The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 11, 1898, Image 4

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    The Northwestern
» -' ’ ~~
ORO. B. BENSCIlOTEIi. / Editor* and
OBO. H. GIBSON, ( Publishers
Entered at the LOOP City PotUSN for Iran•
mission through the malls as second
class matter.
Official Taper Sherman County
" haym leads
Hayward Reported Ahead in
Gubernatorial Race.
AT 4,000
State Legislature in All Prob
ability is Republican.
Bleeding Kansas, Redeemed.
By 13,000 Majority.
Latest reports from all over the
northern states show great gains
for the Republican Parly. Nebras
ka is claimed by the Republican
State Central Committee by a safe
majority. And the Legislature is
claimed to be republican on joint
Pennsylvania rolls up a clean
160,000 as usual, and lows, 60,000
for the Grand Old Party.
The National Congress is safely
Republican and the Spaniards have
lost the little hope they still cherish
ed for a divided administration.
Both branches of our state legis
lature are safe in the republican col
umn, with a good working majority
and oleomargarine has tuken a drop.
W. 11. Conger was defeated two
years ago for county attorney by 351)
votes, this year he only lost it by 89,
two years hence the elements of con
fusion won't be in it.
Conger ran like a scared coyote,
but when Tom got his second wind,
the ring tailed what is it of the pop
ulist phenomina that circulates be
tween an editor and a who-who took
to the woods.
We are in receipt of Vol. 1, No. 1,
of the Burwell Tribune now on our
desk. It is a newsy paper and the
people of Garfield county can con
gratulate themselves on having a
live republican paper that comes
out fearlessly for prosperity.
The Maria Teresa, ouc of tin*
Spanish cruisers sunk July 3, at San
tiago, and subsequently raised by
constructor Hobson, was started for
the United States last week and en
countered a heavy storm on the way
and went to the bottom of the At
lantic, where she i. lost forever.
The Indian name, fire water, fot
whiskey, baa at last proved to be tbe
right one and poor Lo should be
giveu the honor of calling the turn
many years in advance. During out
little picnic with Spain, I’nde Sam
purchased I.OOu barrels to U9e
in making siuokcb as powder, and
now Japan ban purchased a full train
load of 'Jj curs, from the Peoria, III.
distilleries and shipped it last week,
for liie same purpose.
Sherman county has again goto*
populist hut by a much dearenaed
majority from other late years. Two
years ago this county give liryan
•ids majority, last full it gave Sul
livau, funion, tb« head of the ticket,
a majority of Hill, and this fall tin tr
majority for the head of the ticket
waa I tin. Tilts shows a gradual de
crease that will soou k||n< their ma
jority out entirely The up*tin a
in-mg populists thia fail la one of
ih* marked feature* of the catupatu,
ansi shows plainly that the rural
district* have not found their M ■•*••*
a* they had expected fiom the pret
ty aloft**, and daullug pu t urea held
out to them by the *|i*gf untied » as*
out* from both oh! parties,
•-Wm mat the *n«n>f and we *r«
llllfk" (si any a \V II t'unger and
bewia llechlipdd, of I He county van
didates Mi ft mg* i wa* deleatrd
by 89, and Mr. Bcchthold by 121.
The tight has been a severe one and
the populist majority in this county
has received a chilling frost
that it will be liatd for them ever to
recover from. It has been very
materially reduced giving tbo re
publicans much reason to congratu
late themselves, and assuring them
that the sentiment among the people
is changing, and ere many elections
roll around the republicans will a
gain take thuir place in the front
rank. Mr. Nightingale, the county
Attorney elect, is a very capable man
and will make u first cluss ollicer,
something that Sherman county lias
lacked in that office for some years,
While the republican candidate lias
been defeated there is consolation in
the knowledge that the olllco will be
ably filled for the next two years.
Mr. Nightingale has no one to thank
for his election but-himself, us near
ly the combined forces of popu
list leaders in Loup City used their
best endeavors to defeat him, but
the party fealty was strong enough
to carry him through, therefore Mr.
NiUgtingalu can but point bis finger
in their direction and say, thou .Jud
as, and they can console themselves,
if their is any consolation in it, with
the knowledge that their canting by
pocracy has availed them nothing.
They have played the dog in th
manger, but must eat crow in the
The Ashton Literary Society held
their lirst meeting Friday evening,
and was called to order by C. F.
Heushousen, Chairman, and the en
tire meeting was given over to busi
ness, and the election and installa
tion of officers. The following were
elected: R. E. Arthaud, Prest; W.
M. Smelsor, Sec. and l'reaa; R. F.
Hanson, V. P; ami C. F. Heuschaus
en, Asst. Sec: The time of meeting
is on Friday evening, at 7::j0 In the
upper room of the Ashton High
School building, aud all arc cordial
ly invited to attoud and participate
in the program and debates.
Miss Dot Fair, and Miss Anna
Jepsen of Rockville were visiting in
these parts Thursday and Friday.
Louis Rein was seen on our streets
W. 11. Conger and Judge Wall
were pleasant callers here Monday.
