The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 02, 1898, Image 4

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    The Northwestern
GKO. K. HESSOHOTEK. j Editor* and
OKO. H. OIHSOM. 1 Pobllshara
Entered at the Loup City Po»tofflee for trim »
mission through the mall* a* second
dam* matter.
Official Paper Sherman County
For Governor.
M L HAYWARD "t 0u»
For Lieutenant Governor
GEO. E. MURPHY of <;«ge
For Secretary of State:
C DURAS of Saline.
For Auditor of State.
For Treuurdr:
For Supt. of Public Instruction:
J F SAYLOR of Lancaster.
For Attorney General
N G. JACKSON of Antelope
Fort'om'r. Public. Land and flutldlngs
G R WILLIAMS "f Dou*!a
<'on#rp*a, 6tb district.
NOKKfH ItltOW N( of Kearney
It must be a sweet morsel fora
populist to swallow after bo has help
ed to nominate a man for a high office
to hear him say that be would like to
hang the President. Such things are
very elevated._
Yes, Mr. Times, Mr. Gannon told
us that Kobt. Young was getting
$2.50 per day, but when we mention
ed it we forgot the prospect of the
terrible shock to your nerves. Of
course we know that your prosper
ity depends on calamity but then
we had no idea that the mere men
tion of $2.50 a day would cause you
pop hydrophobia.
If the H. & M. Railroad Company
would not let Judge Hayward ruu
for congress it must be prety good
evidence that they could not control
him and therefore a first class reason
why he should be elected governor.
We want men in our offices that
can’t be controled by any organiza
tion and when the pops discover
one, according to their own doctrine
they should support him.
Norris Brown, of Kearney, who
received the nomination for congress
man at the hands of the republican
congressional convention held at
Broken Bow last week is a clean
mau and of the best qualifications to
till the position. He is a good
speaker and a logical reasoner, and
will give Mr. Green, the democratic
nominee a hot chase in the campaign.
Some of the populist papers are
so hard pressed for campaign thun
der that they quote, as coming from
Tile State Journal, things this paper
never said. Among the papers that
have done that sort of thing may he
mentioned the Loup City Times,
Cedar Rapids Outlook and Norfolk
Times Tribuoe.—Stale Journal.
Now Messrs Times acknowledge
the com or produce that paper or-or
well we don't like to thiDk it.
There it goes again, that “times’’
man got loose last week and just
spread it over the Northwestern.
One week he anihilates this paper
and the next week he pulverizes
the Arcadia Champion, and then to
make his subscribers believe he has
something in his paper he prints in
large job type the fact that “the
railroads would uot let Hayward run
for congress. Ob, that fellow is a
•purer duck. The other evening be
was going up steeet on bis hyke
singing “No one to love uie.” The
only way to make that fellow happy
is to have a complete failure of
A I. Had lie, in speaking of the
|iolitical situation sizes it up uIkhA
as follow* “1 have been a life long
deiuoeiat. It is a gnat party to
promise everything, in fact it sub
*i*i* on promises I have noticed
too, that the republican party has
always ThIHUimI its pledges sud un
der its sdministratiou prosperity is
returning The |M>pulist party re
lies oil drouth, bail luck and the deui
oeratic party far s»d and support
and therefore Is worse than the deui
,Hrain party. 1 aw now a r«publt
,Hf ’ Mr, Halllie i* one of the u*"*t
prosperous farmer* of the county,
is well informed sud laika from Ieoh
knowledge ami uperteuc*
••Imperialism'' seems to be grow
ing upon the American people to a
degree not especial a few months
ago. The people of the United
States are waking up to the fact that
self preservation is not aoy more rep
rehensible for them than for the self
ish averacions nations of Europe.
