* freele all ti<* partic- , uiart in your c*«* You will receive a J prompt i**p!e, without coat * Addraii, lilt. J. < AYKR. Lowell, Mast. W.N.U. OMAHA. No. 5-1800 Wbeo Answering uavertiscir.eots Kindly Mention This Taper. The Princess of Wales nevei carries any money about with her. It was not so long ago that the princess, on at tempting to enter an entertainment incognito, found herself without ths two shillings required to pay the en trance fee. Reward of **0,000 Offered. A wealthy lady lost a satchel con taining Jewels worth |150,uOO, and of fered a reward of |40,0U0. The loss of health Is far more serious, and yet it can easily be recovered. A little money Invested In Hostetler's Htomaeh Hit ters will restore strength, purify the blood, regulate the bowels and help the stomach to properly d.gest food. About the easiest thing In the world to lose Is a diary. It Is almost Impos sible to keep one for uuy length of time. T« tbr ol<1r«t itixl I #*»: It wl l 1»< i , d*. acoM ibtf.i ui.> ihiiu »it i* alwujr* n liable. 'i r> it Nearly ev< ry married woman thinks a lot of other women envy her. How's Tli 1*1 We offer One Hundred Dollar* rewnrd forany •n , nt Catarrh that cannot bo cured by llall s LuUiitU Cure. J.’, J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Wo, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 ve.ir* and bsll»v< him |*rlMtly honorable In ull business transactions nnd tliiarielally aide to carry out uuy obliga tion* made by their II rm. West A Truss, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O.; Waldlng, Klnnun a Marvin, Wholesale Druggists. 1 oledo, Ohio. Hall s < stsrrb l uru i* taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surface* of the system. Testimonials sent Iria Fries «U per bottle Sold by sll druggist* iisli » Fuiully 1*111* aro tho Mat learning and wisdom are not always on good terms. TO CURK A COM) IT OTK OAT Take I.fixative Hromo Quinine Tablet*. All druggist* refund the money if It foil* to riir«. , Zbc. The genuine hu» I>. II Q. on each tablet. , Ur. Mosher, dean or the women's dc- ; partrnent of the University of Michl- | >?an, has decided to Introduce shadow photographing Into the work of the •women’s gymnasium. She will take full length shadow pictures of the girls at Intervals during the year, and by comparing these obkerve whst effect 1 the gymnasium work Is having. I Warsow has a goose market in which every year from September to November about 3,000,000 geese arc manipulated by Jews. Try Oraln-o! Try Orntn-«f Ask your grocer today to show you a i package of GRAIN-O, the new food , drink that takes the place of coffee. Tho children may drink it without In- ' Jury as well as the adult. All who try It, like It. GRAIN-O has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, but It is mado ; from pure grulns, and the most delicate stomach receives It without distress. One-fourth the price of coffee. 