The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 28, 1898, Image 3
Roast Oi, Hog and Sheep Fill His Ex* pandlng Stomach. CONCOMITANTS PROVIDED Cup*. #!err«r'» (Jrent Treat to lh« In dian* Who Hi4V« li«#n Holding a (.'ongrttM at the Ki|io. Since tho opening day of the expo Hltion, says the Omaha Bee, there have been numerous banquets Riven, but none have bw n enjoyed more by the bidden guests than was the one upon the Indian congress grounds yesterday, whore were congregated the 500 simple and modest children of the mountain, the plain and the forest. The banquet was given by Captain Mercer to tho Indluun’aa an evidence of his appreciation of the services which they have rendered since com ing here to participate In their dances, sham battles unu other tribal festivi ties, which have been enjoyed so much by tho people who have attended the exposition. Wednesday he ordered a big, fat steer, two sheep, two hogs, ten bushels of potatoes, five barrels of ap ples and 1,000 loaves of bread. This provision was sent to the Indian grounds Wednesday night and Sheriff Ktart/.er of Harp county was pressed Into service as head chef. He came and selected Bill l.lddiard as his as ftlHiani anu me lwo men weiii iu worn. They butchered the animals and made ready by preparing to roast the meat ovr a slow fire. The fireplace was built Just south of the adobe house of the Pueblos and the barbecue was I started. All night long the carcasses L of the animals roasted, fried and siz zled over the embers from cords of dry hickory wood and at 10 o'clock yes terday morning the meat was pro nounced cooked to a turn. The po tatoes were put Into huge pans that, bad been used for catching the drip pings from the cooking meat. After the potatoes were bone to a rich brown the spread watt ready for the guests. Over at the warehouse bread was Is sued to the squaws, arid at uu appoint ed signal, without waiting for anyone to say grace, the Indians were called In, the gates to the grounds were closed and all the white people driven from the enclosure, the Indians hav ing previously told Captain Mercer they wanted to eat one meal without being annoyed by spectators. Black Eugle, a Sioux who at one time worked In a slaughter house at the Crow Creek agency, was appointed head carver and allowed to select his as sistants. For this purpose he named Little White Feather, an Oinahan, and I^ong Hear, an Apache. Knife in hand, Black Eagle walked up to the place where the animals were spitted, assigned one of his men to the sheep, the other to the hogs and he taking the beef. (Jeronimo was the first In dian served. He said be wanted i slice of beef tongue and wuh given a large bunk, which he carried away to his tepee In a tin pall. The tongue •was garnished with potatoes. Next came American Horse, who pointed to the beef brisket, saying It was the favorite morsel with him. He got a chunk and plenty of potatoes, after which Little No Heart, who re marked that he had always had a fondness for the rump of a fat steer. This Indian received a couple of pounds of meat out from the por tion indicated, and then came a band of the Wichltas. They all wanted mutton. Tokanwana Jim ordered/for the party and took away a greater portion of one of the hind quarters. 'ITie Rosebud Sioux selected pork and Running Wolf, who had been designat es! as the man to make the choice, took away with him some fifteen pounds of loin. Some of the other notables were giv en the portions which they preferred, but after that it was something of a caleh-as-catch-can, the chief carver and his assistants holding that even Indians ought not to be particular. They Informed the horde about them that every portion of the meat was prime and mat the time for picking out. tender morsels had passed. The judgment of the three men was ac cepted, and from that time until tho bones were picked there was less formality to the carving. In their tepees the Indians enjoyed their feast very much, all having enough, though there was none to spare, as the capacity of an Indian’s stomach is an unknown quantity, hav ing the expanding and contracting powers taat are supposed to go with a rubber bag. Mlier|iera A In Nebraska. Kim wood