The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 14, 1898, Image 8

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    Lioaal Dews
Don’t fall to see the Pringles at tin*
opera bouse next week
T. M. Reed has recently sold a nui»ib*-r
of Lincoln Hteel Ranges.
John G'NIel. of Bristol township
was at the county seat Tuesday.
Oeo, Peter* of Davis Creek la enjoy
ing a visit from his father of 111.
Geo. Peter* has Ju*t completed his
new house on his Davis Creek farm.
Mailer Alvin Jaeger Is making some
very fine pictures for a neophyte with
a camera.
Miss Kate Pedlcr, of Denver Is here
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V
8. Pedler.
Mrs. Thoma* Tnka’ mother and sister
and two children are visiting Mrs. Ink*
at preaant.
A new hack tor an old one by using
Dr.Sawyer’s Ukatlne for kidney all
Miss Hattie Ilayburst visited with the
family of Jimmie Conger a part of this
Mr.C. K. Mambert, who moved from
here to the south part of the state is
back on a visit.
A. J. Wilson and O. 8. Brown, of Aus
tin were doing business at the county
seat Monday.
Thos. Inks is the proud possessor of a
beautiful new buggy Tom Is getting
proud In his old days,
J. I. Dcpew, built an edition to
Adam Hebaupps residence this week.
Jim Is a Jack of all trades.
Mr. lie I m an telegraphed for Dr
Fletcher of Bf. Paul last Monday to at
tend his wife who is no better.
W.H. Morris Is clerking In the store
of J. Phil Jaeger this week while Mr.
Jaeger la visiting the exposition.
Grin Manchester and John Cblppa of
Davis Creek were seeing sights at
Sherman county's metropolis last Hat
No one who can possibly attend should
rnlss the Brown Greene debate which
will take place at the Loup City opera
house on the afternoon of October 15,
Bob Moore, of I.aKayette. Jnd., says
that for constipation be has found De
witt's Little Early Risers to be perfect
They never gripe. Try them for stomach
and liver trouble*.— Odendabl Bros.
Mrs. W. K. Brown and son returned
last week from Kansas where tney pur
chased a farm and will move thereon
next march.
You will live to tell the tale how you
was entirely cured of constipation, dyi
pepsia, bllllousnesH and liver troubles,
by taking Dr. Sawyer's Little Wide
Awake Pills.
Bert McOstrlch, of LItchtleld was
in the city last week Saturday He
sporU a rubber tired family carriage
that is a dandy.
Continued success can come alone
from merit. Dr. Sawyer's Wild Cherry
and Tar is steadily Increasing In sales
because it Is the best cough remedy on
the market.
C. I,. Drake Is gaining a very large
reputation as a duck shooter. His last
shot that we heard of brought down
eleven, butC. L. doesn’t sny much about
The editor of the Kvana City Pa.,
Globe write* ‘ One Minute Cough Cure I*
rightly named It cured my children
after all other remedies failed." It cures
coughs, colds and all throat and lung
troubles.—Odundahl Bros.
Judge Kay reports having united
in marriage J. II. Gray to Mrs. India
Gray at bis otllce In Loup City last
Saturday, October 8. IsliH. We wish
them a happy and prosperous union.
Win your battles against diseases by
acting promptly. One minute Cough
Cure produces immediate results When
taken early It prevents conaumpiion
And In later stages it furnishes prompt
relelf.—Odeudabl Bros.
Louis Htraukmuu and family returned
from a three weeks visit to Lancaster
county last Sunday. They made the
round trip by wagon route.
John Shrove and family are reported
to lie returning from their visit to llli
hols and are expected to arrive next
week. They make the round trip by
wagon route.
Ur. Sawyer's Arnica and Witch Uase!
Salve nutuially stands In such esteem
with the public in the curing of diseases,
ecxeiua, piles, burns, scalds, euU or flesh
wounds, that argument to prove Its
worth seem quite unnecessary.
Now ju»t wait for the guessing con
test at Sheppard* Jewelry store. It will
l>« a stunner and will ttke place during
the week before Christmas. P»i tlculars
will come later.
Now it would seem that J S pedlar
Is trying to get a corner on the dtug
tHtsiuesa of litis city he is head elera
this weak at Odendahl’a and his sot,
Hay looms up behind the counter at
Ibos Burton, of Giw i.. * , j, ,
ant caller at this uittiw luasday. ||,< had
Jttat Unliked threshing and was veiy
agreeably surprised at the yield, t rom
3k act** of wheel he Ihieshed out flu
bushels and from 13 acres uf r«e he
thrashed 3?a hasheis. Mr Hutton win
also hsee a good oorn crop lit is >,,,
and naaarta that Nehra<iti i. g ,t
etioogh for h ui
k. A. Draper. of Kim fown>hip Is
bul ding an a Iditiofl to Ids house 10x24
one arid a half story high. W. T. (Jib
sen and K. Holcomb, are dolnjf tli«
carpenter work.
