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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1898)
The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVEaV FRIDAY AT TH 1C COUNTY KB AT. or.n. K. ItKTMI'IIOTKK. I Editor* unit UKO. II. GIIINON, | I’llbllaher* TF.HMH *1.110 I'KII VKAII I f PAW W ADVAWCI Entered at tho Loup City Poatofflee for t run > inlMHlon through the mail* a» aecorid eta** matter. Official Paper Sherman County REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET, For Governor. M L HAYWARD of Otn, For Lieutenant Governor: GEO. E. MURPHY of Gay For Secretary of State: C DURAS. of Ballne, For Auditor of Ktato. T L MATTHEWS of l>odK. For Troanurer: PETER MORTENSFN of Valley. For Hupt, of Public Instruction: J F SAYLOR, of Lancaster For Attorney General: N G. JACKSON, of Antelope. For Com'r Public Land and IlulldlnicM: G R WILLIAMS of Dowlas CONGRESSIONAL TICKET CoimreHa, flth district. NOKKIS H1MIWN, of Kearney SENATORIAL TICKET. Senator, Ifllh district. PHIL 1IK8BOK, of Kearney COUNTY TICKET. For Kepreaentatrve, LEWIS II1CBTBOI.I), For County Attorney. W. H. CONGEII. It surely does not take a very in telligent man to discover the differ ence in a democratic and republican administration. The Cleveland soup houses are all gone. George Fred Williams, who left home in Mass, and came out to Neb raska, to help howl calamity Is prov ing himself a worthy companion of crazy Bill Greene. We don’t wish to bo disrespectful but if we had the gaul of a pop ed itor we would suggest that our Gov ernor he re christened and hereafter called Ole. Oleoroargerineyou know. You have not heard of any bread riots in the past year and a half have you populists? Or of any soup houses being opened to keep the poor unemployed from starving? How long will it take the labor vote to realize who are their friends. It is an old sayiog that calumny is a full brother to theft, l’eople who seek no higher ambition than to cast inuendocs in the direction of men who aro naturally above re preach are the kind of boings that it behoves the common herd to stcar clear ol. 2,700 soldiers belonging to tbe state of Georgia, were mustered out of service lai.t week as the sur plus from that state, and it is said have kindly and considerately offered their services in place of “Our” Colonel Bryan uud his regiment. They don’t have no colonel Bryan's down there* J. K. Miller, populist candidate tor seuator in this district was in town last Monday denouncing Nor ris Brown in great style, and when called upon to give his reasons for •o doing sun] that Mr. Brown hud helped bia brother Fraok, to defeat his, Millers, oldest son when he was running for county Judge in Buf falo eouuty. While at Omaha, last week a rail road bruki man told us that lie had lieen a democrat all Ills life until eight years ago when he joined the columns of calamity, hut since we have had a republican administra tion, be said, the change had U*eu so great that even the weather had Iwdi Itetler and from (Ida out he intended to vote for the parti that loot ed aft* I tin* toilers T 8. Nigh ungale. popnliKt n >tu inwe fur couuh attorney i* i>us\ .1 tag missionary work in liehtlf of his own canvass and thus far he has con ducted a good i li su campaign, The Mitie may lie said of hit opponent \V |{. tVggvf. r- |k|M|c»» nominee Mr Cueger •» it-- |wiph*a fro *et a«-l •boul-i have the a del ton* of lit* uarti lie md draw iaigety frmu the op|e*a»Uon and to* chan- < « for etei tiow are good The pop papers through the state have the words “liars” aod “thieve* stereotyped so that the} can he used to till in all unoccupied space. They depend on those two words to hold their parly in line, hut before long their voters will realize that those two words are bugaboose used with such vehemence to ftighten and pre judice them for the.sole purpose of keeping those tricksters in office. Meu who have an endless chain of culuinny (lowing from ilieir sour stomach are, ninety-nine times out of hundred very bad men to trust any place for their vituperation 8 generally conceived from their own acts. Hut