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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1898)
The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THK COUNTY SKAT. «KO. K. nKNrtCHOTKR, I Editor# and «IKO. H. j rnhll«hrr« TBBMH:—11.00 pkk ykauiv paii» iw advawco Entered at the Coup City PostoBIce (or lrunt. mlMhlnn through the mull* it* “'■corn! chi ah matter. Official Paper Sherman County REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET, For Governor. M L HAYWARD of On* For Lieutenant Governor GEO. E. MURPHY of Our For Her rotary of State; C DURAS of Malfne. For Auditor of Ktsle. T L MATTHEWS of lAnUre For Treaaurer: PETER MORTENSEN of Valley For Hupt. of Public I rut rue t Ion: J F SAYLOR of Laneunier. For Attorney General: N G JACKSON of Antelope For Com’r, Public Land and Building*: G R WILLIAMS of Doutla* CONGRESSIONAL TICKET CoBtrrt-M, fltli district. NOKItlg intoWN, of Kearney, SENATORIAL TICKET. Senator, Iflth district PHIL IIKNMOIt, of Kearney COUNTY TICKKT For l{<'i»r«*enttttr»o, UWIH ItKCHTBOUI. For rowuiy Attorney, W. II. CONttKH. Aguinuldo says he bus implicit confidence in the American govern ment. lie develops more brains than the average pop editoi. LoiiIh Hcchthold beat John Van degrifl bad lust fall in the race for auperviaor; he will beat him worse this full in the race for the legisfa tore. The largest tin plate “factory in the world will shortly be moved from Wales to the United States. Then we will huve both the factory and the free trade donkey that Haiti we could not make tin plate in this country. They should be near one another. One a monument of indus try, the other a monumental ass. it is hard to tell at this time just what progress the Paris pence com mission is making, one report has it that trouble is sure to ensue and the next that Spain is inclined to yield to the inevitable without further trouble. As soon us the yellow Journals huve exhausted their wind we cao expect something reliable. The pride of our navy, the battle ship Illinois slid from its moor ings into tlie water last Tuesday. This is the largest ami in every way the best and most complete engine of diatrucliou our navy boasts oil. Much larger, and contains a more powcrlul armament than either the Oregon or the Iowa. Its armor will be 17 inches thick, and its horse power 10,00o, and its speed sixteen and a half knots per hour. John Vaudegrift served his town ship as supervisor for the term of 1894-95. Louis Hechthold aslo serv ed bis, the same Loup City town ship as supervisor for the term of 1890-97. In die fall of lx'J7 both these meu Were nominated by their respective parties for the same office. Kach went into the campaign upon their former official record. The re sult was that Mr. Iiechlhold was elected by n large majority and Mr. Vaudegrift sutlered a crushing de feat. Both of these gentlemen uru new nominees to represent us in the legislature. Which should you vote for? The p<»p papers are making cap ital out of the fact that state treas urer Meaerve has paid oil 9111,000 of the state warrant* and 8^90,OoO of the bonded debt ami thereby saved $i>7,'J60 in loterest, That would in diewte that the state is paying about 10 per cent interest on bonds aud warrants which is not the fact* Hut no one has heard them say a wool alsrut .Meaerve receiving over ♦ *(Ki,uou in cash from Hartley when he turned the office over to him Meaerve received according to hi* own to know lege ment more Money from Uar'ley than he has paid on* on our indebtedness Hut the pops don t say anything alsiut that Ttc report of Judge llaywaid'i speech an il appears in many paper« of the state contains n typographical error, Judge liny ward said that ■■Douglas county pays one-eighth of the taxes of the state,” and some of the reports have him say “one-half.” The state treasurer takes issue with Judge Ilnywaid on the state meat of the amount of money turned over by Hartley, Mr. Meaerve says the amount that was available Jan uary 7, 1*07, and not tied tip in sin pended hanks, was $HID,<M)2.13, The republicans of the state are willing to accept this statement as correct, it being the first time any popocrutic official has admitted that Hartley it ft any money in the treasury. The pa'rons of the South vkstkiin n e<l never fear of being insulted by such filth us the editor of the Times allows to disgrace his columns We shall ulways aim to furnish a paper that