The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 16, 1898, Image 8

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    Ltoaal Daws.
The last fair day was foul this year.
The county dads were in session one
day this week.
J. W. Landers, of Arcadia was in
the city Tuesday night.
Ed. ZakrzewsWi, proved up on his
homestead last Saturday.
A. Watkinson received a large invoice
of heating stoves lust Tuesday.
A. B. Outhouse returned from the
Trans-Mississippi last Monday evening.
Lee Arthur was up from Ashton Tues
day night attending Masonic Lodge.
E. S. Hayhurst. has a beautiful line
of heating stoves on exhibition at bis
E. F. Walker, his son Earl and Mr.
Walkers mother drove over from Mason
City yesterday.
J. J. Taylor of Dannobrog, and a for
mer resident of Loup City, was in town
over night Wednesday night.
Oeo. Marlow of Ashton, made us a
pleasant call last Saturday while in at
tendance at the pop convention.
Jimmie Conger’s live legged pig
walked off from the fair grounds Thurs
day night. That pig had too many legs
for Jimmies benefit.
The Odd Fellows arc having quite a
boom at this place this season From
one to three candidates are wrestling
with the goat at each meeting.
Otto Peterson is fitting up his store
room preparatory to putting in his
stock of goods, lie will go to Chicago,
in a day or so to purchase them.
Mrs. Adain Schaupp and family re
turned home Friday from their extend
ed visit to her old home at Geneva,
Ind. They report a pleasant time.
A telephone message from Litchfield
Wednesday night called for sheriff Pat
ton, to go to that place and arrest one
Frank Root, that was raising rain from
an overdose of tangle foot.
Old Sol showed himself last Tuesday
for the first time in five days during
which time 3.0(1 inches of water fell
The ground is thoroughly soaked and
fall plowing is the next thing in order.
The editor of the Evans City Pa..
Globe writes "One Minute Cough Cura is
rightly named It cured my children
after all other remedies failed." It cures
coughs, colds and all throat and lung
troubles.—Odendahl Bros.
Fruit and Tomato Cans only
docents a doz. at Watkinson.
Bob Moore, of LaFayette. Ind., says
that for constipation he has found De
witt’s Little Early Risers to be perfect.
They never gripe. Try them for stomach
and liver trouble^— Odendahl Bros.
Rev. A. L. Zimmerman and family,
of Gibbon, are visiting relatives and
friends in this vicinity this week. Mr.
Zimmerman will take charge of the
Marquette, congregation next year and
expects to move to that place soon.
W. B. Reynolds of Arcadia, called at
this office last Monday while in the city.
He will soon return to Oregon where
he is thinking of permanently locating
The excursion which he will leave on
will start Sept. 20. Mis Reynolds will
accompany him.
Rev. Matthews, preached his last
sermon here last Sunday prior to attend
ing the annual conference which con
venes at Iloldridge this week. lie is
an able minister, well liked bv all our
people and it is the wish of all that he
be privaieged to remain witli us for
another year.
I. N. I). Auble, who had a trotting
stallion at the fair last week appears to
be the man that lived at Loup City,
once-upon-a-tiine and when he moved
he forgot to pay his tax. The county
treasurer remembered it and sent the
sheriff to remind Mr. Auble of the same
He overtook him near the Custer county
line and brought back the ducats.
There will be a half rate excursion
go from Loup City to Portland Oregon,
Sept. 26th. $20.00 or just one half fare
will be charged to Portland, Or., and
parties desiring it can return at same
rates. Equally as low rates will be
charged from Portland to other desira
ble points. For further particulars ad-1
dress W. B. Reynolds, Arcadia, Neb
The city schools opened last week
with a very good attendance and good
prospects for a prosperous and well
conducted years school. The high
school, presided over by Prof. M. 11.
Mead, has enrolled 23 scholar, the gram
mar dept., taught by Miss Hood, 31
Intermediate by Miss Hickman, 42. the
second primary by Miss Converse, 43,
the first primary by Miss Burrowes, 53,
making a total attendance of 192.
The attention of the public and espe
cially the republican electors of Sher
man county is respectfully called to the
notice tor a call for the county conven
tion w hich appears at the head of this
page. It Is hoped that al! delegates
will be present. I also desire that all
members of the county central commit
tee meet with us on that day so that ar
rangements can be made to work in con
junction with the state central commit
tee who request it,
Gko. E Bknsciiotku,
Chairman Rep. Co. Central Com.
1. S. Sheppard has a beautiful display
of watches in his show window, which
he will sell from §2.75 up.
Girl Wantkd—For light house and
office work. Inquire at this office for
further particulars,
Mr. G. II. Wise, the gentleman that
is now a partner in the mill at this
place has moved into the A. Boone
New and second hand wag
ons at T. M. Reeds.