tlieic are very few scoun drels who fuil to reach the end of their rope in time, and when they do they come up a standing. The vot ers of this state should remember that there has been more than f20o, 0(h) in. defalcation among the “re form” element of this common wealth, and two court houses burnt *<> cover up their tracks in the past eight years, and yet not a word lias a “reform” paper offered in condemnation there of. Talk about u subsidized press, why the pop press of this state lias acincb that never was hoped for un der a republican udministruliou, aud you need uot go out side of Sherman county to convince yourself. The county officers do not hesitate to tell you<|ulck, i( you li tvt* a legal notice to publish that the Timcslndpend ent, un<i it alone can publish it, uml that full legal rates is what you will pay although you could get it done much less where you allowed to get bids for the same as was the case when we had a republican adminis tration. This is no politics but plain facts and relates just wlint lias been done in the past sixty days, anil the parties who had the work to pay for w< re told that it mattered not what they w ished, all they had to do was to pay for the job and pay full price for it. Talk about live and let live, why there is no room on the earth for any thing but a pop officer. \Vr. .1. Bryan is at last said to he able to see the end of his military career at hand and we suppose will lay down his sword, and tare off the shoulder straps without a regret, lie has gained the title of colonel, though for shame should never use it. For the credit of the state t'would have been better had lie never been made a colonel. What place, dear Neb raskan’s will true war history accord us in the future. Our fair nnme will be sullied by the acts of colonel Bryan, as was that of Indiana by the recollection of Buena Vista. But thanks to the powers that he, like Indiana, we can poiut to a First and Second regiment whose fair name is not sullied but will godown in his tory as patriots and not politics. Senator Allen and congressman Greer.e, held a meeting at Kearney, last Friday night. Mr. Allen said that had be the power he would Keep every foot of land taken from Spain, and make herpay an indemnity large enougn to cover the expense of the war besides. This is said to bo the fourth time Mr. Allen has changed his mind on expansion. That fel low turns around as often as Tom Nightingale. ArcYou^s Easily Tired? Just remember that all your : ; strength must come from your ■ food. Did you over think of that P Perhaps your muscles need I ' more strength, or your nervwi ' or porhapa your stomach Is 1 weak and cannot digest what you eat. If you need more strength then take SCOTT'S | EMULSION j of Cod-Liver CU with Hypo, phosphites, ''fW JTi is (lie in-nit «• tally oi * ,* l of all Anode Into strength , t I ) tiro uto utias t fur tH« n«rvii». Ki OTPH IIMUI,. » f?ION )• th« l •nil «>uu>liuai mm w«»li IkrMU, f t . I . i v mv#> f tun i, • ‘ > *' « • 'tlflln. bun*’, vs• *W i nrv##, »i*«l v»f UlM W **• I- #<•« *•*> trnrr * ,.»♦,»*«, »t« v .»• .... H«M. ... i J. Phil jaeger Wants you to examine his new in voice of* Ready to Wear Goods. r Our stock of men’s anil boy’s suits are eomeplete m ev ery particular and we can suit you both in quality and price, (iive us a call and be convinced that our prices are away down and the quality of our goods is away up. All fresh seasonable goods. We have just re ceived them and want to sell them out in time to make room for a fall stock so will sell on the least possible margin. Wc hiivo the finest line <>f shoos ever brought to this city. Our large invoice just received enables us to tit everybody and suit every body as to style, quality of goods and prices. We make a specialty of our shoe department and invite all to come in and look over our assortment. Full line of ladie's and gent’s furnishing goods and a big stock of general mer chandise. Remember that “Old Glory” still waives in the breeze and that we arc* paying the highest market price for your produce and give you prompt service and courteous