The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 30, 1898, Image 8

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    Loaal Daws.
Bee (lie Pringles Oct. 17.
•Everett Kittell amt brother wa* «t the
bub Saturday.
W. II. Conger is faking In the
altlon ibln week
Geo. Peterson of Dsvia f.'reek, was at
the bull Wednesday.
O. Benaeboter la errecllng a new batn
near bia reaidence.
The li. A M. depot I* receiving a new
coat of plaster thia week.
John C'hlpp* drove over from Dayls
Creek, laat Saturday morning.
JJMr. A. Hutton received five car loads
of cattle, feeders, Wednesday.
Fred Yocum, of lluxlev, waa doing
business In the city ln«t Saturday.
W .1 Klaher baa Just llnlabed putting
a new brick foundatluu under Ida house.
Charley Snyder's amall grain crop
averaged Ifl buabela to the acre thla seas
Mrs. C. True and children, of I.cca'
Park are visiting her slater, Mr*. O,
Go see the wonderful Kaleidoscopic
dance given by the Pringles at the ope
ra bouse. Oct. 17.
Mr, A It Rama and wife, of l,cad
City, South Dakota arc In the city
with a view to locating.
There arc 105 members of the M >dern
Woodman In the 8rd Regiment, Neb.
Volunteea alone.
A pleasant dance waa enjoyed by the
young people of the city last Wednea
day evening at the opera house.
Up to September 15 there baa been
18 soldiers of the war with Spain died
that belonged to the Modern Woodman.
Home of our citizen* deem to thing It
will be uecpwmry to Institute the sixth
school room ut the beginning of another
Mr. James Kennedy, of Vinton, la„ Is
visiting his brother Will., ami looking
after bis Imided Interests in Sherman
Hansel has moved on the J. Woods
Huiltn farm. Mr. Ilnnsel has purchased
that desirable property and will make
his home there In the future.
A. Boone came oyer from (Jrrely Cen
ter, and assisted the orchestra at the
dance Wednesday night, lie returned
home Thursday.
Joseph McCoy, J. I,. Hopper, Joseph
Church and C. M. Health went to Area
dla, Tuesday evening to visit the Odd
Fellows Lodge at this place.
J. I). Gilbert of Arcadia came down
last Tuesday to visit with his sister.
Mrs M. E Knight, of Iowa who is h< re
visiting other relatives
I'eter Howe has purchased the prop
erty known as the C. A. Hale property
in the east end of town uud Is repairing i
It pieparatory to moving there
The editor of the Evans City I’a..
Globe writes ’‘One Minute Cough Our* Is j
rightly named It cured my children1
after all other remedies fall1 d." It ettres1
coughs, colds and all throat and lung
troubles.—Odeudahl liros.
Bob Moore, of I.aFayette. Ind , «avs
that for constipation he has found He
witt's Little Early Kisers to be perfect.
Tbev never gripe.Try them for stomach !
and liver trouble..— Odendahl Bros.
W in your battles against diseases by !
acting promptly. One minute Cough
Cure produces immediate results When
taken early it prevents consumpdon
And iu later stages It furnishes prompt
releif Odendahl liros
Iteuieiubt i the date of the joint dr -
l<ste w hich'will lake place at Loup City
(tel. 15 between lion- Xorris Brown and
Hon. W. I, Greene, Kepublicau and
populist nominees for conitress. The
debate w ill take place on H*»orday Oct
13 at '<! 30 p m at the opera house.
The Ladies of the li. A. B. entertain
ed a large crowd at Wa'kiitsou's hall
last Haturday night at their Pick-Up so
cial. The Ladies as usual managed to
Pink I p pleuty tu accomodate every
one and at the end of the repast the
floor was cleared and Hose so inclined
spent »u hour in tripping the light fan
tastic toe
‘the funeral of John I* Cook, the
)uung man who was killed by tiring
accidently drawn into a thi«>bing ma
chine was held at the Fuller residence
last Friday and the remains were utter
ed In the Nerduretle cemetery. Hi*
brother, Frank Cook of Marlon, Kan t
and a sister from Illinois arrived * be
follow mg day, Haiurday.
