The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 14, 1898, Image 1
Loup VOL. XV. Clr,’Y Northwestern LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, XEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 1898. NUMBER 29 rilK A NTKAIUHT 1K KKT >1A l(lt H I I'HIN THIM 011(01.K. Ifor ( i.mml — loner »f I'u. k Hij!U1Vh G K. WILLIAMS For Coni(re»»niun. «th dUtrlrt NORMS BROWN • - □ Fni rti-n«tiir. I«tt (listrlct PHIL IIESSOII For Ki!pr«H«nttttivH, 57 dUtrlct. I.KWIS BEOHTHOLD [ □ For County Attorney# W. II. CONGEll Once oh a time, either before or after W, li. Greene was made Judge, Mr lireene ciime to Loup (Jitv to deliver a speech, John Vaude gr.ft was made ehuirinan of the ot> ea»iun, H* introduced .Mr. Greene as “our Judicial Judge.” Once a gain Mi Greene in coming, wonder if John will Introduce him as our former Judicial Judge. Hu’s headed for the legislature don’t yer see. The people now know why it wat* that Gov lloleoinh vetoed the hill pawned by the stale legislature a few years ago compelling the manufact urers «d oluoiusrgeriue to color their goods ptnk Mr. Ilolcomhevidently wanted to show the people Ilia abili ty to -s'e money for the state Hut was it for the state, no, it is proven beyond a doubt that it was to create funds to pay his house rent of I’iJloO per year. Mr lio|coiuh never ve toed that house rent bill but approv al d and is now drawing, and has been ever since his clcclhm the , titM in monthly installments aid in adiMUou to bis regular ssUrv of#.« ,Vrti i* i»jr, m ire leforrn you know w asiso sscsssi TsestsraaTNy I'm i ‘Ui ** • •!* It* Ulth4d« Ut4f liMlIurlM |Wl||4il Mttt *»**! lt<i«flty || |e ittfttMtl iMk<tiM».||i birw# Mi ■«' > •'tuiibt tip g ) * 4» *H«t t «!»*•««•«-tie » Iki m Intu^l |r «*» Ib<d«. Hd |««4 II f Milftiut hi lu.v Mil • I y|(»«l«M| WIVI tt|y« ItHlmrl I IlfM. M* 1*4 4 l K rtgd || ) h< y AN OPEN LETTER. To .Jon* VANiuofiiirr, .My Lear .John: — Wo won* not n little surprised when wo learned that you wore nominated for represcnta live mol had knocked J. 'I Snyder clean off the (JirOtins* tree, Ibd'nt know before that ton had any as peratiou* that way, lint it sectn* you have and have plunged riyrht into the thickest of the light without even a topping to consider where von was at or what kind of a fix those con founded republican* were going to get you into. Little you thought, did you, that you would have to pit again*! that old war horse Lewis Beehihold whoso completely knock cJ you out Iasi fill, the same fellow who made you feel just as though you hudn't been m it, who scooped you by u large majority and then Home, and who is now tilling the same seat you uapjred to lill. Well my dear John, history will repeat itself, und ton will doubtless have to suffer the same defeat, tin same humiliation, the same feeling of remorse. I am sorry but you aught to have known better, we re publicans did it once and we are notie to good to do it again, hud you not been so busty and so eager to gel a pull a< the public crib and consult ed us before the unfortunate occur ence we could have saved you all this trouble. But you would not and so that would seem lo settle it. The only advise we can offer now is | to do as the man who vyus convinced that he had udvaneed loo far, and was about to get into great danger, lie withdrew and thus saved his life. Vou might save your political repuia lion by withdrawing also, but you won’t do it, will you John. No. you argue just like ull pops, you didn't knowingly get into danger and yon won’t knowingly get out. But say John, there are older things to take into consideration, tilings perhaps that you had lost sight erf in your eagerness to become a great man, but tin! public in their culm