The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 04, 1898, Image 3

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    Ryckmsn and Marshall Working on a Plan
Looking to an Extension.
One of the Promoters Ktpltltn the
Hrrtpe end I'i r|.ij.e of the Project
Which They Hope Oiuelio Will <iiv«
A fortnight nine* John W. Ityckman
of Chicago and Edward .Marshall of
Now York, says iho Omaha He®. suto
nilttod a proposal to certain promi
nent InrliXKH men r.f Omaha for the
holding of n foreign and colonial ex
position In this city In 1839. The plan
presented bv these gentlemen I ns been
approved In the abstract by to many
of those before whom It was laid, and
seems to feasible that there now
seems to be n rofslblllty of Omaha's
having snothm end In many respects
«'|iially inipoitunt am) successful ex
position next year. It Is Intended to
form an entirely new organ /•>tlon to
take over the present buildings and
grounds, or i uch part of them as may
he necessary for the purpose, from the
present company, upon such reasona
ble basis ns may bo arranged.
"It Is true,” sai l Mr. Hyeknmn. “that
a suggestion has been made to the di
rectors of the exposition to secure the
transfer of the Trc.ns-Mlsslsslppl ex
position and grounds to a
new organization to be Immediately
formed, for the purpose of holding an
exposition In Omaha next s-a-ton, for
which every section of our whole coun
try feels there Is Immediate demand.
If Omaha did not take up the projnet
some other city would, tout ax this
magnificent plant Is already here and
available the cards are all In Omaha's
' "Omaha having assumed the respon
sibility of this great Trans-Mississippi
exposition and having come out of It.
■o triumphantly with nil the splendid
building* loft Intnrt should now for
the country’s sake assutfio an equal
responsibility and bring Into direct
conjunction here next summer nil of
the forces that have become Interlaced
In our country’)! greater commerce of
the future In the pew territories and
possessions acquired since the Hpan
Ish-Amerlcan Imbroglio. Wlth'n a
very few months the whole political
and commercial complexion of the
country has changed We have assum
ed control of rich colonhs outside our
own domain, and ttin markets of Cu
ba, Porto ftlco, Sandwich Islands and
the Philippines now fail to us by right
of conquest The commodities tney
have heretofore received from Eng
land, Germany, France and other ciun
trlcs may now and must he supplied
•by our own Industrialists At the pres
ent time they are absolutely unfamil
iar with the character of the goods
used In these countries and of their
natural products which we can utilize.
Fore some time this trade, which will
rapidly develop for us to an unlimited
extent, must be a question of barter.
We must utilize their products In or
der to displace tlielr good with our
own In their markets.
"An exposition which will bring here
to the precise center of the United
{States, where a great exposition plant
Is rcadv to receive them, all the pro
ducts of our ncw possessions and sam
ples of all the goods aud wares filter
ing luto the lr domestic und economic
systems Is not only timely but Is ab
solutely demanded uri l will mike Oma
ha not only the magnet of attraction
throughout the world next year by
reason of the great Importance of such
a showing, but will add vastly to Its
reputation for courage and Its master
ful recognition of the necessary foros
of national advancement, Japan would
Join In such an exposition and make
a magnificent display, because of their
loudly expressed desire to become al
lied to the United States In further
ance of her foreign commerce. Mexico
lias for years plead with us for a
chance to make such an exhibition aa
would attract, the attention of coinmer
clallsts to her material resources. The
Nicaragua Canal company would join
extensively and bring here the best
of everything In Honduras, Venezuela,
Guatemala, etc.. The rdmlnlstratlon
having evolved for the country the
splendid achievements In these terri
torial aggrandizements, must favor
such a demonstration and congress
would appropriate a vary considerable
sum to bring the products and the pro
ducers of our new possessions and al
lies here face to fact with our own
producing clas.ies for a perfect under
standing and a sure commercial foot
"It Is proposed to organize a com
pany with a capital stock of $‘!50,000,
which U considered by some of Oma
ha’s most prudent business nwr. to he
an amn’e gnarnrly on the pan of this
city. You wav >av That definite ac
tion on the matter will ne taken imme
diately "
WIkiii linn unit tVliet Mioiilil He Hrui
III III*" llntm.
