Lieutenant Bradley A. Flfko, U. S. N., has written an article for the No vember Century entitled "Why We Won at Manila." Lieutenant Flake contrasts the discipline, marsHmaiishlp and training of the American nnd v. Spanish sailors, and Rives an impres Salon of the engagement from the view m point of "the man behind the guna.” p The writer, who la an officer of thn £ Petrel, was stationed aloft, where he oonld see al>ove the smoke and have an unobstructed view. His duties were to measure the enemy's distance, so be had the means and tbn leisure ip for observing everything connected j: with the action. Trying to quell a womans wrath Is I a good deal like sitting down on a V bunch of lighted firecrackers to pre I vent tv.elr going ofT. Lady's lorgnette with rolled gold chain free by saving Diamond "CJ" Boap wrappers. Ask your grocer. If there Is any luck In a horseshoe It must be bard luck.. Cough* ft ml OoIiIn Cnr«*«| IJ'ilik With Ur. tM*th Arivflil'a KIH«r. AH Hrugglita *u4 Cuuutr* blow*. '1%'. ft iHiUic ; People who swallow a sailor's yarns y *re aid to get worsted. U " 1 -- - ■ I RpEeping] . I Consumption 1 £ Do not think for a single I I moment that consumption will ;; 1 ever strike you a sudden blow. 1 ? It doe* not come that way. J I It creeps its way along. { First, you think it is a little I t cold; nothing but a little hack- * | ing cough; then a little loss in < 1 weight: then a harder coujtb; I | then tne fever and the night I I sweats. 1 | The suddenness comes when g I you have a hemorrhage. ft I Better stop the disease while 1 I it is yet creeping. I S| You can do it with £ [Ayer’s j [energy Pectoral I You first notice that you I cough less. The pressure on f the chest is lifted. That feeling I of suffocation is removed. A I cure is hastened by placingone of 1 Dr. Ayer’s Cherry J Pectoral Plaster j I over the Chest. I A Book Froc. I St is on the Diseases of the ft Throat and Lungs. I WrHrn urn FrmcJy. Q If jr< u fiiiitf any o wl.attTfr mk fn.'l ilf j.n* t!ttf !»#• •« m* hh*mI you run pot'lhiy ferrite, writ** »!«•• < ih tor ■B freely. You wl.l waive » prompt reply,, Bk wltlMMit t ost. A’Mrraa. jj A 1*11. J. C. AY Kit. Lowall, Mam. % / manaCV new discovery: «n*. 1 null k r.tlrf iml riTM huikJ run... Send f..r book «f tuMlmimlato amt in lrri»l .limit *>• «■ l»r. M.H.i.UkkV*Ou*s. tUui.,ib W. N. U. OMAHA. No 48-1898 Vbco Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Taper. The November number of the North ! American Review offer* to the public a most attractive table of contents. Under the title of ‘‘The Far Eastern Crisis," Archibald K. Oolquhotin, au thor of “China In Transformation," ably discusses the proper methods by which the governments of Great Brit ain and the United States may be moved to Interest themselves actively In the welfare of that country. “Na tional Public Health Legislation" Is dealt with by U. O. H. Wingate, M. D., secretary of the Wiuconsin state board of health, and a cnnrmlng article Is contributed by Edmund Gossc on "Norway Revisited." It has been found that Colonel I George Waring died a poor man. and that the suddennesa of his death left Ills financial affairs In a state of con fusion. Ex-Mayor William I* Strom* has beaded u movement for a memo rial to show the appreciation by the citizens of New York of the colonel’s work, and which will, at the same time, provide for Mrs, Waring dur ing her lifetime. , ae Idea that a gov ernmental pension should be granted to the widow Is not favored by her friends, and there Is grave doubt, too, that such a measure would pass con gress. I There I* m Class of People Who are injured by the use of coffee. Recently there has linn placed In all the grocery stores a new preparation railed GRAIN-0, marie of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without distress, and hut few can tell It from coffee. It does not cost over one-fourth as much. Children may drink It with great benefit. 