The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 09, 1898, Image 8

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    Liaaal Hfsws.
——————— HI ■ w it* - mmmmmmumm•—m
Heavy frost last Tuesday morning
School commenced last Monday mor
Head the new Ad. of T. M. Keed.
this week.
The races at the fair yesterday was
out of sight.
Notice the Curd of Mrs. A. Watkio
sou,in this issue.
Dr. Main and Steve Gray drove over
to Elba last Monday.
J. M. Russell of Washington tw p.,
was at the hub Saturday.
Albert Snyder, of Verdurette, lias
purchased the Pigue farm.
Eliler Mark of Washington twp, was
on our streets Saturday last.
E. W. Zakrzewski threshed" out II!
bushels of w heat to the acre.
Miss Maggie Sorenson is visiting her
sister, Mrs. John Ohlsen at pre-ent.
Mrs. J. W Jones and son returned
from Lincoln last Saturday evening.
This is Fair week in Sherman county.
Look out for big pumpkins and dead
Miss Kate Whortan fell from a load
of hay Wednesday and dislocated her
llarvey Criss, son of Jacob Criss, is
down In bed threatened with typhoid
Richard Baker of Clear Creek was
seen on our streets last Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. A. Boone of Greeley
Center are visiting in the city during
the fair.
Mrs. Win. Sharp, of Day is Creek was
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mr.
G. II. Scott last week.
G.I\ Brown and daughter Fannie of
Burweii, arc visiting in the city and at
tending tho county fair.
Report lias it that there is 140 horses
at Broken Bow, entered for the races at
the fair next week.
About fifty-three people went from
here to Grand Island to take in the
“Buffalo Bill Wild West show.
O. A. Austin and family, and Frank
and Mauiio Smith, returned home from
Cherry county last Friday afternoon,
One of the twin babies of Mr. Man
chester, a son of Orin Manchester of
Davis Creek died last Saturday evening.
A. Hansel had a runaway last Sunday
Some damage was done to the wagon
but both himself and horses escaped
Master Cecil Johnson was surprised
one eveniug last week by a crowd of his
young associates gathering at his home
to celebrate his birthday.
George McDonald came down from
Cherry county last Friday, where he
has been sinco the tirst of July holping
C. A. Austin put up hay.
John Carpenter who has been in Iowa
for some time undergoing medical
treatment writes that he is much better
and will be home about the 15.
There will he a half rate excursion
go from Loup City to Portland Oregon,
Sept. k’Otli. For further particulars ad
dress, W . B. Reynolds, Arcadia, Neb.
Frlta Odendahl went to Lincoln, last
Monday to enter a business college.
Fritz is a good steady boy and a course
in a business college is the right thing
for him.
Mr. G II. Wise of Pleasanton, has en
tered Into a co-partnership with G. F.
Hotchkin in the milling business at
this place. Mr Wise lias moved to the
The editor of the Evans City l’a..
Globe writes "One Minnie Cough Curs is
rightly named It cured my children
after all other remedies failed." It cures
coughs, colds and all throat and lung
troubles.-— Odeudahl Bros,
Fruit and Tomato Cans only
45 cents a do/,, at Watkinson.
Bob Moore, of LaFavette. Ind., says
that for constipation ho has found De
witt's Little Early Risers to be perfect.
They never gripe. Try them for stomach
and liver troubles.— Odcndahl Bros.
Hans Peterson, of Rockville twp.
dropped into our sanctum w hen in town
last Saturday and exchanged Ideas with
ye scribe and left some of the root of
all evil for the benefit of the orphans.
Charley Snyder, Is again able t>> be
out after a several months lay up. His
trouble, he thinks was caused from his
leg which was broke several years ago.
In the spring it broke and run for some
time and the physicians healed it up
after which lie was confined to his lied.
R. A. Emry, of Madison, NTeh. has
purchased the old homestead of ,! C
Fletcher and we understand will soon
locate here. Purchase price $2,500.
Mr. Emry was a resident here in issd
ami is quite well acquainted with most
of the old settlers. We welcome him
and his family back again.
