The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 18, 1898, Image 1
Having concluded to retire bought this fall regardless of cost. from business I will offer my large stock of goods, Come and see my stock of nil new Goods: Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes liats AND CAPS, UNDERWARE. GLASSWARE. QUEENSWARE. NOTIONS AND EVERYTHINGTHAT IS CARRIED IN A GENERAL STOCK OF MERCHANDISE. All my goods must be sold at some price by January 1st., 1899. My store room 24 by 100 feet is for sale trade or rent My entire lot of store fixtures, consisting of show cases, sale, scales, lamps etc. are also for sale cheap. This will be THE 01 CHANCE OF A Til to buy good goods cheaper than ever offered before in this country. 1 expect to have auction sales in a short time but you will find that you can buy goods at my store at private sale so cheap that it will surprise you. Below we quote you a few prices that would make a Spaniard howl: LOOK! LOOK! Watch Out for Next Weak. LOOK! Big War Bn Prices GROCERIES. X. X. X. X. coffee, 1 lb.... Arbuckles coffee, 1 II),... Faust oyster crackers, best, 1 lb. A. 11. C. soda crackers 1 lb.... Oat meal crackers, 1 lb. Mixed cookies, 1 lb. 17 lbs Granulated sugar. 10 cent. .10 “ , (1 “ 8 » 8 “ 1.00 10 Iba oat meal. First quality Hat can sal moo. Alaska salmon, 1 can.... .... .... Corn starcb, one box. .... Fail Jelly, per pail. . Fail syrup, per pail. .. Grand Fa a wonder soap, per bar. Battle Ax tobacco, per pound.... .... Standard canned strawlwrries, |*er can . .. Standard cauued raspberries, per can.... Standard canned oeeUriies, per can. Standard canned black riles, per can Cape t'*sl cranberrtea, |a>r quart.... . 25 cents .12* “ ...8 “ . .. 4 “ . 45 “ 50 “ . :$o *• HI *• .10 “ ... lo ** 8 •• I)11Y GOODS Bent prints, per yard t 5 and i( cents, worth from 7 to 10. Best check ginghums, per yard.5 cents dress “ “.6 7 and 8 “ Dress crabrick, .... .... ... .... ...,4 “ Ice wool per box. . . .... ...10 “ Imported Saxony yarn, 3 skains for . . .. .... .... 2f> “ Domes to Soxony, per skein ..... .... .... ... & «< German knitting yarn, per skain.,.. . .... 15 *• Zephyr, a skein .... .... .... . . 5 •• It would be useless to attempt to give you prices on my dry goods. If you will sue my Goods and learn my Prices they will sell themselves ROOTS AND SHOES M\ bool and shoe stock must bo sold am) I wdl make prices on lUem that will sell them. It is impossible to give you prices. You must see the goods to appreciate their value HATH AND CAPS I have a large stock of on a ami bnv'a bats which I will close out at 50 cents on the dollar. STONEWARE, (Jl EENSWARE AND GLASSWARE All tlio»u goods will be *■ Id Ml ST til). No other nu-r iisnl Milk crocks sod pans, jk» d Slone churns, per gal, . All oilier goods in projKnlio > rung Ibdaction AH TMKy A 7 cents 1 *•