The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 14, 1898, Image 7

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Why let your neighbors
know it?
And tvhy give them a
chance to guest you are even
five or ten years more?
Better give them good
reasons for guessing the
other way. It is ve*-y easy;
for nothing teila of age so
quickly as gray hair.
is a youth-renewrr.
It hides the age under a
luxuriant growth of hair the
color of youth.
It never fails to restore
color to gray hair. It will
stop the hair from coming
out also.
It feeds the hair bulbs.
Thin hair becomes thick hair,
and abort hair becomes long
it cleanses the scalp; re
moves all dandruff, and
prevents its formation.
Vh’e have a book on the
Hair which wc will gladly
send you.
If you do not obtain nil th*
you Uho ii tl from the u«»of tfio
Vigor. writ* tl.u doctor about It.
*. lorn* dlfllrulfr
Prolkfchly thore It
with your frmioral
iu»y ho i amI1y
Dr. J. C. A
»}»U in
i.isuHi! Aridrttl.
yer, l.owrll, Mum.
CURE yourself;
. I *« I'.i'j 4J for iiral
I ft I hi lnllainuialii>n»,
1 irrU»tii'ii« or ul< nuti'in#
of iitiK oiiN memt>runtil.
--— I'ftjiiltHH, and not aatriu*
AthiLyars Chemical Co. •••»»* or puiaonoiM.
I Hold by DrufftiU,
or Uftit In plain wrapper,
If #xpr*M, prepaid. for
Al no, nr ,'i Itofti**, $2.75.
Circular Mut on r«tjur»t
DCIICBnyQ6et Your Pension
Writ# CAPT. OTAltWIII. Pcntlon Agent.
•4*8 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON, U. C.
nOADCV new discovery: r».«
WIT V/i C» I quirk relief »ud cure, worn
ruM. Send for liouk of teellmonlelr end l<l<l»jr»’
Ir. litl.K Pit Kr* .’. Ur. 11.11.OkkM’klMUK. Illnu, «.».
No. 42-1808
When Answering Advertisements Kindly
Mention This Taper.
Lorenzo Snow, the new head of the
Mormon Church, Is 84 yeEr* old ami
la a graduate of Oberlln College.
1 tin Cmt of Freeing Culia.
The United States ure entitled to
retain possession of the Philippine Is
lands if the peace commissioners so
decide, for the cost of the war runs
far into the millions. To free the
stomach, liver and bowels from dls
case, however, la not an expensive un
dertaking. A few dollars Invested in
Hostetler's Stomach Bitters will ac
complish the task.
Don’t Judge u poet by his dress;
One feathers don't make fine bards.
Ilnnuty la flood IJeep.
Clean blood means a clean > kin, No
|m-» ity without It Cases retr.t amly < 'nthnr
lle clean* your blood and keens It derm, by
Hlrring lip Hit lazy liver ami driving all im
pcrltlen from the body. Begin to day to
tiardhb phonies, boil*. blotcbm.blacklicnds,
mid thatsfckly billousr o.iiplexioli bv taking
['aucarets, beauty for ten canta. All drug
klsts, sutisfai tlon gunrauti 10c,SS5c, 6be.
Dont’ take your walch to a phy*
Blcian because it Is run down.
tlnw'a Tidal
We offer One Hundred Dollura reward fnrnny
ruse of Catarrh mat cannot bo cured by Hull a
Lutuirh Cura.
1'. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, hnvu known E. J.
fbeney (or the last IS years and believe Mm
perfectly honorable in all business tranaactlons
Hid linunclnily able to curry out any obliga
tion* made by their Stria.
Weal b Truax Wholesale riruyi’ists, Toledo,
D.; Wuldlrig, Klnnen ii Marvin, Wholesale
Hruguista, Toledo, Ohio.
Hair* Catarrh Cure I* taken Internally, act
ing directly upon thobloodundmucoussurfatca
f the system. Tom Imonlalu a< nt (raw Prion
15c per bottle, Fold by all druggist*
Hull's family Pills uro Llio best
Don't try to pull yomsclf out of
trouble with a corkscrew.
Hose Hill Nurseries.
Ijftrgep.t Horticultural Establish*
pent In America.
