Lioaal T/sws. m.. i i, -; Well ye* It* cold, we knew ll. Corn for gale at the U. I’. Klevator. Little Dliinle is ih> more, n fool and a gun did it. .1. T. Ilalo lost a valuable eow during the bllzzstd Monday. 0. J. Unit returned to Ida home at rieaaanton. Ia*t Haturday. The Lard of the land la beginning to *(|ue»l as it turn* to pork. Charley French had the misfortune to loie a large fat bog Tuesday, Kuo* Kirk of Kim town-hip wa* doing budiiova In the city la*t Haturday. F. VV, Fuller and awn of the • mill end of the county w»* In the city haturday. liOHehinnky’H Photo Gallery in now open for hiiHinoHs. Oscar llanl*h. Hurt Kdward* and ciar Wllaoti, of Hockvlllo twp , wa* ,il the bub haturday. Hom« fratner'a team ran away while bn wa* in town I oat Halurdy, What damage wa* done we did not learn. Henry French wa* visiting bia par ent* tbl* week, and and, well that I* no body e|»e* business, NH* Austin came down from Cherry county Tuesday, to eat Id* Thanksgiv ing dinner at home Mr. Frank Oould, a former resident of tbl* county, but now a resident of Wy oming, wa* visiting In tin* eitv tbla week. K Holcomb had the misfortune lo run a bunch of shingles In Ills eye last week which caused much discoloration but very little damage. Mr. Chamberlain of Hudson, Mich, representing the estate <>f Alvon Drew, which has tro/lgago Interests In this county, Is In the city. In many seemingly hopeless cases, consumption has been averted, In stop ping a bucking cough, by the use of |>r (■lawyer's Wild Cherry and Tar, Tin greatest medicine for the kidneys that has been discovered In modern times Is Dr. Hawycr’s Ukatlno. The best proof Is to give It a trial. You will never know how quickly yon can lie cured of constipation dyspepsia or liver complaint, until you have tried Dr. Hawyer’s Little Wide Awake l'llls. We sell only what we positively know when we say “Dr, Hawyer’s Arnica and Witch Hazel Halve will radically cure skin diseases,eczema, piles, burns, calds cuts or lle*b wounds. All persona holding ticket* on the music box ut Odendahl Hro’a Drug S’ore, will please bring Ilium in at ouco um the award will be made Dec. 1st. F. 10. Brewer, our good-looking In surance agent and stock man, moved his barn around end for end and back a bout 100 fet t on Ills lots. Frank is tlx lug up considerable of late, It may por tend a wedding Who knows what these old batches may be op to. John Chlpp* of Davis Creek, made this olllce a pleasant call while In town last Ftbluy, Mr. Cbipps has just re turned from a visit to Ills old home In Pennsylvania, and reports all the smoke stacks In that country emitting smoke as an Indication of McKinley prosper ity. The fellows who are continually shoot ing Inside the corporation, will be brought up a Standing one of these days Our tow n has been so tranquil for the past eight years that wo have even dls penccd with a Marshall, but the ordi nance still stands and some fellow will be reminded of it one of those days. On Sunday Nov. 27, services will be held w ith special reference to the heroes of the Maine, of Cuba and Manila. A special collection will be taken at the morning service toward a national mon ument to perpetuate tbelr memory, All Christians and patriots especially invit ed to attend and participate In the *er vice and pay tbelr respects to our hero dead. Mr McKuddcn, the man who wa* aa alsted a abort time (Imre l>y our cltixen* to go to the Sanitarium ut Lincoln, for medical treatment, has written to In* ►l*ter, Mr*, Welkin*, that he wa* advla ed at the Sanitarium that he could not live longer than aprlng, and that he had a* he wa* advised hy thoae giving him the money, went home to die w ith In* fautllj. In 1**7 Mr, Thoinaa M Inlo-di of ,yl lentowii, Term,, had an atlaek ol d)N«< tery which became chronic. It w.» treated by the tu-at |>h) *lelau( In K»*t TennesMc without a cure," |»e s >« “Finally I tried t'haiutierlaln'a (’otic t boh ia and diarrhoea Itruiedy After ualng about twelve hotllee I mi cured •••und and well," Fur *a)e by Oden dahl Hro'a, tlruggOt*. tlilaa Hopper and family of Sturgi-, S. It. and brother ef J |, Uupper, ar rived in th* *lty t’werday evening for 4 vlali to bt* inalivea here, Mr ||op« I per «u a dark tu the More of |( | *> . lor lu