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Try It. Ask for UHAIN-O. Nature works wonders, and men en deavor to get them patented. Du ion Want to Dive In a fine, mild and healthy climate, where cyclones and blizzards are un known, where good, rich lands ran be bought at low prices, near cheap trans portation and with educational and industrial advantages? llomeseekers’ excursions to Virginia via the "Rig Four Route'’ and the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway. Write for descriptive book of Virginia, list of farms for sale, excursion rates, dates, time-cards, etc. J. C. Tucker, O. N. A., 234 Clark street, Chicago, III. Satan smiles every time he sees two men trying to trade horses. For a complete list of prizes, useful end ornamental, given free to purchas ers of Diamond "C" Soap write to the Cudahy Packing Co., So. Omaha, Neb. The boy with made-over trousers takes after his father. Plso’s Cure for Cornumptlon is the liest of ull cough cures.— Uoorgs W. Lots, 1 abucher, Lu , August -0, lktio. It Is the silent man that is usually worth listening to. ri cur;; a coi.d iis.onk dav Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tablet*, All druggists refund the rnoni r If It fells to cure. •15c, The genuine has L. It Q. un curb tablet. A locomotive engineer to whis tle for his pay. WESTWARD HOf Informal tun for the Traveler. Whenever the traveler, tourist or busi ness man I* westward hound he must not fall to trot el via the Rio Grande West ern railway -"Great Salt Lake Route. ’ It Is the only Itaiiscoiilliientul line pass ing directly through Salt l.aku City, and In addition to the glimpse It affords of the Temple City, the Great Salt Luka and picturesque Salt Luke and Utah Vul jev, It offers choice of three distinct routes through the mountains and tho most magnificent scenery In the world. Tho R!o Gi unde Western railway Is Just as popular In whiter as In summer. On ull Pacific Coast tourist tickets stop-ovi is are grunted at Denver, Colo rado Springs. Mnnltou, Leadvllle, Glen wood Springs, Salt Luke City. Ogden and other points of Interest. Double dally train service and through Pullman and Tourist sleeping car* between Denver and San Francisco and Los Angeles. For illustrated pamphlets descriptive of the "Oreat Salt J.uke Route,” write K. Copeland, General Agent, Owing* Build ing, Chicago, or F. A. Wsdlelgh, General Passenger Agent, Salt Luke City. Towns are seldom as red as they are painted. CATARRH CURED - Lite* of aulTerlug and uilwry from thla repnlalra dlaeav. turnatl into health apd lutppl ua»s through lit* uau of Richard's catarrh Expeiiant. After raara of aim.'ial atudr and pracllra In iltte**** of llm Mmut Mamhran*. and a*pa> (I* If of t aiairhal Imnltlc*. nr hum at laal riart-inpaii a iroatniai I i h it will putll'talr and prrmam ntljr < ur« I atarrliai l> tento* In wltalrmr form tin * tnaji >■«• Aft*’ full* 4'Un.n Srailign.t merit* of fhla irealn out In a private pr*. U- > of i ter flt <• imk and an.-. r»» ill* Iraatui* and ' nrli>4 11.0 moal ni.tiln.tii •» ». a< 4 hallana* tin-1* urt.i fur * raw ut ttetrh ur I alarrhai l"iw»w our CATARRH SXPILLANT Will at>4 ma Itralum. ret it. ling ff -m I 'a'arrlt i|u > . Ijr t urud Iun uf «*«w uf natell anti laalu 14u vk I* retimed All rapulalen afoipii-ma j«a to t alirrltal*. aa foul hranlh, naval Utacluti gaa Marhloa. < unaMna. aad apUHitg. ra!leva avvlott affecting in* t llte an.l Mr* »urttt and tatting tin t* ttrganli at. 4 •rtu.1t U.itnmm to tltoadr.l hjr ettrr n.aa anti •.•man TWaar rtaiktawt ara Mini H CATARRH IXPCLLART and per fa. » haaiih aad •Vaaailt fttllf ratit4*4 n»tr fit* Tiutnlivd 1. tiIto a.a tTa prult* ..( lra*lat«u| r* cal11J Jtiaarj I. I'Wf If |itn hpta Ualprrh or any i'«'*rrh*l IHtatta. RICHARD’S CATARRH EXPELLANT IflU **ra »ott )U.I >.t tun a* water will ^aat -It ih rat rt ta 1.. 1. for i«tii>n«Mil*i* aad ta u#ote laattu. lira papar tm Mwna d.aaatat »KST I ItM: A44r*aa T.M‘ C. H. RICHARDS CO.. OMAHA NKHMAIK.V GUARANTEED TO CURE Milk 'k« .**»». k Wtl« K . »M ««*4 Dr. Kay’s Lung Balm. *ilM ... , >k-4 »i i *•« • <*l **•> t l»*« • i «i«« Mil I iHllti ■ »"l *■» ll«n«|Wl < WM l»> — Hiini M » 114 l M«ni * r.i.*, M • •••». 4*., the family practitioner, to dinner, and confide In him his perplexity. No tea—no cof fee—no tobacco- ami Retting weaker j every day! “Oh! take a glass of wine; you re feeling ‘run down.