The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 04, 1898, Image 7

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    Mm, i/julse H. Pratt. of Sherwood, }
V. thlnKB that sweet,young tiling
w'ltu golden hair should not monopo
lize the privilege of naming warships;
to *be wants to be allowed to name the
battleship Wisconsin. Among her
qualifications she mentions the follow
ing: She Is fll year* old, got her edii
f^|on In a little log school house
Wlseonsln, knows how to cook, knit,
spin and make soft soap, wears her
hair short, and has christened and
reared two boys and two girls of her
V/hen Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S, Has
kell. the former of whom Is 90 yearn
old, celebrated the seventieth annl- j
Ternary of their wedding Iasi week In
Brooklyn, nearly seventy of their de
aecndanta wero present.
How is this?
Perhaps sleepless nights
caused It, or grief, or sick
ness, or perhaps it was care.
No matter what the cause,
liij iiimiti wuoi nit
you cannot wish to look ola
at thirty.
Gray hair is starved hair.
The Hair bulbs have been
deprived of proper food or
proper nerve force. *
Increases the circulation In
the scalp, gives more power j
to the nerves, supplies miss- I
I Ing elements to tho hair '
I bulbs. (
Used according to direc- I
tions, gray hair begins to i
show color in a few days. I
Soon It has all the softness ]
and richness of youth and I
the color of early life returns. I
I Would you like our book
. on the Hair? Wc will gladly
send it to you.
Wrlto uml
If you do not obtain all the
benefits you expected from
the Vigor, write the doctor
about it. He may be able to
suggest something of value
to you. Address, Dr. J. C.
Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass.
I Counsel appointed to defend an
j Irishman challenged several of the
1 Jury, who his client said, Imd a prej
, udice against him. "Are there any
more Jurymen who have a prejudice
against you?" whispered the barrister.
"No, sir; the Jury's awl rolght; but 01
want you to challenge the Judge. I’ve
been convicted under him several
times already, anil loikcly he's be
gin n In’ to have a prejudice against
Rome foud mothers believe they
could love their babies to death and
some mean old bachelors wish they
! would.
Are yon going to Florida? Do you
want rates, maps, routes, time-cards
and full Information? If so, address
II. VV. Hparks, 234 Clark street, Chi
The November Cwiury gtves Low
ell's Impressions of Spain, taken from
hitherto unpublished official dispatch
ed sent by Janies Russell Cowell when
he was American minister at Madrid,
The article has a prefactory note on
Spanish polities by lien. A. A. Aden,
second assistant secretary of state.
Ix»well made and retained throughout
his mission the friendship of Benors
Canovas and Hllveln, and his dispatch
es wero often filled with kindly hits
of court gossip unusual in state de
partment documents.
W« will forfeit 11,0JO If any of our put*
lisbed testimonials nrn proven to bo not
genuine. Tim I’iso t'o., Warren, i'a.
The girl who Is wise never permits
herself to appear more Intelligent than
i the man she Is trying to entertain.
Mrs. VMiiaiim** fmoilifiig Hrrnp
Tnr *hll<Jr «'n it*rf Jiicg tofleiia ih# jrain Miih
tujsiiou, •'•ti'"* wil d "c|c LifilrftWUi.
The marriage ceremony Is frequently
l the final act of diplomacy previous to
a declaration of war.
Catarrh Connor Il» Cnrwrt
with l/V’AH Al'l’UCATIONS, a* they r«rno»
1 ffuch lh« wa< of the dlacftao « al.irrh I* »
blood oi constitutional dUeaw, am) in order to
i ore ll w<ii muwt take internal ft rn<-ill« < Hall »
Catarrh t'tnu U taken Inlertiully, aii'l »''it
1 nlrx tli on tlm blood oral mucous surface*.
Hall aCaturrli Cum la not n quark medicine,
it wss prescribed by on.' i/f tl»' brat physicians
In itiNcountry for )rar., ami l« a regular pre
scriplion. It la composed of ilia boat tunica
known, combined with Vito beat blood puriflers,
actliitf directly on the inucoua aurfurea. The
perfect combination of tint two I tiered lent* la
Whin prodm r,. atich wonderful rcanlta In curing
Catarrh. Here) for leallmonlala. free.
1'' J <'llI.N'HV A ct* Props., Toledo, O.
Hold by drut/klata, price TV.
Hull » I'anilly rilia aro tire beat.
Kvery man has a grievance ami he'll
! toll you ull about It on the leant provo*
j cation. __
Take l/inutlve llrmno tjulnltt" Tablet* All
druggists refund the money If It falls to cure,
a*. The genuine baa l.. It tg. on each tablet.
A man with n single Idpa In a crank.
That* why no many men are not
! cranks.
Unsettled,—"Theological beliefs aro
very unaettled." “Oh, very. Why,
there Isn't h woman In the congrega
tion who haw confidence enough to go
: ahead and make Christmas slippers
I for the minister.”—Detroit Journal.
For every man who In unable to
1 stand prosperity there ure millions
i who would like to try.
Will have peace from PAIN and a CURE by using
The man
who wants
can get it anywhere. It is as pop
ular as sunshine and almost as
universal. It satisfies that dry taste
in the mouth better*than anything
else, and you can buy a larger piece
of Battle Ax for 10c. than of any
other kind of high grade quality.
Pemember the name
** when you buy again.
Wbat >U«jr (irtat Author* lluv* Writ*
ten waa Till* Subject.
With recard to tlx* Immortality of .
dogs Lr other animals, many opinions 1
might ho olleil In the uHlrmalive, say*
the Westminster Uevlew. Ac. Lamar
tine says:
"No! Ood will n vor q x nt h His spark
Whether within some glorious orb It
Or lighten up ihe spaniel's tender gnzo
Who lead* hi* poor blind mun'er
through the maze
Of Mil* dark world,"
• Translation.
"I ban never been able to persuade
my heart and my undo standing lhat
dowgs hae na Immortal sowls," pants
the Shepherd In ‘Ncctea Ainbrn dana**,'
when Mr. North's "great Newfunlau"
Hwiui/t fait to the assistance of himself
and hla companion, Mr. Tickler, In a
rough sen orr Fortohello; 'his aoul
matin be Immortal." Later on this n'»
ble animal wiim cruelly polHoned and
Christopher North (Prof. Wilson), anil
his friends lament his many virtues.
"Often do 1 wonder," says the Shep
herd again, "whether or no birds and
beasts and Insects have Immortal
sowla!” To which the Kngllsh Optum
Kater, who hapj < ns to be present, re
plies: "What Ood make.), why should
He annihilate?" "True, true, Mr. de
Qulncey," gladly agrees Hogg. Homo
of our readers may remember Luther’s
words to his dog: "Never mind, little
Hans, thou too shall have a golden
tall some dsy;" or, according to u bet
ter translation: "Thou, too, in the res
urrection, shalt have a little golden
tall," Hwlnburne, in hfs sonnet to Ur.
John Ilrown. speaks of:
"The night of death s sweet sleep,
wherein may be
A star to show your spirit In present
dome happier Island In the Klyslan
Where Hah may licit the hand of Mar
"My dear lord, there Is a spirit
dwelling In good beasts, though
Ireamy and unconscious," says the
chaplain in Pouque's weird romance
of “Hlntram and Ills Companions,''
Coleridge, writing long before Darwin,
seems Inclined to conjecture the beast
to be an "unripe or degenerated hu
A livml ,luilgm nl Cliirictw -I'slr In
III* f’HirnttuK*.
Hens. Hunter nn<l Bundle had al
ready distinguished themselves in the
khnllval service before Kitchener be
came their chief; .Macdonald also,
i-ewi* Maxwell and other* had Joln»d
the Kgyptlan array under another air
dar, but u crowd of good men owed
their appointment to Kitchener, says
the Fortnightly Review, lie has ever
tried to get the be«i assistant <• poHsI
ble, he Im u judge of chargcl* r and he
ha« been very fair and public-spirited
In the uwe of Ills patronage, A serv
ice which offers large promise:. of pro
motion and distinction has been eager
ly sought after. Client p rear lire, po
litical and social, has been brought lo
bear upon the man who really con
trolled nominations for the sirdar’*
recommendation* have been Invariably
respected at the war office. Hut In no
cane h.iH alight but merit availed and
the result Im that the officers now nerv
ing In Kgypt Hre "the pick of the
banket," the brighten and bent In the
queen'* nervier. We may confidently
expect thone truined In Kgypt to rlno
In due cotime to the very top of the
tree. The prcivent generation of dis
tinguished soldiers 1h passing away.
At the end of another decade, soldiers
of the school of Wolncdcy and of Rob
ert* will he mostly disqualified by age
If they have not already Joined the
majority, and the country muat look
for their sucrcsHors among the young
men now coming to the front. Oppor
tunity In the only nure avenue to suc
cess In our army, and those who make
the moHt of It flue fastest and highest.
In thin way Kgypt Ian service has of
fered the most abundant chances of
modern campaigns. Seldom, If ever
before, have quite young men junior
In regular rank found great openings,
responsible duties, large commands, at
a time when they would be no more
than regimental company officers, In
specting dlnnem or mounting guard.
Hir Herliert Kitchener on uplcs a posi
tion almost unique In the experience or
British generals. Not only Is he at the
head of a Urge army In the field before
he Is fifty, but, he has enjoyed extraur
dlnary advantage in command, some
thing indeed like complete Independ
Wbjr She l ufl
"Yen, we lout that good girl that I
told you about." “What wan the trou
ble?" "Why, ehe left the water run
ning lu the bathtub and It leaked
through and ehe caught cold. Khe aald
ehe wouldn't atay In a houae where
they didn't have water-tight door*."—
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
A Temple of MerpeeU.
The email town of Werda. In the
kingdom of Dahomey, la celebrated for
Ita temple of aerpmle. a long building
In whteh the prleat* keep upaarda «>f
IfMO art pcuu of all el tee, which thev
feed with bird* and frog* brought to
them aa offering* by the native#.
1M ■•»•#• lleekelee.
"They any," «ald the acieatlflc
»« aider, "that microbe* are the hum
' of baldneae," "I v* raid « good many
| meana thing* about wlvee," aaid the
Havage Hath*lor, "but I never called
| them microbe# " ludlanapplla Jour
TwgtleU Me ie«wee |>«M apiette
Th# Itrltlah ravenue from eplrlta ta
a little Ira* la a area* of ttw.uw.M4
Frum th* .VoUHtalneer, U'alhuUa, S. iJokoia.
The ro:imr»» of a guilty rtoiuarb la wb«i
• large majority of tie j ' oploarakulTerlng
wiili to day. Uya|i0)»-iH U u ebarartariMlv
American dUene-and itUfrcouantly aluled
that "wo a nation of dyapaptus#.'’
Impropor food, burr lot rating, mental
worry, esfcu i*tlo'i, any of th«-*e produce it
Inok of vitality in th« i.yrtwin. by i-iundng
the blond to ln«u iU iifn-rurtning element
The blood la tho viml element in our llvoa
arid ebould lx* cnro/illy nurtured, Kamtora
tba blood to it» f»rT.fiort--million, dyepepsia
will vuubh and kqo.1 health follow
For etntnple, in tba county of Pamtdna,
North linkola, n fow ruilo>, from Wallinliu,
renidi-H Mr. Kerb '»t Kni-ier. a limn of nor
luig integrity, wlmuo vernc-ity inn not Li
doubted, ilc my a:
The Due lor* Disagreed,
"J beestno seriuu ly III three yenm ago.
Thi d'wtor k*v® loo medicine tor iudigvt,
lion, but I colitiuiimt to kmcjiu worst) 1
had several phyvclaru at iiilervnlK who
gave iiio somo r lief, out Ihu dli-cinm would
lot urn with all tin ni eustomed severity,
"tread In the i',),.W'|i»i em article* re
j siding llm won Irr.'iil curative power* of
hr, Vt iTliainh1 pink Pills for Pule People,
and tlually concluded to try the pill*. I
purchased his hoses TliIk Was five monthM
ago. Thu flint box gave mu much relief.
I continued taking 1 pllle, and after
using four boxo* wui cured."
Th <wie jdllw hi e recognised every where a# a
•t B'dllc for tli son-es of the Mood and nerves.
For paralysis, locomotor ataxia, and other
dleeuv-H long' sumsisol in>-imiMe,tboy have
proved their efficacy In thousand* of nuiih
One swallow docHn’t make n Hpring;
neither docH one bottle of hulr tonic
make u football player.
f>» mm Went to I.fve
In a fine, mild and healthy climate,
where cyclone* and blizzards are un
know ii, where good, rich land* can be
bought at low prlceti, near cheap trana
porlatlon and with educational anil
industrial advantage#? Ilomeseekers*
excursion# to Virginia via the "Hitt
Four Houle" and the Chesapeake and
Ohio Hallway. Write for descriptive
hook of Virginia, list of farms for
rale, excursion rules, date#, time-cards,
etc. J. C. Tucker, <J. N. A., 231 Clark
street, Chicago, III.
He who gives fair words feeds you
with an empty spoon.
The new ll*nt from Acetylene, mado
from Calcium Carbide (or lime, coko
and water) Is a recent discovery, and
when the gas Is made In a "Monarch"
Generator the light Is ns bright nu the
sun and nearly as cheap. It, should
be In every store, hotel and home In
the land. This "Mlnarch” Generator
Is sold by Schlleder M’f'g Co.. Omaha,
Nebr. If you are Interested, write
them. _
A man's past Is the best prophet of
hls future.
Am dslls-htert with Hr ->ih A mold's Cough kil'or:
It i urm ivfrjr time nev. J b- CoroUb, Wavur*
v111*. Ill* it • Hl/Uillf.
He that'a down, down with his, cries
the world.
i« due oot only to the originullty ud«.1
simplicity of the combination, hut also
to the care a.-rd skill with which it is
man nine lured hy scientific processes
known to the Cai.ifoii.nia Pig Hvhup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upoa
all the imi>ortanee of pun husing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs ia muuufacturod
by the Caufok.nia Fjo Sviiup Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
tiea. The high standing of the Cam
foii.via Fjo Svhi i* Co. with the medi
cal profession, aud the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, imikes
the uame of the Company a guuruuty
«if the excellence of Its remedy. It la
fur In advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver und
bowels without irritutiug or weaken
ing them, ami it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the uame of
the Company —•
I mi aviiir, ki. x»w man. s. t.
David Starr Jordan, Ihe distinguish
ed sclent hit and government commis
sioner to Alaska, opens the November
Atlantic by giving the results of his
official experience and sclentifh ob
scrvailcn of the many errora of cur
management in Alaska, by which the
vast resources of that wonderful coun
try—furs, food-fish, timber, mines, etc.
—have been and are still recklessly
squandered, and wealth and property
needlessly thrown away by the na
tion; arid he sounds a much-needed
note of winning a* to the probable re
sults of the administration of tlm
prospectIve colonies now ready to our
hands should they be treated In the
same wasteful, corrupt Htid ruinous
Nhiill Hi' In «*|» tl»« riill!|)|tln<Mt?
While public opinion In divided as
to the wisdom of kecplny the Philip
pine:*, li is, however, all one wav In
regard to the wisdom of everybody
keeping their health, Por this purpose
Hostetler's Hiomach HI item Is widely
used. This medicine Is both prove"* -
Ive nnd euro for malarial fevers and
i stomach disorders.
It In stated that about 20,000 letters
are addressed to Queen Victoria from
her subjects em it year.
t*ITO u»« .1 nton-e *<i «•!#• i
Itr»t At} m ti « t»f ]>r klinv • JLr*'<>fr
hwittl l<»r FUI'.I*) |MMi If ml mi *1 irfHtio*
Ou.Jtf. il KLI»•./Ait ,Hii Art H hi . PiUlAc'^iipi.iu, ft'»
The United States has a lower per
centage of blind people than any other
country in the world.
roe’s Cniith llxlatin
1 l» (he olile.l mtil lieet. i I will lin sk tip n r.u|il 'Iitf clter
Itisn #„yiaiiik else, *t l» Slwiys r«l »B1«. 'try It.
In Peru It was once the custom for
domestic servants to have two of their
upper front teeth extracted. Their
absence indicated their servitude.
He who sows thorns will never reap
) Go to your grocer to-day
and get a 15c. package of
It takes the place of cof
^ fee at I the cost.
b Made from pure grains it
is nourishing and health*
n In.Ut llut your iraur (IfM you ORAIW-O.
. \ c«ptoo (mituiuii.
Or. Kay’s Lung Bairn
Gratifying Lottcre to Mrs. Pink
han From Happy Women.
** I (hm You My I.'-Ta.1*
Mr*. II. \Voonnnr.n,
M llli*, Neb., wr!tc»i
"Pr.An Mr.". I'irkiiam: I ow« my
lito to your Vegetable Compound. The
doctor* Mild I hud eon*!! rapt ion ami
nothing could In* done for me. My
menstruation luul stopped arid they
nald my Mood was turning to water. I
bad several doctor*. They all said I
could not live. 1 began thu uno of Lydia
11. l’lnkliani'* VegdsJdo Compound,
and It helped i.u* right away; menaea
returned and I have pinned in weight.
I have bitter health than I have luul for
yen r«. ItiNWoiiderf'd what your Com*
pound ha* done forme.”
••I r«rl l,iUn a New Tenon.1
! Mrs. (ir.n. Lkacii,
1600 lkdlcht., Alton, 111., writes:
*' before I bejfii n to fa Ice your Vego
table Compound I wa t ii great suffered
from woiub trouble. Menses would up
11: r two iiml three times In u month,
causing me to be so weak 1 could no!
stand. 1 could neither otrep nor eat, and
looked so badly my friends hardly
; knew me,
i “ I took doctor's medicine but did not
derive much Ix-m-lltfrom it. My drug
gist gave mo one of your little books,
and uftcr rending It I decided to try
Lydia K, l ink hum's Vegetable Com
pound. I feel like a new person. I
would not give your Compound for all
| the doctors’ medicine in the world. I
can not prolan It enough."
$BO,000 Stock of all grade* of
Furniture recently bought at the
• very lowest cash price will he of
fered during the next few mouths
at special prices.
Customers visiting Omaha will
find this the largest and oldest
furniture store here, and we will
make ev«ry effort to pleaso both
111 good* unit price*.
Chas. Shiverick & Co.,
1206 Dougffns St., Omaha,
Nfil to MIIImiiI llolffl.
tf id •n’Ufy unrMltra •« to whether thf*
v i f t inriit In rt'atl w* will uiftltft ft dfiooiiftt of
I (••**• • i*ut on thr |inr Imuft of »ny ciutomiT who
will V«ll u§ litry w#*r** tllirru* | to oa by li ao<( that
ih* r »in rtM ommciwI ut to ttn*lr friend* II tl>«
f:w. u* ilitj i'ii> nr« ifti afu lory.
*otcl»l tv Ladtos W« «i»» Trading Itaap*
W N. U. OMAHA. No 48 1898
When Answcritiij Advertisements Kindly
Mention Tills Taper.
I.iljorul 'IVmix to
(irenu §t VenU V< kt fvfrlnuptcl roryiblotntf
9tn*nu h, #i«irtittiiifv and mfoiy. Ifan lftomely
Will not nil »w tori"»i^ i#» tirun it triM <*«
innnt. N»> rattle. I’rlri'it!
Ntrki'l l,i*tp« and A< nrn M»mU _ 1/^
.. f.W
Nickel Tlf»*» till Center* ,. 175
1 •*i»li*r*1 wlfhdift Yoke ,......,, .55
V<trrn Wmron iirlp IMiiir .09
UftUi* !i> 11 iron vl/i'll, hi Nt i ole tM • m to 1%.
fi r khkk JlluxtriiU'd clrt-ulnr.
AuiowiATic crip NECK YOKi. CO «i Harding 81.. Inrtlanopolla, Ind.
Live* of »u(Ti ring and mlwry from Oil. repulsive dim-nut turned Into health and happl
uunm through the ust of
Rltiiard's catarrh Expeiiant.
After veamof Hprrlul .ttidy and prwtlc* In dlitaaesof I hr Mmii. Mornhranr. and tape*
rla ly of ■ aiarrlml tiouhli x, at liavo ut Inet developed a treatment that will positively and
pitman fitly rurt Catarrhal IMatam*. in whatever form llity niay lit. Aftio folly dvmon
It rating i in- iin*i It. of 11.In l mil mi lit In a private pratllen of over live year*. him] anti e*n
fully 11 «-at i ii ir and curing I In olmllnute iwt, m t haMtiiat Mir SVnrl.l for a ea»e of
Catarrh, or ( uliirrhal lil.ea*o our CATARRH EXPELLANT will notrure.
Iitafnt... reuniting fr nn l aiairh, <|un-k Iy cured
lam* of a tune of Until end ' quickly imlorid.
All rrpuiiilvt H.viiiplonih pti'iillar (o i utarrlial Iron hit*, iih foul lirtalli, di.thargto
Hulking. 4 ongoing, and spit I lug. relieved at onto,
1 atarrliwl A ITe< Horn. of Mount li. I.Ivor or h Idtiey., eu u» ng fndlge.t Inn. Nlrk Ktomaela
Knii.oa. tVoakiM'I Icprctnu, I o.. of Aiiihltlnu and Kncrgy, am <|nli*lcly cured.
Mo.tof iht wtiikntu* of nitn and noun n W canned hy Catarrhal dlMtauo*. The poluonnue
dlM'hnrgt. Hod llitlr way lo tlit kloinath mid Into llio IiIihhI, and dialrlhultd throughout
the«otfre uysii in. iiITi i ling l lit tliul and l.lfo Kortt. and cautdiig tlioso Organic ami
Ntrvon. Wctnmutf mi dreaded t,y titrv mini and woman
These weak no. v» art tiirtd by CATARRH EXPELLANT and perfort htaltli and
•tn nglli fully required liver II vr Tiiiudrcd tcalliiiuiilulNTii priilko of lid. treatment re
ceived uliicu Juuuary 1, 1K)7. If you have Catarrh or any lJuiarrhul DUe.uic,
Will cure you Ju.t a. turn oa water will i|uenrli i lilrsl. Write to-dny for tn.tlmoolale and
valuable Inmnn'tlvo imperuu llicuu iIIucumm. hK.NT KHKK, AddrcM
Or. Kay's hcnorator,
fcU r<»fi«iTi’fttion liver m»«t ki<lia«*\ i.fl«
llousiiaMi, he^ut L*\ rU1 At ilruitulN* * feV k |i.
1/1% V# f V9 I r‘1* *» N- i rl mu\ -
* f»-v l-^k ».f lr#iln.4-#,!.*»• I o «!»>•*
irvaliiiatit^ria t»* N II
■ j.* •* l«f unmiturkl
I ill* li»i*i«, liitUiiiuiklliiiia.
| nillil in Uf ulin tli. ka
i.r mi mum iiir mi I i a no
--„ I'kiulkkk, kin! mil Mtilu
ttlHIlimCmlliCIlCo. * III U( |Kil«iuuua.
I bun by Prinlab,
nr ►«! 111 ylkin <ar*p|»r,
|ii •«»ar«. .rkMi.l Iuf
V m. Ilf I lu.ll Irk, |
I ii. uUr mi uk >*4iMtl
Rev. F. M. Eaterbrook, Tr»w«r«r uf lit* Nabratka Waaleykii
l'ni*«r*tiy at I'nlvai Uy l'taaa, Nabr,, <*rlln» »u April 8rt, Hues—
tiara tarn tr<>ubl«*«t fur limn ttlllt ttakllug in Ilia Ibruat widen
•llrn graklly fcukoyatl rnr Aflar l akutf hr Kay‘a l.uiig Halm I fouutl
*»**•* I find y.»«r Or. Kay'e Kidneycur* helped my kidney
trouble wblelt h« been trutibllnif iu« ft>r t ituwUir of yrara. Ur*,
l.kli r'Vr<"'k hail livtii kiibjr.'l t.i a r,.<i|>b for un-al of (be wittier,
kl»o iMuHiiiia Aflar taking only un* but uf your
Dr. Kay’s Lung Balm j
lb* *n altttoal anlirtdy r«IU»*4 #f bar r<w|h ami aba ilia fount! II |
■ bar klwap la-ltai »«• W«tl )our reiutiliea work like A Chdrm. j
II 4k *ul kata tkrut taka an takatltal . fur tfcay kata tttaal. j
H tilt m M «»* .4>ltK a*4 Hi ka> • It.-ma I rvatw. ill a tal.iakla tut Mr
W•» tk» •»*...u.t to t»,«lt. Itt tit tMl it ill l«i I .*•<« luiw a«4 11,11 lor j
kMttiitn u>4 It *t» ««4 ll r* #a* Mr hti't NmkiUki,
444itw IIH M J hit HkMIl At, IU,. tiM tit k, kill j