tin* . ' but of late war* tin been ageut for the F K A VI V |( It rti t ci H tm- wicod, K it, where he ha i Chai*« duriug ilie liiiMca outbreak I , , later •*» given ih« »- ;t t c ■> u gl* the outlet for F» M i John Hr»ye« ha* purchased a new set of horse clothing for his chargers. The fence around fhe primary school was razed to tin* ground by the blizzard ia*t Monday. All freight trains on the It, A M. anti U. P. w*‘re declared off last Monday, on account «>f the blizzard. High G ratio Photographs at Loschinskys Photo Gallery now open for business. Yesterday the stores were closed a part of the day to g ve our merchants an oppertmiity to thoroughly till up on thanksgiving turkey, J, T. Hale returned from Mt, Louis, last Friday evening where he had been with a car of horses, lie brought bst'k another car Of cattle for the range . Wee Pilger'sud this week and watch out for next week's ad Pilger Is on the war path, and if Ills customers will only give him it little time he will give them some great bargains. A baby hoy came to llye with Mr. and Mrs George MeFudden la*t Monday morning in the midst. < f the storm. All urn doing well hut George said it was awful cold. Mr*.Chris Hnuck won the imiles saw ing contest lit the Modoc Indian Med icine Co., entertainment Wednesday night,and secured the beautiful silver tea set which ha* been on exhibition at lire opera house the past ten days Mhe sawed seven blocks from a 2x1 In one minute. Two other ladle* sawed six and one suceeded In knocking off live. The Modoc Indian Medicine Co., has been entertaining the people of this community for the past two weeks Our friend, Ic. Hpenoer, I* manager of the company, which Insures our people honest dealings. Dr Hpencer is one of Lite few traveling medicine men that can always be relied upon for square dealing, ile I* an expert In hi* profes sion and a gentleman In every respect. On Holiday morning next in the M. K. church, a memorial service will be held at IO:BO a m. In behalf of the hemes who went down In the Maine, ami who fell on Cuban and Manila, battlefield* A special program will be given: All Christian* and patriots ure specially in vited. Humlay evening at 7:30 preach ing. Subject: Fahhful unto death. Two of our boy* went bunting a short time ago, over on the west side of the river, and after llnlsbing their hunt started for home. When passing the Moon school house, concluded to try a shot at the doorknob. Their aim being poor they missed the knob tnd the bul let passed through the door ami also through a large chart that had cost the district about #00.00 After the‘boys get through with the district, they will be wiser if not better hoys. The patrons of the grammar depart 111-111 of our schools turned out In muss one night la*t week, and requested the board of education to raise the sallary of Miss Lillie Hood, to #10 per month, or allow them to make op the extia #5 necessary to induce her to continue teaching that department for the balance <>f the school year. ML* Hood is a teach er of rare ability, and the patron* of that school felt that they could not afford to lose her able management for that small amount. The Get man Verein has decided to give another grand masquerade bull, which will take place iu the opera house, Thursday, December 15. A first prize will be awarded to the lady and gentleman having the best costume, one to each, and a second prize will be giv en to the one adjudged to be the big gest fool. The taking feature of the Lull will be the representation of Dew ey, Schley and lloh*on, also several Spanish dons. The Verein never fails to give satisfaction, and no pains will be spared to make this occasion fully up to Hie standard. Last Mon Jay this part of the vineyard was visited by the wor*t blizzard that came tills way for the past six years. The w ind began blowing Sunday about noon and gradually increased until it blew a gal*, and about midnight it be gan to show. Monday forenoon we bad a genuine blizzard, but shortly after noon it quit snowing and though the wind c -iitinued to blow all -lay, there was an ab'i-nce of snow, which left out door exercise possible Out mighty uu pleasant, The mercury fell to * lielow M noisy luorutng ami still registered | the same Tuesday morning l'nshel j tered stock suffered very much. A serious, ami what come very near ! o, ing a fatal wfair, occurred near Clear • ei'k.l* t Saturday evening with Mr ; \ Hyar-oo ** I be victim Mr Itva'sou, ; ,*e are informed went nut to milk, and upon entering the corral a jersey row ; attack-’** (he d.