* You wunt a fillip! Take two glasses once In a way- do you no harm- do you good!” Chlvers took two and felt better; but (he next day he received a pamphlet Issued by the ‘Society for the Total Ab olition of Hops and Wines.” which proved that indulgence In ulcohol tempted the best nton to commit crimes of violence and shame, and hurried thousands Into lunatic asylums! “Old man! I say!" cried a loud voice close to him. which ntude him start, “hang all doctors! cure yourself! I sink at me - never a thing the matter with me since-” “Since when?” arke.l Chlvers, turn | in* a lack-luster eye on bit lialu and | rubicund friend. “Since 1 became u vegetarian.” Now, If there was one thing Chiver* could still fancy It was boiled leg of mutton and caper sauce. The strug gle In Chlvers' breast waa brief but declalve. "Bounce,” he said. “I have gone through much 1 know how to suffer. The bitterest sacrifices seem to be de manded of tta la this world. I re- j nounce boiled mutton ” But Chlvers, In hia tea less, coffee less, tuba*co-less, (Milled mutton r.-d caper sauce-lessnesa grew dally mul* dejected and mar* pale “Come up In Hrutiand old man a j little ya« tiling round the Hebrides do you all the good in the woild Me* alp, you know ” Ho Chlvers went on board the rthy larh ithe waa • utter rigged and only II mna. title had not been nut more than tso bon* when »he #*> ok an » iord, how dry rowing makes one!" be exclaimed, and they filled him up a foaming breaker of brown ale. Ohlv | ers forgot that he was a teetotaler, an I drank It off. As they sat by the log Are, Sloggers. I liaison and liaison lit up and offered Chlvers a cigar. He forgot the doc tor's warning about tobacco and smok ed It. latter on they joined the ladles In the little cozy, wood-walled draw ing room looking over the brink of a precipice, right out to sea. Slugger's pretty young wife dispens ed the aromatic “Souchong" In dulnty ^ cups of biscuit china, while her sprightly younger sister offered cream, and plenty of It. too. Next day Sloggers said: Chlvers, my boy, we're old friends, and I want to do you a good turn, '"here's nothing really the matter with you. or If there was, the shipwreck's cured you. AH you want Is fresh uir, an active life, something to do. and eat and drink whHt you like. You shall be my High land agent, steward, overseer, call It what you will. Try It for a year!" Chlvers clasped Sloggers by the hand. "Sloggers," said he. "you under stand me. You are my friend. I don’t think there's much wrong with me. The doctors mean well, but they don’t understand my complaint. You alone have discovered the physic that suits me." New York World. SHIPPED HEM GOODS HOME. Am>-rirnn Woman Nrnili Kurulture In » Van All Ilia Way Iron Uermany. Miss Drake, a Philadelphia woman, who has for Bomr years been residing in Welsbaden, Germany, lias Just re turned home, bringing with her a lot of valuable furniture, which she ship ped In a fashion never previously at tempted. Mias Drake’s father waa at one time American minister to Ger many. During the family's residence abroad, the young lady, having a taste for the unique in furniture, had by degrees come inio possession of a great deal of valuable household goods. Recently she decided to return to her native city, but was fearful lest some of her effects should suffer damage In transit. She hit upon a plan which wus decidedly novel, although some what expensive. She hired one of tho largest furniture vans to be had In Europe, and In it were packed her household goods under her close and careful supervision. Six strong horses drew the van from Welsbaden to Ham burg, where the body of the vehicle wsh lifted from tho axles and deposited In ihe hold of tho German steamship Assyria, which was hound for Phila delphia. Upon the arrival of the As syria at Philadelphia Collector Thom as, upon the application of E. Duchey & Co., the representatives of U/U Drake, detailed Customs Inspector Ma guire to take charge of ills vehicle. The huge box was set upon wheels once more and six horses drew It to the South Porty-ftrst street residence, where It was unloaded under the eye of the inspector. The van will be sent hack to Hamburg, completing a jour ney of 6.1)00 mi lea. Miss Drake Is en tirely satlslled with the result of her experiment, her cherished belongings having been deposited In the Philadel phia home without sustaining break or scratch. THE BREAD-AND-BUTTER AGE. Period of l.lfe Wlrnu Mlu la Apt l.o lla • Nuisance. One of Byron's objections to the miss just out of school was that "she smell ed so damnably of bread and butter.’’ Thut Is a defect easily overcome, which is more than can be said of some oth ers. A young woman of uncertain age was discussing this period of ex istence the other evening and thus ex pressed herself: "Among the things for which I uni truly thsnkful Is the fact thut I have got beyond that age. There is no period of her existence, 1 think, whcteln woman appears to less advantage. It I* almost impossible for the average gil l of 17 not to be con scious, and she has so little knowledge of the world thut she Is unable to hide her awkwardness. It Is amusing, al beit rather pathetic, to see the efforts uf the poor tltlugs to appear natural and at their ease and to say their little say without betraying that they have prepared It beforehand. Bread -mid buttsr misses may be classified under a few head*. There I* your frank hobbledehoy, who despise* effecistlun. and who. In consequent*, Is apt to be rough and III mannered, then tb« sweety girl, who puls on an Indescrib able smile of fatuity and whom you feel at times you would llhe to shake: next tbe srlslotraile girl, conscious of her position, who ha* aotning lo say, end therefore dues aot say it; and tbs last and funntmt development of all, the lusspet temed Hitt# girl from tbe nursery, wh«» thinks it le the thing to be a little tapld 1 I tupp tec that girls of that youthful age «»t>»ider me a* *a old Meld aad would be surprised to know that I by an means envied them and that lb*i afforded m« tbe greatest rutsMsigauehl, but M I< true. i»‘»«rthe less " Mte riu*n>s "js t’iaichunter ekpect* a *«a*cure, UOew b«*' Yes. be thinks he't| be appointed tl.osietueut Weather I'tupk St luf Cuba Me intends to p. edict several months uf beat end rein end ge off un n u siluti * pmi Worthington C. Ford, who 1b known ; as one ot the foremost etutlBtlelans of the world, has been called to the hctvd of the historical and statistical work of the Huston public library. His function Includes that of seeing that the library Is supplied with the full complement of works of history and statistics, and of being at the service of scholars In utilizing such riches of the library to the best advantage. The death In laiulsvllle, Ky., of Wil liam II. Walklns recalls the fact that he was the youngest volunteer In the Confederate army during the civil war. He enlisted at the see of 14, Nothing humbles the average man more than to And himself in the soup when he thought he was In the swim. Ttif Amrrlran Hoy's Hsttleslilp. 13very American hopes our school boys will succeed In thdr efforts to raise (3,000,000 to be used In build lug a battleship. It coats great sums to build a warship, hut you can build up your health with Hostetler's Stom ach Hitters at small expense. This remedy Is for all stomach, liver and bowel disorders. When a woman parses a man on the street and looks duggers at him hr Is very apt to feel the cut. Frss (invent men t l.aoili. There are still thousands of acres of government lands In the states of Washington and Oregon, also prairie and timber lauds near railroad or wa ter communication (hat can be bought for $B an acre and upward*. There are no cyclones, blizzard*, long winters or real hot summers, no failure of crop*. Take your choice. If you wish lo raise grain principally or finest alock on o, * I.OCAS I'OUSTV, f Frank J t'beuey makes oath that lie Is the senior nsritier of Hie Arm of F. J. ( 'henry A Co.. dolus (iiistni'K* In the City of Toledo, County sort Stiile aforesaid, nnd that said Itrm will pity the sum of ONK HUNDKKO IH’d.I.AK.S for each and every esse of i'nisrrli Unit eunuol Lis eurril by the use of llall's (‘starrb ( are. FHANK J. CHF.NKY. Sworn to before me mnl MiliNcrlhrd In mv pit sence, this Sib day of December, A. J). IHsA (SLAI.j A W. Uf.KANON, Notary Public. Hell's Catarrh C ure Is taken Internally, and •els directly on the blood and morons