Old fashion* in Urea* may be revived,
but no old' fashioned medicine can re
place Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy, For aale by Oden*
dahl Bro'a, Drugglst*.
New and second hand wag*
ons at T. M. Reeds.
I think Dewitt’* Witch Haze) Salve!*
the lineal preparation on the market for
pile*. Mo write* John C. Dunn, of Wheel
ing W Vu. Try it and you will think the
*aine. I al*o cure* eczema and all *kin
dlaeaae*. Odendalil Drop.
C. J, Odendahl and family returned
from tiir- Omaha Kxposition Tuesday.
Their »on Fred who I* attending Bud*
Ine** College at kincoln Joined them
ut the capital city and took in the ex
position also.
The Chief Burgess of Mtlesburgn I’a
says DeWItt'* kittle Early Riser*ure the
best pills he ever used In hi* family dur
ing forty year* of house keeping
They cure constipation sick headache
and stomach and liver trouble* Mmall
lu al/.e hut. great In results. Odendahl
The J’iingle Comedy Co., will appear
at the opera house in this city one week
commencing Monday Oct. 17. This is
one of toe best companies that ever
played In our town, they having been
here twice before and never failed to
gvle their audience satisfaction,
A little girl about twelve year* old of
Mr Teals, living on Oak Creek, had the
misfortune last Tuesday to have her
thumb so,badI){-mashed that it had to
be out off above the tlrst Joint. Mr.
Teal was raising a pump and hy some
mean* it caught the child* thumb with
the above result. Dr. Main was called
and dressed the wound.
Our little boy was afflicted with rim
inatlsm in hli knee; und ul times un
able to put Ids foot to the floor. We
tried in vain, everything we could bear
of that we thought would help him.
We almost gave up lu dlspair, when
some one advised us to try Chamber*
ialu’s Fain I’alm. We did so and the
tlrst bottle gave so much relief that we
got a second one, and, to our surprise,
It cured him sound and well,—J T.
Baya, Factor Christ Ian Church, N’eode
sba, Kan. For sale by Odendahl Bro’a
Mr. O. K. Rice uud Ids son Dr. Carver
Rice, both of Oreenwlcb, V. Y. were
among the callers at this office during
the past week. Mr. Rice has landed
interests In Sherman county that he
was looking after. They are very
pleasant gentlemen and say they are
enjoying ibe bracing Nebraska atmos
phere. Mr. Rice is an uncle of Jerome
Rice the famous seed man.
When you have a had cold Dr. Inclin
ation would recommend Chamberlain'*
Cough Remedy because it is pleasant
and safe to take. Dr. Experience would
recommend it because It never fails to
eil'oct a speedy and perinlnont cure. Dr.
Reason would recommend it because It
l» prepared on *cientltic principles, and
act* on nature’* plan in relieving the
lungs, opening the secretions and re
storing the‘system to a natural and
healthy condition. For sale by Oden
dull I Bros., druggists
Hon. C. W. Talpey and Dr. Henry it.
Parker, of Farmington, N. 11. and
trustees of the Hiram Barker estate ar
rived here Monday to look after the
interests of the estate. W. H. Conger
their local agent here Joined them ami
Wednesday morning tiny started for
Broken Bow to transact some business
In the Interest of the estate there.
A letter from ex-.Senator Black of
Kearney to this paper state* that Hon.
Phil Bessor, present republican candi
date for senator will he here this week.
Mr Black also express kind regards for
the people of Sherman county and asks
us to kindly romenber him to all his
old friends.