Adjutant Oeiirral Once of tbe Ne
braska (Irani Army, has born made
forwarding n»«nt by friends of Ne
braska soldiers who have organised
for the purpose of irtiuporilnR donn
ttuns to the solJl'os. The Intention I*
to send a box to each soldier of rn h
Nebraska r<,#uu >nt. The Uottailun.i
w ill be sent In Clue to reach the sol
dlers Christmas. Cenernl (lahas
liftilid the follow inf
"I accept the Uutv on behalf of the
Orand Army of the Republic and enter
upon my duties b> issuing this elrrli
lac, The duiilluu for the boys lu the
First it aim-at be prepared at
onee so aa to rea< h them at
by ihr Ultima, and must be shipped
by November >t That for the Third
must he shipped by U«r«mber 1 The
friends of the bov* si earli home eta
tlon must organise and rommunteate
with me at oaee The following towns
are the home •l.iikmi of the first
regiment: A, York, II Fullerton. C,
lle«»ri«-e; n. I.lneolu; R. Uavld City,
F. Vl iJisou. 0, Ueacvai II. Nvlew, I.
U-niiM, K. Columbus, I,. Omaha, VI,
Itroken Itow Third regimem A,
l.lfudti It IMsttamauth; C. Omaha;
l». Omaha; 16, Itlalr; F, Fremoal; 0,
Wakefield; If, SLromsburg; K. Hast*
Inga; L, indlatioia; M, O’Neill.
"Each soldier should be sent a bo*
not larger than eighteen Inches In
length, eight inches wide, and eight
Inches deep, made of pine. Three ex
act dimensions should he followed
when possible im convenience of re
parking in shipping case, which
should be made of good inch pine lum
ber, well bound, and lines on the In
side with waterproof bul'nlng paper,
! and should bo forty Inches long, thlr
j ty-stx inches wide, forty Inches deep,
' and will hold Just fifty small boxes.
The small boxes will have name and
i company of the soldier it Is Intended
for; the packing case, name of the
j company and regiment plainly marked.
Notify me when ready to ship.
"Of course, persons are permitted to
Inclose In the boxes what they choose.
It Is suggested, however, that, owing
to the distance, change of climate, and
length of time occupied In shipment,
care should be taken that nothing
whatever lie sent of a perishable nat
ure. Of edibles, fruit cake, preserves,
Jellies, or any canned goods may bo
sent, but n<> fruit nor cooked food
any kind other than that named above
should he Included, for the reason that
It would not only spoil, but would taint
other articles contained In the large
package. Clothing and trinkets of any
kind may he sent In safety.
"I suggest that each box might con
tain two undershirts, all wool; two
pairs of drawers, all wool; six cotton
stockings, six colored handkerchiefs,
six medium-sized Turkish towels, hair
brush, comb, tooth brush, one dozen
needles, one spool of black linen
thread, one dozen pants but tons, one
dozen pearl shirt buttons, one small
pin cushion and pins, one dozen
stamped envelopes, six of them direct
ed to the mother or dear friend of the
soldier, one quart of home-made
pickles, one quart of cherries, one
pound of fruit cake, one pint of grat
ed horseradish. The committee at each
company station Is asked to see that
eaeh soldier in the romnuny receives
n box. whether- he has friends in the
community or not. Ii this Is done no
soldier will 1 e slighted.
“This work must be done by the
committee at the home station, end
attended to at once. If not, then the
boys from that nation will be left out
In the cold. The members of the (». A.
H arc executed to lend a helping hand.
Who knows better than they the bene
fit derived from rtu h work. Address
me at I.lnccdn on all matters pertain
ing to inis rA*; otic work."
lift urn of Hrtiool ICfhlhKi.
State Superintendent Jackson has
issued the following latter, relating to
the educational exhibit* ut the expo
As the close of the exposition draws
near many dealro information as to
the returning of the educational ex
hibit from the Trans-MIsslssippl expo
sition at Omaha
1. Kach exhibit will be returned to
the person shipping the exhibit from
the county, free of charge, In confor
mity with the provision made for the
free transportation of our education
al exhibit over Nebraska lines. Pay
no express or freight eharges.
2. As soon us possible utter the ex
position closes all educational exhibits
will be taken down and packed for
shipment. Superintendent C. W.
