The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 04, 1898, Image 2
TilK NORTHWESTERN. HENUCIIOTKK £ UIIIHOK.Ed* and Pub*. 1X>UI» CITY, • - NEBRASKA. Parties are arrnnglrg for putting In a new telephone line In Nebraska City. Fremont's rharlty ball will be given Noveml>er 11th. (Jreat preparations are making for the event. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Claycomb of Bradshaw made a raid on the par sonage, leaving many testimonials of their love and esteem, Miss Idlllan Morris, who was mur dered In Omaha, formerly resided In Fremont with her father, VV. O, Mor ris, being engaged In promoting a company for the construction of a patent fence. The board of trustees of Hastings college Is trying to secure the old Cath olic convent building, which Is situ ated on a flno location Just on the edge of the city limits north of the city. More room la needed. A bloody fight occurred in Beatrice between a man who claimed to live In Omaha but who refused to give his name, and a young horse trader named Blowers. The two had traded horses, and out of this the fracas grew. Arrangements are being made to per mit all the poor people whose means would not allow them to see the ex position heretofore, to see It on Omaha day. The matter Is In the hands of the county charity authorities. Will Root, a farmer living on the Bean farm near Washington was found dead In his bed. His wife was visit ing her father the day before and did not return until the next morning. Heart trouble is thought to have been the cause of his death. Fight hundred and eighty acre* or land belonging to Joseph Ellis was Hold recently at iheriff's sale In Gage county. The purchaser was the mort gagor, J. L. Peachy, who bought the property for $G,068, subject to another mortgage of $10,000. Mr. lleacby re sides in Salisbury. Pa. The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Ilenry Cooper, old and respected cit izens of Table Hock, was celebrated last w<kk. Members of the Grand Array of the Republic post and Re lief corps, calling at the home in a tody, with provisions for a feast and other testimonials of the esteem In which the aged couple are held. General Gage of Lincoln is agitating the matter of sending Christmas boxes to the different companies of the First regiment now at Manila. He suggests In the way of warm whiter undercloth ing, handkerchiefs and mending sup plies. All boxes and packages should he ready for shipment by November 1 If they are to reach the boys by Christ mas. An Italian named Charles Foley, who has been working ou the section for the Union Pacific Railroad company for some time past, was run over and Instantly killed by a freight train near Huda, four miles east of Kearney. Ho was terribly cut and mangled, his bead being nearly severed from the body, bis left foot entirely cut off and his left leg and side mangled Into a shape less mess. In the district court at Wilber the cases of Murray W. Kepler, who sued Walter P. Hanley, a merchant of Dor chester, for $10,000 damages for slan der by words uttered rellectlng upon his Integrity while he was employed by defendant as clerk, the Jury re turned a verdict for plaintiff for 0 cents. The slander case of T. C. Cal lahan vs. Ed. Whitcomb, editor of the Friend Telegraph, was continued to next term. The Johnson robbery rase, which has been on trial In the district court ended at Savannah In the sentence of the prisoner, Arthur Johnson, to eight years In the penitentiary at Lincoln. While Judge Klnkaid was arraigning tho prisoner In the severest terms pos sible for the crime the convicted man suddenly fainted away. A physician was In immi-diate attendance and amid much disorder lie was brought to, only to collapse a second time. The thirteenth annual convention of the Christian Endeavors held in Hast* ings was brought to a closo by the election of old officers with the excep tion of John Hoo;| if Head ice. who was elected president Instead of P. B. Tucker of Lincoln. Mrs. P. K Tucker of Hastings is now superintendent of the Junior department Instead of H. A. Carnahan of Omaha, and H. O. Denise of Omaha, superintendent of Christian eltltenshlp Instead of Clark Oherlles. After passing resolutions of thanks to the people of Hasting* for their loyal entertainment, Kearney wa* agreed upon as the place for hold ing the next meeting. Seward dispatch' A farm house about eight miles northeast of