The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 20, 1899, Image 6

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The Mississippi to Teem with Fleet of
Palatial Vessels Next Season.
Tt may sound like a dream, but an
other year may witness a revival of the
good old days, when the great Missis
sippi teemed with life and when fleet
and palatial steamers piled Its broad
waters In regular and profitable trips
between all the Important points from
Ht, Paul to New Orleans. To do this
and to regain for traffic on the father
of waters Its long-lost splendor a mag
nificent fleet of passenger and freight
steamers is to be built for service be
tween the two points named. In ele
gance of equipment the passenger
steamers will rival tho famous old
Robert E. I>ee or the Natchez, and will
completely outdo them In speed, writes
a Quincy, 111., correspondent. It
may be that with the recovery of this
traffic In Its commercial aspect, there
may come an occasional revival of
‘‘racing," and the present generation
may have an opportunity to see the
"nigger squat on the safety valve."
H. H. Llemke of St. Louis, an old
river man, who, In years of experience
on the Mississippi, has learned steam
boating from cabin-boy up, Is at the
head of the enterprise, and also the In
ventor of the new style of steelboats
which are to travel the river from Its
source to Its mouth. He has labored
on this project for several years, until
today he has people all along the river
Interested In his plans. Mr, Llemke's
plans are more feasible than any that
have ever been advanced and he has
received sufficient encouragement from
shippers all along the river to Insure
the construction of a fleet of steamers,
such as are shown In the Illustrations.
Mr. Llemke makes tho statement that
the steamers will be so equipped that
they will be formidable competitors of
the railroads, which now parallel the
river on both banks. In discussing his
project recently Mr. Llemke said:
"I have already placed with Harland
A Hollingsworth of Wilmington, Del.,
the order for the first of a fleet of seven
boats and will shortly go east to make
arrangements for the building of the
other six. I believe that river men
have themselves been mainly respon
sible for the decline of the river trade.
tores and machinery at Jeffersonville,
Ind. The strong feature of the line will
be that a steamer will leave St. I»uis
every day and there will be no disap
pointments. Where It now takes seven
days to make the run from St. Ixnils
to New Orleans, the new steamers will
cover the distance In two and one-half
days, and make the round trip In less
than a week. The trip to St. Paul,
which now consumes four days, will
be made In thirty-eight hours."
The financiering of the new line Is a
novel feature of the enterprise. There
will he no stock company. The boats
will be built entirely by subscription,
the money being pledged by merchants
and shippers along the river. Mr.
Llemke says:
"They have been asked for no cash,
but I have given each subscriber a
ticket stating the amount of his pledge.
When the money Is needed I will col
lect It and when the line Is started I
will give the subscribers discounts on
their freight bills for the amount of
their subscriptions. Though the new
boats will not be completed for some
months I will have boats for tempor
ary use and will open the line In the
Mr. Llemke firmly believes that with
faster and better boats and punctual
service, with the freight and passenger
business separated, the levees of the
great river will once more resound to
the rumbling of dray wheels, the crack
of the teamster’s whips, the blasts of
the steamboat whistles, the crips of the
overseer and the song of the darky
liar Sweat Way of Making ISr Orantl
daugliter Comfortable.
A girl who visits New York frequent
ly stops while In the city with her
grandmother, says the New York
Times. The grandmother Is an old
fashioned housekeeper and one thing
upon which she lays emphasis In her
household affairs Is regularity. The
meals are always on time and she likes
the members of her family to be ready
and very realistic scenes are depicted
Indicating the Immense store set by
the ancient Greeks upon this remark
able plant, whose habitat was located
in Cyrcno. Its applications seem to
have been as diverse as they were
valuable, and among its numerous
uses we find it treasured as furnlshiug
the parltest and most delicate of twgw
tables, nlso spice, whilst its therapeutic
reputation was almost as universal as
that claimed for some of the modern
nostrums by their Inventors. 811
phlum has long since disappeared from
Cyrene, but Falconer has found in tho
northern parts of Cashmere a plant
which Is regarded as being very close
ly allied to its historic predecessor.—
Nature. *
Aluminum Itronse,
Aluminum bronze, which is likely U.
come more and more Into use, is an
alloy composed In Germany of 90 to 98
per cent of aluminum and 5 to 10 per
cent of copper, of golden color, which
keeps well In the air without sotm be
coming dull and changing the color.
