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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1898)
Uooal Daws. » i»y . — m Jay Cole of Aioton, was a Loup i:ity vlaitor over Sunday. The German church services were Very well intended la»t Sunday. Win, K Hherman of Clay tovtnmip was a pleasant caller Tuesday. Stamp size photos, 2S for 25 cents, at Lescbinsky’s photo gallery. James Jlentfrow threshed 850 bushels of (list clasa outs from 10 acres of laud jerry Shrove took a turn oo the buck ing broncho of the I O. O. F. last Wed nesduy night Lesebinsky’s Photo Gallery will be opened Nov. 15th, for the fall and winter season. Win. Crlss finished his falls work la»t Friday and housed his a team thresher until next season. Mr G. W, Wise, our popular miller, I* the happv father of a bouncing boy. Mother and baby are doing well. 8. N. Sweetlar.d, Supervisor of ills, trict. No. 11 was doing business at the county seat lust Monday. A new floor has been put down in the M E. Church this week Other nec essary repairing lias also been done. Mrs. John Hutson and two boy*, James and Forest, are visiting with the family of Peter ltowe, this week. Mrs. Oavid Christaiii. who Is at pres ent stopping with her father, Mr. Wm. Carutb, about eight miles down the river is reported very ill. Mrs, K. A. Smith of Hockville, and who has benn very sick for the past t« n days, is reported much better and out of danger. In many seemingly hopeless cases, consumption has been averted, in stop ping a backing cough, by the use of l)r Hawyer’s Wild Cherry and Tar, Lon Zink was reported very sick last .Saturday night, having been tak«n ill very suddenly, but prompt utteo Ion by Dr. Main soon eased him. Tli" greatest medicine for the kidneys that has been discovered In modern times Is Dr. Sawyer's Ukatlne. The best proof Is to give It a trial. Walt McNulty’s team ran away with the running gears to the wagon, last Monday morning. The wagon was somewhat broken hut no further dam ages done. Cbas. I’aige returned home last Sun duy evening from a six months stay with his brother at Greeley, Colorado. He came all the w ay (400 miles) on a bicycle. ^ ou will never know how quickly you can be cured of constipation, dyspepsia or liver complaint, until you have tried Dr. .Sawyer’s Little Wide Awake Pills Mrs. Tena Lyman arrived home from Atchison, Kan.’at noon of last Friday, at the call of her parents by telegraph, notifying her of the death of her broth er. We sell only what we positively know when we say "Dr. Sawyer’s Arnica and Witch Hazel Salve will radically cure skin diseases,eczema, piles, burns, scalds cuts or llesb wounds. Judge Kay reports having united in marriage on Monday last George M Smaha, of liufTulo county to Anns llilebrant, of Bristol twp , this county. This paper extend* congratulations Mr. Fisk, proprietor of a Gold cure Institute in Rochester, N. Y., visited with Mrs. L. E. Walworth this week. He D interested in real estate iu this section, and goes from hereto Denver Col. At the annual meeting of the Gcr mun \ ercin laat Sunday afternoon at their hall in this city Jacob Albers was elected president; Herman Jung, vice president: John Ohlson, secretary; Fred Jena, financial secretary, C. J. Oden dalil, treasurer and Henry Jens trustee. Mr*. John A. Gilbert, who has been visiting her daughter in Oregon, for the past six months, returned home Mon day ufion, Her daughter and three Children accompanied her home and will Visit beta during ihe winter. James Hentfrow ha* Just completed a now ham on hi* farm. Mi*e 30 by II with good loft and grain bln* finished in a first class manner. Mr Ken If row ha* Just done bis threshing for the sea*, on and, we understand, ha* a ver> 'air yield. il. Sin 11 It returned home from !* K**» last Friday, where he h«* been '^Mng old friend* ami old haunts for ,, v*il month* past, .Mr. Htultb *a\» *Ve».-d over S.OHU mile* white he w “ wie, and spent some ple»*«nt hour* «*n«a o| hi* child hoed, * ' 1 'Ilk*, the hum’** maker. *1 A* | it(,t slot le|i win, |,|, | mil* If*'" »* *<i iiy,H O . U*i \Ve*l> es.Uy • hvetj |i, II,|» city and A*h %4.n, fe» • bk n| tear*, and ha# icade "‘•"F ,,U"'U«*Sr*#otry lo .