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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1899)
Uooal Daws. Mias Abbie Conger arrived home fmm Lincoln. Wednesday evening. Fine carving wets at Wat kinsoti's Sewing Machines! Prices right at VV atkinson'n Peter Moritz, of Bristol township was a pleasant caller Tuesday. Laugh and grow fat, next Monday night at the opera bonne. Mr. W.II. Knapp, of Logan township milled In upon iih Wednesday. .Judge Wall and It M. Mathew, went to Lincoln, Monday morning. Die Ladies Aid society will meet at the residence of Mrs Long, Wednesday Mis* Muy Hancock I* enjoying avi-it from two of tier coutlna from Ilaiullton county. Geo. Peterson of Logan tow nship Is enjoying a visit from his brother of Illinois. (.'all and seethe new line of groceries and get prices at the bargain store. Hilly Neville had the misfortune to have his head bruised from the kick of a mule Monday. Valentine Polntkowski, ordered the Nortuwkstbun, Wednesday foi another year. President Schell, of the York, college and a friend of Dr. A. H, Main, win In the city Wednesday. E. S, Hay burnt in building an addition to bis Store Room, 18x116 for the ae<- m modalii.n of machinery. We are In receipt of a pretty poem written by Miss Nany J. Knlce which we will publish next week. Tbe Georgia Minstrels are famous tliroughout tlic country. Go beat tbem and enjoy a good laugh. James Pease and family, of Central City, who bad been visiting Mrs. Pease' brother, Pat. Brad* n, returned to their home last Monday morning. The city acboola opened again last Monday after three wetks vacation. The holiday vacation w as prolonged or account Of measela which was in nearly every home in town. F. R. Foster, from Enrlcrlin, North Dakota, arrived here Saturday looking after his landed Interests and to visit a short time with Ilia brothers Ira and Fred. W. M. Sharp, of Oak Creek township was doing business at tire county seat Wednesday, lie informs u* that be will soon move back to lown. Welcome William. There will be Adventist meetings at their church at 10:110 a rn. Saturday. Saturday night, Sunday night, and all day Monday and Tuesday, All are in vited. The Bargain Store will begin next week to take orders at the house ever) morning and deliver the same free of cnarge. M L Scott, the bridge contractor, Is here with tits force of men and com uienced driving piling for tlie new bridge last Wednesday. lie says t hat it will take about 30 days to complete the work I) C. Grow, w ho ha« been head clerk in the general store of John Wall at Ar cadia for several months past lias now accepted a like position in the store of A. E. Cbaa. and will be one among us again. There is an organized gang of travel ing merchants ami medicine men going about over the country. Tbe farmers should let them alone if they don't want to be done up. A. P. Ct i.lky. Rev. J. M Snyder has been confined to tbe bouse, and to his bed most of the time for the past three weeks with tin grip, but is at present conveleaclng Mrs. Snyder lias been ill a part of the time also. Tbe little child of Mr. and Mrs. Tims, Dillon of Austin, died lust Saturday evening at 5:30 o'clock l’tie little suf It-rer was but live week* old ami bad been sick for four weeks of its brief ex (stance in this world The corpse wits shipped to Lincoln, on Monday mo n lug for Interment. Oh another page U a column headed “Culloarjf dr pari incut'' witli J | Church, the clever cook at the St. Elmo hotel »« editor, lie la a man ol lar^e experience in that line am) know* Jmd ; what he I* writing about ttr predict that hi* writing* will !