Sew ard. near Uee. occupied by a fam.i/ named McMillan. together with Ilia contents, was burned this morning about • o'clock, Thera was no tins at home except the two McMilleu women and their little children, who barely escaped with the lives. They were sleeping up etatre. and one <4 them escaped through a window, leaving her baby behind. The other one ran down stairs with her baby, and when she saw that the other one had left her baby up stairs she ran 1mm k and got It, but both were unite badly burned before she escaped from the building. The men folka operate a threshing machine and were away from ho • The hone* was a good family tana res tdea««s The amount of the lo«a or whether there was any insurance U The Premuot, Klkhorn A Missouri Valley Kailfuwd company his Just rlowed a eoAtrOgt with the city of (’hadron, hy whkh It receives ail the water access at.*’ In Its large ahops in t'hadroai for a period of l«n yeara. at (he rata of flwi per annum Uuvernor lloleomh honored a requl* • itIon from ttovernor lea'y of Kan« sss for the person of Mortimer tt««u«er, who la wanted In Wyandotte, Kaa fur larceny from a dwelling huusy, ‘the alleged crime la aeid In have l».*n commuted Oriulwr |, UN A shoigua and e»»me other article* are said to have been taken Jinmr m under ar real gt Norfolk US IF WAR WERE CERTAIN. England More Active Than Ever in Preparing Army and Navy, A CRISIS SEEMS AT HAND. Officer* Or.lereil to Only sml thltn Pr« pareil tnr l lglillnji Kervtan Volunteer OBIf-er* Kitl,l to Have Item)veil Olfac tion* for IinnioUInta Mobilisation. Lojfnojf, Nov. 1,—Them wan tin un expected gloomy feeling this morning upon tli* stock exchange nntl the Paris boil rite. Both these markets were in fluenced, it is inferred, from the ag gressive tone of some of the French papers. besides this, somethin# extraordi nary seems to hove happened and it looks us if « crisis were approaching. The Kritixh emergency squadron is gathering at Devon port witli nil possi ble speed. Haven battle ships and one cruiser have thus fnr been designated to join the squadron. Onieer.a and sailors have been hur riedly recalled from leave of absence, several battleship! and eruisers at Portsmouth are taking their full crews on board and other warlike prepara tions are making. Signal men now on duty with tlie lirltish channel squad ron have been ordered home for ser vice, it is presumed ou board the aux iliary cruisers. A sensation has been caused by the arrest of n supposed Russian spy at a fort near Harwich. The man was al ready under surveillance and went to a redoubt, where he tried to obtain some information from a sentry re garding the for ti ilea lions. lie was promptly arrested. ORDERS FOR VOLUNTEERS. It was alto as-trrtcd to-day that the commanding officer* of the l/ondon volunteer regiments had received or ders to prepare for immediate mobili zation, und it wan asserted that the different artill.-ry corps have been in formed as to the fort; on the southern and eastern coast* to which they have been allotted. The Fall Mall Gazette says: “Eng land has been and even now is so near war that the governmant has carried its preparations to the farthest limit of the preparatory stugc. It has l»een arranged to call out the reserves and militia and to mobilize the volunteers simultaneously and to form large camps at various important railroad junctions where rolling stock and lo comotives will he concentrated. Victoria, 11. Nor. 1, —Commo tion prevails at Esquimault and in the clubs of the city frequented by nnval men. Admiral i’ulliser is said to have received a long cipher message In the admiralty and immediately her majesty's ship Amnhion. the fastest cruiser on the station, was ordered to prepare for sea She wilt mil at once for Coquimbo to meet In r sister ship, l’haeton, and from there the two will proceed to Tahiti, the French settle ment of the Society islan K The Hag-hip Impericn te. which has just returned from < omo*. is also coal ing, and the Eeander lias been ordered to also return from Coaiux to prepare for nny move that may bu decided upon. The other ships hera arc the Dirigo, Sparrow hawk an I Ic.iru*. The opinion nmong naval ratn is tliat Eng land is dispatching fleets from Halifax to the West Indies and from Ksqui mault to Tahiti to show tho French how utterly her colonies would ha at the mercy of the Ilritish should tdio make any warlike movements. CZAR AND KAISER INTERESTED. I’akib. Nov. 1.