The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 16, 1898, Image 4

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    The Northwestern
(iro. K. BKNSrHOTEK, 1 Killtorn and
UIO. H GIBSON. t Funiuhom
TERMS:—11.00 PER TEAR. ir PAID in advance
Entered at the Loup City Postofllce for trans
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
Official Paper Sherman County
For Governor.
M L HAYWARD of Otoe.
For Lieutenant Governor:
GEO. E. MURPHY, of Gagr
For Secretary of State:
C DURAS. of Saline.
For Auditor of State.
T L MATTHEWS of Dodge.
For Treasurer:
For Supt. of Public Instruction:
J F SAYLOR of Lancaster.
For Attorney General.
N G. JACKSON of Antelope,
for Com’r. Public Land and Buildings:
G R WILLIAMS of Doui, las.
Congress, 6th district.
MORRIS BROWN, of Kearney.
The net eash balance of gold in
the treasury at Washington, on the
8, wu8 $229,994,791. The largest
amount in the history of the country.
Linder a democrotic administration
we had to borrow money to pay run
ning expenses. Under a republican
administration we pay our way as we
go and square up old accounts for
the democrats.
The Treasury department at Wash
ington, announces that it will recom
mend a repeal of some sections of
the war revenue measure at the sit
ting of congress this wintei so as not
to draw so heavily on the outstand
ing circulation. Also that it will re
deem $2.1,000,000 of the 4$ bonds
outstanding. They are now calling
in $14,000’000 of the G’s.
By the end of the second year of
McKinley's administration $>100,000
000 of bonds now outstanding will
have been paid otf aud the war debt
taken care of. In four years of dem
ocratic rule we went behind $262,
000,000 and that in a time of peace.
It would seem that it would not take
much of a financier to decide which
party was the most profitable tor
the people.
The patriotic work of Victor
Emanuel and Garibaldi, according to
late dispatches is nullified. A blood
less conquest and a victory wituout
a battle has been the record of the Va
tican, and vacillating Humbert, pick
ed up his traps and left Rome, to take
up his excuse for a court at the old
stand in Turin. He has been a dis
grace to his people ever since he
has been on the throne. The ghost
of his great father, V ictor Emanuel,
and his Field Marshall Garibaldi,
will surely hauut him for his coward
It is reported that Jacob Alders is an
aspirant for the nomination of represen
tative on the republican ticket. .Take
has been with the party two years and
it is high time he was recognized. We
may have been misinformed in the mat
ter but we will wager that tne populists
can take our informant, Friez Korn
runipb, and beat Jacob by two hundred
majority.—Times Ind.
Ed. seems to be sticking to the
old populist doctrine, “put up a
yellow dog and we pops will vote
lor him.” Wo don’t know whether
Mr. Albers would accept a nomina
tion or not, don’t, think he cares
for it, hut even if he were chosen,
iu point of ability he is head and
neok above Vandergrift.
'1 he fight at Colorado Springs last
week among the free silverites was
about as disgraceful a thing as has
occured for many a day and should
show' clearly to the people that the
tusiou elements are of the rule or
ruin kind. Men who aspire to be
leaders of the people should he con
siderable above such disreputable
rows and it they are not they should
be turned down and their places given
to decent men. The number killed
aud wounded is kept very quiet as
they fear the righteous indignation
of the voter which is sure to come
in the course of time, and the great
er the row among the fellows who
aim to do the bossing the sooner the
fellow that casts the vote will take a
tumble to himself aud then the jig
will be up.
am open t.kttkk.
To the Hon. .1. M. Snyder.
My Dear Representative:—When
we heard two weeks ago that the pop
party was about to turn 3011 down
and nominate another less worthy
and with much less ability, simply
because you were two old to be up
nights running around after votes,
we could hardly believe our ears.
We supposed as a matter of course
that you would lie honored with a
second nomination as a reward for
your former efforts in helping to
make the party what it is to-day.