Mr. G. \V. Donnehugb, who was here
last year attending the county fair
and a-sistlng Hall Savage with his race
horses. Is now in the city with Mr.
Wescot’s horses from Weseot's ranch
Mr. Donnehugb is a first cla^s hostler
and the horses which he has In charge
are said to be of IIiip blood. '1 hey will
be entered in the races to-day.
Kveijbody Is irrigating since tin
wider has again found its mn to the
Frank Tucker anil Charley Moore
from near Arcadia were in the city last
Monday evening.
Girl Wanted—For light house and
office work. Inquire at this office fur
further particulars
.1 T. Hale is navigating on crutches
now days. The rheumatism having
overhauled him a few days ago.
On Sunday morning September 11th
at the M. K. church, Hev. W E Mat
thews will preach Ids last sermon prior
to leaving for the annual conference
A cordial invitation la extended to all.
Mr.King of Arcadia, who makes his
home a part ot the time with James
Rentfrow-, had a very severe sick spell
at the home of Mr. Rentfrow last Fri
day, caused by indigestion.
(lidding* Bierbower of Phillips, Neb
h brother of Mrs. .1. W. Bradley, was in
the city tilt* first part of the week. Mr
Bierbower will return next week and
take charge of Mrs. Bradley’s dray.
Mr. and Mrs. G. II. Scott will leave
about the 15, for an extend d visit with
their children in different localities
winding op with a short stay with the
II< >n. .1. R. Scott, of Santa Fee. Ok hi. Ty.
While Mr.E. S. Ogle was threshing
for Mr. Lukes near Rockville last Fri
day afternoon a spark from the steam
engine set fire to the grain and four
stacks, said to contain about 4ti0 bushel*
were consumed.
The horses which have been brought
in to enter In the races at the fair ate:
Gold Dollar and Dora O , owned by Mr. r
Wescotf, and Tidley Winks and Ladv
Winks, owned by I N. D Auble. of
Win your battles against diseases by
acting promptly. One minute Cough
Cure produces immediate results When
taken early it prevents consumpdon
And iu later stages it furnishes prompt
relelf.— Odendahl Bros
I think Dewitt's Witch 11 tzel Salveis
the finest preparatlo on the market for
piles. So writes John C. Dunn, of Wheel
ing W Va, Try it and you will think the
same. I also cures eczema and all skin
diseases. -Odendahl Bros.
Judge Wall received a telegram last
Friday evening stating that ids father
who lives In Michigan, was very iovv
with no hope of recovery, he being a
very old titan. Judge, and John Wall
of Arcadia, started Saturday morning
to his bed side.
Mr. Al. Flint of Litchfield will be at
Loup City next Wednesday, Sept. 11.
with .'“00 bead of cattle, two hundred
covrs and calves and the balance steers
and heifers which tie will sell at very
low rates for cash oroti time to respon
sible parties.
The Chief Burgess of Mile-burge Fa.
says DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the
best pills ho ever used iu hi< family dur
ing forty years of house keeping
They cure constipation sick headache
and stomach and liver troubles. Small
in size but great In results.—Odendahl
Mrs. 8. F Reynolds, while walking up
street last Saturday evening caught her
foot under a loose board that raised by
the Lady that was with her stepping on
the other end. and wrenched her back
quite severe Mrs. Reynolds had not
fully recovered from the injury receiv
ed some time ago and might of got hurt
quite scveraly.
C. Zwink was going around Monday
collecting money to send a German
back to his family in Germany. It
seems that he came to this country in
search of employment as the wages he
received there were not sufficient to
keep his family, as the actual necessaries
of life costs so much more there
than they do here. He has been com
pelled to send all of bis earnings home
to keep bis family which left him
without means of returning.
I.astweek we forgot to mention that
quite a crowd of our citizens gathered
at the residence af Mrs. E II Watkin
sc.n's to see the unfolding of the flower
of tlie niglit blooming eereus, a species
of tlie cactus family The plait put
forth two large flowers snow white,
which formed on the end of a long stem j
protruding from the edge of the leaf, ;
We notice in a Grand Island paper an i
event of the same kind happening in!
that city and on the same evening.
