Uoaal Dsws. Dr. Jones re-sided the north end ol hi* hum this week. C. Lander* of Arcadia was see non our streets last Friday. Mr, Will Neuman of Ashton was a pleasant caller Saturday. Uncle Sam Hancock has bee.) repair ing hi* residence this week. Ira E. Falter took a jaunt on the M. W. A. goat last Tuesday night James Depew ha* been doing some reput ing on hi* blacksmith shop. Walter Curry and George Kightcnnur of Huxley, were in the city Tuesday. W. II. Conger returned from a visit to the Omaha Exposition last Friday. Harry Jenner is putting up a large barn on his property in the ea*t end of town. Grandma Baillie, mother of Mrs. T. 8. Nightingale is visiting her daughter In the city. Mr. J. K. Henry dropped in and ex changed ideas with the two orphans last Haturday. Mr. 8. D. Smith. principal of the Kf, Paul Business College was u pleasant caller Friday. Hon. J. M. Snyder went out to bis farm at Virdureite last Friday to look after Ills interests for a few days. The Ladle* Aid Society will meet at the home of Mrs. A it. Outhouse Fri day afternoon Sept. 14th at, ~ :30 p, in. Mrs. G. W. Hunter left last Monday morning for Lincoln, where she goes as a delegate to the grund lodge of the Degree of Honor. A Flint who has been looking after Ids large herd of cattle here for the past three weeks spent Sunday at ins home at Litchfield, returning Monday. Mrs. T. S. Nightingale and others from this city started this morning to attend an adventist camp meeting bold on three miles south of Arcadia. Noone who can-possibly attend should miss the Brown Greene debate which will take place at the Loup City opera house on the afternoon of October 15. Bohn, Monday Oct. J, to Mr and Mrs, Herman Jung, a dimple chinned little baby girl. The Mother and babe are reported as doing well an<| Herman Is the happiest man in the state. J. 8. Pedler Is holding down the po sition of clerk in the Pioneer meat mar ket thiaweek. Joe is an all-round sup ernutnery from before the bar. (a law yer we mean) to cashier of a bank. uuw wbo nave auueu tiicir name; to our subscription list since our last Usne are J. W. HannaforiJ, W. J. Corn ford. C Smith August Becbtbold, Frank Otlewskl and L. T. Bradley. Mr. Kufus Wilson of Ashton, drop* ped In to see us while in the city last Tuesday. Mr. Wilson reports threshing 3020 bushels of wheat, 2100 of oats and MOO of rye off of his farm this season. Boh Moore, of LaFayette. Ind., says that for constipation he has found De witt’s Little Early Risers to be perfect. They never gripe. Try them for stomach and liver trouble*.—Odendahl Bros. Mr Eastman, the Revenue collector for this territory, and who resides at Broken Bow, made this city a business call last Monday and' we learn, made very satisfactory settlement with al! our business men. The editor of the Evans City Pa. Globe writes “One MinuieCough Cure if rightly named It cured my chlldrer after all other remedies failed.’- It cure coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles.—Odendahl Bros. Win your battles ogainst diseases bj acting promptly. One minute Cougl Cure produces immediate results Wher taken early it prevents consumpilot And in later stages it furnishes prom pi relelf.