The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 27, 1899, Image 1

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KO, * When in want of anything in my line don’t fail to call and
learn my prices. No other county seat in Western Nebraska can boast of a
more complete stock than I now have on hand. If you want a sulky
plow, Dose Harrow, Seeder, Cultivator, Feed Grinder, Barb Wire, Hog
Fencing, Cribbing, Harness, Machine Oils, Sewing Machines, Washing Ma
chines, Windmills, Stock Tanks, Feed Cookers, Tank Heaters, hand and
power corn shellers in fact everything from a Threshing Maching and
Steam Engine down to a hay fork.
With best compliments of the season 1 am.
Yours very truly, T- M HEED*
Happy New Year Inducements For Cash Bargains.
...A. .
All Parties making cash purchases of five dollars or more will (until further notice) receive a discount on regular prices
10 pei? ©er^T.
REMEMBER: This does not apply to produce. The butter and egg market is too uncertain to risk getting our money back
on same.
RESI DES: Merchants receive a discount for cash, why should not the customer fare as well? By looking over the fol
lowing illustration you will notice that it will surely pay to take advantage of our offer which applies to all lines we carry,
* exclusive coffee and sugar hills, excepted.
4 yards, Extra heavy, all wool skirting at 40 cents per yard,.. .. $160
8 yards all wool dress flannel] at 25 cents per yard,. 2 00
5 yards “Southern Silk” shirting 8 cent. 40
16 pounds of granulated sugar for. 1 00
4 pounds Arbuckles Coffee for. 60
1 pair of extra good plow- shoes for. 1 60
t 2 pair of extra heavy wool socks. 60
TOTAL. $7 60
> Now you see by purchasing an assortment similar to the above you get 16 pounds granulated sugar for 90 cts; 4 pounds
Arbuckles coffee for 45 cents; one pair plow shoes for $1.35, and so on all through the list.
Trusting our plan will meet with your approval, I am, Yours respectfully,
lump (ill Jummry lOHi. l*tAi
The rounli board of aupervlaor* met iblu 10
ttav of January l-inr u» by luw provided.
S. N, tfweuUund »»» r hunt'll a* tetuporury
Tint fotloaliu! purtli'i presented uiul tiled
with the eouaty e.era their certificate* of tie
ctlon M aupmlwn:
0 I. Way l»l»» No, I H N sweet.and dtut.
Mo. % W ti litetrt. In dlut No A IHih
•ruoti ■ 11si No I whereupon the above aamed
gculli men were u|nui mat Ion <lee lured entitled
to u nit.
H N duet Hand • «» r Untied |» Muilu nl
cbatn.m mol u> otnumiai ,.u of in* *•••
board ‘W* lared
The bids fur county prim in* were etumined
and awarded** follow*
Art let eu ro ruled in m. to umaha
Htiuu w IV lot two reW|HII ltd ulalouery
prim It*- luK A Hrottu ltd ‘ «li I lut lad
til oin. ml luil u prlautty an I bur due hut*,
a*.»m t • it l i. • t if t. im u
an to *1 tuivve m inrvoifvi u ib llUt|o« at
ta I t yoiie i p edit.. • to
lb >« A Hi «
t-f..l| • i t * if ols. I *
i"ui* t tu Jtu wn it m
bupertboof ■< -.«f»« full retard prvueUI.
tiai is a in . .hi tiioravr and
Jwfen Mt* >. . • »l|*»fl
t bu "IM« Iff III >* • a, (► utuaat.1 of iti
bbUfd.ab #tn..e. -t»*u
INI to. loutrii *• Way HetrftlltnftJ
it* i . mu |ti nnu* t ufti H. hirt
lb l., tit lli Hr a IMf t* IH. tMfhA
1 i
Yn* r..ouly . b t* t* Ibutrib t*.» to rum* ui
• • >tl • am at to puiif.aUa.l hihowf ItlluU
*MUI«uet.i*« I at ■. tie*I ' id*. *1.1 Mb* up
prut* ibite >* ih tA** 1.1b*.>
*' * Ututl -a trial T *I b«MI - apft.htu* IUU*
bi i»* *o Pta.l *t t i tut i it «u% taibrwl
!*»' I •* Ua. He* *>« ■«. p 'I b» *h* u p
erlnteudent lie rented for III* olflee at the rent
of f*5.ui per annum
The item of Cion jm.I) tax agxlo«l Wilhel
mlna TliiHle was ordered stricken from the tax
On motion ilia county a'twitey T M Night
ingule. I* allowed fhUU tier month fur ofltre
rent and tlirae ten* of coal for year tmv
h J Nightingale aa altoruey for W II
I'liaplil Kellx K.klioul Imwrcuee I* NUxeti,
John Ornt-nhalgll and Henry l.ewl* surettex
In the People* hiate Itauk for the county de
puaite plea.1 with the countv hoard for a com
promise of the Judgment rendered again*! said
aurltlcs upou said depository bund and propo*
ed to the lotard that the count) settle with
i haul fui Mtsi no A run wall and J n Pettier
pi ad for surllte* also.