Would it not be a good idea for our
school board to look after the trees on
tlie proposed school >ite These trees
have already cost ibis district about a
hundred dollars The tirst cost of these
trees were #(15.00, under contract w ith
A. L Zimmerman who replaced all the
dead trees after the first years. Then ]
pipe was laid from the main o f the
city water work and $'-’() worth of j
rubber hose bought to Irrigate with.
The diieh water was used at another
expense all of which was proper and J
which started the trees out in a flourish
ing condition. At present about, two
thirds of them are living and are being
smothered by grn-s am’ weeds, a
man with a ay the one day and about!
two days with the ditch water
would not cost much and would tie
worth considerable to the district and
add to tin' beauty of the grounds l.<-:s
trv the experiment. If they arc neglect
much longer the monei here-to-fore
spent will be all tbrowed nwav The
new school board should look after
this while the water from the ditch
can he had.
During the Battle of
Sant iag'v.
Tin* l’»rItem i»t the Hattie «»• Santiago
ile Cuba were nil Herne* There llerole'oltH 111 Gelling Ammunition anil Ha.
lion* to the Front Saved the Huy.
I’. K. ROTl.Kit, of pack train So. II.
writing from .Santiago, 1 )t» Cuba, on
.Inly 2;j. says: "We all had ilinrrhoea
in more or ies* Violent form, unJ « lien
we lauded wo had no tiih»“ to see a doe
tor, it was a case f lush and rush night
and day to keep tlie* troops supplied
with ammunition and rations, but thanks
to Chamberlain’s Cholic, Cholera and
Diarhoea Remedy, we were able to keep
at work and keep our health; in fact I
sincerely believe that at < no critical
time this medicine was the indirect sa
viour of our army, for if tin* palter* had
been unable to work t tore would h ve
l)i*i'n no way of getting supplies to the
front. There were no roads that a
wagon train could use My comrade
and myself had the good fortune to lay
in a supyly of this medicine for our
pack-train before we left Tampa, and 1
know in four eases it absolutely saved
The above letter was written to the
manufacturers of this medicine, the
* humberlain Medicine Co., lies Moines,
Iowa. For sale by Odendahl Bro's
'♦ • ♦
t'A »tl>
I hereby desire to thank the friends
and neighbors wh> so kindly rallied, to
my assistance and took care of my grain
in this my hour of family sickness, and
hope some time to be able to return
their kindness in a substantial way.
August Reiman.
How to l.ook (inod*
Good looks art? really more than skin
deep, depending entirely on a healthy
condition of all the vital organs. If
the liver is inactive, yon have a billions
look; if your stomach is disordered,
yon have dyspeptic look; if your kid
neys arc affected, you luve a pinched
look, "Electric Bitters” is a good Al
ternative and Tonic. Acts directly on
the stomach, liver and kidneys, polities
the blood, cures pimples, blotches and
boils, and gives a good complexion
Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at
Otlendah I Bro’s Drug store. f>0 cents
per bottle
I’lCK L'l* SoctAHLE. Given by tiie
Ladies of the <i. A. R. at Watklnson's
Hall, Sept. 34th. 20 cents per couple
supper included. All come and enjoy
the evenings entertainment.
The Old Soldiers State Keuuion will
be held at Lincoln on September 12
to 17 inclusive. A great gathering of
the ofd scar-worn veterans is antici
pated The Spanish-American war
crowned with American victory every
where has filled all the people with a
martial spirit and the old heroes are
bubbling over with enthusiasm. Many
of them would like to go again: more
than 2,000 sons of veteran•* from Ne
braska are now at the front and their
parents ami friends will meet once
more and talk over and compare the
late Civil War with the present
struggle with a proud foreign nation
that was once mistress of the seas
These Grand Army gathi lings inspire
the rising generations with partiot
ism and a love for theilagof this great
republic. Hereafter there will be a
blending of and a fraternal feeling
between the old veterans of the North
and South lands such as has not been
since ISO 1. The committee expect
a rate of one fare for the round trip
Let everybody get ready for the re
union. The big crops and the delight
ful summer make both farmers and
merchants feel good.
Write to-your friend in the East to
meet you at the reunion a*. Lincoln
September 12 1898,
For concessionary privileges and
information write to L- C. Face, of
Lincoln, G. A. K. rooms ,Burr block.
There never was a time since this
state entered the union when its
people eould really afford a week of
holiday better than ttiis fall.
There are five thousand families in
this shite who have near relatives in
the present war and the old soldiers
hope to see them at the reunion this
year as their -ons and brothers who
! live to return may soon be nu mbers
j of the Grand Arrow
|)r. Sawyers Arnica and Witch Il.izrl
; Salve h-ads and soothes intluiu -d skin
and is especially recommended to heal
J cuts burns, hruNes and sores.
Now and seeond hand wag
ons at T. M. Heeds.
I’i sedcnt, W, R. Mi llor of the Shot
n. in County f air Associ’tlon hr,*,
two (lays tiffo'o thtt lair, issued the
folio lug it suiting “proclamation” to
it* stockholders presumably realizing
at the eleventh hour that the fair, under
lit* management, bids fair to make a
grand fizzle:
Loup city \ch. Kept. Jith ISP8
f> r Sir!—Your are a stockholder in
the Fair Association, are you not?
What are you doing to make this weeks
fair a success? Are you preparing an
exhibit? What are you doing to ad
ver tse ir. Can you do anything to
draw attention to the lair. Do not
j expect others to make this a good fair
while you are sitting by idly, doing
nothing hut, grunting about no interest,
being taken. Tills is your business as
much us mine Your salary Is exactly
• lie s uite its mine, therefore I shall ex
pect ynti to do fully as much if not
mo o toward making this fair it success
as 1 do
Very Truly Yours.
W It. MKU.oii. Ft.
He charges the stockholders with
’‘sitting by idly and grunting about no
interest being taken” when the facts tire
that they have been doing what they
can uu b r ib circumstances to l'.eip it
along. The plain fact is that neither
the preiniun list, or speed ring which
was dictated by 'V R. .Mellor, offeis
any inducement to anyone to make ex
liibits or to enter in the races, and
upon this tin1 failure or success of a
county fair dept lids If Mr. Mellor
wanted the assistance of Che stockhold
ers why diit hi’ not solicit ir several
weeks ago and not wait until two days
before the fair and then in substance
s tys to lt< stockholders quit your growl
ing and help me to make a gootl job
out of a bad one. But tin; fact Is no one
lias been growling. The trouble is that
Mr Mellor is just beginning to see the
tail end of liis tizzle and lie is trying
to shift tin* responsibility on the should
ers of the stockholders.
Aii RnterprIslng DruKKiNt.
There are few men more wiile awake
and enterprising than Odcndnbl Bro's,
who sp ire no pains (o secure the best
of everything in their line for their
nianv customers. They nmv liave the
valuable agency for Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs,
ami Colds, i’his is the wonderful re
ined'. that is producing such a furor all
over tin* country by its many startling
cures. It absolutely cures Asthma,
Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affections
j of the Throat, Chest and Lungs Call
at above drug store and get a trial bot
tle free or a regular size for 50 cents
and $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price
♦ • -
Land Office at Lincoln Nebr.
July 27, 1898.
Notice is hereby given that the follow
iug named si llier has tiled notice of his in.
L otion to make final proof, in support of
tils claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Judge of Sherman
county, Nebraska, at Loup City, on
September 10th, 1898, viz: Wladyslaw
Zakrzewskl, Homestead Entry, No. 18.438,
for the north cast quarter, section 4,
township 15, north of range H, west.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz: Emery Bly,
of Ashton, N'cbr. and Frits Schncldride,
l.onN Bechthold, L. J. Bechthold, of Loup
a ity person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason under the regu
lation of the interior Department, why
such proof should not be allowed, will be
given an opportunity at the above men
tioned time and place to cross examine the
witness of said claimant and to off er evi
dence in rebuttal of that submitted b.v elai
We their yea the real to CUCCESSasl rOBTUlTE.