- The Eelaire say* it learns on reliable authority that the Faahodu question will he settled favor ably to Cireat lirit&in by t he recall of Major Marchand. France, the paper adds, yields alt, reserving only the question of the right to the liahr-el Cl basal district, which she does not consider as belonging to Egypt. The Eclairs remarks: "M. Deleaase, however, has now decided to raise the whole Egyptian question, which should have becu done from the first.and thus avoid the humiliation of yielding to the Itritiah ultimatum. When the ques tion is thus enlarged. France will not bn alone In its discussion with the Marquia of Salisbury. Egypt Inter ests all the powers. Russia has promised M. IVlcnsse Its most effect | ivo assistance, and, bcaides, tirrmany ; has tho biggest Interest, In view of | h»*r Fast African possessions and trade [ in the Far Fast, that tlia Hues eanal | should not bctM'iftt exclusively llrltish, j It la disposed to support Franco Kits ! *ian arguments for a definite settle | incut of the Egyptian question." lleststn trad Vullj Organltsil. AaaoN, Ohio, Nov l The cnnibi nation having for Us pui|»>M< the eon trot of the production of the white, black and sail stoneware in the t ailed Male* and the Using and main lainlng of prices hit* lawn formed I wvaif'ili ooneerns are interested in l he coot bine The trust has already advanced the market a half cent a gallon tu sum instances a cent likme* Sis si UmS h sassal in. Mil . Nov I I lie Ualy of Michael Kelly who died on lletubvr to, and was boned In Mount M. Mary a cemetery U'lutwr S ' w*s stolen | some lime tntwceo the date of the In ter u»ent aud yesterday after mam at 4 Trlttck 1h« Isllsr iMHiaslIw Isil |li«ua I'mis tnasi i, H I N * I i tie re psirt that Joseph letter had bought the KHihI* Island leastuwitv* Work* b«r# t* ilentc I bv Rugeaa It M**>m Id lb* eoiumlttev In eharg* of ih* Ss irks ami by other meu i ultra* led INDIANS GOOD, BUT LAZY. An Agniit Tall. Ilnw Worthing* an Idaho Tribe la. Wasiiixotox, Nor. 1.—The majority of the annual reports of thu Indian agents to the commissioner of Indian affairs are of an encouraging nature. Nome of the reports, however, are not so gratifying and make some surpris ing statements. Unusual in an annual report is tha following arraign* ment in the report of K, M. Yearin, in charge of tlio l.cmlii agency in Idaho. Ho says in part: "These Indians us a tribe lire honest and peaceable and kindly disposal!, but arc about as degraded and ungrateful a set as one finds. They have been hu mored and, like spoiled children, want things their way, and their condition, mode of living and barbaric practices should indicate that undue concessions have l)Citn made on the part of agents. While some will avail themselves of the opportunity of earning their living by civilized pursuits, others lead a lazy, vagabond life. "They am uddlctcd to gambling, horse racing and done ng, anil the in fluence of the so-called ‘modlelne-msn' operates to the disadvantage of the tribe, •■.Morally them Indians nro prac tically the same us they were twenty years ago; financially they are but little better off. Aside from a fow small farms, wagons and farming im plements, held by aoiue of the more energetic and industrious, they have comparatively nothing except a great number of worthless ponies. No horned stock is owned in the tribe." .1 It Jewel I, in charge of the New York agency, in ids report, alleges that after careful investigation the funds of the Seneca nation arc almost wholly absorbed l.y the officers of the nation, and that they arc in collusion with white men for such purpose.” WARING TRIED TO FINISH IT. While Hying ilia Colonel ,\»li«.l for ( Nlrix.Krapliar lo Taka HU Kaport. New Yokk, Not, 1.— Dr. btlmson said that Colonel Warlng’s report on Ilia investigations in Havana nod his suggestions as to sanitary improve* met)ts in tlint city, for President .Mc Kinley, was practically eoinpleted be fore Ilia dcatli. On Thursday he wanted a strnographer sent for that hu miff lit finish it. He was too weak at that time, however. I)r. Ktirason, however, said that the President can obtain all the information that Colonel Waring had gathered essentially from the report as it stan<l». Colonel War ing had three eopica of hl» report made. They will lie forwarded to Washington at an early date, but will first be thoroughly disinfected. TWO STRIKE LEADERS SHOT. A Nun-lnlon Miner l’se« a ICevolrer to lirwnt lnterferenre, Wasiiixotox Depot, Ind.. Nov. i.— Richard Ueibmeister and l.con Hags dale, coal strike leaders, have been shot by Austin Koeher, a non-union miner, who claims Kagsdulu tried to hit him with a brick and that Relb meister offered to strike him. Koeher fired five shots, two of them hitting Ragsdale in the neck and one landing in Iteibnieiater's side. Kucher was ar rested. It is feared the affair will cause fresh trouble between the strik ers and non-union miners. DUPUY FORMS HIS CABINET. Two of tint Member* of the IlrUion Mln Utrr Hold Over. Pams, Nov. I —Tho new cabinet has just been announced. It is consti tuted as follows: M. Dupuy, premier and minister of the interior: M. De Freycinet. minister of war; W. Lock roy, minister of marine; M. Delcasse, minister of foreign affairs; M. I’eytral; minister of finance; M. I-eygus, minis ter of public instruction; M. Lebret, minister of justice; M. Ilelonicle, min ister of eommeree; M. Ouilluine, min ister of the colonies; M. Vigier, minis ter of agriculture; M. Krantz, minister of publie works. *ol«ll*rt litplra From I mr, K Tenn., Nov. 1 —Fear of dentil and the sight of the dead body of a eoinrude caused tbo death of two members of the Third North Carolina regiment in the Second divisiou hov pital here. Private Henry Johnson died late in the afternoon. Ills death throes which were terrible to see, were witnessed by Private Christopher Heaves. who raised himself from his cot, looked at his comrade a few minutes and fell back dead. The nows of the Inst death was given Corporal Thomas Heaves a few luiuulrs later lie bewail mourning over the death of hla brother and died in spite of all the surge ms could do (or Id m. r**lk r.cceotcl la l‘re*l<l*nl tssrs Pahib. Nov | The l nited Mates siubukviilui' i.euerel Horace porter, presented I vidmsud W. Peek, the I lille-l .States etMllltli Sautter to the Parts r>*po*itlo i of lisin, «ml the let ter's eulleagues to President Faure this morning Much Ill-In laf I a.a(M Putt SMsiPltU Pa, Nov | More than hn <**i botiie « o| wheal and eora e%> tf I the ntiiia it* i«* satuiday oa • ‘ •fit f I |1, the st< j >svi,ti e ••.titled mostly mI rura ai>l sec Ms* t>—,1, dr loirs Me, Noe, f Will ism II)de, at one time managing editor of the Si t.*<u s h«p<ildle, dual yaster-lay at his bo a* ta this «»*y of heart dta* if English Torpedo Tubes and 6-Inch Guns to Be Used. UNCLE SAM IS AFTER THE BEST (tight* Honsfht I pom Mn*lm itn.l Ollier HrltUli I'lrin* l,ong to Muggett Hint Hmg-.lnri{ni<pn mi l Uii Kilim lie of the Mime I itllbrr Wasiiinutox, Nov. I. — That the latest improvements in the manufact ure of ordnance may tie obtained for future men-of-war, order* have been (jiven to Command >r F. C. i’cndlcton, superintendent of tlic gun factory, to go to England to inspect tlic methods pursued there in the construction of (funs, mounts, torpedo tube*, etc. Wire wound gun*, which have been to successfully developed for the En glish navy, will lie carefully examined by the visitirg oflicer, and, its under water discharge tubes for torpedos have been adopted for the battle ship* Missouri and Ohio, lie will learn the method of their manufacture at tlic ordnance works of the Armstrongs. The department lias purchased the right to use the method of manufacture of under-water discharge tubes from the Armstrongs and has also bought tiie right to use the breech mechanism of guns built by Vickers' Sous and Maxim. J lio Hindi rapid tiring gun hint hy Muxiiu Ik one of the latest weapons of tlmt caliber constructed. They have made a splendid record in recent firing triiiU. In this (run the powder anil projectile are separate 1, while in the 6-lnch rapid firing (funs of the United htates navy the shell and powder are combined by ineaiiK of a cartridge cum*. A O-inch (run, on plun<t somewhat himilar to tlioau followed in the eon Ktruction of the Vickers gun, was re cently built. Thu tests of this weapon at tiie proving ({-rounds have demon strated its value, and all 6-inch guns will be constructed on the same lines. The new type is 45-caliber in length, weighs eight tons and is desigi e l for a muzzle velocity of 3,001 feet a second. It is the intention of the ordnance bureau to equip no more protected or unprotected cruisers with torpedo tulies, tiie authorities being pretty well convinced there is no necessity for them. Water-discharged tubes will be supplied to armored cruisers and battle ships. Captain Charles O'Neil’s recommend ation that a uniform caliber of small arms be adopted for the use of the army, navy and marine corps lias at tracted considerable attention in the army and navy circles. It is expected that Secretary Long will indorse a bill providing for co-operation on the part of the navy and artny to obtain a uni form arin. Tile call's ir of the Lea small arms in use in the navy is .t’fi.'f, while that of the Krag-Jorguns.