Rev. J. M. Snyder will preach at the
M. K. church Sunday morning at 10;30
Subject: Troubles of the last days. Ev
erybody is Invited.
Simpson t'riss sr. is reported to be on
the sick list. He is suffering from a
chronic trouble contracted in the war
of tlie rebellion.
Dr. Sawyers Arnica and Witcn Hazel
Salve heads ami soothes Inflamed skin
and Is especially recommended to heal
cuts burns, bruises and sores.
“Skip" Thrasher and family of Ar
cadia, are visiting with Mrs. Thrashers
parents, Mr. arul Mrs. August Reiman.
Mrs. Reiman is reported no better.
Judge Wall, w ho was called to Mich
igan two weeks ago by the sickness of
his father, returned home Wednesday
and reports the old gentleman much
There will be a pumpkin social giten
by the members of the B. Y. 1’ l .
Tuesday evening, Sept. 20, at the home
of Mrs. J. A Angier. All are cordially
invited to attend.
Win your battles against diseases by
acting promptly. One minute (lough
Cure produces immediate results When
taken early it prevents consumption
And in later stages it furnishes prompt
relcif.—Odendabl Bros.
The school board have employed
Col. Young and Ills son Bob. to build
new sidewalks in front of the primary
school building. The work is done and
both the appearance and convenience
are very much improved.
1 th ink Dewitt's Witch Hazel Salveis
the 11 nest preparation oil the market for
piles. So writes John C. Dunn, of Wheel
ing W Va. Try it and you will think the
same. I also cures eczema and all skin
diseases.—O d e n d ah 1 Bros.
About four weeks ago we stated that
Mr. Detlif I’eterson was tho possessor
of twin calves and colts which Mr. Pe
terson informs us was a mistake, Our
informant seems to have been mistaken
so we acknowledge the correction.
‘‘Man’s inhumanity to man lias made
countless millions mourn,” but the most
striking example yet made was by the
populist convention which turned down
J M. Snyder, the ablest man in their
ranks and to whom is due the success
of the pop party.
J. Phil Jaeger has made arraugmonts
with a wholesale clothing house in the
east to have an expert titter come to
his store on the 20, Tuesday next, any
one wishing a Tailor made suit at hand
me down prices can secure it from Mr.
Jaeger that day. He will have r>00 sam
ples to select from.
The Chief Burgess of Milesburge Pa.
says DeWltt's Little Early Risers are the
best pills he ever used in his family dur
ing forty years of house keeping
They cure constipation sick headache
and stomach and liver troubles. Small
in size but great in results.—Odendahl
Eb. Hill, the follow that served a term
in the penitentiary from this county
some years ago is again in limbo, this
time for robbing a hardware store at
Ord. He broke jail at Ord, one night
last week and succeeded in getting into
Custer county. The sheriff of Valley
eounty followed him to Arcadia, and
there put l’arl Round on the scent and
he went back home. Mr. Round took
up the trail and caught him in Custer
county Sunday night. They arrived in
Loup City Monday noon and went to
Arcadia, on the 4:00 p. in train. Ed.
was shaking hands with old acquaint
ances, but it was up hill business with
the handcuffs on.
Mr. T. A, Taylor jr, son of conductor
Taylor, arrived home on furlough last
Tuesday noon. Mr. Taylor has been
with the Nebraska bovs at Chiekamau
ga, all summer and now has a thirty
days leaf of absence which expires on
October 10, when he will report at Oma
ha. for mustering out if the troops arc
not needed further. Mr. Taylor is look
ing well and does not show any signs of
government neglect. He Bays there was
nothing left undone for the comfort
of the soldier boys as far as the war
department was concerned. Every
comfort was provided for them and
the cause of so much sickness can
be attributed to the reckless eating
of all kinds of fruits and dainties
hat could be procured by thorn, and
the sudden change of climate, all of
which the administration were not, and
should not be held responisble for.
This howl about oftieial neglect, by yel
low Journals he claims Is all for politi
Cal effect and should be so considered
by the people. Any privations that the
soldiers suflered lie says was not be
cause the war department was derelict
but because it was Impossible to pre
vent it.
Tull Tor Ho.mhli can County Convention
To Reconvene.
As per adjournment of the Republi
can county eon vention held at i lie Wal
worth hall in Loup Lily on tin* 22 day
of August, 1898' I hereby call tin* same
to reconvene at Loup City, on Saturday
Oct. !, 1895, at 1 o’clock p in. AH dele
gates are requested to lie present. All
townships not rep'-cscntid in the for
mer convention requested to hold
primaries and send delegates to this
convention Said convention vi til ic
held for the purpose of placing in nom
ination candidates for county ortieers
on the republican ticket and to t'ansact
such other business as may come he fori*
the convention. The representation
for the several townships are as follows:
Ashton.4 Bristol... Hi
Ciay.8 Kira.2
Harrison.(i Hazard.4
Logan.4 Loup City.13
Oak Creek.3 Rockville.4
Scott.2 Washington... .4
Webster.4 Total ..Vi
S. J. Fair. Chairman
Attest: G. 11 Gibson. Secy.