16c. and 26c. per package. Sold by all I grocers. i The man who has little and wants less Is richer than the man v/ho has much and wants more. The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, Cross Bow, Good Luck—and Drummond Natural Leaf—will pay for any one or all of this list of desirable and useful things—and you have your good chewing tobacco besides. Every man, woman and child in America can find something on this list that they would like to have and can have FREE I Write your name and address plainly and send every tag you can get to us —mentioning the number of the present you want. Any assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above will be accepted as follows: a TAG* 1 Mutch Bo*, quaint de*ign, im ported from Japan . 25 2 Knife, one blade, good steel. W 3 Scissor*. 4^-inch, good steel ... 23 4 Child's Sec, Knife, Fork and Spoon 25 5 Suit and Pepper, one each, ouad ruple plate on white metal . . 60 6 Razor, hollow ground, fine fcnglish steel . .. 60 7 Butter Knifa, triple plate, best qua!. 60 H Sugar Shell, ttiple plate, l>e»t quality 00 9 Stamp M >*, sterling silver 70 10 Knife, “Keen Kiitter/'two blades 70 11 Batcher Knife. ** Keen Rutter/' 8-im h blade .... . . . .... 76 12 Shears, " Keen Rutter,** Kim h, nickel . 75 13 Nut Set, Cracker and 6 Pick*, silver 80 14 Nail Kile, sterling stiver, amethyst set, 6-tn- h . 100 15 Tooth Brush, sterling silver, ame* thyst set, 6*inch . ...... 100 16 Paper < utter, sterling silver, ame thyst set, 7-inrh 100 17 B ise Hall, “Asso- lation," l«stqnal 100 18 Watch, stem wind and set, guaran teed K »od time keetier 200 bS S3 TAGS 10 Alarm Clock, nickel, war'anted '.00 20 Carver*, buck hum handle, good MM l t0# 21 Si* Rogers’ Teaspoon*, b?*t qual. 22ft 22 Knive* and Fork*, six each, buck horn handle* . . 260 23 Clocks 8-day, C.denncr, 1 hermom eter. Ban meter 500 24 Stove, NVilxon Heater, *rze No. 30 or No. 40 600 25 Tool Set, not plaything*, but real tool*. . .. 660 26 Toilet Set, decorated porcelain, very h ind* me 800 Watch, fc< lid ‘liver, full jeweler) 1000 Sewing Machine, fiut claw, with all attachments 1600 Revolver, Colt’s. 1**1 quality 1600 Rifle Winchester, lfl-thnr, 22-cal 1500 HI Shot Gun, double bairel, hammer leaa, stub t*i*t 2000 :i2 Guitar (Washburn), r-newiv d, in laid with mother »f-jear| 2000 33 Bicycle, standard make, ladle*’ or 2600 BOOKS 30 chow r select inn* -me a* last year'* U*t, 40 tags each. This offer ciplres November 30,1399. Address all your Tags and the correspondence alwuit them to DRUMMOND BRANCH, St. Louis, Mo. i i l ) < ( ( f'DIRT DEFIES THE KING.” THEN SAPOLIO 18 GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF. SEND FOR OUR COMPLETE CATIL06UE OF VALUABLE PRIZES FREE TO USERS or DiamoiiiKf^Soap All ONOCIM* HU IT. Aooatsa THE CUDAHY PACKING CO. SOUTH OMAHA, NCR. EARLY SLEEPING CARS THE INVENTION AT FIRST MET WITH COOL RECEPTION. Whfn th* file* l>g«n to llootu Pm ■•ngtra OconpyIok t'ppar Hrrtlia Hof for«a*e pill* ere the *peclflc.” 11. II. Kvki.kh. Mr. Kveler will gladly nn*wer any Inquiry regarding tbl* If ktatup I* enclosed. — FromCula Co. Vemocrat, Jrfftnon City, Ho. Look for the full name on Ihe package. Al druggists or direct from the Dr.Wifliair* Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.Y. 50c. per box. 6 boxes $2.50. AS IF BY MAGIC. EVERY MAN AND WOMAN SHOULD READ. Lives of suffering find misery from till* repulsive <11 write turned into health and happi iiosa through the use of CATARRH CURED Richard’s catarrh Expellant. After rears of special atudy and practic'd In disease* of the Much* Moinhruiio. and espe cl a I y of cat nrrbul Donnies. we have at last developed a I rn