For the past eight years there has'nt
been a candidate on the pop state or
county ticket that you hav’nt whoop
ed it up for from early morn until
the cows come home way into the
night, and your last campaign was
marked with more energy than your
first. Why, you went out on the
stump night after night, and year
after year in the cold October breeze
from school bouse to school bouse,
to ibe “Little Cottage Homes” and
talked populism and fusionisin until
you made votes for you party by the
ballot box full. You never forgot to
mention the good qualities of all of
the candidates on your ticket. You
done it in a way that Johu Yander
grift could’nt and the whole pop
party knows it. They know, too,
that it was your effort that secured
the first term of office for every offi
cer elected to office 111 tins county on
the pop ticket, and that it is also
due to your effort that each have
been privileged to strip the public
teat for a second. They are well
aware of the fact that yon are the
ablest man they have ever sent to
the legislature, and because you
did nt continue to carry out their
fool ideas in the representative halls,
and advocated a little common sense
in the interest of the people, they
seemed to have no further use for
you. When you stood up in the
legislature and called a halt on the
re-count business, and pointed out
the wast of valuable time, the enor
meous expense to the tax payers and
the inevitable result of such foolish
ness, that was enough to settle the
matter so far as your future chances
for holding ollice is concerned,
and everybody ought to have known
it. We did know it, but thought it
would be overlooked by your former
supporters, because of your valuable
services personally rendered them
in the past. You had helped John
Yandergrift to office and positions
of trust several times and what in
thunder he wanted to jump up and
cut your political head off' is some
thing we can’t understand. Another
thing we can’t understand: There
was’nt a dod-gasted vote for you in
the Loup City delegation, which was
chiefly composed of I. M. Polski
11. >1. Mathews E. A. Brown and
others. They balloted seven oi
eight times with the same spirit ol
forgetfulness. Now you doubtless
remember bow hard you worked to
give Mr. Polski, youi old Bristol
township neighbor, his first term ol
ollice as eouuty treasurer, and how
faithfully you worked to secure for
him a second term; how for four long
years you have labored to place ami
keep the county attorneyship in the
hands of one who would divide the
salary with Mr. Mathews, and
how by reason of your efforts in that
direction, he, Mathews has been en
joying the pleasure of toasting his
shins by a stove fed by the county.
You also doubtless remember how
persistently you labored to head oil
the county printing from this office
and run it into the bauds of Brown.
Why, you actually went before the
county board in 1894, and rallied
to the support of Brown when his
bid was higher than all the rest.
You told the suppervisors, says you:
‘ Gentlemen: Mr. Brown should be
awarded the contract even if his bid
is a little the highest, as a reward for
his fidelity to the party.” We say,
when \<>u have given these men
such heartv support in the past, we
cannot understand why they should
not accord to you all due courtesy
in return. B. A G.
Lincoln, Neb. July 10, 1898.
To Nebraska School People:
Many have experienced difficulty
in locating the Nebraska Education
al Exhibit at the Trans-Mississippi
Exposition; hence this circular.
This exhibit is ta be found in the
gallery of the manufacturers build
ing. Some visit our ebiueational
headquarters in the Nebraska
building and fail to find the exhibi
J. Phil Jaeger
Wants you to examine his new in
voice of Ready to Wear Goods.
INTO oun
Our stock of men’s and
boy’s suits arc comeplete in
every particular and we can
suit you both in quality and
price. Give us a call and
bo convinced that our prices
are away down and the
quality of our goods is away
up. All fresh seasonable
goods. We have just re
ceived them and want to sell
them out in time to make
room for a fall stock so
will sell on the least possible
We have the finest line
of shoes ever brought to
this city. Our large invoice
just received enables us to
fit everybody and suit every
body as to style, quality of
goods and prices. We I
make a specialty of our shoe
department and invite all to
come in and look over our
Full line of ladie’s and
gent's furnishing goods and
a big stock of general mer
Remember that “Old Glory” still waives
in the breeze and that we are paying the
highest market price for your produce and
give you prompt service and courteous treat
ment. Your Respectfully,
d. PJ-flL CJA6G6F?
Loup City, s Web.
not knowing that it is put up in a'
not her building.