—-*—- ♦ • ♦
The pop convention held in Ihe Wat
kinson hall last Saturday caused some
(lisatlsfaulion among the popocrafio
element, but the result was accepted
as being satisfactory to at least the
successful candidates. ,1. M Snyder
was promptly turned down and John
Vandcgrift was to lead the
ticket in this county this fall He was
nominated for Representative, T. S.
Nightingale was nominated for county
attorney by a handsome majority
over II. M. Mathew Mr. Mathew is
the gentleman who suceeded in getting
through at the last pop convention
a resolution endorsing socialism, so
in him the Independent party has a
candidate who stands out for fusion in
its broadest sense, one who endorses
populism, democratici-in. socialism and
no doubt would like the support of re
publicanism. But it i< generally con
seeded by all that the party lias at last
stumbled upon n candidate for county
attorney with ability to till the office
Mr. Nightingale is a lawyer of large
experience and ability which especially
lit him foi the position. Ills principal
failure is that he believes in every kind
of ism that can be induced to fu*o. but
in Sherman county that can hardly be
counted as a failure, politically speak
ing. because it is necessary to have a
strong combination to down the re
publican party and Tom knows it, and
just as long as he can make the people
believe that all the political isms on
earth except republicanism are one and
the same thing he is going to do it.
ll«* is primed for the light and lie is
going in to win or burst a suspender
in tlie attempt. Here is hoping that
he will come out in at least as good
a trim as when he entered the ring.
Mr. Nightingale has practiced law in
Sherman county for about 20 years and
has as good a record for success as any
lawyer in the county His papers are
always first class, he is a close stud
ents and prepares his cases with
a great deal of care. He has also
bad a great appetite for office and
once before was nominated for county
attorney; just nominated and that
was all. No attorney in the county
and doubtless few in the state can
draw up more acurute aud binding
papers than he can and doubtless
there are few who so persistantly
seeks office and never gets it.
Remarkable lteacue
Mrs Michael Curtain, Plainfield, 111.,
makes the statement that she caught
cold, which settled On her lungs; she
was treated for a mouth by her family
physician, but grew worse. He told
her she was a hopeless victim of con
sumption and that no medicine could
cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr
King's New Discovery for Consumption
she bought a bottle and to her delight
found,herseif beneilitted from first dose.
She continued its use and after tak
ing six bottles found*herself sound and
well; now does her own housework,
and is as well as she ever was.--Free trial
bottles of this Great Discovery at
Odendahl Bros Drug Store. Large bot
tles 50 cents and 8100.
♦ • ♦
Thursday September 22nd.
For Modern Woodmen Day at tho
Trans-Mississippi Exposition, the Burl
ington Route will sell round trip tickets
to Omaha at the extraordinary low rate
of 84.$0 for the round trip from Loup
City. Tickets will be good to return
any time within five days from date of
issue and will been sale September 21
and 22.
The great Expoistion is now in the
zenith of its glory. A visit to it is one
of the privileges of a lifetime. Not since
the Worlds Fair lias there been any
thing to equal it. Saunter along the
Merry Midway, hear the Mexican Band,
take in the Indian Congress, se • the
wonderful electrical display, examine
the exhibits in the main and state build
ings and you will return home with a
fund of information not ordinarily ac
quired in a twelve month.
Remember the date Sept 21 and 22
The rate $4.80 for the round trip. And
tile route the Burlington.
* * *
For tlie Annual Encampment of the
tf. A R at Cincinnati O. ill September
the UNION PACIFIC will make the
greatly reduced rate from Loup City of
8*22.95 for the round trip. Be sure your
■ ticker reads via the Union Pacific."
For time tables and full mfor
I mation call on
W. 1> Clifton Agent,
During the Battle of
The Tuckers at the llattlr ol Santiago
lie t'ulia were all Heroes There Heroic
tCIt'orls In (letting Ammunition anil lta
lions In llie Front Suveil the Hay.