' Hi mat ion the sum off. red »>• rejected. It
being e , cfcal taro tow the atie of judge
.taut twin# trai ■ f« with tt'ik tints Hoard
sd jour nnt tu Jan I* I war
lamp I It) Januai y U Id*
t< al l in w . « jri sxl all mambers
mun attorney am) ewul) i k rk
Thesurettaa Utthe ltd of HtrlMii M*xl|
ii ih> piopte * male ttanh *i,.atn appear"* hf
I 'life to.' k <id I a Iprt ststl thalr desire t* a
nMWpreWoss ad the lOdgettwfc' It was >Na two
than til |n her» h ordi real it) lha tsaafai la
tm ml . ul tie lacy cta-lv b» H «) I'attsm
' chef tlf * »t-1 nwtllm t*aw»d ia the ahn
jaald cause wpa<« cgrtaui pwasaHwi property >1
i iba sard auietttN That |h« sayhl sheriff In
i rtXiSiaisli'W of lha cam d I ■ •• ■•* jrald try waad
■ caret is* he is hi rtb) yNriol to re fcgaaa lha
nil cf g‘ si i slat pi etna I property * I sard
[ cars He - sarlt*.ad »t«n hut that the mat sheriff
I ahali retain the a • < made ti him spa the
I tawrf fchoau •> It., I-Mph He t • ■ '
that T h kykhstith puua*. pnmri m th*
isiire ltd to at-1* a* ia ah* c >1 a maw pcmtihg
la IttaO ifeat tu. art far a -si,»r * * am rata* *s
I X f he ads g« gt cad ma h. hell a# atoms
j .as * a a I i as-us. at the *«■!; a* varW id th#
■ale had iu Maid lust named action of the Law
fence l* Nl»»en lurid* and it D resulted by the
county board and atiree to by said board and
tatil auretlea ail of whom were present, that If
the aald auretlea do pay to the county clerk of
the district court, upon the aald judcriiunt
rendered upon aald depository bond uyalnat
them the further sum at Imuui uu or tiefore
the ttral day of Uecattiber I1W If by that lime
confirmations how been obtained of the aale
of the taints bail iu the above named cause, en
tilled Couaty of Mirrman vs a t Nichols ai
al and sheriffs deeds to said lands have bean
Iasued wild delivered to the county of '•hermau
and to other purchasers at saitl sale and If the
aald eon Urinations have hot been yet had by
the ttral day of Ibci aiber mar that In such
event payuu ut U made Immediately after the
dale of titsdt cotittimaltoh that then ii|MUl the
payment of the last above named sum of (Mkiui
the county of wkerman shall aatiafy said jud, •
meat la full and it I* further ordered by Ito
taatid that etecuitoh on the said I'diiamehl
shall atd tssua until the ac»t day of Ihcvaiai
iwar all member., of county hoard v* r»« an
The c remittee on firs loruh uf sup* rltot* ltd
«nl. male report and **a. I* «y c< reel • *>
Oh lo t .014 adopt. I
On Oo on M I • ell i< Ileal redd i>. build I
a a as--a hrtdh* *m the *oant| loti at bos
Muddy 1 reek
The FMmmtttee oh ttrruheo a*a*t* Its tepoft or* 1
the he ■ ,a*h of tounly vlrrh Radius lb* state
mil of It** torts* t Total settle cl uu* || rt its.
It.... yw <D to * 1.11 it< iisof »t ■ *
IS.aid pdpttimed I t
i > ,p t.i January 11 tse
tcsStl tssthi IS a **lia Tull b at t p»* -* lit
atyu tHUatt »itormst amt < «»h
Th* p-il 1st el I, ft Harper hi *•* as strobe*
fruit* th* las list td him t.ausSip k ha I Ins
pan! sett, la Hal' s* 4 b e ash'p
The I tmsisr idki*l mad* uet* sppe-.fe.l
ire.t.t ll M rh Ifeasutar of he*... 1* at,
ship it tu HsfM "i«*rrt ul drat a>
Twe s* 1. it it i f .suao..sst**a pleasured its
report which wah ordered (Med James Beet
'row was reappointed it* member of *atd
The committee on Iliiitnce made report on
the fee IhmiW of rounl) treenurer lladlan the
talemritt of free collected to t*c correct and
n aum total *1 7t< (M. which report wee ac
■ pled and approved.
