The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 18, 1898, Image 8

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    Don’t You Know These Peop e?
giving free concerts nightly at the opera house. They represent the Oregon Indian Medicine Company, of Corry Pa. and guarantee the Medicine to cure b\ putting money in the bank.
They give away costly presents every night, did you get one? They give a special show Saturday night and give away ten presents. Take your family and have a good time; they will
remain here all of next week.
WEDNESDAY NIGHT, NOV. 2*3, special show and wood sawing contest between six ladies for a silver tea set and turkeys given away.
THURSDAY NIGHT THANKSGIVIG NICHTi Special performance and boys contest.
SEE HIM- He has an office in the opera house and you can consult him free. WHO? The doctor, acting as agent for the Indian Medicines named:
KA-TONKA; Cures all blued
diseases Dyspepsia, Liver C< n
plaint, Kiduey disease Scrofula,
Catarrh, Malaria, constipation, Him
mutism, Biliousness and female
weakness, l’rice $1.00 per bottle.
MODOC OIL: The great pain
medicine. Cures ihumatic pains,
neuralgic pains, headache, toothache
earache, backache,chilblains, coins
cuts, burns, scalds, sore throat, pleu
ri=v crarqps, colic pains, cholera
tnorbus, deafness, dysentery nnd
makes cripples walk Two sizes
25 and 50 cents a bottle.
A certain ami rapid cure for recent
and ctironiu coughs, colds, hours
ness, whooping Cough, aud all in
flamed conditions ot the Bronchial
Tubes aud air passage*. Price f>0
cents per bottle.
Solis for 25c or five boxes for
KILLER: It in the safest and
surest Worm Medicine known; it
expels ail parasites known to the
human system. It is made from
the extract of a single root that the
Indian women use to expel worm*
from their children l*y steeping tin
root and making a tea of it. Price t'.’
f un - i atari'll when all other remedies
fail, Old chronic cases Unit, has pels
cued the blood arc permanently cured
by using K A-'i'ON-K A With theanutl'.
This medicine la procured from Medi
cal Lake Washington, formerly owned
by die Nez Perce Indiana. Price 50
per bottle.
U Is called WAli FAINT
War Paint Ointment:
^ piles, old sores, indolent ulcers, cuts, burns, scalds, sore head of children, scrofuletic ulcers, svphiletic eruptions,
OINTMENT because the Indiana u«e it to paint their /aces and decorate thernsalyea. I’rlce 50 cents per box
favor sores, ou:.
Lioaal Daws.
Attorney J. N. Paul, of St. Paul,Neb,
watt in the city on business this week.
Ira Foslerbas been treating his resi
tlence to u new co it of plaster this week.
Leschinsky’g Photo Gallery
is now open for business.
The auction sale of jewelry on the
west aide of the square is going on
Peter Mortz, of Bristol township
watt a pleasant caller at this oltlce Tues
Mr. I. S. Sheppard has been seriously
alck with measles this week but Is re
ported better now.
Mike Komlnskl jr. and MIm Katie
Robelcakl, were married at the home of
the brides parents near Kockvlll, last
In many seemingly hopeless cases,
consumption has been averted, in stop
ping a hacking cough, by the use of I>r.
Sawyer’s Wild Cherry and Tir,
Tb ’ greatest medicine for the kidneys
that has be n discovered In modern
times Is l)r. Sawyer’s Ukatlnc. The
best proof is to give it a trial.
Miss Mattie Taylor arrived borne la-t
Thursday evening from Brooklyn, N. Y.
where she has been for several years
employed as a professional nurse.
Mr. and Mix K. M. Foster of Ord,
and father ami mother of our towns,
meo Ira and F. F. Foster, were visiting
llieir lmya the latter part of last week
You will never know how quickly you
can he cured of constipation. dyspepsia
or liver coinplaint, until you have tried
Dr. Sawyer’* Idtlle Wide Awake 1*1 11m.
We sell only what we positively know
when we say “Dr. Sawyer’s Arnica and
Witch Hazel Salve will radically cure
akin diseases,eczema, piles, burns, scalds
cuts or fle*b wounds.