The exkibii occupies some fifteen
thousand square feet of floor space,
and comprices all grades of school
i! Advice to |
There are three great reme- t
* dies that every person with §
}| weak lungs, or with consump- t
IS tion itself, should understand. |
* These remedies will cure |
2 about every case in its first ♦
| stages ; and many of those X
? more advanced. It is only |
J the most advanced that are i
2 hopeless. Even these are x
i + wonderfully relieved and life 1
| itself greatly prolonged. |
| What are these remedies ? |
i Fresh air, proper food and |
j Scois’s gmiilsion j
i I of Cod-Liver Oil ueith llypo- I
* phosphites. Be afraid of |
X draughts but not of fresh air. \
| Eat nutritious food and drink |
| plenty of milk. Do not forget z
I that Scott’s Emulsion is the ♦
I » oldest, the most thoroughly |
II tested and the highest en- |
| dorsed of all remedies for X
11 weak throats, weak lungs and |
X consumption in all its stages. X
X y*. and $ioo; all druggists. t
T SCO fT r* BOWNE, Chemists, New York. 2
work from the kindergarten up
through the State Univer
sity and is pronounced by lead
ing educators of other state as one
of the finest educational exhibit they
have ever seen. The New England
Journal of Education, published at
lioston and Chicago, in its issue of
July I t makes the following com
ment: The educational exhibit of
Nebraska at the Trans-Mississippi
Exposition, Omaha is one of the
best, if not literally the best, ever
made in the United States.” Great
credit is due to the thousands of
educators and pupils of the
Nebraska schools who so faith
fully cooperated with us in making
the exhibit a success.
While we all are proud that Neb
raska has the lowest per cent of ill
iteracy we feel that this exhibit is
right in keeping with the high stand
ing our state has attained.
The work is neatly arranged and
tastefully decoaited. Visitors can find
seats where they can rest and exam
ine the work. Vou can "Stand up for
Nebraska” perhaps in no better way
than by taking yourfreinds with you
to see this exhibit which no doubt
is us fine an educational exhibit as
was ever put up by any state
W. It. Jackson'
Supt. Nebraska Educational Exhibit.
W ill go way down on this line.
Try it and see what a lot of the
following goods you can purchase:
Center tables,
Extention tables.
Kitchen tables,
Dining Chairs,
High Chairs,
and Lounges.
Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher Loup City Northwestern
Fisher & Benschoter,
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and irrigated
I “
VV e wish to call the attention of our
many customers to the fact that we have
added to our stock an elegant line of
Lamps, also a fine assortment of GLASS
WARE, fancy cups and saucers and plates.
W e assure all that the prices are way
down. It is a pleasure to come in and
look the goods over and to posess them
is a pnvelage.
Thanking you for past favors I am
Yours Truly, 1,S. SHSPPRRD,
Jeweler and Optician,
Loup City, Neb.
St. Joseph,
Kansas City,
St. Louis,
anil all points
East and South.
Salt-Lake City.
San Francisco,
and all points
No. 53 Passenger.7:55 a. in
No CO Freight.3.00 p. ml
No. 51 Passenger. 4:15 p.m.
No. 59 Freight.11:50a.m.
Sleeping, dinner and redlining chair cars
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to any point in
the United States or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to A. F. Werts
Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, Gen’!. Passenger
Agent, Oinahn, Nebraska,
No. Mi leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). 7 30 a. in.
No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 3:05 p. in.
No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 2:.'«)p m.
No 87 arrives dally excopt Sunday (mixed)
11:45 a. m.
No. -(5 arrives dally except Sunday (pass
eugcr) 7.05 p. m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south.
W. D. Clifton, Agent.
Loup City Market Report.
Prices paid tor:
Corn.f .85;
Hogs. 3.85
Cows and hellers.1.50 ©8.20,
Feeders. 3.80
Butter, per pound. .... 12
Eggs, per do* . s
We are now prepared to offer to our
readers the Northwestern, the Semi
Weekly State Journal, and the Kansas
City Weekly Journal, all for the small
sum of $1,90. This is one of the best
offers out. The twice a week Nebraska
State Journal is one of the best news
papers published in tne state, and con
tains all the capital news: The Kansas
City Weekly is or.e of the best week
ley's in Kansas. The Northwestern
is the official paper of Sherman County
and contains twice as much home
print as any other paper published in
the county. You should not delay iu
taking advantage of this great offer. In
subscribing for these three papers you
secure tin- three leading Journals of
he world
To Denver, Salt Lake City, San Fran
cisco and Portland, is via the Union
Pacific. The service of the Union Pa
cific to all principle western points is
unexcelled by any other lino and con
sists of Pullman Palace Sleepers, Pull
man Tourist Sleepers, Chair Oars, Din
iug, (Meals a la cart.)
For time tables and full information
all on— W. D . < i.n ton. Agent.
Don’t fail to get the latest edition of
Rand McNally’s great War Map if you
went to be posted on the exact spot that
the Spaniards are receiving Allapathic
loses of American “jingoism." Only
15 cents, at this office.
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