It can be cast excellently, can be filed
well and turned, possesses an extraor
dinary hardness and firmness, attains
a high degree of polish and is mal
leable and forgeable. The technical
working of the material is not essen
tially different from that of iron—In
fact, the metal Is, especially in a warm
condition, worked like Iron on an anvil,
with hammer and chisel, only that the
temperature to he maintained in forg
ing lies between dark and light cherry
red. In case the articles are not forged
in one piece, and the putting together
of separate parts is a necessity, rivet
ing, and, In particular soldering have
to be resorted to, with hard or soft
solder. Besides forging, the bronze is
well suited for embossing. After fin
ishing the pieces, the metal can be
toned In different ways, as may be de
sired, by treatment with acid.
WIipii Men I)le Fantest.
There are a great number of curious
superstitions as to the time of day
when a dying person is most likely to
draw his last breath, and the tide, the
moon and the wind have all been sup
posed to have some share In the mat
ter. According to the British Medical
Journal, Rased, who has analyzed 26,
474 cases of death and 30,515 of birth,
where the exact time of day was not
ed, finds that the maximum number of
deaths occur in the early afternoon (to
Thoy have supinely permitted the rail
roads to take their business away from
them. There are thousands today who
would travel and ship their freight by
river if they were assured of accommo
dations even nearly approaching those
furnished by the railroads. The steam
ers I mean to operate will he unlike
any that have ever run on the Missis- '
slppi. In point of speed they will be
far In advance of the river steamer of
Unlay. At present a boat which makes
twelve miles an hour upstream is con
sidered a very fast craft anti there are
few such on the river. The new boats
will travel at the rate of from fifteen to
eighteen miles an hour upstream and
from twenty-two to twenty-four miles
au hour downstream. ISach boat will
be steel hulled, with a length of 3uQ
feet and bo feet beam. Their draught
will be it Inches light and ** inches
loaded This will enable them to run
even when the water is at its lowest
stage Their holds will be furnished
with airtight compartments, like those
of ocean steamers, rendering them
practically unsinkable. It Is estimated
that the cost of each passenger steam
er will be 1200,000, and I have ten
times that amount pledged by mer
chants In every river town from St I*aul
to New Orleans, Including mauy promt
neat fit. Isrulsans.
"The saving of time will not lie en
tirely due to the speed of the boats
(forty naphtha tenders will tie operated
la connection with the line to obviate
the neesneity of mahlag Undine* to
take oa passenger* end freight These
tenders will patrol the river, roliectlng
freight, eipress matter and passenger*
!«nd will meet the »t*ew*i In mi l
stream There will be a short stop
when pnaenagers are lahea on th sight
nag s<press* matter can be taken »n
while the boats are mania* at full
•peed, the result being s greet saving
of tints .The lenders are bring built
pt Madison Ini., sni the uppm at no
promptly. It 1h something of a trial
to her that her grandaughter should
sometimes after a theater party or oth
er festivity sleep over breakfast time.
The granddaughter knows this and she
makes a great effort to be up In time
and make up her sleep if she needs !t
In the afternoon. The other evening
she had been out very late and grand
mamma syinimthized. "The child
mustn’t try to get up this morning."
she said to herself and dressing more
hurriedly than usual she hurried to her
granddaughter’s room. ‘‘Alice," she
called softly, as she knocked on door.
There was no answer and she went in.
"Alice," she said again, speaking a
little louder, hilt there was no answer,
"Alice." she said a third time, and at
last there was a sleepy response
‘ Alice, dear,” she said, “don't think of
getting up this morning You were
out so very late last ulght you neeu
the sleep." All this time she was strok
ing the ruffled head on the pillow and
by the tune she had finished speaking
Its owner was wide awake, but uot
quite conscious of what had twen said.
"Oh, yea, grandma," she answered, "t
will gut right up." and she did, for she
had I teen so thoroughly wakened that
she could not go to sleep again.
Tkt Blt|»el«ai.