Will Neuman left Wednesday for
Election day passed off smoothly
and a good vote was polled, an l a
marked increase in the ratio of the
republicans was noticed, even if the
township did go pop.
We hear that C. V. M. Paige ar
rived home Sunday evening overland
on his wheel from Ault, Colorado.
Neils Neilson made a flying lmsi
ness trip to Grand Island this week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Marvel made
a business trip 10 St. Paul, Tuesday
by rail.
Mr. Hayes of Wymore, was seen
on our streets Monday afternoon.
We hear that the cards are out
for a wedding next week, all the
particulars will be given in next
weeks issue, but we refrain from giv
ing any names now,
1 C. V.
Are You m
Easily Tired?
j Juet remember that all your I
atrougth must oomo from your |
food. Did you ever think of j
that i‘
Perhaps your nmaclea need <
more strength, or your nerves; ■
j or perhajM your stomach ts I
weak and cannot dt«ust what =
you oat.
If you tual tuorj strength *
thou taka
of C l with Hypo. |
.1.*o wit ve thu bi
easily i h^i, 1 of all I e li Int < \
; etiuujctn } n -.1 th.« h>p>|> >*.
inutoa ar* tiui buti , \
1*U4 for ih«» norv*j.
IHO.N l* I ho * U»1 .fc ;
an I t ouro fur
*r oak throat*. f p
•o'Uha of «v»r)T kt« 3
»■(■! A»r all oa*M of «W- *
!•*:>'», 'oa»b n«rv*a, ;
a t J lo»4 of Aoafa,
icon v , t >«»»**% h*« %
A r,*.rict!y hlph-gr idrj F:amlly Sowing
Machina, pr:neea*ing all modern
G«itt [iiiioi to me Best.
Prices vn'y roaaortable. Obtain them
from your local dealer and
make comparisons.
[1110 lltclllil Co.
•i3W Bro-Jdv/iiy, N. V# BELVIDERE, ILU
hods In this stain to manage our busIneBa
Iii llK lr own and nearby ooiinticH, It Is
mainly office work conducted at home, Sal
ary straight •'.too a year anil expenses—de
flnllu. bnmUldo. no more, no less salary
Monthly f'. i. Deferences. Dnclo-e self-ad
dressed envelope, Herbert V. Hess, Pres.
Dept. m. Chicago, ill, D-UMie
** where for "The Story of the I’hlllpplnes"
by Murat Halstead, eontmlssloneil by trie Gov
ernment as i, illcUi! Historian to the War De
partment. The book was written In army
camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with
General Merritt. In the hospital at Honolulu
In Hong Kong, lit the American trenches at t
Manila. In the Insurgent camps with Agulwil
do. on the de k of the Olympia with Dewey,
and In the roar of battle at the fall of Matiiiu.
Hontitizu for agents, lirlttifnl of original pic
tures taken by government photographers on
the stint, I.aive Hook. Dow price-.. Hlg prof
its. Freight puld. Credit given. Drop all
trashy unofficial war lawks, Outfit free. Ail*
dress, F. T. Hurber, Secy., Star insurance
lildg., ('hlcttgo. Ill,
I Some Special Drives.
Prices Hard to Beat.
'V>- •
10 qr. gray cotton blanket at - - 45 a pair.
11 qr. gray cotton (heavier) blanket, 75 a pair.
10 qr. brown cotton (heavier) blanket, I 15 a pair.
11 qr brown cotton (heavier) blankets, 1 25 a pair.
11 qr. white cotton (heavy) blankets, 2 00 a pair
All wool blankets from 2 00 to .‘1 75 a pair, in
£5 00 for an extra heavy white (silk bound) all
wool regular 0 60 blanket.
Our nice dress goods wo handle only in dress
patterns, thereby insuring each lady purchaser a
dress unlike her neighbor's
\Yre have a good assortment of delicate tinted
cashmeres, suitable for wedding gowns or evening
In order to make room we are closing out
our clothing stock at absolute cost. If you need
anything in the clothing line you cannot do better
than to see our goods.
\\ e have a complete line of trimming silks and
velvets, also a number of silk waist patterns.
^1^__i. ' Ml /■ • •
note The Following
16 lbs. Sugar - - • $ 1 00
12 lbs Arbucklc’s coffee - .25
8 lbs Oat Meal - . - .25
3 lbs Prunes - • • .25
2 lbs Apricots * • • .25
3 lbs Dried Apples - • .25
3 lbs Dried Peaches - - .25
2 lbs Evaporated Apples • • .25
2 lbs Evaporated Peaches - .25
3 cans Tomatoes .... .25
3 cans (torn - - - 25
50 lbs 1st Arcadia flour - - 100
50 lbs 2nd Arcadia flour - - 90
50 lbs 3rd Arcadia flour . - 80
Our shoe department cannot be
excelled in the county and wo have
an especially good line which we
will (dose out at cost.
• luowig >«ju win iavor us vvitn your patronage 1 am
Very respectfully, CHARLES GASTEYER.