Services wdll he held at the M. E.
church on Sunday Nov. 20. Morning
preaching 10:80, subject; “St. Peters fish
ing expulition,” Evening, preaching
7:30, subject; Modern Heroes,"The Mai)
C. E. Sheppard and wife,'of Broken
How are here, having corue Monday
evning in response to a telegram Inform
lug him of the sickness of his brother
I. 8. Sheppard, our genial jeweler.
They will remain a few days.
A. Wall has on exhibition at bis law
ofllce a six inch shell which was li’ci1
from the Oceolo at near end of three
hours battle at Manzannillo. He ob
tained the relic from a collection at
St. Paul and which was collected by
.Min Bowers, one of the participants in
that great battle.
A. E. Charlton, a former citizen and
banker of this city but now of Tacoma,
Washington i* In town shaking hands
with hU numerous old time friends.
Ills daughter, Mins Ruby accompanied
him. Mr. Charlton la just as fat and
jolly as ever and we are pleased to
meet him ugain. They will remain
here for a week or ten days.
In ls87 Mr. Thomas McIntosh of ,\l
lentown, Tenn., had an attack o! dysen
tery which became chronic. "It was
treated by the best physicians in Ka-t
Tennessee without a cure,” lie s;ys.
“Finally 1 tried Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Af < r
using about twelve bottle* I was cured
sound and well.” For sale by Oden
dahl Ilro's, Urugglsi*.
•I. M. Snyder received word from
hla wife who went east some ten day*
ago to be at the bedside of her - iek
brother. She report* that her brother
died on the l’J:b in*t, Ml*. Snyder had
not seen her brother for a gre.ii mat y
years and this meeting jus! lofore In
death an.) before the last opportunity
of seeing him iiad gone -«o uicle
tilled with great sorrow, a eoinfurt to
la* with him again
J. A Mpevaeelt, one of Ritcm , »
prominent ritilsili was dolug buslm a
•it the cl'jr l*»t HfediMNnlay l|« made
his olttco s pli iniii call and |< ft a Pig
•liver shiner .n
weekly visit Irom tin* paper I t the
coming year Mr, bpevaech’. bu*i»e*-t
was of a I*gal form si i with attorn, -
M J Nightingale II *.n also at
l.ltvhheid. and drove avrvaa ttie countty
lo Loup City,
MAltltl Kt>.
brrroN-Wilson November 16th 189,s
at high noon, Ml*s Kva A Wilson, of
Ashton, Nebr wa« united In the holy
bonds of wedlock to Mr. Ho wan
I), Hutton, of Loup City, Neb., in the
pre.-enee of about (15 friends and rein*
tlv« at ihe home of the brides parents.
At high noon the bride and groom,
preceded by Hey. L E. Humphry, en
tered to the strains of the wedding
march executed by Mrs. L E. Humph
ry and took their places lieneath the
bridal arch of evergreen and bitter
sweet, with a back ground of white de
corated with cut (lowers and potted
plants, fhe brides costume was white
brocade trimmed in Mouselaine de foie
pearls and satin ribbon. White kid
gloves, slipper* and veil complete the
costume. The veil was held In place
by bridal roses and smilax and bridal
roses at the throat. The groom was
clad in the conventional black. The
parlor and hallway were decorated with
evergreen amt bitter-sweet’ The dining
tables were decorated with chrysan
tbtitns. Immediately after the ceremo
ny an elegant luncheon was served
.space will n it permit us to list the nu
in* r nis and elegant presents received by
the bride.
Miss Wilson having lived among ut
most of her life, and being highly cs
teemed by all who knew her. gees with
the best Wishes of filends. Ml- Sutton
comes of a fine family and h is our con
gra?ulatlons. The young couple will
make their home hi Loop City.
W. </. Hunker made a flying business
trip to St. Paul, Thursday forenoon.
A. 1$. Outhouse of Loup Pity was here
Friday looking after his lumber Inter
OJendyke A. Hunker received a ear of
flour Friday.
Miss Sadie VValworth came down from
the “hub” Saturday and spent the day
with friends.
Mr«. Fred Anderson, who has been
visiting among friends and relatives for
the past month in these parts, left for
her home at Wyoln, Montana.
The announcement is out that Rev.