-n ride is .80, The army is convinced that the Krag-Jorgensen rltie is best for its use, while the navy asserts that the Lea is superior. It is not believed that any great objection would be raised by the navy to increasing tbi caliber of its gun to .80. so that cartridges manu factured for the Lee might bj use 1 for the Krag-Jorgensen. NICARAGUA’S VIEW OF IT. Ilia .Warltlinn ( omjwny a ( ontract Only Nominally In Force. New York, Nor. 1.—The New York Herald's correspondent at Managua cables that President Zelnya, in his message to the Nicaraguan congress, called in extraordinary session, pre sents clearly the Nicaraguan view of the situation, shared alike by the gov ernment and tile people. In substance be said: “I shall give yoti an account of a promise of a contract for the open ing of an iutcroceunic canal throngii our isthmus granted to (Vagin A Frye, representing n respectable syndicate of American capitalists. The govern ment has formed a clear and well de fined opinion that tiie Cardenas Meon cal contract of March, 1887 (the Mari time company's contract) lias been forfeited for non-fulfillment of its most essential claims and for the abandonment of work for nine consecutive years; but wishing to avoid annoying discussions that might bring difficulties, owing to the malice with which some proceed where interests are at stake, the government has eluded all possible trouble by not declaring the forfeiture of that contract ami by giving (Vagin A Kyre a promise that shall take ef fect when the pretended rights of tiie old contractors arc dispose I of or com pletely t xllngulshcd. ‘ The promise made to (Vagin A Kyre is Insed on the s curity of the reputa tion and standing of the parties we are dealing with and on tiie deposit of 8i00,‘X>n in gold Hy comparing the contract of iss; with this one you will observe that this future one Is far superlot. It is more practicable, yet eueourage* and assures belter foreign capital iu undertaking so great au enterprise and one that carries with it so many eventualities It is also in many ways more ad vantageous to Nicaragua It is true the contract of I*s7 promises the ceualUatloit of tha Yrlpape rieer be tween Lakes Managua and Nicaragua, but lVagin A Kyre offer aouietk.iig more positive iu a iiue of iuteroceanie transportation from the Aliautio to the 1‘acitto that shall breuma rotu ple‘ed three years after the eotupauy is urgau.aed terlo Ills ta a Wot la M telle h tiHIlstnil, Nut I iletteral this reports under date • f yeateldat twelve deaths In a week among the soldiers at Manila Among those who died of ty phoid fever are A I* i.n and kart tt laftf'Sl both of tha llrst Nebraska CUBANS ARE OFFICESEEKERS. General Wood IlBlugatl Wllh Apptlea (lon* I'roin Them. M AXZASli.r.o, Nov. i.—The visit of General I-connrd Wood, gorirnor of the military department of Santiago, ha* been instrumental in bringing all tlie elements a mo n if tlie Cubans to tho front. No fewer than 2,000 insurgents, of whom 500 are oflicers, want offices, and their clamor amounts utmost to a demand. There are two leading factions, one headed by General Jesus llahi and the other by General Uios. At present, inott of tho offices are held by repre sentatives of the Itabi faction, includ ing tho mayoralty and tho custom house inspectorships. General Wood, in order to pacify tho Kios fac tion, has given them six posi tions on tho rural police force and lias turned over to one of their people tho lighthouse ut Capo Cruz, together with several other minor ap pointments. Hut neither parly is satisfied, each thinking that it ought to have all tho offices. General Uios does not dare express his opinion pub licly on General Itahi, bi^t. lie feels that tills is Ids district, as lie has had the nominal charge of it for three years, and that it ought to belong to him, so far as appointments of < ubans to office