><• read •atUfaclIon T. I*. I'liger. who has tieen )tt>- r»' y j inakinu amid one of printer* Ink report a u<hhI traU>*, and indeed one would think *«> il they would %i»tt hi* »(<>>• after bavlna been theie a month *u<> Ilia cutting and •la*h:«ijg on pi l> • • for lh« purpose of ctualug out hi* liieliii M h«* materially reduce I hi* *i«h k l>tr> he atilt ha* lot* of 410*4. Hi and th<>>< it**lrln| cheap 40ml* ahoul 1 call in see hiut- Mi l*tlger lu» b*«*M one . I.oup t ttf'• active l i»iu <• wcm .11 many year* p».l and hi* retiring [ton. our bulwie** circle. which *|ll m tu ally Iha* place after hi* gued* ai* »b aoid Will b«* regretted hr hi* tMMMefotti cu»loim>r* We umler »ta**d that he t> I* »d* lu turn hi* aitanttou to firwttig nett nun 1 and at tin •ano< lion k more iluwli after hit en*a»i*e lob 1 ««U >b tti* Ui li i4*; to.. i' ivATi:s! A few |*hir left \et nt Watkinaoli's. A?t rtdav t ij,»h». i.*»xt a ilrat clnes Minstrel show nt the opera house Watkirison went to Chicago, lust Monday morning to purchase a spring stock of goods. Wo received a coni rntm lent ion from Rock i!le, which arrived too late for publication, U w ill n(.|>f-ur next week. Mrs. John M. Cowper. returned from Dcadwood H, it. Ia«f .Sunday where she hud been visiting iter husband. .She re sumed her school Monday morning. l)B. c’AltVs Condition Powdkiui, are Ju*t viliar a horse needs when In bid condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. They lire not food but med icine and ill*- best In use t » put a horse in i rime condition. Price20 cents per package. For sale by Oder dab! Rro’s. The Uni y club has rented the Wal worth hall for the next year The dub Is, at piestrit. in a highly flourishing condition and is steadily increasing in memb'rebtp. The subjects under dis cussion for the winter and early spring arc Pariliiientsry Rules and Municipal laws. Dr. Kearns is having ipilte a run tit people wlio call on him for the purpose ofjbcliig vaccinated, ignite a number In town have already submitted to the operation and many others have de clared their intent ion to submit. A suiuli pox scare is the cause. Several cases arc reported in Omaha. No healthy person need fear any dan gerous const qw nees from an attack of la grippe if pioperlv treated. It ts mm li the same us a severe cold and re ipilres pieclsely the same treatment. Remain quietly at home and take Cham berlain’* Cough Kernedy us directed for i severe cold and a prompt and coin* plets recovery is Pure to follow. For pale by Odenduld Bro’i. 'I li> ■ uperylsor* entertained a propo sition at their meeting of last week from tii'1 bomba en gf the defunct People's iSUite Hank to settle for the ij.j.OnO.f 0 less lor £."i®0,00 and after bear* iiist the arguments of counsel went Into »<*eret caucus. Their deliberations re j ctetl tie- proposition, but turtle r eon*ideration resulted in a settlement for $1000.00, one half down and the other half to he paid next fall, ASHTON I.OCAI.S' Mrs. J. K. Conklin gave birth to a bouncing baby boy on Wednesday evening, January 11. I'M is a high stepper, aud wears a smile a yard wide and all wool. J I\ Taylor shipped two carloads of hogs from this station to south Omaha, on Monday. Karl Kendall and 0. K. Taylor, of St. l’au!, spent Sunday among friends here. Paige Bros., lost a valuable liojse while in town one night last week. Mrs. T. 1). Wilson was on the sick list, hut is reported as convclescent. We hear that Ashton, is hooked for another saloon. The bills are out fur another masquerade ball, on Jan. 21. Several Farwellites were here Sun day evening attending church. K. \V. S huupp returned Friday i veiling from quite a protfaeted visit at Omaha. G. W. Matvei made a business visit to St. Paul Wednesday. What is the matter with our “City Dads,” that they do not give the sidewalk to the post office their at tentteu and see that it is completed. The season of ruin ami mud is com ing and it will he very pleasant travel ing to aud from thu oillce of our be loved Uncle Sam.-—I tueau if that s de walk was completed. The Ashton high school will give an entertainment on Washington s I irthdny. The present plans guaran tee that it will be good, so come one •ini all, and tiling your pocket book, as a small admission will be charged and thu proceeds w ill be used for a good cause The Reiman, Hanson packing Co. have been busy tins week stowing sway I tree amounts of eougoab-d water f<*r their use tin* coining season of hot weather. J. K Suitlt rail led «.ir time Hoe m!k*» Inal Siitnulay uftciiiouu. S J. Illum< r, I. on* lUrtmek urn) Jotin *;•*!