dispatch: A couple of medical sharpers have been at work In thU community the past few days with the result that a number of farm ers are sadder, If not wiser men Their method of work la new an I many bite at the bait set for then. One man drat u snort a I it a the allmeuta of the victim, and then another comes atonic and holds out Inducements to try their remedies, and offer to treat them ati months fur |75 or (ISO. to be paid If the oald victim la cured, and to hind the bargain they have the victim sign a contract to the effort that the money la not to be paid until a cure ia effected, and tears off part of the contract, keeping one part him self and giving the other part to the purchaser. Of route# the part the •harper# keep turns out to be a prom issory non* The contract given the victim I* worthless It has been I at possible to learn of all who were victimised In this vl dally, but among them are. Ie< n Meade it hall |tko A K ttulherlaad. |1j®; Otto John H"i t knars • Maker, Hid. Il> ary tlerlxdlag |tV>, Mrs <‘rattier |7$; Imfe Cog, IJV • MM • U| Crete slMtit h Mr Itsley, * brother of Mr K \ ttoely, an i d settler <4 this rity, while croealag the MAM tracks oa Math street yesterday write •truck by * freight car oa the ewttch The cer ran over the aui leg. ter ribly lacerating the limb. Amputa tion was ae eaeary an.l the pattern will probably «lte lltiMki* Th* Hwood Ntbnuki. The Second Nebraska regiment, writes a correspondent, will soon be a thing of the past. The men will scat ter to the four winds in pursuit of the avocations they were engaged in when the president's proclamation of April 22 called them to arms. Six months has been their time of service. Many of them go back to their positions va cated upon their enlistment. Others, whoso employers were not so patriotic, must seek for work either In this state or go where more promising prospects await them. Some have formed ties of friendship which will last through life. Others leave the service soun d by disappointment of not having got ten to the front. Hie majority of the men are satisfied to leave the service, others prefer to remain, but it Is doubt ful if they will enter the regular serv ice. Others will await the reorganiza tion to see what chance they may have. The final breaking of old ties will oc cur soon and the entire command will bid old Fort Omaha adieu perhaps for ever. They will have their uniforms always to remind them of the summer outing in Chlckamauga park. Many of the officers and men are suf fering from Jaundice or “yellow Jan dera" as they term it. They have turned aa yellow as magnollans and their dispositions have not been sweet ened by the change. Among those who have taken the popular malady are: Lieutenant Colonel Olson, Captain Hayward, Quartermaster Myers, and Lieutenant Schultz. Lieutenant Stew art of Company K sick at his home In Schuyler. Several of the officers have received their certificates of non indebtedness from the government and are correspondingly happy at the pros pect of securing their money. Forcing Attention to, One of Omaha'8 ministers was rutle ly reminded the other day that when he gave a marriage certificate to the contracting parties the document must bear a ten-cent revenue stamp or It would eot be legal. The minister re plied that the government had lost something over fl on bis work In this line alone, but was promptly Informed that the government never lost any thing, and the parlor In question Is now engaged In figuring up the num ber of certificates he has issued since the law went Into efTect. The officers at the local revenue office say the de cision on this particular point was one of the first rendered and think all the ministers ought to be fully Informed of It by this time. Collector Houtz has decided that the public has had sufficient time to be come acquainted with the provisions of the new revenue law, and will cease parleying with those who evade the law through alleged Ignorance of Us requirements. He has issued summons to some of the cattle commission men In Bouth Omaha to bring their books ! to the office that the amount they owe ; thn government on past transactions muy be footed up and collected. In these cases the