our subscribers can lav on their center table without being ashamed of. We gave some wholesome ad vice to tt*J boys that the Times shot Id echo, amt we do not believe tliul there was a y oung nmu in the crowd wc had rcfferencc to that would be small enough to write thut article, the editor could not und one would think a man with a bump between his shoulders us big as a Hen Davis apple would not disgrace his paper with such rot. We have not sprouted any wings yet but we are egotistical enough to believe that brains began to develop many years ago. The only putrifaction of the genus-homo yet near enough the Dar winian theory to write such stuff would be just about such a depraved cur as would erred u gibbet oil the roof of a poor homesteaders shanty witii the warning to skip or lie would be stretched thereon all for the purpose of stealing the poor man's claim. Or Hitch u brute as would send through the mail a draw ing of a skull and cross bones and cotlln to intimidate u decent citizen. The only person we ever knew that rightly named it was lawyer Bobbin of Ord. We have il from a populist friend that the Itcin-Cook factions have burned the hatchet and have once more set out to fight the buttles of fusionisin, “Stand From Under,” the leader of the Cook band wagon in forms us also that he is not writing poetry this ycat, but that having succeeded in patching up to some extent at least, the old differences, he will give bis time and uLlcrition to further advance the reform move ment. The party has been recog nizing him of late and it is only fair that he should reciprocate. Old you read those pretty poems that "Stand From Under'* wrote, Tolling people Iteln was nasality and also how to vote. Just five years a (to today love, they were written out la verse. And given to the public for all that they were worth. They wore gems of satisfaction to the crowd that wanted Cook, They created consternation with the popo ■■ratio spook. Uut the breech that wus created Is all plust *d with cement They've agreed to hide the hatchet and here utter let her went. The Indianapolis Journal very dis respectfully speaks of our Colonel Bryan, as the weary willie of the Third Nebraska. I Delicate [ Children They do not complain of £ anything in particular. They cat enough,hut keep thin and I >ale. They appear fairly well, but have no strength. You cannot say they are really sick, and so you call them delicate. VVh itcan hedouc for them'/ ( hit answer is the same that t he l»< st physicians ha\ i* hern givie : f> r a minrtcr of a t en* tinv, ( i\e them j Kali’s imussfon i >f ( l-l.iur ('t/ Xi'tih // • tUf$, It has most ri nourishing power. It no tli markable BHHH It givi s color to the blot bring* strength to the cles. It athis power t * nerve-, It means robust & health and vigor. I ventU b I cate infants rapidly gain in * lb dr if given a small am unit three or (our times each da\ na tl Ai «i .1. tcorr t sowss £ i J. Phil Jaeger Wants you to examine his new in voice1 of Heady to Wear (voods. €OME V* IXTO OIK DliPAKTM KXT Our stock of men’s and boy’s suits are comeplcte in every particular and we can suit you both in quality and price. Give us a call and be convinced that our prices are away down and the quality of our goods is away up. All fresh seasonable goods. We have just re ceived them and want to sell them out in time to make room for a fall stock so will sell on the least possible margin. Wo Imve the finest lino of shoos ever brought to this city. Our largo invoice just received enables us to lit everybody and suit every body ns to style, quality of goods and prices. We make a specialty of our shoe department and invito all to conic in and look over our assortment. Full line of Indie's and gent’s furnishing goods and a big stock of general mer chandise. He mem her that “Old Glory" still waives in the breeze mid that we are paying the highest market price for your produce and give you prompt service and courteous treat ment. Your Respectfully, d. ppiiL cJAeeei^ SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE. f B The Or<l, Journal taken it very much to heart that we published the facta just as they came from Mr. T. A. Taylor jr. a non of conductor Taylor who apent the Hummer iu Thomas, at Chickntnaugu. The young man has been here with his father since his regiment came north, lie is a reliable young man of good family, lie was healthy all through the season