»■ ii i _ _
President. Cashier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
CokuehI’ondentb: .Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y,, Omaha
National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.
Abstract of vote cast in Sherman
County, Nov. 8, 1898.
’ tttttytttttttji
~5s-fl'SSB,*3. S g it. 5 £ 3
-t ~ a ? - 3 1 H 2 -j 2. 2. ~
N AM 1-1 | f f ;]$ 3 'i ° J J I i ;
CANDIDATES h : " 9 * ' ' * * K
3 3 7 i:;;: |
: i ^ ; : i | : |
For (love i | I j . 1 j i i " | |
Mi >N KOI I It A V VVABD. It 8 37 S3 78 128 27 III 23 Art * 33 14 10 424
HM \ I’OV NTH it I .'* 27 77 23 102 54 71 37 71 51 31 gt 7* 809'IK5
K. V. Mfllt . !• 1 1 I: 1 i 2 ft
II It ALKY . s I 8 | 1 18
For Lieut.Haiti ilovernor.
'■IM A. Mt’EI'lIY It it 31 SI 28 |83 27 31 83 8.1 9 33 It IU 423
I. IIWAHI* A HLHLItT, ft 2h 27 88 73 in, 53 1 72 3," 72 4V 31 ill 22 MB 189
N. S. LOWKIK 1* I I I | 1 8 4
J. J KKKRltlLAN s 18 1 4 12
For Seerelury of Hour.
CKNKk OLKAS ... . It 8 37 S3 78 123 27 I 32 23 87 I. 32 I* 10 12*
ISM. I*. HtTI.1, ft' » 87 27 23 97 53 72 37 72 4* 35 4* S2 MW 171
(HAS l; o\\\ SON ... 1* I i I «
JAMKS.M Oll.H'i lltTIl . ip I I
TtlKO. IIKItMNft 18 1 4 12{
For Auditor of 1‘ublie Aecourit
i L MATTHEWS It '• “ 27 88 172 “i 37 71 1)8 9 3o II In 478
•It )1I N ft ( OH \ ELL I 7- .7 2h 83 97 57 72 ill) 73 4* 3* 02 '22 805 I M3
C i . KiiWKLL l> I i» i
I'llKO. JOHNSON ii I |
H II. (ONWAY s ' ,1,8 I 4 1»|
ft,,r Tiensimr
I'KTKK M'lbTl... iKN It o :tS I 70 184 27 51 23 87 9 3.* 14 III |(5
•'"'•NO Ml - KVK I fft r. 88 3 98 53 72 17 71 18 JO 8* 2t A.) 175
iii ii \ m mi,, m i. tit 4
ft lift.I* Kissy.1. 4 j 7 i : 1 1 4 13
r Sill of |».I : ,
• K V'.IIK If , o 31 ' 82 '28 183 > 11.23 8* 9 33 13 1" 422
HM JAi K.ii 'Ji ft y ;; •; 83 SO. 3' 72 J? ill 4* 31 ' 02 32 Dili 179
Mli> s I it I l*YOJf |. , | .. *
IIKMIY ITTIl i V , „ I I Iti
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• .11 |*. * Jl a M l« SI 15 to 4491
I, , . .1 J.1 St i. < Du t: 579 I TS
Vi 4* s 3 h 17 s it H W 4
44 V Vi .4*. 9.. III*. It! III. 9*1 12 ,8 it/ I* #71
O- " • * In S.. I, (*.k 4 I«ek I.Lxi
4*. I. We 2* j* ft|
Wflnifr. i i*f Hin Tutsi Ms)
SI ft |ii II'J
* N *i,iM ...,i i* if jn IS is
* 1 ** I1 ‘I N'* ‘i ILekivlU*
'V h Mi ■*». SI i| SI
l« 4 I*' »* > I." «tl Mt «; JU
»> f- ' * ' * I' <1 I II*. I I.UU **«*44,
| " ' 11 * * *' '**d M Id lift
'• D’»'k*«'< 4. H *1 III at
J. Phil Jaeger
Wants you to examine his new in
voice of Ready to Wear Goods.
Our stock of men’s and
boy’s suits are eomeplete in
every particular and we can
suit you both in quality and
price. Give us a call and
be convinced that our prices
are away down and the
quality of our goods is away
up. All fresh seasonable
goods. We have just re
ceived them and want to sell
them out in time to make
room for a fall stock so
will sell on the leant possible
We have the finest line
pf shoes ever brought to
this city. Our large invoice
just received enables us to
fit everybody and suit every
body as to style, quality of
goods and prices. We
make a specialty of our slow
department and invite all to
come in and look over our
Full line of ladie's and
gent’s furnishing goods and
a big stock of general mer
Remember that “Old Glory" still waives
in (lie breeze mid that we art* paying the
highest market price for your produce anti
give you prompt service anti courteous treat
ment. Your Respectfully,
d. Pf-uLdAeaeF?
son ii slid; sdi auk.
Loup Olty, i Nob.
i i