««• kt w.*M» lit** lime lucky W» “'«•*» It. ii Joint Mallow Imn I'oiitv U *roc f • -it llitiiuc c<>uut > f i a visit Tw > . f I' .ill *. Metis wt>ru \uc £Ut'wU(if Mi** Kv« fitl'ir over Muu >U|, fie I► *n>-»ii s iflelt '»! lUllU* vtrke, *lup *■ » <■ »r toad of Iim^s fttiua here Wflilil litll Mftrruinlll U J, \ i I k.. I* <1 M \v of '!><* V O I', H will be ul \*ldci», oil I' i Ut .Ian ill, !•> pi' Ik ly to I ’ •I’ll 'l\ >'l .No. I»’* I k<%‘‘ * I'Ubltw Iic mi# IH lt*e t< • r.l> t I »«* t I• •• tv it**Htt I ' ..'I'lUftr . 1,1 1 *****K Out—Kl'f lh|> I8UIOUH 4 «t**»r ^ i:* Mln*lrt*U MutuUi night PRICES Uf<H TH AT Op WHEAT WAY DOWN! COOK STOVES and HEATERS PICTURE ERAMES AND FRAMING Come. See and Buy to Your Own Satisfaction. LOUP CITY HARDWARE AND FURNITURE STORE. E. II. WATKINSON, Proprietor Fine Lamps at Watkinson’s. Goon IIkavy TinwaiM nr Wat liinpon’-1. Fine Aut Crack and Fruit Knife sets at Wutkinson's. Fi'hmtiri;! Fuujsituhh! y Prices way down at the Rack* ct Store. Bring your pictures to the RACKET and have them framed. For Hardware and Tinware call at the RACKET, have a nice stock to select from, and prices all 0. K. Stamp Size Photo’s only 25 Cents for 2H Photo's. (Jive them a trial they are 0. K. at Leschinsky’s Photo (Jallery, FARMS KOJISAU: Wf turn lor f*rtM* no v*»y lib«m! H*mi» soint* rhoii’t fulfil* in Slicimnii County. ImiiK tlfm* "ill b»* gIvt ii, on r< ii'M.hIiU* leniif, It it ciu-li pity infill i* niadt*. Cor rocKpomletice nolicltfd. ■I. H, Thompson & Son's, I,aeon, 111. If OI)Sh II oi,l> IIEI'AKTMKMT J. F. OHUflOH fOiTOH All formults appearing in this column are guaranteed to be tirst, class in every respect if done according to instruct ions, They arc receipts that have been used by the profession for years. Too taken ill filling a receipt if they expect to succeed in the culinary department of any house hold, and to have their works success anti have it relished by those who tiiay par take of if, also to nave it look appetiz ing to them who are to tee it come to the table We shall endeavor to give the public what hag cost time and money to acquire a knowledge of. We will also give receipts for preparing dishes which can he made of pieces which would dud its way to tin* wastebasket. The first subject will be bread rolls and yeast raised cakes. The first thing to be considered is good yeast. This can be made ut home, then you kno w that your yeast is good. Then good flour and proper care and your bread and rolls are good enough for a king. Yeast known to he good:—8 tried ium sized potatoes, 20 oz Hour or 10 heaping table spoonful, (4 oz sugar 4 heaping table spoonful. 4 quarts of water. Boll potatoes until well done, Disolve flour and sugur with cold water. Turn the boiling potato-water on Hour, stir well, mash potatoes, add to water, stir alt together, let stand until blood warm then add 4 well disolved yeast cakes, let stand 24 hours. When ready for use it w ill keep a month In a cool place French Kofis.—Make about 60, 3 large cups water or milk, 1 large cup of yeast, I heaping table spoonful of salt, 2 heap ing table spoons of sugar, 2 heaping table spoons of lard or butter, 4 lbs flour (a qr. of (lour weigtis a lb.) Set sponge at 8 o'clock in the morning with half of Hour. At 12 or 1 add all of the enrich ing ingredients and make tip stiff'. Mix down two or three times. At 4 o'clock make into rolls and let stand to rise until time to hake for supper. If not so many rolls are wanted the remainder - of dough can be baked in loaves and , you will have lino bread. Graham Hulls.