*■,• him aud fa»idr n* #>(iw , ^ Tbr NiHtti*^111*" • y M to lev* r I * ■' In |e*I ||f. Tk»M | „in*»u, I eon . k“ Mry wkUU treated kr 'he k* I t *'f ii»ai“ I Mk**l t b '« ('Holer* u4 0Wrt“* I o.i.g : 1 • • nod *"d dshl 8“*** Corn fur sal at ili« L*. F. Elevator. Mis* Eiina VVilUatns came down from her school Fridey evening and returned Monday moridng. A. J. Gray, a lighting republican of ('lay township made this office a friend* l.v call Holiday and left two one hun dred cent dollars on our desk and after a pleasant chat said he was going to the polls to put an * X" In the circle for prosperity and l> D.Urow. Mr. liarnes, of Yale. Valley county, reports that Ins township, which last year w< lit two to one populist, gave the state populist ticket only seven majori ty, and that John Wall, republican can didate lor Representative came out with one majority. The llaat Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Fain Balm and bound on to the ufl'ected part* I* superior to any plaster. When troubled with a pain In the chest or side, or a lame hack give it a trial. You are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt re lief which it aff ords. I’uiu Balm is also a certain cure for rheumatism. For sale by Ode nd ah I Bro’s, Druggist*. CARD OF THANK*. We most hcartly thank tfie kind friends of Loup City who so willingly extended sympathy and help to us In our late affliction occasioned by the fatal accident to our beloved son Johnnie. Your kindness will he ever held in greatful rcmetnberance Mu ahuMhs. John M. Tatloh and Family. About two week* ago a cross tie was placed on ibe It. & M track about two and a half miles ea«t of town, which came very near throwing the express in the ditch The tie being on a sharp curve, was not seen until! the engine was nearly on it, The pilot raised to the top of the tie ami slid It. along on the track until it caught Are. A detec tive was at once sent here to look the matter up and soon discovered that two Children playing on the track and living near had thaughtlessly placed the tie on the truck and went away and left it there. ♦ - A Murruw Kicapn Thankful word* written by Mr*. E. Hart, of Groton, S. D. "'Va* taken with a bad cold w hich settled on my lungs; cough h t in and Dually terminated in Consumption, Four Doctors gave me up, saying I could live but a short time. I gave my self up to my savior, detlr mIned if 1 could not stay with my friend on earth, I would meet my ab sent, ones above. My husband wa* ad vised to get Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, Cough* and Colds. I gave it a tri ll, took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and thank God, I am saved and now u well and healthy wo man.” Trial bottles free at Odendunl Itro’s Drug Store. Regular size 50c. and %\ 00. Guaranteed or price refund ed A subscription paper was circulated In town tbis week for the aid of one, Lee McFadden, who came here sick a lew weeks ago from Indiana, for the benefit of his health. Mr. McFadden, is in very had health anti must have char itable assistance. He has a wife and baby in Indiana, who arc also in need mil a widowed sister in this city who, hough doing all in her power for him, can scarcely keep the wolf from her own door. Let they who have give of their plenty and the God of humanity will bless them. SpalllH Greatest Need. Mr. R. P. Olivia, of Barcelona, Spain, 'Pentla hi.** winters at Aiken, S.C. Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the hack of bis head. On using Electric Bitters, America's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all pain soon left him. lie says this grand medicine is what bis country needs. All America knows that it cures liver and kidney trouble, puri ties the blood, tones up the stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor and new life into every muscle, nerve and organ of the body. If weak, tired or ailing you need It. Every bottle guaranteed, only 50 cents. Hold by Odendahl Bro.s, Druggists, — Herman Oldsen, the young son of Mr. Henry Ohlseii, met with a painful mis hap a! school last