Stewart, my assistant, and the helpers
In the educational department will
give careful attention to the packing
and 1 sh'>ll give It. as much of my
personal ntpntion as I am able. It will
not be necessary for anyone to go to
Omaha to pack the exhibit for ship
ment. However, those living near by,
or those who may he desirous of look
ing after the parking of their own ex
hibits, are Invited to do so All surh
persons will he furnished with a work
man’s pass to the grounds after the
elose of the exnoaltlon for the time
needed to do this work. Thse pass
es may be secured at our headquarters
In the Manufactures building, or of As
,-stant Secretary of the State Com
mlsslon .1. N. Campbell, In the Nebras
ka building. I think you will have
no trouble In securing these passes If
you will make It known that you are
ope of the eduentlonal exhibitors and
show this etreular to the gate-keeper.
3. I shell endeavor to have some
photographle views of our Nebraska
eflueational exhibit and place cuta of
the same In my biennial report.
Pork V*a<’kliiff OfwrutloiiK
South Otnahuh Is a busy place ihcne
days, says an Omaha paper. Duilrg
the week eonslflerably over 10,000 h tg«
were received and slaughtered at that
point. Since March I the packers
have handled 1,135,000 hogs, which ;s
a gain over the corresponding period
or :ast year of 1f!0,000. During the
same period St. Louis has gained 12J •
000. Indianapolis H4.000, Cincinnati
37.000 and the smaller markets In
about the same proportion. Kansas
City, however, is the one exception,
the gain In the number of hogs pack'd
at that point amounting to only 6,000.
while South Omaha has been galnli g
150,000. and rapidly closing up the gap
between third and second place In the
list of packing centers. The reason
for the loss of prestige on the putt cl
Kune is City at u time when nil othei
hog packing points are lib
eral gains is to be found in the operr
lions of the little town down the river
tamillarly known as St. Joe. Since
March 1 there have been puoWed at
that point 5HS*,000 hogs. Of thut
number 300,000 are figured ah having
come from Kansas City territory, and
only about 150.uoo from Nebraska let
rltory. The operatlona of St. Joe In
Itausa* City territory are doing much
to niuullxe the disparity In wealth
amt population between Nebraska and
Kansas, sc that those who are fattiallar
with the business would not be aur
prU* d to see South Omaha win secon I
p!a<« ns a hog pinking center before
very long.
l*Mk4|M f-»r Il«r
Adjutant Carry In In receipt of a
telegram from Adjutant (leiteral Cor
Ido of the war ilstwrlmst stating In
answer to his query an to whether the
govertuncut wo i.d forward Christmas
packages to the numbers of the First
\ebr»»k:t volunteer regional station
ed at Manila The inmati Is to the
eflr< t that the packages will be for
warded free of t harge all packages to
bo addressed in the department qaar
terutaster at San ►Taailao. Cal,
Aitlit»nl of Kxhlblt* Arrn.lnd
on tlie ( of t'raatl.
Omaiia. Neb., N«r. 1.—A sensation
bus developed in the department of
exhibits at the Trans-Mississippi ex
position. growing out of the arrest of
II. II. Hard:,, assistant manager of
that department, on two warrants
ehargieg him with forgery, ilarilt
denies the charges and in turn declares
lie will make some counter ehurges
that will cause more of a sensation
than bis arrest.
The warrants for Ilardt'x arrest
were sworn to by II. N. t'oehrou, rep
resenting Schofield, Sehurmer A Tea*
gic, anil II. A. Hearb; of the Monarch
Manufacturing company, llotb com
plainants allege tiiat llardt so changed
tliu awards of the judges that the
medals and certificates of merit which
should have gone to the firms men
tioned went to some other firm.
<‘»nfi-**loit of n I’urent.
Nkw York. Nov. ). Nicholas Jack
son of Hackensack, who was sent to
Trenton prison to serve ten years for
causing the death of his 0-ycar-olil son
fjouis, confessed to Sheriff Herring and
Deputy Sheriff Jackson while they
were on their way to Trenton from
Hackensack with the prisoner. On
this information Mrs. Jackson is held
an necesssory to the murder of her
stepson. Here are Jackson's words to
the sheriff:
“My wife, whom I had only recently
married, did not like Louis, my little
boy, and wc had many quarrels about
him. She helped me to plan the mur
der, and I was to put the hoy on the
tracks. I went to Tenneek and stood
near the West Shore railroad track. 1
was afraid to put the youngster on the
tracks aiivg for fear he would get off,
so 1 struck him in the stomach with an
iron holt and that made him uncon
scious Then 1 put him on the track
Just below the crossing und waited for
a train to coine along. When 1 was
convinced that ho was dead I went
home. I fixed up the story about my
leaving the hoy asleep on the hill near
the tracks to save my life. The jury
believed me and found mu guilty of
manslaughter, thinking that Louis
walked on the track and was struck by
a train. I got off dead easy."
Mua Meeting In Una .limn.
San JifA* i»k 1'obto Rico, Nov. l.—
The principal theater of the city wan
taxed to it* utmost capacity Sunday
afternoon on the occasion of a public
meeting of delegates from the chief
towns of the island to consider and
draft recommend itions regarding the
necessities of the island for the use of
the special commissioners who will lie
selected later to represent Porto Rico
at Washington, when the time comes
for settling the administrative system.
The assembly was fairly representa
tive. and although the proceedings
gave undue prominence to unimpor
tant details, there was abundant evi
dence of intelligent reflection on tilt
part oft lie delegates, and of a deter
mination not to tolerate partisan poli
ties at this crisis in the island's nf
Carefully prepared reports were sub
mitted by tlie political, social and
economical committees.
'The meeting received with enthu
siasm the resolutions demanding the
territorial rights, the cessation of the
present military rule and the installa
tion tif regular civil government.
Tim KaUor In Jerusalem. Nor. 1. -The approach
of their (ierman imperial majesties to
the city was muds through triumphal
arches, and amid banners, garlands
and ever growing Crowds, displaying
in every way Mieir enthusiasm and de
The formal entry through the Jaffa
gate was heralded by the roar of guns
at the citadel, where the Turkish band
played the tier man anthem.
From the tower of David Emperor
William and Empress Augusta Victo
ria proceeded on foot, amid wild cheer
ing. to the Church of the Iloly Sepul
chre, where they were received by the
Catiiolie, Ureck and Armenian clergy,
whoso patriarchs presented addresses
eulogizing the devotion of Emperor
William, who has since conferred dec
orations on the patriarchs.
The imperial pair attended service
at the Evangelical church in Hethle
iu-m, afterward paying u visit to tlic
Church of the Nativity.
Aiisrclilit* at Ponca.
Poxcr, Nov. I.—A sensation was
caused here on the arrival of the lied
line steamer Philadelphia from the
Spanish main, by the discovery in the
hnudbufs of two passengers of a num
ber of explosive cartridges containing
dynamite. The discovery was made
by the customs officials and the pas
sengers were arrested, ou the supposi
tion that they ure anarchists.
Tils Nest f'eiiirs**.
CIIICAOO, Nov. 1.—The Times-Herald
prints an estimate, compiled from re
in rts from its eorresp indents in every
state, which gives tho Republicans a
majority of forty-live over ail in the
next Mouse of Representatives, and a
majority of fourteeu over all in tho
Senate. This cstimrlu claims three
Republican congressmen ill Missouri
and four In Kansas.
•‘Isa lo Atulil ik« Tariff.
W*, Nor. I. Harold M
sew alt, special agent of the I tilted
Stales at Honolulu, has t ailed the at
tention of the state depart in cut to the
large im|airtati m of go-nts into Ha
waii under the low rates of the Ha
waiian tar‘If sml which are to tat
shipped to the t lilted Mates wh«n the
rvstrielton uu trade between the
is.and* and the t nited htstes are re
moved lie presents statements shunt
ing nn increase of ti.ltxlvi in the im
port# for the first eiven month* of im
Tliof CuntlJur Thst (ha t'aUad Slates Ii
Troillni Thom Shabbily.
Sittiaoo. Oct. 2rt.—Major Pettit, In
contniund of the Uni toil Htiites troop*
ut Manzanillo and military governor
of the city, telegraphed yesterday that
the Cuban general. Rios, offers two
companies <»f urnieil men to assist the
Americans in preserving « rder. merely
ashing rations in return, Oeneral
Wood sent the following reply:
‘'Certainly not. The only eonditions
tui which rations are to lie issued are
the eo topic to disarmament and dia
bamloument of the troops."
Some of the Cubans here eousider
that the United States Is treating its
allies lmdly in not allowing the Cuban
forces to remain armed. They con
tend that the Cuban soldiers who have
been fighting three years, who speak
the language of the country, are bet
ter fitted for gurrisou duty than "un
trained volunteers."
The Cuban general, Maeia Rodri
gue/., virtually voices the sentiment of
tile Cuban army when lie says:
"We thank the United States foi the
assistance it tias given us, but the time
has now arrived when the Cubans
should 1>« place l in the highest offices
and should prepare to take over the
island on the departure of the Spuu
Cuban extremists hero are jubilant
at the reported attitude of the Cuban
assembly at Santa Cruz del Sur. where
the delegates, while expressing their
gratitude to the Americans,practically
demand a distinctive Cuban govern*
incut. Tlie Cuban moderates, on the
other hand, regret tills stand, thinking
it best for tlie United States authori
ties to continue in charge of affairs for
a year ut least, so as to set things go
ing and to prevent any complications
with foreign governments
Orr|oii'i IuiIImii Itampant.
liAKKK City. Ore., Oct. 28.—Word
was received here hy telephone from
Canon City of a shooting affray, in
which Indiana idiot and Kerioualy
wounded Dave Cuttings and allot the
liorsea from under F. Duncan and I''.
Mosier. The redskins then went to
the home of John High and ahot him,
but not fatally.
Tho scene of the trouble i» on the
south fork of John Day river, about
thirty miles southwest of Canon City.
A well-armed posse from Canon City
has taken up the trail and hard fight
ing is expected, us the Indians arc
well armed.
Heavy Failure In I’lttv liurg
PirrsmJKO, Pa., Oct. SH, Edward
Oroctzinger entered a plea of bank
ruptcy, placing his liabilities at #32.'>,
and assets at #1*7,TO'.’. Mr. Uroet
/inger's failure was caused hy heavy
indorsement of paper for his brother.
A. Uroetzingur, who failed last week.
Claims For Cut (Inf Cabla.
Iiomox, Oct. 2f. -At a meeting of
the Eastern Extension company, the
Marquis of Tweedale, the chairman,
said the company’s claim against the
t'nited States for nutting the Manila
cable had not yet been admitted.
Peking.—In response to the demand
of the llritish minister, Sir Claude
MacDonald, the empress dowager has
issued an edict directing the punish
ment of the Chinese soldiers who on
Sunday attacked a party of railway
eugineers at the Marco Polo bridge on
the Peking-llankow line.
London.—L. ’/. Leitor, of Washing
ton nnd Chicago, has purchased the
premises at No. 1 Carlton House ter
race, London, for his daughter, Lady
Curzon of Kcndleston, vicerein of
India, for $1,000,000.
Fort Scott. Kan. — While prospecting
within a mile of this city, drillers
struck gns-beuring rock and the roar
of th« flames can be heard half a mile
from the well.
Vienna.—Dr. Pooh, who lias been at
tending the victims of the bubonic
plague in Vienna, together with lioch
egger, another of the nurses, has de
veloped symptoms of the disease.
Chicago.—There were 130.001 new
names added to the registration lists
in the city of Chicago. This makes
the total registration 320,748.
Omaha, Chicago and New Vork Market
Iluttnr Creamery separator. 1H
flutter—Choice fancy country in
l.ggs Freeh, per dor. HI
hprlng Chicken* Pei pound.... ii
1'iulrle Clilcka tie . I! Ik)
Pigeon* live, uerdoz. 73
l.etnon* -Per no*.. . .... 4 7S
<'ranees Per box. 3 73
I rnnuerrle* - Wisconsin,per Ikix I '41
Appln*~Per barrel . 2 76
Money—Choice, per |»ouml. 14
Onion*—Per bushel . AV
(bails 111) ml pick ill navy 1 23
Potatoes-—Per bushel near. Ik'
llay-Upland per ion .5 00
Hog* Choice light. 3 rtV
Hogs Heavy weight, . 4 ttl
beef »leer» —. 4 VO
Hulls. 2 to
Mag*. 3 10
Calve*... 6 71
Western feeder* . 2 76
I »•«. .a .
Heifer* ........ . . .
Mocker* and feeder*...
Mieep Mutton* ,,,,,. ...
hheep Urass Western
I HU 400.
Wheat No. 3 spring ... ...... .
Corn I’er bushel . .. .
Oats Per bushel.
Il.i.i ( N .
life No. 1 . .... .
Timothy *re>l, per bu.
Pori Per el
Card Per h<* bound* ......
) att|e—M e*iem llanaer* .
Cattle— Native larf *laer*
lings Mixed
hhiap I su,la
*ne#p VV rtlsui Manger*
SB* III** N VUkki.
Ilheil No k red winter
t ora Nn. I . .. .
Data—No. 3 ... .
iiwti tin,
Wheat No 1 *p< lug
Corn Nu. 3 .
IMt* Nn 3
Sheep— Mutton) ., ..
Hog. Mlisd
Cattl* stw kvN *ed feeder* ,
3 A.
3 V>
3 i*i
4 V)
4 O')
3 *i
7 TV
4 *:
3 >«
4 <6
4 61
6 14
4 00
a ■»
a 13
a 17
a 7
a 4 no
u I no
a 7 W)
u 3 Iki
a I 7»
a 3 sci
a IV
a 40
a I .VO
a 40
a 3 60
a II *0
a .1 7.
a 6 in
a 2 on
4 no
7 no
3 2-V
3 2>
3 6
4 IV
4 01
4 16
3 M
4 rati
a 4 7u
a 4 76
a 4 74
a 4 '0
a 4 3)
4 *
* m
i <*»
7 %
• *W
d i #
» 4 m
Hidden Test "Vlelil Vonnatfiw I'nlo
the lord, mill Kiitnr Into III* Nani"
t urj."—3 CHruu. :su:h itc/ekialis
(Jreut lasso ver.
The soetlon Includes ehaps, U-3t, to
ne! Imt with the Parallels 2 Kings IN:
1-10, anil Isa., rhip. 3S, The place, In tho
history In Chi- revival mnl n-Mtnratlon tllt
<l*-r Il'Z.eklnh and Isaiah, stemming the
tide of IrrellKlou, tliut had crown to u
groat Hood under Alia*.
1. "Anil llezekluh Hi nt to all Israel and
Judah," It was necessary that people
ahnuld know that there was to he a re
newal of the creut religious festivals, be
en use they had been neitleetad for a Ionic
time tv, H. Whatever was tfood for Ju
dah was good also for Israel. Israel was
very near Its end (or, If we take the later
date of Professor Kent and others, the
nnth n whs destroyed,and there were only
sea,tiered and I tec 11-0 ted people through
out Israeli, possibly llezekluh had hope
if uniting the kingdoms Into one strong
and glorious kingdom like that of David.
The movement was noble, earnest and
hopeful, |t was a sign of the right spir
it, "Kphralm and Munasseh." The lead
ing tribes of Israel.
2. "For the king had taken counsel."
He was wise In inuklng plans, and In get
ting so many to Join with him In the
work. The wise man takes counsel wllh
many, so as to see each object from many
points of view, "Keep the passover In
the second month.” Because tln-re had
not been time to make preparations of
li tuple and priests, and lo spread the In
vitations. This was allowable "In ear*
Of absence on u journey, or temporary,
defilement iNuir. 0: 10, ]]). llezekluh ami
Ids counselors considered that this per
mission might, under the circumstances,,
he extended."—t’ook,
f>. "Front Brer-sheba." tbe most south
ern town of Judah, "to Dan." near tho
sources of the Jordan, on the northern
boundary of Israel. "For they hail not
‘lotto It of a long time tor, as It. V'.. In
grout numbers), hi such sort "as It was
written,” ns the law prescribed. "Holm
few, espcrlally those settled III Hie south
ern kingdom (2 citron. II: Id. IB: V), had,
n. out Wli' great llUlK HI IMP icn
1 rtbe* tiHil Mlooil aloof elriep the »cpara
ttoil Of Ihu kingdom*."—Cook.
ti. “Ho i hi* pome." Poet men, courier*, A
l>oet le a etullon, or eerlp* of etatlone, on
a regular route, connected try meenenger*
with relay*. Hence, aleo the me**enger*.
or carrier*. “Turn again." ftecauee your
mlefortunce have arteon from foreaklng
Ood and hie religion. “The remnant . .
thal are nacapod . . . Aeeyrla," Tha
Aeeyrlane were ut thl* time holding le
reel ue vaeeale. They had again and
again overrun the country, and were ev
en now prcpailng for the (Inal overthrow.
(Hee 2 King* IK 35: Hoaca 10: 14.) Or It
may refer to a time after the fall of U
»■ "Re ye not etlffnecked." I.Ike oxen
that will not eubmlt to the yoke, nor lie
guided by their niueler* “Yield your
eclvee unto the laird, and enter Into hie
eenctuary." The nailon had left the true
eamtuory and the rightful worahlp of
Jehovah, under Jeroboam, and hail eet up
another wmehlp of Jehovah by Image* of
young bulla, at Bethel urid Han,
9. “Compaaalon before them that lead
them captive." Home of the trlbee had
been taken captive before ihle, In the
reign of Pckuh <2 Kluge 15: 2»).