The only limit to the acquisitions of;
territory by the European powers is
the extent of their ability to get it. i
Were it not for the restraint put up
on each by the jealousy of the other
there would he no people in Asia
that would have a government of
their own. Africa is already parcel
ed out, and s' Kish motives are laying
a heavy hand upon Asia. Those peo-j
pie, It would seem, must in a short
time go down to extermination lie
fore the onward tread of the Cauca
sian. It is as always lias been the
survival of the fittest. Europe has
a superior civilization to Asia, Africa
or any of the Archipelagoes, there
fore her supremacy must fie recog
nized and those people must suc
cumb to the inevitable. But now
comes the question whether, for our
own interest, we should take up the
tocsin as sounded by the nations of
Europe and march on witli the- tide
of civilization in the plain marked
course which she is drifting or
should we house ourselves up like
the snuii until the worlds are con
quered and the eomraerse of them from us and in the direction
of our enemies. Yes our enemies,
tor they are all jealous of our prog
ress and would divert every particle
of trade from us that was possible,
and if they have the laws of those
count lien to munipulutc can we
expect any favors.
From the trend of Kuropcan civ
ilization at the present tune is it
Imperialism for us to hold the con
quered territory that our boys have
fought so hard for or is it self pres
ervation. Let us echo the cry of
John A. J)ix at the opening of our
great rebel ion. “If any man tear
down the American flag shoot him
on the spot," and let that precept
extend to every foot of soil that Old
Glory now floats over. She is the
emblem of succor for the oppressed.
The sight of her is hailed with de
light by the down trodden und let
the oppressor tremble us he gu/.es
upon the flag of the free.
“We the republicans of Nebraska,
in convention assembled, congratu
late the people of the state upon the
fulfilment of the pledges made at the
national republican convention at
St. Louis. Our industries have reviv
ed, our finances have been maintain
ed, our natioual credit is restored
and every dollar issued by the gov
ernment is on a par with gold.
Our laborer* are employed, our manufactur
ing emab Hah menu have resumed operation,
our mine* arebeing worked to their full capaci
ty.the maw* of the people are prosperous ami
areconMumiuif once more to the extent of their
need* the product* of the farm and the factory.
We reaffirm unswerving allegiance to the
principle* enunciated in the republiean nation
al platform of We are In favor of the
inaintainance of the pre-tent gold standard and
unalterably opposed to the free and unlimited
We favor the payment of our soldier* and
sailor* in the same money a* ia paid the bond
'We congratulate the action upon the huc
cessful Issue of the war with Spain prosecuted
under the direction* of William McKinley,
commander-in-chief of the army and navy of
the United Staten, with the loyal support of
brave volunteer* ort both land and sea.
•• We emphasize our hearty approval of the
wl*e foreign policy of Preaident McKinley and
also of the terms demanded of Spain a* the
conditions of restored peace.
* We pledge, if restored to control of the
state government, an honest arnl economical
administration of public affairs and the intro
ductiouof strict business method* Into all slate
We pledge the abolition of unnecessary or
sinecure state offices
We pledge a comprehensive revision of
the revenue laws of the state with a view to a
more equitable distribution of the tax burden*
•We pledge legislation for state control and
regulation of public corporation* In the inter
est of all the people.
We pledge the uecessarv step* toward a
revision of the state constitution.
We call attention to the sham reform of the
allied fusion parlies who have secured victory
at live poh'sunder false pretenses and whose
pledges are proved by experience to »*e uurcMa
hie and utterly worthless.
Wo invite the co-operation and support of j
uol only all Who ta’llrVe ill republican priori- j
plea, hut also of all who wish better govern
ment to the end that Nebraska in** he no ion
g« r discredited by t»cmg classed um • v the
state* In auhjoctlou to populUm
A further resolution sent greeting* to all Mil*
- diet* atnl sailors aud expressed the hope that
| ail would »o«i<i return Inane
j The declaration for the gold standard and
against the free and unlimited coinage of sti
ver were loudly Cheered
LUmkiIu. N«l>. Ju'y in. Isr»s.