Friday. The hoys at •cltoolare practicing archery now days and an arrow struck him In the corner uf the eye and made a very painful wnuud Had it struck a quarter of an Inch farther toward the bal! of the eye it Would I ave destroyed the eye entire ly I* would »eein Unit our hoy• are i ItttWf in nfit| rough In •lit'lr j*U> WfmUI«ri it Ih> |l>r rttlf to UM» <» Iitcl«* IU«tfr r«» I *tr*ut;t iM»ft»rt' iMt«f ( i 4 • • • t #ims Sss ImissiI. Huttos \>-<s/.eland,Roy ..t, |ayg i on yi , | i .i»''>l to stale that since | '<•< N tlirt : I y of Chon',••Hein’s iu«i| hflne* the Salt lit* been yery large, more ■a|ss'i*lli *-f the i ongb itrsml, |„ two y *p» I bat*’ - *1*1 m r>* of this par tUoiar r* •«#*|y thtu <*t all other m ,p* Nf III* |*t*yi -i* H*r year* ys in p» rdi’tct, | Riyw I • »r I ilut o«* i by m its* <*l t*iso MMtf the good remits I bet bare no It- 'I |i< hi It, *i.iI know Its taltse I front the u«* of It is hiv ii»m b"uM*le*i*l I It IS sit pent * <t* iaa*» that we Hate |n | flap* t i# bottle be* mol the ire b of (be i I Multi M I. J. lb yltikki at IMi'ii Uhl It.*» i JOIINMK TAYLOK LAID TO KK.HT. The funeral of Jnhnnie Taylor was held al the M K. Church In this city Inst Friday at 3:00 p. in. and w as attend ed by a large cot,course of people. As .Inhume was raised from u small boy of funr ><*ar* of age in this community, and bad, by hi* quiet demeanor and kind and considerate ways, endeared him self to all our,people. Every one that could, turned out to be present at the last sad seen*** of bis laving to rest. The ceremony waaopenedby the choir sing ing a beautiful and appropriate hymn, after which a very able and touching sermon was preached -by Rev. W. E. Matthews, from the 2nd Kings, 18, 88: The minister dwelt largely on the pure life led by the young man and urged the young people to take It as an} example for their every day walks, that, like him who was gone, their mother should never need to worry over the conduct of her boy. After the services a long line of carriages followed the remalus to their last resting place In Evergreen cemetery. The Kpworlh League had yery considerately lined the grave with white cloth and covered the edge with sprigs of evergreen, which was a mark of esteem to one of their members that will ever be remembered by bis grief stricken parents and brothers and sis ter*. .John M. Taylor Jr., was born at Ar lington, N. J-. on the tenth day of June 1875, and was at the time of the sad ac cident which terminated bis life, twenty three years four mouths and twenty four days old. He came to Loup City In March 1879, and has resided here witn his parents ever since, but had dur ing short periods, a* was the case when he whs killed, worked In different parts of the state. He, by some means not exactly known, as there was no one with him at the time, fell from the top of the elevator upon which ho was working, at Elkbotn. Neb„ at about 10:30 a. in. on Wednesday Nov. 1, 1898. Ills father was summoned from Valley, eight ml'es away where he was working and immediately took the boy to Clark son Hospital, Omaha, for medical aid, reaching there at 12:80, and he died at 5:30 of the same day. All Eyes Turned to Lincoln. The Omaha exposition has clotted and all eye# are now turned toward Line oln the capital city where the legislature will soon meet. The instillation of new state officers, the election of a United States senator, and other matters of much Importance will make I,incoin the center of state interests and every Ne braskan will want to read the old, re liable standby, The Htate Journal, dur ing the coming year. As a special In ducement to secure new readers, The Semi-Weekly Journal, printed every Tuesday and Friday, will be mailed from now until January 1, 1900,for $1 00 This is a mighty long time for the mon ey and the sooner you send your dollar the more papers you get. There Isn't any other paper In Nebraska that gives so much for the money. It is twice us good as the old fashioned weekly. Try it. Address, The State Journal, Lin coln, Neb. -♦ -- Do you want a thorough business ed ucation? Do you want to learn shorthand and type writing? Do