Committee on finance etamlned kherlfl a fee
uok end reported name current Total feee
>d tec led lirwSfol Held report wae approved
) title hoard
The committee on finance rramlaed and
likilr report ou fee bo It of comity Jttdtfe
fotwl feee rut on The .ante bale* correct
>*■ on molloa approved
Hoard made ekUuielc of coealv enpeitsrk for
be year iwu a notice of which applet* else
eh*re in this paper
The follow me rlalmt wore allowed, deduc
<W for laiN made and warrant* ordered
.uni on the respective fund* to wit
UhhhHei n ao
Henry Inothcr I ♦ HI
r'Cana WhUk. .... »■
a ..410 \ HI Jbk «MI
Hersi»ne I.umber Co ,. Hi
>i< ti i lb n» hater f ■*<
Hal 111 h*v It w*
Pianh Ibtiui* »w
inter MsKeoa If*
tV C Ibetiwh* llw
•I I. Met MUR
i..I.n H ot* II M
bar«*« »t B*atfrw* I«H>
it nht iM*n |i * * tan*a tor tak II •»
d II b I ail le* a for ai I Hi
ilairr t» w—a* > I w
v ,4-1 ibehthobi all tab*n lor ta* '• h
Hi*. t< throb'* *'#
I* * t v. t I* *w
t... ,.i i ■«
tibd 1 tit it at
<s V nw.ntlasd lift
J H vt . .Pains Itrw
Hait—a ftth
I • b
ditrtr l.niaher t tt |tH
\ f tiibs ta * t»
l*< <*« H Hr—* i*
kw* lined lo March II l*B
f na hliHkWt’i t, test at i data
M* lafb Hate Ihtpmt
A Fleshy
Did you ever sec one?
Did you ever hear of one ?
Most certainly not. Con
sumption is a disease that
Invariably causes loss of
If you are light in weight,
even if your cough is only
a slight one, you should
certainly take
Scott's Emuslion
of cod oil tWM hypo
phiuphiUi. No remedy
is such a perfect prevent
ive to consumption. Just
the moment your throat
begins to weaken and you
And you are losing flesh,
you should begin to lake it.
And no other remedy
has cured so many cases
of consumption, unless
you are far advanced with
this disease, Scott's 1 mul
sion will hold every in
ducement to you for •
perfect cure.
Alt lluilMl. Ml Cl
«u»« In this state to manage our bud uses
in their owe and nearby count lee. It ta
mainly omc* work conducted at home Sal
ary straight gauu a year and eeaeaeea—de
Satie, bouagde. no more, no lees salary
Monthly gTV aeferaaeee Induce self-ad
dressed envelop* Herbert B Hess, Pres.
Hept M Chicago, HI 1 ilk SI
W ben you are traveling, duo consid
eration should bo given to tbe amount
of time spent In waking yuur Journey.
I'llK lrN ION PACIFIC la tbe Best
I.iis a. and casket tbe P*«TMI Tuts by
many bonrs to Halt l.ake City, I'urtland
and California points
For time tables, folders. Illustrated
hooka, phempleta descriptive of tbe ter
llury traversed, call tm—W. D, CLIP
r«*n, Agent
»«»«..■* m • *
persona lu Ibla alate tu manage uur bus
iness iu their own and nearby counties
It I* mainly o#»e work conducted el
bi me Salary straight fttoo a year end
as peaces definite, boaafide, no more,
no lee* selery. Monthly #J0 Meter
•Mte Kncloee self addressed stamped
envelope Herbert K H*ee. Preet
Hep! k < bicago
- - - - -
I AmImims m Is Nw !■ . ;
Mses'el Mcsrttt lata* ks*|M«eJ et M-c-lata
IS &»■** K**« la the SauMbac ttcm.Se* at
Meatla la Use lecaiyeet . t«t" eitk Bg ttaal
4a «a th* 4**S et the tn»a»pi* altk £"»•***
»*»4 ta ta• e-*t ut haul. *<*• tall at Media
it-seat a tas **«et« Hiiatti »l u, 1*1*41 y*»
letyv artea# VTarJ
m & 3
•no F T Hots* Bat I (Hat iMsltaw
Bldg,**, Ui.