10. “Zehulun.” In (lulllee, the tribe
I'urtheel away from Judah reached by
llezeklah'e tneeeengere. “liceldee pereone
from theeo three trlbee. we hear (In v. 18)
of 'many' from Kphralin and leeuchar.
Thu* live of the ten trlbie certainly Kent
repreeenlutlvee. Two Reuben and flail—
were In captivity. fine Inin— whh ab
eortied In Judah. Hlmeon and Naphtall,
which alone remain, an in to have been
more tbati ordinarily Idolatroua. “Hut
they laughed them to acorn, and mocked
them," They threw away their only
hope. They bad no appreciation of their
own danger, nor of the poeelblo good that
wae offered to them. Within three year*
after tin* rejection of thla Invitation Hhnl
maneeer had begun hie great elege of Hu
murln, which ended within three yeare In
tha final captivity of the leraelltee, and
tin* deatructlon of the northern kingdom.
They would not turn thal they might be
11. “Nevertheleee, dlvere . . . bumbled
themerlvee, and came," It wae humiliat
ing to leave their own country, to find
rlghteouenee* and eafety In another.
They duubtleHM had to euffer Imllgnltlee
and acorn from their neighbor*. It le our
duty to carry the invitation to every per
Hon poeelble. In order lo do tide we muet
know our Held—the wide, wide world Held
and the Held elc*<» at home. There are
churrhee which eludy their kiirroundlugH.
one I know was made an accurate map.
Willi every ihiiim numi un n, anti imu
Mui! print copies made for the pastor and
each of the district committee. The dls
trtetH are rnarkeil off by red lineti. A
curd catalogue In then made, one card for
each family: every member of the family
Ih named upon It. with the nice of the
children; the church and Humlay aehool
at tendance la noted, and the church af
filiations, ho that other churches may be
aided by this catalogue. Through thin
plan and the home department. It In ex
peeled thut every one will receive an In
vitation. We muMt expect that no mo will
reject the Invitation with acorn, but there
will alwaya be Home who accept. The
next month a great I’anHover wui
held for fourteen days, with an Immense
number of sacrifices, and with gri at glad
ness, so that "since the time of Holomon
there win not the like In Jerusalem."
I’ractleal Continued meetings and great
assemblies urc the fruit and the iio-anr
of revival. _
A fright en * d t rench ins u.
The war between Spain and the
United States caused great dismay to
Monsieur t’nllno. “Why," he ex
claimed, "the world can't do anything
ul ult—It will put a stop to all subsist
ence and all business!” “Why do you
think so?" he was asked. "Because,for
one thing, the Interruption of com
munications across the Atlantic by the
.Spanish fleet preying on American
commerce will prevent us from buy
ing any wheat, beef or petroleum from
America." “Yes." “And the blockade
of Cuba will put an end to our receiv
ing any more Havana cigars; and that
Isn't the worst of It," "What do you
meant'' "Ihe I oinbardment and
blockade of Manila will prevent us
from getting any paper to wrap up
parcels In!'*
Sltti Wn funny Nuw.
Prom the Heaven worth Times; A
funny man at Hutchinson sent some of
the toy* of the Twenty first regiment a
box containing a lot of trash. This
was the Hutchinson nian'e Idea of a
joke. Now the boys are getting back
at him A soldier can send a letter,
the postage to be paid by the receiver,
tineb day n»* the funny fellow receives
a grist of letters from the soldier*,
thanking aim for the box, ami promts
Ing that all the boys will write again
nest day. and he has to put up all the
From the War
T.rlng the grrms of malaria, fever* and
other diseases, winch may prove contagious
In their own faniillea. Hood's SarstparlUa
Is a special boon to soldiers, because it
eradicates all disease germs, builds up tbe
debilitated system and bring* back health,
livery returned soldier and every friend
and relative of soldiers should take
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
America's Greatest Medicine, $1; six for $5,
Hcod’o Pllla cure sick headache. 2S cents.
Sho Draws the Line.—Lucy—I we
they ure not going to muster any morn
men out of the army, Mildred—Well,
that setues R. I’ve kept faith with
Tom all ttummer, but I'm not going to
stay away from tho theaters this wln
er even If they make him a major gen
eral.—Chicago News.