tax Is due on the mem orandum of sales issued by the com mission men and which Is accepted by the banks In lieu of checks. Some of the firms there have paid the tax with out question, but others have shown a disposition to resist. Clotting Day at tho Ff poult Ion. October 31st, the time for closing the exposition, will be Omaha day, and preparations are making for a great time. It has been decided that tho mayor shall issue a proclamation des ignating October 31 as a holiday and I calling upon all the people to lay aside business cares and join In cele brating the successful conclusion of the most gigantic enterprise ever un dertaken In the west He will also ask the mayors of neighboring cities to take a similar step, as the comlt tee has no desire to give out the im pression that only Omaha Is entitled to take part In such an occasion. It is cited that many farms had been sold and other property Invested In by eastern parties who had been at tracted to Omaha and adjacent terri tory by means of the exposition. For this reason it Is deemed fitting that all the people In this section of the country be invited to Join hands In the Jubilee celebration. All civic, trade and secret society organizations will be asked to close up such business as they have for that dav and give their time to making the celebration a suc cess, and the retailers' association will be reouested to have all stores dosed at noon for the balance of the day. I Mu' Stock Show at an Knd. Th« live stock nbow at the exposi tion. the biggest one of Its kind ever held in the United States, with the possible exception of the exhibit at the World’s fair, has cloned Its doors and gone out of business. 'Hie cur tain went down on the final act when the judges finished their work on the fat cattle, hogs and sheep. The Judges completed their work on that portion of the program that had been carried over from the previous day and passed on general purpose breeds of cattle. Merino and I>oraet sheep, Shetland ponies. Angora gouts and swine. So far as premiums are ronremed, most of those on rattel and hogs went to Missouri growers, (’annda took the lead in sheep and Nebraska in horses. The attendance was sll that could have been desired, and even when the weather was the w< rot during the last few days the barns were crowded with spectators, many of whom were stran gers in the city. It is estimated that T5 per cent of the people who passed through the espoeltiou gates visited the live stock show, Mutes. Arthur Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrr ,1 A Campbell *f *« had hi* light arm broken Just above iht wrist while playing a gums o* football. Members sad friends i f the Metho dist rhurca and tt-.tgre huIIou et Shel ton. gave a retention to tha nest P*»t«r Kev. V C Atts.ely, sud hi* wife, who have lately leei >raivef*rred from worth I'tatie I'm great has been the demand for ob»>l farlUttaa la Qordow. both hy regular patrons and (hoe* rotting fn»ut a distante With poplin. that the Wmrd *d edu« ati>a has found It necessary till* **'!» Ip t ie )14( ! pars eti other room aad hire aa stir* teacher Ml the tea. hern have been over whelmed with work and not a single wn contained seeds enough fur the pupils The Famous Ex-Outlaw to Be at HIS Nephew’s Coming Trial. TALKS ABOUT TRAIN ROBBERY. Frank .fame* Ilnllevc* In Juris*, anil Ha* No Doubt of III* Viiun] I(«latlva‘* In noosi.oa of Train ICoI.IiIiik—Ureal* 01.1 Frloinl* at tli« Court llnuia. Kami am Cirr, Mo.. Oet, It.—Frank ■Tames came to Kansas City from St. Louis lust niff lit attracted by the coin In# trial of his nephew, Jesse Jatr.Ta, jr., who is to appear in the criminal court next, Wednesday for trial for the Missouri 1’acitte train robbery at I.eods September 23, That and to visit with young .lease and Ids mother are the only objects of his visit, lie will remain till after the trial. Frank James ia !»"» years old. Mis hair la turning gray, but, he ia still as energetic and active us he could ever have been. He is hardly the nmn one would pick out to-day as having been one of the moat notorious of outlaws. He called at Jesse James' cigar stand in the rotunda of the court house tills morning and spent an hour there. *'I