The latest number of Janus, a Jour
nal which la open to contributor* from
ell parte of the world In divers tongues
on subjects relating to the history of
medicine and medical geography, con
tains an Intereatlng and tall-written
article on medtcnl archaeology, dual
lag with the algaltowacw of the plaat
sllphium and Its therapeutic value
among the anclewta. IN’ Kruaftetd of
Vienna to Ike writer, and he has Illus
trated his article by a reprodu. tlon
of the welt knows dish of Arkesllsos.
how In th» "Cabinet dee 14•-dailies" of
the National library tn 1‘arls. tiraphie
7 p. m.) and the minimum In the last
hours before midnight, while the max
imum number of births occur in the
early hours of the morning and the
minimum in the early hours of the af
ternoon. As regards the cause of this,
he points out that the hours of the
maximum number of deaths are pre
cisely those when the pulse rate and
temperature are at their highest lu
health and when there is a febrile ex
acerbation in Illness.
The right of a city to maintain eject
ment for a street of which It nocs not
own the fee Is sustained In San Fran
cisco vs. Orote iCal ). 41 L. R. A. 3S6.
Poles of an electric railway, If prop
erly placed, are held, in Snyder vs.
Fort Madison Street Hallway Company
(Iowa), 41 L. H. A. S46, to give no
right of action to the shutting owner,
whether he uwns the fee of the street
or not.
A lineman Injured by contact with a
span wire charged by a trolley wire
which had a broken Insulator Is de
nied a right of action, iu Anderson vs.
Inland Telegraph and Transportation
Company (Waab.) 41 L. It A till,
where he (ailed to teet the IntulaUrR,
although that waa his duty.
Ftuee for overturn ge hy an express
company are held, lu Southern Express
Company va. Cum., Walker tVa.), 41
L 44 A, not to he within the con
stitutional provision setting apart as
a literary fund ' all lines collected for
offense* committed against the tint*,'*
Interetats property wanted for distri
bution la held. In Chamberita a appeal
lConn t, 41 I. H A !*M to he aseetg
far the ndmlnlairntar de bonis non,
under the Connecticut statutes, even
[ If the pro per Iv ha* »*e-n administer
«d'‘ within the renm law meaning
| >»f that (arm
Ksplnratloit Annin Tuktin Up—froinn
Km I n <•»««■• May Hava Much of Interact
to Itavaal—Ailvaiilagoe to Latter Day
Persistently, as becomes men con
vinced of the ultimate success of tholr
efforts, a sanguine band of savants
and explorers havo Intset succesalve
governments with appeals to take tip
antarctic exploration again, says tl»s
London Spectator. Their perseverance
has so far been unavailing, although
It Is not cany to understand why, or
to assign any definite reason for such
wtrange unwillingness. Remembering
how rich were the results garnered
from the labors of Sir James Clarke
Ross and his gallant coadjutors In the
stanch, but undoubtedly clumsy, old
Erebus and Terror, and how vast was
the field opened up for the subsequent
workers, the fact that from then until
now no attempt has been made to fol
low up this groat work becomes utterly
Inexplicable. Yet, believing, doubtless,
“that all things come to those who will
but wait," for half a century all those
Interested In this great question have
waited, scarcely ever relaxing their
efforts to awaken the powers that be
to some recognition of the pressing
claims of science to be heard In this
Beyond all question, the present time
Is peculiarly opportune for the prose
cution of antarctic research, For It
must be borne In mind that In that
vast and almost unknown area, more
than twice the size of Europe, one
expedition, however well equipped,
cannot, In the nature of things, hope
to do more than settle a portion of
the problems that silently await solu
tion. What Is undoubtedly Indicated
as the Ideal treatment of the antarctic
question Is the establishment of an In
ternational polar commission, such as
attacked arctic problems In 1882. A
cordon of expeditions surrounding the
southern polar regions, representative
of all the great civilized powers, and
working In harmony upon preconceiv
ed lines toward definite ends, would
add more In one season to the needed
data for the solution of the world prob
lems Involved than Isolated efforts
could do In a great many. But since
there are now two separate parties at
work In the antarctic and a third will,
It Is hoped, shortly be on Its way
thither, there must be much valuable
collaboration, as well as many thous
ands of simultaneous observations tak
en at far-distant, points. This might
have been the case at the time of Capt.