Miirfnent of tlie system. Send lor ICHlImotilsIs, free F J CIIKMCY AtO .Toludo.a Bold by Druggists, TSc. Hall's Family Pills ure the best Why don't policemen carry umbrel las to arrest the rain7 Coe’s Cough Unlawm ■ the otiteel sud liesi. It will break up s cold tpipker bsn wij'ibln* sit*. >l Is always rnl'shis. Try tl. niches mi*y fly away, but n man's bald head alwuy* see* him through. Mrs. Miiisiow-s soothing Syrup fnr till Mi cn foriiiiny m»ff ciib Him ^iiiii.rnflm r-l nf am matiaii, Mil*) (• |»«b>ft, fillet windrollo, V lenLst A sandbag in the hands of the hold up man is a stunning a air. _ BFRCXTsrZTlsr sals. I) psr sers tstk.SstrklJB til paid J Maffcall. Slsas^^J^JJ When Colonel Waring wanted the appointment for cleaning the New York streets he was jokingly told by those in authority that heaven Itself •ouldn’t clean them in a century. "I can do It In a month,” said Waring. Why do 20 cent men usually own $20 logs? Ia hi* address to the Harvard stu dent* the other day, llev. Dr. Edward Rverett Hale laid down three rules which he acid had been the greatest help to him in life They were; Be In the open air all you can; rub against the rank and flie daily, and every day hold Intimate conversation with a su perior. Ills wife -“Why don't you go to the doctor and find out Just what you ought to eat and what you ought. t'» avoid?" Dyspeptic—"Oh, I know all that now. I ought to eat. everything I don't like and avoid everything I do."- Tit-Hits, CONSULTING A WOMAN. Mrs. Pink hum's Advloo Inspired Gontidnnce and IIopo. Examination by a male physician 1* u hard trial to a delicately organised woman. Nhe pub* it ol? as long os she dare, and In only driven to It by fear of can cer, polypus, or some dreadful ill. Most frequently micIi a woman leaven a pliyMi'iiHi h ofuca where she ha* un i dergnmi a critical examination with anlinprchalon.roore or h’**, of d 1*001) r u jfc me nt. ’J’lil* condi tion of tho mind destroy* the effect of advice; and nho (trimn worse rather Mian Isdtcr. In consulting Mr*. Pink* lnim no hcdtutlon need lsi felt, the story In Mild to a woman and In wlioliy contldcntiul. Min. Plnkhum's address Is 1/ ynn, Mass., slid offers sick women her udvine without charge. Her intimate knowledge of women’s , troubles make* her letter of advice u | wcllsprlngof ho|M‘. und her wide experi ence and Nkill point the way to health. ** i suffered with ovarian trouble for seven years, and no doctor knew what Was the matter with me. I had spells which would last for two days or more. 1 thought I would try Lydia K. Pink ham’* Vegetable Compound. I have taken seven bottles of it, uml am en tirely cured." Mrs. Joon Foiikmax, N. Woodlierry Avo., llaltimore, Md. The alsive letter from Mrs. Foreman Is only one of thousundi*. As Black DYE .^ftjYourWhiskers A Natural Blaolt with Buckingham's Dye. 60 ct». of R.P.Hail It Co.,Na«hue,N.H. SCORE YOURSELF! r«o lli«f Cl for iiiififti'irot lUt’lini *<♦•■« Hiflftiiiumlioijft, i rtiitin>110 or nliKf «f iiiitr if lit ii t o u * no*rnlii Min-*. PoinlAM, am! uot Ml/in , gt ul nr puinoiiouii. hy l)rnvfl«f«. nr •rut In plain wrapprr, l.v oiprrfNi, nrrpniil fwr •I in, or ft ItnllUn, 92.7ft. ^ * Ircoinr tout on r«*«jur*t \|f A ||f OH hHCSSMAK5R8 fv ulllull »ndcanvassers A® • • • AwA® ilirimitlniut tint simm., to «.lt **TIIK OXI,V” Skirl llmti'. M il.vli'. fur tint | roiirr Mil of ihn hutlnm or ,klrM In Avo inlmM... I i.rv ,.ilv *.nt. mi., hhi n.r <.nt In iim.iii. IMimIi. 'nr mIll'll.. Tbs Onljr Skirt here is the proof* In Id!r»n thrt* trt fin tolilwn ntorr popular ami rhtclaat Ilian Mat K Ituvtra. hi,l Migrant «( Cu M III* Uotar fa at *pr|iata w un* nf lh« numi al.tbhsrn at at)maul*, and Ikur It acafcaly • cl rk at oft,# wan but tahal la >uu*# or traa a vkeitna puaa data I could rak nhlla al okhrf ttutca I Mould ba *tai»U>a I to o diatirw*! pain* Mould !••«.# no In •ptlk ami I ha*-- litad many I Irratnualaatad irnwdkrn but tkr* would b»tp only M a tunc A fitnnd I milord MM kulry |M Wtlkkanta Pink PHI* t tit k\>t *f y«»k«.S0V per bo» .b> tkt Df fhltitms Mtdiont U.Stht'vtOMig r V -A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSE FUL OF SHAME." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO