The Nort hwestern ■PUBLISHED I ."VERY FRIDAY jlT THE COUNTY SKAT. V, TICK, ) Bfllnfi and OKo! n. UlHSON . I Fublluhere TERMS:—M-00 v*11 V*AK-,r faid in advanc I ntcrutl at, the Loup City Postofllee for I run x nitMHlon through the mall* a* aeeond cln*H matter. Official Taper Sherman County REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET, For Governor. M L HAYWARD, of Otoe For Lieutenant Governor: GEO. E. MURPHY of tint"' For Hern iary of State; C DURAS of Halim. For Auditor of State. T L MATTHEWS of Dodge For Treasurer: PETER MORTENSEN of Valley For Hupt. of Public instruction: J F SAYLOR °f Lancaster. For Attorney General: N G JACKSON of Antelope For Cora'r. Public Lund and llulldlngH: G R WILLIAMS of Doutla*. CONGRESSIONAL TICKET t'ongreaa, 6th district, NOKltld into tv of Kearney SENATORIAL TICKET. Senator, 16th district PHIL IIP.NNOIC, of Kearney COUNTY TICKET For Keprcxeutatrve, LEWIS IIKCHTIIOI.O. For County Attorney, W. II., it * That “Reform" school land ma nipulation by the populist state ofll ciuls will cost them enough voles to defeat them this fall or indica tions are deceitful. One report bus it that T. 8. Night ingale, the populist nominee for county attorney held a very success ful and enthusiastic ut Ash ton, last week. The populist voters in this county seem to bo doing more thinking than shouting this fall. Loud mouthed traitors and unprincipled dema gogues are going to reap their re ward pretty soon. The populist leaders will discover this fail that the time has come when they cant “fool all of the people some ot the time,” nor “some of the people all of the time," any more. The signs of the times indicate that the majority of the voters in Neb raska, are tired of being tooled. There seems to he a large sized boom in the third supervisor district lor the republican candidate, I). 1). Grow, and all indications at present point to his election. No body has the interest of Hhcrnmn county at heart more than Mr. Grow, lie is a gentleman of lurgo experience in county matters having occupied the position of couuty clerk. The nominee for representative on the republican ticket, Lewis Bech thold is a man ot good sound judg ment and sterling business ability. As Supervisor of this Loup City township he has made a record that meets the approval of his constitueu cy. The interest of the township and county has been carefully guard ed. If elected to the legislature he may bo depended upon to represent us in the same careful and guarded manner. Give Mr. Hcchthold your vote and thereby show your appre ciation for his valuable services ren dered in the past All lovers of peace should vote for W. 11. Conger. Oho of .Mr. Con* ger'a chief (|ualiflcaUons and which especially tits hitu for tho oitlce of county attorney is his wonderful s bilitv to get little pettit ptarrela set tied without litigation, thereby »a\ ing expense to ait parties concerned. There is perhaps no man in tbeooun ty w ho is more of a peace maker than Mr. Conger. As Justice of tin* peace he has hoeu knuwu to get many cases settle*! without iucuring much expense to the litigants, au*l oftsu has s,,t« for Inin nod he will do you good. A circular letter is being disiri billed by a few would be populist leaders in this community who me ns unscrupulous us the whelps of Satan that begot it. U is purport iug to come from a republican com roittec but fails to sign a solitary name, it seeks to delude hut its elo vec foot is aperient, it nets forth the facts that the said republican com mittee wishes to inform tin,' repub lican voters of this state that Hoi. (leorgo A. Murphy, candidate for lieutenant-governor on the republican ticket is a ‘‘Venal Vampire” and that if such men are tried to be forced upon tlie people that, they should be defeated by republican votes, all of which republican* should ii iunn • r is u scheme which the stale house gang have evolved from their pest* leutial brain for the purpose of ;d least saving one of their number from a much deseiyed defeat this fall. A second circular letter is being sent to old soldiers telling them \V. Ji. Greene, hud introduced the nmsi favorable bills in congress for their relief of any that lias been introduc ed since lie lias beet) misrepn mi .it ing this district. All this is for the purpose of catching the unwary, Im there is little doubt but that it w ill only cause the luke warm to wake up to the fact tlmt men who are rott< n enough to renort to such underhand ed chicanery at the last minute b fore election would hesitate at noth ing after they were elected, Bill Green the friend of tin soldiei1 why there are very few old vets in the state but that knows that he was a member of the Knights of the Gold en Circle during the rebellion, and that he used every means in his few er to destroy this union, and.from the continual tirade of abuse he. has sought to heap upon this govern ment all through his useless life bis rebel heart has never relented and he seems to still foster tin- same spirit that lie did when he was glory ing over the assassination of our martyred Lincoln, and now lie has the gaul to undertake to pose a - a “Lincoln Republican." Gaul and wormwood! You will get your dues copperheads when you have to swal low it.—Head the letter below. Geo. K. Henschoter, Hsu., Lincoln, Nebr. I)e.\k Slit—l beg to acknowledge receipt of your Utter of theSOtb tod thank you for so promptly furnish ing the circular which you enclosed therein. You may rest assured that our committee were surprised at the existanee of such a document, and we will punish the guilty par ties severely if we cau locate them. It is one of the most dastardly outrages that was ever perpetrated upon a political committee and can didate, in this state, of any party. This only shows, however, how des perate the opposition are and how fearful they are of defeat. Yours truly K. It. Schneider, (.'hairm m. The above letter was receive I from Mr. H. B. Schneider, Chairman of Republican State Central Commits <\ and refers to the circular leltii ,.i spoken of, > CRACK-A-JACK BARGAINS IN Our stock of men's • ud boy’s suits are comeplcte in every particular and wo- . u suit you both in qiu !ity ; ;id price. (Jive us a c.dl and i>o convinced that o i* pri are away down and the quality of our good.- is a’,, v iif). All fresh sc, >u d>le goods. Wo have just re ceived them and want to -’ll them out in time to make room for a fall stock ho will sell on the least pos :Ue margin, Wo hive the line.-l lino -linos over brought to flii- oilv. ()ui* largoinvoice ju-t rcociveil enables us to lit everybody and suit every body ns to stylo, quality of goods and prices. We make a specialty of our shoo d partment and invite all to oomein and look over our assortment. Full line of Indie's and '.cut’s furnishing goods and a big stock of general mer chandise. Remember that 'Old Glory” still waives in the breeze and 1ml we are paying the highest marke* n ■ to * your produce and give you prompt s rvice and courteous treat ment. Your Respectfully, d. PJilL dA6G€F? SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Loup City, s KTeta. It is very important that v.< elect a man for senator i i this senatorial district who is a tower of '-m m, h in himself, and who (he's h \ - o resort to fusion ami eoirupliou to gain strength. It is km-wn 1 / 11 that Mr. Miller, the pej uli-t candi date for senator did siieoci .1 i i get ting his natno on the democrat: bal lot of this county by rotten and ion tcmptublc scheming w h tin* pops who held a caucus in 1. :.g tv Math ews back room, and avaunt ih will of the democrats of tills tli riet. That they styled this no ting * n tu tu: rate senatorial com it Ion, nd therefor* tiled a ccrUth av wi tin county cleric and orderc priu ed on the olli id 1 j d- Hi’ c> title tick* t Ti» ■- if 1 H • p tic u Stile ! il . up 1 I : si oal r on the deift* * i* : ineUlbl i Hi . in ■ id »i.»*i w • i the ci ini l ■ I: • '• dlnessr- O l> 1 ! il> tin The Iiiiai Congress. a permanent feature of the Tra :>Mi3«lssiDPi and international Eiposltioi AT OMAHA. NO V OPBN. CLOSKS NOV. 1 Forty 'i'lifi ■ of North American Indiana represented. I u'quc Kthnologii al Kxbibit It id <>|)|iorliinity to M-c the var at typei of American Indians intbeifl native noatutnu aud habitation*. ■ N rlr ATt?asd:il Mians kn Now no lb: ill Ollpffil iMDIt. 1 r idire. if i • t <.’apt W. A. Me»\ • r. I . S. A . lti« Indian • | . , .Mil. ip I Ml ; ’ H II far U ok • n. irl> vvi < mitog. Tha War Dance 'Ph© Medicine Danco The Ohoat Dance the t a alto Dnuce, The uu dame . t * i« I -1 III * iid I U * ill it «nl it* it* II in i ii frr I «* * W, J. FISHES, Attorney and Notary Public. GEO. E. BENSCHOTER, Publisher Loup City Northwesters Fisher & Benschoter, Real Estate Agents, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated LANDS FOR SALE. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Calls Attended Night or Day G. II. Gibson, Funeral Director. \N r.KillT I’AGKI) PAI’KK LINCOLN i:VENIN(; NEWS. TWENTY-FI VF CENTS PER MONTH. Telegraphic news of the world hours ahead of other papers. Cheapest Daily Paper in Nebraska. Subscribe through vour postmaster or send direct to EVENING NEWS, Lincoln, Neb. A I*. CULLKY, President. A. P. GULLEY, Caahlt FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY, General Banking Business Transacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000 i flu l Seaboard National Hank, New York City, N. Y., Omaha Omaha, Nebraska. ISS & CO. VHnfclM 11 nulls That's Just It! You can t always lull hy the looks of n garment li<»w it in noinn to W K Mi Why Not llm W K A It ah well a* the hi iks When inn i all have liolh at Uie iuiiii I’ril t* I’.00 i" tin1 »lurtiii|j |>«oni of' tilUMI hMwtirtl lv St run a* A i ’o,'» Kiiimm* I’mitom TrtiluriMl. Suita uiul < >\ rrcottt* aiitti an troiit'lml enii nnlri' tlirunn tu free. It Will I ,l\ \t*U t>* I’X limin' tin* Hw anil h'liM iniir unier for mie of tin «• li i in I in in> ^ir ■Ml t*\M. ON i nni. iAKiiKK,