The Northwestern TUBU4HKD EVKRV FRIDAY at THE COIJNTV SKAT. «KO. K. ilt'XHCHOTKH, I ftilllora Miwl OKit, B. OIBAOVt I I*uh1l«)idr« TEBMH -II.OO PKK YKAH. If PAIO IW ADVASCS F.iiiersd at the l.oup City Podiemcn for trims (iitdNlon through the mail* as second class mstteir. Official Taper Sherman County ■ . ... -- McKinley «u« as enthusiastically received in iUt» south tin in the north A sovereign people showing tbeir i*| preciation of a wine ruler. A true friend is something to be cherished with deepest regard. A bypoerlt is lotheome an inad no (• tollable uud klinple 1 rtauU«4 to try it, having lia. ii deaf In my right i«r, ' from which there litil been • moat UUagrva- 1 able dluhargk for eighteen yeure. From Ilia time 1 waa unu y* ai old I *m attU.-tad with a dlalreaaing cough! I hud o vate headache* and my ayeewere very kora. ooni|>eUliig me to wear gluanen. Catarrh troubled me wor a at sight and In lbs morning, lalwajm ha Mug w»a i t. :. ham ton ty altaeti I, w . ream* I, the dli.’hetgu and dtkliaaal.ig t • n th Mo|>|* I, »ov ayaa ware much tmpruv< d, and I r»>r.t. i Pen. HI* tn many wwy* that li aooul Avtrhlw. I breath'd frwely and **ktly Mam Aerial |a>li.«tlton ta icrtalniy a grand diarowry, . kil It given me mm-h 11<.»**»r. tn recoin* cut lr. UlH I III t ..l*h • , I -it- .1, HI. Ilk tree. ..•tea «nt I'MMVI ru»* end Niag a *o» A* ' z&r&i . J J pgMMI a to hi i .*«•♦ tie*, •writ. a.n»r*ea J. It HOUtU . *.#*• ■ . tktm **. | »■ |«**ellUal 1 I *a.ti <*,.* hi, it,.i, . tug ttnytun two* and I l'In* innnU, tibia. [ Tested and Tried j For 25 Years £ Would you f> 1 perfectly Snnfo to put nil your monuy in ft now hank ? One you J have Just hoard of? i But how about tin old £ brink ? One that has done {• business for ov r u quarter f of a century? Ono that hhi 1 alwnyu kept Its promises? | Ono that never failed ; never f mielod you In any way? J. You could trust euch a bank, J couldn’t you? | SCOTT'S - f EMULSION t J of OOD-LIVEft OIL WITH i HYPOPHOSPHITBH 1* Just [1 llko such a bank. It has never f dla ippointr d you, never will, f It haw never deceived you, j! never will. | Look out that someone t does not try to make you i invest your health In a now tonic, some now medicine you know nothing of. y.t, amt |i.oo; all drum l»t», SCOTT & ItOWNli, Chamlala, N«w Ymk, 'Dio Times Independent describes the senior editor of lliis paper hh **tbo bald headed scribe." lie al ways does when he is hard pushed for a legitimut« argument. It is perhaps fortuoaie for the Times man iliut our head is bald hh it semingly altords him something to write about when lie can't think of anything else. Well, It is better to bo a bald headed scribe limn u slmm re former or a praying hypoerit, and If ever Loup City was disgraced witli such a person brown Is one of them. He wid got up in church mid say: “1 want to live in the way the good lord wants rno to," and in the next issue of his religions? paper curse the corpora'ions and at the saint time pool on county printing. Brown may he able to deceive a few of the people, but the Almighty, nit, VVImt will become of populism, is something for the wiseaeroH to wor ry their brain over, and thereby give t he people a peep Into the near future. That Us political grave in digged al most to completion, none will today have the courage to deny. Yet, wliot will take its place is the conjecture*, tlrccnhaekism, flat money and fanati cism was Hh legitimate parent, which after Hie rag baby was nnlhiiated de veloped into free silver. Free silver now being nearing iis (lahcnnn, it is natural for people who are not easily led by a jack o lantern to ask the desert air, wbn. will It poed man conjure up next. —As 1 uni CLOSING OUT nil my goods to retire* from business and have an overstock of all kinds of goods and they must l»o sold regardless of cost ('omo early and avoid the rush. T. L. PlLtiKR. 