Bee our Out-d<*>r and In-door Ex
liblt at Exposition.
Hee our representative Mr. J. Aus*
Lin Shaw.
Anything and Everything to beauti
fy your place. Trees, Fruit-trees A
Shrubs of uil Kinds,—Palms, Orchids
ind Ferns.
Siebrecht & Bon, New Rochelle, N. Y.
Don’t stand In front of bars too
much or you may get behind them.
No-To-Bac r»r rrrty Ceuta.
Ouaronse-d tobacco habit cure, leakea weak
men strong, .iluod pur* ’A- *i Alldrugglsui.
Why Isn’t a stuffed goat Imitation
Peak tfprroa: If you know of a solteitor nr
ranvasscr In vour city or elsewhere, especially
a man who ha« solicited for subscriptions,
Insuranee. nursery Mock, books it lalloring, or
a limn who can sell poods, you will confer a
favor by telling bun to correspond with us; or
If you will Insert this notice in your paper und
such parties will rut Mils notice out and mull
to us, wo tosy he able to furnish them n good
position in their own und udjolnlug counties.
Address, %
Why Isn’t nettling one’s debts a
paying business?
Coo's Cough (Julsain
[• the olitcrt and beat. It will hrrak lip scold quicker
■ban auylblng else. It U always reliable. Try it.
It Is said that un ordinary cater
pillar Increases 5,000 time In bulk In
thirty days from the time It la
Why do lovers marry when con t
ship is so sweet?
for net chewing
“He don't chew Battle Ax, yer Honor,'*
“He looks ill"
Ignorance of the Law is no excuse,
but ignorance of BATTLE AX is
your misfortune—not a crime—and
the only penalty is your loss in quan
tity as well as quality when you buy
any other kind of Chewing l obacco.
Pemember ttie name
■ * when you buy again.
From the Otserrer, FtuiUtng, M*< h.
“Farly Id Noeember, 1894," hvi Frank
Long, who 11 vast near Lennon, Micb., “on
martin* to got up from the dinner table. 1
was taken with a pain in my hack. Ibn
pain increaxed and 1 tva» ohlged to take to
tuy bed. The pby xldan who wac xumiuonod
pronounced my enxe muxculur rhcumatUm
accomnanlcd by lumbago. Ho gavo me
reiuodfoe and injected morphine into my
arm to cane the pain.
"My di«eaxe gradually became wor*«un
til I thought that death would he welcome
reienxo from my xufTerinyx, IteHirtox my
regular phyxleian I alto consulted another,
hut he guve mo no encouragement.
' ' IJ
On OttUno t'P from the Table.
“T tva* flnnlly induced through reading
rorne sccoiiuUin the uewupnper* regarding
tho wonderful cun-* wrought by Dr. VViP
Hum s’ Pink 1’ill* tor 1‘nle People. to try
tliem, I took ttio frlllN according to direc
tion* ami noun began tonoticean improve
ment in my condition. before the iirhtbog
wn* used I could get aliout the Iioiiho. Mild
after uring five boxo«, wan entirely cured.
"Hliico tint tinib I have full 1.0 loturn of
the rheumatic pain*. 1 am confident Unit
Dr. William*' rink Pill* Hived my life nud
1 try to Induce my friend* who nre *iek to
try the rume remody. 1 will gladly au»wcr
irupiiriek concerning my hie kite** und won
derful cure, provided runup i* encloked
for reply, FliANK LfiM."
Sworn to before me nt Venice, Mich.,
thin 16th day of April, IWW.
Q. U, Uoi.iikmitii, Jioiffre of (he Peace.
Don't neglect to tali'’ sensibly at
tlmeH; It may bo difficult, but it’s
Itow to Trevent Hog Cbohns
111 i / * /'IH it I'll I I.IS.— I.. II-..
V lion and con be prevented by feeding
. cooked bed. W< udvlao our rcad
era to write the EMPIRE MFQ. CO.,
8.0 Ilampahlro Ht., Quincy, 111.,
M; N^for Catalogue of 1-'i.i.i> Cookers,
ecookira save at least one
third the feed,put a tuck In healthy
Vcondition,nave your ho^a und will more
IbUU I'.-'J lur ICCU.M IV1.» lu Out Vtttkt uw
Don’t bet on wlint you feel In your
bones—unless It's rheumatism.
Oon ! Tobicco * pn ann sniote T-ur Uto Away.
To quit tobacco eislly mid forever, b« mag
netic. (uli of life, nt rve. urid vigor, take N >-To
Hu,*- the wonrti r-wi rker, that makes weak men
.(rung. All drugging, hOp or ll. Cure guarun
tei d Booklet und sample free. Addreai
Stirling Uetncdy Co., Chicago or New York.
Why does a baby's mother Imagine
she can understand its dialect?
Itosc Hill Kiirtrrlri,
Largest Horticultural Establish
ment in America.
See our Out-door and In-door Ex
hibit at Exposition.
See our representative Mr. J. Aus
tin Shaw.
Anything and Everything to beauti
fy your place. Trees. Fruit-trees and
Shrubs of all kinds,—Palms, Orchids
and Ferns.
Blebrecht & Son, New Rochelle, N. Y.
Why does the summer girl have so
many brothers at the end of the sea
Do Your Laundry Work at Homo—Ifow
to (let tlia lie. I Results.
You should uss the latest Improved
Cold Water Laundry flturch fur fine
work. Keith’s Knninel Starch gives a
most beautiful, clear, peurl-llke finish,
and an elastic stlfTnesa that will stand any
amount of bending, and un enamel gloss
that will stand damp, foggy weather.
Will not blotch and will not stick to
the Iron. Can be used on black, red or
other colorud goods without the faintest
trace of white, and on white goods
finishes whiter In color than any other
starch. It shows every thread of linen,
thus giving a high polish and a beauti
ful finish. Knarnel Starch contains no
Ingredients which can Injure any fab
ric. Some think that the starch they
have been using Is all right. We used
to think the tallow randle gave a very
good light, hut after using electric light,
we wonder how we ever got along with
the candle light. It la the same with
starches; you have used the lump and
common cold water starches und made no
complaint because you have never had
the genuine Keith's Eimmol Finishing,
Labor Saving, Cold Water Starch, but
after you once get accustomed to using
It you will wonder how you ever got
along with tbe other starches. Keith's
Enamel Starch will do more work, do It
with lees labor and do It better than any
other starch. Ask your grocer for Kntth's
Knumel Starch; u trial will convince you
that it Is In every respect the most per
fect starch made.
The more room a man has In his
house tbe Icmh he leaves outdoors.
Mm. \% iiminwi Noiifhliit; Nyrnp
Y*>t chtlun ntmtt.l tii«
cuAiluu, alia., w i-taln, ei*r*» w.«f| »-.*H * • •nua
Why does a man always say that
tie’s out of practice when he gets beat
at any kind of u same?
I never used so i|Ulck n cure as I'Uo »l ure
for < onsuiuption J It Painter, Ihj* 1UI,
Seattle, W a»b , Nov. Ifft, lkto.
Why doesn't the woman who mar'
rlcd a ixgtr man want her daughter
to do likewise?
IMtrnt* ti as ttowns wiim t'MHorsla
Can ljr t'athartle eure russilpsiU.a lottrn,
Mfe. Sl«. UU C C fell, druggi.uretuau in use S
A driving rein Is sit right for ths
horseman, hut a light shower satis
fied ths cyclist.
Tabs luttatlie llrouiti y iiuiic Tsblsta All ;
•' ruggi.ts refund tbe eem#* If it falls eur«
14* lb' genuine baa I.. ll US rack Ultra
When a woman stops crying over ,
trouble and begins to think, It's sn I
unfailing sign that she is g*tti"g
along In years Chicago Duty Nona. I
(Hin t stay sway from church un I
an.limit of your clothes. The Imt i
Is fist busy to nodee the handiwork of
tailors sad dressmaker*.
I he lymii of sityi' men are due \
In their iron wills, and of others to J
their cheeks of brums.
Bell* Silks, Film? term end Lingerie
nt Febnleii* Prlcee.
A solid little fortune with shimmer*
In* silks, filmy laces and dainty lin
gerie for Its basis, the result of thirty
days spent In Dawson last summer, Is
the modest toast of Mrs. Nellie
Humphrey, a pretty, black-eyed young
woman who has been In Seattle prepar
ing for another trip Into the metropolis
of the fur north.
