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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1898)
VOL. XV. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2« 189H. NUMBER 34 Foil A MTftAllillT TICK KT MAIIK HI I'll I N' I HIM CIHCI'K. o Kor Governor, M. L. HAYWARD Vor l.lcuietniut Governor. GEO. E. MURPHY Kor Secretary of mute. C. DUKAS, Kor Auditor of Scute, T. L. MATTHEWS, Kor Trounurer, PETER MORTENSEN Kor ..iiperllitautof I’uldlc Instruction, J. F. SAYLOR • - - Vor Attorney cionerul. Make your (X) iu the circle at tbe top of this column and thus vote the Straight Republican Ticket. The Time* mailt* no defense of Mr. Miller, the candidate for Hcmtt or on the populist ticket in hit* dee penile and diabolic*! means which he employed to capture the demo cratic vote of thie county. Its on ly reply was that M Mulick wan tbu person who tried to procure a copy of the H.tvchni News inaiead of John O Neil, autl thereby pi actio ally admitted that he had dealroved IheeachitOi*.'. lie a No furtlier alalew that Mr. MoliuK an lea bimaalve* a the lUtui n ra'i • paitt in tliiw intuit I s This la iu»i so, Mr. Modi konlv c I a Him U» he one of that par> \ toil like the) re«t of them t» uot willing (oheawal ! Iti*ttl b*Nly ami breeches b) a lot of fusion papsutker* Uc^arthuy John O Ne|la titMtlhiti It la pretty plate that Jtiiiu, too, »it ticv tyed tutu th it nifit'itui lit It’ liatfalo itntuiv tit« «t luma, aim h) a tliotoa^h understat'd lint wttti tin* |i,,o was liiwtiu ■UtoO il t t in * nt the atheuo', \\ to ti the d*’«4tt i«iii< v |t -if it.* e * i'1 1 *» |l It I to ’ I the rtin* » Hi i •<ft!| let v,i iniisrI that wltili Mi M ttola (i M the d*ot> w*fwtt.< I, ,|i , \I* tie it anti uf ti* meat tudu. llitil uiu.)>«o a O0VBKNOB IIOl.COMIt AT I.OI T CITV, Last Saturday Qovernor Holcomb spoke hi tin* opera house it> this city. The meeting was well advertised but t' tli** discredit of till; people, md ptirnculnrli the p•pulists only an audfcito of women mid child ren wud ‘J4 voter* wen present to gre« l him. When ho commenced In i upeeeti there were by actual count Id voter* in the large ball, when he tinned there Were 24. Thin included I seven republicans, two pop candi dates, chairman of the pop stale central committee, chairman of the pop county committee, pop county attorney and the fiovcrnor himself. The 'iovernor atarted out hy tell ing the audience not to feel had on accouut of the small attendance. That it would atfotd the republicans a chance to tell the truth once be* cause they would have reported a small audience anyway, but the people would consider the source and brand it as a lie. From that he drifted off on the Bartley dcfaul cation and a general abuse of the republican party and its candidates. He kept shouting thieves until the chairman of the tncetiog 11. M. Mat hew actually blushed. Not one of the court house fellows except county attorney Long lent their presence to the occasion, even the pop editor was conspictoas for his absence although he was in the city and knew the way to the opera house; at least he has been seen there when a comedy company hus billed the town. There was nothing new about Mr. Holeorub's speech. It was the same stereotyped calamity dodger that you read about in the pop papers every dm . He admits having bought oleomargarine to feed the blind, the deaf and dumb but said it was a great saving t<» the state. Governor Holcomb cause to Loup City under what cortaTnly must have been for him, trying circumstances. No preparation was made by the pop oITciuls for his reception al tiiougli be telephoned across from Litchfield two hours and-a half be fore hi* arrival. The pops made no arrangements to have him brought from Litchfield, and Mr. Flint a good republican, was coming over and tho Governor came with him The next morning lie was allowed to wander oil to the depot alone, not one of tils party showing reaped enough f< r our chief exeeutative to escort him to the train. The Governor must have felt like shaking the dust of Loup City from his feet. He ac knowledged to Mr. Flint, that the Country was prosperous and further that he believed we had the most prosperous country to-day on the face of the globe. The republicans here feel much chagrined that our governor should he treated with such little respect by his own party. It smacks to much of anarchy and had they known that such would have been tlie case a republican escort would have been furnished for him. We would ot tried to make him feel ut home while in our midst. If the popuWsta have no respect for their officers they should respect the office. Active houcitoks wanted every whom (or The Klory o( the I'liUlppiii.." hy Murat llalxtoa'l I'omuillimit'll l>y tho Uoi i-rtiim-in ax ufflotul lllxiortaii |o ih* Wur D«*» paritut-ni. The ikmiU wax written lu army ramp* at hau Kraneiaco, on the Itit.