E. A. Witter widdeliver his celebrated
lecture entitled “Pilgrim's Progress” at
the Presbyterian church, on Monday
evening, November31. The gentleman
comes well recommended, and all should
turn out an 1 hear him. The price Is 15
Mr. K A. Wlls 'U, of Cuba, Wise., and
Mrs. L. A. Wilson, of Seward Xebr. ar
rived Monday evening for a short visit
itoong relatives and friends.
K. .1. Harden is back here again this
veck to call upon Ins many “Deerlng”
\ i rj’ idee snow we had wasn't it?
It ih reported that there will bn a
•lance here on Thuuksgiving night, also
11but the Degree of Honor lodge will
igive an oyster supper on the same eve
Word was received Sundav of the
death of Mr. Frank Wasielowskl at
South Omaha. Mrs. Stanislaus Galc
/inski left Monday to be with her broth
er during his bereavement.
Mrs. Stella Miller of Havelock, Neb
arrived Monday evening for a visit
with Mr .1 I*. Taylor's.
Mr. and Mrs M S. Lllin arrived Wed
nesday forenoon to atte.l the "Wilson
Sutton” wedding. While here thev
will make a short visit among friends
and relatives,
Mr, Karl Kendall of St. Haul, has deen
here the past Week <ui business.
i. * r.
I lie Junior -ei ine ol this paper made
.1 bu'iue- trip to Hockvllle. Wednesday
And while in that city hail the pleasure
ol evoli ingli g Ideas with old friends
lion s J, Fair. 1* doing it rushing busi
tie- In the hardware line, and knows
hov (oentertain a guest. We also •hook
band- with t*-ear 11 * islet*. Geo
IV. key and I mo Kleleher, of the ln.«|.
in •• fraten.ltv of that metropolis,
I*. I* li.irjea. \ l> lmryea l-ase
h i: \ a, r. 1 St athdee, I. It Allplilii
|i u Ftu s n, N M.i runkshtnk, and
K I. Iiili.a . : \rc.ulla. w as d.iwu Weil* night •t'.'iiilliig Odd Fellows
bulge I he iioiue lodge eoufer. il de
gr* i • i*n three m a lueniher* and a lap
ii I j Her w a* e‘risii at midnight
G.«> I. I), •choter, Sr ealltor of this
|*»pei, dioye front Lilt hdei.l, i«-t Fuo*
day h* »* * .oi* g li 'ine from l.incoii,
Max Le*chin*ky ha- closed lain
Photograph oar at Litchfield and re
turneil with hi* family to Loup City
where he has re-opened hi a gallary an(j
will do business during the winter
month* Mr. Lo*chln*ky report* a very
(food twalne** with hi* ear during the
Hummer *ea*on. He first located at
Arcadia, then at Mason t'lty and from
thence to Litchfield. Hla work haa
given (food aatiafactlon and he re
turn* to u* better than ever prepared
[to (five tiia customers (food service.
He will doubtlet* bo gone at Inter
val* BgHln next season, ao that all who
can should get their work in hi* line
done till* winter or wait until hi* re
turn again. Mr. Legchlnsky Is entitled
to your patronage, not only because he
doe* good work but because he I* a
citizen and a tax payer of our county
and village During hla stay at Litch
field he sent home and paid #25 In taxes
and from hi* summer* work has man
aged to save and make payment of a
neat little sum on hi* home.
The county supervisor* let the con
tract last Wednesday for the construct
ion of the long talked of new bridge
across the Middle Loup river west of
town. Thl* action of the supervisor*
will meet the approval of a large por
tion of the population of the county
who will be directly benefited, and of
all who wish to set- public enterprises
encouraged and CHtablishcd where they
will do the most good to the greatest
number. M. L. Scott, of Wahoo and
who ha* the contract to do the county
bridge work for this year will build the
bridge and commence the work abou
January l*t.
Th* Rout Planter.
A piece of flannel dampened with
(.'liatnberlain’s I'aln Halm and bound
on to the affected parts la superior to
any planter. When troubled with a
pain in the chest or side, or a latne back
Kiye It a trial You are certain to be
more than pleased with the prompt re
lief which it affords. Pain Halm is also
a certain cure for rheumatism. For sale
by Odcndahl Bro'e, F^ruggists,
No ltlKht To t'gllneaa.