Leslie Hhetler arrived In Hcniing
ford 1 hursday him) will visit his parents
for a few days. Leslie Is a member of
the Second U. S. infantry. Ft. Keogh,
Mon', and participated in the Santiago
tight, lie was taken dov.ii with yellow
fever and later with malaria. He Is
Just nut of the hospital at Philadelphia
and Is now on the road to recover)'. -
Hemlngford Herald
Our popular engineer who work* tlu<
lever on the I P It It tia< k received
a letter the other day addressed to the
lion. J B. o Bryan, chairman Dcm
ocratlc County Ceu Com.* Mr. O'Hi,
an says lie did not know tie fore that
he was chairman. We did not learn
the contents of the letter, hut suppose
It had something to do with decoying
hlut In to attending the demo popo
combination incvO.ig held at Long ,v
M at hew s otlice last Tuesday
flu** ISuisrs In t HttsMiiaitoM
I f«»Mi It* d; tniin KrtstiHMii
‘ When yott are dek. »h»t yon like
best |. to be chosen lor a uied.ctM*' In
tlr»t place wktt cxjierleio e tell* you
i* twil to I ms chosen in th*- second place;
*Imi r ■ *■ hi i . 11,. .or »». i- i,. ,>
t«» be ctoiMt o In in* last place Hot |»
too can eel Dr In* Itwatu n |*« l\pcr
leioe tii | |i| H< sum to hold a c oisol
latloa togaihd, they will give yott th
'I ehiw Ihit «ait ite taken
IlKKUAtun Swanson.-The marri
age of Will Ilcibtug)i to Mias Millie
Swanson, took place At Kearney, Weil
oesdny, October 12, lHil*
They are both Sherman enmity** mo*i
highly respected citizen* arid their
many ft lend* will be pleased to learn
of their union. They ,ver« sc •mu
mmied to Kearney by Kim I S warnmii and
Mi** Jossie S w hiiioii. broiher and airier
of the britle. I'rcspliug Khler Hinllli
performed the ceremony. The brida*
parly leturtod home In the afternoon
and In the evening were given a
supper by the bride'* parent* which wit*
al*o enjoyed by a lew select friend* and
relative*. Till* happy eonple »tart out
In life with the hent wUht* of all who
know them and the Noiiniwkstbkn
join* in extruding congratulation*.
How to I'riomil Croup
We have two children who are sub
Ject to attack* t f croup Whenever an
attack i* coming on my wife give* them
Chamberlain* Cough Remedy and It
alway* prerant* the attack. It i* a
household nttce**lty in tklscouiity and no
matter what else we runout of, It would
not do to be without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. More of It i* sold her1'
than of all other cough medicine* coin
bintd. J M. Nlckle, of N’lckie Bros.,
merchant*, Nickleyllbvl’a For sale by
Odenduhl Bros., druggists.
ITia<* Association
A number of the teachers of ,Slo rmaii
county have enrolled in the Teacher*
Reading circle and we have therefore
concluded to organize a Reading Circle
and Teacher* aaioclallon at Coup City
on Saturday Oct. 22, at 2:00 p. tn
There I* a benefit to be derived from
these meeting* which cannot be obtain
ed In any oilier way ami it Is expected
thatevery teacher wlm can will attend
the organization meeting. Watch for
program next, week Respectfully.
O S. f KiNiKUKit, County Supt.
A two pound roll of butter was a
inongthe articles donated to Rev. W, E,
Matthew* last week. When the family
came to use the butter they cut into
the roll and found four silver quarter*,
Now we have heard of there being sil
ver hairs among the butter,” but never
silver quarter* among the butter. Of
course our pres* repotter was curious to
find out who had a cow that would give
such, and learned that it was the speck
led cow called, Spot, belonging to John
Hopper. John says that he is a gold
bug bnt as long as silver Is on a parity
he would just as soon have a cow that
produced silver a* gold, buthe further
adds, "My wife must be a little more
particular atn ut straining tin milk
The Marmion Lodge, No. 111. K. of
I’, of fliih city liaye arranged to give an
entertainment ami dance In ttie Opera
bouse on the evening of October 15 Mini
after the great Brown-Ureene Joint de
bate which taken place in the afternoon
of the name day. The entertainment
will consist of vocal und instrumental
munlc in which they will Introduce
their new piano. The K. of P. lodge of
|4oup Olty In In a healthy condition and
they are Inereanlng their membership
andlnterent in the lodge. Their (omer
entertainment* have given good satis
faction ami we can anaure you that you
will lie pleased if you attend thin time.
Yellow Jgiinrilre Curotl.
Sniveling humanity should be sup*
plied with every ineaus possible for itn
relief. It is with pleasure we publish
the following "Thin I* to certify that
I wan a terrible sufferer from Yellow
Jaundice for over nix mom hn, and «,•
treated by Some of the bi nt physicians
in our city mid all to no avail. Ur. Bel!
our druggist, recommended Electric
Bittern; and aft r taking two bottles, 1
wan entirely cured. I now take great
pleasure in recommending them to any
person suffering from thin teirible mal
ady. 1 am gratefully yours. M. A. llo
garty, Lexington, Ky.*' Sold by Oden
dahl Itro's Drugglnts,
The following is the report of School
District. No. TJ, for the month hegln
lug Sept. II und cloning Oct. 7.
