The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 20, 1899, Image 4

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    The North western
4X 'j'lll? COUN TY in hi AT.
«iko K Ili NM HOTMl I Mltnrs •ml
oio: ■ r«»Hil»ll. 1 rnbll«hf r.
TK.TiMHr^li.nn pm vkah ir paih in ai»va«< k,
Entered At lti« Loup City I’outofllce for Iran »
million through the mall* a« wmih)
cla»* mutter.
Official Paper Sherman County
Could'nt we develop a Curvnntes
for Colonel Bn an.
The American people says We
Ma-lny, hut Bryan suys no.
The beet supply in the late war
may hare been scant and sometimes
spoiled but the extent of tongue is
still unlimited.
The loss by fire of I HUB for the
United States anti Canada, not count
ing any of less amount than flO.OOo
aggregate 1110,630,000.
The Republicans have taken charge
in Kansus, horse, foot and dragoon.
The |>ops died with their face to the
foe, hut they are dead Just the same.
Agumuldo wanted annexation be
fore Manila, was Dtweylxed, now lie
wants lobe President ot the Philip
pines. He has ns many wheels in
his head os Col. Bryau.
A few more "Sad but glorious"
years for the pops in Nebraska, nnd
they can clothe themselves in sack
cloth nnd ashes uml wail extinction
instead of expansion.
State Senator Miller of tliin liist
(K i»i n) offi red it resolution in tin*
M*iiun* lust week in the Stotsenberg
affair, declaring tliut that body bad
implicit confidence in President Mc
Kinley und Sec. Alger, Miller's
head is level if he is a pop.
Humor tins it that Andrew Carne
gie, has offered to buy the Philip
bine islands by paying the twenty
millions that this government Ims
agreed to pay Spain, and then turn
them over to the Filipinos. Andy
is not so philanthropic as that.
Coininissarj-gcueraT hUgae, ot the
war department at Washington,
threw a bomb in the camp of the
war investigating committee lust
week thut exploded with such force
that it is ultogatlier likely to cover
Mr. Kgan with the glory of a request
for his resignation.
(J en's W i->d li Jut urn I Wheeler,
und Col. Roosevelt, hut the confi
dence of the people to u greater ex
tent than any of the Ilcspano Ame
rican war officers, and they have
talked the least, but when they d<
speak the people believe what they
Weary Willie, ex-colonel of the
Third Nebraska, has been a buisy
man sinee he got loose. His ala
patbic doses of anti-expansion which
he has been feeding to his party
seems likely to produce he (by the
country) mu li desired effect, The}
ure growing smaller
Congressman Diuglet of Maine,the
formest leader on the republic^)
side of the house, and author of the
Diugiey bill, died of heart failure
resulting from pneuin lia, last Fri j
day night. B) his death 'he repub
licans lose out- of their most able
leaders and a sialesiu n ol rare abili
la Ur'i'ii* mm ,»iuil> Tri«t«i
“I oave Ju*t rerovcreil from the we
olid uttni'k of U gripim ihU year," any a
Mr Ja« V Jlinen, publidier of 1 he I.“ad
or, M'-xU, "in iim Ultrr oim i
lined C'li-uuberiMin* <'oiikIi Rrinnlf, nil i
I think with eo»i»lderablo auivom, onltr
brnoti in bed a little over two day * a
H»iio» loti day* for the for in or adatk
•'It** **r,MI t a ta> k I on ■atUttei) MOO d
hr** b*i'i. rt|i|n!|) m> badaaitn* llr»l toil
f 'r Ho* u»o u| itn* r* m**d) a* I liidln^o
to b*d In about «i* boor* aft* r Nntf
••tru. U’With If, wUlle tn lIk* tln>l ea»e
I »*i »Mr l i m. ii I In bu«li i ' a' ml
lllHlnti Mufr nriilinr 'ilmu 1 " I'm
• i - * II • mi hi B»o*a
M m -M # ) ot immuhi4
V***» *• n*i»i<|- .W n 11» • |'n .