—Odendahl Bros Remember the date of the Joint de hate which will take place at Loup Cit) Oct. 11 between Hon- Norris Brown an Hon. W. L. Greene. Republican ant populist nominees for congress. Tin debate will take place on Saturday Oct 15. at 2 30 p m. at the opera house. The new system adopted by the teachers of our schools of giving gradt cards to the pupils, meets with the up provul ol both scholars and patrons By this system parents t an tell ju*t their children are progressing anti whether their conduct at school Is or bail. Mr O, F. Peterson has opened up hli new stock as promised In Iasi wcek« Niiuruw t srKM.v. Ill* good* are all new and fre*k and his store presents « very neat a|i|*earstice and is lately ar ranged Mr. Peterson U bidding f..| the patronage of the public bv making hi* store an emporium of llr»t cla-« goods at lowest prices. The return to thD rlurg. of B>. W, K Matthews, M. K | »i|ur w ,, honored by his congregation giving a donation pan v which wa> held at the church last Friday evening tjulte a large crowd of church members an I i'llisen* were present, *i„| be.Ides eo joying a good uncial lime, gate iheral ly lo the pastor Akool ylljiKI In mo, M tlt*l |*erha|is a* mm h nr more in *uh slantUl giMola were given Mr. Malth sat Stknttw i lh< receipt of *i| {he generous gifts with do# thank* and kindly fe-ngs See the new ml of O. F. Peterson on this page. Two more new stone ero.sing* make the town look better. A .1 B. Fa I rim l rn wa* doing business at Loup City Wednesday, Wm. Shull wa« among the visitor* listed on our Callender this week. H. Snielscr and 0. W. Marvel was at Loup City Wednesday even ing. / Jt. A, Brown, has built a new barn on his lots, Size same as our job press, 7 bv 11. Henry Iteasland of Bristol township made us a pleasant enll while in town yesterday, W. K. MeJIor returned last Monday accompanied by some relatives who are visiting here. I. 8. Sheppard was the victim of .Jo seph Church's team at Odd Fellow* hall Wednesday night. E. A. Brown lias purchased the Walk er residence and is digging a cellar and otherwise improving it. Mrs Chris Johanson ami Mis* Lulu Holcomb are running the post office in the absence of Mrs. Walworth this week Miss Lilian Nightingale who is now teaching school near Bo. lus came home Wednesday, returning In the evening. Mrs. A. 1$. Outhouse is enjoying a visit from her sister Miss Prather, of California, who arrived lust Friday evening Mrs’ McPherson contemplates moving Into the residence now occupied by E. A. Brown and family when they vacates thesame. Services at the M, E. church, morn lug 10:30, Subject; “The Aristocracy of America.” Evening Subject; “Religion tested by exper iment and proved true." All are invited. New and second hand wag ons at T. M. Reeds. I think Dewitt’s Witc h If.izol Salvejs the finest preparation on toe market for piles. So writes John C. Dunn, of Wheel ing W Va. Try it and you w ill think the1 same. | also cures eczema and all skin diseases,—Odctuiahl Bros. The Chief Burgess of Milesburgc Pa. i vry* DeWItt’s Little Early Risers are the best pills he ever used In his family dur ing forty years of house keeping! They cure constipation sick headache and stomach and liver troubles. Small In size; but great in results.—Odendahl Bros. The Pringle Comedy Co., will appear at the opera house in (his city one week commencing Monday Oct. 17. This is one of toe best companies tliar ever played in our town, they having been j here twice before and never failed to gvie their audience satisfaction. One of the largest chattel mortgages j that has been filed in this county for some time was filed Tuesday. It w^is executed by llceiieu & Connell to the Omaha Cattle Loan Co. tor #.'1U,000 , covering 1,2.'I8 head of cattle. It requi red 814,50 revenue stamps. Broken 1 Bow. Fremont Hogue a former resident of tliis county but now