you want to tit yourself for teaching? if so attend the St. Paul Business and Normal College. Write for particulars to St. Paul, Neb. -♦ » » - How to Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four Lours: a sediment er settling indicates an unhealthy condition of the kidneys; If it stains your linen It Is evidence of kidney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain In the back is also con vincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of *.rder. What to I>o There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Hwarnp Hoot, the great kidney remedy fultllls every wish in curing rheuma tism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the ui inary passages. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing it, or vtd effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that un pleasant necessity of tiring compelled to go often during the day. and to get upmsnvttme* during the night The mild snd the extraordinary Ht>« i uf Swamp Hoot is soon realised It stands the highest for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If you oe«d a medicine you should have the best, V druggists rtfty cents or one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and a i.uok that tells inure about it, both sent | absolutely free h« null, Ifyou send your i atMr» *a to |tr Kdnier A Os., Hlughaio< itut S Y When writing be sure and mention that you read this generous offer to lire |o| r< 111 Null It W V » I t M* K |m‘»* wf School 11*1 riot No If, fr>^‘ the month tregtnlng (VI. 7. and rluslsg \*.y t IWS No days taught No pupils*i f**tt*d gtf No days attend* d hr pupils to; average No pupils wachtltv It N a urea of pupil* vs h*» were nut at* sent mi lardy for tip* won h p*. t, I lie Mat tejewskt. > lew’"*** Mv*le)e»eh|, Joaeph l.uheas. Mike leltisis, I .eon My dai*k t Imwsi's tty laiek, Stanley |*et • r H»o In* *, I'strn a i l l ent IPUnke Mtsa Hi iu Manns Teacher Corn for sal- at the U. P. K1 evator. Louis Fisher, now of Wegcott, Nebr. anti a brother of W. J. and John N. Fisher, whs In town Wednesday. He has recently moved Ills family from Omaha, where be has resided for the past eight years. Mr. Frank Cook of Marion Kan,, and who came up when hi* brother John was killed a short time ago. called a this office while in loan Wednesday Mr. Cook, Informs us ihst he expects tot again move his family hack to Hhermau county, this fall A Mura Sign of Croup Horscuess In a child that Is subject to croup Is a sure Indication of the ap proach of the disease. If Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given hs soon as the child becomes horse, or even after the croupy cough ha* appeared, it will pre vent the attack. Many mother* who have croupy children always keep this remedy at hand ami And that ft saves them much trouble and worry. It can always be depended upon arid Is pleas ant to take. For sale by Odemlab) Urn’s Druggists. ■ —— - -♦* Tub Woman’s Cluh -Announce an entertainment to be given at. the opera house on the evening of Nov.22n-’. The Club will promise you a program worth listening to, and solicit your patronage. Program publish 'd In full next week. One of the attractive numbers Is a drill by sixteen young ladles.—Admission 2-5 MACHINE OIL AT WATKINSON’S NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. I September surd, let*. I Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has Hied notice ot his In tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county Judge at Loup Ulty, Nebraska, on November 16, lotw, vti: Nicolaus Kroger, Timber Claim Entry No. 7,048, for the west half of south west fourth of Section 18, Township 18, Range 13 west. lie names the following wit nesses to prove tils continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vlt: Friedrich Teichmeier. Friedrich Koehler John Koehler, and John Weiss, all of lloelas, Nebraska. J W Johnson, Register. W AflTKI),—BBV SEAL TRUSTWORTHY I'BB sons In this state to manage our business In tbelr own and nearby counties, it Is mainly office work conducted at home. Sal ary straight Bono a year and expenses—de finite, bonaflde, no more, no less