- with <lout-rat Merritt, In tho limpital at Honolulu, in Hoim Kona In tbt> Auirrkat irnuhux at Mauila In tho ttixuramt rampx with Aaulnal ilo,tin tha itwk of tho Olympia with Downy, ami in thn roar ol haul* at tho tail of Manila Itonama for am-iii* Itrnuful of orialnal pu lurwx lakrn hy kunuiuit photo* raphor | tho xta.i 1,a 1*0 hook- I»!•* prior* III* pro. It* Vrriaht |*aol Crriltt *itt-n. Drop all trwxhy itnoifti tai war houk* Outttt fr«< ,vi ilrru I T tlarlwr. Axi j„ Htar luaurance III W thua*o Ill Our IHUo fmjr wan *lMlctoil wllli rhu tit-ttUiti tti kl> Wnofi a ini at lltitr* tin at'!«* lit fill III* foul to I lit* floor. Wr ln*4 it. vain, ryrryibiug ml ••(•ulil loaf ol that wo 1 It oti if lit wo i lil lirl p Inn \V«* tlmoal g*«r >ti In illapair, t» lion »ooio our atltMMMl ita W iry ( ‘bam! rr ■ ain't I* tlu (‘aim, W • >11■ I a|n| tip Hr*' bulll* iratr mi toiu’b f»lir( l|i.> tv (ut a nrwi.i out ami. to mr tafpflw li mmj bin u iu il aiui w I J I Hi|« patio* i To l*i I yn I'kah'k, \ lot K o ftt» |« i.y tl no i ah! |jt.<’» t»»«!. M*. Now mul mhhiiuI tin nil Mii|£« on* nt T. M HhhU. ’he Loup City Largest stock of jdardware apd Furpitufe IN THE COUNTY. Everything that you may need in building and furnishing a house. Will furnish a whole kitchen outfit, including a good No. 8 cook stove from $25.00 upwards. Stock complete. You don’t have to wait for if. \Ve want to C-U-B-A regular customer of ours. E. h. watkinson, Prop. Prices Hard to Beat. • ^-^ 10 qr. gray cotton blanket at - - 46 a pair. 11 qr. gray cotton (heavier) blanket, 76 a pair. 10 qr. brown cotton (heavier) blanket, 1 16 a pair; 11 qr brown cotton (heavier) blankets, 1 26 a pair. 11 qr. white cotton (heavy) blankets, 2 00 a pair All wool blankets from 2 60 to .4 76 a pair, in colors. ' ■ - 85 (X) for an extra heavy white (silk bound) all wool regular 6 60 blanket. Our niee dress goods we handle only in dress patterns, thereby insuring each lady purchaser a dress unlike her neighbor’s We have a good assortment of delicate tinted cashmeres, suitable for wedding gowns or evening waists. In order to make room we are closing out our clothing stock at absolute cost. If you need anything in the clothing line you cannot do better than to see our goods. We have a complete line of trimming silks and velvets, also a number of silk waist patterns. note The Following 16 lbs. Sugar - - $ 1 00 2 lbs Arbuckle’s coffee * .26 8 lbs Oat Meal - - .26 3 lbs Prunes .26 2 lbs Apricots .26 3 lbs Dried Apples - - .26 3 lbs Dried Peaches * - .26 2 lbs Evaporated Apples - - .26 2 lbs Evaporated Peaches - .26 3 cans Tomatoes - ... ,26 3 cans Corn 26 60 lbs 1st Arcadia flour - . 1 00 60 lbs 2nd Arcadia flour - 90 60 lbs 3rd Arcadia flour - - 80 Our shoe department cannot be excelled in the county and we have an especially good line which we will dose out at cost. Trusting you will favor us with your patrjfc Very respectfully, CHltoj GASTEYER. IIOW MILI.KK I tJNKlI. (From the Kearney Democrat.) The Loop City Northwestern gives the history of how Uncle Jimmie Hiller was nominated »h u democrat at that place lust week. Buffalo conn ty was represented by C. B. Scott, Judge Sullivan's Court reporter, I. It Fenner, an attache of the Indus trial school, aud Mr Osborne of Urvcnna. An ctloit »»» made hy these hi* n to gei letup City demo crats to j dll them in holding a ci'U VtOlhiu loti the la»k was too great and it was ahandoned. They then Went into t (invention with Mr. Mil ler's p >p repre*cntalivea m delegat es. This Is a fi Ir specimen of Selirss ka fusion as > tewed from a d. mm crate a>ai-dp out. The iIciikm rsls ale up in srina mo onlt in Slier man •leant) lull in >1 cf) to ml* In the MiKth dblik't nl the In.ltoatioua •'rionrlt j* iti> |nsaril • ('«n emtio victor* on ,\iii«niiiii *, and that • lirati |B.p-su4 St ** *m| y> • 4» i*m i.i* will *>• »'•*. (|i» ii» i*. nt v* I | i in* a-li I si tliat • ( 't ,i it ti ll , . i able acts that Mie* have ournni > I iu the natu« of deno* tats Is-mo • ruin have bad no voice or vote il nnv of these nets ami they wi.