To Ni i>r»*k* ScbiMii l'i»i|ilt'
Mum Inti* «*s!»••»l«***,-*»»I illltli ully
in liH-alimt l!i« Ni<t>r iakft kiiuintiuii
ill Kthlliit 1*1 tli- Frau. Ml—i»*i|>|>i
K«|m«illiiti In-inn llii* iltiulll
Tin* mthilnl t* t* Is1 Imiinl in ib«*
ItalUiy nf Ilie iii iitufai lui-t* Imtlil
,iiH.UIU *1*11 nut I'hlm itll.iual
l>v i*ii.(u »i l*'i* tu lit- N»lir*<k*
i.uiMiuv *U<I fall In liiil ili*. -tbtlii
J. Phil Jaeger
Wants yon to examine his new in
voice of Ready to Wear Goods.
INTO (M il
Our stock of men's and
boy’s suits are corneplete in
every particular and we can
suit you both in quality and
price. Give us a call and
bo convinced that our prices
are away down and the
quality of our goods is away
up. All fresh seasonable
goods. We have just re
ceived them and want to sell
them out in time to make
room for a fall stock so
will sell on the least possible
We have the finest line
of shoes ever brought to
this city. Our large invoice
just received enables us to
tit everybody and suit every
body as to style, quality of
goods and prices. We
make a specialty of our shoe
department and invite all to
coinein and look over our
Full line of Indie’s and
gent's furnishing goods and
a big stock of general mer
Remember that “Old Glory” still waives
in the breeze and that we are paying the
highest market price for your produce and
give you prompt service and courteous treat
ment. Your Respectfully,
j. pj-iil jagggf?
Loup City, o N’eb.
not knowing that, it is put up in a
nottnr building.
The exhibit occupies some fifteen
thousand square feet of floor space,
arid comprices all grades of school
Advice to
There arc three great rente- 11
dies that every person with
weak lungs,or with consump- l
; tion itself, should understand. ;;
These remedies will cure ll
: about every case in its first
stages ; and many of those
more advanced. It is only ;;
ll tlie most advanced that are II
hopclcvv liven these are Ij
I wotiderlully relieved and life
; itselt greatly prolonged.
What an- tlu i- remedies ? II
Fresh air, proper food and
Scon’s Emulsion jj
! I of < . f < 'tl \.tth !t\/v- ; i
II /^■''f^Ei/ri lie a I r a i d of
draughts but not ol fresh an \
Eat nutritious food and tlfink
plenty ol milk 1 ki not forget
that Siutl 1 Emulsion is the
oldest, the most thoroughly
tested and the highest en
dorsed of alt remedies l<*r
weak throats, weak lungs and
consumption mi all its stages,
jp* --m *EE Af*f#****<
>. iVf 4 M‘wWwCKmmiKTm#Tut. ! I
■— ———11 ■ II ■■llll I . I I.!■■■■■ ||« .
work from the kindergarten up
t it rou<< h the State Univer
sity and is pronounced by lead
ing educators of other state us one
of the finest educational exhibit they
have ever seen. The New Kngland
•Journal of Kdueation, published at
Boston and Chicago, in its issue of
•July It makes the following com
ment The educational exhibit of
Nebraska at the Trans-Mississippi
exposition, Omaha is one ot the
Inst, if not literally the best, ever
made in the I Hi ted States (Irciit
credit is due to the thousand* of
educatora and pupil* of the
Nebraska sellouts who so faitli
fully coopcratial with ii* 111 making
the exhibit a siii'ccs*
Wlitle we ail are proud Unit Neb
laska lia» the lowest pi r Cent of ill
I'l-raei we feed ttiat tin* exhibit i*
tight la keeping with the high stand
mg our stale ha* attained
The work Is neatly arranged and
tsili'lulh deeoailed \ Utlntsi an tltiil
i< its win le lhe\ cau lest and ex sw
ine the work 1 mi ran stand up fol
S« hntska perhaps in no tietter w ar
than by taking lent freinds with isu
I. »• i tills exhibit »lili h no •'••ubl
t» a* line an educational ixbihtt as
w ts i it i pul up by ant sis'*
W, It Jsckaon
*ii|ii Nebraska Vd'icaitonal Kilobit
ill go way down on this line.
Try it and see what a lot of the
following goods you can purchase:
Center tables,
Extention tables,
Kitchen tables,
Dining Chairs,
High Chairs,
and Lounges.