are concerned, and all tho more so because he represents General | Calixto Garcia. »no majority or mo insurgents here iiuvo no money and go about living from band to mouth and wondering what will happen next. Armed men are not allowed ration*. Ah the Cubans will not disband and will not work, nothing remains for them but to strut around the city, with muehetes and re volvers. bon 10 of them are nearly naked; others appear in long-legged patent leather lioot* with silver spurs, carrying superbly wrought Toledo machetes. A few wear immaculate white suits and Panama huts These are, for the most part, the New York contingent, each man now a veritable bombates furtoso. General Wood and Colonel Pettit re gard the outlook as rather discourag ing. Still, they hope that some means may soon he found to break up the Cuban army. The uw*>erH of the rank and lile are anxious to go to work, but the leaders refuse to allow them to do so, and the men do not dare to do so, us they would certainly be shot if captured. General Wood is hoping that the Other towns he will visit in his trip around the province will not present the same vexatious conditions as pre vail here, where the Cuban problem is presented in a very difficult form, the most difficult lie lias yot encountered, ' Nhoolliig l)u« to Hot Nmixos, Ark , X’ov. 1.—Mrs, X. A. Peterson, of Montana, was shot and painfully wounded by Mrs. Owen Carrington, of this city. Jealousy growing out of Carrington’s attentions to Mrs. Peterson was the cause. Mrs. Carrington called upon Mrs. Peterson, Thursday, and requested her to keep away from her husband. Last evening Mrs. Peterson received a note from Carrington requesting her to come to liis place of business When she entered the office, .Mrs. Carrington, who was standing at the ficad of tbu stairway leading to the second floor, opened fire on her, shooting twice. The second shot took effect in tho ankle. The affair occurred on one of tlio most prominent thoroughfares in the city and created a sensation. Carring ton ami Mrs. Peterson were arrested, but were promptly released. Mrs. Carrington was not arrested. Reaily to I.anil In Cuba. Washington, Nov. 1. — Arrange incuts for the landing and ramping of the American forces practically have been completed in Cuba, although ■ami' of the details have not yet been worked out. The recall at this time of Colonel lleeker and Colonel Lee from Havana is simply to secure their aid here in the working out of these details. NEWS IN BRIEF. Toledo, Ohio.- The young son of Jacob Oreen, while going through the burnyard at liucyrus, was attacked by a flock of geese. Ho was knocked down and his nose and cars were torn off aud his face badly bitten. His calls brought help, but he was sense less when found und the get-se were still tearing him to pieces. Norwich, Conn.—llavid A. Wells, the economist, is not seriously ill, ac cording to his physician. Mr Wclla is TO years old, und recently took cold, which aggravated his debilitated con dition. He is in no immediate danger of dyiug. W. Iahhs, Mo. Johu K. Coyle, Nine teenth infantry, stationed at Horlo Kieo, here on a furlough, was shot to death by John IVrr, of Coin pany A. Twenty Mrs! Infantry, sta tioned at I'iatlshurg, N Y , also here on a sick furlough. The affair oc curred iu a saloon. Witnesses say Coyle attempted to stall IVrr with i j knife aud Here »li*d in self-defense. New York Nllvla »alharina Coffin, a Med Cross nurse who did nuhte work during the war with U|taiu died at the 1 Host tiraduale hospital of typhoid frier contracted Is the service of the country niie was on a of the first women to volunteer lor service 111 tit* war la t uba. Omaha. Neb lieorge i**nf( a mem- . her of the fulled Hiatus mat me surge, died here of typhoid fever keif Is the | ffrst uremia r of the msrtee oiiim to die | from disease since the hegiuutuguf the I esiapaiga against hpalu. j 1 America Has Notified Spain TM the Whole Group Will Be Taken, ONLY A PART OF THE DEBT. I'nlteil Nlati‘1 to Aiiainn Onljr Iho I.lsblll tin* liiriirrml In ImpriivliiK tlio Iilnmt* —Co*t* of Oprrntlnit A-;xln<t tli« In* • urgent* Mill It," Homo by N|»tnluril*. Paws, Nov. 1.