Yon cun work nt homo or travcL Write at
once lor Pit EE SAMPLE aud 1,1 II ERA L
Tin Indian Congress.
a permanent feature of ttie
Trans-MississiDDi and International Exposition
Forty Tribes of North American
Indians represented.
Unique Ethnological Exhibit.
Haro opportunity to see the various
types of American Indians in their
native costuai*' and habitations.
Nearl7 A Thousand Indians Are Now no the En
campment Grounds within the Enclosure.
1 Dili r the direction of Capt. W.
Mi tier, U. S. A., these Indian
tribes participate in their spectacu
lar da'.cos nearly every evening.
The War Dance.
The Medicine Dance
The Ghost Dance,
The Snake Dance,
The Sun dance
amt other traditional rites of the red
, in in are preformed by these In linns.
I iii- great ethnological exhibit, in aid
.,,f Ahi h the l ulled States Congress
u propi iated 810,000 will continue to
tli<- rnd of the Exposition.
i?i iu ceo Raii-uoao Rates From All
Points Now In Force.
Dealer* iu
Washing Machines, Sewing Machines and
Implements and Hardware.
•Wipdjnills, Pupips and Pipes '
Singer Sewing Machines for 825.00.
If you need anything in my line call and sec me and
you will be convinced that all we have for sale is ottered at
very low figures. Don’t fail to call and see our
President. Cashier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000
Correspondents: Seaboard National Bank. New York City, N. Y.,Omah
National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska
War Maps-We have on sale *i 111i
office the very latest edition of K.tnd
McNally’s maps' showing all the princi
ple locations of the present American
Spanish War at a glance. Price 15 cents :
For the Permanent Cure of Stammer
ing and Stuttering etc., under the per
sonal treasment of Prof. E. C. New
comb, 2021, Sherman avenue. Omaha,
Five dollars will be paid for proof of
the faet, tliat any one is using city ^ater
for irrigating purposes.
11. .Iknner, Water Commissioner.
Farmers, Insure yout property in
The Phenix Insurance Company,
against Fire, Lightning, Wind storms
Cyclones and Tornadoes.
w. J. USHER. A gen
The best salve in the world for Cuts
Bruises Sores Ulceis Salt Rheum Fever
Sores Tetter Chapped Hands Chilblains
Corns and all Skin Eruptions and pos
itively cures Piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Odendahl Bros
E. A. Blanks of Lewisville. Texas
writes that one box of DeVVItt* Witch
Hazel Salve was worth $50.00 to him.
It cured his piles of ten years standing.
He advises others to try it. It alsocures
eczema, styn diseases and obstinate
sores.—Odendahl Bros.
Trans Mississippi and International
Omaha June 1st—Nov., Is., 1898.
Greatly reduced rates via the O. K
& V. and Union Pacific to Omaha for
the exposition. The superb equipment
and quick time of this line makes it the
popular line to Omaha and the Exposi
tion. For advertising matter, tickets
and full information, call on
\V. D. Oi.ikton, Agent
LOU1* CITY, - - N1 BRASS A »
OFFICE. -One door east of Chase’s
drug store.
Express and General Delivery Line,
All Express or Freight orders prompt
ly attended to.
General Law and Collection Business
A Notary ruhllr. Stenographer and Type
writer in Ofiice.
One Door North of First Bank,
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
♦ ■ *
Will Defend in Foreclosure Cases.
General Real Estate Business.
Ofiice in Nobtuwestkbn Building,
Oil Painting, Crayon, Charcoal and Pen
cil Drawing.
For the Annual Encampment of the
G. A. R at Cincinnati O. in September
the UNION' PACIFIC will make the
great h reduced rate from Loup City of
SS'-d'o for the round trip. Re sure your
ticket reads via the Union Pacific.
For time tables and full infor
mation call on
W. D Clifton Agent.