A woman who Is lovely in face, form
and temper will always have friends,
but one who would be attractive must
keep her health. If she is weak, sick
ly and all run down, she will be nervous
and irritable. If she has constipation
or kidney trouble, her impure blood
will cause pimples, blotches, skin erup
tion and a wretched complexion. Elec
tric Bitters Is the best medicine in the
world to regulate stomach, liver and
kidneys and to purify the blood. It
gives strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth
velvety skin, rich complexion. It will
make a good-looking, charm Ing woman
of a run-down Invalid. Only 50 cents
at OdenJahl Bro’s.
Aii persons bolding tickets on the
music box at Odendabl Bro’s
Drug Store, will please bring them in
at once as tbe award will be made
llec. 1st
From New Zealand.
RKEFTON, New /.eland, Nov. 23, l WIG.
I im very pleased to state that since 1
took tin* agency of chamberlain's med
icine* the sale has been very large, more
especially of the Cough Remedy. In
two years I have sold more of this par
ticular remedy than of all other makes
for the previous five years. As to its
elMcacv, I haye been Infoimcd by scores
of persons of the good results they have
received from it, and know Its value
from the use of It In mv own household.
It is to pleasant to take that we have to
idace t:ie bottle beyond the reach of the
K. J St'.iN tl.ktll KV
for sale by 0<lendahl lint's
I net aimed Untn
following is a list of unciallued let
ter no a In the l.oup post otllc* and fur
the month ending Not 13. lay*
M 9C Itink, A. U. Hurdlck. J II
i'apron, Kllshe Itebsiaid. timer Karnest.
August Jeskhe, W Moue J II Hughes
, It J Herliorn. I) H Klock I1 Mluke
.1 W. Neeley. J T Wynn klr* t' W
Harris. Mr* 1‘auline llariH Mrs. Maggie
llowe and Mr». I. H llowe,
I K WtlWUtTMi I* M,
The Taaoher* Maat Again,
The Sherman County Teacher*' As
sociation held tbeir second Session In
the school building last {Saturday.
A yery Interesting program was ren
dered, and lively interna taken In the
The following program will be given
at tbe next meeting, December JOth,
1898 at 2 p. m.
Roll call,
Music, selected.
Chapt. If. In World of Matter,
Recitation by Mr*. Anna Bechthold.
Uultar nolo by Lillie M. Hood.
Question box by Mr*, done*.
Chapt. II. of Adam'* Kssays.
L. M. I loon, O S. Lkimimubr,
Secretary. President.
All Kya* Turn ml to Lincoln.
The Omaha expo»ltion ha* closed and
all eye* are now turned toward Lluco In
the capital city where the legislature
will soon meet. The instillation of new
state officers, the election of a United
State* senator, and other matters of
much importance will make Lincoln the
center of state interest* ami every Ne
braskan will want to read tbe old, re
liable standby, The State Journal, dur
ing the coming year. As a special in
ducement to secure new readers. The
Semi-Weekly Journal, printed every
Tuesday and Friday, will be mailed
from now until January 1, 1900,for #1.00
This is a mighty long time for iho mon
ey and the sooner you send your dollar
the more papers you get. There Isn’t
auy other paper In Nebraska that gives
so much for the money. It is twice us
good as tbe old fashioned weekly. Try
it. Address, The State Journal, Lin
coln, Neb.
Women Hhoulil Know it.
Many women suffer untold agony and
misery because the nature of their di
sease i« not correctly understood. They
have been led to belleye that womb
trouble or female weakness of some sort
is responsible for the muny ills that be
set woman-kind.
Neuralgia, nervousness, headache, puffy
or dark circles under the eyes, rheuma
tism, a dragging pain or dull ache In the
back, weakness or bearing-down sensa
tion, profuse or scanty supply of urine
with strong odor, frequent desire to pass
it with scalding or burning sensation,
sediment in it after standing In bottle or
common glass for twenty-four hours, are
signs of kidney and bladder trouble.