deliberations are keeping tab on. For instance they huvn't for got that you were one of the Johns who sent a representative, another John to Kansas, after that ear of aid which was equally disttilmled u mong the several John's of your im mediate neighborhood, and by the way, .Johns who were as well fixed as any one in the county. This car was shipped direelly to the county clerk, lteiu, so that the humblest tax payer in the county would have to help pay the freight on it, urn! Was then turned over to the Johns, in stead of being dell out as other aid supplies, to those who needed it worst. There ure oilier things that I might call lo mind but will defer them to some future lime. Tours in haste B. eV (i. or the Two Orphans. Ar# V* There Morrimlty Mr. Mtll«r, of Mutfulo county aud popultat nomineo for aouaior of this diatrict came to Loup City, on Oct. 8, and very systematically arranged with u few of the lending popa for the holding of a no-called democratic convention. I'erauunt to thine nr range mcnta, Mcaara. Scott, Fenm-r aud Osborne, three big chiefe from iiutl'alo county, cauie over la*t Tuea dav iu company with the big Modi cine man, John O'Neil, from Itriatol lownalilu, and after attempting to round up the democrat* of thin town weul into conventIOU at the oltlce of Icing >v .Mathew, I'aior to the con ventton, however, a desperate effort Waa made to get the democrat* to attend. John () Nell was dciegaud to go out and solicit aid along thia line luit he met with a llat refusal from *|| Die leading dewoctat# ot the luWll. rile) declined that the) had not #c; it of heard ot any call Iu lug t**ued { n autiii itouventlo i, aud fotlhtr o il. Ono -I in tiuiii lii it I of sin h a meeting M(, tl N« u i \ I pi a i Had that it w»% purelt a hu*i. * .01 ho mono i ...j,, than •O cltih tse Ml MliU Is ioi.i,|m i , it for s. i ktci In answei n ihi*, i ni The Loup City Largest stock of Hardware apd Furniture IN THE COUNTY. Everything that you may lined in building and furnishing a house. Will furnish a whole kitchen outfit, including a good No. 8 cook stove from $21*.00 upwards. Stock complete. You don’t have to wait for it. We want to C-U-B-A regular customer of ours. E. H. WATKJNSON, Prop. democrat in rjtiof«f<! as suying“toh with your populist nominees, I n fn r to have anything to do with it I have seen no call and don't in-1 i<*v« this tin authorized convention, and I further want it. understood that ton can’t make a populist kite tail of me,” All efforts having failed to get the democrat* interested, except J. B. O’Bryan and «J, T. Hale, who was decoyed into the meeting hy some mean* or other, a few populist* went into convention about high noon. Present: II, M. Mathew, deputy Co, attorney; John O Neil, J. B, O'Bryan. •t. T. Hale, and the three big chief* from Buffalo county. John O’Neil was elected chairman and in rapping the convention to order said “Gintlc min, I am inlormed that the cull for tid* convintlon wa* puhii*hed III the itavenna New *. I went over to the Times office in thi* city for a copy of that paper hut the editor informed me that in* woife was claining house and he thought it had been put un der the carpet wid bin other exchang es, hut ) c’s all know phwat wese are here fur. 1 move ye's, gintlcmin that we indurse Mr. Miller, the pop ulist candidate fur senator of this district, and gintiemin, l sicond tin nomination of Mr Miller lieeause 1 understand that lit; is both a good democrat and a good populist, (ap plause) and gintlcmin I further rie clare that Mr. Miller is the unani ioous chire of this convention, (great applause) Gintlemiri I will now en tertain a motion to adjonrne sin if «iy. Shortly after the meeting the three Big Chief's from the Bad Lauds ol