am simply here," he said to a re porter, “as a relative and friend of Jesse. I don't know thut there ia any thing that I can do to help him, but I Bin here ami shall stay until after tiie trial." “As a matter of moral support, at least," suggested the reporter. “I don't know,” replied Frank James quickly, hut without ill humor. “Why do you think he should need it?” “It seems to me,” said the reporter, “that any man indicted and about to he tried for a crime u» serious as train robbing, no matter how innocent he might feel himself to he, would feel at least ill at ease about it or worried.” “I don't know why any innocent tnan should feel ill at ease or worried, no matter what he is charged with. When I surrendered and was arrested there were seven indictments for mur der against mo, but I wnsn't nervous. 1 knew that every one of them would be wiped out as fast as wo came to them just as you would wipe the fig ures from a blackboard. “Hut one can’t always toll what n jury will do,” replied the reporter fall ing for support upon a latter day axiom; “no mutter what the testimony is. Aren’t juries often swaye l by ora tory or prejudice or feelings aside from the testimony?” “I don't believe they are,” replied Frank James. “I believe in juries. The jury system Is one of our bulwarks of justice. I believe that nearly all Juries give the men tried before them equal justice according to the law and the evidence before them.” Then he changed the subject, saying: “Somebody who had heard my in dorsement of the administration in the conduct of the lata war, asked me one day this fall if I had become a Re publican. I replied that 1 had not. Rut I told him I'll believe old General Joe Wheeler above any man on earth, and I believe my boy who is now in the regular army and got as far as Tampa. There's the authority of the highest and the lowest, end it's good enough for me. McKinley is my Presi dent, the flag is my tlug and I was an outlaw to the Union for four years and to the world for flfleen, but this is my countr- ,nd I love it and hun dreds am- tiiousands of detectives and a price of 0,000 on my head couldn't drive me out of it and didn't. Th a is my administration and I'll stami by what it did even if 1 didn’t vote for it. That’s why I let my only boy go into the army. Why, I'll bet some of these soldiers who are doing so much kicking about the treatment they got, got more to oat in the four months that they were in tlie service than thousands of soldiers on both sides in the Knbellion got in four years, and better clothing, if they didn't get spriug bods.” Date tU!l In the I’hlllppln jt. Manila, Oot. 34. — A bnso ball con - tcst has begun among the Noldiers. Sil ver cups have been offered by an Amcr f.m brewery company and a distillery. The nine of the Fourteenth United States infantry has been defeated by the team of the Utah volunteers. The South Dakota troops won from the Fourteenth Minnesota. The game be tween the Nebraska aud Colorado troops was called off. Not Ills First Fnesgouimt. Ni* Yoke, Oct. 34 It Is aunouueed that Mlsa May llaiuutnrsly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1. It. Ilaininersiy, U engaged to be married to Ensign itu land Curtin, who, in command of tho United States gaubosl Wasp, dematid ed and received the surrender of i‘unce, I'orto Hioo, in thirty minutes. The prospective bride's fsther is the pub lisher of the Artur end Navy Journal. A Mteensrl It *e te Ills Itugsr IIsmnirsu Ms, U't 34. Judge Jos vph Itowe died tislil'tljr in his buggy to-day lie bad driven to the farm in the early morning and was preparing to start home when h.s horse Imsuhi frightened and in the effort In re strain the enimat be suffered a strobe uf apupiesv lie wss M years old end vatue to Missouri ia 1*41 I'eete Saas ss the Tetter TtehsS, I is s \ sa, i'ela, ut It --The su preme eowrt uf the stale deetded to-day that all tiehets Iked by petition are sail tied tu emblems «a I be official ballet. I ed *r this ruling the feller blivet Meneblieea nomination* will appear under a picture ul I eels ham with the words, if to I hi I'usl# bam Mess' BANK RECEIPTS NOT TAXABLE. Tkn Internal Havanas Ilap irttnniit'l Ite rant Oeelaloii