slmout that will positively a no licruiaiii utly cure I alurrhal Diseases In w hat ever form t lie y limy In*. A f ter fully umn si rat mu the merits of Mils trcutn.ciit In a private practice of over live v eurs. Mini ‘ ■>’> fully treating and curing the moot olistlnate cases, w* Challenge the World for a case OI Cntuirh. or Catarrhal lilac isc our CATARRH EXPELLANT wll! not car#. Deafness, resulting from t'atarrh. quickly cured I.o»s of sense of smell an4» art Vi.rrmUd to Pro-torr. ART 4f»hi*a f.uthfr, F. Tr.#*. I t , •»: i.Ubud lh# wrtdl If ;-r«i«iuf ‘ A) buai.oU big Kour Uni* , J- br«i4«r, 1 Ulaiilo'iit, W|i., I7t buab. but of, li d 1!. Lor^Jny, li< <1 W lug MtoD . by growing .r,o bu«b. bulxur* era \ r-er ftj-ffl. If yuu il* u’»i, will* iber.i. WuwUhtygula loj.i 4J0 ft«« ouaioiuerr. hi < « will md4 ou Uiai 10 DOLLARS WORTH FOR 10o. 10 fiWfiof r»r« farm Hall Saab, Rupu for bb««p. tli« |MXa> Cora, *• 111! V If Ofttlf n«ar.llraa barley, J lwo .ua I—rail-1Milof Ttonibi j pur a raoodrV . aolla,at*"., "40a. Wboai. to< ludln* our n. ' J I • ■ ‘I ( »ttlOfM, t ||*f all ftboai our Far at . t fic , •:! roaiud you upon r*»oalj.t of bul ISe |UMUf*. iwaliirulf fml Ia J atari,100,000 bbl*J}fe4rab‘i'»' a» $ I ,»?Taiiil up a bbL U pkM aarUa-i •lea.*- *L. end thl. dv. along ^MUM34IJ WHEAT WHEAT WHEAT "NothlnK but wheat; what you might ■all ii Hi-u. of wh*-ut," It* what w.ta au Id >y a lecturer npeaklng of Western Cari ida. For particular* na to routes, rall a-uy fari'i, etc., apply to Huptrlntcmlent if Immigration, 1 x-purtment interior, Ot tawa, Canada, or to W, V. K'-unett, Ml Sew York IJfe ilulldlnfr. Omaha, Neb. TURKISH CRIP CURE. Guaranteed to cure (iltll’lu lwo to threw (lays Had Col da, Ulieumai I*- Faint and I’alne In the Cheat cured over night Take It now and prevent lnit DKAIIJ.Y itrlp mid save doctor', bills. ill- (mix of your druggist or HAHN’S PHARMACY, Oept. A. Omaha, V’. |W N It Write na If you have ;tny Sitiw trouble, as we can cure you. CURE YOURSELF! * m |i| (of uj.Nuiural din inflammations, I Irritations or ulo© witM i p i n Hi u«v 1 White* and Red. ItiaUt on I, . • n#» p atimc. •Welle! for Women/’ mailed KR» hlit fCntft«n©te4 Utter with umtlnioiifria ui)11 |*«rilnul-»r». AiIohm©, FRENCH DHUG to.. 3lJ1 and 3dJ Paul Sc., NX Dr^arteUs _ fROCCH Female, Pills PENSION Get Your PeiisU© DOUBLE QUICK Writ© CAI*T. OTARKI LI. I’rnulon A*©iiL I41£ New YorL Avenue. WASHINGTON. I>. C V. AMTKft (1M of I'*** Yp* at tj ,. ft * I* A-K M wtl! ©»i ImpusM R«hd h emit m It. c.i t i‘u.« 1© V ML. lot >0 Mt ciM*. -|m! I. %fc» ‘l'ka W#*'*,.an I'nivrrklly cl I’lllniillj .N«br., wriln on A|>rtt 211, ]*.■* l *•»*«• *»••*» Iroublnt for miom lima with tickling in the tlir-m* nhlrk ofiau greatly nnuu.mJ mo. After Inking l»r Kay* l.uug Halm l tom a rrlirf I Sna y .ur Or. Kay'a Kidneycurn helped my kidney trouble Mtliek li»4* been lr«>uolin)f lue f..r a number of ym.-* Mix 11 tier brook l.a.t been mbjNt to I Wt|ll for mu*I of the winter «ii4 • 1m> In *01011 is Afi#r UMaf only on* bos of yonr Dr. Kay’s Lung Balm •b« in alii...*! entirely reltered of her .uugii and the *1... found U m>«a* k«r si*«p t’viivr it* ami yoor remedies work like a chum, ir.U««|liM .»« mm* lab* .... ... k.«.u.*4 * rtn •« l»* IlM inn* i«4 IN. hit < lt«Wi IIMIMIHI • I..W *••*•*•* >•»» rew..