The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 07, 1898, Image 1

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4 f U/* 44*4. i I s l»’ I
PaffAMilMlt bo til* Call fof '* Repub
lies® convewtioo, Ihe same was held
in (live WaJwoi'h ball Just Saturday.
8. 4 F*ir, chains*®, of Rockville
rsf/ped (be convention to order and
.sf’bW' til** #'oU cull by 8c cfetal y <j
if. Ltbeon U*c convention proceeded
kb busis*#*
<>u motion an informal ballot wus
ordered taken for nominee for rcp
fesewtsbiye wIji. Ij resulted in bring
out the following ns tries: Louis Reek
iboJd, A- vv*rii and W. Jl. Conger.
A foimal ballot wus lljeu taken and
Hr, IfecJjtliold bad a handsome ma
jority and was dc<-lured the nominee.
At ibis point in the proceedings
spue-odes were indulged m and con
siderable enthusiasm manifested,
W. 11. Conger was then chosen as
tire nominee for county attorney.
These two nominations completed
the repubJicsu ticket for Ibis year
and tbe republican party n;io«t be*
fore Ubt people with clean candi
dates, men with good past official
record* and ability Or fill the respect*
live positrons
It is not necessary to introduce
Mr. Conger Or the public. He is
well known to all and bus served
ibis count) at bulb senator and rep
resentatiy* at tbc state bouse. He
is a mao of sound judgement, friend*
!(y to ail and partial to none, lie
js a iawver of ability and will make
s cHioty sHorocv dial we can rely
on when justice, liberty unn propel
tv are at stake.
<>f Mr. Ifcebthoid too mucb in bis
praise cannot be mid. lie is a man
of sterling worth to ttie community
in which be resides, He is now her*
j lug bis second tei in as supervisor
of Loup City township. lie is u
Uiong 'In* earl) day sett lei.- having
moved to Hiuprwan county in 1H 7 ■•.
He is a Herman l.i) decent and is ut
present com nandd of the <«. A, It,
Poet of this cjtj . He has a war re
I#ord that be uiav well be proud of.
<>0 the 17, of April in Jsoi be in*
listed in the J :nh Indiana volunteers.
After tUree years service be was dis
charged and immediately reinlistcd
without leaving the room. When
be served one year and seven mouth*.
He was in ul) the engagements that
his command was in, including the
battles of Ft, Fisher, Cold Harbor,
Wilderness, Petersburg and llicb
mond, some of the worst known bat
ties recorded in the history of the
civil war. lie also went with his
command to New York, to put down
the riot in that city.
We have no reason to doubt that
Mr. Becblhold will make as good a
record as representative us be bus a
soldier. We are all proud of him
as a aoldier, and believe be is the
mao to represent us.
The way Norris Brown ialumbast
ihg Congressman Bill Greeu iu Uiia
district ia the marvel of the cutapaign
and exoilea the admiration ef friends
aa well as foeu of good government.
When Mr Green accepted llie Iuvl
tatiou to talk over the issues of the
campaign in a friendly, neighborly
way lie aaid: “1 am willing iu my
huinhle way lo make (ho effort to de
fend populism iu the fullest and
biosdest sense of that term." The
: uimi!log set forth ill the above was
very ambiguous to the keen u mil t -
lit *) mind of Non is Hrown and be
wants to be shown What j« popul*
l*Ui ill I'a fullest and broadeat seuac?
la it Ihu a hat rad n| real eoneiete
artlele, (be revised and aeeept'd
creed of Nebraska |*"| uli*t» III tliia
tear of |iri « Jhtlw? These nrr iim <
lions ihai bdil greatly lo Mr. tlrcen* »
cm list » as me id, a d which lie bi Ms
Ioou'iIm wat ha* been making an
i •i ll 'll lo i X| ain uii-I defend it
• lilt p- tib - in bi'c sti r the tion
| It |>e)Won litin sin) 'li |lr<>wii be
o , In b «•- «>r*rtiie - to t few are
I .i*di> to ifit> . . u!« it nndetsiaiid
g ft > *■ Hot ij.e ,* » Mte>>b> teal
' I II U 'luil ifiginl ill Mi li*- li «*f |Miie
iiiia«w in it* "t !• *i and "broad
e*t MUM)
Largest stock of Hardware apd puf litupe
IN THK roi’NT V.
Everything that you may need in building and furnishing a house. Will fu
kitchen outfit, including a good No. H cook stove from $>2f>.00 upwards. Stoi
Vou don’t have to wait for if. We want to
regular customer of ours.
isli a whole
Indian Massacre Reported'
YetcrdHys dispatches Ml) tbn»
General Bacon and hi* entile com
mand Iihh lx » n wiped out by tl*** In*
(liana in northern Minnesota. An
uprising was feuied and lie Wat*
sent there with a small command to
put it down. A number of private
citizens accompanied him. They ure
reported to have lict*ii ambushed arid
the entire lot imiHsaero'b I'mtieu
laiB are. not in yet hut the worst is
feared. Troopn are being hurried
forward to put down the disturbance,
Mrs. Orriu Manchester returned
Wednesday even log from a protract*
od visit in Illinois.