t« Uavsrtad. Wasiiinotom, Oct. 24,—Tho commis sioner of internal revenue has mate rially modified the previous ruling of hi* office an to tliu taxability of re ceipts divert to banka iu place of chucks for money withdrawn from deposit. In accordance with the opinion of the attorney general it la now hold that a receipt given to a bank by a person to whom the hank ia indebted as a depos itor or otherwise, or for whom it holds funds, ia no more subject to atamp than a receipt given for any other debt on demand. The commissioner further auya: "Tito purpose of tlio law ia to re<|uiru stamps upon checks which arc commercial, ne gotiable instruments. A check, how ever, in not required to i»c in any par ticular form, if it lain a form sufficient to constitute an order for the payment of money und assumes the character of a commercial negotiable instrument, then it ia subject to the tux. “There ia much hanking done, espe cially in savings banka, without tile use of checks at all; the dcpoaltor hav ing a-book in which thu banka denote the ainounta deposited on one side And the amounts drawn out on tin* other. Of course the depositor iu such casus draws money out of the hank, hut he does not give a check, so If a person does not give a check lie docs not have to pay tax. If tho bank pays him upon its dues to him and lie gives a receipt, such receipt does not require a stamp; but if he issues his receipt so that it will bo good in tho hands of another person to draw upon ids account for tim amount of it, then it loses the char acter of a receipt and becomes a check und ia subject to tim tax." FRANZ JOSEPH MAY WED. Vienna Talk* of Ilia I'ruli ability of Ilia Old Kmparor'a Marriage. Vif.nna, Oct. 34. — There in much speculation in political circle* a* to whether Ktnpcror Fran/. Joseph will marry again. The possibility of a non to preserve the Una of direct success ion it i* thought nmy induce him to overcome ids own personal inclina tions. The present heir apparent, Archduke Frauds Ferdinand, son of the lute Archduke Charles Louis, is not a strong man, and it is feared ho will not live to govern the Austrian empire. The marriage of Kmpcror Fruit/. Joseph witli a certain youthful princess is already mooted. DRANK POISON FROM A WELL Four Missourian* Hand and Tw» Marlons ly HI Altar Drinking Tainted Water. Aurora, Mo., Oct. 24.—Four mem bers of tho Jllack fumlly, living near here, luvvc died from poison in the water of a well. A yonng girl died first, tho physicians pronouncing her illness typhoid fever. Mrs. Jtlaok, it son, and another daughter became ill and a few days after died. John liluck and another daughter arc seriously III. It is believed now that the sickness was caused by |Mtison in the well, not typhoid fever. EIU Hr SOLDIERS DIE AT SEA. Tlit transport Rio <ln U •l.molro Arrive* With Nick From Manila. Kan Francuoo, Ojt. 2 4 The triinst port Hio do la Janeiro, which ban just arrived from Manila, brought 150 aide anil wounded uoldler.'i. On the voyage home eight soldier* died. Feloni Muit <lo tr«». Mi'BCOOKK. I. T., Oet. -'4.— According to Federal Judge Springer, there is at present no legal way of punishing u I'reeU Indian for murder or any other offense committed prior to Junuury 1, 1MU8. There is no officer who can lawfully execute a death sentence on a Creek, though he may huvo been enught red handed anil convicted Iteyond the shadow of dculit of killing a fellow being. A\ hen the Curt!* law went Into effect, July 1, wiping out the tribal courts in the Indian territory, it made l an Indian murderer a man without n | country. There are no tribal courts, j Judge Springer hua decided that the ' United States eouit has no jurisdic tion, and has accordingly given Will i iain Tiger of the Creek nation, con victed of murder, hi* lllu-rty. These were ominous words hi the judge'a opinion: "There la no court in the universe that now has jurisdiction to Impose the sentence of death 11)1011 him.’’ HmImm In lull Is. San Antonio, Te*., Oct. .