| reuuj dinte them at the polls. The m torial convention was called by N. (Jordon, who signed himself chairman. Mr. (Jordon is not tt ■ hairman of thia senatorial distr( and never was. He had no authj 11V to call a convention and an dorsemeul from a convention cd| •*' t'lin is illegal and who|l\ wu leas. WARtan-aavanAi, TwimiiTiit #* In thll »i»(b in in oar I ’H la Hit lr own atnl nearby eoantlei inalnlt oittee am a lanninuiwi el hon «rv •tiaiaiu »t»i a yraraiei eapeue Unite, iMutatttle, no more, uu i< *• UoMiaty |S, aelereaeew. KmIuw •IrmiMnl envelope llvrliert k. Il<< lit |>l a t li rae<i lit ttiii a ’14*1 «£ r •KPiU l * ti! Ulli Cl - 7#*» *» »(&•*' finite (1 .iulhcj’ TIME I <>IT|* CITY. NEBK Lincoln, Oimtha, • 'IlieillfO, Si. Joreph, Kiuihik l 'Ity, •Si. ill'll nil point* Hum mnl South Tit A INK I.IAVft IrOtNU NO tli! i‘UHMtlllK«r , . . No IHJ Freight ... . UOlNM No. M Panaenger No. (Ml Freight. Denver, Helena, Butte, Sail Hake City. Portland, San Francisco, mnl all point* West A* I'OI.I.I) WMi BAST .7’M a- in .X On p. in. W K8T .4.16 p. m. .I lino u. m. sleeping, dinner ami redlining chair cars <""»l» Iren) on through train*. Ticket* hoIiI and baggage checked to any point In l lie United stale* or i;mia>ln. For liiloriiiMiton, mapa, time table* and ticket* call on or write to A. V. Wert* Agent. Or J. FUANllla, ijnn'l. 1‘aaaenger Akciii , i iinulia, Nebraaka. U. P. UA1I.WAV. No. Ml leave* daily except Sunday (paa* enger). 7:110 a. in. No. sw leavea Monday, Wedneaday and Friday, (mixed) .'Uft p. in. No. wi leave* Tue*dav, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed)3:3n p. in. No *7 arrive* dully except Sunday (mixed) 11:46 a. m. No. !6 arrive* dally except Sunday (pass enger) 7.115 p. ni. First daa* service and clone connection* ca*t, wnit and aoutb. W. D. Clifton, Agent. * A-S- MAIN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, - • NEBRASKA. OFFICE.—One door ca*t of Obm'i drug *torc R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOW OITY, T. INKS, PROPRIETOR OT Express and General delivery Um. All Exprou or Freight orders prompt ly attended to. tT’iTn i c htTncale, LAWYER, OOKH A General Law and Collection Business A Notary Public, SlmmfraphN Bad Tf »e Writer In Olllee. One Door North of First Bank, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. W J7 FISHER, Attorney at Law^nd Notary Public. Will Defend in Eorcclosur* 0—an. A I.HO DO A General Real Estate Business. Office In Noh’UIWkhtxrn Building, l.our CITY, - NKUHAtKA. MRS. A. WATKINSON, TEACHER OF MUSIC, OH Painting, Crayon, Oharuoa! and Pen cil Drawing. NOTICE iron PUBLICATION. Land Office at Lincoln Nobr. September IS, IHir Notion la Hereby given that the follow Ing named Dottier hue filed notice of hie In. tcntlon to make f mil proof In aupport of hie claim, and (hat said proof will be made before the County Judge of Sherman county, Nebraska, at Loup City, on October J9lh, 1m«h, via - Ira Williamson, Homestead Kutry No. I7.1W for the weat halt of the north east fib of Hectlon MO, townshtp 15, Raii|(e Hi Weat, lie tiainea the following wltneaaea to prove hi* continuous reatdence upon ana' cultivation of, aatd land, via; T. H. Kuee, Prank Albln. A. » Kuhn, and K H. Waite all of Litchfield Nebraaka. any |,«raon whudeelree to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knowa ot any kubatantial reaeou under the regu. laiion of the interior Department, why anclipruirf should not lie allowed, will tat given an opportunity at the above men* ttoned lime and p ace to nruee eaawlae the wltuessot said claimant and ki offer ev|. delicti in rebuttal of that eubuiltted by ulal, rnaut J w. Juuteit. Register. NuTItlR PtiR 1*1 ELICATIOM. Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. | September atrd. lath, f Notice le hereby given that the follow ■ log named settler has hied not lee ut hie In lenltvu to mave hnal pi of In support of his claim and that sn,d proof will he made before the enemy Judge at l.uwp titty, Nrbraeha, «<i *oviaeh«r Hk I ms, via hleotau* burner. flather I'taim Entry No l.sAA lor the neat haU uf suath week l uf ft** It*. 14 14, Yi>WIM|M|P if, H«4g4 If • * »» II* Uhih«mi Mi* fuiiutluf **4 ****** Itt | * hMI * |f«i liMM4 *u4 *«lltf*4|*M| «|f Mitt U«4t Vtftl t«i*itiu*i*r #M*lvt«fi liutltlif iufeu K “ (tkl, 4f 1 *}«*!•* IV ft M*l«4 j w 4mmm