salary. Monthly f75. References. Enclose self-ad dressed stamped envelope. Herbert E. Hess, rrest., Dept. M. Chicago,!!!. IHICKI.KKS' A It NIC A HALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises Mores Ulcers Malt Rheum Fever Mores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilblains Corns and all Skin Eruptions and pos itively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box, For sale by Odendabl Bros. ACTIVE SOLICITOUS WANTED EVERY •**-where for "The Story of the Philippine*" by Murat Halstead, commissioned by the Gov ernment as Official Historian to the War De partment. The book was written In army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt. In the hospital at Honolulu. In Hong Kong. In the American trenches at Manila. In the Insurgent camps with Agulnal do, on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, and In the roar of battle at the full of Manila. Bonanza for agents. Hrltnful of original pic tures taken by government photographer on the spot. Large book. Low prices, lllg prof Its, Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free, Ad dress, F T. Barber. Sec y.. Star Insurance bldg, Chicago, 111. A- S- MAIN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, • • NLBUASK A. OFFICE. -One door east of Chase's drug store. R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP OTTT, i | HA tink tahu. I.Oi:p CITY, N KIM. Lincoln, Iteum, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, hum*, Si, JoM-yih, Salt Lake city, Kau»aa City. l*orlIan<l, St. Loula, San KrancLco, anil all uultitk anti all |><ilnia K,*»t auti South H eat THAtna IMtk A> IllLLlin a. UOIXII KAIT Mo M Caaaaaaar,.... Ota a Mo to tret* Ut ... ..... * «> |, tu nolNw Mr hat Mu *1 l‘«o«»<«r , ,, t |ly a Mo » ... IliMa mi ateepMm. Mtaaaf aa*t iwMlaiai » halt iwau ittMP mu tatouah trataa Tiwkata aoMI amt iat<<u* teateart to aay tuuai la 1'iitUKlll*lM of CaaaUa rut lulotutalAMt, mat#*, IIhm ICMm aaii ttaketa amt an or ant# to 4. V. MtfU A«eat Hi J, NtHrla U*a . Paata**** , AA'tl. UwaW. Nakraaka. |f. r Mtll a At Mu «• I vat #4 (tatty ttttyi kaatey iyaaa tatMi, l«ta Mo *, I,*,#* Muo4ay, U fi,l««ntatr aa4 y ittey. lanaeMl i * l* ia a., ait maim intent, f Mutate* a#,’ taiur ltt, ,«a»ke*tv I »* * at ho a; atnvai tent »n»irt kaatey imiaaUi |i A* a at _ No ktnttw telly tiny* aaatey <ymk» ; a y a rw*l alaaa «•*»»•• aa4 *loaa vommcvIluaa ml. am im aouth Mi |i I'tiituy, lytai. I T M REED Dealer in -A FULL LINK OF Washing Machines, Sewing Machines and Implements and Hardware. •Wipdpiills, Pupips and Pipes Singer Sewing Machines for $25.00. STEEL RANGES AT BED ROCK PRICES. If you need anything in my line call and see ine and you will bo convinced that idl we have for sale is offered at very low figures. Don’t fail to call and see our BRAN NEW STOCK OF BUGGIES. EAST SI PE I'l'BMC SQl’AKE. LOUP CITY, - - NEB. AUCTION! AUCTION! 1 will offer at public auction any article in my entire stock to the highest bidder, no reserve on anything. Sale will begin SATURDAY NOV. 12, 1898, at 2 o'clock, and will continue every afternoon and evening for one week. All goods guaranteed as represented by the Auctioneer. Stock consists of WATCHES, both ladies and gents, CLOCKS of all kinds. SILVERWARE of all discre tions, knives and forks,SPOON3 and novelties, LAMPS glass ware. In fact any article in my store, including a FULL LINE OF JEWELRY. Now is the time to get XMAS presents at your own price. A PRESENT to all Ladies who attend the first Auction, Saturday afternoon NOV- 12 W- P. Kikkhakt, I S* Sheppakd, Propr Salesman- Loup City Nebr* I /H4UU TO t%\ EDWARD STRAUSSJ Ca IMMNT* »♦«*# SVMIVVkHMM M TMM (I. • iW tMHNHMttt* > That's Just It! You fan t ulwaya toll by tha l<> >l;i of a garmont how it is t(i |U||| to \VK\lt. Why Not l’"* i ho WKAllaa w«ll a* tins > ■,!(,« wbioi mu fail havo both tit iw# •uin** 1*rit'C i J im i* tha •iartliiK*polBt of t maw hNI ward K. Htrauaa A Co.’a Paimui* Custom Tailor**!. Suit** ami OvrreuwU with an troaclaU tfuaiaataa . hittWM mi Inw, k i MU i'aV \0# I** »• »*tala# this ml bat* util o|lt«f for I Uww ittiilaitM gar sntai t'M.I. ON J. PHIL JAKUfcK,