1MLGEK has knocked out the bottom «>n nil goods. lio has given them a punch that does settlo \»i othrr mcrvlmut inn u»wl PUffert' NEW GOODS, FOR HOLIDAY TRADE J. PHIL JAEGER NEW PRICES, TO SUIT EVERYBODY. WE ARE HERE AGAIN WITH A WONDERFULLY LARGE STOCK OF MERCHANDISE IN ALL LINES -A more comploto line of goods was never brought to the Loup Country Clothing, Underwear, Dress Goods, Ladie’s, Gent’s, and Children’s Shoot*, Mittens, Notions, Chinawaro, Queensware, and a general stock for the Holiday trade. NKW OTBTOMKK8:- Wo thought that wu sold to every body. Evidently there are tome w« don't, for we sec new face* almost every day. The average euatooier does know value* testimony of many merchant to the contrary. Our succeas we relieve is main y < lie > ie fad that wo have “caught on, and know how to buy ao as to ocable ua to show our customers real and not mistcrious va ues. TWO THINGS; I. Von have got goods to Imy, aod arc going to buy them close. vJ. Wo have got goods to sell, ami knew »vhat w<< got to do to noII them. Knew it when we bought the goods. We never have hud such a tremendous stock as we now have If its only ft cents worth we appreciate it. If Its IfiOO, worth we can please you in every item. DRESS GOODS: This part of our business we give our special attention. Most of our customers buy dresses that are to lust more than one season at least—We keep this stock up to the highest, standard in the latest, serviceable styles. MY CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Ih u delight to the eye, and that quiet refined feeling of elegance i lint u person of tast feels hut cannot describe, is the sensation that spreads over you when you try on one of our tailored suits or over coats. You can find what you want in our establishment. Any goods, any style at any price. Our boy's and children's clothing is but a reproduction of our men's. The same care with the man ufacture. The same care in the selection of the stock. SHOES FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. We have the finest line of shoes «ver brought to this city. Our largo invoice enables us to fit and suit everybody as to quality, style and prices. We make a specialty of our shoo department and invite all to come in and look over our assortment. Wo guarantee our prices to bo a* low a* any house in this country. Como early and select your Holliday presents. Yours for business, J. PHIL JAEGER, SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA A- S- MAIN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON I.OUi» CITY, • N J liltA ->K A ufNCK. •On* ilour i'H»t of Gbaau’a ilriiK atore R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, LOOP CITY, l I ton. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law 2nd Notary Public. Will Defend In Foreeloaore Oanioa. A f.HO'UO A General Ronl Estato Dualnoua. Office lo Noktiiwkutana Kulldlo*, l-OVV vn V. ■ MKIIUANKA. WAktib-Mvimi TinotrwohTiit I’kk. hod* In thl» Niiiic lo rii,nm«c our bimlni'Nii III I In ll' own him) iiinirby niillil |m. It |« millnI v oft),‘it work t‘ontliii,Uni ui liotnn. Hal nry *iiul«ln *'ioo 11 yi-muml eaimtiNoit—lie* IIn111*. bonnfldti, no more, no Hm Milury Mon I 111 v lii,r«l‘i'iii‘i‘n Kniln n Hill-inl ilrnN«i,d mivi>io|in. llitrliKi'i K IIohh, I'rca, I*«|)t. M. Chicago, 111. ;|.|b!M \ITTVI: HOl.HITOKH VV A NTH I > KVKKY * * whi m for "The Story of the I'tililnpiniV liy Miiriif I f til h i ••ini. in mi tn I null i n ni I liy tTi* • Uiiv I'riiini'iii in iJitleliii HiKinrlan to tin, War In, purimi’iit. Tim book wim written In uriny riitnpN nt San KriinrlM‘11, on tie Pacific with linneriil Ml rrllt III the bicipital nl Honolulu, In llomt Koofr. In tlif American trenche* m Mattllii, In thn Itmurifetit intmpi, with Aitultml •lo, on Uni di rk of Hit! Olytiiiiln will! Dowry, und In the roar of buttle at thn full of Manila. I Ion u n z A for mrnitH. iirltnful of orltrltiul pic luri'H tuUrti by uoycrriinciit photoirrnphcra on thu Mtot, Law Hook Low price*,. 