—This is for 30 small sized rolls: 1 lb. of Graham not sifted, one, half pound of white flour, one fourth pint, warm water, one half pint of yeast, one half cup molasses, oguj egg, one half teasj oonful suit. Set] sponge with half flour ami half graham at 0 or 10 o'clock in the inert ing for rolls for supper. At I o’clock add all , the other ingredients and make still' dough, add other half let rise till I o'clock. Thea work the dough by spreading it out on the table witli the knuckles, folding over and pressing again . Make into rolls, grease slightly between with lard or butter, brush over top with same. Set the rolls to rise 45 minutes. Bake carefully mid brush over v.’itii butter when done Wnl »r Thunk* \V*< d**4ir« to **xprt'*a our !»•*•»r(f»-lt1 thankH to our iituny frirnrt*. und menth#!* of th* A O. r, tV., win* no kindly u-*i»trd in* during tin* «k'kn**u* nil I il«atliof our husliHitd and fntticr, Mit» J. I. Hawk, am> Kamii » K«|>«*rt rturhi'il hnrt* U*t Suturduy ] tto*» A !.. t’<»«bl*«T’* Urn* K**a«rHl mor- 1 rtnr*< ut HHrjfrnl, NVli to ^»>it» | * r With to urh *1 of It* foul out* mi »• oitumoil by lltM U*t Ki kitty tiioroing. Hi* limtio r. t' W t *>n|*i*«r, and knit It - I'hln- *«, S. 1 Rayitokl* ilnn•< t |i to •'• itU'til. Moijilny llicy i*|mii lliut i t* «* »t*H k IUIUH<<<II ut ll.UNHIl Altll *4* ln«iir«*d for f.'.lHO fun <<ii|)<ii| »<*i’»iii|«*. uftur <1 ikttlkil <>t ili»* (If*' * <1 < ' iV« t*<<(<*' tint M * ,u**f At) d* vkk» t<< *010 *111 t*»*r«*, ** hi* |« *v li»K I Ih* 4 illiliiifl to*» Its tn CWUHtontljf *t‘h 011411* ui Hi" 1 10 I* not It no 'll. | t|i* tM t )* Ui** «k<|* mf; nil I io*t U < <li fnl*t • »* nioji o* Ik*** hii 'm of •hi <1 lodg* *<»*« l«* *0 Uho**M*l lUttu *> th* tfoo* At* t It king «*fVi >'il It* ***li»*«l iU*Hi **u*. «n|* mil *» 4* I ** • tfl* ***d |*t a<* *<1* t to |<!u<'* t*t»<. * it*'t it; t * j' 1 >»>i II' o t t**i %%> I* *. 1*4* t* 4 tit* lulu» A Thousatiit T«ntu«4. Could not «'X|*r* -a the rupture of An nie K. Hpriuger. of 1125 Howard st„ Philadelphia l'a.. v lien she found that I>r. King's New I>i«cnyerv for < onstimp Urn h .1) completely cured ln*r of hhack ing cough that for many years had imolc Hi** i» burden. All other remedies and doctors could giv.» her no help, but she says of this Koyai Cures -*' it soon te moved tin- pain in inv elc-t acid I can now i-loop soundly -< mething I can scarcely remember doing before, ,1 fed like Mounding its praises throughout the l.'nlyerse.” 80 will evert one who tries |)r. King's New lli-eovcry for nny trouble of the Throat m Lungs Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at. Odendahl Bro’s !>nig Store; < very bot tle guaranteed. Ilt«* Peg InSttl ur**. T(j« • ion of flie ur«* %%i 1 l>»» one of the nr st. exciting held for years. The contest, for I’nlted State - senator will be a warm one. National there is more to interest our citizens than at any time since the great civil war Every man who thinks for himself and wants his boys and girls to do the same should have such a paper ns The Semi-Weekly State Journal in Ids family. That great est of great western papers, pub i-licd at the state capital, is more in touch with the great masses of the people and the questions of the hour than any of its contemporaries, it is the true and able' exponent of western thought and enter prize. Its facilities for furnishing legi* lalive news surpasses all other papers. It Is located on the ground and no mat ter what paper you take at other times, diirii g t c legislature j on should read The Journal, Twice a weeks, it onlv costs $1.00. Bend $1,00 lr< The rttate Journal, Lincoln, Neb,, and you will never regret It Leschinsky’s Photo Gallery is now open for business. To the Public. We are authorized to guarantee every bottle of Chamberlain's t ough Remedy to hi* a represented and if not satisfact ory after two-thirds of the contents have been used, will refund the money to the purchaser There is no better medicine made fof la grippe, colds and w hooping cough Price, 25 and 50c per bottle Try it For sale by Odendahl Bro's. I(oi»!jc<i itie Orave. A -turf ing thrill' nt, of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject. Is narrated by him as follows; "I was in it most dredfttl condition. My skin was almos. yellow, eyes sunk en, tongue coated, pain continually in back and sides, no appetite- gradually growing weaker day by day. Three phy sicians bail given me up. Fortunately a friend advised trying Electric Bitter* and to my great Joy and surprise, the tlr»t bottle made a decided improve ment. 1 continued their u-e for three weeks, and mu now a .veil m in. I know they saved ray life, and rubbed tiie grave of another victim.' No one should fait to try them Only 50 ct»,, guaranteed at Odendahl Bro's lirug sir,in It* I HI.KNft ,»U\li A ** *1 VI . I li<* lx i mIvi* in lit* winl«l for * .!