of Valley county smiled in on us last Haturduy. j "Free" lias been farming this year and with pretty good success, ills wheat threshed out nearly twenty bushels to the acre, lie says populism in Valley county is fast going the way of all mis takes. It is being corrected. The services at the M. E. Church last .Sunday were very Interesting Rev Matthews preached a very able sermon. He was assisted in tbe services by Rev. 1’ ish, of Iowa, who nade a devoute prayer Invoking the divine blessings on tho congregation. The choir did remarkably well and rendered the sel ections with a chearful and hearty air The Methodist church under the leader ship of Rey Matthews Is getting along nicely. At the south end of the it. a M depot there is located a nice little basin which is cemented and holds about t\vi> barrels of water, a pipe connects it with the water tank and a spray Is kept running during tin* summer. The other day Mr 'Verts discovered that » full grown musk rat had taken uy his abode there in and be couclmled to remove him. i While Joseph McCoy was flipping the | water out be discovered a hole up un. i tier the rim of the basiu and located hi* j rat-i-hlp therein. Mrs. Werts not being , well acquainted with the nature of the ; rodent family concluded she would j take bis tied of grate from him, not see- : I big tb« iat *he reached In to pull o,e | | gfu»* out niul the rat swallowed ttie cm) : of her finger, Mrs, Wert* quit looking | 1 for rat* without su ing told. |t |j» if rut ify iiijf t«» tin* |ttih ■ Hi* In kft'c* • *f «n»* i nt.vefi! ||| I lit* Imul J who Mlf tint ifulil t#» tn* tl« («. | III* IlHMl) IftMfi fttt lifting ill** |t| t>|M !«*• j Inr-* of l*f. Kiiiif * Si** IHu’utery {or ( i»tl»rt||||»|i«ilt, I t > u |f It * tint t ItWV* i : ov»*r i**n fttltilnii tfiwi l> »t. I Mm «*f (hi* iff rut nnnlU’ht* win I h tv«* (lit «tf httvwini it Im« ihiwlut* ; iy uun**! lh“o*«n h i*( hnp*i«**« »•(*•*'* u*.tm h - Himm n i ( i|in>iM!« 1 | tti* t bin*!, • in M 114*1 ir* *um i rMr*i! l»* It < iii hi O ti i lUlftl II*** Itfllff r's, Mill ||f* t N IfUi t**»f|U* 15* ifni v» *1 wl jf>i\ lit'* • *1 «if |ifit* rr* i ! t MAItblGD. Mr. Charles Fairhurn of Rockville township, mid Mi«S Mabel Arthur of Athlon, Sherman county, were m irrith of t ’ustei count) wi ie join ed in tnarriate by Judge Kay Iasi ,Mon day statoui. iti i'oiii. Following Is the school report of |)i*t. No. 23 for month ending ept. BO, JH98. Names Wallace l'arker Allie liiiilllc James Wilson, Lulu Wilson, Michael Wilson Nina Parker Maurice Wilson II: Horseman, l- rank Mlamer, Jesse Mizner, Millie Mlziier, Ron t Williams, Teacher A Clever Trick. Ite** falnly looks lik** it, blit tht’n* 1# really uo trick about it. Anybody can try It who lias Lame Hack arid Weak Kidneys, Malaria or nervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right a way by taking Lleetrlo Bitters, This medicine tones up the whol > system, aets as a stimulant to Liver and Kid ney g, Is a blood purifier ami m-rve ton ic. It cures Constipation, ll-nlmhe, Fainting Spells, Sleeplessness anil Mel ancholy. It I* purely vegetable, a mild laxative, ami restores the system to its naturfil vigor, lry Kleetric Bitters and be convinced that they are a mira cle worker. Kvery bottle guaranteed. Only 50o a bottle at Odendubl Bro's Drug Store. *-tO ct*. UIVKN A WAV. Cut this out and take In to the drug, gist named below and you will receive , a regular 25c size bottle o', Or. Saw* ■ ver’s Ukatlnefor-5c Ukatino positive ly cures all forms of Kidney difficul