*4 N»*n«r Antonio Torres Troija, city engineer of the city of Mexico, and Heuor Francisco domes do llataeia, e\»«-erc 1 lary of Ihe Mrsioau legation iu Wash j ington, are In the city 011 a tour of American cities to study the various ' .systems ef public improvement. They will embody the result of their observa tion* in a report to President IHia They wilt viait M I. .uls, Kansas I’tly, , New York aud other cities V - * - - - 11 1.1, an* n»i« n<aca»4 tt*r haarn a, Uwh tint, it The Abbie Rowe, a small steamer, is believed to have be* a lost In Norton sound, Alaska Kleven )>aaavngwra. 1 I front Itoaton. were on board. In eMillus to 1 the crew The steamer left A If lehaeU StuUsibir It Ini tl. ii/ HMnlua, on j ladufrim bay, about eigoly-Afu sola* J north of kt M.4h*.-ls 1 am eg sari : deal* she should have r*wm*ad kav ' destlsal.uA In thru* or h> i - ily/a she j has not keen heard I out tiu.a The Aktte koau tea* ut a *»>*;»• -h*gped «v*4Hl*a An uasi ttsem.ial sea rah , tea* ommIu fw Ik# irauss r THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON V, OCT. 30; ISAIAH It; VERSES I TO IO. Holden Text—"Th# Karlh Khali lie Tull of the Knowledge of the Lord, u the Water! Cover the Nee.'*—lee. Ill W Meulah'i Klngd.HU Foretold. The Meaalanle prophecle* of Imh. 2: 2-4: I; 14*18; 9. 1-7; 11; l-IU, S3: &-24. Bee ul*u I’**. 48 ittid 48, an.l a glim pee nl the wonderful Meaalanle ttinea In the later chapter* of the book. 1'lacg In the lit*lory in the middle or latter half of laalali’* earner, In con* n act Ion with aome Aaayriau Invaalon, In the reign of llcaeklah. The Ultile etory of the ilmea la found In 2 King* 17 to IV, and 2 Cbron, 22. 1. "And there ahall come forth a rod’’ (a new ahoot) "out of the elern1 (the atock or Htump left when the tree him been cut down) "of J«a*e” (the tuinlly of Huvid, from whom the MeeaUh ahould aprlngi. Here ugHlti laalah beheld the glory of Jeaua (John 12: 41). The Moaalah waa to come when the kingdom wu* greatly humiliated; It* power*, It* gloria*, It* pro«perlty, and It* kingly family < ul off, like the hranehe* und aaeelidlng atem of a tree. Nothing hut a alunip w t» loft of the true people of Hod. "And a branch.” The Hebrew mean* "a brilliant or Nhlnlng bough, a* Ihougil to Imply It Hurpaaned all other* In beauty.” "The Mplrlt of the Lord,” ThJ Holy Hplrit, with III* peranial power, a* the ceniral lam|i of the Holden t’andleatlck. the etini and the aouree of the at* other quallllea deacrlbed "Htiall real upon him..I'hey burn and Illumine Ida aoul.” "Hod glvetli not the Hplrit by rneaaure unto him” (John 2: 34), "The aplrlt of wtadom and underatandlng,” "The Ural pu'r denote Intellectual airenglh and ability; dear dlacermnent of truth In lia broad. »t rc* latlona. "Counael and might' are Hie ability to Plan and Ihe ability lo »ge ;ute, neither of whleh can ivml wllhoui the other,” Alexander. "Of knowledge and of Ihe fear . f the l/ird.” "That I* tie <|ualnlance with the true will of Hod, combined with the determination to l urry out Dial will to ill,- full .Joint 4 34. Luke 12: 42; Huh. 10: 7),”- Pulpit Com. 2. "Shall make him of quick under KluiuIlDK" In Ills apliere of the 'TeaI' of • Ik* l*oi ll." The fuimilnif I hr dutlea whlrh belniiK (o (ho aorvhe of III*' Lord, othera, with the r. v., traiialalr, Hla *!«• IlKht nitm11 ho In (h« loar of (ho Hovoral (aa Kwald, Cheynu) regard ih« phraan no meaning, "!<• aliall draw hrralh In (hr Irar of 'ha !*orl." "A moal oaiiroHalvu <l«*fltill Ion of alnloaaneaa." "Wo are compaaaad about hy an atmoa* phoro of alii." "Aa oxygen lo a dying Ur*, ao (ho worldllneaa we liroalho la lo (hr aln within ua.” -Cleo. Adam Hinlih. Hut In Clirlal lh« nrygrn klnill**<l (hit fhuiioa of hollnraa. To draw our hrralh In (ha foar of tha l*or<l la like leaving (ho reeking Miiiioaphorr of oily dona or ma larial awarnpa and breathing Iho Invig orating air of ocean or inounlaln lope II "Hr ahall not Juila** (hr alalil of ryra," etc. Krilllun( or rrprllrnt ex ternal quallllea do uo( drierrn111 • Ida favor or diafavor.