A Flint, nf I II, Midi who has hern
bet# Ike past ten days with a large
hunch of cows and valve*, ha* heeu bu
sily engaged the past week branding
them and plating them the calve*
were tab*1 to Mr notions pasture and
w*w# up tu Tinelsena ranch Mr Flint
tnfi ms Us that he le now negotiating
the saieo' a hundred head
Nwveral vf our < ,,.in< >• men hate
placed In their *«l, ih,newts llte new
tight known as the i ■ .nunry gatsoin.e
temp til* a great improve incut ever
the cmmsou lamp giving og % oeaulilul
soft white light With Uin more power
than the largest li« b« ei tamp ts turn h
i leaner asseti hut twu sente a Might
they are *wttti e f>«* private
an weti a* hnlarw bo«*»* and are *u • a
swipllhewtiun nf 5 Vhhee in y-niter $«
Elder Sloven* from f.itr-hfleirt, wo m
! Mm I’lif Wrdnmlaj.
A. Motion of lf<*ye* treek, f.ogait t*j#,
wit a county *eat *t»ifor I huraday,
Mr. Men, Work and lady of ffarriaoo
tuwniblp wm county tnt yr|*lfor* jri *
F. W, Kull«r, 01 brttlsl inwinbfp *«t
doing bu*ineaa at. Mm count? wit t e*.
0. 0 Drake I* clinking gl»**e* ovet
Mm bar at Ii'Mirra Mila »»ek >t» Mm ab
•enrcofMr Kl/umr,
Xow and wt'owl hafitl wag*
ohm at T. M, Iteeel*.
Mr. Flail,of .fayocavllle, la and fath
rr of Mn, K, M Wfmli, It vMltlog l»l»
daughter Mila »ni,
Mr. Norman Ingraham held Mm in> ay
j mmikr Hi Ifm «|i<•«*tnac t'f Mm boggy »t
Mm alore of W, I’, Heed laal week,
1. ’harley l.araon atol III* father of
Waahlngfon |«y, were >n town laat Mat
unlay, Tim o|<| gentleman baa ►man
• ick for nearly a year and look* vary
Mrs M K. Enfght and non John of
Mtrawlmrry Pointarrfynd lmr« la»i #e> k
rimrwday and am ylalttng with lor
brother In law, Judge Moon and other
relative* In Mm idly,
Mra, Ed Angler Itr/t Ttm*day morning
for Omaha, at delegate to Mm ataftr Mini'
day Achool convention, Mr*, .f, A flow
ver»e aerompanmd Imr, They will »|.|r
Mm ex|ioaltlon nlill# In Omaha
Frank flrnltli hat contracted with Mr»
Hradfoy (o run Imr dray for Imr and pay
her 910,00 |mr month out of tlm pro
ceed*, Thla will materially help Mr*
llradley In her endeavor to keep Imr II*
Me family logaMier,
I think Dewitt** W'llth II i/d Halve)*
Mm fltmwi preparation on the matket for
pile*. Mo write* JotmM. Ininn, of Wheel
ing W V* Try It and you will think the
tame I alto eurea eczema and all akin
d!*ea«r* fidcodunl lirn*
Thef'blcf liurges* of Mile*biirge I'a,
• iy* lfeWttl** Little Larly llt*<*r«ar« fh<'
i*e*t |»iHi* im ever used In lit* family (lur
ing forty year* of fumsc keeping
Thry cure constipation sick Iiii4k,Im<
mill stomach and liver trouble*, Hmall
In size but great In results Odeudabi
The I'rlnglo Comedy Co,, will appear
at the opera honor in thin city one wee*
commencing Monday Oct, 17, I hi* 1*
one of t«e be*t eornpanie* that ever
played In our town, they having been
here twice before and never failed to
give their audience *atf»factlon,
•fudge Hayward, iiepuldlean candi
date fi r governor, opened the campaign
In Lancaster county last week In a moat
able speech In which he showed up pop
ulist misrule In It* true light, ft
wa* a masterly effort. We have made
arrangements to reproduce the speech
at length next week
The Inquest held last week, Thut*d»y
over the body of John I'. Cook would
seem to be a needless expense to the
county us there were many witnesses
who were on the ground and knew from
observation that It was purely an ac
cident, We understand that the cost
of Inquest amounted to #10 00
Walter McNulty reports lluding a
pair of ladles shoes No uj under a pile
of brick which laid in the yard in trout
of the property which he just purchas
ed. The shoes are new and Mr Mc
Nulty says the fellow that stole them
and hid them there can have them by
proving property.
A whooper up populist in this town
a*k one of the boys If It was a tact that
he had went over to the republicans,
and upon getting an aliirmalive answer
told him that he had some work to do
hut If * uch was the case he could not
do it The fellow told him that if
thing* continued as they had lately,
since McKinley was running the pro*,
perity ul this laud he thaugbt he could
get along without his work We have
the papers for this It may lie -
mean but its a fact.