It was the quick wit, business sagac
ity, and, last hut not least, the pluck of
Mrs. Humphrey that enabled the fair
sex of Dawson to revel again after
months of deprivation In the frills and
fancies of dress bo dear to the femin
ine heart. That masculine poefcet
booka were quick to open In response
to such demands was evidenced by the
way In which Mrs. Humphrey’s stock
in trade disappeared. It melted away
ns did the snows In the arctic sun
shine. Mrs. Humphrey saya she Is
really ashamed to tell what her goods
brought her—that It would bo ridicu
lous. Iliit It Is a fact that her entire
capital risked on the one lucky venture
did not exceed 12,000. She sailed from
Seattle last Wednesday with a far larg
er stock of the finest goods of the kind
mentioned. Her faith In the gold fields
i« evidenced by the fait that she says
she will stay In Dawson but four
months, and Intends to bring back to
Seattle Just $65,000, Dawson's belles
simply went crazy over Mrs. Humph
rey’s stock, and asked the price of
nothing. Hero Is the way the latter
tells about It: “The prlcee I got for
some of my goods were simply shame
ful; so exorbitant that I can’t bear to
tell of them. Hut what else could you
expect when flatirons wc re selling for
$65 a pair, brooms for $16 each, and
moose-steak cut as thin as a bridal veil
for $2 an Invisible pound? I wan al
most forced to sell the? very clothes off
my back. One old habit I had almost
worn out sold for $200. Several hats
brought as high a« $125 each. Indies’
shoes I sold for $r>0 a pair."—Seattlo
Typhoid fever Is generally regnrded
at the present day, along with cholera
und some other diseases, as belonging
to the class of "watcr-borno” affec
tions. In other words, It Is believed
that the germs of such dlsesses arc
carried, nnd perhaps propagated, In
water. There Is little doubt that this
theory of typhoid fever Is correct, and
that In tracing any extended epidemic
of the disease to Ha source we must
first of all examine Into the condition
of the water supply.
Drinking water has been proved to
be the cause of the spread of typhoid
fever In many epidemics In this coun
try and England; but there Is little
comfort In this for those who habit
ually drink something stronger than
water, because, although during an
epidemic the drinking water may be
made safe by boiling, this is not
If the water Is contaminated, the
germs may be Introduced Into the body
while brushing the teeth or washing
the face. Or ugain, salads and fruits
which aro eaten raw may be contam
inated by the water In which they are
washed. Typhoid fever lias sometimes
.been spread In a city whose water sup
ply was above reproach by means of
milk or ice.
Milk need not be watered In order
to become a vehicle for typhoid germs;
the germs may be Introduced into cans
and bottles whllo these are being
washed In water drawn from a con
taminated well or brook at the dairy.
Although destroyed by boiling typhoid
germs will resist a freezing tempera
ture for a lung time, and have been
found in Ice cut from a pond poisoned
with sewage containing the bacilli of
this disease.
Auother means of the spread of ty
phoid has recently been discovered In
oysters. Oystencen frequently place
oysters In brackish water near the
mouth of a creek or river In order to
fatten them before they are brought
to murket. If thlB place happens to
be near the mouth of a Hewer contain
ing typhoid poison, or If the creek wa
ter be contaminated, the oysters will
.take the virus within their shells, and
so revenge themselves on those who
eat them raw.
In some puzzling cases of typhoid It
has been supposed that the food was
Infected by flics, which hud carried
the germs a long dlstuucu on their feet
—u strong argument for the proper
care of food in the fly season.
These are only a few of the ways In
which this disease may be spresd, but
they are enough to show that, so far
from feeling surprise that the disorder
thould be so common, we may rather
wonder that we are not all its victims.
Coughs uf Begins.
The cough, or puff, of a railway en
gine Is due to the abrupt emission of
waste steam up the chimney. When
moving alowly the rough ran of court*
tie heard following each other quite dis
tinctly, hut when speed la put on the
puff* come out one after the other
much wore rapidly, and wheu eighteen
cough* a second are produced they can
not be aeparately distinguished by the
ear A locomotive lunulng at the rate
of nearly eeventy tulles au hour gives
out twenty puff* of steam every »♦« end
that la, ten for «a«h of It# two cylin
Haverty ’ ftoeen't Knpee believe in
a central form of government?" Aus
tin No, he tuended a telephone girl.”
New York Kvehtug Juuruat.
I -
, ^ fjL Will the Now Generation of Women bo Mora
Beautiful or Less So? Mieo Jeccio
Ebncre Ezpcricnco.
J A pleasing face and graceful
/ figure ! These arc equipments that
widen the sphere of woman's useful*
ness. How can a woman have graca
of movement when she f» suffering
from some disorder thatgivesher those
awful bearing-down sensations? How
can she retain tier heautiful face when
” blie In nervous and racked with pain?
Young women, think of your future and provide
against ill health. Mothers, think of your growing
daughter, and prevent in her as well os in yourself
irregularity or suspension of nature's duties.
If puzzled, don't trust your own judgment. Mr*.
I’inkham will charge you nothing for her ad vice’, write
to her at Lynn, Mass., and »ho w ill tell you how to
make yourself healthy and strong.
Lydia K. I’inkhatn* Vegetable Compound strength
ens the female organs and regulates the menses a*,
nothing else will. Following is a letter from Misa
.Inss.ti Funkk, 1713 West Jefferson bt., Sandusky, Ohio.
"Dbah Mks. I'trail am:—I feel it my duty to let yon
know of the great benefit your remedies have been to
me. I suffered for over ft year with inflammation of
the ovaries. 1 had doctored, but no medicine did mo
any good. Was ut a sanatnrluin for two w eeks. The
doctor thought an operation necessary, hut 1 mode up
my mind to give your medicine a trial before submit
ting to that. 1 was also troubled with
<S5»^v leueovrluca, painful menstruation, diz
ziness, nervousness, and was so
veilk iiiui i wus uuuiiiu
to ktand or walk. I have
taken In all several bot
tle* of Lydia K. i’inkham'a
Vi (fctuhle Compound uml
Hlood I’urilirr, and am
low in good health. I will alwnya give your medicine me ingncai praiucv
Ksk Mrs. Plnkham’s Advice A Woman best Understands a Woman’s Ills
wi inaK« one rurreyp, nvirv r*, i.rm iw*#, n«irou».| r«mmm riiy nm<
Our pood* have been javoruhly atiowa tu the trace for year#.. <,AW« •*«i oim,
\\ •• now * II air**rl l* Ml* ap#r m I rtm. *1 ho rhinwdl |RIMt w»«i Ilia MU
buyer preferi lo deal wiih lUntmwry. He ntta of u« flnol. ■■ ■«■■■ ■ ■■■■■—■
w«,r'* at leu* prloa than agent! a*li for low grade vehlrien. We elilp *> y wh< re,
•uhject u» aiaruloailon. wk IflMVKMofi hoardrare KaueoaCfty. Mo , or <.M*h« n,
in1., ha may null purchaser. H«*n<l for ' afelotfijn with prfree pletaif printed.
IT'n Milk. W rile Unlit. We m II »•# h Inn Ma* hme* and the WwllH Uu'H tM tut
well. AH at Wnot •••!# reteet, AU ttooii. No tr.artef where you live, you are out
to** far away to do with u» owl »**e money. A»Mri*.-i.
»:i)WAKH %V. WAMiCttt AimiiWih < (i.JilhllPN, INIHANA.
Live of .ufTeilnn and mlwry from II I. repnl.lve illvnie turned into linullh and happl
no., tliraijkli I tie use of
Rlcnarfl's catarrn Expeiiant.
Aflt-r rnrnil .pedal .Indy and practlre In dim uci of tin- Mm*u<i Membrane. uml evpn
dully of catarrhal trouble., we hare at I nut developed n treatment I lut will Ivelv a tel
|n rnium fitly eure t'aturrhul IM.eaee* In whatever form they may lx,-. Aftor fully demon**
fetratliiff Hu- merit* of till, treatment In a private practice of over five year*. nml «nci m*
fully I rent i nil und riiilnit the mimt ol,Minute ruaefi. we « li.liem/e the Hot Id for u < ate Of
Oulnrrli. or tutanhul li|nea*in our CATARRH EXPELLANT will not cure.