nia atwa)* r*-utt» from a i-obi tr f m
an alia* !, of •*a,ll,l '' l*m >‘d t•>«* • ;
Idem It' of la a'i|‘|f a fra )««r* at w
w Ireu aw tuauv faaulted In |<ueumonU
II Waa ubtrhftl llnl the tilm It «*mv
*«i fo iu*f I ti) in ii d • 'or alt 'ii « bam
Iwroln » ''lyli II u 1 ■« n h'nl |i
»'»iaan-i."!i*»H to itn 11 of a iniI'I nr
fa iftH1* •» H*,nii in iit,t d
lit tea «* I* I - !*«• I * •* ». 1. it In h«
awW It r ini) oi| ii 1 <1 It grt|i|.i
limit uotMe *oi« i« 1 |» r i.«
U laa laii H»> •
I-mi p City Neb.. Jan 3rd lt®9
II# It renumbered Umt at an adjourned reg
ulur session or tbi! county hoard, held
on this !ith day of January, IW, Prevent:
Henry Danker Chairman and all me mho re of
the board, also county attorney and clerk.
The minute* of prior meetings wa* read and
Alfred Flint «os on motion appointed ae a
delegate to the National Dive Stock convention
lobe held at Denver, Ool„ on Jan. 24. I*VW.
In the matter of the petition signed by Carl
ib* la Motto a,kina’ for the establishment of a
rea l, It being found to be a full eonaent pell
lion wo* mi motion allowed an l aid road es
The Official bonds of the following uuaied
persons were examined and approved.
Tred lloldnl, Qvi*r-< nr Dial No. 15. D C. tap.
August Moll, '• ” No. 14,
S, K. Utilaway, *• “ No 13,
W, Cotillon, '* " No. 91, "
H. T, Keynolds, Constable, "
IV B. Coniror. Justice of tli*> pmtee, **
J, Phil Jaeger. Treasurer,
Uoo. II, Oibaon. Clerk, »•
VV, II Conger, Justice of the peace, (Village.)
J A Anifler. Ao'wir, Loup City township
T. H, Nightingale, County Attorney,
Klm Towaaitii*
II M. Hughes,, Assessor.
It D Iboidrlcksoii, Assessor.
I'M win Angler, Clerk,
(luu McFadden, Overseer Dial. No. 12.
David Boyer, Justice of the peace
lleonig Clausln, A‘.,e»v<r.
A M Muras. Ulerk.
Lawrence Uossa, Overseer Hut, No. 2
Wenzel Rewollnski, Clerk
Ferdinand Si'll roll, Assessor.
County hoard adjourned to January 4, law
Attest John MtNsliru,, County Clerk, by
L illis Bkik, Deputy,
Loup City, January 4, two.
County board In session pi rsuuat to adjourn
Went, Chairman and full board present,
Thu following official bonds were approved:
Albert Snyder, Clerk.
John Stewart. Justice of the peace.
Joseph Doddow, Treasurer.
S C Hollister, Overseer Dlst. No, at,
Samuel Doddow. overseer Dlst. No 21.
J. I*. Depew Assessor.
Michael Pnlu, Overseer Dial. No. I.
ROCKVII.I.C Township.
Titos, Jansen, Overseer Dlst No 33,
0 <; Hanlscb, clerk.
John Mali f-kl Constable.
Lawrence Petr re A-sesso.
Frank Uydalek Overseer Dlst. No. Ik.
(' II. Wintler, Justice of the peace
Ashton Township.
John Kowlulkow ski. Overseer Dlst. No IH.
Andrew Garski. Assessor,
fi"«. V. Marlow Constable.
John Zoehol Overseer I»i-t. No. 17.
Eugene Truey, Clerk.
John W. Pray, Assessor.
Jacob Albers, Oterst er Dlst. No. 5.
Hitisroi, Township.
V Ifurytu sr. Overseer Hist. No 31.
William J.n obs. Assessor.
Mathias Zeller, Overseer Ulst. No. 33.
County board examined vouchers and mon
ies on hand with the county treasurer and
found line to he correct, whereupon settle
merit was sallhf.iriornlly made with said treas
urer. -Attest John Minshum., County c lerk,
by Cons Hr.ia Deputy.
Coup City, Nebr, January 6, IsW).
t'ouuty board In st Hslon. Present all mem
bers of the board also county attorney and
The following bonds were approved:
Ashton Township.
J K Conklin. Treasurer.