Buffalo county, returned to their wigwams and the Big Medicine man Big Talk John from Bristol township shrugged his shoulders tucked in his hluuket, giuuled and gave vent to u war whoop and fled. Tile indignation of tbo Simon pure democrats of this county I* tho roughly urroused. The attempt of the populist ling-leaders to decoy them iuto such fake proceedings lias caused them to express themselves lu no uncertain terms as to tli»< pop part) and their candidates who are using *ueti disreputable mean* to capture the dt mocraLu vole of till* state. This is no re|>ort from a re publican standpoint, allhmigti it |s somewhat amusing to us, but cones dire lit from tin deiuiM tata them seises One of them was heard to s.*v Wednesday dial “the r< puhll eins were rotten eftottgti but were must known to be gudiy of *ue*t a i 44 M|4| fill* UHBld tM l|||4 i<||i 0 **■‘1 |»f»H 1 4 i|M 1 il IM* |t % t*H 4 V 4, ti t* f MU--•! In flftftl *M#« |i| t iiU *| i nil U ♦ iw.lii *<* iiikfy i t»tn *| IU i t|i«* it l tt’t.tllH l»!|i M I *t»ilk l it. CAM, AT TilIH OFFICE AND OUT ONR OF OIJR 500^ OF FAGTS -CONCERNING THE Early Settlement of Mm County. It contains;— A full bistory of the Organization of tin; county in 1n73. Interesting stories of pioneer life. First marriage in Sherman county; quite romantic. The first murder; capture, trial and sentence of the criminal. Long lint of pioneer settlers Hettlement of German colony at Wilbelmsbobe; near Aabton. Opening of B. &. M. lands to settlers. Government soldiers at Loup Oity in 1873. Kxcitcment occasioned by jumping homesteads. Judge Wall's perilous a (venture with the Olive Gang. Murder of Mitchei and Ketehum. Capture and trial of the Olives. Reckless adventure at Loup City of Guynlittle and the “Doc" Middleton gang. Arrest and trial of “(Juyne" and capture of Middleton. “An Old Lay Relaid.’’ Reroute for the Black Mills Rarly experience of John R Raker. Full account of the grasshopper siege in |H7il. First grand Four h of Jul\ celebration. First county fair held in Sherman county. Rarly church and school privclages. The hard winter <d l*8o and IHhi. The great barbocue, Jane 4. iHHti. Trip up tbc Loup in IH7'<; Indians and game on the route. Trapper Jack's Shanty. I'rairiedogs and rattlesnakes. Walter Moon's daring experience with a buck deer. Sherman county ’s past, present and future, her growing wealth disoriptive of her location, Soil, climate, principle towns and agricultural developments. A disruption of our fair grounds and irrigation ditch. t This hook hIso contains bi<•graphical sketches of many prom iuent business men ami farmers and several pages of fool notes giving mention of interesting esrlv dav happenings PRICE ONLY 26 CENTS. iKinU in (In# nock olbi’ wihiIh hiv ilvtvruiiuvtl loaift ih«) inatUr out nml uut«*r « vi^i rou* |iroU«t u^tuiuni iln< imuimti nf Mr Mtllei • nuuf mi tin ottli i*l tlt’HMWfllH! Iwiliiil** i>( M«i« UUIIth I lull* V» l - 14 l> III* 111 i wall for a i'«iuv» nUi»i( Mini iii» * inlnr *. mini luwli' in Min ngular mi Itifm V* Ut«U WM tin- ioll'M* .luurnnU tltmuuli ilt*- I'nlilttl V la* ItilUl'Ml • >» ||||0 III" MMItf (ifntUllli lit 4* l<l Hit tl»l>l«Mt« Ukin'li lw( MV Ilit« )tt*tNi|iij«Ullg t Mill iiiltu* of lb« war it> |iMiiiu>ni iimi tin > iinl i«> tin <r tnnano, mi|i*irit-in IIIBlIn H Ui ill*' ill<'tilll|H>lt*ll \vm of ttjMl iln|iarUui ul. liaa our |><i|i niioiinli IhiiiiiIi alwiiit llirni in )iuM|ati Dtavril Jim W(malar » uviiliierf Ha la a >uau aim fuunlii lint rw|jiit>ltcau |»*rly uu |(m Hi Id ul liaiile auil in lit* Italia of imugraM (a liovril (in «*• rlgtil, ami imvnr fal lartnl in Ula |iur|ai<« I*tin r%’|»uti|i caiia am rnady In aiinjil Ula Itiuliuga, will I tin mil iw Journal*? Wumlni if 'in Imtivat >|<| gi imiai durt'l lUiuk la Ita* In Init^vd In a |mil| of uiiuill j lgal« <1 ’lara aim It Utt It* a fought n ■ Ua< 'autiagu raui|iaigi> l-ori* CITY. NKBK, Lincoln, Omaha, 1 'IllCtlgO, HI. Jureph, li.nifur i;ity, Hi. Loul«, tint) nil pul tit* Kh*j nml Mouth Helena, liutt«, Half, J,ak« (Jlty. Portland, Man Kranetaco, and all point* Wear. TKAIMM I.KAVK AM KOLLOWHi IJOI NO KAHT No bit 1'AHnuatft‘l .7 Aft a in No W» Freight .if.OOpun GOING WEST No. 61 l'a»Hi,nger .1.16 p. 111. No M» Freight. ...Iliftoa. hi. sleeping, dinner unit reclining chair cars (•■tain free) on through train* Ticket* Hold ami laigguge checked to any point In the United state* or Canada. For Information, mapa, tlmn tahloa and ticket* call on or write to A. If. Wert* Agent, or J. FltANOI*. Gen’I. 1'aasenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska, V. If. UAH.WAY. No. ho leave* dally except Monday (pn*» rtiger). 7:80 a. m. No. an leave* Monday, Wedneaday and Friday, (mixed) iOft p in. No ini leave* Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) J :m p. in. No H7 arrive* dally except Sunday (mixed) II 4 .-. n m No. 4 arrive* dally except Sunday (paaa. cover) 7.0ft p. m Kir*I claaaaervlce and do*e connection* eaat, we*t and aoutli. W U. OLlKTok, Agent. A. S- MAIN, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, - • NKBKASKA. office. -One door eaat ot Ohaae’* drug atore R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP OITT, i | T. INKS, PBOPBIBTOB Or Express and General Delivery Una. All Kxpreaa or Freight order* prompt ly attended to. T. b. NICHTINCALE, LAWYER, DOES A General Law and Collection Business A Notary Public, Hteiw,nplMr eng Tj pi Writer In Office. On* Door North of First Bank, I.OUP CITY, - - MEIIEAIKA. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Lawjnd Notary Publie. Will Defend in Foreclosure Oaees. ALSO DO A General Real Estate Business. Office Id Noutuwkmtsbs Building, I.OUP CITY, NEBRASKA. MRU. A. WATKINSON, TEACHER OF MUSIC, Oil Painting, Crayon, Charcoal and Pen cil Drawing. NOTICE YOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at Lincoln Nebr, September IB, loss. Notice la hereby given that the follow lug named aetiler haa died notice of hla In tention to make dual proof In support of hi* claim, and that laid proof will be made before the County Judge of Sherman county, Nebraska, at Loup Olty, on October .’Stli, ixke, vie Ira Williamson, Homestead Entry No. 17.TO4 for the west half of the north east 4th of section JO, township IB, Range hi Went. lie name* the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, via; T. II. Bose, Prank Aibln. A. P Kuhn, and E B. Waite all of l.ttchdeld Nebraska. »ny person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any sulmtanllsl reason under Ike regu lation of the interior Department, why such proof should not Ini allowed, will be gtveu an opportunity at tbe above men tioned time eud place to croee examine the witnesaoi said claimant and to offer evi dence in rebuttal of that submitted by olal. want J. W. JoMMaoH. Register NoTItlK PUR PI' RLIt'ATlOH, Lend office at Lincoln, Neb. I September strd, law I Notice le hereby given I bet tbe follow, lug earned settler baa Sled nolle* o| RW In leultun to mas* Ansi pr-atl la support of bis claim, end tbal said ptuof will Me made helot* the eouaty Judge at Long City, Nebraska, on November It, ISR vlai lii-iui Kina'), ine-r t laiw Kniry Ro I,iR, tm lb* Meet bait at south Beet foul lb of Mil I bin IS, fuw n>blp is. Range It weal lie aeute* tbe following wit newer in pmve fan i-w 11 b none ‘-trsts upon end enltivntMn of sard tend, vlgi Plledtwh ft-1* hmetet » 0*4tie*, K eKlu, Julia bnehiei, and JoRn Wetsa, all «4 H hMrr, Mt*ld9MMMA J W Jouneea, Regti »r /