at Cbickamauga, . and his father told us that Ins boy attributed his immunity from the prevailing diseases of the enrnp to strictly following the instructions of his father who is an old veteran, amt to being very careful a!tout eating fruit. This young man hud no reus on for exugeruling the fuels He is a private and a patriot, lie went to light the batiks of Ins country and lias no more use for long haired ycl i lew .Journals now titan Ins fa her It nl for their halt brother, the copper - head papula dining the r< hellion The Journal esu Interview Mr. Tuy> j b>r alibis plane if it w i*he* n.d a*-1 certain if we pu Hulicd the fact* or not, hut at least we would like to have them satisfy thematdvea some how that one of the Second V hr is k,i had got bat g nine A West India im lone swept with great fun over Savannah, Ueorgtu and South Carolina t • *»!» tlet g. d'Otig giest damage to property. Wires writ' tofu down and till road* ;ed tlnly nnw falsi lt\ i* (rpitltsi I The Indian Congress. ii (uirmunent feature of the Trans-MississiDPi and International exposition AT OMAHA. Forty Tribes of North American Unique Ethnological Kxhihd. Rare opportunity to nee the various types of American Indians in their native costume and habitations. Nearly A Thousand Indians Are Now no the Eo canipmeot Grounds witbio the Enclosure. lender the direction of ('apt. W. A. Mercer, II. S. A., these Indian tribes participate in their spectacu lar dances nearly ever) evening. Tho War Danoo. Tho Medicine Dunce Tho Ghost Dance Tho Snuko Danoo, Tho £>un duino and other traditional rites of tli« red ( niaii are inefaruied by tlic*c In liana, j I ni* areal ethnological exhibit ill aid 1 of Winch the | idled Htntea t'lHIgreaa j u>|<ro|>risled tlOUOU will continue hi lie- • ml of the Rv|io*ttioe, r mill I l II KUlIHltli Kin i Kh»- m Aid. I'iiist* N*»vt is F*»m k |.uu|) « lly MarSel Mapurl Indians represented. 1‘rina ftanl lor C«»H W aval tail I tio anil Iteiler* I i v»l *1 • Nllrli |wl 11.mud ) «n». ||« | dm ♦ la *l la It w. j. rinner, Attorney and Notary Public. GEO. E. ItENSCriOTER, I’ublUIier I.oiti' City Noktdwutkkm Fisher & Benschoter, Rea! Estate Agents, I.OUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated LANDS FOR SALE?. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY Calls Attended Night or Day <». II. Gibson, Funeral Director. AN EIGHT PACK!) I'AI'EK I.INCOI.N EVENING TWENTV-FIVK CENTS PER MONTH. Telegraphic news of the world hours ahead of other papers. (’lienpest, I>«iily Paper iu Nebraska. Subscribe through your postmaster or send direct to EVENING NEWS, Lincoln, Neb. A. I*. CL'I.LEY, Preftldnnt. A. I*. CULLI2Y, Cashier. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY . General Banking Business Transacted. 5 (JointKHpoMikntk: Seaboard National Hank, New York City, N Y,Omah National Bunk, Omaha, Nuhruaku “All weather b alike tome” I wear the kind that “RETAIN THEIR SHAPE.” *’That's the kind I’m look ins for. 1H order a toll from (heir agent iinme duteiy." MADti TO OUUfitt BY EDWARD E. STRAUSS & CO. Anwrtca’k Popular Tailor*, Chicago. lAUENTH WANTED I’VtiKVtthi Wl! IN IHE I . K. AMI II fcUltowiI » 1 hat’s Just It! You cun i a I win* tell hy the looks of u nunmuit how it is Hoino i(, VVK \ H. Why Not yet the WKAlt us well um the looks when \ou < m huve lioth Ht the siuiie I’l ke U.00 is the Hturlin^ point of those K<twill'd K. Strauss cV Co.'s Fuiiiouh ( 'ubIoiii Tailored. Suits and < hereout* wiih ur: tronelttil uusrniitee thrown in free. It Will l;iV 't (HI to examine tills line unit hone tour order for one of I host* handsome u*r uni tit r M.l. ON .1 I'll I h JAKUKK, 'll Tr*Nl Ml..|..l|.|l| Mini • % |n**H In n, llllmlM ill.llM I-I Nitv III, l»tl» lln-mli !»• i1 mill tin Him ii |( a V mill t uioii I’li illi'tn < ini .hit |ni lb* lilt- iii|i«irl t'i|Ut|iiit#ttl Mini Hm* nf till* Hum imiU> » it Him 1'iH'ii .ir I i r In Oiiiuliii mnl Him K*|h«»i Hun. I mlVMrtWiiitf inmur. tb* ki ii .ml lull InfitriNAlinu iill mi IV 11. rut |UN. grill J W A H t tU MV MU I I' til if M lilt I lit (itiiuui lit 'hi* in tn «u «){•< nur but ll*M IN Hll'ir H«R UMl) I Mil rill liUM Ill’ll |l ll ttltll|l| Mllli* Hulk 1'IIHlllRUt'l Hi in ihh *ai«it -I* • <kHi *ihii H > .-nr hiu| • V i>< ' • • <)' lllllti |. "till'll Ml Itiurt-, Im It - •. lit Vint thit §*V H I'l' tun1 I i rli»i' i If i'lill«<> ’*•) It Hill |» •! I'lllfi |i>| i' )|i I In 11 | III •• |*»*» ,, |N’|il V| I || i tjj t