We were in error in statlug that a res
olution endorsing socialism was passed
In the popub-t l o. convention, we meant
that all the resolutions were of a social
istic nature. We were also in error m
stating that Mr. Matln-w was the gentle
iiiau who wuikcil them through, we
should have said that it wasT. N, Night
gale, nut by mistake Mr. Mathew's
name w as put in ty|>« and the error w; a
not noticed until after we bad gone to
press I b<-only way we can account
for the mistake is that both geutlemeu
liaureil prominently in the same article.
Ueuce tke names gut mixed It all
mean* about lh« same thing however
as it was a conglomerated mixture of
socialcratlc and populistic, an! we
might add anarchistic dot trim*.
A I i*rt« r*on, returned from f’liica
: go, last Medntsday evening where lie
| ba* been to pur* ha«e a laige slin k of
, general merchandise, III* goods are
| sir is log dally and be la busy arranging
(hem M e umlarstand that he w ill be
read} to open business till, flth Mr
. 1'eteisow I* the gi nllemaii who pur> lies
i ed Ike WalaurtU post olthe build lug
I and retired it for a general store but lit
-tig II* i* a rtaidml b*'fa
: tears an I son* it to all »* a man of
! •onn*i judgment, lii-rsl and industiou*
*t v in eak fur him a itbMtal palro t
k*» hi* opening ann<n
Ibis page
mu’ eincnt tu
Call fur ItajMilrliran County Cfimtiil'un
To lleeofi >rnr.
A» per adjonrfififfiiI of 'li*' ItepUbli
i> 4ii euHNtf rt)n«fti(fan Md «i the H'al
4orih hall in l/oopt-liy mi the 32 Way
<if August, I»*5rt» I hereby rail the >miic
! tii reconm«e a*. I.oup 1,1 ty, tm Saturday
ihi, I, iVJi.ui I o'clock p m, AW deje
| gate* a»»- retpe-Med to he jink tit AM
townrlfifr* not repreaenfed in life for
mer convention are refjfie*fed to htl<l
ptiUinrtl'1 *f1<t *e»d <)•' Cg»le» lo tlfi*
convention Ha Id convention * Ml !e
held for the ptirpo** of placing In nom
: loai loo candid*"» for county iMtlcei*
on the republican ticket Hint to uan*aet
roctt otlo-r bu»lne»* a* may com* before
I If 0 COf. centime The fepfC.cntatioU
for the aeveral town»hlp» are a» folio**
A rhlottI
! f'iay ...1
lidtritih 6
l/'gatt .- <
'flak f.'reek.,3
. Went I ,,. 2
Welter, ,,,,-,.4
H, J, V\\ti, < bairman
AtP*t'<» II filUVW. Hecv
Ileal* Ilf* Hjoii'flb*.
Mr A *Thom**, of Manwjlle, lex.,
ha* I Off to J a mot* valt'able dbCOVery
than ha* yet been made in the Klon
Wike, For year* h* auffered untolW
agony from conttlpation, accompanied
hy hemorrhage 5 ami «a» ahmlutely
I'Mteil by Hr King'* ,Vew Itieeoyery tor
f.'oo•umptfon, Tough* and t'oIM*. ||c
declare* that go W I* of little value In
comparl*on with tin* marvelon* cur*
would have It, even if It coat a hundred
dollar* a bottle, A*thma, llroncbftla
and all throat and Jong affection* are
po*ilively cured by Itr, King'* New
(troyfvery for f'ommrriptjon. 'I’rlal bot
tle. free at Odendabl IJro * Drug Pfcore.
IteguUr *Jze ffOct*. and #1.00 Uuaruu
teed to efi e or prieo refunded.
lamp f,‘ily,.... Ill
Washington . I
Total .......
tu Lit. liUt-.y AM AV
L'nt (hi* out and take H to the drug
gi*l named below it rot you will receive
4 r<'j(tthr 26c «lz« bottle of lir Has'
ver's L'katlne forSc L'katlne positive
ly cure* ;tll form* of Kidney ditHcul
lit* l>y*pep*ia, liV7 Lonsilpatfon, j
Headache, tCtii'ij A' ■ rilHtlMII, Puff
iAft of the Eye* Ukaline cures Pimp
11'* utol Blotch**, and makes sailo*
1 arol yellow *kfu Mbit % lot wot delay
, but take advantage rtf this gr< at offer,
a* »bou*aud» bear evidence to tb«
* wonderful curative powers of L'katlne
! For Male by Oden dab I Bro's, I/Oup
City Nebr,
Semi yttur address to H. E Bock ten
A L'o , Chicago, and get a free sample
box rtf Or, King'* New Life Pill*. A
trial will eowvloceyou of theirmerfta.