Number of pupils enrolled, ID
Average daily attendance. 21.
Names of pupil* who have not been
tardy are llarry Maciej«ws|tl, Joseph
l.uhush. Mike Lutmdi, Stanley Peters,
Hendrick Peters, Bertha Brnwe, Oeorge
Itrawe, Thressa Heitiilie, Amanda
llehuke, Terry Helmke, Kdu llehnlte,
Stanley .1 dm, l.'lara Carstcn, l.aura
< at *ten, t.eolge I’arsteri. Ilerlha Dau,
Ihnry Dm, Willie D.tu, Mary llehuke,
Frieda llehuke, Alonso Moiitkii,
Veronica Naschka. Francis Msscliku
and Anna Jae-en
ItM ten Maims Teacher.
IMt, ulviril It) a VV toilsN
Another great discovery ha* I ecu made,
ami that loo, by a lady in this country
“IHaJaae fastened It* clutches upon her
amt for seven t ear* »h» withstood |t* *e
veto! te»t», but her vital ocgau* were
iin'ti millet and dca'tl seemed itniiii
neut. For time iiomth* »he coughed In
I'snlitlv, and could id sleep *he tin
is 11% discovered a way to receverv, to
curt in-mg of it* a Mils of Dr King •
New I»l>t to«’i v for eoiismtipPoM, anti
wa* so itonii iei(evt*d on taking Itrst
d >*•, ittt she *ept alt nigh' im.| with
t w«» twit l it », tie Itt-t o siiMCtilrii rmoi
tier ut M t * I ii'her tuts '* title.
write* It * llam irk, A t o of wtieitiy
N • I1 * b lit’ Ins ,1 tMetoUhl
Pro - Di g tote ttegulm til* *,,4
|| ts> | ,, i, h title guaraulee l
1 «'iim|<iiny »l Imllr* anti llcntlitmttn,
'I In* I'iIngle comedy eonipany dosed
a very stu*ce**fnl wi*#-k‘» engagement at
i he I It*lii opera Iiiimm* Ih*i Saturday
eienlng iiimI a return •*«*>
gagenieut w ill be t * I;«r * • i J lii'ii* th<* first
week In November l»v r**«|ti«*»*t of matt)
of our iiin«f probiln*m eltlzen* wliu
waited mi I In* mmiMfc'i-r, Jonnfe I’l Ingle
liiptj Monday morning. Too much In
pr ii“t* of ihl* company cannot be until
a* they itr • nil ladle* i nil gcntlern n and
are ceri.duly master* of their parti In
eai h ami every pci tnriiiariee put mi the
ntnee Till! Htlll* llil* flllM time III
time uieiiMiuieil th<* "arion* member* of
tne company In their ptirtleular line*
anil we do not deem it necessary to do
mo agiilii only in tlie perMon of Mr (ieo.
It. Behrens w ho In a piano expert and
carries mime of the h**Mt, ri eoinmemht
tloo it Ini* hetin our pleasure to nee In a
long lime anil onr eltlzeua who have tine
Instruments will make no mistake In
having thU gculhinan look over their
piano* when he relurna.- Madison (Neb)
Star, The I’rlugle Comedy eonipany
will open a week* engagement in the
Loup ('jry opera houae Monday, tint*
oh r 17.
Ho yon want a thorough business ed*
ueatl hi ?
Ho you waul to learn shoi'lhuinl and
type writing?
Ho you win t to tit yourndf for
teaching ?
If mo atlend the St, I'aul ll i-lm *- and
Normal College, Write for particular*
to Si I’aul, Nob,
Mi’* Hiaucb I’alge arrived home Wed*
ueaday evening from Ault, t’nl
E J. Harden, went to lit,I’aul Thura*
C. .1 llarrlNiui wu« here Thuraday
looking up the Aulimmi Miller At Co,,
Win, Jeffrey, II. Smcl-cr, Then, VV'II,
•on. C. F. IfeiHhouaen, and John Malef*
ski drove to Loup City Friday return*
log Saturday ufteriioou with adroveof
MImm Ifili/.a rtmelMei of Lou Cliy ar
ilved Saturday for unhurt visit with Inr
brother, 11. Sun l*cr,
L. A. William* and moii 1,, M.f who
have been working In Mil* neighbor*
hood for aonie time left for their home
at Loup City, Friday afternoon.
Ed. Headier left Saturday morning
for Omaha, and the expoultlou.
L. A. Wilimu arrived home from a
week* visit at Omaha, on Friday even
We notice folni Johnson U hack from
hi* trip to northern Minnesota, and WU
co na I ii. He report* having a very nice
time, but ililnk* Nebraska I* u]I right
jet for him.