ties, Dyspepsia, I>\r ( oustlpation, . Headache, Rhcu" matlsni. Pull J ing of the Eyes Ukatine cure* Pimp , ies arid Blotches, and make* *allow 'and yellow *kiu whit?, Do not delay (but take advantage of till* great offer, jas thousands bear evidence to the J wonderful curative powers of Ukatin j For Sale by—Od endahl Bro's, Loup {City Nebr. Htanli-y’s First ,InnKl«, Fl«lit. Henry M Stanley, the African ex plorer, ha* written out the story of"My First Fight In the Jungles," and has given the manuscript to The Ladies' Home Journal, which will publish It in the next number. fob half;. 280 head of cows and heifers for sale on twelve months time to responsible parties. Well bred stock In good flesh. Can be seen at my farm two miles south east of Loup City. K. it. Sutton. *■ . ;t.\« mm ■ "a *’«if »a * 4S£ • . -EL. IQ6RE.IL A CRITICAL TIME During tin; Hattie of! Santiago. sick mi \v7ii7l,a huhii NIGHT AND DAY. The Cirkitra lit I he Hit'll-' ul Smitlatm ill* {’nl-it were all Hfrao, Tlifr. Iferoli KIIiiiIk Iii netting A iiiiiim nit Ion nml Its limit to lhi1 rrnul Unveil the liny. I*. K. HUTI.KR, of paok-truin No. 3. writing from Hantirgo, lie Cub#, on July‘J!!, says; "Wo nil had diarrhoea In iiiom'or less violent form, mi l when m> l!inib*il wi* hail no tiim* to *e# a doc tor, It -vas a ease f ruth and ruth night hihI day to keep the troop* supplied with Himniinltion and rations, but thanks to Chamberlain** Cholic, Cholera and Dlarnoet Kcmcdy, we were able to keep at work mid keep our health; In fact I sincerely believe that at one critical time ilili* medicine w»« the Indirect »#• vlour of our unity, for If Hie pullers bail been unable to Work t iere would have been no way of getting supplies to the front. I hi re were no road# that a wagon train could use My comrade and myself had the good fortune to bn in a sopyly of llil-fmeillclne tor onr pack train before we left I ninpa. and I know In lour case* it absolutely saved life.” The above letter was written to the manufacturers of this medicine, the Chamberlain Medicine Co,, lies Moines, Iowa. For sale bv Odendahl llro's A t'noi|iuoy <•( l.uills* aiol t.rnl Isiiii-ii. Tin* Pringle Comedy company closed a very successful week's en gagement at the Hein opera house last .Saturday evening and a return en gagement will !»-■ played here the llrat week in November bv request of many of our most proi.iln- lit. citizens who waited on the manager, Jounle Pringle lasti Monday, morning, Too tnueli In pr.lse of this company cannot be sdd as they nr ■ all ladles and geutlem u and me certainly masters of their parts in each and every peiformauce put on the stage The Star lias fiom time to time mentioned the various member* of tne comp my In their particular lines and we do not deem it necessary to do so again only in the person of Mr Geo. I,. Behrens who is a piano expert and carries some of the best recommenda tion it h is bean our plea ure to see in a long time and our citizens who have tine iustiiimcnts will make no mistake in having this genii -man look over their pianos when he returns Madison (Neb) Star. The Cringle Comedy company will open a weeks engagement, m the Loup City opera house. Monday, Oct ober 17. 