Tbt'W pill* are ea*y in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of con*
ktipation and Mick Headache, For Ma
laria art<l l-iver trouble* they have beeit
proved invaluable They are guaran
teed to lu; perfectly free from every do
leterioua substance and to be purely
vegetable. They do not weaken by
their action, but by giving tone to the
stomach and t*owle* greatly invigorate
the system, Regular size 25c per box.
Hold by Odendabl Bro's, l»ruggi#t#.
maimi mav,ocTOtiKit tat, tava.
The f adlea Aid Moclety will hold an
exchange one door east of the Timet*
Office, Come ami buy your bread, cake*,
pie*, ami baked bean* for Hunday. Cof
fee and doughnut* v* ill lx* served from
11.00 till 2:00 o,Clock Also tea ami
wafer* during the afternoon.
IxisT—A l.iver colored bird pup a
bout live mouth* old. the hair Is short
anil smooth*' anil the right front foot
ha* been cut in a mower ami is Just
liei’ed up. Any Information will be
thankfully received, and expense paid
by the owner. Please notify Loris
Bn HTiioi.o, jr
Preaching at the M K church m*xt
Hunday at 10.U0 a in. Subject: “Why
me corruption of the church baa not
been its destruction." Preaching at 7:d0
p. m. Subject: “The Foursquare city,”
I A hearty Invitation I* given to all our
church service*. Walter K. Matthews.
The attention of the public and espe*
j clally lb** republican electors of Sher
man county is respectfully called to the
j notice for a call for ttie county conven
tion which appears at tin* bead of tin#
page. It is hoped that all delegate*
will be present. 1 also desire that all
member* of the county central commit
tee meet with u* on that day so that ar-.
, raiigciueut* can he made to v.ork in con
lUnctiiMi with the /.tale central commit
! tee v*ho request it,
<»s:*» K BKNSciiortUt.
•'iiairiuau Hep. tin. I'eutral t "in.
MACH ini: oil at
l ot the Annual Encatupmei.t of the
t| A It at t imii.oati O. in .’September
lh<* I NltlS P \< Ifli' all) make the
great.t r* d uved rate ftmit letup t.'lty **l
t>‘* for the round trip lie »ur« yom
II* Set lead* via III** I llton Pacific.
Fur lime table* ami full inlor
uiation call un
W (■ i'iii ion Agent
Wvsiao laiaaai isi*iwuani» t*aa
pthi In Hub itilv In Mmungti utir buiifinlt
III ttiffif nin «it«l itrtil ) || |«
Miiiillly Ilffll'f »ota < Mit tf t|. t« *| al )|tftR0 %<ll*
V •! Ist 4# ) » *r *ttt| r||riMt»p#»«th
Shu*, Isii.giHtt i«s* m »rs». n«i ima auI ai v
Muntlilj ’* W« i«*itM*c*»* hifitMi •# • •
Sl|few«*«l alttfM |*|h| i'M'Vk>»JM> ||«l| i*« | ft I
M*»«, . |l< |*l M I itU't*jt»i^|{
During the Hattie of*
Tim I'ai'horn at ttm Italtli- ill »uulU|(<>
il* < cilia »rrr nil lleroe* Thor** llernlr
Kit'uri- lii fretting Ammunition mill Itu.
linn* in llm Vrunt Muvnl Urn lluy.
p. K Hlti.kk, of pack-train No. ii,
writing from Bantiajfo, I**' t'uba, on
July 2.'t nays: “We all hail diarrhoea
in more or lent violent form, un i when
w<* 1 onth ii we had iu» time to nee u doc*
lor. It «an a cane of rush urn! rimli night
*ai*<I day to keep the troops supplied
with ammunition and rations, hut thanks
to <.'ham her Iain's (,’holie, (Jholera Hiid
lliariioea Remedy, we were able to keep
at work and keep our health; in fact I
Hi.ierely believe that at one critical
lime ill in medicine wan the indirect sa
v nun of our army, for if the paker* had
ticon tillable to work there would have
been no way of getting supplies to the
front. I here were no rends that, a
wagon train could une My comrade
and myself had tin* (food fortune to lay
in a nupyly of thin medicine for our
pack-train before w« left Tampa, and 1
know in four ease* it absolutely saved
The above letter wan written to the
manufacturer* of tld* medicine, the
<'li.iiilb< i lam Medicine (Jo., lie* Motne*.
Iona. For sale by Odendab! Itro’a
I'lTTftiiuuu. I'A , nor 10 u, >nuh.
For Hit* convention <>f l'rl«*nnia 1 <-oii
clave Knights Templar at Pittsburg, l’a.
tine Union Pacific will sell tickets at
One Fare tor the Round T i|>.