—The American peace commissioners, each carrying a port folio containing records and personal memoranda, left their headquarters in the Continental hotel for the meeting with the Spanish commissioners, at the foreign office, shortly before 3 o'clock tills afternon. Tito president of tlie Spanish commission, Honor Montero Bios, whose health at i:w time was so precarious us to threaten nn indeiinite adjournment of the ses sions of the oomruistion, had improved sufficiently to permit Ids attend nice at to-day’s meeting. lie arrived at the foreign office in a closed carriage with his colleagues shortly after the Ameri cans reached the meeting place. Shortly after 3 o'clock the ten com missioners confronted each other across the table on which, in 1783, Benjamin Franklin and his colleagues signed the treaty of Independence of the United States. The session lusted littie more than nn hour. The American commissioners presented a written expression of the purpose of the United States to take tlie entire group of Philippine island* and the United States agrees to assume such proportion of the Philippine debt as lias been incurred for the benefit of the island* or their Inhabitants in public works, improvements mid per manent betterments. It wu also set forth that the Lotted States would not assume any part of the Philippine debt which had been {occurred by Spain for the furtherance of military or naval operations to quell insurrection of the native*. The session was adjourn# I until Fri day, in order to {five tha Spaniards time to prepare a reply. Pakih, Nov. 1.—There is a strong impression which has b-’cn growing here recently that the Spanish, upon receiving definite assurance* of the American determination to ta'.te the entire Philippine group, would quit the conference and all negotiations aro modified by the attitude of the Spanish newspapers arriving here to-day. These are found to have wheeled into line with the Kpoca of October 27, which demanded that the Spanish commissioners should sign a treaty in Paris, no matter how oucroui the con ditions imposed by tli a Americans. Nevertheless despite this attitude of the Madrid press, and despite the denial given on Friday last by a Span ish commissioner, who denied that the Spaniards had any intention of with drawing, tho Americans here will not be surprised if one or more of the Spanish commissioner* resign and practically close the negotiations. A FAMOUS ACTRESS DEAD, Forty-Tliro* Year* of llclon Ta lull's I.ife on tlio ICngllth St »:j t*. London, Nov. 1. — Helen Fnucit (Lady Martin) the celebrated English actress, who retired from the stage twenty-two years ago, after a career of forty-three years, is dead. She was born in 1817 and was married, in 1851, to Sir Theodore Martin, K. C, 11. Lady Martin, for many years, held the highest position on the English stage and was accepted, by a great miinber of intellectual nnd fastidious ju Iges, as the perfect representative of the foremost characters in the English drama. She acted Ophelia and Juliet, nnd she acted Rosalind arid Lady Mac beth, and in all of them she was ac counted adtnirab'e. TIED THEMSELVES TOGETHER. A Man anil Woman Thought They Hud Mails Sure of Nulrliln hjr l»ro«vnlng. Ci.Kvki.ani>, O.. Nov. !.— Rose l.aurer aged 22, and J, K Cleckner, aged 3’, walked out to the end of the dock of the Cleveland Yacht club this morning and tied themaelves together with strips torn from a sheet. They jumped into tlie lake. Two Lake Shore railroad detectives dived into the ley water after the cou ple. The man and woman hud sunk several times, but were rescued after a long struggle, lioth were taken to a hospital, Clackner is a conductor on the Cleve land .1 Pittsburg road Iteyond saying that they were tired of living the man and woman would give no reasou for '.heir attempted suicide. s«ni|Muu May*il Away Again. Havana, Not. I, —Rear Admiral Kainpsou did not attend the services yesterday ill the Independent church, as he had lieeu advertise 1 to do. This fact has given a great deal of satis faction to Americans here, who feared that his presence might be used to give a 1111 dh ial mdur-.em.-ut to an tnti-i ulliolie luce ting Hum Fire In Ur tot Rountt, Nov 1 \ great Ire In * ft. riuagur, oue of the capitals of 1 asio > lucre, destroyed all the publie build ing* and many residences yesterday, (>ne man Mae killed. The damage la tutui .'.' l at ten lakhs |fMW,wu^ t •••!.»Iti 1 In* Items. 1‘NM-IMtfSU, Nor |, Rev. Mam net Mutch more, one of the must prom llteut ministers tu the Presbyterian vhur. k, died yesterday at his home tu this sUy. lie was aged su years and had keen ill fur about a year.