G. \V. Marvel went to Aurora
Thursday on business, returning on
the evening train.
Mr. David Brown of Nebraaka
City, was a pleasant caller Thurs
day afternoon.
Mrs. 0. M. Kerns, uee.otnpanied
by Mr. Cbas. Kerns and Orandma
Kerns, brother and mother of onr
prosperous farmer, Mr <». M. Kerns,
arrived Thursday evening from St.
Joseph, Mo,
Jas. Bartunek “railed" it to Far
well and baek Thursday.
L. A. Wilson and 0. F. Marlow
left Friday moiuing for a visit at
the Omaha exposition.
Mrs. Hester left Friday morning
for Hastings, Nebr., where she goes
to join her husbaud.
Mr. and Mrs. B. Scharfl, wlio have
been visiting here for the past fort
night left Friday morning tor their
home in Minnesota, and will stop at
Omaha, on their way and pay their
respects to the exposition.
II HmeUcr returned Friday even
ing from a six weeks visit through -
Minnesota and (owu He, like the
rest, M)i, “Nebraska is good
enough for me."
Mr*. K. G Taylor returned Hatur
de.V evening after a two weeks visit
in thet astern part of this state.
St GaUinaki reluaued from n win t
visit at i liu til l and exposition, Sat
urday i vinliig.
Mr and Mrs* George Irviue of
Kelso, Were the gut'Is of Mr \N u
Jellrev last Sunday
Tile |ii|n|lll' III tins part l■,
l|»e I 'ltii i It ii u ikHtfdisl to in »ke a 4 tl *ii 01 liHi d a t tti*(iit*
e'i ii■ i in \iitiiHi <i i*-'.' sod ii ii
tl , ii* , nful V ‘U me. .it v
! held lii l-i 'iiiiiits*, we ale hlnl, H . fe
[ Was eli f I ' UOU I I*
ilk'll in h il l to I fl« • *'| O lit «
i Utla i t>»
M tv in ,| if
•f t ti*i|» u he i*
tti timid a 11 ti■ ti usu i a I* s (
I going
500^ OF FAG1TS
Early Settlement of Sherman County.
It coutuinii: —
A full history of the organization of the county in 1873.
Interesting stories of pioneer life.
Ki'Mi marriage in Sherman county; quite romantic
Thu first murder; capture, trial and sentence of the criminal.
Long lint of pioneer settlers.
Settlement of German colony at VVilheltnabolie; near Ashton.
Opening of II. & M. lauds to settlers.
Government soldiers at Loup City in 1873.
Kxcilcmcnl occasioned by jumping homesteads.
Judge Wall’s perilous adventure with the Olive Gang.
Murder of Mitcbel and Ketohum.
Capture and trial of the Olives.
Reckless adventure at Loup City of Guvnlittle ami the
“Doc” Middleton gang.
Arrest and trial of “Guyne" and capture of Middleton.
“An Old Lay Iielaid.’’
tin route for the Rlack Hills
Karly experience of John R. Baker.
Full account of the grasshopper siege in 187U.
First grand Fourth of July celebration.
First county fair held in Sherman county.
Karly church and school privelages.
The hard winter of 1h8o and 1881.
The great barbecue, June 4, lHSU.
Trip up the Loup in 1h7'I; Indians and game on the route.
Trapper Jack's Shanty.
Prairie dogs and rattlesnakes.
Walter .Moon's daring experience with a buck doer.
Sherman county's past, present and future, her growing wealth
diseriptive 01 her location.
Soil, climate, principle towns and agricultural developments.
A Uiscription of our fair grounds ami irrigation ditch.
This book also contains bn •graphical sketches of many protu
im nt business no n and farmers aud several pages of
) ot notes giving mention of interesting early day
fill Ml full Ilf lllWU,
W* ht»n* it fr«m» Kmul nuttiorhy
lint Willi mi \ llikur inUmtla lo In
nnirinl m t'l.w Nuiir., on Wnliii *
«l»\, Oft i I’iiU-il to gat tfci* lotuii
ot iIm- 1ml i
Mi •ml Mi» l fi‘1 lli r»' l*tfi Tutu.
iln> wuruiun in mu tlus ,.(#1)1, mill li i f i i|mitiiiu
.1 f *iu|l*l * i • • ill
i|ciit«* of \\ M fltti« |iH r to i ttt' 4
II ** Ilf |l tilt' t'lll Hr *II
I .1 llnril n i* t.• l»«*r** lint tan k
W*>kUm up Mm I1,' tiiif *t**l tt*«|ta> nia*
ttliilv II. J. 11 ill*- *«t (tut «n In if uu
ill" *auu* uti»aitni fur Hot Mi Cor
in»**k Co.