• Hi lint . r . | 11 sail lth< mil ► *** r Stin*» It'ti r i'Ii »o|i"i| 11 .uni* i h' I'llni t» I' ri|» m l ,*ll >1*11* KmiJ'!Iui,i» mill I |lu*!> fi»r« « Pllrn nr * i |n*v rri|iilr«-.|. It I* gtwritoUN <| to it* i*' (M nilifti I lint nr iniiit**y ri'fiiiitlml |*rt»*r t«1 c. n»* »>* r b>>l I tir tttio lit ti !• *•>I«til Hm nil K**m« 1 I'frM* *1 trt* in*»*l »** Htlllii. iimI iii Milhd lot i Ith to IK' •* ill-*■»»■'*, i Mlmlli i t jfi fit ♦«* 't>t* >» * h «.i U tl i . I.i** ml tfcli* ll M mm M A I . I ■! t< | < . i.» u.. . . in i ii. 11 I. . .r | j • •) ■t In if ti ftWI l< Iw •**»♦' • • It «(*!<• I iMHilt. till lUn . ‘illrt •i»t flinuii i*fn tin J*V I* r ll* A > ti * • t ii i. l *t*i Hih • I,* ■** 1$ i* * t* i Mliwtl' • * ill t| itt ll \I I*'I 11 Mt)|hl J»ii i *l**»l f i | a • l rif llittw I 181*9 GREETING During the year 18G9 we expert to remain in bus ness and we ask the continuance of your trade. \\ < do not ask it on the strength of our reputation, or because you have traded with us a long time, or because we sold goods cheap last year. We ask it because we will sell you goods cheap this year. With us every year has got to take care of its 'own business. Every sale must stand on its own bottom. ' * Every customer must judge as by what ho himself buys— not by what his neighbors buy. We expect to increase our business this year on the same lines we increased it last year and for the past do&en years.—by keeping quality up and keeping prices down. Already we have made extensive con tracts with mills and manufacturers and in a \ KIM FEW DAYS the first of our spring purchases will come pouring in. W hat * ^ will they be like? When will we show them up? Have we any wonders waiting? How will the prices compare with last year? Wait and see. Respectfully yours. E. S. IIAYHURST. 20 ft* LIVEN A WAV. Cut thi* out ami lak«* it to tli« «li u>£ gist i ami'll In-low anil you will re ceive a regular Sf.u- ai/.t bottle ol l»r. hawyer’s Ikatinc for 5c. Ukutme positively cures all forms of Kidney tiitr loulti. I »y- I> V^pepsla, Const! pat ion, Head" -»• ache. Kheu ttiatism, Puffing of tbe Eyes. L'ka mne cures Pimples and Blotches, and makes sallow ami yellow skin white Do not delay, but take advantage of !hij great offer, us tbousunds bear evidence to the wonderful curative powers of Ukatiue. For Hula liy i -IIIMIAIIL 11 It O’si llrug MASi’KH'S WALK. Docket T., No. 112. in the circuit court of tbe United States for the district of Nebraska: The Dundee Mortgage and > Trust Investment company. / Limited, Complainant. I vs. ) Deo. W. Sutton, et. al. def-/ endunts.—In chancery, ) Foreclosure of Mrrrtgage. I’uhllc imtleo ts hereby given that In pursuance and be virtue of a decree en lered in ttie above cause on the I5th iluy of November, lsiw, I, L.S. DUNDY, Jr., Master in Chancery of the circuit Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska, will, on the Fourteenth day of February, I *'.<!, at the hour of twelve o’clock noon of said day at front door of the Sher man County Court tiouse building in Loup i tty Sherman County, stale and DU. trlclof Nebrusku, sell at public auction tor cash the following described property, to wil: All of section twenty one (21)of Town ship fifteen (IS) north of range fourteen (M) west of the sixth I'rinclpal Meridian, ex cept right of way for Irrigation ditch sur veyed and platted on Said lands, all in Sherman county, Nebraska. K. S. lM'Mlir,Jr., Master lu chancery. cook a Uomsktt, Solleltois for Complain. ant. NOTICE. KOIl I’l' ilLlllATlUN. Laud Office ai Lincoln, Neiir. i January, 5th, UF>. 