111 it prof■ lu. r'rclwht paid. Credit given. Drop ull irithliy unolT'clal wur booio- Outfit frer Ail drena, K. T. Hnrbur, Secy., Slur Insurance M11J1/. ('hlcitiro. ill. J’ulna In the chfilt when a pcr*on bw ii cold Indicate* a tendency toward pneu monia. A piece of llarinel dampened With Chamberlain'* Pair. Malm and bound on to the cheat oyer the *cat of pain will promptly relieve the pain and prevent the threatened attack of puvu monlu. ThU name treatment will cure h lame back in a few hour* Hold by Odendahl Dro’a Two Pointed yuiiMluiia Answered What la the uae of linking a better article than your competitor If >r/n can not got a better price for It Ana —A* there I* no difference in the price the public will buy only the belter, *o that while our profit* may be •mailer on a Mingle Halo they will be much greater In the aggregate. How cmh you get the public to know your make I* the bent!1 If both article* are brought promi nently before the public both are cer tain to he tried and the public wilt very ifuiekly pa*i Judgment on them and u*o only the better one. Till* explain* the large Hale on Chain berhiin'* Cough Kemedy. The people have been uidug It for year* ami have found that it ean alway* be depended upon. ‘I hey may oeeaitionally take up with Home fashionable novelty put forth with < Aaggt-i *(«*d claim*, but are ceitain to return to the owe remedy that they know to lie tellable, Ulld lor eougl)*, cold* and croupe there I* nothing etpial t«> Chamberlain'* Clough Rentedv, For Hale by Oib-udaUI ItioV BO YEARS* EXPERIENCE Yn*oc m*hk» OltIUN* CmRWhu Ac «•* it H «*4 »•! 49 » *» |t«# ( | »>^l«lnk I >>>4telMto«taAt ‘ “*Hl - I sTtlcSU H ‘i ««R Mi4«*4 I 'I Mf. '-IM.A |MftA«i>IS. t«4«M |b«M4MH kuuit 4 iV l«- *1** •I***♦ r » t**«. «u* II Hf f I I *•»»! « kuuu A ' _ 4* vU«|», lit |M Scientific American. A M.|> * . . i •*»» < I MpM itf ii I ain k«< m ► i.iim »< • i».ii r ) <«f wuiiik*. »i. «*I4 »» ».i WUNNJQo - “-sjewjffrt Christmas Rockers! AT THE RACKET STORE RANGE in prices from 76 cents to $16.00. A good assortment of picture moldings and ready made picture frames at Bock Bottom prices AAfjll sell you a full si?.ed iron bed with brass knobs and rollers *7F\ ¥Y 111 together with a set of bed springs to lit for only / w Call early while 1 have a complete line to select from for A Christmas Present. THE RACKET STORE. and the Loup City Jewelry store is loaded down witlubeautiful Christinas Presents, and at prices I hat will cause you to buy it you will see our goods. Remember our guessing contest on Saturday evening, Deo. 24, at 10:30. We will display this beautiful present in our west window soon. Here are some of our prices in watches/clocks, jewelry silverware, glassware, lamps and musical instruments: * ’ SEE THE FOLLOWING LIST: I OUK JEWELRY -DEPARTMENT. It In with plcasura We cull your attention to thi* department Iwcuuse' we know we can null you In both prices quality mid style, Wo will llrst call your (mention to ye nls chains. A handsome 5 year chain ut 175 bee our ten year ehain ut :i mi Another liua ot rhaliiH at : 15year ehaiu only... . 4.50 'JO year ehain tfolntt ut..5'js l.adics tony chains, latent styles warrant ed to wear for IV year handsome flat chain. 7 your tme-tonib koH, li K *old alldo. 2.7S Nook chains arc a#aln In style We have u small assortment of the left, Old reliable w and H It the beet chain made only. . . 3 Wj If you want one come early ae we have but a few lift OUR WATCH -DEPARTMENT. 1* com|>lot« and we can ault you- (.'onto und see We have the beet make* In stock A good reliable time peace for a SO ■Win or Waltham screw bezel case a *5 A nice line of gold cuseii from_ *# up. In ladles watches we arc prepared to fit both your last and bocket (took MUSICAL -INSTRUMENTS. Guitars from. i 50 up Violin* from. . ... 3 00 up Mangoes from a oo up Violin bows. 50 c. up Acconleons from... , . 3 00up We have a complete stock of strings for all lnatrument Sec Our Lamps! N\ y havo a Iiin* of line lamps from 1.2f» up. It won’t cost you any thing to mw them. Clocks apd Silvefwape W o have moro than w«- want t'omoaml gat mi r price*. You will fln«! u* willing » > H»»w you g<»H|« ami toll you of thoii* merit Thitltkii you for j>a»t fu\**r* ami to «*• you in our ulon* t In a w»mk we remain \ our* onii'ofulh, 1. S. SHKI'PKKI), .li'weU r and Optirain