Attorney and Notary Public. PublUher Loni’ClTT Noktiiwkmi mim
Fisher & Benschoter,
Real Estate Agents,
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated
We wish to call the attention of our T
many customers to the fact that we have
added to our stock an elegant line of
Lamps, also a fine assortment of GLASS
WARE, fancy cups and saucers and plates.
V\ e assure all that the prices are way
down. It is a pleasure to corne in anil
look the goods over and to posess them
is a pnvelage.
Thanking you for past favors 1 am
Yours Truly, 1, S. RD,
Jeweler and Optician,
Loup City, Neb.
Lincoln, Denver.
Omaha, llelcim,
Chicago, Mime,
ttt. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Cortland,
St. Louis, Sail V|'nuid*c<i,
anil all points hixI all point*
East and South. West
No ,v I'sassuKur 7 V, a. ui
No mi t relulii . : m |, |U
No. 51 Cnssenuer 1.15 pin.
No Mi 4r»tglii Iiintia. 10
sleeping. dinner and rm-ilniug elialr rur*
••*»!* I reel on llirougl' Irani* I'lukel*
••■|t| and imauauH .dowsed In any ,uiiui in
the United state* or 1 amnia
4ui lutoi iiiatlou, ina|ia, t line tali in amt
itnkelsi ail oil or write to A *. Wells
Agent. 01 J. 411 tNt.'Is, ilea') l*ae*enger
Awent, ouiaits, Nebraska.
f. I'. UAII.W At
No Ml leaves daily steepl auuday i|ia»a
euger, 71*1 a to
No a* leaves Monday, Wednesday anil
4rldav, ilu tedi 05 |i to.
No aI leave* Tuesday, tliuisday am'
vat unlay. ml red f .In p. m
Nu s, arrive* daily vr erd auuday iHiik«v|i
II 4* a 10
No darrivoa dally iiiayl auuday ipass
i’n. vr 1 t lift p Hi
4ir*l e nvv mi v|pe and rka* I'wloin tines
ea*t, a eat and sviulb
W |i t Likina, Agent,
I,-up Illy Market Muyeil
Cnwa paid tor
I ut h §
W ImmM |« 1
* Nft t B ft,
% ft
l'%»* • IMtl » | # 4 ( }i *
VmnWi* <«• 1
M'ltUl, |4*e t If I
ft|<» MM <l»l
OKK.VT okkkk.
We are now prepared to offer to our
mailer* the NORTHwkstkun, the Semi
Weekly State Journal, and the Kansas
( dy Weekly Journal, all for the miimII
"out of #1,00. This I* one of Ihe beat
offers out. The twiee a week Nehraaku
State Journal la one of the heal newa
paper" |>uhll"hed In fin* slate, and eon
IhIiih all the capital new": The Kuuttn*
I ’ity Weekly la or e of the heat week ^
ley'a III kunatta. The N until W Kat'KIt.S
l« the official pn|ier of Sherman Comity
uol contain* twice aa much home
|irlntaaanv other paper published In
iIn* county You should md delay to
Inking advantage of till" gteal offer III
■ ub*ci thing fm (lie.e three papers toll
•ecure ihe three leading Journal* ot
he wo: Id
In I leaver, Salt |.*ke l tty. »*n ft ran
taco and l‘ortland, is via the I nlori
l*aclrtc |‘ne »erv Ice of the Chinn IN
till to ell principle western luiints is
.theses lied by any other line and cuts*
ds|a til |*u tuiali l*ilaie Sieejiefs, |*nll
nth j‘i»uri*t ftileepeta I hair t'ar* |tip
ug, Meal* a la ear*. \
ft or time tallies anil fall luformatlun
ill on A fr l i itioti Agent
I ton A fall to gel the lateet nllltnii of
I md M> N illy *» g*c «t War Map if you
• el I" 1 • | n« me lyu l ipil that
in "i n rd> at* let siting Aliapalblt
low* ot Vnitui in pogoitiu ’ lloll
ft I'ssii, it Ibia » iltce