Kim Township.
Jeremiah SUettler, Justice of the Peace,
Ilsrrlson Township.
William Ile.ipy Assessor
K, K. Murphy. Justice of the Peace.
It 11. Goff, Constable,
H. L. Lowery, Treasurer,
C. W. Gibson, Clerk. •
Geo Debruler, Overseer diet. No. 3ft.
lla/ard Township.
Krriell A. Swanson, Overseer dlst. No. s»
K. Munn Justice of the Peace.
Carl do la Motte, Assessor
Charley Hass, Constable.
L K. Hurlburt, Clerk.
Scott Township.
J. J. Else. Assessor.
J. 11. Williams, Overseer dlst No. 37.
James Klindt. Clerk.
Ilockvtllc Township.
Peter Jepssu, Treasurer.
The following application of the county
eleik was duly considered and allowed.
Loup City, Neb. Jan. 5th, leyo.
To the Honorii'dt-Hoard of Supervisors:
Gentlemen - I hereby request the services
of u deputy In the county clerks office for
tit* '* ar 1*1* and u-k that the statutory salary
of*;ooi • j .I r annum for such deputy lie ul
lowedouiot the foes collected in said office.
1 ulso request that i be allowed the services
of one or more assistants If required la said
office for the year l-w and thut a salary of
et.vot) per month out of the fees of said clerks
office he allowed such assistants and request
that 1 Is allowed V'.'onuo per annum payable
quarterly for services rendered by me as clerk
of the county board of Supervisor* for the
yea l-w John Min-,ih*i.u County Clerk.
frank llulura County Treasurer was allowed
u ucpuTy or uvM'.uhh
Tko «»m ial bund of il r Tiiagermati i
unt itppr tv. A for tint of revenue Mump
Tho following cl-itnis wt*ro oUt»w<nS, tlrduot- I
loui for iaxt‘» ieu<lo, <vn<t durrouu ordtrtM
drown on t * r.<s}H . i tifuntU i« follow*
UftMBitAt* frxu
J. W, J<m«*
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-A more complete lino of goods was never brought to the Loup Country
Clothing, Underwear, Dress Goods, Ladie’s, Gent’s, and Children’s
Shoes, Mittens, Notions, Chinaware, Quoensware, and a general stock for the Holiday trade.
NEW CTBTO.MKRS:—Wo thought that we wold to every body. Evidently there ure Home we don't, for wo see new faces almost every
!, '• ’ average customer doe* know values testimony of many merchant to the contrary. Our succesa we believe is mainly due to the fact
that we have "caught on, and know howto buy so as to cnnblc us to show our customers real and not misterioun valuea:
1. \ ou have got goods to buy, nod are going to boy them
2. We have got goods to sell, and know wliut w<* got to
d j to well them. Knew it when we bought the goods,
We never have had such a tremendous stock us we now have
If its only 5 cents worth we appreciate it. IT its $500. worth we
can please you in every item.
This part of our business we give our special attention, Mont
of our customers buy dresses that ure to last more than one season
at least—Wc keep this atock up to the highest standard in the
latest, serviceable styles.
* u delight to the eye, ami tliat<juiet refined fechug of elegance
tlml a person of last feels but cannot describe, is tlie sensation that
preuds over you when you try on one of our tailored suits or over
‘•oats. Von can find what yon want in our establishment. Any
goods, any style at any price. Our hoy’s and children s clothing
is but u reproduction of our wen's. The same care with the man
ufacture, The same care in the selection of the stock.
We hove the llncst line of shoes ever brought to this city,
' >ur I urge invoice enables us to (It and suit everybody as to ijuulity,
stylo and prices. We make a specialty of our shoe department and
invite all to come in and look over our assortment.
We guarantee our prices to be as low ns any house in this country.
Vmira for business, J. PHIL .J A E3GKER.
William Crumnr. taken for lax, fl or> II.10
Nicholas Dadduw.