-Delllxacli. lie it not mlaled hy ouiwurd appearancea or pjpu lur opinion**, - Dr. Kay. 4. "With rlghteouanr aa alinll hr J'id,fa (lie poor." The weak, the helpleaa, "who have no nicaria of commending tliem aelvra (o (hr rye." "And reprove," Do Juatlco agalnat (hr wicked on behalf of "tha meek," (lie humble, the aflllcted, who cannot plead for themaelvea Iri Ida ear. The Ileailiu<lea expreaa chrlal'a ftlllHlnieni of lhla. "lie alinll arnlte (he I'arth." The nnll-i 'lirlallan world, De lltxach. Thu embodiment of the fore* a (hat are oppoaed toiled and right eouaneaa equivalent to "(he wicked" at (lie end of the clauae. "Bod laceptre. of Ida niouLh • • • hr on Hi of Ida llpa." lie had only to apeak and It waa done, aa when he apoke. (he worlda lido being. Jeana, uh i he Word of (lod, la lo conquer the world. Ilia Word la the Wwor,| of the Spirit, lie Kttlna hla vtctorlea not hy worldly weapona, hut hy the word of hla mouth. The hlatory of all true Chrlatlan progreax la the record of the fulfillment of Ida prophecy. 5. ' Itlghtcounncn* Him 11 If t hf girdle of hi* loin*." The Kirilin |h mcntiomap a* an caaentlHl part of oriental die**. a^.i thui which keep* (lie othera In thflr proper place, ami i| nail Ilea Ihe wearer for ex ertion. ‘‘Kttllhfulneaa." Ahaolule truth to Ilia principle* ami hla promlae*. IS. "Wolf * * • lamb." etc. It ha* been polnteil out (Rev. J. (i. Woml. itlhle Animal*, p, SS) that wlillat the "wolf," *a a rule, uttarka *heep-folila, a "leopard" can follow the goat along precipice*, where no wolf wouhl venture: anil the "lion" will carry off oxen, which neither leopard nor wolf could move. Dr. Kny. "A little child bIihII lend them." Kor man will Mill retain lit* relative *upc riorlly over the lower anlmala.—Dr. Kay. May there not alno tie a reference to "the babe of Bethlehem,'^, and (he power of the t'hrlat child over the world? A little child In our honit* la tlod'a benediction of y. uce.--K K. "Aap." A »mull, very polannon* *r-r pent. "Cockatrice." The great viper, "a large yellow one called Duhola Xanthine (Trlatrum), one of the moat heantlfnl t»ut venomoua of the vlpcra of I'alntlnc." — Cheyne. H. "They aholl not hurt nor destroy.” l'.verythlng Injiirlona or hurmfnl aliHll'lie cither removed or changed into aomethlng helpful and Itleaaed. "In all my holy mountain." Wither Mount Zion, the type of the church, or the mountain region which cover* the moat of I'alert In#, a* a type of the kingdom of <lod. In that day the mountain of the I,ord ahall nil the whole earth. (See I>an. "The knowledge of Ihe laird." lloth theoreti cal und practical, both of the mind and of the heart. "A* the water* cover the nee." Killing evei y part, ao that no cave or receaa I* ao dark, no depth* *o low, no place* ao dlatant. that the knowledge of Mod and hi* aerilc# ahall not reach and till It to overflowing. "ThU knowl edge ahall Ire a* wide and deep a* the ocean." I.efl lleltlud. The youngeet arm uf the family had •ullaled for Ihe war. The hour uf hla departure had tome. Me klwied hla weeping mother and aiatera, bade them good-bye cheerily, and wa* gone. Twen »y-fuur huura afterward he hurat Into the houae, noted and trenihtlug. What la the mailer, Charley*" *cre*m d hla mother, "Have you Jwwrtvd?" | "No. I got a leave of aba#nre,M waa ! hla hurried reply. Homethlng terrible i baa happenad. I know I What la It. my [ dear hoy?" "Mother," he replied, with : temuthered eob, "I forgot iuy camera!" Me KvMeaea fee the Meleaoe. In a email burg on the «a*t cuaat uf rTte a count tlor with eighteen mouth* i >» per leave wa* raUcd to a halite'a I hair, and waa trying hla Irat cane, The | he. *1 had 1 -rat hi* evident* for i the pro#e»utlon, when tha ball la rue* ■ nd *al4 "Well, the raaa la a vary had one, and you ahall he Sued 14a,'* •tug a mtaote. halite." aaid the taoal, "we have a«t heard the evidence fur .he dafenae yet." The Rattle Oh. well. In that tmee Ihe hne will be T# id - i. uttiah Ntghl* A husband In Madagascar may di vorce his wife lor the moat absurdly trivial offense. All he has to do la to call hla friends and relations to the door of hla houae, and In their pros once give hla wife a small coin and push her out, saying: ' Madam, I thank you; go." An underdone din ner will amply justify him. Queen Victoria went on record some tlrus ago as an opponent of docking horses' tails. Ho flrmly does she de test this cruel practice that army reg ulations prevent their being used In the service, Scrofula Impure Blood Thl* disease affects nearly every on# In a greater or lei* degree, and unless It Is wholly expelled from the system It Is llabls to appear at any time In sores, eruptions, hip disease, or In some other form. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures scrofula and eradlts all poisonous germs from the system. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is America's Urns last Medicine $1, six for |& Hood'* Rill* cure constipation. 20o. Hive a man the lit lie he says ho wants here below and he’ll kick him self because he didn't ask for more. Hon. W. J. CoMXSI.I., Ki Congressman from Nebraska, and at present Omaha's City Attorney, writes: “To Whom This Comes, Oreetfng : 1 take pleasure in recom mending the virtues of the remedies pre pared by the Dr. H. J. Kay Medical Co. Having known of mine remarkable curse of Omaha people alfpeted by the use of Dr, Kay's Renovator and Dr. Kay's Lung lie fill, 1 believe that these great remedies are worthy of theconlldenre of the public.'’ Thousands of the most prominent people in America know that the aliove are facte, end no remedies have affected so large a percent of curse. Hend for our lerge fllus treted book. It lies greet value, but will be sent free. Dr. It. 3. Kay Medical Co., Huratoga Hprings, N Y., and Omaha, Nab, The Work Will Cantina*. The divisions of the Ilaltlmore A Ohio Railroad went of the Ohio river ere to receive the same sort of Im provements that have been made on the Hnea rant of the Ohio. Net only are the grades to bo reduced wherever It la practicable, but very much htav ler motive power la to be Introduced. In order to carry the additional weight the bridges on all the divisions are being replaced with heavier structures and the track relald with heavier steel rail. It has been demonstrated by ac tual experiment that these changes will result In an Increase In train load ing In some places of more than 60 per cent, the average being about 42 per cent It Is the hope of the receiv ers that within the next two years the Ilaltlmore tt Ohio Railroad will be an 18-foot grade road from Chicago to llaltlmore, with the exception of that purl Ion of It which passes over the mountains where helping engines will have to be used. A great many of the estimate# for the different portions of the work have been made, and those who have seen the plans state that the work can be done at a surprisingly low cost considering the return. If Is understood that the policy of re habilitation adopted by the receivers two years ago will be continued by the new company after the reorgani sation. The new llgnt from Acetylene, made from Calcium Carbide (or lime, coke and water) Is a recent discovery, and when the gas Is made In a "Monarch’* Generator the light Is as bright as the sun and nearly as cheap. It should be in every atore, hotel and homo In the land. This "Mlnarch" Generator Is sold by Bchlieder MTg Co., Omaha, Nebr. If you are Interested, write them. C>ennral Coxey once leased a farm and after occupying It for a year wan told that the rent waH to be doubled, lie Induced a neighboring farmer to help him fool the landlord by Haying: “if you don’t want to rent Coxey your farm at the old price he can have mine at that figuro.” The landlord refused to yield, whereupon Coxey In sisted on having the neighbor's farm, which, after a law suit, he secured, the neighbor having In presence of witnesses made the offer. Of course, the second farm was much the more valuable. Thera Is a Class of People Who aro Injured by the use of coffee. Itecently there has been placed In all the grocery stores a new preparation called UltAlN-O, made of pure grains, that takes the place of coffee. The must delicate stomach receives It without distress, and hut few can tell It from coffee. It does not cost over one-fourtii as much. Children may drink It with great benefit. 15 ceuta and 25 cents per package. Try It. Ask for UllAIN-O. The cemeteries around I^ondon cov er 2,000 acres, and the land they oc cupy represents a capital of 9100,000, 000. llWabluhad 17 SO Baker’s Chocolate, u!«b«l«l fat muh iku * laniuijr u * Mkluw, nuliilimw, | * 5 >1 (Wall funning batataga, Kt» vul • ell kioian V «l>uw l abal *>« tka fm>«i ul ty pankaga. imI «hn I• *4a « Kalla ( K-K-uUitoM.'w* lia cn WMt! Mint* UNMMMK. MM «*» •» A WALTER RAKhR 4 CO. LU, X I hn I hllltf Mua s>4Si4^