Tliorw ah' rouiuia of a wi<<|iliug,
but thi« |mrni ulut* -aotiot In* otitaiu
i«l i*|» to t.m hour of our goiou to
Vihtoo ha* only oni* *aU»oa, »»
S kl Mnl IM.I iIlKilvol jiartin i
•too Noubki im aialitiuK NtaU
N ift*o*i lh« »* il« \ i.
Itr M Kuimw l«*ft Woliifolo
umd iUtf for * viol at Ibf <»iiloo
*u*t * irtf* «hr> u.h tti*' south otaUtru
| I on* of the alatr
• Itrilllm,
1 'IlirtKo,
HI .liei*p||,
Kim it* 1 'Ity,
Hi.. I,mil*,
mil ull |h*iiifn
Kiini mill HoiiHi
I >»*n v«»r.
Suit Hake City.
Hun Kratidaeo,
and all point*
nlllN* l.l AVI'. Am I OI.I.MWNi
So i* I'nxHiMiKur.7dY>a. ru
No DO Krclght . sf ,0o p in.
No. M I’liMNcngcr . t.Uipin,
No, Mi Krulglil lli.Mla. m
Mlenplng dinner and reclining chair car*
M«sMtm Ini., on Miriingh iriuiiH Ticket*
fdd mill baggage checked to tiny point In
l Ini IJ n l tad Him on or < it iui.(1 it.
Km iiiioi mill ion, iniipii, iimi! t.uiil«M and
ticket* mill on or write to A. F. Wert*
Agimt Ill J. Kit A NO Id, ijnn’l. I'anMengnr
Agent, Omaha, Nebiankn,
Nn n* leave* daily except Hniiduy (parts'
engcr). 7:.'KI it. III.
No mm liiiitCH Moinlay, Wcdncnday and
Krhlay, mil xml) t ut, p. in.
No (in Inttvi'm Tuueday, Thursday and
miii urdiiy, milxi'ili i .m n m
No H7 arrive* dully except. Sunday (mixed)
II(4A a. m
No to arrive* dully except Sunday (pan*.
enger) 7,iKi p, in.
kllMl I'laMM MlTVll It '.lid lloHl! CO IIII OCt |011»
i'hmI. wnai arid Month,
w u glutton, Agent.
OKKli K onn door naat of Ohaae’a
drug Mtore
Express and General Delivery Line.
A11 Express or Freight orders prompt
ly attended to.
!_• .A. -W "jf 35 3Ri,
tniBH A
General Law and Collection Business
A Notary Public, Htrnographa* and Type
Writer In Office.
One Door North of First Hank.
Attorney at Law and Notary Publle.
Will Defend In Foreclosure Oesee.
General Real Estate Buslne
Office In Nohthwkmtskm Building,
Oil Painting, Crayon, Charcoal and PM i
ell Drawing.
Land Office at Lincoln Nebr.
September IB, 1HUH
Notice In hereby given that the folio's;
1 nfC named Nuttier lia« died noUceof hla 1,
tun Mon to make Anal proof in aupport '
hla claim, and that raid proof will be ml.
before the County Judge of Hherm
county, Nehraaka, at Loup Olty,
Oetober j»th. inuh, vie Ira W lUlainiirjjj
llomeatead Kutry No. 17,SM for the w|m
half of the north eaat Ith of Hectton '
lownahlp 16, Kange Ml weat.
lie naiuea the following wltneaaea
prove hla contlnuoua realdence upon ti j
cultivation of, *ald laud, via; T. U. B«2f]
Frank .tlhln, F Kuhn, and K B. Wa j
all of Llluhtleld NeUraaka.
my perron who deal rea to proteat iflfl
i lie allowance of auch proof, or who kn#^!
ot any auhatantiul ruaaou under the n|!j
lailon ot ihe interior Ueiarrtaient, 1
auuh proof ahould not he allowed, *||H
given nu opportunity at the above JMl
(loni'tl Mine and puree to croaa tumllliaii
Wllueaauf aald clnllnaul amt to Offer if'
deme in rehaltal id that mhmHIud by f
man I ; 5
J. W. JuHNaoa, Keg late
Laud uiNve at lineom, 3(
Nepleiuber drtl, t.},
.live i< hereby given that the fal
Ii.itu. i •< Mirt liar Hied nuilvu ot hf
lion lo make dual proof In auppol
• lain, and l ha I raid proof Will bwfi!
ore the totiuly Judge at l.oup 1]
> ..Mer it, IMN^H> hiogei, timber claim {
•it, Io> the Weal half of amlli]
,it, ..I iio.i if, low u.hip U, 1
*>,1 lie n-iuaa tha follow u.^
.in tatUl aorta iwb
•>> »tel tull.vaUok uf aald MMB
..Mue t.i.nioeiar I i ledrieh
,1, k elilx atut John Walra, Z
ll.elar. Meloaaka I j
i ri
J W Jon a era,