I*. K. Butlek, of pack-train • No. 3,
writing from Santiago, De Cuba, on
July 23. says: “We all had diarrhoea
in more or less violent form, and when
we landed we had no time to see.a doc
tor, it was a case f rush and rush night
md dty to keep the troops supplied
with ammunition and rations, but thanks
to Chamberlain's Cholic. Cholera and
Diui'tioea Uemctly, we weir able to keep
at work and keep our health: in fact 1
sincerely be'ieve that at cue critical
time this medicine was the indirect sa
viour ot our army, for if the pakershad
been unable to work t tere would have
been no way of getting supplies to the
front. 1'here were no roads that a
wagon train could use My comrade
and myself had the good fortune to lay
in a supyly of this medicine for our
pack-train before we left Tampa, and 1
know in tour cases it absolutely saved
The above letter was written to the
manufacturers of this medicine, the
Chamberlain Medicine Co., Des Moines,
Iowa. For sale by Odendalil tiro's
It is raining as I write, but the rain
is gently falling. The ground is now
in good shape fur fall seeding.
F. W. Spencer is visiting in Indiana.
.lames Gray is now in York state and
John Kisling is visiting in Ohio.
Our neighbor Henry Stark lias gone
to the mountains to, if possible improve
his health.
Considerable damage for Mr. Bickle
and others was the result of the (ire
last Saturday.
Henry Beck had the missfortune to
get a good horse cut on the wire.
Hobbedthe Grave
A startling incident of which Mr. John
Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject
is narrated by him as follows: I was in a
most dreadful condition. My skin
was almost yellow, eyes sunken.tougue
coated, pain continually in back and
sides no appetite—gradually growing
weaker day by day. Three pby leans
had given me up Fortunately a frelnd
advised trying Electric Bitters; to my
great joy and surprise the first bottle
made a decided improvment, I contin
ued their use for three weeks and am
now a well man. I know ttiey saved my
life and robbed the grave of another
victim, No one should fail to try them
Only 50cts per bottle at Odendahl Bros
Drug store.
PITTSBURG PA. OCT. lO 14, 1898.
For the convention of Triennial Con
clave Knights Templar at Pittsburg, Pa.
the Union Pacific will sell tickets at
One Fare for the Round Trip.
The Union Pacific and connections
is tin? best line and offers the fastest
time and best accomod itions of any line
For dates of sale and limits on tickets
call on \V. D. Clifton, Agent.
Pick up Sociable. Given by the
Ladies of the G. A. R. at Watkinson’s
Hall, Sept. 24th. 20 cents per couple
supper included. All come and enjoy
the evenings entertainment.
>• cjr. etc Family Sewing
. .'li ‘m2*ss3s>ng nil modern
■I oroverrents.
(*:|i (0
;orab!e. Obtain them
i oc-l dealer and
Dealer in
Washing Machines, Sewing Machines and
Implements and Hardware.
Wipdpiills, Pupips and pipes
Singer Sewing Machines for 825.00.
If you need anything in my line call and see me and
you will be convinced that all we have for sale is offered at
very low figures. Don’t fail to call and see our
President. Cashier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000
Correspondents: Seaboard National Hank, New York City, N. Y.,Omah <
National Hank, Omaha, Nebraska
War Maps-We have on sale at this |
office the yery latest edition of Rand
McNally's maps' showing ail tlie princi
ple locations of the present American—
.Spanish War at a glance. Price 15 cents.
For the Permanent Cure of Stammer
ing and Stuttering etc., under the per
sonal treasment of Prof. E. C. New
comb, 2021, Sherman avenue, Omaha,
$5.00 REWARD.
Five dollars will be paid for proof of
the fact that any one is using city water
for irrigating purposes.
II. Jknnkr, Water Commissioner.
Farmers, Insure your property in
The Phenix Insurance Company,
against Fire, Lightning. Wiud storms
Cyclones and Tornadoes.
w. J. FISUKK. Agon
The best salye in the world for Cuts
Briuses Sores Uiceis Salt Rheum Fever
Sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilblains
Corns and all Skin Eruptions and pos
itively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Odendahl Bros.
E. A. Blanks of Lewisville. Texas
writes that one box of DeWitts Witch
Hazel Salve was worth §50.00 to hi in.
ft cured his piles of ten years standing.
He advises others to try it. It also cures
eczema, skin diseases and obstinate
sores.—Odendahl Bros.
Trans Mississippi and International
Omaha June 1st Nov., 1st, 1898.
Greatly reduced rates via the O. R
A V. and Union Pacific to Omaha for
the exposition. The superb equipment
and quick time of ibis line makes it the
popular line to Omaha and the Exposi
tion. For advertising matter, tickets
and full information, cell on
W. D. Clifton, Agent j
OFFICE.—One iloor east of Chase's
drug store.
Express and General Delivery Line,
All Express or Freight order# prompt
ly attended to.
3L.-A.W YER,
General Law and Collection Business
A Notary Publjc, Stenographer and Type
Writer In Office.
One Door North of First Bank,
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases.
General Real Estate Business.
Office in NoirrnwESTKBN Building,
Oil Painting, Crayon, Charcoal and Pen
cil Drawing.