L. N Mmltti. . ^ ..loll)
John Meyer :i.3o
Uoo, Loe. . .... 0TO
John N. riaher. . tm
llcnry Ohlsen all taken for tax 4 i(,
K. W. Vandorn, all taken for tux 4 10
John Shrove, ail taken for tax 4 40
If. J MiKbtlnirnli;. S6U0
8 8. Porter. 117 40
Oeo. 12. Henxchoter. 5700
Waller Moon . 300
II. CJ. Patton. 41)75
Jocob Winklemun, taken for tax, ,v'<. II 05
John Mlntihull. no *4
S. F. Reynold* taken for lux .... 0 75
John W. Look . INI30
0. 8. Luluinxer . . IH02&
Mr». Cramer... . 3 00
U T. V'lurif 50
Henry bunker. 1500
1. W Hurries. 11 90
M. Kewolinskl. 1060
U:wlx Bechthold. 0 50
Peter MeKnon. 10 60
John F. Smith. 100
J. P. I.elnlnirer. 10 40
S. N. Sweetland.. . 0 50
Ilium.e WVMD.
K. J. Pilfer. . * 1.70
J. 1. Depew.' .. 5.25
Fred Uunker.. 2.5o
Henry Hunker.. 3.00
Whereupon the county bourd adjourned
nine die.
Attest 1 John MiNsiiri.r, Co. Clerk,
by Lomu KKIN, Deputy.
OFFICE. -One door east of Chase's
driik more
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
Will Defend In Foreclosure Case*.
General Real Estate Business.
Office In Nouthwkhtbun Building,
loup errv, - - muukaura.
a*whcre for “The Story of the Philippines”
by Murat Halstead, commissioned by the Gov
ernmeiit as Official Historian to the War De
partment. The book was written In army
eamps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with
General Merritt, in the hospital at Honolulu,
in Hong Kong, In the American trenches at
Manila, in the insurgent camps with Agulnal
do. on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey,
and In the roar of battle at the fall of Manila.
Bonanza for agents. Brimful of original pic
tures taken by government photographers on
the spot Large Hook. Low prices. Big prof
its. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop oil
trashy unofficial war las,ks. Outtit free Ail*
dress F T Barber, See'y., Star insurance
Bldg.. Chicagu. 111.
If You Are doing to tliel’aclllr Coast
don't complete arrangements until you
have secured information regarding the
personally conducted excursions to Sau
Francisco, Los Angeles and Fort land
via tin* UN ION PACIFIC These ex
Curslons leave Chicago, Minneapolis
and St. Paul every Thursday, and Oma
ha every Friday iu elegantly upholster*
rd Pullman Tour 1st Sleeper*. Illuminat
ed by plnt-ch light, healed by steam.
Baggage checked through from starting
polbi 10 de,tiuatlou. Prompt and satla
factorv service Many hoots tpiUker
lime than any other line
For full particulars call on or addi< •»
W l». Cut TUN, Agent
Scientific American.
sent to you by one of the catalogue houses may look well to you but, say, citizens of
Sh'ermnn county does that Catalogue house pay any taxes in our county? Does it help
support us in any way .' Now candidly, would’nt you rather do your buying at home.
1 hen come in and co our line of Watches, Clocks, .Jewelry and Silverware and let’s
talk the matter over.
Keeping your money at home is the only way to build up our community and we are
convinced in our own mind that our prices are as low as any ones, and even you will sav so
when you have looked over our stock and compared them with our very low prices.
See Our Lumps!
We have a line of fine lamps from 1.26 up. If
won’t cost you anv tiling to see them.
Clocks apd Silverware.
\\ e have more than we want. Como and get our prices.
You will find us always willing to show you goods and tell vou of their merit
Thanking you for past favors we remain,
Vours successfully,
I. S. SHEPPERD, Jeweler and Opticain
n ^Trl
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President. Cwhier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000
CoHHksi*<indents: Seaboard National Hank. New York City, N. Y., Omaha
National Hunk, Omaha, Nebraska.
In f .vcr o| SEL.Z SHOES
•re :
I. Their thorough reliability
—they are always ti.a
same, There U no guess
work in their construc
tion. Twenty seven years
oi shoe building has
placid Sf.LZ far be) nj that.
> 2. Their price—It far below what other manu*
faclurer* ami dealers ash for corresponding
Thai t why we eeli lh< n in ever lucre***
•' a i that t *hy y t ahouUJ wear
them ( ) your laatmg aaiufaci un
J Hill. JAhOKIt.