1 Notice Is hereby given that (lie follow ing named settler has filed notice of tils Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made tmiure Judson c. I’orter, U. a. -ow. Bimatouer, at Litchfield. Nuhr., on sauir day, Feb, l-i-J, via Tints M. Iturke, II K No i-4.\ toi the Notthwest quarter, acet ton Township It. Itange 14 weal II eantes the io. ivtng witnesses lo ptovn Ins •• ntinuoos residence upon wild ri lltaiion of said land, vis Edward N, liar per, Adeila-ri J Wilson, Jan.i . h lira , w( l.llr lifisld, Nebraska and Mtishall Picket, of llaserd. Hilt J W JoMfevus, Ncglater jfcttM.m nTumtum i.I'ahvm I 1 t II UM MUSH Hill llllfcl* Jimlll m t* i i< oiHf»ttu«« »hiiHi.i«>l lugifv U»n w«*>*r »4U*l4ulMi» »* «*••»** itiiirtwl M « i. .n«f .. tin* U*i la tt •»« I* I »> M flu It >. iM M »*•, Uu|«l I hi»l »«wl In III ImI>I k *»*»„ »l« l<*w> wl j««r»ti| »l «»» im«i ulutlma It twf wit t«r I I MdMWiil, IM I <!• ' v < 41 •( Ik* •!•>•<> »u I >« • iWii w » Hm«, MmuIkIMIM j»*«i• <«. low % i if», inw » NOX-KKMIDKNT NDi'Ii t. In District Court of Sherman county. Nebraska. wrlght !>. Kidder, I’laiuUir v*. — William J. Danby, Klla U. Danby. Ins wife, John t I hi well. Mart had. Harwell, hi* wire, J At. Miunni, ct. al., Defendant*. To William Dauby. Klla C. I) eitiy, bis wife, .roll n I,, Harwell, Martha! par well, hia wife, J. M. Mharon, mm resident defendant: You will take notice that on , the sih day .of January. IWH, Wright I,. Kidder, plaintiff herein Hied his Petition In the district court of Hhormnn county, Nebraska, against said defend unta the ob ject and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by defend ants, William J. Dan by, Klla C. Dauby, his wife, lo (’arils 0. llurr or order, upon the South half ot the Month we-t quarter of Section six (0), Township sixteen, (It), Range thirteen (13) west, in Sherman coun ty, Nebraska, to secure the pay men t of a certain prnmlsory note, dated May ’I, 18110, for the sum of Three Hundred Dollars (HOO.Oii) due and puyablo June 1st, 1805, with interest at eight per cent per annum, said Interest payable In five coupon notes of same date tor Twenty-four dollars igit 00) each, one duo June 1st, 1-kl; one due Juue 1st. ly.i.’; one due June 1st, Inal; one due June 1st, 181)4, due one June Is! 1803. Kami of said notes and coupons to hear ten percent, per annum after due: That there Is now due upon utld notes and mortgage the sum or five Hundred and Twelve D dial's and five cents t l ■ 0.) lor which sum with Interest from this dale: IMulntitr prays for a decree that defend ant be required to pay the same or that said proinrggD may be sold lo satisfy the amount found due. Maid inor'gage and uotesduly sold, unsigned and delivered to plaintiff 'S ou are required lo uuswri said pi tel Ion on <>r before the PI day of Kehruary, I mi. Dated this 3th day ot January, I sun. Whioiit I,. Human, IMalutitf. IIy Uao. w. Hi's r Kit, Ills vttjr. Atli st: Jolts Minsiii i.l, County clerk. not it’r. Kim ru iii-icAT ion. I.and oitlee at I.lncoin, Nidi, t December t'. lli, ism). f Notice is hereby given that the lollnw. lug nano (I settler has tiled notice lit his lit teatluu to make final proof lu soppoit of hts claim, an I that said proof will be made before tie county Judge ut l.oup illy, Nebraska, tut Kehruary 13, |sw», vlsi wptiaui f. Walllier, for in» south east quatler of Miction *t, Township l<i. Range IS West ll» names the following wit nesses lo prove his eonf muons r* *)*lettea upon ami eulttvallou of said land, vlai A M. flatus, Will taut M Ward, amt Pharr. l.liolell, ot Arcadia, 3 re ka and Huy Niles ot l.*otti, Nebraska, J W Jolts.,*, U>staler. AGENTS WANTID SUCCESS v« iWf m \i« mi u i";2135Mt r:::m HIU l'»\ MliM Hulik siH ruf. i»K mh;cI -> MifciM* c*** h y. c* t ill «*«» l»«f •» tl > If** |« in *1 li| totfi.t I|m It iiSi ur< t I 4, III* Qtili till )|(H S» *%* (Ml iff* 4f |t{«| f | | W • i if *««••• n# Ml'’ » » * * i llltfll# mi » h itiiu! b» iu«?