Itrrently I’u tentril Inventions.
An application In the Iowa Patent
Olllce for a mail bag adapted to be re
tained distended when open to facili
tate tilling It, to be mode flat and rigid
at the top when closed and locked and
mrans for enclosing and fastening a
flexible label to the locking bar, was
filed at Washington September 1B,
1898, and after one amendment was
allowed October 15. In view of the fact
that some of the examiners are be
tween seven and eight months In ar
rears the Inventor of said mall bag,
(i. It. Howard, of Neola, Iowa, may be
Ten patents were Issued on the 18lli
Inst, to Iowa Inventors, as follows: Tv
It. Ches*ut of Spirit Lake, for washing
machine; to J. A. Cooper of Adair, for
an animal trap; to C. M Hinsdale of
Newton, for a checkrcln-holder; to 1L
Kelly of Waterloo, for a grinding mill;
to Wm. Kelly ot al of Clinton, for a
tufting apparatus for upholstering; to
W. 8. Knox of Conesvllle, for a churn;
to V. O. McCaskey of Ogden, for a
picture frame; to 1). 8. 8. Nalier of Le
Orand, for a rallway-tle plate; to Ed.
Troy of Larry, for a hay rack; and to
Wm. E. Dlppert of Des Moines, a de
sign for a trace-carrier.
Dos Moines, October 21, 1898.
It nan hitherto been the custom of
the children attending the puoilc
schools In Austria and Hungary to
kiss the hands of their teachers on ar
rival and departure. This has been
now forbidden by n ukase Issued by
tho Imperial board of education, which
buses Its decision on u declaration of
the sanitary council.
The secret of Gladstone's long life,
tho iJtncet thinks, "was doubtless duo
to the fact that be was not only able
to sleep easily, but tiiat he was al
ways ready to abandon even the most
Important, the inoat urgent task, and
to lie down and sloop, then and there,
whenever he felt really fatlguod.
TIip oldest surviving officer of the
confederate army—at U2 years of age,
hale and hearty and In full possession
of splendid me ntal faculties, Oen. M.
J. Bulger of Alabama, made the Jour
ney from Jackson Gap to Atlanta, Ga„
to attend the great reunion of eon
feelurate veterans.
A great many Episcopal clergymen
probably would sympathize with tho
English bishop who said recently:
“The two things of which I am most
tired are "i lie Church's One Founda
tion' and Bold chicken. Tho hymn
seems always to be chosen wherever
1 go, and kind hostesses, with quite
extraordinary unanimity, provide cold
chicken for luncheon.”
Hov. Edmund Dowse, of tho famous
old Pilgrim church ut Sherborn, Mass.,
bus just celebrated the sixtieth year
of his pawtorate, a term unequaled In
New England, If not In the United
His Good Guess.—“No,” she declar
ed, “I will never marry for love or
money.” "Ah,” he returned, "you
are looking for some foreigner with a
title.”—Cleveland Deader.
The largest and oldest chain bridge
In the world is said to be that of Klng
tung, In China, where it forms a por
The same food that stupefies the
brain by day keeps It unduly active at
Some men are too stubborn to ac
knowledge the corn until you step on
their toes.
fp<t road from the top of one moun
tain to another.
t>m't ho fool.d wish i ir.., klatoob
or rublwr io*t If v> u w.nlocnal
th.l will k*»|i you dry in tho Ii.rd
irl «l >rn tuy lh« full brand
ptetol If not for ..ic In > mi
Inn, will. for camIoou* to
V I 1 'fWfiW. U o n, Mm
Kura .hurt DM wo will nemiTWO |K>|,
i |*i*l |>.l<l to any aititroM u|<trtt of
I |,rl« * W • |o«o iiK iu-v (>• mrf nnltt, I ui
, ilult to ml tort i.o um-i-Or* Krm| at nnro,
.tatuiK wturitirr you waul Vtaal, fu.lru
1 iiioutal, or ln>lh
fAW W IN a III 1*1 I IN t.o.i.r > k .
nn wl ..r»~*r*n iu-rr. •> fmy
luikunirt A t o It t M,Hu. |)i;
w a a 111 * i ato of inui rr.iih mot It IM n a
• IU|i"(lM».«l » I < i«l» 1 Htaoa 1 b *1111,01
to., .law T 'lk. fv. Of »,oiolo. "Od trow IHtluuolola