Iii»fiii«», rc.iiltlnir from ('itfurrii. quickly cured
I.||«» Ilf hi'inr Ilf Mill'll unit 1 u.le quickly reMnred.
All repul.tvu nymptom. m-cullur to <'utiirrhul troubles, u foul breath, dischargee.
Harking, (ongoing, mid hptttlng. relieved at once.
rntarriivl AtTeiflnn. of htomurh, Liver or Itldnryn, causing llMll(Mllnn, Hick NUnnech.
kniirit. Wr»kli««». HeplfiaMnii. I im of A mill I Ion nml Ktiergy, uri quickly ruri'd.
Moat of tlm weuknrs* of men und women I. mused by < 'utnrrliai dlaeuMM Tin* polaonomt
discharge. llnd tlietr wiiy to the stomach nml Into tin* blood, und distributed throughout
the entire .y.lein, affecting the Vltul nml Life Korea. and i-uu.Iiik tliotm Orgeuiu null
Nervou. Weaknc...*. no (trend 'd by every mini uml woman
Them* weukne.he. nrc eitred by CATARRH EXPELLANT uml perfect health and
atrength fully restored liver flee hundred o utlmnnlui.Tn praise of thla treatment re -
relved nliicii Jununry I, |HU7. If you huvu ( algrrh or any Catarrhal lll.uuue,
Will euro you Ju.t it* .urn n* witter will quench thlrat. Write to-day for testimonial* nut)
valuuble Instructive paper oo Uk.o diseases. KENT 111 I.K. Address
The Official Celebration*
Partlclpeted In by President McKinley
and Him Cabinet, the l.uH-ini r* of nlmont
all the Tran* Mikaimipiii State*, the Mayor*
of the principal western cities, and represen
tative* of the Army and Navy.
Every Day a Big Day.
Re in Omaha Jubilee Week If you want
to nee the gfreatelt of all the Peace Celebra
Kxtraordiitarily low rate* via the Bur
linyton Knutc. See iieare*t H. dr M. K. K.
H. at<eiit, o write
J. Fkanii*, Uen’l Paa*. Atft., Omaha.
a*W.Wnf.Y* ..w.vvwavav
... ft.. »,««.«. win...
FREE ADVICE >'V <>ur J'hy.klai. nixl n FREE SAMPLE ,
of our moilltlno uioi mi* |»nyo I im ll»oU tii'ullun ull dl»)tr> wtlli f*l irullent
■ «» l|iv« hiu mtiuv of llii! roarim* wliy you rboukl write ua.
Dr, Kay’s Renovator
( uie, tin vrrjr worn i dh, ul Mrnpotoln, ( oioltpallon, lloaitai kr. Mill, mil
hklmy illrra.r* komi t»i proof of It Wo tluiiiiiolre It. Will* u>* »l«mt
all of tour •ftuplonia. Itr. Kay'a lt*n«i#Uir t> twltl t>> druggist*, or will
t>y null ou loi olpl of prim tt oowta nod •! .«»«*.
**!'•»• Or. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO., W-tomOC.r. Omaha, Nob.
Iwtfc t\Ut ill liU* f»<
ll> to Hu lw<i»l »> ■*•»•
_I Aiktn
llal lllll H'MJ I >«mI >> » kll
M M lllHin *•», N I » • k>
Jkh,i I •» »•>«« I I uhl fM M
A t li'HIH M*.«
IKiiM *i
' ThompMn’t lyt lUter.
Or. Ray's kor.ovator, 8V*"Pr*£?
.la r»a«ltl>4llcu. Ilvrr •ml k>4n«t illar***. |,R.
ilbUkUu.., U» i 'ait»r. rW. Al tlritftfiaRt 4W « Ik
1f tits
. •«. I. IMl »»- .. .*>«* Ht|
WA*TM> r«n «» • *4 M.Kh H.< IFI F A V 4
• lit hull M*o4 t ««»<• Hi IllfW. Uw.liu
i m.. *• V<*•%, M M* iM mhI I w
Or. Kir't inf eci*