1)0 you want u thorough business ed ucation ? I)o you want to learn shorthand him! typo writing? Do you want to tit your-elf for teaching ? If so attend the St l’aiil Business and Normal College, Write for particular* to St Paul, Net,. I'lTTaHimo t’.t «<;t. to M, taua For the convention of Triennial Con clave Knights Templar at Pittsburg, Pa. the Union i'acttic will sell tickets at One Fare lor the Kouinl Trip. The Union Pacific and connections is the t>c»t line and offer* the fastest time and best accoinod itions of any line For Oaten of sale and limits on ticket* call on W D. Clifton, Agent. GREAT OFFER. We are now prepared to offer to our readers the \<>KT» WK8TKKN, the Semi Weekly State Journal, and the Kansas City Weekly Journal, all for the small *um of fil.PO. This Is one of the best otter* out. The twice a week Nebraska State Journal is one of the best news papers published in tne state, and con tains all the capital news: The Kansas City Weekly Done of the best week ley's in Kansas. The Nournwkstkun Is the official paper of Sherman County and contains twice ns much home print a* any other paper published in the county. You should not delay lu taking advantage of tin* great oiler In subscribing foi these three paper* you secure the three leading Journal* of he world THE DIRECT I.INE lo Deuvcr, Salt I.ake City, !*au Fran risen and Portland, is via the Ciilun Pacific The service of the Union Pa eilie to all pum lple western points Is unexcelled by any other line and ton* • |! Hteepns, Chair Cars, Di: - lug, i 'PmI* a la tart.) y nr lime table* amt full Inform illou | all on A D.Ci iiioa, 'gent AMH'itt VI|N I H*CW., ktrxHiiHt l««v# »• III® M«ik«l. M iMrtattli mIi ■ •4 lllnuil Mlfllf all lu>a>*»l Ma-U «« »«. ■ • It at il«i *»<•»• *lf« utmili t la*»«4 (k u*i>i' %• • p'i ill • *»«*! I!ii» fatal •*••▼¥** **»UH T M REED Dealer in \ KI LL LINK OK Washing Machines, Sewing Machines and Implements and Hardware. Wipdfnills, Pupnps and pipes Singer Sowing Machines for $25.00. -i If you need anything in my lino call and see me and you will be convinced tlmt all wo lmvo for sale is offered at very low figure*. Don’t fail fo (rail and see our BRAN NEW STOCK OF HIJOOIKS. J EAST SIDE I’t'BUc H^IAKE. *% LOUP CITY, - - NEB. There is no patent-right«>n selling IVIEPC^ANBISE The field in open l1* any one who tvinlicn to to outer ho if you wood \our way towards tlio City of Loup and once inside the gates head directly for 0. F. PETERSON’S Htore which ia recently opened with a full as sortment ot General Merchandise. My goods are all new and fresh from the Factory. Hiiliesl Price Paid for Produce. Terms:—cash or produce only. O. F. PETERSON, Loup City, Xkhuahka. W«HTBI> •■VKHAU TmilTWiUTHI I'KK ftoDH 111 (111* alHtll It) IIIUIItt|(t> »ur l>U«lll«N» In llielr own n;itl muri-v rootitn** it l» umiilly iitllra work rimilu lott ui Iiuiiim. Hal* ary alrwiglil fun a yoar amt Unite, iHiiiatliln, no iiitiio, no lo*n aalary. Monthly fT.% Hefereuona Kni'l<»« »«lf ail* iIcmihhI Manipeil env«ln|H< lluri> Kite .l llnr* will In* (mid (nr proof ot tin* (ii< t lint any ou«* I* u« ■ *■ 11» w •*< for lrriifHiiii4 |)urpo-r» II JMtttfH. Water f •nun ...io i-t. SUCCESS ACCNT9 WANTED *i tWw Mlk m m tu n*i k i run : I* t\ all tliV Monk fci.W 1*1 it INI IHU tVtCOMr*Nt.e»ep.» U. ~a.N T.Ctfi Kanncru, linurt* yum |>ro|»«riy In I’ll.- I'lu iHX I iiNiiruni-u » 'outpuny. Klrt\ l.lyhinlii({ Wluil storuu < 'v flout * Mini Tnrnmlufn, w. j riaiiKH. \#«jn HI t HI.CNk' » hn Ida mi vk • V III'' *tn| III fill I III* I IS ■ . I !'•'»► Hull |(Uftun Kfvttf ! **»»•• I'fti ri‘lit|i|«n| lUii'U I liilliUln* I i hi I nil •tltlll J\l ll|itliill» uni |n>» m |i»> . |iilr»4.| lii >11 ' ril li* tin" (•«•>ff*’t •Mini**' i I 11 ...| ii'i "i* l "» -m# l*i iM**iiiltiii ItriM MACH INK OIL AT W v I'K I \ >n\ >1 i* t »* I ! W VV l|, |, J * v ' II illlij J 1 (1 I iL'ioir • ftttit otM)||un|