Boss’ voyages, when the French and
American expeditions were both In
high southern latitudes. Since then
science has made such gigantic strides
In the direction of Instrumental equip
ment for such work, to say nothing
of the Invaluable adjunct of steam,
that even with only four parties at
tacking the problem on differing mer
idians, the most momentous results
may be expected.
After all, this planet of ours under
the distance-destroying touch of these
latter days has dwindled Into a very
small place. And It seems preposter
ous that a region like the antarctic
should have been allowed to retain
so long the secrets It undoubtedly
holds. The Illimitable sea of stormy
waters that rolls its unhindered way
right around the globe, where no busy
keel rutiles the wave or smoke of pant
ing steamship mingles with the pure,
keen air—how strange that It should
for so long have been allowed to main
tain Its primitive Reclusion! Those
appalling barriers of apparently eter
nal Ice, along which Ross sailed for
hundreds of miles, watching with an
Indescribable fascination the baffled
billows hurl themselves against the
glittering cliffs that rose sheer from
the son for hundreds of feet—what lie*
behind them? Those burning moun
tain flaming high amid their frozen
fastnesses and lighting up the gloomy
sky for many leagues throughout the
long, long winter night, have they no
story to tell? And, In spite of all be
lief to the contrary, It may be that a
land fauna will be found, that some
anlmnls may have lieen fitted to live in
that wonderful country, which, as far
ns Is yet known. Is absolutely sterile.
Many firmly believe thnt a warm
polar region exists at the southern end
of our earth’s axis, but with recent
light upon the theory of a warm arctic
sea within the encircling t>arrler of
ice there can be little expectation that
any such marvel will be found In the
antarctic. The explorers will be fired
with the thought that whatever Ihtdr
hardships, a virgin field lies before
them If by any means they can get
behind the Icy barrier that seems to
■hut oft Antarctica from a prying
world, aud that alone, apart from any
discovert** they may make, U sufficient
Inducement to adventurous men to
make them face any hardship. To
stand where human foot ha* never
before trodden to come with the torch
] of selence Into the very penetralia of
nature, for this men In all Mine* have
risked all that life held dear, and In
so doing have rendered Incalculable
■••rvh'** to thwtr kind On* by on*
> th* closed doors h*V* lieen Hung wide
opeai, the *eoret» hsve been made man
I fast and now at the Hoe* of the nine
teenth century only thl* one remain*.
list* t*»t *»••** f>w«K H«mw
tVheii the Kirby bank fnlled In Abt
asi n riant a ►’* conductor had In It |J,<
MM, which represented th* saving* of
many yearn la the muree of time he
received fl 000 In dividend* from the
hank receiver, and this sunt he depos
ited In th* t'roa# imok of Kmpurta.
which la turn failed
Hungary lV:i«nnt« HarnMutd to Plow
Lika IlnatttN of Jlurrirn,
From the London Mall: Stephen Var
konyl, the loader of the peasants’ revo
lution which convulsed Hungary dur
ing the curly months of thta year, has
Just boon sentenced to one year’s Im
prlnonment for high treason. The
movement which was Inaugurated by
Varkonyl was a revolt against the
remnants of serfdom which still exlst|
In some parts of Hungary. In these
districts each peasant Is compelled to
work fifty days In the year for the
landowner without pay. These fifty
days of compulsory labor are not suc
cessive or at fixed Intervals, but when
the landowner has work to be done ho
sends n drummer through the village
and every male Inhabitant Is obliged
to respond to the summons. There
upon so many men are selected as re
quired. The landowner almost In
variably exacts this labor In the sum
mer, when the peasants’ time Is most
valuable to him. In summer the peas
ant ran earn as much as one shilling
a day; In winter not more than four
pence or sixpence. In winter the peas
ants are compelled to act as beaters In
the magnates' hunts for a wage of
twopence a day. The occupation Is
a dangerous one and the time Is not
counted in the anual fifty days’ com
pulsory labor. The wives of the peas
ants are required to sweep and scrub
the local manor house once a week
without pay. Finally, many landown
ers use the peasants as beasts of bur
den, harnessing four men to plow In
stead of two oxen.