-g «a* with him i When Hie dog got out of her way *U» I it lack-’I M ' iiv arson, knocking him |down, aud trampling trim under bet s feet >iitting v to long gashes In the scalp r mu} tetying the -Mu loose from tbs j ‘%4ll, i4|vt i)-4iiil4 Wit* fit i*i* U lift! tu tf - nil 4 4*I 44*1 itUtMifl t|**M Ilf f»«*f | I* Mill* uuf li44**J 4ii*t liff leg 4 lib i lit* otbvi tj 'I * i i UtiUl *!♦»» v «• t !l ***##! «** .' j ||4t ffl <'» til# M4U* «| 4*4) I Itft b*tt* Mi M (Hi ft it ii ir| «| j lur it* iuM ljf MiM h^I 10 HU 4* | )Vi,Miti| ib4 4 *i«il« l*r ! • i • ■ ■ * ' f Jrtft. f| |l( |1H **% t f t A PLRAKINU KNTKRTAINMKM't. The Ladies of the Unity Club deaerve • pedal mention for the aucceasful man ner In which their entertainment of ln*t 1'uesday night was gotten up atul car ried nut. Nearly every feature of the program «• rendered, la commented up on a* being tlrat claas. The entertain ment waa commenced promptly at 8 o’clock with every chair In the large opera houae occupied. The president M ra. Convene, atated Jho object of the dub In a few well choaen word*. Till* waa followed by aMong and the Wand drill which waa commanded by Loup City,* Santiago hero, A*hlcy T. Conger. T'tiis drill waa ilrat ola*a In every re aped and waa ao pleaalng to the aud ience that it received a hearty encore, The applause waa kept up until they made their reappearance on the atage. There were about 20 young ladlea that participated In the drill, and notwitli ataiiding the fact that they had had hut little practice they did exceedingly well under the aplended leader ship of Mr. Conger. Perhapt the principle feature of the program waa the debate which followed. The question wan: •‘Heaolved. That we do not approve of the policy of the United Statea in annexing the Hawaii an, Guam -and Philippine lalanda. Affirmative.—itev. W. E. Matthew* and II. M. Mathew. Negative— K J. Night ingale and A. Wall. Kadi gentleman waa given twenty minute* to preaeut Ida aide of the caae, and after a verv able dlaciiaalon a vote waa taken by the entire audience, which rcaulted a* fol low*; No 58 and YeaSfl, or a majority of two In fovor of the affirmative adeak era. Another taking feature waa the Minuet dance, by four couple The coa tunic* represented the colonial time* of 177b. The entertainment dotted with an extilblt of naval relics by Krisigti Mower* of St. Paul, who waa on the Oa ceola, busing the three hours engage ment at Manzarillo. The collection eon alaled ofa variety of ahulla for the dif ferent sized battleahlp gun*, ranging from one pound up to six Inches In di ameter, the battle ablp tlag and other Interesting relics. Mr, Mower* gave very aatlafjctory explanation* of each of the relic*. The entertainment la apokeu of a* being equal to any given In the city for several year* past, and it proved also to be a financial aucceaa. 2ft cent* admission waa charged. FARMS FOBSALE We have for sale on very liberal term* aome choice farms In Sherman County. Long time will be given, on reasonable terms, if * cash payment la made. Cor roeapomlence solicited. J. S. Thompson & Son’s, Lacon, III. * * ♦ AHHTON i.OCALH (lee! but was’nt Monday a cracker jack. Lucky was he who hud a good supply of coal on hand. The storm made it impossible for Kev K. A. Witter to give his lecture Monday evening as advertised. We hear that the Oregon Mediciue Co. arc going to give entertainments here at the hall next week. They begin Monday, the 2Hth inst. Corn husking is almost through in these parts. Mrs. C. C. Miles and family ex pects to leave Tuesday tor Rapid City, 8. I). I. C. U. ♦ • m . ii ■ T. L. Pilger requests us to say that he has been so buisy since our last paper was print ed that it was impossible for him to quote you any new prices this week, but he will give a hot shot next week. Look out for Pilger’s goods and prices, and como around and see him before you buy, for any thing you want. TIME IS MONEY. When you are traveling, due