Tin* “Second Heylment of Kxpo*ltIon
Yolunieeis" left Monday morning for the exposition and McKinley. At
roll call the following answered: Mr.
and Mr*. A. N. Conklin, Mr, and Mr*
W. M Smcl-cr. Mr. O. M Kern* and
daughter Alice, Mr. E. O. I’alge, Mr
Garret Lorenz, Mr. Will Nieinan, Mr,
K. F. Wilson, Mr*. W A. Wilson and
Eliza Hinelser.
Moure C. F. Meuscbaosen and I’ark
I’alge Intend to follow the company on
Tuesday. 1. C. U.
i on rot MB.
5JS0 head of cow* and heifer* for *ale
on twelve month* time to reaponalhle
parties. Well bred stock In good flesh,
(fan he seen at my farm two mile* south
east ot Loup City.
K, K Sltton.
ttno_■a-iAie oTO
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|aa|->ajjk pak
ajsa <n>a|jad «| ‘taiJia
aqt bo anuai laalaojic
"‘E13N8<i U8IM 80H3MV
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JjnJJ viivwn
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M*« i" ft, 1 " « ^V"® *:l *f
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I V 1 M *l »«*'•* (talj
f* !
L U'ERi, IL'*
1 )ealer i n
Washing Machines, Sewing Machines and
Implements and Hardware.
•Wipd|nills, Pujnps and Pipes
Singer Sewing Machines for 825.00.
I I you neod unvlhing in my linooill and hmjo mm* and
you will be convinced that all vv<* Imve for Halo in offered at
vorv low tiguren. Don’t fail to call and hoo our
There in no putent*right on Belling
Toe field Ih open to un> one who v.ihIich to
to enter ho if you wend tour way towurdn the
('fly of Loup uud once iimide the f^tiicM head
directly for
ntoic wldeli Ih recently opened with u full um
Hol tllient ot
General Merchandise.
My tfoodh arc nil nett and I’r* mIi from the
Highest Price Paid for Produce.
Terms:—cjimIi or produce only.
Loup City, • • Xkhhakka.
Wan ran antNkti, TNI'H woNTHt I'mii
•on* tn tlita al*t» to iiwitimi) our toi*llie*»
In ilialr own mill luinrny tHiiiiiUtut it U
mainly otttrn work lomturiinl ut lioimi. am*
m y utrniKlit t'.iu n yi<m mul »||hwim-4ii
It 11 UK, l»lll»tl<t», III! IIUIII', mi lt)»» •llllll v.
Monthly #TV lintki Biu’im Knulixu unit ml*
ilrwuiKil •ihiii|H)4 kiiv«1o|mi IlKrlmrl t
lli'M, rrval , llK|il M rlili'aK'i, III
MAi'lI INK on. AT
It I \\ AltH
Kim tl ilUr* will Im |>n|il lor |irool of
, lli« fait that any on* U imiutl ttlly aalrr
| lut Irrltcatmn |»;ir|M>*«*
II Jt sMK, \V»l*r t’ hiiiii if*
*t iw r.« \u Ntiu iiiiuiui mmi
HIM l-kt all il*t Makk MW ml.
IM« WCttMCMN-ADV Caa*..IMa*. M »,
Kurinur*. limure youi |>tfi|i**ity hi
rill* I’lti'tiix I it»urauuN • 'ihii puny,
ngnlhX Kin*, l.lglituliig, Whul jtturtii*
ivi'loin* mill I i*i ni»i|i'#'».
III rHi.KNk1 iiiMnoimi
The Im**i >*h h iii tin* wurlil lor 1'iiu
I linn*** .Surf* I i*«*t» Sail lUtnim |*'»tv«r
Suif»* l'c*lt»*r * impimhI IUiuI* i It11l»lttI■*•
( i'll.* mi l nil Skill Kl'll|iU«ill* 41**1 |**u
| Itlvly » tirv* IMI. 4 or nt> | **v ti*«|iilrt**l,
I It I* K'l.ili*nlt'*'il lu givi* jifihvl »*l|.|m
I 1100 *>r i«i4*ii«*y iffiiiuli'il. I'riff ***ni«
■i*»r I*1* t-’ur **l« l*y iMriuUtii hr* ■
► V IS u*k* *»f l.ruUrillr ici*i
will-'I..i i Ih* HI |k>U g|< Mil'll
' ***tl * II l**-*S 44
II I' I , i|i, lln-.,
M’. .1 MHIItH Vg**ll
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