treat ment. Your Respectfully, cl. PfilL dAe<36F? SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. Loup City, s ]NTeb. Philip Bessor, the candidate for senator on the republican ticket in this district can well be proud of his war record, lie first enlisted in the Sixth Pennsylvania Reserves in May 1*1*1, at Rays Hill, Pa. and served three years. At the expiration of his time he came to his home at Everett, l'a. and in company with his old friend, ('apt. Weaverling of that city recruited a company in which he ugain entered the service of his eountrv as First lieutenant, but was shortly after promoted to aid-de-camp on the stall of his coin mantling geneial which posi'iou lie held with much credit to the close of the war. lie enlisted immediate ly after the beginning of the war and I and net, r d »eited Ins |tost until ttie I last guo wa* fired \fler this he e ime wist and settled in Illinois, and fioUi there he route with tin S'Ui'rl eillptle Wr-o Mi l lues iU K* art c>. where he lm» ic-nli d l i number of teat* I|t* ability ano I •>« rltug integrity has been n egnot I e i bv his p >rly itojMviiih and tie | It is titled Many otli-ea of trust The ihai' Information of In* w>n leu-id I i 1 olc»i i, win* ale now healed L*l I to te at-l to i.s> I heir ***»e | * .1 lot man win. h , knew m t t\ N v | Tie Indian Congress. a permanent feature of the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition AT OMAHA. NOW Ol'KN. CLOSES NOV. 1 Forty Tribes of North American Indians represented. 1’nique Ethnological Exhibit. Hare opportunity to see the various types of American Indians in their native costume and habitations. Nearlr A TtiGusand Indians Are Now do tlie Eo GamDmeflt Grounds witnm the Enclosure. Itider the direction of (’up! \V. A. >l»ro»*r, I S A., these Indian Ititics participate in their speeUcu 1 l»r daftoes nearly i selling, Tho War Dance Tho Medicine Dance Tho Ghost Dance The Snake Dance, The tun dan e >|ti| ullwr tra.iiti«M<4l rile* ui lit* red tn »n «re 1'iwfnnued It. lltr.e lii ll^n* I tti* sr*'Ht eihtothtyit’sl » klii'i.t in «ui i w !i i h the li.tlttl Wiih'. i migre*. 1 «l |>o |»ri*o d (MUlkNI Mill e< Hlil*H< In Hu* .nil of ih< Ks|MMtHiitit |.< cl mi I; in m )t%i> * taoM \i i I’oi'.i. Nun Ik I oat l. I> O III 'I tlMI. Itl dVOihlln |.t ."it* lit tftlk kittle ll. Hi tt iS1 too In •> ....... i ii ... ..ui i*Hint t’t >i: iit | ' ll. 1st t'mt-l SI *1 I. it. . < ‘>t t *ttatsM fW>d • kl klut r\ j.i | .i I. linin' Un't .llde, MU «•••* Itii i. fl kl%, '( • I SI) (i t belt I t,,i |. i (t>*e ii SI el In •«i| iUlM|#il . |i ||i thstl I It**** l*re»l, |*»J| *1 • Slrkgn W. J. FISHER, Attorney and Notary Public. OEO. E. FlENSCBOTER, Publisher Loup Citt p.m Fisher & Benschoter, Real Estate Agents, LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated LANDS FOR SALE, EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Calls Attended Night or Day G. II. Gibson, Funeral Director. AN EIGHT PAGED DAI'EH NEWS. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER MONTH. Telegraphic news of the world hours ahead of other papers. Cheapest Daily Paper in Nebraska. Subscribe through your postmaster or send direct to EVENING NEWS, Lincoln, Neb. A. I*. CL’LLEY, President. A. P. CULLEY, Cuhlw. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20, Couhkminini>knth: Seaboard National Hank. New York City, N'. Y., Omaha National Hank, Omaha, Nebraska ** U) wmlfct riliUlaiwH Wi At th< “ Ttvu'i tb* kiwi I'm look lew iar. IH ftwm * mil front ikelr tfutely." MtUii TO OAtMMt BY EDWARD E. STRAUSS & CO. t4*YW BtYt«« BY I'ttY Vt MMtB W »tu v. • v»n ti wiiunw i hat's Just It' You cunt always nil in I tit! I > >** <>f a 4urtn<'iil bow it Is U"ii j t«t WK \ It. Why Not u«’t tin* U K Ml as Wfll a* Hits loo** will'll Noll ran h i V i* I/O III at O r « i m»> PlilV ' "O i» tin olartliitf |Hiinl of I ill MM* liUtnl K. Str>tu-a «,V f'o.'a t'uininist Ciiaiom Tnilnrtsl, Suit-, timl 11\ iirutwts •* i an o • ' li«>| uuataiiltNt • III I* . Ill (n«r l a\ \ oil to r \ tininr Ibis oi ,<t li .\,t tout oftirf fof . liniilin's# nar* i tout » VI.I. MS J 1*1111. JAUMKlt, »