consid eration should be given to the amount of time spent In making your journey. Til* UNION PACIFIC te ihe Bbst I.ime and inaket the Fastest Tine by many hours to Salt Lake City, Portland and California point*. For time tables, folders, Illustrated books, phauiplets descriptive of the ter Itorv traversed, call on—-W, I>. CUE ion. Agent • • • Stamp Six® Photo’,a only 3t6 Cents for Photo’s, (’live them a trial they itreO. K. at U*Ht’hin»kv » Photo (sailers. * * • • ♦ A aura sign ul • tua)> lloiae«»a« |M a , hil l that la aubjeet to eronp la a sure Indication of the ap j b of Hie disease. It i hsotUet lait'a j Cong It K •'iue«|> |a given as msmi as tbe i UHd bevoiue# horse. nr even after tbe croup) ciiogii bas appeared. It mil pre sent the attach Man) lMid on amt |. pleas ant lit lake I'm .ale lit iMcml.M Hto'a I’tuggoi. Mid-Winter (ainpHr* The miri-winter campfire of the Loup Valley Veterans Association will be held at North Loup, Nebr., Tuesday, December 20, IbOS. PWHiltAM Business Session Literary Program Banquet Campfl re In which all the coiurad* sre expected to take, a purl. Comrades, \V. K. C..und I- of d. A. It. and their families are In vited to the banquet. Those coming from a distance will he provided with dinner ut tho homes of resident com rades "Comrades* Includes soldiers ofttH as well a* soldiers of ’<11-05 By order of (Join. Million* tilv«n Away. It Is certainly gratifying to the pub lic to know of one concern In the land who are riot afraid to be generous to the needy and suffering. I'he proprietors of Dr. King’s New DUcoyery for Con sumption, Coughs and (’olds, have given away over ten million trial bottles of this great medicine; and have the satis faction of knowing It has abs'lutdy cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asth ma. Bronchitis, ilorsenesa and sll di sease* of the Throat, Chest and Lungs are surely cured by It. (fall on Odeu* dahl Brit’s Druggists, and get a trial bottle. Itegular size 50c. and 91 Every bottle guaranteed, or price refunded. What Khali Wi Do. A serious ami dangerous disease pre vails in this country, dangerous because so deceptive. It comes on so slowly yet surely that It Is often tlrmly seated before we are aware of It. The name of this disease which may be divided Into three distinct stages Is, First, Kidney trouble, Indicated by pain In the back, rheumatism, lumbago, fre quent desire 10 urinate, often with a burning sensation, the flow of urine be ing copious or scant with strong odor. If allowed to advance, Ibis reaches the Second stage, or Bladder fouble, with heavy pain in the abdomen low down between the naval and the water pas sage, increasing dealre to urinate, with scalding sensation in passing, small quantities being passed with difficulty, sometimes necessary to draw it with in struments. If uric acid or gravel has formed, it will prove dangerous If ne glected. The Third stage la Bright’s Disease There la comfort In knowing that Dr. Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder specialist, has discovered a Remedy famous for Its marvelous cures of the most distressing cases and known as Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Root. Ida sold by all druggists As a proof of the wonderful virtues of this great discovery, Swamp- Root, a sample bottle and book of valuable In formation will be sent absolutely free by mail on application to Dr. Kilmer A Co , Binghamton, N. Y. When writing kindly mention that you read this liber al offer in the Loup Citt Noiitiiwkht KKN. All Kyi)* Turned to Lincoln. The Omaha exposition has closed and all eyes are now turned toward Lincoln the capital city where the legislature will booh meet. The instillation of new state officers, the election of a United States senator, and other matters of rnucb importance will make Lincoln the center of state interests and every Ne braskan will want to read the old, re liable standby, The State Journal, dur ing the coming year. As a special in ducement to secure new readers, The Semi-Weekly Journal, printed every Tuesday and Friday, will be mailed from now until January 1, 1900, for $1 00 This la a mighty long time for tbe mon ey and ttie sooner you send your dollar the more papers you get. Tbere Isn't any other paper In Nebraska that gives so much for the money. It is twice us good as the old fashioned weekly. Try it. Address, The State Journal, Lin coln, Neb. - —» » ♦ Tbe Beat Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on to the affected parts Is superior to any plaster. When troubled with a pain In the chest or side, or a lame back give It a trial. You are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt re lief which it s(lords. Pain Balm is also a certain cure for rheumatism. For sale by Odendabl Bro's, Druggists. from Maw Zealand. Kick*TOM, New Zeiaml, Nov. US), I Mai. I am very pleated to elate that aiuce i took the agency of chainberlalu'a med icines the aalebaa been very Urge, more especially of the t ough Itemed y la two veara I have aold more of tbla par* tlcuiai remedy than of all other makea for the prevlmia Mve year# A a to lu elMcac.v, I haye been Hitoimed by acorea of perauda of the good reaolta Ibey have received from It, and know It* value from lbe u*e of It lu mv owu bOuaeholil. It la t v ttete*e»s«s hevh«e *» *d» dreeitd siaatpe*! sat slope list Met t k. | lists, reeel , Itept M Chicago. II T 1VI REED I dealer in t r -A FULL LINK OK Washing Machines, Sewing Machines and Implements and Hardware. Wipdpiills, Pupips and Pipes (< Singer Sewing Machines for 82.5.00. STEEL RANGES AT BEX) ROCK PRICES. If you need anything in my line call and see me and you will be convinced that all we have for sale is offered at very low figures. Don’t fail to call and -e our BRAN NEW STOCK OF BUGGIES. EAST SIDE I’l'BUO '.'I'AUK. LOUP CITY, - - NEB. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Calls Attended Night or Day G. H. Gibson, Funeral Director. Itl CKI.KIS.V AHNICA NAbVK, The best salve in the world for Cuts Bn uses Sores I'lceis Salt Rheum Fever S«res Tetter Chapped Hands Chilblains Carns and all Skin Kruptlous and pos itively cures l’lles. or no psy required. It Is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfae tlun or money refunded. Price 2ft cents w box. For sale by Odemlahl Jiroa. |)o you want a thorough business ed ucation ? Do you want to learn shorthand and ty|i« writing V l>o you want to III your-elf for teaching 1 If so Attend the St. Paul lltislm >■> and Normal College Write f *r particular* to Si Paul, Nel, Autivk mu.iuitoim w antiu m m I stare fur Ihr Mlurt i* I be I'li i>r by Mural II aUieail. i'«MuuilMt,>a«- I l*r ih i* < •raiiakl m i Wulsl IIUlurMi Hit- V at it, partuient The l«Hih na« »rtll< « 'u . r«w|i, it San Visib Is u „« ih* rlai«vtat Morrill lathi- ii—iii'ol at li ta Hum K' ns in lh« Anar. Manila lathe laourseai , trait. »i'h Ay u .1 .hi »a the tteah <•! lb* iHympia * n (t aa>l ta the ru*r «-r natti<> • < ti> (all I Hu • lluMltre In# M«hh llrltnIn! t>! nrU-ns1 i> lur. » labia l>y amoral*', al )•< u*- >«t lb. .as bars* buwb l,ti*r y«i*« i> |“ ila *'•• i, bl pant l‘rmill attorn l* y inwkt iai *ar b«*in» UiiiSt it-, i * Urea., r T lia'hor A.. Aim t UMs . Uhivaan Hi SUCCESS tiihtmik reel w »«41 SIS ri\ att ip* Sum h»M mi tlM •iMXiSS COMfAhV,8aa*ar Pa»aa, b T C«l mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmm — ■■■ — ■ - ■ .. ■ ' ■ ■■ TIMK TABI.R LOI! 1* /CITY, NKBK. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. Joaajih, Salt Lake City, g Kanaaa City. I’nrtlanil, Si. Louia, Sau Franc Den, anti all point* ami all points Kaat uml South West. TRAIN* I.KAVR AS KIII,l,IIWai i.o I Ml K AST No • : t'simaamr 7.A‘.a in » . No no I ret*lit K.Unn ui tiOlNO Wg*T No. ■ I'I .nu*i>r | IS || m. I Mu. M tin* lit. itiVia. iu ilr«i 'tinner and recitnin* chair cart it* uit tlirouah train, Ticket* *it i 1 . i.|b uliactml in any |hjiuI ta ( lliu t nlt***l aial,*a nr t aita'la. I" tin■ *rin Utnu, iua|M, (huh tattle* anil It kf , , 1,1 *>■« nr wrfle In A V. Warla AarIII * *f .1. » II tSi |a, l«t,n't, I'aMUNyar Afe*4H» OOratia, Ncbraika. I . I'. HAII.WAV ** O ii .i.* Oaity vacwtit mu.lay .i*aa>. H'** I k* l tit \n tim* Mnnilav, RwUmailay aa4 I il'U* , <11* i' *il l K|i iu * Imam, Tb>,r*4ay anil I *a»nr*i Ijr, . ; * n. i.i <4 •mob w l»i» irma, 4mm, " Ol' 1111*41 I HI HO mult I J |mo , .I, . >ht* aiala In manage um boa* f » ' • >r kwh a, | iru Ur coil* Ha*. HI * * • . k i nailneto l a| • ha »* ar »h4 ' *n» linf*, W «M §»> It h e * * » »»'• U|w4