The Union Pacific ami connect!oris
I* the hot line ami offers the fastest
time ami best uccomod itlous of any line
For dates of sale and limits on ticket*
call on W |>. Clifton, Agent.
We are now prepared to offer to our
readers the VOBTitwkstkkn, the Semi
Weekly State Journal, and the Kansas
City Weekly Journal, all for the small
sum of #1,U0. This is one of the best
offers out. The twice a week Nebraska
State Journal is one of tho best news
papers published in trie state, and con
tains ail the capital news: The Kansas
City Weekly is or.e of the best week
ley's In Kansas. The NORTHWESTERN
is the official paper of Sherman County
and e mtalns twice us much home
print as any other paper published in
the county. You should not delay iu
taking advantage of this great offer. In
subscribing for these three paper* you
secure the three leading Journals ot
he world
do Denver, Salt I.ake City, San Fran
cisco and Portland, is via tiie Union
Pacific. The service of the Union Pa
cific to all ptinclple western points is
unexcelled by any other line and con
sist* of Pullman Palace Sleepers, Pull
man Tourist Sleeper*, Chair < lars, Din
ing, (Meals a la curt.)
For time tables ami full informalion
all on W. D. Cut ton. Agent.
Anchor Ll Co.
Slronuest fane* on the
market, Is perfectly safe
and an cffactnal harrier
against nil forms of stock.
Mado of No. H unlvaniard
steel wire. Cross wires
securely clamped. Inex
pensive. Write for cat
alogue. Meat, this paper
f, rn,';< ( »«> <19
.« «,•» nil Ai J»fy
I Ml
■* Ot« O <1.* ** lhe«»
,.l «****»» 4* *
•i’.ii v!
M1 LAM CERE, »l'
Dealer in
Washing Machines, Sewing Machines and
Implements and Hardware.
•Wipdfnills, Pupips and Pipes
Singer Sewing Machines for S25.00.
If you need anything in mv line call and see me and
you will be convinced that all we have for sale is offered at
very low figures. Don’t tail to call and see our
l wish to announce to the public that
1 will open a general merchandise store
at the old post office stand generally known
as the Walworth building, which l have
purchased and refitted into a first class store
building. I have just returned from Chi
cago where 1 have purchased a tine assort
ment and a large stock of the best goods
the market affords. Some of my goods are
already here and others arriving daily.
I will be open for business next
I propose to run my business on a
strictly cash basis which will enable me to
sell goods at a much lower figure than on
the credit system. Produce taken in
exchange. Having gone personally to
Chicago 1 was enabled to get goods at a
bargain and consequently have good bar
gains for my patrons.
I solicit a fair share of the public trade
and promise you eorteous treatment and
honest dealing.
Yours Very Truly.
Loup City, - - Nkbkaska.
War Mats-We have on aale hi thin
office tin' very latent edition of Kami
McNally's map*' tdiowluR all the princi
ple locatlous of the present American
Spanuh War at a glance Price II cent'
For the Permanent fore of Stainmer
Ing and Stuttering etc . under the per-)
notial treatment of Prof. K. • New
couit*. 'JtWl, SI ernian avenue. Omaha.
Nr hr
Five dollar* will be |>ai>l for proof »>?
I he tact that any one it u*i»i( city water
for Irritatitait purpoac*
II JtvatN, Water C n»w»i»*io»er.
rntivmitoalh rrtUJMi film
am r*V mot »m \i« mt
mt roh
Farmer*, Insure your property In
1'lte Phruix ln*u»Dt'r Company,
agam-t h'lr**, Lightning. Wiud storm*
l'yclone* anti Tornadoes.
w. J risfiKN Agen
III ( Kl.!£.>»• ANMICA %.%!.» K
Tin' Item naive in tbe world for i:ate
Brut*** Horen I’lwii Sail KiteIIIII fever
Sore* ratter t'napped Hand* I'btlblalna
I orn* and all Skin Kruptlona and |x»
Itively eorea Pile* or no pay required.
It i» guaranteed to give peifevl MlUfar
Mon or money refunded |*nee U rente
•« r bog For *ale by Odrndabl ftrm
I \ Blank* of le>4U«ille |tio
ante Mnl . ho» of tie IF Ilia W llrh
ll*a»lHi|w> • worth *® to !»•■»
It *•>*»> ■> M* | he* of ten v**r* tlodiag
II » ■ mi, to in It |t ahni'Miv*
*«><*»*. •»> tllwtwae* and t»la*tl*ala |
* ***% Ifvi %I«I HllM.
« «
* H