The above symptoms are often at
tributed by the patient herself or by her
physician to female weakness or womb
trouble. Hence, so many fall to obtain
relief, because they are treating, not the
disease itself,but a reflection of the pri
mary cause, which is kidney trouble.
in fact, women as well as men are
made miserable with kidney and bladder
trouble and both need the same remedy.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot Is the great
discovery of the eminent kidney and
bladder specialist, and Is easy to get at
any drug store for fifty cents or one
To prove ita wonderful merits you
may have a sample bottle and book tel
liug all about It, both sent absolutely
tree by mall Kindly mention the LOUP
City Noktuwehtkkn, and tend your
address to Dr Kilmer & Co. Hlngham
ton. N. V.
High Grade Photographs at
Loschinskys Photo Gallery
now open for business.
The I.adlea Aid Society will meet at
the house of Mrs C K Johnson Wed
nesday afternoon, Nov.lid, at 9;30 p. ui,
Also at the home of Mrs K S Hay hurst
December 7tb We hope each member
will attend ihese meetings to help pre.
pare for the annual fair and supper to be
given I tee I A.
Mhs H. J. > I'res,
Mns A. It Oi rum •(. 8«v
t'oru f»r sale at the l'. I'. Lie valor.
The l.ollr* of the <« V K will holds
Itasar at the store of W. I*. Heed on
Saturday Nov. 4.
Stamp Hir.v Photo’* only •<"»
iVnt* for Photo's, llive
thrnt a trial they art* O. h at
I«t**H'hinsky's Photo Gallerx.
•p jVI REED Dealer in
Washing Machines, Sewing Machines and
Implements and Hardware.
•Wipdpiills, Pujnps and pipes
Singer Sewing Machines for $25.00.
If you need anything in my line call and sec me and
you will be convinced that all we have for sale is offered at
very low figures. Don’t fail to call and see our
Blii Lite Won Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lllley, a prominent citizen
of Haunlbal, Mo., lately hail a wonder
ful deliverance from a frightful death.
In telling of it he gay*: "1 wag taken
with Typhoid Fever, that ran into
Pneumonia. My lungs became harden
ed, I was ao weak I couldn't ait up in
bed. Notnlng helped me l expected
to soon die «f Consumption, when 1
heard of Dr. King's Newr Discovery,
One bottle gave great relief. 1 continu
ed to use It, and now am well and strong
1 can’t say too much In Its prui-e This
marvelous medicine la the surest and
quickest cure In the world for ail
Throat and l.ung Trouble Kegular
size 50 cents and #1.00. Trial bottles
free at Odendahl lire's., Drug Store;
everv bottle guaranteed.
m t ki.knm1 ahnica salv»..
The best salve In the world for » its
Hnuses Mores Fleets Malt Hheom Fever
More* Tetter ('happed Hands Chilblains
Corns and all Mkln Eruptions and po*
Itlvely eures Piles or no pay required.
It Is guaranteed to give pe.fe, t salDfae
tlou or money refunded Price cents
per bos For sale by OdvuDhl bn><
Do you want a thorough btiAtur, <1
ucatlen 1
Do you want to leant •h«rtk« ml
type writing?
|to you Waul to At yooi-elf fit
teaching *
it *o attend ihe At I* >u1 it •
Nurioai On tege Wilt* f r t>«r ul r*
to Ml Paul. Setiu
Corn for salt* at the U. I*. Elevator.
A Sure Sl|£n of Croup
Hotseucss In u child that is subject to
croup la a sure indication of the ap
proach of the disease, If Chamberlain’*
Cough Itetuedy la given as soon as the
child become* horse, or even after the
croupy cough ha* appeared, it will pre
vent the attack. Many mother* who
have croupy chlldien always keep this
remedy ttt hand ami find that it saves
them much trouble and worry, it can
always be depended upon and Is pleas
ant to take, for sale by Odendah!
Urn's Druggist*.
Tiik Woman's Club -announce an
entertainment to be given at the opera
bou** ou the evening of Nnv.'iJlnd. The
Club will promise you a program worth
listening to, and solielt your patronage,
Program pa I dialled In full neit week,
i hie of Die attractive number* Is a drill
by sixteen >uuitg ladies.—Admission '-‘5.
A. 8* MAIN,
UMI< E. »IUH tllHir * »44l Uf OtHMl
drug «ur»