Stephen Varkonyl, who Instigated
the revolt against these degrading con
ditions of labor, Is a sort of Hungarian
Wat Tyler. He Is the son of poor peas
ants, was educated In the farmyard
and graduated In the fields. He Is quite
a typical horny handed son of toll, Is
physically tall, stoutly built, and small
eyes, with their suggestion of the Mon
golian silt, and hns that rough kind of
natural humor which appeals to the
simple peasant mind. Varkonyl,whose
power over the agricultural population
of his country Is unbounded, Is one of
the most interesting figures In modern
Hungarian life,
A I n*'ful l)i>(.
Intelligent dogs are many, but not
every dog, even though Intelligent, ran
he taught to gather flowers for Its mas
ter as a certain (Jordon setter named
Norah Is said to <lo. Her master, Mon
sieur Ilarhat, writes of her In the
Chasseur Pratique: In June, 1895, In a
walk beside tho ponds of Llton, Savoy,
a friend and I tried to reach some wat
er lilies with our canes, but without
success. Seeing still finer blossoms
out In the water, I called Norah, and
threw stones toward them In order to
Induce her to go for them. She seem
ed to understand at once, plunged In,
and coming and going brought flowers
enough to All the basket. The guards
present could hardly believe their eyes.
The dog lowered her head beneath the
water so as to cut the stems at a cer
tain distance from the flowers. This
same dog was useful to her master In
another way. One winter morning Hhe
entered hlg study with a stick of wood
held between her jaws. Hhe deposit
ed the wood In the fireplace, went down
the steps and brought another, and
continued her occupation until tho
supply of wood seemed to her sufficient,
when she returned to her placo by the
Are to enjoy the results of her labor.
She certainly seems to be a dog of a
practical turn of mind.
Loramollrmi That lliirn Oil.
The locomotives working through
the Arlberg tunnel, on the Austrian
State railroad, now burn oil entirely.
They are specially designed heavy en
gines, two-cylinder compounds, hav
ing cylinders !»50 mm. and 800 mm.
diameter and C25 m. stroke. They have
eight wheels, all coupled, the wheels
being 1,300 m. diameter. The engines
formerly burned Bohemian coal, but
It was found almost Impossible to ven
tilate the tunnel. With the oil fuel
very little difficulty is experienced. The
oil burners used are of the type de
vised by Mr. Holden of the Northwest
ern railway, In England.
Frau Charlotte Emhrten, the only
Burvlvlng slater of the poet Heine, has
Just celebrated her 98th birthday.
Carolu* Duran, the well known
French portralt-palntor, has been
elected president of the National So
ciety of Fine Arts, In place of the late
Purls dn Chavnnnea.
ljuly Alice Montagu, who. It Is said,
will spend this winter In New York,
la on* of the twin daughters of Con*
suelo, duchess of Manchester. She was
the most admired of all the belles of
the past London season and Is noted
for her beauty.
Nikola Tesla Is the foremost living
original Investigator In the field of
electricity, tie was born In Herein
about thirty-five years ago and la a
HUr. Ills father was an eloquent
clergyman In the Greek church, but It
was from his mother he Inherited his
genius for Invention Mm# Tesla In
vented looms and churns and other de
vices while her husband preached
Toting Tesla was educated In the poly
technic echoot at Grata and It waa
there that his attention waa centered
on electricity After he left school he
became assistant In the government
telegraph engineering department at
ttudapeat and then drifted to Harts
Doming to the t'nlted mates he entered
Edison's shop and later set up his own
laboratory In New Yorh Since then
HU career has l»»*s part of ihe history
i of the advene# of electrical science.
Why doesn't a blacksmith create an
I animate being when he mahte Ihe Are
Through the generosity of Mr*. Col
lin* P. Huntington, of Now York, the
Tuskogee Normal and Industrial In
stitute is to have a new dormitory for
girl*. The new building will coat about
$i0,000. Doth Mr. and Mrs. Hunting
ton have long boon Interested In the
remarkable work of Hooker T, Wash
ington, and In the last ten year* Mr.
Huntington baa given the institute
about $200,000.
When a woman's cold feet make her
husband shiver she thinks ho Is thrill
ing at tho thought of how warm her
heart to.
Senator Simon of Oregon has been
taking banjo lesson*. “Are you Im
proving?” some one asked him re
cently. "Either that or the neighbor*
are gottlng more used to It.” he re
A catalogue of 300 prizes, suitable to
every taste and condition, mailed on
Inquiry. Prizes given for saving Dia
mond "C” Soap wrappers. Addresg
Cudaby Soap Works, South Omaha,
Every continent on the globe, with
the exception of Australia, produces
wild rose*.
I believe Piso't Cure Is tbsonly medicine
that will earn consumption.— Anna M.
Hose, Williamsport, Fa., Nov. 13, ’M.
Hew Terminal Agent.
J. F. f.emu has been appointed ter
minal agent of the Iialtlmore and Ohio
railroad at WaHhlngton, I>. C.. la
charge of passenger and freight ata
tlona and will assume the duties of
that position on Jan. 1. Mr. Legge Is
an old U. and 0. man. having been
superintendent of the fourth and fifth
divisions In years gone by and con
nected with the road In various other
capacities. He was In cba.Je of the
Washington terminals from 1884 to
The spots on a man’s reputation look
about ton times larger to others than
Warm Blood
Coursing through the veins, feeds, nourishes
and sustains all the organs, nerves, muscles
knd tissues of the body. Hood's Sarsapa
rilla makes warm, rich, pure blood. It Is
the best medicine you oan take In winter.
It tones, Invigorates, strengthens and forti
fies the whole body, preventing colds, fevers,
pneumonia and the grip.
HOOCi’S Spa*rm.
Is America's Greatest Medicine, l’rlce gl.
Prepared byO. I. Hood A Co , Lowell, Maes.
Hood’s Pills sure hick Headache, aco.
are u cully obtained %
a* cummer egg* it thu food &
l* turned Into the proper (lien
nel. That’* the aocret of the ■
urcat cuccecc of'* Tonic ■
Powder. Mr*. J. J. Frank, of *
(ledaredg*, Colo., cayc: “1 can
not Praia* It enough for what I
It ha* don* for tny poultry. Mo
more *irk chicken* and the egg
banket well filled every day.”
W* need a XV. box or Tonic and
a*)o. ran of I«ee'e Idee Hiller,
which klllc nil body lice, uiltee,
etc., on poultry by limply pillule
logonroocte, aa cample* for So, t*. C
If you want lota of egg*, fertile
egg* and clrong, healthy chick*,
try our method*. Our dN-page Ixx.k
OHO. H. LHK CO., Fsrnsa St.. OMAHA. NUB.
I.oiul Agent* Wanted.
"Nothing but wheat; what you might
call a Bca of wheat," la what was Ha Id
by a lecturer upeaklng of Western Can
ada. For particulars as to routes,
railway fares, etc., apply to Su
perintendent of Immigration, Depart
ment Interior, Ottawa, Canada, or to
W, V. Bennett, 801 New York Life
Building, Omaha, Neb.
Particular* and toatl
nionlalnln plain sealed
letter Mill.ho Khkb.
FRENCH DRUG CO., 381A 383 Paarl St.. New York
Guaranteed to cur# OKI I* In two to three
day* llad (inlds. Khoumattc I’alns and palna
In tha cheat cured over night. Take It now,
and prurent that I >KA LlI.Y url|> and aara
doctor's hilts, 50c. box of jour druggist or
Omaha, Neb.
1WN B,—Write us If you have any 8km
trouble as w« can cum you.
Ami w* actually pay much mors. Over
100 ear cant biuMts paid to clients lest
year lu our Mteak and itrala h> ndhetea. For
full particular* address
W. N. Dunlap A Co., 1t4 Soaro* IL, Chloape.
rcnoiUllO double quick
Write CAKT. O hAUUhl l PsiMtee ApeM.
U*p Nsw Ywh Atsaua. WAOMIhtllON. D. C.
Or. Kay'i Nanovatsr,
Ml4 tfPMUtNklllNl lllff 1^4 4(4r(|»Ba IwU
lu****s«* i**fc*. <rt# At dm 4 14
Or. Kay'i Lone Bit*
ThBrnpioR** ly • Vat tr.